Wm KLEINSCHMIDT made a business trip to Bonne Terre Friday.
Mrs. Jess WAGGENER made a business trip to Bonne Terre last
Fred SCHAFER is improving his property by building a nice
porch to the front of his house.
Mrs. C.C. TOWNSEND visited in
Mr. and Mrs. Will MATTINGLY of
Rev. W.E. SHINE of
Miss Nellie Lee JINKINSON spent last week with Plattin
The friends of Mr. Joe AUBUCHON who has been in the employ
of the Crawford Lumber Co. will be sorry to learn that he is dangerously ill
and is not expected to live.
Mrs. Coney MCCORMACK and Miss Dora EHRICHS visited the
family of H.H. WEAVER last week.
The play by the students of Washington University St. Louis,
at the opera house Monday night was attended by a large and appreciative
audience. The play was good, was well
played, in fact was much better than many traveling
exhibitions. The leading man in the
play, Robert ROESSEL was formerly a Festus boy, and his friends were pleased to
know that he is meeting with success.
Rev. George EVANS preached a sermon Sunday in the M.E.
church to school students taking to his subject, examination. His talk was excellent and much enjoyed and
appreciated by all, especially all the teachers present. All students who were not there missed a
treat and should have heard it.
Born to the wife of Tony CAXAUX {Casaux?} last Sunday a fine baby
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis VanDINER (Vandiver?) welcomed a fine baby
girl March 28th.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry BOSLER are rejoicing over the arrival of
a fine baby boy at their home March 28th.
Judge P.S. TERRY is erecting another house for rent on
Gus BEYERS is ill with something like appendicitis and has
made several trips to
Old Uncle Antony BARNES was found dead in bed last week,
supposedly heart failure.
Miss Esther PANCHOT gave a 500 party last week and Miss
Winnie BYRD and Prof. Chas. WHITE carried off the prizes.
Carl SCHETSLE died in his home on
The disgusting sight of a drunken woman was seen on the
street last Saturday. We understand she
was taken into custody for disturbing the peace and will be notified to leave
Last week we proposed that
The Bank of Hillsboro reports the following subscribers at
$5.00 each. James H.
WINER, Geo. M. MOCKBEE, W.R. DONNELL, Jr. and F.E. SPLIKER. The Jefferson Trust Company reports the
following subscribers at $5.00 each. W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Chas. HEMME,
~Real Estate
The Public Administrator's sale of real estate here on
Saturday last brought out a large crowd of possible buyers, and the bidding was
lively. The James HOGAN farm east of
Hematite was bought by D.W. CARROL of Hematite, 40 acres for $410. The Maggie HUCK house and lot in Festus was
bought by S.E. WILCOX for $2000. The
WALSH property east of DeSoto was bought by E.W. MEYERS of St. Louis who
expects to put up a fine residence thereon.
He paid $1090 for the 40 acres.
The Annie SIDES property was a small house and lot in east DeSoto and
was bought by James KELLY for 175 dollars.
The steel stringers that the
The high water that went over our road and washed it out but
our road overseer, Jos. ZIEGELMEYER, was equal to the occasion and immediately
scraped the gravel back on again, putting the road in good shape.
Wm. NAES, Jr. sold Peter FREDERITZI, a new case machine, it is by far the prettiest looking machine in the
town. Garage keeper PICKETT is very busy
keeping the dust off it.
President Wm. V. BLANK of the Maxville Telephone Co. is
remodeling some of the company’s lines.
PICKETT the horse trader is selling quite a few horses
lately. Those who purchased from him are
Steve BECKER, Theo. GRAVING, and Thomas J. KIRK.
Henry NOLL is the new school director of the
John HERMAN, the hustling printer-farmer puts a new roof on
his house and is preparing to erect a new barn shortly.
Peter L. GLASS is building a new house on the farm he bought
Lays Steel Rail Across
Allen BURGESS brought Chas. OSIA to
~Cedar Hill~
We are having some weather and the
farmers in this vicinity are getting busy.
Louis BOHLE is building a new house
on his farm which he just bought from BUXTON a few years ago.
