Jefferson County Record

March 13, 1913


~Burglars Caught~

On last Thursday the house of Ed PINSON north of Victoria was entered and thoroughly ransacked by two Negroes. They took Ed's double barrel shot gun, his wife's spectacles and some other articles. No one was at home at the time and they came on to Victoria where they entered the house of a Mr. COLEMAN where they got $5 in cash, a pistol and other small articles. They were discovered in making their get-a-way and Marshal ALDERSON was telephoned to be on the lookout. He got sight of them south of DeSoto but it was getting dark and he lost them in the woods.


The sheriff of Washington County was notified and they were captured Friday near Mineral Point and Marshal ALDERSON went after them and brought them back and lodged them in jail here.  They had Mr. and Mrs. PINSON's spectacles which were identified and they made a clean breast of the whole business. They told where they dropped the gun when ALDERSON was pressing them and Sunday Ed PINSON, Clyde WILLIAMS and the Marshal went back over the ground and by some expert trail work picked up the route and found the gun. They unloaded the gun and threw away the shells first, then dropped the gun as they feared that in the excitement of an arrest some one might use the gun on them. They gave their names as Jos. PITTS and Frank COATS and will no doubt serve the State some time as a result of their enterprise.



Mr. Harrison Charles VOLLMAR and Miss Naomi Lillian PATTERSON, both of St. Louis were married in that city March 5.   Mr. VOLLMAR is the son of Fred VOLLMAR and a former Hillsboro boy. Best wishes of all who knew them go with them in their journey through life, that it may be happy one.


~Farmers Organize~

On the 5th and 6th of March, 1913, a delegation of farmers met at Ware, Mo. for the purpose of organizing the local camps of the Farmers Educational and Co-Operative Union of America into a County Union, a large delegation was present from each local. Basket dinner was prepared by the lady members, which was served at the ball. Nine persons were initiated who enjoyed a good time with the many others present. State Secretary, Elmer CLINTON of Steelville was present.  He made a long talk of interest in regard to what the farmers are doing and what is being done to and with them.


The officers elected are, Jesse VIVRETT, President; Jno. MANESS, Vice President; Jesse E. POUNDS, Secretary; Jno. WHITSEL, Conductor; Mr. WAMSGANZ, Door Keeper; Jethro EAVES, Chaplin and Local Organizer; Samuel COLLINS, Sergeant-at-Arms.


After two days of hard work the conventional body adjourned to assemble in the Court House at Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri in July, 1913.

                                                                        J.E. POUNDS, Morse Mill, Mo.


~Mrs. Margaret HARRIS Dead~

Mrs. Margaret J. HARRIS died at her home, "The Cedars" near Barnhart, Mo. March 7.   She had reached the mature age of 89 years. Her son, Sam P. HARRIS is well known throughout the County.


~A Hillsboro Benedict~

We suggested in our last weeks issue that there were symptoms of a wedding in the air and the absence of Walter GRIFFITH from his usual haunts indicated to our minds that Walter had at last reached the point where he realized the truth of the scriptural injunction that "it is not good for man to be alone." Mr. GRIFFITH has returned and Mrs. Rosa ROSENHEIM of Potosi has become Mrs. Walter GRIFFITH. Mrs. GRIFFITH is a woman of pleasing personality and of high character and Walter is to be congratulated. Rumor whispers that the happy couple knew each other in childhood happy days and was sweethearts then, but be this as it may we hope that they may be sweethearts down life’s journey and that it may be a happy and prosperous one. Some of the Hillsboro folks were out Saturday evening and tendered the usual serenade and were well received and enjoyed a splendid evening with hospitable host and hostess.


~New Band for Hillsboro~

Hillsboro is to have a band. An organization has been effected.  A competent tutor for the tooters has been engaged.  Tooting will commence as soon as the tooters get their toots and the tutor arranges the music for the tooters. Before spring comes the tooters and their tutor will be tooting "Sweet Bunch of Daisies" and like melodies to their tootsie wootsies, and the horn of Hillsboro will be verily blown aloud in the land.


