Jefferson County Record

March 6, 1913




The Township Spelling Contests took place Saturday and were highly interesting to parents and visitors in attendance. Central Township spelled at Hillsboro and only three of the ten schools took part: Hillsboro, with Miss BOYER, teacher; Heiland, Clarence HAMRICK, teacher; and the H. Williams school with Felix EAVES, teacher. Six brave boys and girls entered the contest and all spelled particularly well. Norma ULRICH and Mary LEUTZINGER of the Hillsboro school and Orvill PARTNEY of Heiland and Willie STREMMING and Sullivan and Eva MARSDEN of the Williams school. The first three named were the winners and will represent Central Township at the County contest in DeSoto some time in April, the date to be announced later.


Plattin Township spelled at Plattin school. Thirteen contestants from seven schools spelled. Three hundred and forty words were spelled and the winners were Amelia KNORPP of Flucom school, who missed 6, Blanch KOLLER [Kohler ?], Danby school, missed 7, and Otto WEGMAN, Plattin school, missed 11. The other schools taking part were Saltpeter, Pleasant Grove, High Ridge and Haverstick.


The teachers of the winners are, Flucom School, Elnora SCHMIDT, Danby; Mrs. STRAUSER, Plattin School, Florence HEATON.


The Big River Contest resulted in the honors going the Dewey L. MANION of Ware School with John W. HOPSON teacher, ranking first, and Edward BRUNS and A. BLAKE of the Morse Mill school ranking second and third with John TIERNEY, teacher. Hurrah! for Big River.


Meramec Township spelled at House Springs. The three winners were Agnes REDECKER and Margaret FICKEN of Cedar Hill School W. J. CLOVER teacher, first and third places, Lillian LEIGHT of House Springs school, Mrs. Walter DAEHN [Dahn ?] teacher, won second place.  Helen STOVESAND the winner last year was too sick to attend.


Joachim Township spelled at Pevely. The winners are Mildred FARLEY and Leona HEINER, Dora WEHMEYER all of the Pevely school, with Miss Mary A. McLOON as teacher, and she is a live one. Pevely had no rivals.


~Pleasant Hillsboro Affair~

The recital under the auspices of the Methodists last Saturday night was highly interesting and enjoyed by a full house. The program was given by well known and popular talent with the exception of Mr. HOLMES and Mrs. Will ENGLAND, both of Hematite. They were both new to Hillsboro audiences and thoroughly enjoyed, Mr. HOLMAN having exceptional ability as a reader and Mrs. ENGLAND a voice pronounced exceedingly sweet. Refreshments and social time followed.


~Marriage Licenses~


William FRANKLIN........Crystal City

Mary E. GRAVES............Crystal City


L.O. GAMASCHE...........DeSoto

Lucille C. SCHERPE.........DeSoto


Maurice CAPE..................De Soto

Bertha HARNESS.............De Soto





Petition of W. F. FRANKS for dramshop license taken up, also remonstrance motion asking court to discuss remonstrance filed.  Testimony heard and case taken under advisement.


Dramshop licenses granted as follows:

A. COZAUX, new,........................Festus

Joseph ALCOCK, renewal,............Festus


Accounts allowed as follows:

Matt NUSSBAUMER, sub. and appr.  Dist. 27....$71.95

Edgar MARSDEN, sal,..........................................45.00

Ware Camp, room rent, Elections...........................3.00

C.M. STEPHENSON, for sawing C.H.& J. wood...11.30

Green HEARST, drayage of road drags................1.50

Attica Bridge Co., 6 road drags..........................100.00

James WHALEY, repairing road.........................20.00

F. J. ADAMS, postage and Exp............................3.90

NORVEL Mfg. Co., disinfect, etc.......................100.00

F.J. ADAMS, treas, presents settlement of warrants and script redeemed by him: {a list of total costs was listed…}


On petition of Mary WILCOX, court ordered all taxes due on lot 14 Gamel add. Festus collected in valuation of $300.


Court orders Mrs. Clara L. MILLER kept at Hospital number 4 as a county patient from Feb. 26, 1913.


Court orders dramshop license of David T. DEES in Festus revoked.


Engineer ordered to stake off road running thru Wm. WATT's farm on DeSoto and Valle Mines road and require fences removed from said right of way.