Hubart STOVESAND has the mumps and
was compelled to stay indoors the last few days.
Miss Huldah REINEMER came home from
Frank SHEIBLE brought his wife down
last week. SHEIBLE has the barber shop
here and is doing good business.
Dr. DENNY is very generous with his
automobile, having taken numerous friends and relatives for a spin.
Louis BOHLE has been busy all last
week hauling lumber with two teams for his new house.
L.B. RADEACKER came home Friday from
DeSoto. He has sold his mill and store
in DeSoto to Louis BROCKMANN.
Neighbors and friends gathered at
Louis BOHLE's Sunday, it being Mrs. BOHLE's forty-ninth birthday. There was a large crowd there and everybody
went home having spent an enjoyable afternoon and evening.
~Thomas Ammon NULL~
Thomas Ammon NULL was born at
For the last forty-one years,
Brother NULL has been a faithful member of our church here. He was buried from the
alter where he found the Lord and sleeps in the "Holy Ground"
of the church he loved and served. He
was a man! His patient consideration,
faithful contentment and willing energy marked him as one of those rare but
quaint characters of which the world needs more. His quiet conservatism was a telling force.
We weep at the loss to the family and our community, but rejoice at the surety
of his Hope.
His Pastor, Guy W. HOLMES
Found Fatally Injured Near Railroad
Wm CROW of Kimmswick was found near
the Iron Mountain Railroad track on the morning of
The general consensus of opinion is
that CROW was under the influence of liquor and lay down by the railroad track
and went to sleep and the noise of the train passing waked him, and in
attempting to arise the boxing of the tracks struck him inflicting wounds from
which he died. One strange feature of
the tragedy is that his father was killed within a few feet of the same spot some
years ago.
~Resolutions Of
Passed by the
Ladies Aid Society of
Whereas, God has
taken from our midst one of our number, Mrs. E.L. HENSON.
Be it resolved that this society express a deep regret in the loss of
this worthy member. Although a new
member, we feel that had she lived the society would have been greatly
benefited by her domestic talents and willing hands. Our sympathies are with the bereaved family
in the loss of this loving wife, mother and sister. Be it also resolved that a
copy of these resolutions be sent to the family and also placed upon the
Com. {Mrs. J.W. ECKLE, Mrs. P.
~West Kimmswick~
The skies are flooding us.
The dance at Frank SCHWALBERT's was
well attended and every body had a fine time.
H. MOTTERT's dance was also a
pleasant success.
Our new blacksmith, Jake SCHYTT is
kept busy sharpening plows and shoeing mules.
Fred C. RITTELL, who is selling
Shores Remedies in St. Louis Co was home Sunday. Fred says business is fine.
Miss Flora ARNOLD has spent the week
Jake RITTLE was in
Anselm KOHLER was in
Nick ROESCH was in Franklin Co last
week where he expects to farm.
Walter BONACKER was here Sunday.
William, Jake and Frank SCHYTT were
recent visitors to the city.
~Big Entertainment at Seemel~
A house full and a yard full
attended the school entertainment out at Seemel Saturday night….(No surnames mentioned).
~Fire Near
The residence of John and Samuel
OGLE, between Silica and
~County Court~
All officers present.
On petition of Mrs. M. FRANKENREITER
court orders taxed for 1907 to 1912 on 6 acres N.E. pt. N.E. N.N. `4-42-5,
stricken off of tax books as a double assessment.
Account of MILLER and BORCHERDING on
account repairing
~April 26, Date for
Attention all ye spellers! Supt.
Miss Lettie
George PHILLIPS and family visited
home folks last week.
Raymond and Paul BRADY, from
Plattin, spent Sunday in our town.
Bert NULL and wife are spending a
few days in the city.
The members of the Christian Church
have had it papered, wood work painted, and have
purchased a piano. The young people are taking great interest in Sunday School work a class of about 25 members has been organized
and the church is hoping for great things from them.
There was a dance at Martin
BECHLER’s last Saturday evening a good time reported.