~An Entertaining Program for an Excellent Cause~

There will be a Recital given in the Victoria Church at Victoria on Friday evening, March 14th.  Those participating are as follows:

Mrs. William ENGLAND, Soprano

Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT, Reader

Hematite Quartette, Vocal Number

Mr. Robt. KLEINSCHMIDT, Monologist

Mr. Guy HOLMES, Impersonator


The entertainment is given under the directory of the "Young Peoples Society" and refreshments will be served after the program.  The admission will be ten and fifteen cents; program at 8:00 p.m.  Receipts are to be devoted to the church budget.


Now is your chance to enjoy an evening and help a good cause Hillsboro, Victoria, Hematite, Sunny Side, come out and bring your friend.


The pastor of the Hematite Circuit, Rev. G.W. HOLMES, will preach at Victoria Thursday night, March 18th.



The HERRICK-BERGMAN Concert at De Soto last week was a highly artistic and enjoyable affair. Enjoyable because melody was not obscured by art and technique. The offerings of both performers were those of artists and showed a high degree of study added to unusual talent.


Miss HERRICK, as a vocalist, has a remarkable contralto voice, much beauty of face and form and a regal bearing. Miss BERGMAN is not so well known to audiences of this county but was very, very winning and charmed her hearers with her happy flying fingers. Miss ALBERT is a Cape Girardeau student and her interpretative dancing was unique and altogether beautiful.


~Henry LANHAM Dead~

John Henry LANHAM died at his home hear Hillsboro, Monday night.  He has been in failing health for many months and the end was not unexpected. He was about 83 years old at the time of his death. He was a good citizen, a consistent Christian and at all times a gentleman in the fullest sense of the word.


~Reading Circle Meeting at Salt Peter~

One of the most interesting meetings of Plattin Township Reading Circle was the February meeting with the Salt Peter School. The papers showed careful preparation on the part of the teachers present and the discussion which followed each was spirited and brought out many suggestions. One of the pleasant features of the meeting was the presence of the School Board while many parents and patrons crowded the school room. The program prepared by the teacher, Miss Elizabeth BLUNT and an entertaining address by Prof. DOSS was enjoyed by all. The good dinner, the sociability of the people and the interest manifested in educational progress by those present made the occasion one of pleasure as well as profit.


Plattin Township Reading Circle will meet at Danby, March 28 1913.  As this will be our last meeting under our present organization, let us try to make it our best, by every teacher making a special effort to be present and every patron coming out to spend this one day in the interest of education.  Conveyance will be provided for those coming to Rush Tower on the train and the program will begin at 11 o'clock a.m.

                                                               H. McKay STRAUSER, V.P.



~Writing Contest~

Hurrah, for the writing contest!  Word comes to this office that many pupils are getting right in line.  The Ransomerian Muscular writing system is being tried in the county as never before. 


How is it with you, teacher?  Prof. C.W. RANSOM of Kansas City offered a free course of instructions in writing to the teachers of the county during the past winter.  Did you read this circular letter and avail yourself of its privilege or did you assign it to the wastebasket.


Let us all get busy.  Why?  Just because we want Jefferson County to turn out pupils who can write.  This has been urged all winter.


Remember Mr. P.P. HINCHEY of De Soto offers a fine Gold Fountain Pen to the best writer among the pupils of the county.  Is that so?  Why, yes, and he has offered this prize for the past two years, more than that, Kimmswick School has won first prize in writing in every contest.  SECKMAN won this prize last year.


How will I enter my pupils?  Just have each pupil to write a page of ordinary writing paper for a sample of writing, bring to county commencement or send directly to the County Superintendent.


The writing will be judged and prizes awarded at the county commencement. 

Teacher, will you enter your pupils? If not, why not?

Yours very truly,

R.B. WILSON, County Supt.



