Jefferson County Record

August 5, 1915



Mr. and Mrs. Robert COXWELL gave a family dinner Saturday.  The occasion was Mr. COXWELL’s birthday, who received scores of congratulations and best wishes.

Mrs. SINGLETERRY of St. Louis is here visiting friends.

Miss WIESE of Ark. is the guest of her cousins Miss HAVERSTICK.

C.A. STOCKING of Richwoods attended the tabernacle meeting Sunday.

Mrs. J.F. MITCHIM and her guests, Dr. and Mrs. E. W. BLISS departed for Portland, Oregon Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. O.F. MEEK went to St. Louis to buy goods Wednesday of this week.  Mr. MEEK will go to Jonesboro from there and Miss WINEBERG of DuQuin will accompany Miss MEEK home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. CRAWFORD returned home Wednesday from a few days stay at Silica.

Walter BURKE, the barber, has moved his family into Mrs. O. RUNKE’s cottage this week.

Miss Rebekah KENNET of Fregurson (Ferguson?), MO arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. DUFFY.

Miss HOPKINS departed for her home to spend a three weeks vacation Monday morning.

Mrs. W.W. ALLEN returned home from a week-end visit to St. Louis friends Monday night.

A.E. STOCKING had business in St. Louis Friday.

James MOSS of Hillsboro was the guest of his daughter Mesdames BURNES and R. HOEKEN.

Miss Ida SUBJETT of St. Louis is here visiting friends.

Miss Florence HORN of New York is here with her sister Miss Blanch DOWNEY who is quite ill.

Clyde DOUGLAS returned Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W.N. SELLMAN were in St. Louis Friday.

The Chautauqua advance man was here Friday and Saturday with flags and pennants to advertise the coming Chautauqua beginning Aug 16 to 20.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. SINGLETON have returned from Ind.

Stanley HYATT will spend most of this week in Louisiana on business.

Stanley LASCH of Little Rock spent Sunday with his parents.

Robert COXWELL and sister, Miss Rhoda went to St. Louis Friday in the automobile.

A large number attended the picnic at Victoria Saturday.  This week closes the tabernacle meeting.  Many have been brought to Christ through the word.


Lee Vicinity

We are expecting J. H. WEBER around sometime during the week to thrash the wheat.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. CASTILE visited in DeSoto Sunday and Mr. CASTILE attended the men’s meeting at the tabernacle.

Mrs. HARDER of St. Louis returned home Sunday after a visit with relatives.

Miss Linnie RICE of St. Louis is visiting relatives here this week.

We had a nice rain Saturday evening and Sunday evening which was much needed.  However there was no entertainment and social Saturday evening.

A large number from here went to DeSoto Friday evening to see the parade and hear Dr. WHEELER.  J.M. LEE took jolly crowd down on a load of hay.  They said they got in line right along with the parade.

Mr. DICKINSON has moved from John RICHARDSON’s to James RICHARDSON’s house.


Marriage License

John KYLE, Crystal City – Agnes HODGE, St. Louis

Sam GILL, Crystal City - Ethel HOOD, Crystal City

Wm. A. BECKER, Maxville – Elizabeth SCHNEIDER, Maxville

Chester KINGSTON, DeSoto – Mrs. Jennie PAUL, DeSoto


Presbyterian Convention at Horine

The second annual convention of the young peoples Presbyterian Union will be held at Horine August 9 and 10.  Prominent speakers will be present.  Rev. Wm. Ralph HALL of Philadelphia, Dr. STANLEY, D. JEWELL and James P. JEWELL of Fredericktown, Rev. S. W. SOPHLETT of Flat River, T.S. MATHEWS of DeSoto, Rev. McMINN of Kimmswick, Rev. YOUNG and Messrs. HALL, LEEPER and BROWN all have places on the program.  Miss Genevieve Gibson of DeSoto, Miss BEBB of Flat River, Miss HOPE of Desloge and Mrs. Edward STANGLEIN are the ladies on the program.  The subjects are interesting and the program is interspersed with music, some of it special.  The convention promises to be an affair of great interest.


Probate Court

Demand against estate of Anna POHLMAN in favor of State Hospital No 1 for $117.50 allowed.

Estate of F. Charles HUSKEY, Amanda HUSKEY, widow files election to take child’s part in lieu of dower.

