Jefferson County Record

May 8, 1913



Work on new Glass Factory is being rushed.

(By the regular Festus correspondent)


Mrs. Dr. RUTLEDGE had business in St. Louis last week.


Mr. W. W. TUCKER and wife visited last week.  Mr. and Mrs. TUCKER are both under treatment in a hospital in St. Louis.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank CONNOLLY of Potosi attended the K of C entertainment here Sunday of last week.


Mrs. Victor POSCH of St. Louis was a Festus visitor last week.


Mrs. J.C. GILBERT after two weeks sickness is able to sit up again.


Walter WELSH has resigned his position at the Crystal City Glass Works and accepted a position with the Festus Mercantile Co.


Mr. DEARDOFF and family of Vincennes, Indiana have moved into the BRICKEY property near the M. E. Church.


Mrs. Isaac COTTNER entertained the Swastika Club Monday night.  Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening spent by all.


Miss Deeda KEATING has a music class in Herculaneum.


The work on the new glass factory is being pushed.  The grading is done and bricklaying has begun.


Messrs. E.A. FOUT of St. Louis and C. E. HICKOK of Farmington were here last week getting matter for the history of Festus, a souvenir book which will be completed ready for the Drummers's convention and is to be given away at that time.


Tom COOK of Crystal City visited friends at Danby Sunday.


Mrs. Frank WAGGENER spent Sunday with her mother at Rush Tower.


Adam DETTLING, an engineer of Bonne Terre was robbed and thrown off of Eads Bridge in St. Louis last week.  He swam to shore and was found by Patrolman BROANAHAN on the levee dripping wet.


Horse training for the fair is the order of the day at Crystal City now.


Mrs. John DeROUSSE presented her husband with a nice girl baby last Tuesday.


The play given in the opera house last Friday night by the pupils of the high school reflects great credit on the pupils and on Miss CONNOLLY, their teacher who trained them.  They talk of giving the same play in Ste. Genevieve.


A number of families have already located here in consequence of the new glass factory.



Given in honor of the Winner of Spelling Contest a very delightful school party was given on the evening of May Day by Miss BOYER and pupils in honor of Norma ULRICH who has won fame for the Hillsboro school by winning the spelling championship for Jefferson County.  Then followed a flower march around the hall by all the school and the crowning of the May Queen, Norma ULRICH by Mary LEUTZINGER and then the May pole dance of pink and green ribbons in which about fifty children joined.  The band played a selection in compliment to Mary LEUTZINGER who was also a contestant in DeSoto and whose scholarship and friendship goes hand in hand with the little winner as the two girls are inseparable.  More music and visiting among the guests, then a hospitable offering of cake and punch to the pupils and their guests and then good nights and happy dreams of the most beautiful of school parties.  The teachers, Miss BOYER and Miss WILLIAMS were the most gracious of hostesses and certainly gave the pupils and their guests an evening's enjoyment, long to be remembered.


~Mrs. John AKINS~

Mrs. John AKINS of Danby passed quietly into life eternal May 6 at the age of 62.  She had been in failing health for some time but a change for the worse began Wednesday.  Her heart-broken husband, three sons, Eli, Hensely, and Robert and two daughters, Mrs. Charles VAUGHN and Miss Naomi are left to mourn a loving wife and mother.  Her funeral was preached by Rev. LaTURNO and she was laid to rest beside the Lebanon Baptist church of which she was a devoted member.  Many relatives and friends mourn the passing of this good woman.


~Antonia School News~

….Graduation exercises….

Opening address by Fritz FRIEDMAN. 

Salutatory by Adah KOHLER. 

The Great Ocean of Life by Rachel HUSKEY. 

The Voyage of Life by Oliva MEYER. 

Two Faced by Thuselda MARTIN. 

Parable by Theodore KLABLE. 

The Ship of Life by Viola WALLDORF. 

Marriage and After by Fritz FRIEDMAN. 

Valedictory by Erich FRIEDMAN. 

Farewell b y Oliva MEYER. 