All those indebted to the estate of the late John GONZ are respectfully requested to call and pay his widow, the undersigned.

Mrs. John GONZ, admx.

Cedar Hill, Mo.


~For Sale~

40 acre farm, log house and other out buildings, good springs, on Lemay

Ferry rock road 1 1/4 mile from Hillsboro, county seat. 


Hillsboro, Mo.


~Judge EHRICHS Dead~

Ex Probate Judge Theodore EHRICHS died in Florida Monday. He was born in Germany and came to this country when quite a young man.  He and Recorder HEMME came from the same community in Germany but first met in this country. They were associated in business in Hillsboro in the early seventies their first contract being the BOOTH Mansion and their next, the Hillsboro Union church. Mr. EHRICHS married Miss Alice WEAVER, a sister of Hon, Homa H. Weaver of Rush Tower by whom he had three children, Mrs. Ella McCORMACK, Mrs. Georgia COLIN and Dora EHRICHS.  He engaged in farming and was successful.  He was elected Probate Judge of this county and made a prompt and efficient Judge. He later in life married Miss Sophia EULER

of De Soto, by whom he has a daughter. The Judge was a great lover of music and was a splendid performer on the piano. He was also a lover of good literature and was a man of wide information and pronounced opinions.  His remains will be brought back to Missouri.


~German Citizen at Crystal Heights Dead~

Frank X. DEHNER, died at his home at Crystal Heights aged fifty nine years. Thirty one years ago he was married to Miss Odelia GENZLING. To this happy union were born ten children, one son having preceded him to the better world. In 1871, when eighteen years of age he came to America from his birthplace in Grosellinger, Germany. He was a devoted Catholic and lived the life of a true Christian.  He leaves a wife, nine children, five daughters, four sons, a brother, two sisters and four grandchildren to mourn the death of a loving husband and father. His friends will miss him greatly for he was ever ready to act the part of a friend with a helping hand, and a friendship that was loyal.



Mrs. Ernestine Sophie OEHLERT died at her home near Jarvis, Mo.  March 8, 1913 and was buried at the Lutheran Cemetery near there Monday March 10. She was born in Saxony Germany June 23, 1833 and came to this country when she was quite young. She was married in Perry County Mo, 57 years ago to Tobias OEHLERT who survives her. They lived in Perry County for some years and from there went to Wisconsin and from Wisconsin they came to Jefferson County and settled near Jarvis in 1888 where they have since resided. Of the marriage were born four sons and four daughters all of whom except a son and daughter are still living. Besides the sons and daughters and her aged companion she leaves surviving, 47 grandchildren.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H.H. WALLNER, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation near Jarvis, and amid the scenes of so many years of active life she was laid to rest.             A Friend.


~Sudden Death~

Friday this community was shocked by the news of the sudden death of Dr. J.E. STEGMAN, who had gone to St. Louis on business the day before. From St. Louis papers it was learned that he was picked up in the doorway of the Culver building, dying condition and died before reaching the city dispensary. He seemed to be ill when found and moaned, "Call Dr. Smith" near whose office he was found. His funeral took place from the Boyd St.  Methodist church in De Soto and he was laid to rest in that city. Rev. A.A. HALTER conducted the funeral. He leaves a widow, who was Miss Alice WHITSETT, and a daughter, who is ten years old, and a son, six, two brothers, Gus A. and Chas. A. in St. Louis and a sister, Mrs. George P. DOVER of Frumet. The remains were borne to their final resting place by the Royal Arcanum lodge, a large concourse of former classmates, friends and grateful patients who had been aided by his skill and devotion. Big River, Valle, and Central Township, being largely represented.


~In Memoriam~

Joseph E. STEGMANN was born in Hillsboro, Mo. August 10, 1869 and died in St. Louis March 7, 1913.  He graduated from Beaumont Medical College in 1895 and although he in part worked his way through the school he was the leader of his class.


