~County Court~
Court orders Clerk to make contract
with E.E. WILSON to keep Clarence FARMER for one year from Feb.1, 1913 for
Petition of Fred ROSE and Joseph
WALLACH et al for a new public road presented. Engineer ordered to make
Personal assessment of estate of
S.S. WILEY for 1912 ordered stricken off of tax books as error
Engineer ordered to make estimate on
cost of concrete culvert or bridge over Sand[y] Branch on
County pension of Mrs. Malinda GREEN ordered increased to $12 per quarter beginning
Feb.1, 1913.
Accounts Allowed As Follows:
E.E. WILSON, board, etc. of Clarence
FARMER …...$32.
Wm. ROSE, bank of Sand[y] Creek on
Hills Cedar Hill road…….$15.
T.G. SEMEL, Assessor, bal. due
C. M. STEPHENSON, sawing wood……….
Edgar MARSDEN, salary and
supplies…………. $46.25
A.A. WHITE, repairing
John HUBELI, repairs on Court House
Festus Drug Co. electric supplies….
M.W.A. Camp #8377, room rent,
F.P. BOEMLER, repairs on Eureka
House Springs rd……... $152.90
Town of
Jefferson Democrat, office
Jefferson Democrat,
Jefferson County Record,
George D. BARNARD, stationery……..
Standard Printing Co.,
Hugh STEPHENS, stationery……….
D.D. McLANE, electrical supply……..$2.50
S.C. CAMPBELL, salary,
F.J. ADAMS, Co. school
W.J.A. SCHUBEL, salary and
State Hosp. No 1 board,
SMITH and Sons grader,
Dr. HENSELY, treating
W.J.A. SCHUBEL, salary and
Festus Special Rd. Dist tax &
Industrial Home for girls board of
Ingersol Rand drill,
W.H. PILLIARD, insurance Court House
and Jail…… $56.00
Wilbert WILLIAMS, County farm
supplies….. $25.00
~Found Dead Near
William ZUERN, a farmer, living over
~Happy Birthday
A birthday celebration took place at the
home of Mr. Jacob DIPPEL out on Route one, Feb. 2, in honor of his 78th
anniversary. Though a number of relatives were kept away by sickness a goodly
crowd came to enjoy the day and feast together, and bring him gifts. Except for an attack of grip a short
time ago, Mr. DIPPEL enjoys good health and is strong and hearty. He works daily
making baskets, which are excellent and keeps him feeling useful in spite of his
Fred OBERMILLER, after being away on
a business trip, returned home last week.
A. DOLLUS is in
Miss Edna WHITEHEAD will leave
sometime this week for
Miss Molly CASSIDY of
William HOOK, assistant Post Master,
attended the Ball Saturday at Fenton.
Mrs. Oscar TAUBOLD and son left for
It was stated in last weeks
correspondence, that Harold WENOM and Hall WENRICK had scarlet fever. I have
since been informed that they both had measles, but they did not have scarlet
fever or any other contagious disease.
W.M. MORTON who has been sick for
the last two months was able to go down town last Friday.
Mrs. Gus OHEIM has been sick for the
past 2-3 weeks.
Snow is six inches or more deep and
still snowing and the river is full of floating ice.
~Of Interest from the Records~
Gleaned from wills lately probated
in this county is the information that the late F.R. Benno STEINMETZ of Blackwell possessed large
Leroy DOVER, a substantial farmer of
Big River Twp., left his entire estate to his wife Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Dora KERKOWSKY near
Henry R.GNICHWITZ [Guichwitz?] of
W.H. LESLIE to Mrs. Alice KOHL, 2
acres, Steph ad.
Jane S. NECK to A.W. NECK, 2 lots in
Fletcher’s ad, DeSoto .... $700.
acres, 28-41-4 ....$ 1., etc.
Frank LAWHORNE to R.H. ROWE, 18
acres, 32-39-5, ...$1., etc
T.B. EAVES to K. JONES, 1 lot Allems ad, DeSoto ... $600.
A.B. HAG to MERSEAL-ALLEE, 40 acres,
acres, 9-40-4...$900.
Daisy BUREN to Susan C.RICHARDSON, strip,
Sur 423 ..$1.
DAVIS, 180 acres, 9-40-4…. $1,200.