Frank EDLERS spent Sunday with home
Miss Bessie NULL returned to
Rev. HOLMES preaches at the
Ed ENGLAND and son Jim, Rev. HOLMES
and Norman LEONAN attended the EHRICHS sale last Saturday.
‘Topsy Turvy’ a comedy played to a
full house last Saturday evening was considered a success in every way. $30.35 was taken in leaving about $25. clear, and the Christian church people take this opportunity
to thank all who made this entertainment such a success and especially do they
their thank to Mr. HOLMES
and his wife for their very valuable help and to the Epworth League for the use
of the hall and to the public in general for its liberal patronage.
Norman LEONAN is assisting Mr.
PORTER with papering this spring.
~Monday Club Will Give
Mrs. J. F. FARLEY has returned from
Rev. W. MILAAR returned Thursday
from a business trip to
Miss Julia JARVIS returned Sunday
evening from
Mrs. S.W. CRAWFORD entertained in
honor of her Sunday School Class Friday evening.
Mrs. C.C. MITCHIM and little son
returned from a two weeks visit with relatives at
James MOSS of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred GRATIOT were the
guests of her daughter Mrs. J. F. ROZIER Sunday.
Engineer WOOD is entertaining
relatives from
Mrs. S.E. MEYERS is spending a month
The Monday Club will give an
entertainment at the Jefferson Theatre Friday April 11th, for the
benefit of Domestic Science course in our public school. The prices will suit everyone 25 cents down
stairs 10 cents in balcony. Sixty
talented young ladies will take part on program. Everyone is invited to attend and help in a
most worthy cause.
A select dance was given at the
LEIDERKRANZ Hall Friday evening.
Miss Justine URGESS and mother spent
Tuesday shopping in
J.L. FARLEY returned Friday from a
six weeks stay at
Miss Mayme MANTHE was a
Mrs. Henry LEDERER and daughters,
Misses Dorothy and Trix were in
DeSoto will have a CHANTANQUA
Meeting in August for five days. Season tickets will be $1.50 when purchased in
advance or $2 when purchased at the gate. Season tickets for children $1. The Company has its own private car and
supplies its own tent. The Booster Club deserves great credit for this splendid
treat as those who have attended a Chantauqua knows what a privilege it will
be. Let every one help to make this a success so the Booster Club can arrange
for an annual meeting.
George LOGAN and Elmer KEMPE were
re-elected as school directors at the elections the first Tuesday in April.
Dr. and Mrs. L.A. CHAMBERLAIN spent
several days in
The Baptist revival meeting closed
Sunday afternoon, a large number were baptized at the creek and others at the
night service. There were nearly a
hundred conversions.
~Sunny Side~
Well we are having some more fine
spring days again and I think everyone welcomes them back.
Albert ZIMMERMAN took a fine load of
hogs to
Reverend EAVES of Ware called on
L.M. JENNINGS Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John MILLER spent a few
days last week with his daughter, Mrs. Henry MARTIN of Festus.
The party Saturday night at Martin
BECHLER’s was well attended and all report a grand time.
Wm. GRUBB made a business trip to
DeSoto Saturday.
Sylvan ARENZ of St. Louis spent a
few days last weeks with his grandparents, Reuben SUTHERLAND and wife.
George VAUGHN and George McDONALD
attended the sale at Plattin last Thursday and reports everything brought at
top notch price.
Henry HAAS passed through our burg
Miss Lulu COOPER is spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. WARRINER.
Rev. EAVES was around last week
organizing a farmers union in this vicinity.
Miss Bessie REED and Bro. MILES were
horse back riding Sunday afternoon.
There was an altercation took place
at the school meeting at the HAVERSTICK School house between Martin BECHLER and
George SCOTT, but their good friends broke them apart so no serious damage was
Miss Tilda HAAS returned home from
A dangerous fire is sweeping the
forest and several houses are in danger, the neighbors are busy fighting it to
save people’s property.
There will be preaching at the
church next Sunday afternoon.
Harold WARRINER went to DeSoto
Sunday. There is surely something very
attractive in town, be careful Harold.
