Factory Boys Organize New Ball Club
Regular DeSoto Correspondent
Charles KINCAID and family left for their new
home in
Dan ROUGGLY and A J. BLAIR had business in
Mr. James T. MOSS of
George PYLE of
Mrs. O. F. MEEK and daughter Miss Harriet
departed for
Mrs. W. E. GIBSON and daughter Miss Genevieve
left Saturday to take a trip to
Mr. THOMPSON has arrived from
Miss Elizabeth HENCHER (?) departed Sunday
Miss Birdie LANDERS has returned from a visit
with Blackwell relatives.
R. B. and Kirk JONES have returned from
Sam BYRNES returned Saturday from
Mr. FISCHER is here making arrangements to
bring his large portable skating rink to our town.
George BERG returned from
DeSoto will have a baseball club this season,
The Shoe Factory Nine.
DeSoto will celebrate the Fourth with a big
picnic at the Fair grounds.
Admission free and many
attractions for the visitors. All are invited to come.
A Teachers Training High School Course will
be added this year and a new teacher approved by the State Department of
Education will be employed in the
W. N. SELLMAN has gone to
Miss Alice CAMPBELL returned from a weeks
stay in
Hinchey's store was broken into Sunday night.
The entry was made through a small grated window in the rear. The haul was not
Miss Fanny ELLIS returned Friday from a visit
at Fredericktown.
Mrs. Fred FOTSCH and baby were guests of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J.F. WALTHERS last week.
Mrs. Mary PAUL of
Ancil AUBUCHON returned last week
Rev. W. MILNER was ill Sunday and no services
were held at the Congregational church.
The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met Tuesday with J. G. BERKELEY.
Miss Gladys CARLEY left the first of the week
Mr. Herman OBERHAUS and Miss Lillie WADE were
united in the happy bond of matrimony
The bride is a pretty brunette and was
attired in a beautiful dress of white embroidery, wore white slippers and
flowers. The bridesmaid was Miss Mabel OBERHAUS who also wore white. The groom
is a decided blond, and a young business man of good character living at
Byrnesville. He was dressed in a becoming black suit, and looked his best, as
also did the groomsman Mr. Sam PERRY. After the ceremony and congratulations
were offered by their many friends who joined to make the occasion a happier
one, all marched to the dining room where all the good eatables of the season
were in abundance, prepared by the bride's mother. Old and young joined in
dancing until a late hour, when all departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. OBERHAUS many
happy days together. They will be at home to their many friends at Byrnesville
A guest
Robert SMITH age 60 and living near Goldman
was overcome by heat in his hay field Friday, and died in a few hours. While
the heat was intense, his weakened condition is thought to have been the seat
of the trouble, being a frequent sufferer with intense headache, a result of an
injury, a few years ago. While driving to
The unusually dry season is trying out the
skill of corn growers and prizes will go to the man who "knows how."
The following contestants are entered from
this county, one of whom will win a scholarship to the
Mr. and Mrs. John H. REPPY entertained in
honor of the
We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to
neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the last illness of our
lamented father, Gustave LUHN.
His children.
Returned Shoes and Stolen Second Time.
Regular Festus
Atty. Will MURPHY of
Lewis KOHLER has moved here to reside in the
Mrs. Ann CRAIG spent Sunday in
Mrs. H. S. WARWICK, wife of Supt. WARWICK of
the Festus Glass Works, was in
Miss Carrie SENNERT went to
Roy DIXON who has been sick with tonsillitis
is able to be up again.
Miss Lydia KLEINSCHMIDT spent last week with
relatives in
Eph WILLIAMS, residing on
Al LONG of Festus and Miss Lulu CARROLL of
Fredericktown were married in
Mr. and Mrs. Fred SCHAFER, Jr. are the happy
parents of a fine boy baby born to them June 14.
Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe AuBUCHON is making an extended visit with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Foss GRIFFIN of Danby had
business here Saturday.
Richard WAGGENER visited relatives at Danby
last week.
About two weeks ago the Frisco depot was
burglarized, a box of shoes taken, hid in the weeds, found by some boys and
brought back to the depot. Since that the depot was again broken into and the
same case of shoes taken.
The ice-cream social at the M. E. Church
Thursday night was a success socially and financially. A large crowd was
present and all had a pleasant time.
Charles HOUSTON of
Labor commissioner BRADLEY was here last week
on business.
Miss Della MEYERS of
Dr. RUTLEDGE of Ste. Genevieve visited
relatives here Sunday.
Jas LUCAS of Caledonia, Washington County is
visiting relatives here.