Entertainment will begin at 7:30 p.m. 

All are invited. Ladies all bring boxes.


~Proposed Outrage To be Defeated~

City to use Chesley Island for Garbage.

[No surnames were listed in this article.]



Petition of Joe CIHAK, A.J. KEANEY et al for a new county road from the Jacob Betteman Road at near Fred MAHLERS to Pevely and Morse Rd near Felix HENSLEY's presented, testimony heard and engineer ordered to view survey and mark out said proposed road, court further orders said road to be established at expense of petitioners.


Petition of W.F. FICKEN and Fred FICKEN et al for change of Cedar Hill Dittmer Rd filed, testimony heard and road ordered established at expense of petitioners and engineer ordered to view survey and mark out proposed change of road and report.


Petition of G.B. FROST, C.L. REED et al for new public road from Grubville Pine Ford rd near D. L. HENRY's to Grubville, Fletcher road near Elmer WIDEMAN’s presented testimony heard and road ordered established at expense of petitions. Engineer ordered to mark out proposed road and report.


Petition of Herman KOCH et al for change of DeSoto Mammoth road near Herman KOCH's change ordered established.


Engineer ordered to examine culvert at S. A. BAGE on Victoria, Rush Tower road and report.


Maggie KELSEY ordered placed on Co-pension list at $22.00.


Petition of Jos. WALLACH, Fred ROLF et al for a new county road leading from Gravois road to Gen HARNEY road taken up reports of engineer presented and read and on account of errors dismissed.


Warrants issued as follows:

J.Q. WILSON, sub and appr on Frumet Rd.............$218.50

W.R. WILLIAMS, Sup. Co. Farm............................$ 16.00

E.L. HINSON, sup Co farm.....................................$ 24.00

J.W. BITTICK, sup Co farm....................................$ 54.52

S.C. CAMPBELL, salary etc...................................$120.00

Jos. REISER, Rep Court H.....................................$398.08

Buxton SKINNER stationery...................................$ 18.40

Geo. D. BARNARD, stationery...............................$ 27.00

H.J. REUTER, stationery..........................................$41.25

STANDARD, stationery..........................................$ 23.50

R.A. MARSDEN......................................................$20.95



Rev. STEVENSON preached two excellent sermons his last visit.  He has that habit.


Miss Evelyn IRWIN is visiting friends in St. Louis.


Mrs. W.R. ENGLAND was called to St. Louis last Saturday on account of her sister being ill.


Mrs. BETJEMAN has been very ill but is improving.  Mr. BETJEMAN was called from New York as her condition for a time was serious.


Mesdames JAMES and RICHARDSON visited Mrs. REECE in Festus last Wednesday. 


Mrs. MARK/Mask? and sister, Miss LEONARD were shopping two days in the city last week.


Mr. SEAT and daughter, Mrs. BYRD entertained Rev. STEVENSON last Sunday.


Frank ELDERS spent Sunday in our town.


A very pleasant affair was a party given by Miss Ethel RICHARDSON last Tuesday evening.  A large crowd was present and Miss Blanche GRAHAM voted to the most popular young lady present. She received a box of nice candy given by Mr. Albert DITCHE.


There will be a party and ice cream social given by the young peoples club at the home of their teacher, Mrs. J.R. ENGLAND Saturday evening, May 17 for the benefit of the Christian Church.  Everybody invited.


Land SPARKS and family visited friends and relatives in our town Sunday.


Mr. ENGLEBACH spent Sunday in Hematite.


We have three graduated from our school who will attend the exercises in DeSoto, viz Lillie SPARKS, Katie GROVER and Eli DONNELL.


Mildred RICHARDSON entertained a number of little friends last Thursday afternoon, it being her eighth birthday.  The children enjoyed the event as only children can play games until 3:30 when Mrs. RICHARDSON assisted by Mrs. J.R. ENGLAND appeared on the lawn with plenty of cake and lemonade and after that more games followed until 5 o'clock came around, then the guests departed wishing Mildred many happy returns of the day, leaving with her various tokens of love and remembrance.