Susan RICHARDSON to Daisy BUREN, 40
acres, 1-40-4 ...$1.
The ground is covered with a
beautiful white blanket this morning.
The Masquerade Ball, Saturday night
at KOHLER's Hall was a grand success, four prizes were
given and were won by Miss Olivia MEYER, Miss LEHARD [Lenard?], Mr. Jacob HAEFNER and Mr.
A dozen men of the Bell Telephone
Company have been here the last two weeks repairing the line, new posts,
Fred HEILIGTAG has been wrestling
with the Grip for the past two weeks.
Mrs. X. F. KOHLER, who has been sick
since the holidays is reported better.
Ed HERACHER [Herscher?] and daughter Lizzie of De Soto were here
yesterday on business and visiting friends
Miss Rosalie BERGEMEYER is nursing a
sore thumb, it is said to be a felon.
Wm. GLASS of Barnhart was seen in
our town Sunday with his brother-in-law, Herscher of
De Soto.
Florence HELD intends to move to his
farm near Pevely that he recently bought from Thornton HENNLEY this
Miss Margaret CARLEY, entertained S.K. Club Saturday
Miss Vida ENGELBACH spent Sat. and
Sun. at her home in Pevely.
Mrs. E.E. BOYER is entertaining her
sister of
Mrs. Emory STONE and baby Klenn have returned to
Rev. SHERMAN of Kansas City,
preached at the Presbyterian Church Sunday and will remain over for next Sunday
Sam BYRNS had business at Pevely
Miss Grace MILLER of
E.C. WHITE spent Sunday here with
his family.
Mrs. Zoe
LaBEAUME returned Sun. night from a weeks visit with
relatives at
Rev. MILAAR [Miraar?] and family will be nicely settled in their new home
The Japanese Tea given by the St.
Mary’s guild was a success both socially and financially. The members were in costume and served
tea and other refreshments in the cozy corner under a large Japanese
umbrella. A flashlight picture was
taken of the members, which will help them to remember this pleasant
Albert MILLER of
Ward CUNNINGHAM of our city is
president of the Mo. Retail Hardware Association. He will go to the National
Convention at
The Monday Club will meet next
Monday evening Feb. 10th with Mrs. Dan ROUGGLY on
The Dorcas
Society will meet with Mrs. J.F. ROZIER Thursday
Blind BOONE and Company gave an
excellent entertainment at
Lloyd YOUNG spent Monday in
Mrs. J.D. LAHAY is confined to her
home with rheumatism.
Rev. Roy J. STEPHAN, a former pastor
of DeSoto died at his home in
J.F. BARRET spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. C.T. JARVIS returned
home Thursday evening from a 2 day visit in
Mrs. Harry JENSON returned to
A roller skating rink has been
opened in the K. of P.
Monday night at the Masonic Temple a
number were initiated into the mysteries of the O.E.S…. and at this meeting by
the request of Mrs. MEEK, the worthy matron, Dr. E.W. BLISS a past worthy patron
installed the remaining officers elected.
~Gone Beyond the Pearly
In the stillness of the morning,
Feb.3rd, 1913, the Angel of Death came to claim Lucille Cynthia SIEFORT [Siefert]. Some weeks ago she took ill with complication of
diseases and which were the ultimate cause of her death. On Wednesday morning at
..... The funeral sermon was preached at
his home in
.......Besides his wife and six
children, he leaves to mourn an adopted daughter, Mrs. Mable JACKSON of
~In Memoriam~
Mrs. Leopold SCHAFFER of Cedar Hill
who died on her birthday, the 31st day of Jan.1913 at the age of 84
yrs. She was
buried at the St. Columbkills Church at Byrnesville.
Grandma was born in
~DeSoto Girl, Popular Song
Miss Blanch HERRICK of
The pupils of the higher grades
wrote to Senator STONE last week, asking him to especially consider how much
bread and butter would be saved for our country if Senator McLEAN’s Bill for the protection of migratory birds were
passed. They were much pleased by
his response this week that the Bill has passed the
In the study of Lamb’s essay on
Gallantry down at school the other day, Miss BOYER afterward required the boys
to write their views of a true gentleman and the girls to write theirs on a true
woman. [Essay (4 paragraphs) by
Mary LEUTZINGER not transcribed]
~In Memoriam~
Departed this life
Surviving are a husband and five
children and five grandchildren and two brothers, Hy
Funeral took place Tuesday, January
21st. The C.O.H. Camp # 925 of Antonia, of which she was a member, took charge
of the body and with impressive ceremony, followed by an appropriate sermon by
Rev. K. J. HAMRICH, she was laid to rest in the
Miss Carrie SERMERT was a Hematite
visitor Sunday.