Dave SLAUGHTER has resigned his
position in the car shops in DeSoto and gone to railroading to improve his
Ed HOFFMAN is seen riding southeast
often here of late. Look a little out,
Mitch BERCHOFFER made a business
trip to DeSoto one day last week.
The farmers are busy plowing for
~Moss Hollow~
Hello! We are here yet and just about over our high
water scare.
Considerable damage was done to some
of our farmers by the water taking the fences along.
We are informed that the wedding
bells will soon ring up Moss Hollow. We have confidence in the young folks of
our community and we entertain the best of hopes.
In the school meeting last week F.W.
RAEBEL was re-elected director. It was
voted that twenty dollars worth of good library books should be bought for the
school. This is a sign of progress. A good library and adequate equipment are
indispensable for a good school. It is
to be lamented that not all of the patrons of our school realize the splendid
opportunity offered their children of attending a good school and acquiring a
good education. This is apparent from the non-attendance or irregular
attendance of a number of pupils. This must ultimately result in a deep regret of
those parents who are not doing their duty toward their children now but who
are depriving them of the most precious birth right. Grasp the opportunity while you can for it is
vain to regret after it is too late.
Some weeks ago, one of our
progressive farmers moved to
Wm GLASS, another thrifty farmer has
now rented the KERCKHOFF farm and we are glad to have him with us. Go to it, Bill.
Von DIERKS hasn’t killed any foxes
this winter but he insists that he saw some fox tracks along the hillside at
the time we had deep snow. Tom is an old
hunter and I take no appeal from his statement of the fact that he saw the tracks,
but I only stand and wonder why he didn’t track ‘im up. O, yes, it snowed so hard they were covered
up at once. That solves the problem.
Ben WEDDE has recently purchased a
new buggy and is make good use of it.
Ben is a hustler, boys, it’s hard to get ahead
of him now even if you’d possess an automobile.
Farmers in our community are busy
sowing oats and hauling manure. Some are
about to plant potatoes.
We will ring off for this time, so
Plenty of rain at
present, too much to do farm work, indications there will be a late
Dances were all the go last Saturday
night at residences of Mr. Herman MOTTERT and Frank SCHWALBERT and at Antonia
and all report of having had large crowds and jolly good time.
Jake REITER has been hauling apples
Rock Creek was the highest two weeks
ago since 1991 when it took the
Last Sunday March 30, Phillip KROBAR
was buried in the Antonia cemetery. It
was one of the largest funerals we have had in a long time. Phillip was a bright industrious young man
and was liked by all his friends and will be sadly missed by his friends, he
had taken sick last November with tuberculosis and died Thursday March 27 at
the age of 27 years.
Peaches are still in bloom at
present and if jack frost fails to make his appearance
we will have an abundant crop this year. Strawberries are also commencing to
bloom which will also be a bumper crop.
Ed MESSIL and wife of Four Ridge
were visiting their brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SCHYTT last Sunday.
Peter Paul, Jr. and family were
visiting at Barnhart last Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf RAEBELS.
Edw. ARNOLD and wife of Barnhart
were out driving with the new automobile seat top buggy and stopped in to call
on Chas. EDINGER and family.
Edw. J. WHITE, merchant of
August FISHER, a
County Highway Engineer, CAMPBELL,
John H. REPPY and Judge FRAZIER were seen around town this week.
John MUELLER, just back from
Out of town people who attended the
entertainment here Saturday evening were Miss WATSON from Flat River, Miss
STEVESON, Paul STEVESON, CC. VAUGHN from St. Louis, Tom KENNER from Festus,
Miss SIMOX and Roy MARSDEN from Victoria, and many others whose names we didn’t
Louis WILLIAMS and family spend
Sunday at Charles RCHARDSONs.
Lee GOFF has a new porch front
…store on
Mrs. W. J. MAUTHE entertained her
sister, Miss Linda SCHAFER of
Mr. and Mrs. LOVELL of
Mr. and Mrs. SIMMON (nee Emily
CRAFT) have returned to DeSoto.