He has lived his life almost wholly in Jefferson County at Frumet and at Hillsboro practicing his profession at both places.  The Doctor had his faults but they were of the kind that affected mostly his own life and the lives of his own family.  If he had faults he paid the penalty without complaint and without bitterness and suffered in silence, unkindness from his fellows, where he should have received encouragement and help.  He was a man of fine mentality and was recognized by the profession as a physician of more than usual ability.  His nature was generous and the spirit of charity was a part of his being.  The call for his professional service was to him a call to duty and he never failed to answer the call no matter from whence it came.  He was Masonic in his ideals and in the years we have known him we can truthfully say that we never heard him speak evil of any one, but was generously tolerant of the faults and foibles of others.  Though he had frailties, he possessed many virtues; though he had weakness, he possessed much strength; though unkind to his own interests and to himself he was unfailingly kind to others; though he did not help himself, he used his utmost strength and power to help those who most needed help.  Judged by the critical standards of the world he failed to live up to the splendid ability that was inherent in him, but in the exercise of the spirit of charity and acts of loving kindness who shall say that he failed. If loving tender ministration to the needy and suffering, if thoughtful consideration of the aged the weak and the helpless, shall count in the award, who shall say that there shall not be many stars in his crown.


~Marriage Licenses~

Arch SMITH.....................................Herculaneum

Mary BOWEN.................................Herculaneum


Sandlin REKFORD....................................Pevely

Bertha G. HELMER....................................Pevely


Jefferson County Record
Published every Thursday by
The New Era Publishing Company
A  Partnership Composed of
John H. REPPY and Mrs. Albertise COON REPPY
Balls and Banquets
I give special attention to
Ice Cream Orders
Best Prices on Bread and Pies
J.M. CHRIST.........De Soto
Ford Automobiles and Farming Implements
Two Miles Northwest of House Springs.
Bell Phone 602.......................Eureka No. 18
Staple and Fancy Groceries and Dry Goods of All Kinds
Paints, wall finish, fencing, garden and flower seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Hillsboro, Mo.
You will find at MARSDEN's
Groceries, Bread and Fruits,
Harness and Dry Goods
Star Brand Shoes are the Best Made
MARSDEN's in Hillsboro
Prop. Kimmswick Roller Mills and Lumber Yard
Manufacturer of Flour, Meal and Feed
Dealer in Lumber and Building Material
Kimmswick, Missouri

~De Soto~


Mrs. Charles HARMONY of St. Louis spent a few days last week with relatives.


Mrs. G.R. RATHBUN general Supt. of the Ladies Department of the DeSoto Fair called a meeting of the ladies last Wednesday afternoon to make out a new premium list.  They are making every effort to make it up to date and one that will meet the approval of all.


A large number of Hillsboro citizens were here Sunday to attend the funeral of Dr. STEGMAN held in the M.E. church.  The remains were interred in the city cemetery.


John SCHMIDT is the new cashier in the German American Bank.


Mrs. Gust GAMEL, Jr. and baby left Tuesday for St. Louis to visit her mother for a few days before leaving for her new home at Newport, Arkansas.


Mrs. O.F. MEEK and daughter Miss Harriet were in St. Louis Friday.


Miss Etta CAMPBELL returned to St. Louis Friday afternoon for a weeks stay.


Charles ROBINSON has sold out his meat market.


John BECK and family have moved to Salem, Mo.


Harry HOBBS of St. Louis was the guest of his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. R. SHUTE last week.


Mrs. W.T. LONG and daughter Miss Chessie were shopping in St. Louis Friday.


A message arrived from Texas last Thursday announcing the death of Mr. Lou SHUTE son of Mr. and Mrs. R. SHUTE.  The remains were shipped to California for burial. The sympathy of all are extended to Mr. and Mrs. SHUTE in their sad loss of their only son.


Mrs. ANSON leaves the fifteenth for Fremont Mo. where she will live with her son.


Charles HAVERSTICK went to the city on business Friday.