Inventory and app. Lists filed in estate of Thomas HLUZEK.

Letters of Administration granted to Ellza J. EVERARD on estate of Louise J. EVERARD.

H.M. BRADEN allowed $100.00 against estate of Levi W. REVELLE.


Festus Items

Mrs. J. L. ZIMMER was taken violently ill one evening last week and for awhile was unconscious.  Dr. RUTLEDGE was called and treated her and she regained consciousness, but later in the night had a second attack and the doctor was called again.  The attacks are very peculiar and cannot be accounted for.  She is some better.

Mrs. RUTLEDGE of Texas, sister-in-law of Dr. RUTLEDGE spent last week here with the family of Dr. RUTLEDGE.

Mr. and Mrs. Gib GRIFFITH were summoned to Fourche-a-Renault, Washington County by the death of a relative.

Mr. and Mrs. A. OBERLE attended the funeral of a relative near Rush Tower last week.

Uncle John WEAVER has been very ill for several days.  The doctors say it is malaria but Uncle John thinks it the effect of cancer from which he suffered so long and finally had it removed.

W.H. WAGGNER was operated on Saturday for gall stone, when it was found that he had no gall stone.

Dr. and Mrs. JARVIS motored to Bloomfield to attend the funeral of an old lady friend and while enroute home they stuck in the mud and had to get a conveyance to take them to the rail road and they made the trip home by rail leaving their car.

Mrs. George SEIFERT went to Rush Tower last week to attend the funeral of her sister.

Dr. C.G. HARRIS is erecting another cottage near Mr. PRIMO’s.

The upper rooms in the high school building will soon be finished and ready for occupancy when school opens in September.

C.C. ENGLAND arrived home from Chicago Thursday.  He had been attending the Merchant’s Convention.

T.H. LEAGUE and family have moved into their new bungalow in the west end and Dr. JARVIS and family have moved into the JARVIS property vacated by the LEAGUE family.

Prof. Ira PILLIARD accompanied by his sister, Miss Eva, is spending a few days in South Haven, Michigan. On Sunday they will be on the Great Lakes.

Deputy Sheriff BYRD made a trip into the country to arrest a woman, which he did, and she asked to be excused for a few minutes before starting with him when she ‘beat it’ leaving the official to return home alone.

The series of meetings which has been in progress in the Christian Church for two weeks closed Sunday.  An effort will be made to employ Rev. TODD, who held the meetings, as pastor of their church for a year.

Mrs. Sam LANCE who was called to Fredericktown by the death of a sister, and the serious illness of her mother returned home Tuesday after an absence of several weeks.


Stockholder’s Meeting

Notice is here by given that the Second annual stockholder’s meeting of the Bank of Maxville will be held at its banking house at Maxville, Missouri on the seventh day of August, 1915…..Chas. J. SIEDLER, President; Attest: Louis J. ROESCH, Secretary


66.75 Acre Farm For Sale

35 cultivation balance pasture and timber, good spring, orchard, 6 room frame house, good barn and outbuildings.  One mile west of Engel Station on Frisco.  Apply Louis MURPHY owner, Pevely, Mo. Rt 1.


Mrs. EVANS Suddenly Stricken

This entire community was grievously shocked Tuesday when it learned of the very sudden death of Mrs. Catherine EVANS, wife of J. Robert EVANS. Mrs. EVANS was apparently in excellent health and was calling on her daughter, Mrs. R. W. SCHROEDER who has been in poor health for some time.  Another daughter, Mrs. F. E. SPILKER came in and while they were enjoying the little family gathering Mrs. EVANS was stricken.  Her head suddenly sank to her breast and her body began to collapse, when her daughter Mrs. SPILKER caught her.  Doctor MOCKBEE was instantly called but was unable to do anything for her and in about ten or fifteen minutes afterwards, she was dead.  No reason can be assigned except that there was some vital heart trouble.  It is almost certain that the stroke destroyed all sensibility and that she never knew any pain or suffering from that moment.  All of her children live in town, except a son, Hugh, who resides in Sheridan, Wyoming.

Mrs. EVANS is well known throughout the county as she, for many years has been the popular hostess of the Commercial Hotel and before that time had charge of the Jefferson.  The funeral services will be at the Union Church at 2:30 p.m. today (Thursday) and interment in the Hillsboro cemetery.