A.F. KLEINSCHMIDT was a Flucom
visitor Sunday.
Prof. E. LUCKY went to
Mrs. Bert EDWARDS formerly a
resident of Festus has moved back here to make her home,
Tom DONNELL has had the misfortune
to lose two fine colts from the effects of distemper.
Mrs. Sam BYRNS and niece were Festus
visitors Sunday.
Miss Margarette MONROE of
Mrs. F.C. WILLIAMS has been ill for
a couple of weeks with appendicitis, but is some better.
C.G. STEWART had business in the
county seat Saturday.
Miss Esther BARCH of
Mrs. W.W. TUCKER, daughter of Mrs.
James MATTINGLY went to
Mrs. M.L. SUMMERS of
Supt. and Mrs. TAYLOR of
Fred STEGER of
Mrs. WEADON of
Mrs. Frank WAGGONER visited her
mother at
We are pleased to note that Miss
Blanche ARMBRUSTER, who was operated upon in
Blind BOONE assisted by a couple of
lady vocalists, gave a concert in the opera house Saturday
Mrs. R.B. VOLLMAR has left Festus
and gone to
Miss Lonnie BLOUNT of
Prof. HENSON of
Robert BUREN, who is attending
business college in
Mr. E.C. FLINT, who is traveling for
Fruit Product Co. came in for a short stay with his family and he, his wife and
baby went to
A brother of Mr. A. OBERLE, residing
at Ste. Genevieve has been dangerously ill for two weeks with
F.C. WILLIAMS went to Bonne Terre
Wednesday to attend the funeral of an uncle and before he returned home, was
notified of the death of a sister in Flat River and went on to Flat River
Mrs. WILLIAMS is home ill with
Fred WALTON's store was broken into and robbed Wednesday night.
Only some candy and soap were taken.
The Latae
Puellae Club met with Miss Irene McCORMACK Monday night and a pleasant time was
A number of friends were entertained
by Mrs. R.E. BYRD Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Mariam CHAMBERLAIN.
Sam GOLDBERG a representative of the
Drummer's Association was here last week in the interests of the Association,
which meets here in May.
At last we are having some winter
weather, the thermometer stood at 5 degrees above zero Saturday
S.P. HARRIS and F.E. STITES have
returned home, after a pleasant trip to
Dr. HULL was called to
Mrs. O.E. SHELTON has been seriously
sick, but is now convalescing.
Eddie St. JOHN who is employed in
Mrs. Mary GREENE and Miss Winnie
CAVANAUGH are visiting relatives in
Mrs. Mary TILDEN, widow of Capt.
TILDEN died in
Mrs. CURBY and several friends have
been staying a few days at the farm.
Mrs. J.M. SAXTON has gone to
Mrs. G.A. MILLS has gone to
Paul MECHAN visited our town for a
few days last week, after an absence of six years in
Mrs. HULL and Mrs. Blanche McLOON drove to the Cedars, Thursday to visit Mrs. M.J.
HARRISON who is ill.
John COLEMAN is suffering with a
severe attack of rheumatism.
~Circuit Court
M.F. HERRINGTON vs City of
State vs
Robert McBROOM continued to May term, motion in arrest
of judgment continued to next term.
vs Lucy MEYERS, divorce granted to
Frank B. CLARK vs H.L. MARBURY, defendant granted leave to file answer on
or before May 1.
J.E. SMITH et al vs S.E. NEWHOUSE et al. Court adopts the report of E.J.