Grocery salesman, SYBERTS was interviewing
the businessmen of Festus last week.
Mr. ROZIER, No. 4 sold his stock of
merchandise to his brother and will engage in business in Perryville.
Miss Mary BOYER who has been absent,
teaching, is home for the vacation.
Wm. STINER happened to a painful accident
last week by getting his eyes badly burned with electricity.
Masonic Picnic at Hematite
….Interesting exercises from the platform
took place in the afternoon….
Rev. Dr. WOOD of St. Louis, H.B. IRWIN of
DeSoto, John REPPY of Hillsboro, Judge S.A. REPPRY of DeSoto, Mrs. C. E. PYEL
of DeSoto, Rev. G. W. HOLMAN, Rev. Arthur WELLBOELTER of Hillsboro, Miss Elsie
PYLE of DeSoto, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH and Miss ZOE BOOTH, Miss Carrie
KLEINSCHMIDT of Hillsboro, Mr. Charles HEMME….
The Girl from
Alberta CLAIR, the girl from
Carl MINER who has a position in
Mr. and Mrs. H.J. WELSH of Sikestown are visiting relatives in Festus.
Mr. and Mrs. H.L. MARBERRY and little son,
Willard, accompanied by Geo. BESLINGHOFF who is also connected with the News
left Sunday for Pertie Springs to attend the Press
Mrs. Earl PADGETT of
The Presiding Elder of the
During the electric storm Sunday night,
lightning struck the house of Mr. BROOM of
There was some excitement and commotion at
A couple was united in WAGGONER’s
Store. They came there and applied for a
license. Mr. Ellis VAUGHAN phoned to
Farmers Attention
Make a big profit from your vegetables and
fruit by canning them. Send for
catalogue today of the Dandy Canner. Its
price is low and quality high.
Probate Court
Curator’s report of the sale of the real
estate of Felix C. ROZIER, minor, approved and deed ordered made and delivered
to Sarah J. DUFFY purchaser.
Annual settlement of Theresia
PIES, curator of the estate of the PIES minors approved and the estate being
exhausted the court dispenses with further administration.
Demand of Long Bros. Merc.
Court appoints upon application Edmund
KERRUISH curator of
Will of Gustave
LUHN dec. probated and letters granted to Herman A.
Court orders the administrator of the estate
of Andrew WHITE, dec. to turn over to the widow of dec. all the personal property and the order of sale be
Rose HIGHFIELD and Mary, Andrew, Levi, and
Myrtle, minor by Rose HIGHFIELD next friend vs. George MAHN and Roscoe B.
JONES. Court orders temporary injunction
enjoining the defendants each of them from selling real-estate of
plaintiff. Until further order of this
court upon plaintiffs filing with the clerk of the circuit court a bond in the
sum of $1000. Conditioned
as required by law.
Marriage Licenses:
Herman OBERHAUS – Byrnesville and Lillie WADE
– Byrnesvile
J.F. SCHYTT – Kimmswick and Josephine
Benjamin F. BEECHAMP – Horine and Ora TIMS – Horine
Edward OKER – DeSoto and Laura LEWIS – DeSoto
George A. ROHLFING – DeSoto and Edna WELSH
(WEL??) – DeSoto
Miss Alvena
BOLLSFER of Kimmswick entertained a few friends last Sunday. Those present were
Miss Esther and [E?] POGGEMOELLER of
Mr. J. P. GILLMAN put up a new barn as he
expected -- of --, and so he did.
We have two Fourth of July picnics to choose
from: High Ridge and Cedar Hill.
Mrs. Henry HEILITAG and children of Antonia
were visiting her mother, brothers and sisters last week.
Miss Amelia SAEGER was staying with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry HEILITAG for several weeks and came home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry SAEGER were visiting Mrs.
and family went to
Miss Nell FUNK returned home last Saturday
after an extended visit in
Little Esli WATT
celebrated his fifth birthday Saturday afternoon by entertaining some of his
little friends.
Everybody is busy cutting wheat.
Lynn WAGGENER went to Festus Friday.
Albert WATT had business in Festus Friday.
Garnett WAGGENER of Commerce is visiting his
father J.E. WAGGENER last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris GARBER of
Mr. and Mrs. Will TINDELL and family of
Carl McMULLIN has
returned to Danby. Nothing like Danby for Carl.
Ed ALLRED came home Saturday night after a
weeks stay in IL.
new threshing machine engine arrived last Saturday. It is a fine big engine and
they expect to do a lot of work with it. They will start Thursday at Mr. HOLTS.
A. WATT went Monday morning to Valle Mines
where he will spend a week.