An ice cream social and possibly a heavier diet at the E. L. Hall Saturday evening.  Be there.


Miss Bessie NULL of St. Louis spent Sunday with her mother and sister.


Miss Katie NULL accompanied by her niece, Miss Virdie NULL came last Friday for a visit with friends and relatives.



Sealed proposals will be received at Sandy School house, up to 1 o’clock p.m. on May 24, 1913 for the construction of a plain concrete foundation for Sandy School house (Dist. No. 32).  Further information can be obtained upon application to A.J. HENSLEY, Hillsboro, MO RFD No.1, D.C. HERMAN, Clerk


~Honeymoon on a Launch~

Arthur BEATTE and Bride on the Mississippi


Mr. Arthur BEATTE of Danby and Miss Hannah McKay STRUSSER were married at the home of the bride’s brother, Mr. Samuel McKAY in St. Louis on April 30.  They were attended by Miss Mabel BEATTE and Mr. Jesse DRURY of Danby.  The bride and her bridesmaid were daintily gowned in white.  Following the felicitations, an elegant supper was served and then an automobile ride about the city and vicinity was taken after which the bridal couple were located at the MOSER hotel for the remainder of the week.  Saturday, they took their launch, the Hanthur, built for the even, and left for a trip up the Mississippi to St. Paul. May they have a happy trip and may it be emblematic of the hymeneal voyage just begun among a wealth of good wishes from all who know them.  


~Auto Double Wedding Party~

A DeSoto automobile bearing a bridal party sped in the County Seat Tuesday and soon a double wedding was in progress, Judge DUNNIGAN officiating.  The grooms were Walter and Joseph GRAHAM, son of Prim GRAHAM living between DeSoto and Frumet.  The bride of the former was Miss Gertrude HARNESS and of the latter Miss Stella SMITH of Vineland.  The young men are to be congratulated upon their choice.

The young people have a bright outlook before them and abundant good wishes follow them into their new futures.  Arthur ELLIS and Miss Edna MERSEAL manipulated Cupid’s car.



Mrs. J.M. NORTH of St. Louis spent a few days with Mrs. Lettie HARLOW.


Miss Ethel DUERENHEIM was home Sunday. 


Mrs. Arthur BRIX has a fine baby girl.


Mrs. Gus OHEIM spent two days of last week in St. Louis.


Miss Madeline GERARD and Miss Mary HAEFNER will entertain the R.E.C. Club Wednesday afternoon.


The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Jenni MEYER Thursday.


Mrs. Fred OBERMILLER spent a few days of last week visiting friends.


Miss Ethel PARKER was in DeSoto Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter HENDRIX expect to leave for the North the latter part of June.


Mrs. John WENOM, Sr., left Saturday for Denver, CO.


Miss Jemima KOCH of Fenton is spending a few weeks here visiting relatives and friends.


Capt. HALL was home Sunday.


Mr. Ben LONG spent Sunday in St. Louis.


~Card of Thanks~

For the many acts of kindness and comfort tendered us during our bereavement in the loss of our dear husband and father, we are deeply grateful. 

Mrs. H.J. HENKEL and children.


~Woman’s Club Elect Officers~

Ascension Day is Observed by Masons.

(Regular DeSoto Correspondent)


Mrs. DAVIS and daughter Miss Grace spent the weekend with Mrs. E.S. COXWELL and family.


A new side walk of granatoid has been ordered build on Easton Street.


A large delegation of members of the Herculaneum and Ware Odd Fellows Lodges will come to DeSoto Tuesday and will be the guests of Industry Dodge I.O.O.F.


The S.K. Club met Saturday afternoon with Miss Ausrelia PENDERGAST.


Frank STONE, Felix BROWN and Calvin MILAAR were in Festus Saturday.


The officers of the Monday Club met Friday afternoon with the Board of Education at the High School and Miss Julia JARVIS in behalf of the Club presented a check to them for $140 to be used in introducing Domestic Science in the school.