Ed MANHEIMER left Sunday for St. Louis after spending several days at home.


Mrs. RUPART of St. Louis is the guest of her grand daughter Mrs. J.F. ROZIER.


Mr. and Mrs. Will BRIMMER of St. Louis were the guests of her brother Mr. Sam BYRNS and family Wednesday of last week.


Miss Margaret BARTH returned to St. Louis Sunday after a weeks visit with her aunt Mrs. W.H. FARRAR.


Col. DEAN returned from Wash. D.C. Friday and reports a splendid time at the inauguration.


Mrs. Robt. MASON returned from Cape Girardeau Monday.


Mrs. Frank HEARST is quite ill at her home.


Dr. James EDWARDS who was badly hurt in an automobile accident is at home from St. Louis and will soon be able to go about the house.


Mr. and Mrs. POLLAK of South East Mo. spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. Ed CURTIS.


The entertainment given last Thursday evening at the Opera House by Miss Blanch HERRICK and Miss BERGMANN was quite a success.


R.B. WILSON of Hillsboro was here conducting teacher examinations Friday and Saturday.


The ladies of the M.E. Church, South are making plans for their annual St. Patrick entertainment at the home of W.A. COUCH.


Rev. STANFIELD has gone to the city and the family expects to go soon.


Miss Julia KLENN who has been ill for three weeks expects to resume school work this week.


Mr. Christian CAMPBELL has returned to Teague Texas.


Last Saturday evening, March 1st, in spite of the cold wind and weather, a large crowd of neighbors and friends gathered and serenaded Chas. EDINGER in honor of his (?)8 anniversary.  The Judge was caught in a surprise for it was unknown to him. His brothers-in-law, the HAEFNER Brothers furnished the music, dancing was kept up until 4:00 o'clock in the morning, a good lunch and several kegs of beer were served.




Wm. SCHYTT has been hauling potatoes to Herculaneum and Festus last week where he found a ready market for same.


John HUMPEL has sold his farms to John PREISTER, Mr. HUMPEL intends to buy himself a few acres and farm on a smaller scale.


Peter KROBAR has been busy lately sawing firewood for the neighbors with his gasoline saw outfit.


Wm. SCHNEIDER and Walter HENDRIX and families of Kimmswick spent last Sunday with Philip HAEFNER, Sr. who has moved on the Jake KUCHENMEISTER, Sr. farm.


Several M.W.A. members of this camp attended the funeral of Neighbor, John ROSEMAN of the Antonia Camp who was buried at House Springs last Saturday.


Robt. C. ROESCH is going to have a public sale Saturday and sell all his farming tools and live stock.


The Rock Township spelling contest was held in our school last Saturday, March 1st, there wasn't very many that took just in it but are informed that Ellen DIERKA was the best speller in the contest, which is a credit to our school and its worthy teacher, Miss BRENT.


~Probate Court~

Court appoints J.W. CHOTT, curator of the estate of the CHOTT minors.


Demand of Bank of Kimmswick against estate of Jacob KELLER, dec. on one note and interest, $33.60 allowed.


Demand of John G. KOCH against estate of George EVERETT, dec for $61.50 allowed.


Court orders Public Administrator to join Owen FARLEY on behalf of Bertha FARLEY, insane, convey her homestead interest in real estate.


Final receipts in the estates of Edw. KISER, dec. and Frank SCHMIDT, dec. and administrators discharged.


Final settlements made and approved upon the following estates, Peter REBEISSE dec; Jennie REBEISSE; Edw. KEISER dec; A.S. ST. MARY dec; Josephine ST. MARY.


Upon petition filed the Court appoints A.G. MEDLEY guardian of the person and estate of Bertha FARLEY, insane, on his official bond.


Inventory list in the same estate approved.


Inventory and appraisement lists in the estate of Robert J. WILLIAMS, dec. approved.


Annual Settlement of Minnie McCULLOCH curatrix of the estate of Juet B. McCULLOCH, a minor, approved.