Henry MAUPIN spent last Thursday
with relatives at
The Glee Club of Washington
University St. Louis will be at the Jefferson Theatre Friday April 18th. Our Society young people will give a
reception in their honor at the Elks Club after the entertainment.
Miss Viola ENGELBACH spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents at Pevely.
Everett J. McMULLIN who has been
chief clerk for the Train Master C.A. CLEMENTS of Poplar Bluff has been
promoted and after a short stay here with his relatives left this week to
accept a position on the Missouri Pacific with office at
~Probate Court~
Demand of Kasper KROUPS against
Jacob KELLER dec. for $29.00 allowed.
Letter granted to Leopold ZIPP.
Inventory list in the estate of J.
W. ROSENHAUER dec, approved.
Last will of Hester WILSON dec,
probated and letters granted to Hy LUDERMAN Inventory and appraisement lists
Inventory lists in the estate of
Robert GNICHWITZ, minor, approved.
Inventory and appraisement lists in
estate of Henry GNICHWITZ dec approved.
All final receipts in est. Martin
HUNNING administrator discharged.
Inventory and appraisement lists
Catherine ERNEY dec approved.
Court orders administrator on est.
John JONES dec to take charge of real estate of dec. and rent same for year
Final settlement of Horace BUSTON
curator Gertrude HEINAN minor, approved and curator discharged.
Letters of administration of the
estate of I.N. BREWER dec, granted to Jinnie Brewer. Inventory and appraisement lists filed and
Inventory and appraisement lists in
the estate of Theodore EHRICHS dec., approved.
Same in the estate of Moses White
McNUTT, dec. approved.
All final settlement receipts in the
Andrew HOFFMAN estate filed and administrator discharged.
Annual settlement of Carrie ASHBAUGH
administratrix of est., of Arthur ASHBAUGH dec., approved.
Final receipts in the estates of
Peter BROWN, dec., Mary OGDEN dec approved.
Appraisement list of the real estate
of Mary A. MANESS, dec. for $100, allowed.
Felix LEUTZINGER, ex public
administrator files report of sales of real estate on the estates of Annie
SIDES dec., Maggie HUCK dec., James HOGAN, dec., John WALSH, dec. on April
Eggs for
~School Notes~
Rural schools are closing all about
the county and their long vacations have begun….
A sanitary water cooler has just
been purchased by the school.
Miss WILLIAMS has two enthusiastic
organizations in her room. The wee
girlies have a Busy Bee Sewing Club and the boys a Manuel Training Club. Our new window boxes are their first efforts
and they are now planning a miniature farm.
The Swastika Society will give a
Spring Time Program Friday afternoon.
Visitors expected.
We are very hopeful that our window
boxes and pot plants will bring much of glorious out of doors into the house.
The pupils in the eighth grade
English class this week begin the study of Shakespear’s Merchant of the
~Marriage Licenses~
Edward WHITTER….Blackwell – Julia
Vance WILLIAMS….Festus –
Anton KORBELIK….High Ridge – Anna MORAVEC….St.
John A. WHITESELL…DeSoto – Ellen
Eggs For
Hatching – Henry RUNGE,
~Personal Chat~
D.S. FRAZIER delivered some fruit
trees here Saturday.
W.E. KIDD of Belew’s Creek was here
at County Court Monday.
Dr. DENNY and F.T. REINEMER of Cedar
Hill were here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L.E. ADAMS of
Mrs. John LYNCH of
Miss Mattie SULLENS of Murphy is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert MILLER.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. HOEKEN visited
R.G. HOEKEN and family of
Mrs. J. F. GREEN of
James SHIELDS of
John HELLER and family spent Sunday
in House Springs and Monday’s rain kept them longer.
Spring house cleaning is in full
blast. Down go the heating stoves and up ? the bad cold.
Recorder Charles HEMME had all his
children home to spend Sunday with him and their mother.
The Ladies Aid had a quilting at the
Hall Friday. Mrs. J. E. JONES and
daughter of DeSoto came out to attend.