Ascension Day was observed at the Masonic Temple by DeSoto Commandery No. 56 Knight Templars last Thursday evening.


The Christian Endeavors enjoyed a May Party at the home of the Misses CARLEY last Thursday evening.  The young people are holding these monthly socials and with the free will offerings will build a walk around their [?].


Mrs. J. P. ROZIER who was sick Saturday and Sunday is improving.


Mr. and Mrs. G.A. WILLIAMS are entertaining out of town company.


Mrs. Sue WALKER and son Lynn of Oklahoma are here visiting her mother Mrs. Zoe LaBEAME.


The J.T.C. Club surprised Mrs. L. BRENNEKE at her home on Main Street last Thursday.  The occasion was her birthday. The members left table linen to remind her of their best wishes for many happy returns of the day.


Miss Alice CAMPBELL spent Saturday at Pevely.


Miss Viola ENGELBACH spent the week end with her parents at Pevely.


Mrs. O.F. MEEK who was sick last week was able to preside at a meeting of the O.E.S. Monday night.


The DeSoto Woman’s Club held the last meeting of the season with Mrs. O.P. DEVIN.

The following officers were elected to serve the following year:  Mrs. Devin, Pres., Mrs. BERKELY, V.P., Mrs. DOUGLAS, Sec., and Mrs. DONNELL, Treasurer.  Mother’s Day will be observed this club with an appropriate program at the M.E. Church south Sunday afternoon.  Automobiles will convey mothers who are unable to walk to the church.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank DICKERMAN entertained at their home on Boyd Street Saturday night in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary.  Elegant refreshments were served after the EUCHER game.  Mr. and Mrs. DICKERMAN were the recipients of many beautiful pieces of cut glass.


~Sunny Side~

We are having some fine rainy spring weather which was badly needed.


Several of our neighbors attended the show at DeSoto last Tuesday.


Mrs. and Mrs. George VAUGHAN and family spent Sunday with home folks on the Plattin.


Harry TOLBERT called on Henry HAAS Sunday.


Mrs. Georgia FRIEDMEYER and children spent a few days in DeSoto one day last week.


The ball game between the Lower Buck Creek Stars and Upper Buck Creek Athletics was pulled off in spite of the threatening weather.  The score being 5 to 4 in favor of the Athletics.


A crowd of young people from DeSoto were out driving thru our burg Sunday.


Mr. ZIMMERMAN sold one of his fine mares to a Mr. THOMPSON on the Plattin, getting a good price.


Jno. DAVIS passed through our burg Saturday on his way to Plattin.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. COOPER of Festus spent Sunday with home folks.


Messrs. McLANE and WILLIAMS of Plattin took in the ball game.


Dave SLAUGHTER and wife spent Sunday with H.A. WARRINER and family.


There will be preaching here at the church Sunday, May 11th in the afternoon at 3 o’clock.  Everybody come.


The farmers are busy planting corn. 


Mitch BERCHOFFER boasts of having the finest span of young mules in the County. 


Mr. Jim REED is contemplating a trip to Idaho and will probably go soon.


Charley VAUGHN of Danby [spent] Saturday and Sunday with his brother, George VAUGHN.


Rev. Guy W. HOLMES of Hematite made a business trip to Plattin Monday evening.


Mr. Pete McCORMACK of Hematite passed through our burg with a drove of cattle one day last week.


~Lee Vicinity~

The boys are very busy planting corn, wheat looks fairly well, with good prospects for a fruit crop.


H. BUCK and family came down from St. Louis last Saturday in their automobile, and went back Sunday.  They expect to move down in about a month.


Ura WEBER made a business trip down in St. Francois County last week.


We have been listening for wedding bells, of late, and have good reason to believe our patience will be rewarded.  Some of our bachelors and widowers have been getting their ‘money’s worth’ out of their telephones, talking to some maids or widows in DeSoto it is said.  Wonder who?


J.M. LEE attended church in DeSoto Sunday night.