Martin W. KERCKHOFF was born near Pevely, MO, June 23, 1852 and died in St. Louis July 29th, 1915.  He was the son of Casper H. KERCKHOFF and his wife, Louise nee BEADER.  He married Henrietta KATTELMAN, and of the marriage seven children were born, two of whom survive, Daniel and Viola.  He was a member of the Ev. Lutheran Church and was always a consistent earnest Christian.

In 1887, he moved to St. Louis and engaged in business and the Pevely Dairy Co. now conducts this business, which has grown from the very beginning until it amounts to about a million dollars annually.  His company is recognized for the honesty of dealing with patrons and in all tests made by state and city inspectors, the products of his company have always scored high.  One of the finest barns of the middle west is the property of the company, and is located on the farm formerly owned by her father, Casper H. KERCKHOFF and is under the management of his brother, ex-County Judge Wm. C. KERCKHOFF.  He was buried at Sandy cemetery on Saturday, July 31st.  A special train on the Frisco brought down over 200 people and the old friends, relatives and neighbors in the county turned out an immense crowd to pay the last sad honors.



The funeral of John W. McGUIRE at Sulphur Springs, July 29, aged 78 removed an honored citizen who has been in the service of the Iron Mountain R.R. for nearly 40 years, first on a bridge gang and for 30 years in charge of a water tank.  Five years ago on account of age, he was transferred to an easier position at Charleston, MO.  He was three years a soldier in the 31st Indiana Regiment, was in Shiloh and many other battles.  He was the father of Roland McGUIRE and Mrs. BOLLINGER of Sulphur Springs.

Mrs. McQUIRE and a number of grand children of the WALLACE and STEIN families remain to whom his memory is precious and an inspiration to efficient loyalty.  “Soldier, rest, thy warefare o’er.”


You Can Get One

We offer five six months scholarships in the DeSoto Business College to the first five persons turning in $75 on subscriptions for 3 months, 9 months or one year at the rate of $1 a year.  Scholarships include all courses given by the College.  Worth $54 cash.  Write for further information.  The DeSoto Times, DeSoto, MO.



All the farmers in this vicinity are about through threshing.  Poor crops of wheat this year.

Mrs. John YESBERT and son Arthur of Horine visited her sisters Tuesday.

Mrs. O.E. HENSLEY was shopping in St. Louis Wednesday.

Mrs. H.C. STANGLEIN and children spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. STANGLEIN and family.

Mrs. B.C. DONNELL visited her mother, Mrs. HENSON of Bonne Terre.

Mrs. Wm. YESBERG and children spent a few days at Horine with relatives.

Miss Anna CURTIS was shopping in St. Louis Thursday.

Mrs. F.W. SCHMIDT came home Friday to visit home folks.

John HEINER, and Chas. YEIDA made a business trip to St. Louis Friday.

Mrs. Wm. SCHAFER entertained her sister, Miss HILDERBRAND of Hematite the past week.

Mrs. Peter McLOON entertained the Mother’s Club Wednesday afternoon.  Refreshments were served.  All reported a pleasant time.

Some of the town folks attended the boat show at Herculaneum Tuesday evening.  All said the show was fine.

Miss Dora HEINER has gone to Potosi to visit her sister, Mrs. Jas. FARRELL.

Mrs. Grace GRAHAM of East St. Louis has accepted a position in the Pevely Hotel.

Little Esther and Albert HENKEL of St. Louis are visiting their grandma, Mrs. Anna HENKEL.

Mrs. Louis ENGELBACH and son Carl spent Thursday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. C.H. BRUHN.

Mrs. Jas OGLE is entertaining her daughter and niece of Hillsboro.

Miss Virgie PRICE of DeSoto spent Sunday with Edna KOHLER.

Quite a crowd attended the barn dance Saturday night and spent a pleasant evening.

Don GEIBLER of Bonne Terre is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Peter McLEON.

Mr. and Mrs. H.J. SCHAFER, and daughter Alvina, Mrs. Hy. LIPPMAN and daughter, Mamie spent Sunday with their parents at Horine, Mr. and Mrs. Henry HESSE.

C.A. SNELL and his father, A. CURTIS, Ed RAPP and Harold ENGELBACH motored to Antonia Sunday morning.

Miss Louisa SCHINDLER of St. Louis spent Sunday with her uncle, Wm. NIPPERT.                   



John S. ALLEN & wife to Effie CANEPA lot 4 pt 3 Blk 6 Festus…$900

Katherine SCHAFER to Wm. SCHAEFER (sic) 1.2a  sur 266…$1250

Duncan C. SMITH to Edwin J. PAULE 160  sec3 twp 39 r6…..$100

Newport Realty Co. to Max FNDER (sic) 35 ½ sec 13 twp 41 r4….$900

Estelle E. SMITH & Lucretia A. SMITH to Cora I. CHILDERS  320 in secs 16-20-21 twp 41 r4…..$2500

Wm. C. SULLIVAN & wire to J.W. SULLIVAN lots in DeSoto & 1-2 ac sec 1 twp39 r4…$400

Nancy GOODMAN to Alice CRAWFORD lots in Silica…$375

Bank of Hillsboro to James F. DAVIS  2 lots in Victoria….$550

C.H. FARRELL to Frank KUNZE & wife   71.20 ac  Sec 22 twp 41 R52….$100

Caroline EOFF to I.S. MOTHERSHEAD  20.20 ac  Sec 35 t41 r3….$800


Strayed or Stolen

One team of mules about 14 hands high, one light red, the other more dark and not quite as high as the red one but of heavier build.  Liberal reward for recovery of these mules.  Henry BRUEDIGAN, Rt 1 DeSoto, MO.


Bids on Arcadian Way

Wm. J. KNORPP, Successful bidder.

Bids were received Tuesday afternoon by highway engineer, Harry D. GRIFFITH, for the construction of the two and one half mile gap in the DeSoto and Bonne Terre road.  Wm. J. KNORPP of DeSoto was the lowest bidder for the entire work at ten thousand two hundred and forty dollars.  The specifications are strict and call for an excellent road and in as much as the material to make the road has to be hauled at least two miles the price seems to be reasonable.

The completion of this road will give a continuous rock road from St. Louis to the Arcadia Valley and eventually will be connected up with roads reaching into all the principal counties of South East Missouri down to Cape Girardeau.

The bid was accepted by the County Court and a contract will be entered into with the DeSoto Grading and Construction Co., which company Mr. KNORPP represented.  Bond will be required in double the amount of the bid.  This makes certain the completion of the gap.


Ball at Byrnesville

Saturday night August 14th will witness a gala event at Crean’s Grove in Byrnesville when the grand ball which was postponed from July 31st will be held.  The Dramatic Club is fortunate in procuring the fine band from St. Louis which furnished the music for the July 4th picnic, so that if good music and a fine new dance floor count for anything, the event should prove immensely attractive.  During the night refreshments will be served by the young ladies of the club, consisting of ice cream, lemonade, coffee, sandwiches and soda.  The floor will be under the able and experienced management of Sam PENZ acting for the Dramatic Club.


Stock Holder’s Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the annual stockholders’ meeting of the Bank of House Springs will be held at its banking house in the town of House Springs, Mo on the 3rd day of September 1915….G.E. BONACKER, Pres., H.F. WEBER, Sec.


Hogs for Sale

Stock hogs, ahoats and pigs bred brood sows and young sows.  Four leading breads.  Holstein bull, high grade, 10 months old.

J.W. BLACK, Silica, MO


Page 2

County Court

Petition of C. WINTER et al for change in Victoria-Hematite road. Proof of notice is made and court finds proposed change of such importance as to justify its establishment at expense of county.  Engineer ordered to survey and report.

Same order on petition of Geo. H. BRUNS et al, for change in Dittmer and Cedar Hill road.

Same order on petition of R.E. ENGLAND et al, for change in Hematite and Buckeye road.

Same order on petition of E.M. BURGESS et al, for change in House Springs and Byrnes Mill road.

A.J. BOUGHTON ordered to pay interest on county loan and furnish new bond.

Warrants for County pensioner’s list ordered drawn.

Engineer ordered to examine crossing of Heads Creek at House Springs and make estimate of concrete base for said crossing.

Mrs. Kate BECK ordered sent to Mt. Vernon Sanitarium as county patient.

Court agrees to pay maintenance of Mrs. MILAAR, Rev. MILAAR to pay part of said maintenance to county.

Mrs. Mary DEVORO ordered on county pension list at $8.00 per quarter.

Resignation of J.R. EVANS, Justice of the Peace Valle Twp filed and accepted and A.J. BLAIR appointed to fill vacancy.

Valuation on lots 8,9,10,11 Geo. DAVIS corrected and collect or ordered to collect on $250 valuation.

Wm. BOLE, petition to go on pension list, rejected.

Accounts allowed:

Joe ZIEGELMEYER, rd dist 12… $49.75

Joe ZIEGELMEYER, overseer of Mud Creek contract…$12.90

Hy GRUPE, bridge imbr…$6.80

W.H. PLANT, rep in court room….$5.86

F.P. BOEMLER, rd dist 44…..$62.10

Chas R. McCLAIN, dist 59….$45.50

Silas WILLIAMS, rd dist 42….$72.81

H.J. REUTER Ptg Co., sta…$90.75

Buxton SKINNER, sta.….$22.78    

Jos. J. HOEKEN, wood etc….$16.00

Emil BLEIKER, culv.$4.00

Allen PAUL, sup co farm….$1.50

Geo. D. BARNARD, sta.$27.70

R.W. SCHROEDER, janitor…$48.50

Edgar MARSDEN, sup co farm….$45.00

L.M. RUMSEY (sic – Ramsey?), rep. eng….$3.71

DeSoto Press, stat….$4.50

Jeff Dem, sta.$13.00

R.B. WILSON, sal…..$108.33

State Reform School….$14.33

Archie HURTGEN, d. cir clk. …$35.00

G.W. GASCHE, fees….$199.15   

G.W. GASCHE, postage…$7.10

Festus news, pub…..$4.50

State Hosp No 1….$858.85

State Hosp No 4….$2401.38

W.J.A. SCHUBEL, sal.$166.66

R.E. KLEINSCHIDT, sal…$166.66

State School for deaf….$90.31

J.W. ECKLE, sup co. farm….$30.90

J.W. ECKLE, sup C H and J….$6.12

J.W. ECKLE, wall paper C H…$15.15

Harry D. GRIFITH, sal.$125.00

Harry D. GRIFITH, incidentals….$5.82

Otto HOGENMEISTER, steel Road Districts…$9.10

J.J. REIBOLD, 1…$107.66

F.L. CORSWELL, sup 1….$4.75

John FRANK, 4…..$10.00

Hy. OBERHAUS, 6……$19.90

Henry POEPPER, 11…..$22.50

Philip REISER, 14…..$17.80

Francis BLACK, 18…..$91.40

W.L. WILSON, 22…..$13.75

Geo. W. MEDLEY, 23….$77.65

Leopold ZIPP, 25…..$26.48

Jos. CIHAK, 31….$22.40

Wm. DICKERMAN, 32…..$13.90


Frank HUSKEY, 40….$12.00

Jos. JAMES, 43….$78.90

Jas. RYAN, 46….$57.06

Emil SEIBEL, 52….$66.75

L.M. BAKER, 53….$51.70

M.J. GROB, 56….$33.15

T.S. JACKSON, 61…$18.00

Ed C. FUNK, 62….$44.50

E.M. BERRY, 65….$10.95

Wm. GRETZSCHEL, 67….$30.00

A.W. MORSE, 67….$16.25

F.J. ADAMS, inquest fees…$61.00

Court agrees to furnish lumber cement and steel for culverts one at E. BURGANS on Eureka road, one at Joe WEBBEL’s on Jarvis road, one at LEICHT’s on House Springs road.  Petitioners to erect culverts.


Lutheran Festival

The annual Mission Festival of the Jarvis Ev. Lutheran church will be held this year on Sunday, August 15… Morning service will be in German by Prof. GREBNER of St. Louis.  Afternoon services at 2:30 will be in English by Rev. FRANCE of Festus.  Refreshments will be served on the grounds.  Everybody interested are cordially invited.  H. H. WALLNER, Pastor.  


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against Charles H. DODGE and Mary A. DODGE, his wife, defendants as No. 2531.

Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendants are the owners of the following described real estate to wit:  Tract No 1, Lot three and parts of lots four and six of Herold Place Subdivision in Section two and three, township 39, R4e, containing 18.49 acres, situated in Jefferson County, MO and the sheriff of Jefferson County, Mo to whom summons was directed, having made return that defendants Charles H. DODGE and Mary A. DODGE cannot be found in this County, and the court being satisfied that the taxes for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911, amounting to forty-four and 40/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendants that an action has been commenced against them by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless they be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.    


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against Elizabeth OGLE, Clayton OGLE, Ernest OGLE, Lilburn OGLE, and James OGLE, defendants, ss. No.2501.

Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendants are the owners of the following described real estate to wit:  Lots 20 and 21, block 14 of the original town of DeSoto, situated in Jefferson County, MO and the sheriff of Jefferson County, Mo to whom summons was directed, having made return that defendants Elizabeth OGLE, Clayton OGLE, Ernest OGLE, Lilburn OGLE, and James OGLE cannot be found in this County, and the court being satisfied that the taxes for the years 1908, 1909, 1910, and 1911, amounting to twenty-eight and 05/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendants that an action has been commenced against them by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless they be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Trustee’s Sale

Whereas Jesse A. McCONNELL and Juliette McCONNELL, both now more than nine months dead (sic – due?) by their certain deed of trust, dated April 3, 1909, and recorded in book 39 at pages 228 and the following of the trust deed records of Jefferson County, MO conveyed the following described real estate situate in Jefferson County, MO to wit: Lot No. three of Harry BENCH subdivision of the west half of the south west quarter of Section No 35, T42 R5E containing 15 acres to the undersigned trustee to secure the payment of certain promissory notes therein and whereas eighteen of said notes are past due and remain unpaid.  Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said notes public notice is hereby given that I will on Friday, August 27th, 1915 at the front door of the Courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, MO between the hours of nine o’clock in the fore noon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day offer said property for sale at public venue to the highest bidder for cash, for the purpose of satisfying said debt and the expenses of executing this trust. C.H. GERARD, Trustee


To The Public

We the trustees of Bethlehem cemetery have agreed to collect money to fence the cemetery.  All who are interested in Bethlehem cemetery please send in your amount to the trustees as soon as possible to L.N. ADAMS or R. MCKAY Grubville, R1, MO.



No fishing, nor hunting on property belonging to the undersigned:



Fresh Meat, Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton delivered to Hillsboro on Wednesday and Saturday, Fresh Lard 5 lb can at 12 ½.  BALLARD’s at DeSoto.


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against George R. RATHBUN, Elia MORGAN, Henry BRUEDIGAN, R.B. JONES, and John G. BEQUETTE, defendants, ss. No.2515.

Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendants are the owners of the following described real estate to wit:  The north east quarter of the northeast quarter of the south west quarter of section 2 T39 R5E, containing ten acres situated in Jefferson County, MO to who summons was directed, having made return that defendants Ella MORGAN, Henry BRUDDIGAN and John G. BEQUETTE cannot be found in this county, and the court being satisfied that taxes for the years 1909, 1910 and 1911 amounting to four and 02/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendants that an action has been commenced against them by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless they be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against A.J.P. GARESCKE, defendant as No. 2544. Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendant is the owner of the following described real estate to wit:  The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of S29 T40 R5E

Containing forty acres situated in Jefferson County, MO and the sheriff of Jefferson County, Mo to whom summons was directed, having made return that defendant A.J.P. GARESCKE cannot be found in this County, and the court being satisfied that the taxes for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911, amounting to seventeen and 39/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against him by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless he be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against Ellen GUY, defendant as No. 2542. Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendant is the owner of the following described real estate to wit:  Lot twelve in block 63 of the original town (now city) of DeSoto, Missouri situated in Jefferson County, MO and the sheriff of Jefferson County, Mo to whom summons was directed, having made return that defendant Ellen Guy cannot be found in this County, and the court being satisfied that the taxes for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911, amounting to five and 18/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on her.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against her by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless she be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Susan C. RICHARDSON, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915,  A.G. MEDLEY, Adminstrator 


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

John JONES, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915,  Felix LEUTZINGER, Adminstrator 


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Louis A. LaBRYER, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915,  Malinda LaBRYER, Adminstratrix


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Aug. KULLMAN, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. Katherine BRENNAN and Peter KULLMAN, Executors


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Theodore BUESCHTING, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. Fred H. HEILIGTAG, Adminstrator 


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Victoria KOOB, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. F.W. LANGHENNIG, Adminstrator 


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Arthur W. IRWIN, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. Henry A. GUIBER, Adminstrator 


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Joseph W. EISENBAUER, deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. Emma EISENBAUER, Adminstratrix.


Notice of Final Settlement

All creditors and other interested in the estate of

Geo. VOGT, Sr., deceased

are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro on the fourth Monday in August 1915. Geo. VOGT, Jr., Adminstrator 


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against H.E. GOODRICH, defendant as No. 2540. Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by its attorneys, and it appearing to the Court here that the defendant is the owner of the following described real estate to wit:  Lot eight in block 78 of Original Town (now city) of DeSoto, Missouri, situated in Jefferson County, MO and the sheriff of Jefferson County, Mo to whom summons was directed, having made return that defendant H.E. GOODRICH cannot be found in this County, and the court being satisfied that the taxes for the years 1909, 1910, and 1911, amounting to two and 49/100 dollars including penalty, clerk’s fees and interest are overdue and unpaid, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him.  It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made notifying said defendant that an action has been commenced against him by the plaintiff herein,  by petition, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, MO, the general nature and object of which is to collect the taxes due and unpaid on the aforesaid real estate, situated in Jefferson County and the State of Missouri for the years to the amounts above stated together with the costs of this suit, and to enforce the lien of the State on the aforesaid real estate, and that unless he be and appear at the next regular term of said court, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Order of Publication

Action to collect back taxes and enforce lien, State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of John HELLER, Collector of the Revenue in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, plaintiff against Alfred WHALEY and Arthur WHALEY, Walter WHALEY and Mrs. Leona WHALEY TATE defendants.

Now, on this 26th day of June 1915, come the Plaintiff herein by their attorneys, and files a petition and affidavit alleging, among other things, that defendants Alfred WHALEY and Arthur WHALEY, Walter WHALEY and Mrs. Leona WHALEY TATE are non residents of the State of Missouri and cannot be served with process in this state.

Whereas it is ordered by the undersigned Clerk of said Court in vacation, that said defendants be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against them in this Court, the object and general nature to which is to enforce the specific performance of a certain contract and agreement affecting the title to the following described lands in Jefferson County, Missouri, to wit:

The west half of lot 2 of the northeast quarter, and the north half of the west half of lot 1 of the northeast quarter of section 1 in the township 39, R3E, containing 63 (?) acres, and to divest the title to said lands out of the widow and heirs of Harvey WHALEY, deceased to wit: 

Arthy WHALEY, William WHALEY, Judge WHALEY, Alfred WHALEY, Arthur WHALEY, Walter WHALEY and Mrs. Leona WHALEY TATE and to rest the same in the plaintiff.  Laura Belle BUTTON in accordance with the terms of said contract and agreement and that unless the said Alfred WHALEY and Arthur WHALEY, Walter WHALEY and Mrs. Leona WHALEY TATE be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and held at the Courthouse of Jefferson on the second Monday in September. A.D. 1915, and on or before the first day of said term and plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff’s petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly, and it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Order of Publication

In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County in vacation, June 29, 1915, Carrie COOK, plaintiff vs. George W. COOK, defendant.

Now at this day comes the plaintiff here by her attorney and having heretofore, on the 15th day of May, 1915, filed her petition and affidavit alleging, among other things, that defendant George W. COOK has ? from his usual place of abode in this State and that she believes that he is not now a resident of this state so that the ordinary access of law cannot be served upon him.

Whereupon it is ordered by the undersigned Clerk of said Court, in vacation, that said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in said court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce on the grounds of desertion, with care and custody of their children and alimony and that unless the defendant George W. COOK be and appear at this Court at the next term thereof, to be begun and holden at the Court House in the Township Hillsboro, in said County, on the Second day of September, next, and on or before first day of said term, answer or plead to the Petition in, said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgment will be rendered accordingly.

And it is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for four weeks successively, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the first day of said term, and this cause continued.

A true copy from the record.

State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, s.s.

Witness my hand as clerk and the seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County.  Done at office in Hillsboro, MO, the 19th day of June 1915.  W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit Court; per A. HURTGEN, deputy.   


Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary on the estate of Thomas HIUJEK (Huizek?), deceased were granted to the undersigned on the ? day of July 1915 by the Probate Court, Jefferson County, Missouri.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within six months after the date of letter, or they many be precluded from benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the last insertion of this notice they will be forever barred.  Frank LISKE, Sr. Executor   


Probate Court Docket

The following is the Term Docket of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO, to be held in the courthouse in said county, on the 4th Monday in May August 1915. 


Name of Estate     -    Adm, Ex, G. or Cur


Monday, August 23rd, 1915


BRACKMANN minors…..Ernstina BRACKMANN. Grd and cur

BUECHSIEG, Theodore, dec….Fred. H. HEILIGTAG, Ex.

BECHLER, Martin, dec…..Eliza BECHLER, Adm

BYRNS, Sam….Malissa A. BYRNE, Adm.

BLAKE minors….Susan I. BLAKE, cur.

BOOTH, Joel C., dec…..Hilda BOOTH, Admx

BENNET, George, dec…..Mary Anne BENNET, Ex

BLANK, George A., dec…..William F. BLANK, Adm 

BURN, James  ?.....Mary E. BROWER, Admx

BECHLER, Ernestina, dec…..Emma G. EISENHAUER


Tuesday, August 25, 1915

BRINLEY, Jane, dec……Ed BRINLEY, Adm

COLDWELL, ?.........Ella COLDWELL, Admx

EHRICHS, Maria, Minna, minors…..Sophia ENRICHS, Cur.

EVANS, Edward, dec…..Sarah EVANS, Ex

FISCHER, Wilhelmina, dec…..George HUBER, Adm

GUTOHREL, Bridget, Insane….Joseph GUTOHREL, Grd

HARNESS, Hattie, Hugh, minors….Thomas HARNESS, Cur.

KOHLER, Lonie (?), minor….. Leo. F. KOHLER, Gar. & C.


Wednesday, August 26, 1915

KENNER, William B., dec….Mary M. KENNER, Ex

KELLY minors….Malinda KELLY, Curx

KOCH, John, dec…A.G. MEDLEY, Adm

KULLMAN, August, minor….Katherine BRENNAN & Peter KULLMAN, Exs

LINHORST minors….Martin H. LINHORST, Cur.

LOHMAN, Louis Sr., dec…..LOHMAN, Louis, Jr, Adm

LUCAS, J.W., dec…..Linda LUCAS, Admx

MEYER minors….Louis R. MEYER, Cur.

MAHONY, M.D., dec…..E.J. MAHONY, Ex

MARTIN, Vianna, dec…..D.D. McLANE, Ex


Thursday, August 27, 1915

MILLER, John, dec….John MILLER, Adm


MARSDEN, Elizabeth, dec….C. MARSDEN, Adm

MILLER, Dora, dec….Louis MILLER, Adm

McCARTY, W.H., minor…..Emmet McCARTY, G & C

McCORMICK, B.W., minor….B.W. McCORMICK, Cur

McGHAY, Patrick, dec….A.G. MEDLEY, Adm

McCREARY, Lucy, dec…..Della McCREARY, Adm

PUGGE, Frederick, dec…..Henry LEPP, Ex

PARKS, Wm. M., dec…..Jennie R. GREY, Ex


Friday, May 28th, 1915

POPELIK minors….Martin POPELIK, Cur

REED, Montry E. minor….R.B. JONES G & C

RYAN, Ellen, dec……James RYAN, Ex


SHAW minors…..George H. HAYS, Cur

STOUSE, Thomas, dec…..James H. WINER, Adm.

SCHMIDT minors….Christina SCHMIDT, Cur

STUMM, Helen minor……Emily STUMM, Curx.

SKEWS minors….Maggie PATTERSON, Cur

SEEMEL, Henry, dec….E.C. EDGAR, Ex


Saturday, August 28, 1915

SCHULZ, Bruno, dec…..Ludwig SCHULZ, Adm

SCHUBEL, Celia R., dec…..W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Adm

SAFFEL, Samuel E., dec….Beasie SAFFEL, Admx

TOMSICK, Thomas, dec….A.G. MEDLEY, Adm

WEBER, John, minor….A.G. MEDLEY, G & C

WILLIAM, Richard B., dec….Arthy WHALEY, Adm

WALTHER minors….Theodore WALTHER, Gar

MORSE, Lillie E., dec…..Samuel Stanley MORSE, Adm

John VOGT, dec….Geo and Jacob VOGT, Adms