Miss Blanche KOHLER returned home Sunday
evening after an extended visit with her aunt who came home with Blanche to
stay awhile.
The Stork left a boy at Wm. GLASS‘ last Thursday, also one at F.W. RAEBELS’(?) three
weeks ago.
who was paralyzed some time ago, is reported better.
There was a house warming at Geo. VOGT, Jr.’s Saturday, he having just completed his new house.
Chas. SCHYTT is digging a cellar for Wm.
KENZLE (?) who intends to build another house in the near future and then the
wedding bells will ring.
The woods got on fire at A. HOOGE’s of Four Ridge and considerable damage was done to
timber and quite a number of ties were lost last week.
Christ BRUNO is hauling lumber for a new barn
that he intends to build next fall.
Answer to Silver Threads Among
the Gold
Words and music by Amos L. COLMAN,
Dr. J. E. JONES passed away in
Dr. J.E. JONES, ex-treasurer of this county
died on June 19 at his old home in
Hoyt HOEKEN of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WILLIAMS welcomed another
little daughter, born on
Mrs. John HUGHES came Thursday to spend a
week with Mrs. Curtis EAVES and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton MOSS were here, the
guests of Green HEARST and wife who took them for a spin in their new machine.
The Misses Lucile and
Margaret BENSON of DeSoto returned home Monday after a visit of several days
with Miss Kathleen REPPY.
Miss Lily SCHUBEL of
G.K. ASHBY and son Raymond went to
Don’t forget the big Fourth of July Picnic at
DeSoto. Horse Races,
baseball game, good music and refreshments of all kinds.
Mrs. Henry BRUNS of Morse MILL came in to
attend the
Mrs. John F. WILLIAMS and two daughters left
Monday afternoon for a visit to
A.L. COLEMAN [COLMAN] of DeSoto ex-county
recorder has sent us a beautiful song ‘Answer to Silver Threads among the
Gold,’ which he has composed. Mr.
COLEMAN is a musician of ability but is best known among the men of the county
as a pleasing singer, having sung campaign songs about the county during
several campaigns. See his ad elsewhere
in our column.
Mrs. John LYNCH and son-in-law, Sam McKAY of
Miss Medora McMULLIN
is home to spend vacation.
Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT left Tuesday for a
trip east.
The Hillsboro Brass Band has been invited to
play in
Don’t fail to get the opening chapter of our
new story. The Lady of
the Mount which begins this week.
Miss Clara LEUTZINGER gave her Sunday School class a picnic down in Honey Grove, Monday afternoon.
Dexter WILLIAMS, W.P. WILLIAMS, Sr., and W.A.
WILSON of Morse Mill were visitors to the county seat Tuesday.
F.E. SPILKER is limping badly, the result of
a 20 pound block of ice falling on his foot.
It was necessary to lance the bruise.
Felix C. ROZIER, by guardian to S.J. DUFFY ¼
[1/2?] interest in homestead, DeSoto….$439.
O.O. NANCE to Geo. And M.E.
HARTWEIN, lot in
O.O. NANCE to THOS. And Lena PORTER, lot in
John MIESE to C.J. SIEDLER 40 a. 2991-42 and
¼ [1/2?] int in DeSoto, lot…$500.
and Jos. POTSHWICKATRIP…..$100.
Allen’s Sandy Cr, Sub…$3500.
Hattie E. ROZIER to Sarah J.
DUFFY, ¼ int, in homestead, DeSoto…$3210.
Joseph JACQUEL to Louis JACQUEL,
lot in Festus…$1.
Prosper JACQUEL to Jos. JACQUEL, 2 lots sur 160-twp. 40 -6….$1.
J.L. BOYER to F.C. LUCKEY lot in Festus….$25.
J.S. LILLY to F.C. LUCKEY, lot in Festus….$25.
A.F. MOORE to Lilliam
G. BOLLE, 3.22, sur.416-40 5 and 6…..$10
Ethel L. SHUTE to D.L. ROUGGLY, 2 lots in R.& D. ad DeSoto….$1500.
Milton W. CUMMINGS to W.J.
HERRINGTON, lot in Allen ad DeSoto…$650.
Oliver O. NANCE to G.W. McBROOM,
lot in
Notice to Hunters
All persons are hereby warned not to hunt or
trespass in any manner on my land.
Persons doing so will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. H.A. McGALLISTER,
A Child Dies
Mr. and Mrs. Frank BROUK nee Laura MILLER living near Fenton
had the misfortune of losing their baby daughter on June 12, after an illness
of seven days. Rev. S. Peter GOEBEL of the High Ridge Lutheran church laid the
little one to rest in