BEAN, referee herein, except that there shall also be taxed the additional costs
in favor of defendant, S. E. NEWHOUSE in pursuance in stipulation of parties,
also $34 paid by NEWHOUSE to C.M. and J.E. SMITH for mileage and witness fees in
depositions taken at Hillsboro. Also $2 additional fees paid to Frank DEITRICH
as notary. Exceptions of plaintiff and defendant, and defendant Chas. M. SMITH
Sr. to referee's report overruled. Referee E.J. BEAN allowed $600 as fee. Judgment in favor of S.E. NEWHOUSE and
against Chas. M. SMITH ref. deft., James E. SMITH and the estate of W. Rex
SMITH, dec. plaintiff for the sum of $3177.15 and
costs of this suit. It is furthered
ordered that the clerk of this Court certify this judgment to the
H.E. TIRRY et al vs John J. HOGAN et al, defendant files bill of exceptions
Mo. Farmer Colonies Co. vs MERSEAL-ALLEE Timber Co., parties file stipulation as to
waiving the signing of depositions herein.
Clarence LONG vs. Ratie LONG, divorce granted to
Nancy WATSON vs. David WATSON,
divorce granted to plaintiff.
Edna COSTIGAN vs. Jno.P. COSTIGAN, divorce for
Rebecca E. PAGE vs. Geo.W. PAGE, divorce
granted to plaintiff.
Thos. H. FORRESTER vs. Jno. F. COFFMAN et al, continued.
Con CARLIN vs Mary BOYER et al, report of sale approved and BYRNS and
BEAN allowed $250 as attorney fee to be taken as costs.
~Notice of Final
Settlement ~
All creditors
and others interested in the estate of Martis HUNNING, Deceased…
~Notice of Final
Settlement ~
All creditors
and others interested in the estate of Frank SCHMIDT,
~Notice of Final
Settlement ~
All creditors
and others interested in the estate of Wm. KOHLER, Deceased….
~Notice of Final
Settlement ~
All creditors
and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDE,
~ Personal
Yesterday was the first day of lent,
and Easter come early this year, March
Jake H. ARMBRUSTER and Miss Mae
VALIEY [Valtey ?], a couple from DeSoto were married by Squire STONE
There will be a public sale of stock
and farm implements of the estate of P.H. BYRNE of Byrnesville on
Mrs. L. SHEIBLE had the misfortune
to run the scissors through her hand Tuesday, making a painful though not
serious wound.
L.W. LUCAS of Silica was in town
Monday to advertise his sale of stock and farm and dairy implements to take
place February 27.
Mrs. Percy SMITH of Collins,
There is a treat for you on an inner
page; our new serial story. This
week we begin the Stolen Singer and it’s a dandy. Don’t fail to read it.
Uncle Benj. MOSS drove in from R.G.
HOEKEN's yesterday to bring their daughter, Mrs.
Arthur DEES of DeSoto who has been visiting her parents this past
Jacob KEUCKENMEISTER living 5 miles
west of Kimmswick will sell out and go into Kimmswick to live. His sale of livestock and farm
implements is advertised for February 22.
The new Commissioners for the Festus
Special Road District are Herman HEINER, and Frank JOHNSON. Frank J. SEWALD is
the other member. It looks like a new alignment with
Louis BRUNS, Will THOMPSON, Columbus
Louis ZIMMERMAN shipped two cars of hogs to the city last week and went up to
see the city and to attend the marketing. They arrived in
It may be interesting to persons who
knew Rev. MEYER the Methodist Minister stationed on this circuit some years ago,
to know that he made it possible for Blind BOONE, the colored musical prodigy,
to secure his musical education. When Dr. MEYER was superintendent of the Blind
Asylum, he could not under the law, provide for or keep colored children. He,
however kept BOONE in the garret of the asylum and he was given music lessons
and kept there some years and the foundation for his successful career as a
musician was in this way laid.
Tony SCHUELDER [Schneider ?] spent Sunday with
Hoyt HOEKEN of
Ernest FRAZIER attended church at
Pevely Sunday.
Rudolph STADLER has sold the JOHNSON
farm to Lon WIPPLE [Whipple].
Miss Hazel BOYER went home to spend
the weekend in
Victor HILL of William Jewel College
is making his home town a visit.
Mrs. J.F. WILLIAMS spent the weekend
O.A. WHITE and brother, Arthur of
west Kimmswick were here Monday.
Ed ENGLAND and Bert OGLE of Hematite
were county seat visitors Monday.