~For Sale~


Pierpoint white wyandottes. A few fine well matured pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices.  Eggs for hatching:  Exhibition stock $5.00 per 15 eggs.  Utility stock $1.50 per15 eggs.  I guarantee to please you or will refund your money.

F.E. OBERMILLER, Kimmswick, Mo.



The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Rock Township, Jefferson County, Mo. will hold its annual meeting at Maxville, Mo., March 15, 1913 at 1 p.m. to transact such business as may legally come before said meeting.           Thos. J. KIRK, Secy.


~Personal Chat~


George P. DOVER of Frumet was in town Monday.


Miss Mary HUSKEY is visiting her sister in Victoria.


Ross DONNELL visited home folks in Festus Sunday.


D.A. DEES and wife of Festus were here Saturday.


Mr. And Mrs. Green HEARST spent Sunday at Milton MOSS' at Sandy.


Pink EAVES and wife of Vineland visited relatives here ever Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe KING of Goldman were guests of Judge FRAZIERS' family Sunday.


Young Mr. SHIELDS of St. Louis was a guest in the J.F. WILLIAMS family Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. John HELLER went to House Springs Saturday and were gone a couple of days.


Will WILLIAMS, wife and children were in town to spend Sunday with his brothers, Tom and Hugh WILLIAMS.


Dr. A.P. BOOTH, Miss Hilda BOOTH and Mrs. E.F. HONEY are back home after spending the winter in Florida.


Mrs. Caroline MILLER of St. Louis came down Saturday and went out to Goldman to visit the family of Gus EHLERS.


Ed WILLIAMS of Morse Mill has taken a position as postal clerk and he and his wife have gone to St. Louis to live.


Misses Lillie HEMME and Bessie BUSCHER and Charles HEMME Jr. visited the family of Thomas QUINN near Victoria.


John L. BECHLER and wife are moving to Morse Mill to occupy the J.F. WILLIAMS farm lately vacated by Ed WILLIAMS.


Mrs. P.M. REILLY has returned from a visit to her mother Mrs. John YESBERG of Pevely who is in very poor health.


W.J.A. SCHUBEL, George W. GASCHE, Will HENKE, Adolph HURTGEN and Tony SCHNEIDER went to Cedar Hill to spend Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Reuben SHEIBLE and baby daughter visited Judge FRAZIER and family Sunday, Mrs. SHEIBLE remaining for a weeks visit.


Mrs. Green HEARST, Mrs. E.J. MARSDEN, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH, Mrs. R.B.WILSON are among the visitors to DeSoto of the past week.


Mr. and Mrs. R.A. MARSDEN went to Horine to visit Wm. ZISKIE and family and also to visit the farm on Sandy that Mr. MARSDEN has lately bought.


Charlie McCREARY, a well known figure about town is quite ill at the home of J.R. EVANS where the old gentleman was taken after his fall on the ice some weeks ago.


A card from G.W. BYRD who with his family is spending the winter in northern Florida, write enthusiastically of the country and the climate and of the wonderful potato fields which yield 400 bushels to the acre.


Mrs. Kathrine HELD, of Maxville who died on January 18th, held a certificate in the Court of Honor for $1000.  The completed claim proofs were received by the Society on January 28th. A warrant for $1000 was forwarded by the Society on February 4th to Recorder Wm. H. STRABER, in full payment of the claim.


Col. Rudolph HARNESS of lower Belews Creek was in town Tuesday on business.


John GEANEY of the Byrnsville neighborhood was in town Tuesday circulating among his many friends.


The mother of Atty. E.J. Bean of Desoto passed away at her home in Cape Girardeau on Friday last after a lingering illness.


Ferdinand GASCHE of Morse Hill was in town Tuesday. Ferd has been in poor health, but is looking very much better and is apparently on the road to Wellville.