Accounts allowed as follows:

J.W.  ECKLE, supplies.................................$39.97

BUXTON and SKINNER, 8 bills....................10.04

Jno. KREINBEDER, const. elec.....................1.50

H. McCULLOCH, road dist. No. 34................18.15

Geo. D. BARNARD & Co., tiling.....................5.40

S.C. CAMPBELL, salary.............................118.10

Dr. HENSLEY, contagion...............................8.00

COUCH and POLK, taking pauper to farm.....8.00

Salary;   3 Co. Judges...................................30.00





Fred KREINHEDER got his hand hurt on a wood saw some time ago. But I don't suppose it was very much because Fred is laughing same as usual.


John FRANK seems to be kept real busy sawing lumber for neighbors.


Our teacher has had a bad cold for the past few days and she has two substitute teachers, Miss Madge FRANK and Miss Edna AOT(?).


Miss Stella FRANK, who has been working in Dorsey, Ill. for the past five months has returned home for a week's visit with parents and friends.


Fred SCHEYBEL and Royal YATES from Sugar Creek attended the exercises at Cedar school the evening of Feb. 22.


Wm. BROUK one of our neighbors who was living on the old SNEUER place has moved, and we have for new neighbors, Mr. JONES and family.


The entertainment and pie social at Cedar school the evening of February 22nd was just fine.  Those who took part in it from out of school were, Misses Laura HELLER, Dorothy FRANK, Adeline ALT, Anna MILLER, Louisa KREINHEDER, and Messrs. Arch FRANK, Gerhardt KREIENHEDER, Willie WOLGAST and Fred HELLER.


George BROUK of Bear Creek was, it seemed like, the only one who cared for pie, because he bought six, but I guess George was hungry. Louis KING bought a pie but he did not wait to see whose it was but went home. The owner of the pie would like to have the plate returned. County Superintendent, Mr. WILSON was also present and made a fine speech to the audience. This entertainment was the first one Miss ABERNETHY [Abernathy] gave but it was exceedingly grand.


Since the parcel post has started in our mail carrier, Clayton ROQUES is kept quite busy.




Monday February 24, Prof. GIBBONS organized a Farmers Club among the farmers of this vicinity. Among those who joined were Messrs, Peter PAUL, Mark LEE, J.C. STIRLING, and Frank WARNER.  The members will hold a meeting at the school house Monday, March 11.

John RIORDAN and family have moved to St. Louis.  O'FARRELL and family will occupy the place this year.


Miss Alice O'FARRELL of Richwood has been spending a few days with home folks.


The Misses Maud, Alice and Louise O'FARRELL, Mr. FRANK and Arthur O'FARRELL, Mr. Francis POPE and Chas. WAMSGANG called on Miss CALLET last Sunday evening.  All enjoyed a pleasant evening.




Why Hello!  The correspondent hasn't froze up yet even if March did come in with a snow blizzard.  We had such fine spring weather few days ago thought winter was gone for good.


Mrs. John HAAS is spending a few weeks with relatives in St. Louis.


The party at LEISERS Saturday night was a howling success, was well attended and all report a grand time.


Walter HINSLEY of East St. Louis spent a few days with his mother last week returning to his work Saturday.


Mitch BERCHOFFER has bought a new steel range and says he is going to get a young lady to cook on it so look out girls it may be one of you.


George VAUGHN and family have moved on the BOYANCHEK place and intend farming there this summer.


The box supper at ARMBRUSTER Saturday night was well attended and all report a grand time.


~TRANSFERS~                                                                                  Dollar Amount


Albert GROTHE to Thos. L. QUINN, 9a, 35-40-4........................ ...........$700

Geo. MAHN to Matilda HUSKEY, lot, Davis ad, DeSoto............... ............26

Eph. BLACKWELL to J.C. BAILEY................................................... .........800

J.L. McFARLAND to J.M. SNYDER, 6 lots in DeSoto.................... ….....1100

A. BEATTE to Ora BEATTE, 2a, 12-89-6..................................................200

Mary S. SIEBUM to Theresa SIMON, 36a, Sur. 3011.................................50

Jno. L. SELF to Arnold LOWENSTEIN, 2 lots in DeSoto..............................1