Mr. & Mrs. R. B. WILSON and a
score of other
Sunday was a perfect spring day and
all the world and his wife or sweetheart, was out walking, driving or
motoring. Then Monday it rained, oh,
such a cold rain. Tuesday, ditto.
R.B. JONES, Eugene EDGAR, T.B. EAVES, Henry SEYPOHLTOWSKY all of DeSoto have
been here this week. Some of them attended the administrator’s sale on
John HUBELI and daughters, Mrs. Ware
EVANS, Mrs. J. H. REPPY, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. CAMPBELL, Miss BOYER, Mr. and Mrs.
SPILKER, Mrs. Theodore HURTGEN, F.J. ADAMS, Ross DONNELL are among the visitors
to DeSoto the past few days.
Don McGLASHON of Bonne Terre has
been here the past few days consulting with some of his engineering
business. Mr. McGLASHON is an
ex-DeSotoan and is now a scout-master.
Bonne t
Terre, like all wide awake towns has a thriving Boy-Scout organization.
Fred SCHEIBLE who made the training
trip with the St. Louis Cardinals has been sent by the club to
O.A. WHITE of DeSoto was here Tuesday.
Monday brought quite an attendance
to county court.
J.W. ECKLE is in
A.G. MEDLEY, Public Administrator,
was in the
Lamar McKEE of DeSoto made a trip to
That joyous whoop heard yesterday
announced to the Tooters that their horns have arrived. The flood East belated
Notice – Next week I will open a
meat market in the Jefferson Hotel where I invite the patronage of my former
patrons. Horace FRAZIER.
We are headquarters for the Ladies
Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post each a dollar-fifty the year. Miss Katherine THOMPSON of Morse Mills
subscribed this week.
C. RUPPEL, and a number of other from
An organization which will mean much
for cleaner better
Fruit trees are in full bloom and
peaches are safe as yet. These heavy
soaking rains for the past few days have drenched the gardens which were
nearing proper condition for seed sowing.
Present indications are that spring is to be quite late.
Notice is hereby given that on the last day of
March 1913, the OERMANN Mercantile Co. of Oermann, MO sold their entire stock
of goods, wares, and merchandise to Jesse O. CRAIG, who assumes to pay all the
outstanding debts and claims that may hereafter come against said company for
collection relieving said company of all debts that may be presented for
collections. John H. POERTNER,
President, John WEBER, Secretary.
English Kitchens – Short Orders –
Regular Meals 25 cents, also beds; Lee R. HUSKY, Prop.
F.J. ADAMS, Real Estate Agent
John REPPY, Attorney-At-Law,
Desoto Marble Works – Monuments,
Headstones –
Mr. BRENT has sold the Tri-City
Independent to Messrs. Wint JOHNSON and Henry KRATZER who assumed control
Monday. The young gentlemen are hustlers
and will no doubt make a success of the business.
Alf PORTER is still alive but in a
very critical condition. His stomach and
bowels are in a bad condition and are troubling him as much as his burns.