Lawrence GROVES also was in DeSoto Sunday.


Many of our boys and girls attended the HAAG Shows in DeSoto Tuesday and had an enjoyable time.


~DeSoto Continued~

J.D. LAHAY and son Oliver returned Monday night from a business trip to St. Louis.


Mrs. TANKERSLEY and children of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. Ed BEAN and Mrs. J.F. ROZIER Saturday.


A surprise birthday party was given the LAHAY twins, Miss Olivette and Master Oliver at their home on South Main Street Tuesday evening by their school mates.


Mrs. Harold KINGSTON and some St. Louis company visited relatives on Belews Creek Saturday.


Mr. McMULLIN left this week for Kansas where he has new position.


Mrs. WILES arrived from Tampa, FL Monday morning for a visit with Mrs. John L. ROUGGLY.


Mrs. Mike STOKES of Chicago is visiting her mother Mrs. Ellen DEADERICK.


Mr. and Mrs. W.J. MAUTHE entertained her brother Wm. SCHAFER and bride from the North last week.


Revival meetings begun at the M.E. Church south Sunday evening.


Harold KINGSTON of Crystal City spent Sunday at home.


~Festus Continued~

Alf PORTER 71 years of age died last week as a result of burns he received about a month ago.  The funeral was from the Baptist Church, Rev. PEPPER officiating and he was buried in the Telegraph Cemetery about four miles south of town.


Mr. Fred THORNBERG and Miss Blanche WEASE were united in marriage last week in St. Genevieve.  May their pathway be strewn with flowers.


Frank BOLTON and family of Vincennes, IN have located here and occupy the Ben SEWALD property on Main Street.  Mr. BOLTON has a position at the new glass works.  They are nice people and Festus will give them all such a hearty welcome.


Born to the wife of Mr. McKINNEY last week a fine baby girl.


Mrs. BRINKMAN is suffering with lock jaw and not expected to live.


Gib MATTINGLY is making an addition to his house by building a bedroom.


Mrs. Frank HOLLADAY is suffering with mumps.


Judge T.O. HUDSON and daughter, Mrs. Frank HALBERT of Washington County spent the weekend with Pete BLOUNT and family.


The track meet at Crystal City was not very largely attended.  We understand Festus rounded up the majority of the prizes.


DuBart League arrived Monday from a three weeks visit at Sikeston.              


Anslem KOHLER of near Kimmswick brought a sick man to the county farm who was picked up by the road side in an unconscious condition.


~Personal Chat~


Miss Leola OGLE of Festus is visiting here.


Mayor P.S. TERRY of Festus was here Monday.


Dick SCHROEDER had a visit from his father on Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. D.A. DEES/Doss? of Festus were here Thursday.


The Ladies Aid had an all day quilting Friday and quilted three quilts.


R.A. MARSDEN attended the Postmasters Convention in St. Louis yesterday.


Mrs. Thornton HENSLEY and son of Pevely visited relatives here on Thursday.


The Misses Hazel BOYER and Kathryn WILLIAMS spent the weekend in Potosi.


Miss Mary HOEKEN visited the family of R.G. HOEKEN at Sandy this weekend.


Charles and Same HAVERSTICK of DeSoto had business in the county seat on Monday.


Miss Laura WILLIAMS and Ella ASHBY made a weekend visit to St. Louis relatives.


There will be a Presbyterian preaching service here next Sunday morning and evening.


C.L. REED and G.W. HENRY of Grubville were here Monday to attend the county court.


We hear that the enterprising little city of Ward had a clean-up day on Thursday.


Miss Madie MORSE of Valle Mines was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. WILLIAMS.


Mrs. Olive Stone HENRY of Florida arrived Thursday to visit relatives and friends.


C.C. MITCHIM of DeSoto made the Record a friendly call Monday while out attending court.


Mr. and Mrs. SPILKER and Mr. and Mrs. Albert MILLER motored up to Kimmswick for Sunday.