A. LOWENSTEIN to J.L. SELF, same...........................................................1

D.L. ROUGGLY to W.J. KNORPP, 1a 2-309-4.............................................1

J.F. KLEY to J.A. KLEY, roadway, Sur. 1976...............................................50

S.W.CRAWFORD to W.S. TURMEN, 2 lots in DeSoto................................60

Bonne Terre F. and C. Co. to Thomas E. KIRK, 75a, Sur. 3028-42-4.......450

Deitrich MEIER to Helen SURKAMP, 444a, 9-42-4.......................................1

Jos. QUIN et al to Elizabeth BECK, et al, land Sur. 2019-42-6......................1

J.M. SNYDER to F.L. GAYLORD, 2 lots in DeSoto.......................................40

J.W. RUSSELL to G.W. Russell, 12.55a, 21-41-4.......................................100

N. R. RITCHER, et al to Sarah (no surname) 2 lots, Mahn's ad, DeSoto...1200

P.L. BECKHAM to M.F. HERRINGTON, 32-40-4.......................................1000

P.P.G.Co. to L.D. BOWMAN, lot in Crystal City..........................................2300

L.D. BOWMAN to C.F. LEE, lots in Crystal City.........................................2300

C.L. BARNHART to Jas. P. PRECAVO(?), lot in Barnhart..........................100

Eph. BLACKWELL to J.C. BAILEY, 85a, 8-30-7..........................................800

Chas. DECNER [Decker ?] to R.A. MARADAO [Marsden ?], 92a, 1010-41-4..5000




We are sorry to have to report the death of T.V. ROBINSON's father at Flat River. Mr. ROBINSON was summoned home and wrote back that his father died last week of Bright’s disease.


DRAKE's family had undergone a siege of sickness, little Gilbert being the first one, and hovered between life and death for many weeks.  Mrs. DRAKE had a serious attack of neuralgia. Mr. DRAKE had mumps and is just well, now Celeste, Winsor and Norman have the mumps.


Miss Dora EHRICHS was summoned to Palm Beach, Fla. by the serious illness of her father, Judge Theodore EHRICHS who is in a sanitarium.  She started at once for Palm Beach.


Mrs. S.C. LEAP has been quite ill for several days.


H.L. MARBURY has been confined at home with sickness for about two weeks.


Frank DABNAR [Dahuar ?] of Crystal Heights who was operated upon in St. Louis and died from the operation was brought home for burial.


Mesdames C.E. GEIBLER and T.C. BRICKEY were Pevely visitors Thursday.





The following settlements have been approved:


Jos. COROLLA, dec, F. LEUTZINGER, adm.

Margaretta BAUER, dec., Henry F. BAUER, ex.

Henrietta HENTCHER, dec,. F.E. HENTCHER, ex, discharged.

Stephen BAST, dec, Maggie BAST, exx., discharged.

CAPE minors, W.E. PYLE, cur

Henry LEIGHT, dec., Anton LEIGHT, adm.

Nancy J. DOVER, dec, George P. DOVER and L.A. CRAIG, exs.

F.M. WIDEMAN, dec., Wm. WIDEMAN, adm.

Martin HUNNING, dec., Fred HUNNING, adm.

Andrew HOFFMAN, dec. P.S. TERRY, adm.

Mary J. HYDE, dec., A.A. SMITH, adm.

Chas. YATES, dec., Jonas YATES, adm.

Susan B. CRAIG, dec. L.A. CRAIG, adm.

Geo. DREW, dec., Edw. Drew, ex

W.G. GOFF, dec., Emma E. GOFF exx.

Edna FIESELMANN, dec., Edw. H. FIESELMANN, adm.

Edw. KEISER, dec., Felix LEUTZINGER, adm

Delia E. MOORE, dec.,  K.B. MOORE, adm.

Emily SEAT, dec., Sam F. SEAT, adm.

Jacob REABAN, dec., Edward REABAN, adm.

Frank SCHMIDT, dec., W.M. SCHMIDT, adm.

Christina PIES, dec., John PIES, adm.


Maria OGDEN, dec., Felix LEUTZINGER, adm.

James W. WILSON, dec., W.C. MANION.

Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of William ZEURN, dec. approved


~Township Teacher’s Meeting Programs~

Meramec Township Teacher’s Meeting at High Ridge School, March 15, 1913, at 11:00 a.m.