Mrs. H.J. WELSH and little daughter,
Helen of
~Order of Publication~
State of
~Order of Publication~
State of
~Order of Publication~
State of
~Order of Publication~
Action to collect back tax lien,
State of
~Order of Publication~
Action to collect back tax lien,
State of
Whereas, Richard J. MOSS, and Mahala
Jane MOSS, his wife, by their certain Deed of Trust, filed August 7, 190?, and
recorded in Book 22 (32?) at page 456 of the Trust Deed Records of Jefferson
County, Missouri, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following real estate
situate in Jefferson County, Missouri, to wit: the north half of the east half
of the north-east quarter of section thirteen (13) township forty-one (41)
north of range four (4) east, containing 42 acres being part of the same land
patented to Daniel BLAIR of St. Louis County, March 1, 1832 (31?). In trust to secure the payment of a
promissory note in said Deed of Trust described, and whereas default are made
in the payment of said note and the interest due thereon by reason whereof at
the request of the legal holder and owner of said note. Public notice is herby given that I will at
Auction to the
highest bidder for cash for the payment of said note and the expenses of
executing this trust. Robert SMITH (?) Trustee
~Order of Publication~
~Order of Publication~
Action to collect back tax lien,
State of
~Order of Publication~
Action to collect back tax lien,
State of
~Order of Publication~
In the
To the May Term 1913
Samuel HAAS, plaintiff vs. the
unknown heirs, consorts, devices,…and immediate …. of
Horace GAYLORD, deceased, of Louis RANKIN and Thornton JARVIS, deceased, of
Jeduthan KENDALL, Deceased, of William BRADY, deceased, of Caspar KIRCKHOFF and
Casper ELLERSICK, deceased, of William M. FLANDERS, deceased, and John BERGEN,
deceased, defendants. To Quit Title
The State of
You are hereby notified that the
above named plaintiff has this day filed with the undersigned clerk of the
Circuit Court of Jefferson County, Missouri ….. his
petition duly verified by affidavit, wherein said plaintiff alleges that the
defendants claim sound title, estate of interest ….. of
said petition and to the land herein described but that said plaintiff cannot
…. of said defendants in said petition
because the names of said defendants are unknown to him, …… that the defendants
have attained and derived their claim to the property hereinafter described
from Horace GAYLORD, deceased and Thornton JARVIS, deceased and Louis J.
RANKIN, Jeduthan KENDALL, William BRADY, Casper J. KIRCHKOFF and Casper
ELLERSICK, William M. FLANDERS and John BERGEN all deceased, as heirs,
consorts, devices, ….. voluntary or involuntary …. of Horace GAYLORD, deceased and Thornton JARVIS, deceased,
and that said petition contains in full, correct and complete a recital and description of the claims of said
defendants and how said claims are derived as the same …..
It is thereupon ordered by the
undersigned clerk aforesaid in that said defendants be
notified that an action has been commenced against them in the
The Northwest quarter of US Survey # ? in Township 41 Range ? east, contains one hundred and sixty acres; also all of the
northwest fractional quarter which is all of the north fractional one-half of
said section. of section twenty (20) township 41, range 5 east, containing 76
acres excepting however thirty-two and eighty seven hundredths acres of the
south side thereof conveyed to Herman MEYER by deed date January 7th,
? and recorded in ? in the recorder’s office in
Jefferson County Missouri, all of the above described property containing in
the aggregate two hundred and three and thirteen hundreds acres…more or less,
and to which said petition plaintiff ……preclude the same defendants and
each of them from setting up any interests or claim to or …… adversely to said
plaintiff and which said action is returnable ….. on the first day of the next
regular term of this court, to be holden at the Court house in the city of
Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson in the State of Missouri on the ? day of
May 1913, at which time and place said defendants are required and commanded to
be and appear and to read, answer or …. plaintiff’s said petition.
Otherwise, the allegations contained in said petition will be taken and
considered as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer thereof,
forever barring and precluding said defendants from thereafter setting up any
claim or title to said real property.
The Jefferson County Report published
in Hillsboro in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, having been
designated by the plaintiff and his attorney of record as the newspaper most
likely to give notice to the defendant of the ? of this action it is further
ordered that copy of this order be published in said Jefferson County Record
once a week for and during four weeks successively, the last insertion of said
order in said newspaper to be a least 14 days before the first day of the next
regular term of court.
W.J. A. SCHUBEL, Clerk Circuit
State of Missouri, County of
Jefferson, I, W.J.A. SCHUBEL clerk of the Circuit Court of the County aforesaid
hereby certify that the foregoing a true copy of the original order of
publication as the same appears of record in my office. Witness my hand and seal as Clerk of said
Court, this 13th day of March 1913, W.J.A. SCHUBEL, Clerk of the
Circuit Court.
~Executrix’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that Letters
of Testamentary on the Estate of Bernard MANHEIMER, deceased, were granted to
the undersigned on the ? day of March, 1913 by the
Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having ? against
said estate are required to exhibit them for ? to the
Executrix within six months after the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded
from any benefit of such estate and if such claims be not exhibited within one
year from the date of said ? of the publication of
this source, they shall be forever barred.
Mrs. Flora MANHEIMER, Executrix