Mrs. Mary FREEMAN of St. Louis visited relatives and friends here returning to the city Tuesday.


Dr. and Mrs. J.E. JONES of DeSoto were here Friday attending the quilting given by the Ladies Aid at the hall.


Miss Lille HEMME went to Festus Friday to visit friends and attended the big school entertainment while there.


Collector John HELLER enjoyed a week end visit from his grandchildren, Fern and Glenn WEBER of House Springs.


Mr. and Mrs. J. S. OEHLERT out on Route One celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage with a tin wedding recently.  A goodly number of relatives and friends came to enjoy the occasion and refreshments.


Mrs. J. W. BENSON, Mrs. Dave ROACH, Mrs. Sam CAMPBELL and the Misses Julia JARVIS, Anna and Catherine McCLURE, Hattie McFARLAND and Birdie LANDERS, teacher and ex-teacher friends from DeSoto were the guests of Mrs. J.H. REPPY on Saturday.


Our town board is standing up to the needs of the situation and has issued a proclamation to our citizens to provide barrels for refuse on their property.  There are to be placed at a convenient point and their contents are to be hauled away by an official appointed for that duty.  This is the right thing to do.  But what shall be done with banana skins, paper wrappers, etc. along the Broadway.


Mrs. Ed WILLIAMS of East St. Louis came Tuesday for a little visit.


Mr. and Mrs. Milton MOSS of Pevely were Hillsboro visitors Tuesday.


Mrs. Charles HEMME and Miss Lillie attended O.E.S. in DeSoto Monday night.


R.W. RUDDER of Victoria was in the county seat Tuesday and made the Record a pleasant call.


For Sale: A good work horse.  Mrs. KATTLEMAN, Hillsboro, MO. RFD No 1.


For Sale: Good driving horse for sale, apply to Julius A. KOHLER, Antonia, MO.


For Sale: Square piano in excellent condition at a bargain.  Apply at this office.


For Sale: About 4 tons good baled timothy hay.  E. BERGMEYER, Antonia, MO.


I have on hand, several John Deere check-rower corn planters.  E.A. STOVESAND, Cedar Hills, MO.


Wanted – A middle aged white man to do farm work.  Good wages.  Apply at this office.


Word has reached this office that Miss Irene HUSKEY of Victoria was married in Chicago April 12 to Mr. Joseph SHEPHERD.


Mr. and Mrs. Harris KING of Goldman are the proud parents of a little boy which arrived Wednesday morning the 7th.


At the meeting of the Eastern Star Tuesday evening Mrs. Henry BRUNS of Morse Mill was initiated.  Refreshments followed.


The county court has been out on several tours of road inspections this week, in addition to some busy session in the capitol.


The Hillsboro Brass Band expects to give a concert and ice cream social during the week of May 19th, the date to be announced later.     


Rev. Mr. WEILHOEFFER is the new Presbyterian preacher who will preach here next Sunday and continue on the first Sunday of each month hereafter.


The eight-hour law does not seem to phase Cupid in her labor in Crystal City.  No less than eleven people of that enterprising city have been licensed to wed during the past week.


For Sale – One all round good work mare.  Drives single or double.  Will sell for cash or trade in fresh cow.  Call or address Martin JUDD, Hillsboro, Rte 1.


Mr. James MULLEN and son Mathew, associated together in a contracting and building firm in St. Louis had business here yesterday and made the Record a pleasant call.


Miss BOYER and Norma ULRICH will leave Saturday on their way to the State Spelling Contest which takes place in Jefferson City on Monday.  They will visit St. Louis relatives over Sunday.


Among those who were DeSoto visitors this week were Mesdames F.J.ADAMS, Ellen McCREARY and Ware EVANS and Misses Lena HILL, Annette EVANS and Mr. and Mrs. SPILKER, Mrs. Albert MILLER, Mrs. Emma STONE and Mrs. R.A. FRAZIER.