Paper….Walter BUXTON

Discussion….Edw. REMMELL [Hemmell?]

Paper…..Miss CLARK

Discussion….Supt R.B. WILSON

Paper….Miss Hannah BALLEFAR

Discussion….John GASILY and M.C. DAUTEN?N

Paper….Hattie ABERNATHY

Discussion….Herman RAGLIN [RAGIM?] and W.J. HILGERT

Announcements….Supt. R.B. WILSON


-Joachim Township-

At Festus, MO, March 15th, 1913

Paper….Anne HEIDORN

Discussion….R.V. [E.V.?] ABERNATHY

Factors Conditioning….Miss Coral RIEF

Discussion….A.G. PICKINS

Paper….Miss Zoe BOOTH

Discussion….Jean A. CALDWELL

The Social Phase….Miss Lebelva CONELLY

Discussion…Mrs. A.M. WITTRAM

Paper….Miss Blanche VAUGHAN

Discussion….Miss Hannah HECK

Paper….Miss Mary McLOON

Discussion….June SMITH and Estella BAILEY

Measuring Results….Miss Hettie HAPKI

Discussion….Charles J. WHITE

Announcements…Supt. R. B. WILSON

Chas. J. WHITE, Pres. – Miss Maud KELSO, Secy.




Walter BLACK and wife of Silica spent Sunday here.


Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Lloyd YOUNG departed for Hot Springs Friday evening for a stay of several weeks.


Chris CAMPBELL of Teague, TX was here looking after his farm south of town last week.


Miss Blanche HERRICK, a former DeSoto girl and Miss Mariam BERGMANN, instructor in – in DeSoto schools will give a concert at the Jefferson Theatre Thursday evening.


Miss Fern HARRINGTON who visited St. Louis has returned home.


The DeSoto Woman's Club will meet Friday March 7th with Mrs. Theodore WALTHER. Roll Call:  Anecdotes of the U.S. presidents. How new political parties are formed, Mrs. MEEK. Educational Qualifications for the voter. Should there be any? Mrs. A.L. AMIDON; Discussion by club, Current Events, Business, Mrs. Kincaid LEADER.


Mrs. MURDOCK is teaching for her sister Miss Julia KLENN who has been absent from school duties for several weeks on account of illness.


Mr. I. SILVERSTEIN and daughter, Mrs. TZINBERG returned from St. Louis Saturday evening.  Mrs. TZINBERG has been quite ill at St. John's hospital the past week.


W.W. ALLEN of Chicago spent the week-end with his wife.


Dr. F. Emmet SKINNER attended a banquet of the Tri-Medical association at the Planters Hotel in St. Louis Monday night.


A.L. AMIDON who has been in Illinois returned home Saturday night.


Miss Delphine REBB of Florissant is the guest of her sister Mrs. A.J. BLAIR.


Ed HANSAN the genial traveling man spent Sunday at home.  Monday morning he called on merchants at Horine, returning home that day.


E.C. White spent Sunday with his family.


Miss Genevieve GIBSON was surprised Friday evening by a number of friends at her home on 5th street.  Music and contests were the diversion.


Mr. and Mrs. George PATTERSON of St. Louis are the guests of Judge and Mrs. Tom DONNELL.


C.T. JARVIS and wife are spending the week at Potosi.


The ladies of the 4th street M.E. Church are making great preparations for their annual entertainment on St. Patrick’s Day at the home of Mrs. W.A. COUCH.


Mr. and Mrs. S.V. CARSON left Sunday night for Charleston.


J. HAMEL spent Sunday in St. Louis with relatives.


Miss Etta CAMPBELL who has been in St. Louis the past two weeks returned home Tuesday.


Col. DEAN has gone to Washington D.C. to be present at the inaugural ceremonies.  Gov. MAJOR and his Colonels went in a private car.


Gust HAMEL, Jr. has gone to Newport, Arkansas where he has engaged in business. Mr. HAMEL who has been a cashier of the German American Bank for several years was presented with a handsome diamond ring by the directors before his departure as an expression of the appreciation of services rendered and a token of their good will.


Ed MERSEAL and W.P. GRAHAM have gone to Hot Springs Arkansas for a sojourn of two weeks.




Charlie WELSH secured the appointment as R.R. mail carrier on Route 1 from Festus and was to enter upon his duties at once.  But after due consideration, decided he did not desire to work for

Uncle Sam and tendered his resignation before he began.


Miss Bertha SCHAFER [Schaeffer ?] entertained the teachers of the public school at luncheon Thursday evening.


J.O. PAPIN and Frank BRICKEY, Jr. attended the auto show in St. Louis and Mr. PAPIN talks of investing in a machine.


Prof. RICHARDSON has returned from Florida and taken charge of his music class here, to the delight of his pupils.


Harry KOHLER of St. Louis visited at home Sunday.


Vest WAGGONER of Alton, Ill. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess WAGGONER Sunday.


Mrs. Gertrude TEAROE of St. Louis spent last week with Festus friends.


Clarence VAUGHN of St. Louis came down Sunday to visit his mother and family.


Jake REIS is very sick at his daughter's who reside near Zion.


Roland SCHAFER [Schaeffer ?] who has a position in St. Louis spent Sunday with his parents here.


Miss Lucille SMITH of Plattin was a visitor at T.S. BYRD's last week.


Little Charlotte EVANS of Washington Co. is a visitor at her aunt's, Mrs. Lee FORSHEE.


Mrs. Aaron MOORE entertained a number of friends Tuesday in honor of Mrs. KRAMER of St. Louis.


Glenn JOLLY, cashier of Crystal City Bank visited friends in Kokoma, Ind. last Sunday.


James HEDDLE has purchased a lot in Crystal City and will erect a dwelling thereon.


A merchant by the name of DANKS from Cape Girardeau with his family now occupy the PHILLIPI house in Crystal City.


Paul POLITTE formerly of Washington County was killed by a freight train Tuesday near Horine.  His remains were taken to Mineral Point for interment.


Mr. And Mrs. E. C. FLINT and little Virginia arrived here on the late Frisco Saturday.  They had been in Kansas City and Omaha for three weeks, but learning that Mrs. FLINT's brother, Du Bart LEAGUE was ill with pneumonia, returned home, reaching St. Louis Saturday morning and came on to Festus the same evening.  Du Bart is better.


Prof. McMULLEN of the DeSoto business college was renewing old friendships here Saturday.  Everyone was glad to meet him here again.


Rev. and Mrs. EVANS went to Tenn. to visit his mother instead of to Mississippi, to visit his father as it appeared in items last week.


The CLARK family will be here about March 15 to begin a series of meetings in the Christian church. They have the reputation of being "great revivalists". 


~Sunny Side~


Henry HAAS, Harry TOLBERT and Harold WARRINER visited at JENNINGS Bros. Saturday.


Gus FRIEDMEYER has bought a span of mules and intends farming this year.


Mr. George WILSON passed thru our burg today with a matched team of black horses and a new covered top buggy hunting a horse trade.  George is full of business and always on the traffic.


Thomas HANLON sold a fine cow and calf to H.A. WARRINER last week.


Hiss Emma HINDSLEY called on Mrs. Edna JENNINGS Sunday afternoon.


Mr. TOLBERT passed thru our burg one day last week breaking a young horse to saddle.


George VAUGHN made a business trip to Plattin Monday.


Reuben SUTHERLAND passed thru our burg one day last week.


Well Tuesday is inauguration day and Mr. WILSON takes the seat as president and look out for some more good old Democratic times as was in '92 and '96.


Thomas DONNELL called on JENNINGS Bros. one day last week.


The Deputy sheriff Mr. EAVES called on a few of our neighbors last week collecting taxes.  Pay up boys and avoid expenses.


Charley BRYANT is working at Gus FRIEDMEYER's for the summer.



All those indebted to the estate of the late John GONZ are respectfully requested to call and pay his widow, the undersigned.

Mrs. John GANZ, admx


~Personal Chat~


Ed MONBAU (?) of Dittmer was in Friday.


John? BECK(?) of Hematite was here on business Friday.


Charlie BECHLER was in town Monday.


Post Master SEIVERS was here on business Friday.


Miss Katheryn WILLIAMS spent Sunday with friends.


Mrs. Josie PETERS of Kimmswick was here on Probate business Friday.


Mrs. R. G. HOEKEN and Uncle Bent MOSS of Sandy were here Saturday.


Dr. W.W. HALL of Sulphur Springs had business in the County Seat, Monday.


Misses Lena and Legia HILL spent the week home with their grandparents.


Bert OGLE and Miss Ruth SIMCOX of Victoria attended the recital here Saturday.


Frank SHEIBLE visited here a few days last week and then went to Cedar Hill, Saturday to locate.


Supt. R. B. WILSON spends the next two days in DeSoto conducting the March teachers examination.


W.H. PILLIARD went home to Festus to spend Sunday and took John and Martha REPPY with him for a visit.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles HERMAN of DeSoto spent the weekend here with Recorder Charles HEMME and family.


Mr. and Mrs. Will ENGLAND of Hematite attended the recital and were the guests of Mrs. and Mrs. John REPPY.  


F.T. REINEMER, Miss Huldah and Mrs. Will G. REINEMER, of Cedar Hill attended Eastern Star here Monday night.


Misses Birdie WILSON and Kathleen REPPY spent the weekend with Miss Eva PILLARD in Festus who entertained for them.


Quite a load of young people came over from Hematite to attend the recital Saturday night chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. G.W. HOLMES.


March did not come in like a lamb, three inches of snow on the ground and the thermometer down to 8 degrees, Sunday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MARSDEN of Route one attended the spelling contest here Saturday.  They had two children among the contestants who proved excellent spellers.


Mr. and Mrs. F. E. SPILKER, Miss Mary HOEKEN and Mr. THOMAS made a trip to DeSoto Friday afternoon and returned in a blinding snow storm, and it was the last day of February.


Mrs. Gus SHEIBLE entertained a crowd of little girls to honor her little sister, Anna ECKLE Saturday afternoon. Games and refreshments of the kind that little girls love made the time pass happily.


The young people had a dance at the hall Friday night in compliment in Fred SHEIBLE who left Monday morning to take his place among the professional ball players, as a pitcher for the Cardinals. He left Monday for Columbus, Georgia.


Mrs. W. L. STONE gave a quilting yesterday.


Miss Mary HOEKEN is visiting St. Louis.


Mrs. Albert MILLER and son Alvin are recovering from the mumps.


John H. MORSE of Plattin Township was in our city Tuesday. 


R.B. and Kirkwood JONES were out Tuesday to interview county courts.


Clarence HINSON of Morse Mill attended the dance here Friday night.


Misses Lillie HEMME and Bessie BUSCHER attended a reception in DeSoto, today.


Mr. and Mrs. Dick MARSDEN visited William ZISKIE and family near Horine Sunday.


Wanted – Girl for general housework for family of four. Mrs. Chas. HEMME, Hillsboro, MO.


Victor HILL after a visit to relatives and friends in Hillsboro left Sunday afternoon.


Miss GOODMAN of Silica and Miss Leola OGLE of Festus are visiting James T. OGLE and family.


For Sale – Fresh cow and Holstein calf.  Henry HURTGEN, Hillsboro, MO.


For Sale – 14 inch John Deer-Sulky plow at Frank BECHLER’s shop.


John W. RUSSELL and John F. MOTHERSHEAD and bride of Morse Mill have gone to Spencer, Idaho to make their home.


Mr. and Mrs. W.J. CLOVER of Cedar Hill and Mrs. George BIRK and daughter of Byrnesville attended Eastern Star here Tuesday night.


Hugh WINER’s wife and babies are visiting at Judge WINER’s at Morse Mill. Mr. WINER has sold out at Valley Park and will locate elsewhere, possibly in Texas.


Mathew T. CHESTNUT and J.D. HOUSEMAN, Jr. were here yesterday. Mr. CHESTNUT assures us that Montesano Park will very surely be on the map when the season opens.


Wanted – Housekeeper at once, salary as per arrangement, no trifling.  Call on or write.  Louis B. WEPPNER, Pevely, MO, Rt. 1.  


One of our best citizens slipped quietly away Tuesday morning without giving a definite account of his whereabouts. We are forced to believe there is romance in his movements. Watch for particulars next week.


For Sale – Matched team of Grey Mules, 16 hands high, and about 12 years old, and a set of double harness.  Guaranteed at a bargain.  Must sell at once.  Jacob KUECHENMEISTER, Sr., West Kimmswick, Rt. 4.