Charlie BECHLER of Belews Creek district visited the county seat the first of
the week.
Mrs. John HELLER had a visit from
her brother, Wm. BRIMMER of
Misses Kathleen REPPY and Birdie
WILSON attended the
Miss Kathleen REPPY spent the
weekend, the guest of Miss Margaret GLENDENNING.
City Counsel BAIRD of
Mrs. C.S. BOOTH came out Tuesday
night to attend the Eastern Star meeting and was the guest of Mrs. J.H.
Festus is now a rural route
station. Danby,
Joseph LEUTZINGER, who came home
from Colorado Christmas to visit his parents and others, has returned to his
position in the West.
Wanted: Girl for general
German preferred. Apply in person or write J.M. CHRIST the Baker,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben SHEIBLE
of DeSoto, a daughter, January 29. Judge FRAZIER carries his new title
with proper dignity and solemnity.
Jim DONNELL of Festus acted as
cashier for his brother Ross in the Bank at
Mr. and Mrs. W.W. POWERS have made
several trips to DeSoto the past week to see their niece, Miss PIERCE, who has
had an attack of appendicitis. She is now improving and an operation will not be
Blind BOONE who played in DeSoto,
Friday night had several visitors from
For Sale: Almack Wilkes, dark bay stallion, 16 hand high, weight 1200
lbs, a good saddler and driver; combines blood of Wilkes, Champion and American
Eclipse families.
Pedigree on
application. Must sell at
once. Ellis T. MARRIOTT,
John P.BOEMLER showed us a postal
card from Ford Motor Co. dated
Ferdinand HUBER of the Jarvis
neighborhood was in town a few days ago on business. He reports considerable
work already done on the new
Mrs. James DONNELL of Jarvis has
been critically ill for two weeks.
Joe HOOK and quite a delegation of
Kimmswick people were in town Tuesday.
Hugh WILLIAMS will locate in
For Sale: As we expect to move to
our Fair-View Breeding Farm, will offer for sale on Thursday, February 27th at
the Baily Station Farm the following; 1 pair matched
sorrels…, 1 bay horse…, 3 mules…, 1 bay horse colt and 1 yearling bay colt…, 20
head dairy cows, 1 Durham bull, 16 head of hogs, a few farming implements and
other things, too. Terms; under $10, cash, over $10 a credit of 6 months on
bankable note will be given. L.W. LUCAS and son; Geo. W. RUSSELL, auctioneer.
W.F. McKEAN et al granted permission to erect telephone lines
along right of way of Fletcher and Grubville road and Ware and Richwoods road in
ordered to make estimate on cost of steel bridge over Sand Creek on
Dram shop
license granted as follows:
Co. Treasurer presents settlement of warrants and script redeemed as
Stenographers Script….$221.69
Jury and
Witness Fee
Fund Script….$309.48
Road and
Bridge Warrants redeemed….$17,731.37
Rd. Warrants…..$458.00
Rd. Warrants redeemed….$2,407/30
Spec. Rd Dist…..$357.54
Spec. Rd. Dist….. $801.43
Interest on
Registered Warrants….$603.49
Account of
Theo. G. SEEMEL, Assessor – State of
Petition of
John BARDA et al for a public road taken up. Report of commissioners read and
non-consenting land owners given until Thursday, 6 to file exception to said
John G.
– Isabella OGLE…..
HIUZEK (House Springs) – Agnes DRIZEL (Rock Creek)
BINGHAM (Festus) - Dorah JACKSON (Jefferson
Jake H.
VALIE – Lucy YOUNG….Herculaneum
WHITESIDE – Mary STATEN ….Herculaneum
{Note: The
latter two also appear in the next issue
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Henry LEIGHT, Deceased…
Anton LEIGHT, Administrator
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Jacob REABAN, Deceased…
Ed REABAN, Administrator
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Stephen BAST, Deceased…
Maggie BAST, Administratrix
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters administration on the estate of John GOLDBERG, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 14th day of December, 1912….
Annie GOLDBERG, executrix
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of R. G. MORGAN, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 11th day of January 1913….
Robert D. MORGAN, Adm.
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Edna J. FEISELMAN,
Edward J. FEISELMAN, Administrator
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on 26th day of December 1912…
Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix