Jefferson County Record
Hillsboro, MO
January 7, 1915
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(beginning of first column was cut off image)
~Hematite Items~
Holidays are over and ___ has settled down to its __dity.
-- began Monday with a __ performance.
.... hay bought by ENG__ was unloaded the__ week.
--hauling is again the --- the day and the new -- in the right spirit.
–good cheer resolutions.
– -ter happier twelve
– more kindness to our
– more love and sympathy
-- -er neighbor a better
– better town, higher
– greater ambitious is – for 1915.
-- a merry Christmas, -- -ents came off as -- skating parties, rook -- candy makings and a – party were all enjoyed by young and old.
__t NULL has bought a home in Piedmont. He goes to -- session soon. His daughter and her husband -- line are to live with __ We wish them well in their __. Mr. NULL has long been a citizen of Jefferson Co – many friends here who -- going.
__ STROUPE and family spent holidays with J.R. __ and family.
--EVENSON filled his ap- -- -s here last Sunday.
Jessie WILSON spent a day in Festus last week.
__a PORTER is seriously ill. Her daughter Mrs. HEY__ in Desloge is visiting this week.
STROUPE of St. Louis spent several days here last week.
-- -ssie CROUCH and daughter are spending this week in St. Louis.
__ ENGLAND and family returned Sunday after a ten days in St. Louis.
-- -ankie LEONARD is visiting --. She has learned the -- trade and will take a -- about the middle of the -- she goes to St. Louis.
-- F. GROVES visited relatives in Piedmont last week.
__gle was a city visitor yesterday.
_EITZ spent the holidays with relatives at Middlebrook.
_ERBER spent last week visiting relatives at Desloge.
Grace ELDERS and children returned to their home in -- last Tuesday after a -- weeks visit with Mrs. -- -ather S. A. SEAT.
-- BRADY from Plattin spent last Tuesday night and Wednesday in our town.
__ Masons lodge of Festus -- Maggie IRWIN a turkey -- and a very liberal -- to Mrs. PHILLIPS, both wives of masons.
Rev. WRIGHT preached an exceptional Christmas sermon.
__ SPARKS entertained family from Pevely during the holidays.
__ LEONARDS’ brother from -- visited him during the holidays.
A Happy and prosperous New Year to all.
---pair of spectacles in Geo, -- case with railroad ticket – case. Liberal reward, -- LEUTZINGER
There was quite a large crowd gathered at Mr. Lawrence LEONARD’s home Sunday night and spent a very sociable evening. Those present were, Mr. Clarence MARSDEN and family, Judge and Mrs. GENZLING, Mr. John KLEY and family, Miss Bertha KYLE, and Mr. Hugh SMITH. The gentlemen spent most of their time playing cards while the ladies were entertained by music from the Victrola which was a Christmas present to Mr. and Mrs. LEONARD from their children. At nine o’clock the party was served with refreshments consisting of wine and cake after which there was more music by Frank and Jake LEONARD.
There was a surprise party last Saturday night on Mrs. J HILDEBRANDT. A very large crowd was present and everyone had a lovely time. The music was fine and was furnished by Ed and Jake LEONARD.
Mr. Joe CHOTT and grandson Harvey CIHAK called on his sister Mrs. J HERMANN Sunday.
Mrs. Rose BRYAN who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L LEONARD returned to St. Louis Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. MARSHALL were the guests of Mr. SPRICH and family Sunday.
Mr. Louie HERMANN called on his parents and brought them a Christmas present which was highly appreciated.
Corbett MARSDEN and wife of Pevely attended the ball at HILDEBRANDTs Saturday night.
Our school teacher, Sul MARSDEN engaged in a game of pitch at LEONARDs.
Louie SEIGER is visiting his sister Mrs. Gus EHLERS.
Mrs. J HERMANN was on the sick list last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe KING visited Hillsboro Monday.
~Probate Court~
Last will of Edward EVENS/EVANS dec probated and letters testamentary granted to Sarah A. EVANS without bond.
Inventory list in estate of Ehrich PAULS dec approved.
Letters of adm. on estate of Charles S. FREEL dec granted to I. F. SILBERSTEIN.
Demands allowed upon Harvey WHALEY estate Wm. GULEY $14.50 F. CAMPBELL $27.00 Ger. Amer. Bank $30.00 R COXWELL and Son $32.50 H. A. MERTENS $32.50 J. H. WILSON $70.50 GOFF Bros. $11.45 H. W. HAMEL $6.35
Inventory and appraisement list in estate of Chas. S FREEL dec approved. Personal property turned over to widow as absolute.
Annual settlement of estate of Emily STEGMANN, insane, M. F. MCKEAN guardian subject to approval of court at Feb. term.
~Old BAKEWELL Home Burned~
The well-known BAKEWELL home in Victoria was burned to the ground Wednesday morning of last week and only a trunk and the wash on the line was saved. The place is now owned by a Mr. DAWSON, a real-estate man of St. Louis, whose wife and son live in Victoria. Mrs. DAWSON went upstairs upon hearing a noise and found the roof about to fall in. An overheated and defective chimney is supposed to have caused the catastrophe which is a sad one at this season and in these times. The family is still at Victoria not having other plans. No insurance. Loss about $4000.
~Miraculous Escape~
In Sunday’s Globe Democrat appeared an account of an attempted suicide by jumping from Eads Bridge.
H.C. FRAZIER was the party named as making the attempt. FRAZIER claimed that he was trying to catch his hat which had blown off, but witnesses say he had climbed the rail and jumped off. However that may be his flight was arrested in midair by the telephone, telegraph and other wires running about 80 feet below the deck of the bridge. When he struck these wires, they broke the force of his fall, and springing back to position, threw himself back on the lower deck of the bridge. He was uninjured and climbed back to the upper deck and went on his way rejoicing.
Frazier is a grandson of the late Sullivan FRAZIER, a prominent Baptist minister of this county during his life, and a nephew of Judge R.A. FRAZIER, the son of Judge FRAZIER’s deceased twin brother Lawson FRAZIER.
The family of Lawson have been particularly unfortunate. The father was accidentally killed pulling his gun from a boat, muzzle toward him. His eldest son Henry accidentally shot himself and died from the effects. A brother William took carbolic acid by mistake and died from the effects. This miraculous escape must be the turning of the tide, and it is to be hoped that the young man will realize that the uplifting hand was Divine and that the “FRAZIER luck” has departed.
~A Double Wedding Near Guernsey Iowa~
On Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1914 at the beautiful home of William NORDEN occurred a rare incident in the form of a double wedding when the two sisters of Mrs. NORDEN were united in marriage. Miss Julia HEINEN and Mr. Edward GORDES, and Miss Gertrude HEINEN and Mr. Robert REINHART. At 2:30 marching to the strains of Mendelsohn’s Wedding March played by Miss Rose SCHRADER, the two brides followed by the grooms took their stand in the beautiful parlor, where Rev, NAGLE, pastor of the German M. E. church, read the impressive ceremony which united the two couples in the bonds of holy wedlock. Immediately after the ceremony Rev. BURDINE, pastor of the M. E. church of Guernsey gave a short talk which was very much enjoyed by all.
Congratulations followed after which the guests repaired to the dining room where a bounteous supper was served to about one hundred guests.
The house was beautifully decorated with holly, also American beauty roses and red carnations. Many beautiful gifts were presented to the newlyweds including glassware, silverware, cut glass, linen, etc.
The brides formerly lived in Missouri, but since their coming here have won a host of friends. The grooms are well known here having lived in this vicinity for the past fifteen years.
After a short visit with the home folks and friends in Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. GORDES will reside in Guernsey and after March 1st Mr. and Mrs. REINHART will be at home to their many friends on a farm east of Guernsey. These young couples have a host of friends here who join in wishing them long and prosperous lives.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur EISENHAUER were in Hillsboro Saturday.
~Honor Roll~
“New Years” is begun alright. How is the following for a good resolution. What a “line-up” of the county’s best citizens, all paying up in advance for the county news just the same as for their papers bought outside of the county. Charity begins at home. So does business.
~Bruno SCHULTZ Killed~
Bruno Schultz, son of Ludwig SCHULTZ, was killed last Thursday morning by train No. 6 on the Iron Mountain Railroad near Munson. Train 6 is a fast train that makes no stops between DeSoto and St. Louis and was a little late and running on the time of the milk train. Supposing it to be the milk train he endeavored to cross ahead although warned to stay back by the people at the station.
He was driving a two wheeled milk cart delivering milk for shipment to the city. He was instantly killed. His brother Adolph SCHULTZ is a prominent farmer at Horine and for many years manager and at one time owner of the Johnson farm at Horine now owned by the Eichorn Stock and Dairy Co.
~Near Accidents~
“Slick ice” as some of our local folks call it, came near causing several accidents to automobiles early this week. Chas. J SEIDLER came near to going off the Rogers hill and had to send to Maxville after another machine to pull him back on to the road as efforts with a team proved unprevailing.
Joe SCHEMON and John KASSELL had very much the same experience going down the Rogers hill towards Antonia, but with the aid of a few old fence rails got through.
Clay KING overturned his truck Monday on the Rogers hill and was skinned up considerable. It is reported that a lady passenger with him had her arm broken and that one other passenger escaped unhurt. The machine was damaged to considerable extent.
~Death Claims Young Man~
William SCHULZ twenty eight years of age died in Victoria Dec. 31 of tuberculosis. Mr. SCHULZ had been an employee in the baggage room of Union Station St. Louis for the past five years and came to Victoria some months ago with the hope that clean country air would heal the city’s ravages but it was too late. The young man leaves one young brother to mourn his decease, and friends who regret a life cut off in youth.
~Cedar Hill~
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. REINEMER entertained Mr. and Mrs. P. P. O’BRIEN of Eureka over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George BROCK of High Ridge came to visit them Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William CLOVER of House Springs were guests of Edwin REINEMER and his wife for the weekend, Mr. CLOVER taking in lodge meeting Saturday night.
The German Congregation had a Christmas tree on Christmas Day at the local Union church.
Miss VAUGHN, our teacher, is back from her holiday vacation and school opened Monday.
F. T. REINEMER and son Edwin motored to the county seat Monday on some business.
Elasco DENNY of Morrelton spent several days with his [sentence incomplete].
We hear Hillsboro local talent are going to bring their play to Cedar Hill some Friday night soon. Everybody be ready for the exact date to be announced later.
F. E. SCHUBEL went to Hillsboro Monday to take his sister Miss Margaret to the train to return home to Chicago. She has been visiting relatives in this vicinity since before the holidays and got ice bound which delayed her return several days.
Hello! Here we are again. We are still among the living after two weeks of slick ice.
Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves during the holidays.
Quite a bunch of young folks from here attended the Literary at Oak Hill New Years night to hear the debate. The question debated was, Resolve that single life is happier than married life. The negative won but could not convince our young folks that married life is the happiest, for they came home with their minds firmly set that single life is by far the happiest life.
The members of the Cedar Hill B. Y. P. U. are preparing for an entertainment to be given February the 20th at the Cedar Hill church.
~ New Store at Ware~
The Ware Mercantile Company has incorporated to do a general merchandising business at Ware. The several stock holders are twenty three substantial farmers and businessmen: F. F. REITER, J. R. PILLEN, W. P. WILLIAMS Jr., I. S. MOTHERSHEAD, T. J. WILEY, Allen A. JOHNSON, Wesley WIDEMAN, L. S. VALLE, Thos. CLOVER, R. P. PILLEN, Harrison KNAPP, G. W. ELDERS, J. M. WILSON, J. E. POUNDS, W. C. WILLIAMS, C. H. HENRY, D. D. HINSON, E. A. PILLEN, G. C. WILSON, W. A. PRUITT, Geo. W. ADERS, B. F. OTTOMEYER, and J. W. WIDEMAN.
Grover WILSON is to be manager.
Misses Harriet MEEKS, Grace HOPSON and Ethel HAMEL have returned to Cape Girardeau.
Miss Leah STEWART has returned to Emporia Kansas to remain until the college term expires.
Miss Ovalette LA HAY entertained the S K club and their escorts New Year’s Eve. After the game of “Rook” refreshments were served, the fortune cake was cut containing a horse shoe, ring, needle, penny and thimble and before the new year bells were rung, envelopes containing fortunes were passed to the guests and read creating a great deal of comment and fun.
~De Soto Items~
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. MEEK entertained Mr. John BROD of St. Louis Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Mo., Order of the Eastern Star.
Miss Genevieve GIBSON and Sophia KARTE have returned to Tennessee where they are attending Marysville College.
Miss Harriet MEEK gave a party New Year’s Eve. Many new entertaining features were introduced. The guests were college girls and boys who are spending the holidays at home.
The foreman of the shoe factory has been dismissed and will probably move from our town.
Miss KNEUHAUS of Cape Girardeau has returned here to teach after spending the mid-Winter holidays at home.
Charles VINYARD who has been visiting relatives here the past two weeks left Saturday morning for St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. James ALLEE entertained with cards Saturday night at their beautiful home on Kelley Street. Elegant refreshments were served.
The German Society entertainment at the Opera House Dec. 29th was a success and one hundred dollars will be given to the Provident Association after all expenses cleared to be used for charity.
Miss MATTHEWS who attended college in Tennessee will go to Cape Girardeau Normal the remainder of the year.
Howard BOYER has returned to Champaign Ill., where he attends college.
Mrs. Mollie VARNADS of Utah is here visiting relatives.
Ona CAMPBELL who has been visiting his parents T. G. CAMPBELL and his wife departed Saturday for New Orleans, La.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. WILLIAMS who have been visiting relatives and friends at Kansas City and St. Louis have returned home.
J. F. CARLEY and family spent the New Year with Mr. Charles BASETT and family at Hoxie Ark.
The week of prayer will be held at the M. E. Church, South.
Metford COXWELL and family of Little Rock who have been the guests of his parents Tom COXWELL and wife returned home Sunday night.
Miss Kathleen REPPY, a teacher in De Soto schools, returned Sunday from Hillsboro where she spent the holiday season.
Miss Mary BRICKEY of St. Louis spent the holidays with her sister Mrs. Charles STOCKING at Richwoods.
The De Soto school bell rang Monday morning for the first time in two weeks.
Miss Viola ENGELBACH of Pevely spent last week with Miss Harriet MEEK.
Miss Versie REIFSNEIDER of St. Louis who was the house guest of Miss Ovalette LA HAY the past week returned home Saturday evening.
Robert COXWELL Jr. returned to Chicago Sunday morning.
Dr. G. G. BRYAN is critically ill at his home on the East side.
A.E. STOCKING and family who spent Christmas with his parents at Richwoods returned
home Thursday.
Arch HUSKEY entertained a number of friends New Year’s Eve. This is an annual party and the guests vote Mr. HUSKEY a charming host and look forward to the next one with pleasure.
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We are glad to state that the report of the death of Brooks WARNE of Jefferson City was false as he has not been sick at all but is enjoying the best of health.
Mrs. Rose JARVIS was in Festus on business last week.
The holiday vacation is over and all the teachers and pupils who came home have returned to their duties. The school bell rang as usual Monday morning and everybody will settle down to business and look forward to the appearance of the next “Santa.”
Gus FLEIG who was cut by Hughes Christmas is getting along nicely and will soon be up. He is still in the hospital.
Will VAUGHN had one foot badly cut by dropping a piece of glass on it while at work at the Glass Works at Crystal City last week.
Mesdames RICHARDSON and BLAKE of Oklahoma, daughters of Rev. and Mrs. THORNTON returned to their homes this week after spending the holidays with their parents here.
Mrs. Eva PILLIARD who has been visiting her friend, Miss REPPY of Hillsboro, returned home Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. LUCKEY of Maplewood is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. J. FUNK.
Miss WILSON of St. Louis, a pupil of Prof. GALOWAY was here Sunday having been requested to direct the Methodist choir in future. If Miss WILSON can get a class in music to justify her in doing so she will come down each Friday and remain over Sunday. Miss WILSON comes highly recommended as a musician.
Young SCHULTS who was killed by an I. M. train last week was brought here for burial Saturday.
A corpse was shipped here from Cape Girardeau for burial last week.
The Eisworth (Elsworth?) League of the M. E. church gave a tackey party last week. Refreshments were furnished, a musical program rendered, premiums given and all had a jolly time.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. FLINT and little daughter, Virginia, arrived Saturday from a visit with Mr. FLINT’s father in Bonne Terre, and Sunday night Mr. FLINT left on the Frisco for a trip through the south to be absent several weeks.
Mr. ARMBRUSTER, brother of Mrs. C. E. Miller, died last week.
Ollie ARMBRUSTER formerly in the furniture business here but now in Collinsville, Ill was here Christmas and informed his friends that he had taken unto himself a wife.
Mrs. H. J. WELSH and little daughter Helen made a trip to St. Louis last week, and Sunday morning they left on the Frisco for their home in Sikeston.
Master Don GIEBLER of Bonne Terre visited his little friends here last week.
Master Rudolph MILLER spent New Years at Bonne Terre.
~County Court News~
The new county court met Monday, January 4, 1915. President R. E. BYRD presiding. Judge John GENZLING Judge of the first district and Frank PERKINS Judge of the 2nd district, R. E. KLEINSCHMIDT Attorney and Harry DAHL sheriff.
Special election for organization of special road district ordered for Jan 23. Mike ZEIGLER, F. NAES Jr., Wm. WHITE appointed judges of election at Kimmswick and Theodore BECK Jr., Chas. SEIDLER and Mike ZEIGLER for Maxville. Notice of election to be given according to law.
Accounts Allowed
HINCHEY Stoves election supplies………..………… .15
J. R. EVANS election supplies……………..…………… 0.50
John CONRAD Road Dist. 2…………………………… 18
Salary postage and etc……………………..……………. 241.61
C. R. MC CLAN Rd. Dist. 59………………..…………..7.60
R.B. WILSON salary postage………………..………… 337.87
H. A. MERTINS fumigation smallpox……….………… 225
G. W. ELDERS treating…………………………............ 244.50
J. S. BELLEW acct……………………………………… 4.50
J. MANESS constable pri. and gen elec…………............ 3
J. MANESS room rent………………………….………. 1
Edgar MARSDEN salary sup…………………….............46
Geo. SCHNEIDER Con & Dep Election……………….. 10.80
H. CARTER sup PARTER family…………….…………24.50
Jos. BROUK con election…………………….………… 1.56
Albert MILLER salary……………………….…………. 200
H. HURTGEN sup C. H. Jail…………………………… 10.80
J. E. HUSKEY sup Co farm…………………………… 28.25
S. C. CAMPBELL salary…………………………......... 113.50
J. W. ECKLE sup Co farm…………………………….. 14.87
J. W. ECKLE sup C. H. jail………………………………8.33
Emil KOMER Rd. damages……………………………. 100
W. J. A. SCHUBEL Co. Clk…………………………… 9.25
A. P. BOOTH app Tubercular cattle………………………6.00
W. R. WILLIAMS acct. Hillsboro & M.M. Rd. ………. 21.85
J. YOUNG election sup………………………..……....... 3
John BLACKWELL constable elec. …………………… 1.50
J. J. HILGERT room rent…………………..…………….2
C. W. STEPHNSON/STEPHENSON sawing wood……. 15
F. J. ADAMS salary and postage……………………….. 205
O. E. HUSKEY smallpox………………………………. 12
Wm. WELSH Mfg sta …………………………………. 86.50
H. J. REUTER Ptg……………………………………… 18.65
Order of the County Court of Dec 28th transferring surplus revenue to Rd. & Bridge fund is rescinded.
Order of County Court authorizing contract made with W. R. WILLIAMS for 1500 yards of gravel on Morse Mill and Hillsboro road rescinded.
Pros. Atty authorized to occupy former Highway Engineers office.
J. J. POUNDS appt. as deputy Co. Clk approved.
Ferd GASCHE apt. as deputy Co. Clk approved.
Geo. HEILAND Dram shop license renewed.
Emma JANE placed on pension list at $6.
Court orders Clerk to insure Court House insured at $5000 Office bldg. at $5000 Jail $2090.
Annual sta. Chas. HEMME, J. W. ECKLE Recorder filed and approved.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -
Monday Dec. 28th adjourned term All the judges and other court officials present.
The fol. Business transacted.
Tax valuations corrected on petitions for petitions for 1914 as follows P. J. GLENNON property Hillsboro $50, D. L. WIDEMAN, 80 a $500, Aug. ZENSER DeSoto $10. G. A. POGTE 40 a 7-43-5 $450. C. RICHARDSON 50 also 10 a sur 423 $250.
Frank PILLEN 255 a 7-40 3 $2500. C. T. SEWALDS lot in Festus $400.
Dramshop license granted; New –Ed GHERMAN, Lorenz TRUNK, E. G. KAUFMAN DeSoto
Renewals—R. A HOFFMAN DeSoto, J. H. YESBERG, Horine. Harry FOREST, Hillsboro. Gus OHEIN, Kimmswick. John HEINER, Pevely
Merchants tax of W. G. and E. R. im- -- Cedar Hill $3500, T.—
As the old year has passed with its sorrow, we bring hope that the new year will bring peace and prosperity to everyone.
The ice for the past week has been very dangerous and many accidents occurred.
Mr. C. KUECHMEISTER’s horse while taking it to water, slipped and fell. They had to use a sleigh to take it back into the stable.
Mr. Joe SCHEMON and John KASSEL while returning home one day last week from Hillsboro on the ice down the Rodger’s hill, the back wheels tried to run ahead of the front wheels, but by the prompt assistance of some fence rails they got their machine in position so they could continue their journey.
The Misses Rosie and Louisa FRIEDMAN and Misses Ida and Ella MEYER, Katie BERGMEYER, Anna KRAUS, and Louisa STRABER came home from St. Louis to spend Christmas with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BUCHTING and little daughter Artie came home to spend Christmas.
The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. GABLE of Sulphur Spring and left a baby girl.
There will be a raffling for a quilt by the by the Ladies Aid for the benefit of Glaze church on Jan. 15.
Mrs. Mike STAAT, a former resident of Jefferson Co., died in St. Louis Dec 30. The cause of her death was old age. She was 93 years of age.
A few declamations were given and a few songs were sung. The president Mr. Erich FRIEDMAN not being present, his sister, Miss Rosie FRIEDMAN was chosen temporary chairman for the night. The subject of debate was which was the most harmful to man, liquor or jealousy, and after being discussed, decided in favor of the affirmative. The club ordered the next meeting should be held on New Year’s night, which it did and was attended with a very large crowd. The opening address was made by Mr. Bennie FRIEDMAN. The subject of debate was if the women have the same political right to vote as men or not, and after being discussed decided in favor of the negative. The next meeting will be held January 15th. Everybody cordially invited to attend.
Mr. Wm. HOFFARTH and Mr. Joe ZIPP have purchased a new gasoline engine and a wood saw, and are now able to saw your wood on short notice.
The Get Wise Social Club met at the Antonia school house on Christmas night with a large crowd.
~Lone Dell~
Here we are again once more emerged from the ice. The entertainment at our school which had to be postponed a week on account of the slick ice took place last Wednesday evening. It was very successful and greatly enjoyed by all. In spite of the ice the school house was crowded to its capacity with eager listeners. The children displayed confidence and self-possession in songs, dialogues and recitations which showed how thoroughly they had been trained by their teacher, Mr. DAUTENHAHN. Several German songs of renown were sung by the children. Five small girls each sang a song in solo. The dialogues were intensely interesting and well presented. To further enliven the occasion some excellent music was furnished by Robert PAUL, Jr. with the accordion assisted by Nick EMS, Fred CHRIST and Harry KESSLER with stringed instruments. Thanks to everyone who assisted in making this entertainment a success and the evening enjoyable.
Robert HAWKSLEY and wife spent the holidays with Mrs. HAWKSLEY’s parents Joe LORENZ and wife.
Miss Julia KESSLER has gone to St. Louis to work again.
Philip KOEHNER is spending the winter at home. He is seen quite often going down Prairie Hollow Road.
A crowd of young folks gathered at Joe VOGEL’s house last Sunday afternoon. Singing and card playing was enjoyed and especially the good music rendered by the DAUTENHAHN brothers on violin and piano. Miss Eulah FLEMING who is attending the Festus high school was among the crowd. She was visiting friends and schoolmates.
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~Local Items~
New Years was celebrated.
School opened Monday after a ten day holiday vacation.
Harry FOREST has returned from St. Louis somewhat improved.
Free missionary lecture at the church tonight. Everybody go.
“New Years 1915” is the way your new receipt should read.
Mrs. F. E SPILKER has been ill for over a week but is now improving.
Laurence and Jake LEONARD of Goldman were in town on business Monday.
Miss Eva PILLIARD of Festus was the guest of the REPPY family New Years.
Miss Lillie HEMME is visiting in Ohio and enjoying the sleighing of the past weeks.
W. H. PILLIARD late county clerk was in the county seat attending court Monday.
C. A. STOCKING of Fletcher was in the county seat on some land business Tuesday.
Miss Virgie PRICE of De Soto made a holiday visit here to her sister Mrs. Ernest FRAZIER.
Judge Philip BAUMGARTH of Cattawissa was in town lately calling on the Collector and the Printer.
Mr. and Mrs. August GRIEWE of Route Three had a holiday visit from their son Willie from Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. REPPY kept “open house” New Years and a goodly number of callers were received.
Our local talent is busy preparing the entertainment which is one of the Lyceum courses. The date is January 16th.
William SCHAELICH and wife of St. Louis spent Christmas with his father and sister on the farm south of town.
Another butcher shop has been added to Hillsboro business life. Ernest FRAZIER still does business at his old stand.
Sunday was a clear, pleasant day and church attendance was good. Rev. HILKEMAN preached two good sermons.
Health about the county is good. Colds are about the worst complaint since the abatement of smallpox in Big River Township.
Julius RUENGERT had a Christmas visit from his two sons and their families, one from St. Louis and one from Old Orchard.
The Hillsboro Chapter of the O. E. S. attended by invitation the installation of the newly elected officers of the De Soto Chapter.
Mrs. W. W. POWERS drove in from her new farm home and met her niece Miss Mary PIERCE of De Soto whom she took home to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. HOEKEN entertained at New Year’s dinner Mr. and Mrs. R. G. HOEKEN and Mrs. Sam BYRNS of De Soto and Mr. and Mrs. Ross DONNELL.
J. E. POUNDS of Morse Mill motored to the Hub Monday with his son Jay who is the County Clerk GASCHE’s new deputy. Jay is musical and agreeable and quite an addition to the circle of you ng people.
Sunday night as Horace FRAZIER passed the jail, he heard suspicious noises and notified the sheriff. Upon investigation it was found that they had – and drilled to the extent that they would have been free in ten minutes.
Bibles were awarded to Lucy and Hilda HEILAND and to Walter DAHL for attendance at Sunday School for a full year. Hillsboro is very proud of such faithfulness among the children and we will be glad to chronicle a like achievement on the part of a round dozen next year.
Albert MILLER who has served the people six years as Prosecuting Attorney will engage in the practice of law in Hillsboro. His card will be found elsewhere in our columns. Mr. MILLER made a splendid prosecutor and will give his time and attention to any business entrusted to him.
Walter DAHL, a brother of Sheriff DAHL, came in Tuesday from his home in Christian County for a week or ten days visit to his brother, mother and relatives. Walter is still unmarried and the bachelor -- can get -- as they haven’t – any time to waste if they want to – Walter to pay double fair when he goes home.
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~Executor’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of testimony on the estate of John BRENN, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 14th day of Nov. 1914 by the probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administration within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims are not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice, they shall be forever barred. Christ HENKE, Executor
~Guardian’s Notice of Letters~
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the – day of December, 1914 appointed guardian of the person and estate of Annie POHLMAN, - and that letters of guardianship were issued to and by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Mo. bearing date the 8th day of Dec., 1914. All persons having claims against this estate of said Annie POHLMAN are required to exhibit them for allowance before the Probate Court of said county within one year from the date of the publication of this notice or they shall be forever barred. A. -. MEDLEY, guardian
No fishing or hunting on property belonging to the undersigned.
B. T. Farm and Cattle Co. to Alex LEVY, lot in Herculaneum………………… $175
I. C. DODSON to T. B. ENVES 40a, 16 40 4…………………………………… 650
M. T. CHESTNUT to Emma TEMEDS the Montesano Springs tract…………. 30,000
J. E. RUTLEDGE to Aug. ZENSOR: lot in DeSoto……………………………… 15
Jennie L. WALSH to Conn GRABLE, - 1-89-6…………………………………... 1
Walter G TEN BROECK et al to Arthur H. BRADLEY et al, 12a Spr. 2991…… 1215
Maria HUISKAMP to Jno. W. HUISKAMP, 158a, 20-41-6…………………….. 10
Frank FROELICH, ex. To Arthur EISENBAUER, 50a 3-41-4………………….. 1200
Con GRABLE to Ho SCHOLZ 77a 1 39-6……………………………………….. 2000
Pacific Ry. Co. to Andrew MCDERMATT, 79a, 2 43-3. Old deed 1849………… 71
~Public Sale~
I will offer at Public Auction at the C. H. HESSE farm 2 miles from Pevely and 8 miles north of Horine on the Pevely Road on Saturday, January 23, 1915 at 10:00am the following property:
18 dairy cows and 1 bull, 5 horses one four years in Spring and one three years in Spring and three older horses, 1 yearling colt, 2 sows and 18 pigs, 2 farm wagons, milk cord, buggy, mower and hay rake, 2 corn planters, disc harrow, disc cultivator, 4 breaking plows, some household and kitchen furniture.
Terms: Cash for sums under $5. On sums over $5 nine months credit will be given on bankable note bearing 6 percent interest, 2 percent discount for cash. Nothing to be removed until terms are complied with. Geo. RUSSELL, Auctioneer HOBELMANN Bros. Horine
~Trustee’s Sale~
Whereas Elizabeth FALK and Wm. FALK, her husband, by their certain deed of trust, dated Nov. 11th, 1---, and recorded in the recorder’s office within Jefferson County, Missouri, in Trust Record Book No. 42 on page 54, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, situated lying and being in the County of Jefferson and the State of Missouri to wit; A part of section -, township – range – east bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of section 8 with the eastern line of Survey No. ---, -- east 1025 ft. to – stake from which an elm 11 inches in diameter bears N – W – feet, thence S – E – to the south line of section – from which point a hickory – inches in diameter bears South – ft., thence – west 101 ft. to the intersection of the south line of the northeast fractional quarter of section 8 with the east line of survey No. ---- from which point of intersection a black oak 8 inches in diameter bears N. -- --W – ft. and a hickory – inches in diameter bears S -- -- feet, thence with the eastern line of Survey No. – N – W – ft. to the northeast corner of John SHEPARD’s land, then north – feet, thence east 337.6 feet to the east line of survey No. --, thence with the eastern line of survey No. – N 22 degrees – W – ft. t the place of beginning containing – acres more or less, and being the same land set off admeasured, allotted, and assigned to Elizabeth FALK by commissioners known as lot No. 3 of said subdivision, as recorded and shown in book 63, pages 465 and 466.
Also part of survey No. – and the northeast fractional quarter of section -, township 43, range 6 east bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the eastern boundary line of survey No. – at the northeast corner of John SHEPARD’s land, thence N. – 20 W. 1472 ft. to the center of the county road heading from Kimmswick to St. Louis, Mo., thence with the meanders of the center of the said road N 25 degrees W 234.- ft. , thence N 22 degrees 30 W. 153.5 ft. to a stake at the center of the said county road, thence N – E. – ft. to the eastern boundary line of survey No. --, thence with the eastern boundary line of survey No. – N. 22 degrees – W. 211 ft. , thence east –ft. thence south 794 ft. to the place of beginning containing 17 acres more or less, and being the same land set off, admeasured, allotted and assigned to John GEITZ by commissioners known as lot No. 2 of sad subdivision as recorded and shown in book 63, page 465 and being also the same land as shown by deed dates Aug. 5th, 1906 from John GEITZ and wife to Elizabeth FALK and William FALK her husband the said parties of the first part. All of the lands hereby conveyed containing in the aggregate 50 acres more or less.
In trust, to secure the payment of promissory note in the deed described and whereas said note has long since become due and remains unpaid, therefore as the request of the legal holder and owner of said notes, I will on Saturday, the 9th day of January, 1915 at the Court House door in the town of Hillsboro, expose said real estate to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash for the purpose of satisfying said debt and the expenses of executing this trust. John H. REPPY, Trustee.
Order of Publication
In the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Mo., in vacation November 24th, 1914. Geraldine PLASS and William G. PLASS, Plaintiffs vs. Musette HEUSTUS (Heustes?) and Bas HEUSTAS, her husband, Charles JONES and Nellie JONES, his wife, Effie HUTCHISON and Will HUTCHISON, her husband, defendants.
Now at this day comes the plaintiffs herein, by their attorney and file their petition and affidavit alleging, among other things, that defendants Musette HEUSTUS and Bas HEUSTUS, her husband, Charles JONES and Nellie JONES, his wife, Effie HUTCHISON and Will HUTCHISON, her husband, are not residents of this state but are non-residents of this state and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them within this state.
Whereupon it is ordered by the undersigned Clerk of said Court, in vacation, that said defendants be notified by publication, that plaintiffs have commenced a suit against them in this Court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a degree of partition and order of said of the following described real estate, lying and being situated in in Festus, Jefferson County, Missouri, to wit;
All that part of lot numbered fourteen [14] of Daniel MCALISTER’s Subdivision in the city of Festus, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, thence along the Northern boundary line of said lot 60 feet; thence Southwardly parallel with the Eastern boundary line of said lot to the southern boundary line of said lot to a stake therein, just sixty-nine [69] feet west of the southeast corner of said lot, thence along the southern boundary of said lot to the southeast corner of said lot; thence northwardly with the eastern boundary of said lot to the northeast corner of said lot, it’s being the place of beginning, said land being in U. S. Surveys No. -- and – and a plat of said MCALISTER’s Subdivision being now on file in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Jefferson County, Missouri,
And to obtain a judgment against defendants for the – amount of $54.65 expended by Plaintiffs for betterments on said real estate and to have said judgment declared a lien on said real estate and that unless the said Musette HEUSTUS and Bas HEUSTUS, her husband, Charles JONES and Nellie JONES, his wife, Effie HUTCHISON and Will HUTCHISON, her husband be and appear at this Court at the next term thereof, to – and – at the Court House in the city of Hillsboro, on said County on the second Monday of January next and on or before the first day of said term answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be – confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly.
And –ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law, in the Jefferson County Record, a newspaper published in said County of Jefferson for four weeks successively, published at least once a week, the last --- fifteen days before the first date of the next January Term of this Court. W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk, Circuit Court
A true copy from the Record, witness – and seal of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County this –th day of November, 1914. Seal W. J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk, Circuit Court
Meals 25c, Jefferson Hotel, Mrs. L HUSKEY, Prop., New Management and Everything in First Class Order.
Dr. –W. S. MANLEY veterinary surgeon and dentist permanently located at Copeland QUINN’s stable. Hogs given serious treatment for hog cholera.
The Best Coffee in This Town is Nectar Brand Coffee. We have the goods to back up that statement. We are the exclusive selling agents for that celebrated brand. Come in and be convinced there is only one best coffee and that is Nectar Brand Coffee. M. ZIEGLER, Exclusive Selling Agent for Kimmswick, MO
Henry HURTGEN & Sons. First Class Horse Shoers. All kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. Try us and see, Automobiles Repaired. Hillsboro, MO
Officers and Directors of Jefferson Trust Company, Hillsboro, Missouri. – WILLIAMS, President; William J. KNORPP, Vice President; F. T. REINEMER, Vice President; Frank DIETRICH, Secretary
- pay interest on all deposits and our capital - -000 is a guarantee of safety for all deposits
Buy Your Keen Kutter Tools, etc. from R. A. MARSDEN dealer in general merchandise, harness, shoes, etc. Hillsboro, MO
Man with a Dollar
- as important as the million—Why because? A great many more men with a dollar than a Million; and millions must grow from dollars – like company; -the first dollar placed in the – will draw others.
We respectfully invite you to open an account with us, - start it with a single dollar and add surplus small change to that dollar and build –ument to your thrift in the form of – fair bank account.
Jefferson County Bank, Oldest Bank in Jefferson Co. – MUNROE, Cashier De Soto, MO
Bank of Kimmswick, Kimmswick, MO
C. H. GERARD, President
M. ZIEGLER, Vice President
G. A. WENOM, Cashier
We invite you to open an account with us. Pass Books and Check Books given without charge, regardless of the amount of deposit. We pay 4 percent on time deposits for one year, and 3 percent a year for 6 months.
Case Cars, $1250 and up. The Car with the Famous Engine. Phone Pevely. Sold by NAES Bros., Kimmswick, Mo.
Look at the Prices
C. H. GERARD, Prop. Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yard, Kimmswick, Missouri
Gold Seal Flour, per 100 lbs…..$3.25
Red Seal Flour, per 100 lbs……$3.15
Corn Meal, per bushel…………$1.10
Cracked Corn, per bushel………$.85
Shelled Corn, per bushel……….$.85
Finest Northern Rural Potatoes, per bushel….$65
Mixed C.K. Feed, per bushel…...$.90
Bran, per 100 lbs………………$1.35
Shipstuff, per 100 lbs………….$1.65
Cement, Continental or Atlas, per sack……..$.50
Hay, No.1, Timothy, per 100 lbs..$1.00
Salt, per barrel…………….…..$1.45
Salt, per sack…………………..$.60
Oats, per bushel………………..$65
John H. HOPSON, De Soto, MO
Lumber, Shingles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lime, Cement, and Plaster
Holiday Greetings to all my friends and patrons
HEARST’s Stables provide good horses, rigs and automobiles on short notice. Official Hack Line between Hillsboro and Victoria.
Hacks leave Hillsboro for North Bound Trains at 5a.m. and 3:20 p.m.
Hacks leave Hillsboro for South Bound Trains at 8:40 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
W. Green HEARST, Hillsboro, Mo.
People’s Bank, De Soto
Our Capital and Surplus of $90,000 Stands Between You and any Possible Loss
Greetings from the “Brick Store” to Old Customers and New
We continue to offer a full line of Dry Goods. Shoes, Rubbers, Notions, Groceries, Paints, Hardware, Dishes, Fruits and Vegetables in season.
J. W. ECKLE, Hillsboro, Mo.
Dart – Trucks
Stand for Economy, Reliability, Services and Efficiency
The Best Truck Value for the Money.
Ed. A. KASSEL, Agt., Kimmswick, Mo.
L. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, De Soto, MO
Robert E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Lawyer, Hillsboro, Missouri
(Son of Charles KLEISCHMIDT)
Office in Trust Building
John H. REPPY, Attorney and Abstractor, Hillsboro, MO
The Maxwell
No hill too steep, no sand too deep.
Price $750.00 F. O. B. Detroit
Walter DAEHN, Agt., Fenton, MO
Adrian STEEL, Lawyer
Practices in All the Courts, Office in KNORPP’s Building
De Soto, Missouri
John SCHNEIDER & Son Monuments
Marble – Granite
North Main Street, De Soto, Mo.
Albert Miller, Attorney at Law
Hillsboro, Missouri
New 1915 Hudson Six Mobile Cars Announcement
31 new features and the Price $200 less
Get your order in early as the demand is going to be unusual.
Hudson Six-40 $1550
Hudson Six-54 $2350
F.O.B. Detroit
Best equipped garage, largest stock of supplies, best mechanics and – best service in the County, Free Air
J.W. DUGAN Automobile Co. Herculaneum, Mo.
Auto Livery Service
Frank BECHLER, the Big Blacksmith
Shop East of ECLE’s Store, Hillsboro, MO