Richard STADELMAN, John R. BAKER and August KOEBBE from the north end were in town Monday.  Mr. KOEBBER has been the manager of the Cedar Crest Club for some years but has served his connection with the club and will start a Saloon at Barnhart opening about the 12th of this month.


James BYRNE and Paul D. CABLE were in town Monday. Mr. CABLE secured a franchise from the county court to erect cables, string wires, etc. along and over the county roads for the purpose of converting electrical energy. While matters have not reached the construction stage the plan is to utilize the waters of Big River as a generating force to produce electricity for sale for power purposes and the Byrnesville dam will no doubt be the scene of some interesting developments and blaze the way for big improvements.


For Sale – 300 pounds clover seed – T.C. CAGE, Hillsboro, Rt. 2.

For Sale – Three fresh milk cows.  Also re-cleaned clover seed.  Felix Leutzinger, Hillsboro, Rt. 3.

Eggs for sale – from purebred Single Comb Rhode Island Red Chickens.  RedWing strain, $1.00 per 15.  Mrs. Ray CALDWELL, Hillsboro, Mo, Rt. 1.


For Sale – Farm of 80 (60?) acres, large house and barn, 1 mile southwest of Kimmswick on state road good springs, plenty fruit, 50 acres in cultivation, $3,500.00.  Apply to Oscar TAUBOLD, Kimmswick, MO.


For Sale – 16 ton of hay, 8 of millet, 8 of clover.  Call on Peter M. WILLIAMS, Victoria, MO.



All those who are interested in organizing a band in Hillsboro are requested to meet at the office of W.J.A. SCHUBEL on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. 


~Probate Court~


Inventory list of the estate of the SMITH minors approved.


Last will of Robert WILLIAMS, dec, probated and letters testamentary on said estate granted to James E. WILLIAMS without bond.


Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of John GONZ dec. approved.


Letters of administration on estate of George RAPP, Sr. dec to Geo. RAPP Jr.


Clyde WILLIAMS appointed to assess Collateral Inheritance tax estate of Norval HUSKEY dec.


Same order on estate of Alex HOUGHTON dec and Robert J. WILLIAMS dec.


John F. WILLIAMS appointed curator of the estate of Willie, Billie, and Ralph WARNE minors.



Annual settlements were made as follows:


Name of est.................................................Adm, Ex., cur, etc.

J. BLOECHER [Blocher }............................Minnie BLOCHER, ex.

Ette McMULLEN........................................J.L. McMULLEN

Emile HEINZ................................................Louise HOFFMAN 

GRAB Minors................................................Peter GRAB, cur

Casper LEVERING....................................Wm. J. HAMPBEL

KRAMME minors.......................................Anna KRAMME

M.B. HOELZEL..........................................Selma HOELZEL

R.G. MADISON..........................................S.T. WAGGENER

W.D. McCARTY.........................................E.S. McCARTY

McCARTY minors......................................Wm. McCARTY

Alex BOUGHTON......................................Hettie BOUGHTON

Harriet STEWART.....................................W.H. WALKER

Geo. FLINT................................................Chas. HEMME

PIERCE minors..........................................W.R. WILLIAMS

Benj. MITCHELL........................................Frank PERKINS

Fred PETERS...........................................Josie PETERS

Chas. SMITH..............................................King D. SMITH

M. SCHLOSSER.......................................Fred SCHLOSSER

R.A. VINYARD...........................................Ross VINYARD, ex.

H.W.A. RUST.............................................Frank FROELICH

D. WIDEMAN............................................Jno. ANDERSON

P. TSCHUMPERT, insane, .....................Felix LEUTZINGER, adm.


O.M. SLINKARD appointed guardian and curator of the estate of N.B. CHENOWORTH minor.


Administration of estate of Annie SIDES, dec. ordered to sell real estate at public or private sale.


Same order in John WALSH estate.


Same order in estate of Mary A. MANESS.


Inventory list in the estate of Willie, Billie and Ralph WARNE, minors. approved.


Inventory list in the estate of Walter B. WARNE and Freddie W. WARNE, minors approved.


Upon petition, court orders curator of estate of Ralph WARNE and Willie, Billie, minors to sell their interest in the real estate for cash in hand at private sale.