Sam MANHEIMER, Dr. W.W. BLISS and Sam BYRNE were in town Tuesday probating the will of the late B. MANHEIMER.  He gives each of his children $1 and leaves the residue of his estate to his wife, Flora MANHEIMER whom he nominates as executrix without bond.


The HERRICK-BERGMANN concert in DeSoto was enjoyed by quite a number of Hillsboro music-lovers, among whom were Supt. R.B. WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. REPPY, the Misses Hazel BOYER, Kathryn WILLIAMS, Mamie HELLER, Ella ASHBY and Messrs. Rob KLEINSCHMIDT and Sam ECKLE.


Grover BRISTOL was the victim of what might have been a very serious accident Sunday.  While on his way to DeSoto to attend the funeral of Dr. J.E. STEGMAN he was confronted on a very narrow portion of the road by an automobile and the buggy slipped over the bank throwing him out in such shape that he was tangled up in the wheels and shafts.  He was pretty well bruised up as it was, but if the animal he was driving had been fractious he would no doubt have been killed or had his beauty spoiled.


~Classified Advertising~


FOR SALE - 14 inch John Deere Sulky plow at Frank BECHLER's shop.

Hillsboro, Mo.


FOR SALE - Fresh cow and Holstein calf.

Henry HURTGEN, Hillsboro, Mo.


WANTED - Girl for general house work for family of four.

Mrs. Chas. HEMME, Hillsboro, Mo.


Get your Seed Potatoes at WILEY Merc. Co. 6th and Boyd St.

DeSoto, Mo.


FOR SALE - 300 pounds clover seed.

T.C. CAGE, Hillsboro, Mo.


FOR SALE - Three fresh milk cows.  Also re-cleaned clover seed.

Felix LEUTZINGER, Hillsboro, Mo.


WANTED - House keeper at once salary as per arrangement, no trifling.

Call on or write.

Louis G. WEPPNER, Pevely, Mo. R.1.


Have your watch repaired by ZEIGLER.  The Kimmswick Jeweler.

Only first class work done.  Work warranted to give satisfaction.

Respectfully, M. ZIEGLER


FOR SALE - Farm of 60 acres, large house and barn, 1 mile southwest of Kimmswick on state road, good springs, plenty fruit, 50 acres in cultivation.  $5,500.00.  Apply Oscar TAUBOLD.

Kimmswick, Mo.


FOR SALE - Matched team Grey Mules 16 hands high, and about 13 years old, and a set double harness.  Guaranteed a bargain.  Must sell at once.

Jacob KEUCHENMEISTER, Sr. - West Kimmswick, Mo. Rt. 4


Eggs for Sale – From purebred Single Comb Rhode Island Red Chickens.  Red Wing Strain $1.00 per 15.  Mrs. Ray CALDWELL, Hillsboro, MO, Rt. 1



Jesse BOOTHE to Lucas BAUER, 160a, 6-39-5….$1.00

C.G. STEWART to A.S. BURRELL et al, lots in Festus…$425.00

C.F. LEE to D.N. SWETZER, lot in Crystal City…$1800.00

Chas. HENKE to Aug. HENKE, land in sur 2019-42-6…$3000.00

W.A. WILSON to Jno. M. WILSON, 127a., 29-44-3….$1500.00

Wm. SPRINGMEIER to E.F. NEIDEL, 124a, 33-42-3….$1900.00

Bertha FARLY by trustee, 78a, 33-43-3….$750.00


For Sale

16 ton of hay, 8 of millet, 8 of clover – Peter E. WILLIAMS, Victoria, MO.  


Eighteen Anniversary Sale

Corsets – worth up to 75 cents, only 39 cents.

Boy’s Knee Pants worth 50 cents, only 29 cents

Boy’s Waists 19 cents.

Ladies’ and Children’s Stockings and Men’s Socks worth up to 15 cents, now only 7 ½ cents

I.F. SILBERSTEIN, DeSoto, MO  [Large Ad listing numerous items of clothing and prices].



Miss Lydie BRICKEY has returned from a visit with St. Louis friends.