Mr. and Mrs. Ferd GASCHE, Judge and Mrs. WINER, and Mrs. Gertrude WILLIAMS of Morse Mill, Miss Susie JONES of DeSoto and Mrs. Olive HONEY of Florida were the out of town guests who attended O.E.S. here Tuesday night.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest FRAZIER are located in St. Louis.


John KEISKER of Jarvis has been in the county capitol this week.


A little frost in the valleys, Tuesday night, is reported, but no damage done.


Constable C.B. FRAZIER of Festus brought a colored woman over here to jail yesterday.


Green HEARST was in St. Louis yesterday arranging to buy another automobile is the report on the street.



Wedding Bells have rung in Danby.  Two school teachers less next year.


Dr. and Mrs. LUCKEY of Festus made a recent visit here to J. Ed WAGGONER and family.        


Don WAGGONER of Commerce has been here recently for a short visit.


Miss Mabel BEATTE went to the city to attend the BEATTE-STRAUSEL wedding last week.


Charley ISON and sister, Ollie, of Crystal City visited friends here Saturday and Sunday.


Children’s Day exercises will be held here Sunday May 20th.


Quite a crowd met at the home of Mr. J. GRIFFEN Saturday evening and gave the prospective bride and groom a miscellaneous shower.  The evening was pleasantly spent in social chat and a dainty lunch was served.  The young couple received quite a number of useful presents.


Mrs. John DRURY is on the sick list.


Joseph BAILEY attended the wedding of Russel SHERMAN and Miss Ella DAVIS at Festus last week.


~Notice of Final Settlement~

Artie M. PILLARD, Deceased; J. ? WAGGONER, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

Gotlieb VOGT, Deceased; Barbara VOGT, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

Frank J. WHITE, Deceased; Nelson HUNT Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

Robert RICHARDSON, Deceased; Curtis RICHARDSON, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

John H. SPRINGMEYER, Deceased, Wm. S. SPRINGMEYER, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

Wm. BARBY, Deceased, Albert BARBY Administrator


[Newspaper page was folded when copied to microfilm - add’l Notices could not be read]




Lots in Pevely



[Newspaper page was folded when copied to microfilm - add’l Transfers could not be read]


~County Court Continued~

A.H. KOHLER, taking pauper to Co. farm…$3.00

Edgar MARSDEN….$45.00

R.A. MARSDEN, supplies for CB&J….$12.32

Hy HURTGEN, Supplies CH&J….$4.85

J.W. ECKLE, supplies CH&J…..$47.02

W.R. WILLIAMS, supplies CH&J…$40.90

Jas. HUNGATE?, temp relief….$10.00

Fred BAUER, Rd. Dist No 20….$6.20

Girls I. Home, board….$6?.00

Wm. WELCH Mfg. Co….$15.00

Jos. CIBAK / Cihak?, for B.F. Bridge…$36.00

Transport Paupers….$9.50

Averbeck & Kleahs, lumber LeMay Ferry Bridge…$29.28

Jos. REIHALD, LeMay Ferry Bridge…$31.00

Mrs. Louis REECE, board Co. paupers…$93.00

Disinfectants for jail….$26.00

Miller & Brochering, LeMay Ferry Bridge.$?06.00

Bert GRAHAM, repairing Gravois Rd…..$36.40

H. McCULLOCH, Rd. Dist 34….$39.70

Hattie GROSS to Hospital No 4 as county patient….
G.M. BENDER, State Rd. contractor…..$55.20

Romain SPITZ Refund Dep on Rd. damage….$202.80

G.M. BENDER, Repairt St. Rc……$25.50

Witness Fees SPITZ Rd. case…..$36.70


Dramshop Licenses as follows:

Jos. C. MULLERSMAN, Festus New

G.A. ROMLER, House Springs Nes

Jno. YEIDA Crystal City Renewal

Fred STEGER Crystal City Renewal

Wm. PARKS Festus Renewal

C. PODESTA Festus Renewal

L.F. KOHLER Pevely Renewal

Taxes stricken from books for S. LEWIS

Court Orders tax levy for 1913 as follows: [No surnames]

John DIAMON, Robert CROLL ordered to County Farm


~Probate Court~

Demand of Dr. AUERSWALD against estate Mary A. MANESS, dec. for $9 allowed.