The appraisement list of the estate of Walter WARNE and Freddie WARNE approved.


Upon petition filed March 3 by John LEBOUHE, plaintiff and the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. defendant the judge orders a temp.  Same order as above.


Curator's report of private sale of the real estate of Walter WARNE and Freddie WARNE, minors, March 4.


Same in estates of Willie, Billie and Ralph WARNE, minors.


Upon petition filed, the court orders the curator of the estate Walter G. WARNE and Freddie W. WARNE, minors to sell their interest in the real estate for cash in hand at private sale, first having the same appraised according to law.


Sale bill in the estate of P.H. BYRNE approved.


All the final receipts in the estate of Henrietta HENTCHER, dec filed and executor discharged.


The estate of James HOGAN published and approved by the court to sell all the real estate for cash in hand at public or private sale and report.


Upon Petition filed March 3, by William PARKS, plaintiff and the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. defendant.  After hearing and reading the petition the judge orders that a temporary injunction be granted herein enjoining the defendant from entering into or upon a certain public street for purpose of building any fence upon or across or along said lands.


~Hillsboro School Notes~


The Honor Roll which was attained by Good Deportment for past month contained the following names:


Room 1:  Hilda HEILAND, Irene WILLIAMS, Byron SCHUBEL, Fern FORREST, Leona REILLY, and Martha REPPY


Room 2:  Ruth LEUTZINGER, Norma ULLRICH, Mary LEUTZINGER, Burnell SCHUBEL, Clarence ECKLE, Myrtle GRIFFITH and Blanche PIERCE.


In estimating the averages for the past two months, it is found that the highest grades in every subject in the B class were made by Norma ULLRICH, Mary LEUTZINGER and Ralph WARNE.  In the C Class by Blanche PIERCE, Myrtle FRIFFITH (?) and Agnes REINSTEDLER.


County schools have begun to close.  Lee school with Miss Louise O'FARRELL and the Oak Hill with Miss Gertrude HEINER closed Tuesday.  Buckeye, Miss Bertha HUSKEY, teacher closed the 28th and Frumet, Miss Violet GREEN, teacher closed the 21st.


Sheve School, Walter BUXTON, teacher gave an entertainment, raised $30 and bought an organ.


The Government is advertising for teachers for the Philippines and for Indian schools, about a dozen positions of the latter situated in Montana, California, Arizona and Nevada.  An examination for Philippine positions takes place in St. Louis March 12 and 13.  Examinations for women's positions are all in Home Economics.


~County Court~


Tom MERSEAL appointed overseer of Road district number 50 in place of Andrew JOHNSTON resigned.


Ben JAEGER appointed overseer road district number 21, D. L. REED resigned.


Bond and contract of MILLER and BORCHERDING for repairing LeMay Ferry Bridge over Meramec river approved.


Dramshop license granted as follows:

Aug. KOEBBE at Barnhart, new.

Wm E. FRANKS, Herculaneum, new.

Joseph ALCOCK, Crystal City, renewal.


Court appoints Jos. J. HOEKEN, a committee of one to make plans and specifications and ask for bids for an office building, including basement under entire building to be a duplicate of the one erected in 1892 east of court house.  Same to be located just west of main court house building

and report at next term.


Settlement of John HEILER collector for year ending March 1, 1913 filed, examined and approved.


The Board of Equalization will meet April 7.


Letters of Adminstration

Charles  ?

King D. SMITH, Admin


Trustee’s Sale

Martio W. SEITER,  dec.

John H. REPPY, Trustee


Letters of Administration

John GONZ, dec.

Louisz GONZ, Executrix




Marble Works Monuments, DeSoto, MO



H.B. IRWIN, Lawyer, DeSoto


F.J. ADAMS Real Estate Agency, Farm property a specialty.


Chris W. JENNI – Real Estate Farm and City Property. I have several good farms on Meramec River in Franklin Co. for sale at reasonable prices. Write or call. Festus, MO. 


Frank BECHLER, the big blacksmith, Hillsboro MO & C.H. GERARD, Kimmswick, MO – the weld that held.


Frank E. SPILKER Saloon, Opposite the Court House

John H. REPPY, Attorney, Hillsboro, MO

L.A. CHAMBERLAIN, Dentist, DeSoto, MO