John F. WILLIAMS of Hillsboro transacted business in Festus last week.


Prof. PICKENS accompanied by Misses Jean CALDWELL and Bertha SCHAFER spent Sunday of last week at Cape Girardeau.


Mr. Mort WARNE of Sterling, Colo. was in Festus on business last week.


Miss Katherin BRUEN of St. Louis visited her uncle, T.B. WARNE last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank KOETTER of Granite City spent Sunday of last week with Mrs. LEAP, Frank's mother, who has been very ill.


H.B. DRAKE made a business trip to St. Louis Wednesday.


Tony CAZAUX has opened a saloon just east of the Opera House.


Miss BOOTH, a teacher in the public school has been absent on account of the mumps.


Mr. White McNUTT died Saturday morning. He had been in failing health for some time with a complication of diseases, the principal perhaps being tuberculosis. His funeral will be from the Presbyterian Church, Rev. BYRNS officiating and he will be buried in the Gamel cemetery at 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon.


E.C. FLINT came down from St. Louis Friday and left on the early train Saturday for Texas where he will spend several weeks and return via Kansas City.


Uncle Jake REISS died at the home of his daughter near Zion last week and was brought here for interment.


Mrs. T.H. LEAGUE fell and dislocated her knee and has been unable to walk but is some better.


T.V. ROBINSON who was called to the bed side of his father who was sick in Flat River remained with his father until his death and has returned to Festus.


The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MASON who has been blind for several months is recovering her eyesight, and the doctors claim her sight will be permanently restored.


Du Bart LEAGUE who has been confined to his room for 14 days with pneumonia was able to walk down Sunday for the first time out.


Mr. and Mrs. F.O. HORN have returned from a visit to their parents in East St. Louis and Collinsville, Ill.


The blacksmithing firm of GANNIGER and WEISS has dissolved partnership and WEISS has gone into business in Mr. BE??AR's building.


The R.F.D. route has no carrier yet and James HALL continues to carry the mail until one is appointed.


Miss Della MEYERS who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. WALKER in Texas has arrived home accompanied by her sister.


Mr. FREESE, brother-in-law of Mr. T.S. BYRD spent Sunday here.


Miss Emma BECK of St. Louis has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George BECK here.


Rev. and Mrs. George EVANS arrived home Wednesday from a two weeks visit in Memphis, Tenn.


~Trustee's Sale~

Whereas, Martin W. REITER, Jr. and Christine E. REITER, his wife, by their certain deed of trust dated November 21, 1911 and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Jefferson County, Missouri in Trust Record book No. 44 at page 298 conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and the State of Missouri, to wit:  The east half of the north west quarter of section fourteen (14), in township forty-two (42), range five (5) east, containing eight (80) acres, less however, and excepting therefrom five (5) acres originally reserved out of the northeast corner of said tract containing after said deduction 75 acres, be the same more or less.


This is a second Deed of Trust and is given subject to a first deed of trust for $1,200.00 held by Frank GARMACHE.


In trust to secure the payment of promissory note from date with said Deed of Trust, one for the principal sum of $600.00 due in 3 years and three interest notes, each for $36.00 due in 1,2 and 3 years.  One of which is long since past due and remains unpaid whereby all of said notes have become due by reason whereof I will on Saturday, the 22nd of March, 1913 at the Court House door in the town of Hillsboro, expose said real estate to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash for the purpose of satisfying said debt and the expenses of executing this trust.

John H. REPPY, Trustee


~Letters of Administration~

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration of the estate of John GONZ, Deceased were granted to the undersigned for the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 30th day of February, 1913.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the undersigned within six months after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they will be forever barred.

Louisa GONZ, Executrix


~Letters of Administration~

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Charles F. SMITH, Deceased were granted to the undersigned for the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 12th day of August, 1910.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the undersigned within one year after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this notice they will be forever barred.

This 2?th day of AUG., 1910.

King D. SMITH, Administrator