Appraisement list of the real estate of the estate of the MUMBERGER minors approved.


Report of sale of real estate in same estate filed.


Administrators of Mary A. MANESS filed.


Sale bill in the estate of Theo. EHRICHS approved.


Guardian and curators report of sale of real estate of MUMBERGER minors remaining on file for more than 10 days is approved and deed ordered made.


All receipts filed in estate of Daniel BARBEN deceased and executor discharged.


C.A. SCHOELKOPT demand against estate R.G. MADISON dec, $200 allowed.


Letters granted on the estate of Mitchel McCORMACK, dec. to Perry McCORMACK  


~Marriage Licenses~

[Newspaper page was folded when copied to microfilm - Marriages could not be read]

From the Desoto Newspaper, the following marriages could be determined:

May 8th

Orville Gill & Carrie Gibson, Crystal City

Albert Haupt, St. Louis and Bettie Maack, Little Rock, Arkansas

Russell Sherman St. Louis and Vergie E. Davis, Festus

John V. Maness, DeSoto and Mary Sadie Vilmer, DeSoto

*Lelburn Frazier, Koester to Florence Boyer, Flucom


May 15th:

H  Paul Schoor Hillsboro and Dorothea Huber, Hillsboro

John Kegebein, Hobart, Indiana and Melcenia Pinson, DeSoto. 


Lelburn FRAZIER, Koester to Florence BOYER, Flucom

?, Crystal to ? , Crystal  {Orville GILL, Crystal City to Carrie GIBSON, Crystal City}

?, Crystal to ? , Crystal 

?, Denver to  ?ante, IL

?, Crystal to ? , Crystal 

?, Kimmswick to ? Kimmswick

?, Crystal to ? , Crystal 

?, St. Louis to ? , Crystal 

?, Herculaneum to ?, Old Mines

?, DeSoto, to ?, DeSoto – {John V. MANESS, DeSoto and Mary Sadie VILMER, DeSoto}

?, DeSoto to ?, Vineland


~School Notes~

Albert SCHWAB and Henry LaJAUNE of Festus School, Elmer SIEVERS of House Springs School, and Dora JEUDA of Koch Valley School are the first four pupils of the county to receive the Honor Diploma representing twenty-five months of perfect attendance.  These four pupils have credit for five Certificates of Award each and the Honor Diploma was duly awarded each pupil.


     The closing exercises of the House Springs School Thursday May 1, was an even that will not be forgotten soon.  Miss Katie E. CREAN finished the present term.  At noon a beautiful feast was spread of all the good things to eat in the community of House Springs.  It was good to be there.  An excellent program was presented in the afternoon and also in the evening.  Every number was enjoyable, the pupils exhibiting thorough drilling from their ever faithful teacher.  Judge DUNNIGAN being inspired by his old school spirit drove over from Hillsboro to be present.  He spoke in the afternoon and again at night.  His appeals to the children for the higher ideals of life will make lasting impressions on young minds and hearts.

     Mr. Earnest BONACKER, the genial business left the whirl of the tireless mill behind him and was present at this educational gathering.  He knows the worth of education, the value of community of high schools and he never fails to defend the broad principals of education and to plead the cause of the children whenever occasion offers.

     Were he to have his way, the country high school would be brought within reach of every child in our county.  He would expect the worth of genuine improvements, increase in farm values, and the greater volume of business resulting there from, would more than repay the increase in tax.  The audience got the force of Mr. BONACHER’s excellent address.

     Earl WILLIAMS and Raymond LEIGHT made a great bit with their music.  Earl with the violin and Raymond with the guitar.  Raymond LEIGHT represented the Bear Creek School.

    Such events as this one are the life and spirit of any community.  The school and home are made to feel that their functions, the development of child life, are the same the parents are led to realize the worth of the true teacher.