Jefferson County Record

February 27, 1913


~Spelling Contest in Hillsboro on Saturday~

The pupils of Central township who have the grit to take part in the contest will receive a hearty welcome Saturday from Hillsboro. We hope to see a fine delegation of spellers bright and brave who will show us by their interest and alertness that they can spell even if there is but one to be chosen for the county contest. We like to hear good spellers and we will all be there. The schools that are in Central township are BAKER, HEILAND, BUCKEYE, HUSKEY, H. WILLIAMS, SANDY, SEEMEL, NEW LIBERTY, VICTORIA and HILLSBORO. The contest will commence Saturday, March 1, at 1:00 p.m.




Mrs. Wm. PIPKIN, widow of the late Wm. PIPKIN, former central committeeman, is out with a petition requesting that she be appointed Post Mistress of the Kimmswick Post Office.


Miss Mina KOCH at Fenton is visiting Mrs. G.A. WENOM and others in Windsor Harbor and Kimmswick.


Mrs. G.A. WENOM has gone to St. Louis today on a shopping tour.


The boys are killing a few ducks on the river.


The Kimmswick Fishing Club held a meeting at their clubhouse yesterday.


Christ VOGT and Bernhart FREITMAN of Antonia were in town Saturday.


~Pioneer DeSotoan Dead~


B. MANHEIMER, a prominent merchant for 40 years in that city, passed away suddenly Saturday morning at his home in DeSoto. Mr. MANHEIMER had been in failing health for the past year, but was improving of late. He was a man genuinely respected and admired and stood high among his many associates. He leaves a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Stella GOODMAN of St. Louis and five sons of DeSoto.


~Charles VOGEL Dead~


Charles VOGEL, an old settler and pensioner, age 71 years, passed away peacefully Saturday night at 12 o'clock. Mr. VOGEL leaves his wife, 8 sons and a daughter, whom with their many friends to mourn his loss. His remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery Tuesday.


~Samuel BAGE Dead~


Samuel BAGE, living between DeSoto and Victoria, died Fri. and was buried Sunday,February 28th, Rev. G.W. HOLMES conducting the funeral. His remains were interred in the family ground. Mr. BAGE was born in Washington, D.C., sixty-six years ago and moved to the county in early life. He was one of the 40'ers who crossed the continent for California gold, but returned to Jefferson County, where he has since made his home. He is survived by a widow, one daughter Mrs. Ed COLEMAN of DeSoto and two sons, Edward in the south and James of DeSoto.


~Marriage Licenses~


Henry DANIELS, Crystal City and E--?-- COLLIER, Crystal City

William VIEHLAND, Oerman and Martha(?) READHAGE(?), Oerman




M. WINDES and son, Cleve had business in St. Louis this week.


Miss Lily WAGGENER of Festus will make her future home here with her brother J.E. Waggener


Hazel and Guy HUNT of Crystal City are visiting their grandparents here this week


Miss Kate FUNK entertained the remainder of her Sunday school class last Wednesday at dinner. All report an excellent time


The following enjoyed a most delightful dinner with Mrs. Lee BAILY last Sunday: Arthur BEATTE, H. McK. (transcribed as it appears) STRAUSER, Mable BEATTE and Carnett WAGGONER.


T.L. HILL moved on the DAVIS farm near Plattin last week. We are sorry to lose so good a neighbor, but we are fortunate in gaining Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VAUGHN from Festus.


Lynn WAGGENER sold a fine span of mules to Henry WRIGHT.


Mrs. G. HOLTZHAUSEN attended the school entertainment here Saturday evening.




Miss PEMBERTON, after a week’s illness, was able to teach Monday.


Dr. McNUTT of Pevely, had business in our city, Friday.


B. MANHEIMMER, one of our wealthy citizens, died quite suddenly at his home Fri. morning at half past 1 o'clock. The remains were taken to St. Louis Sunday morning and the funeral services were held in that city. The family has the sympathy of their host of friends.


Dr. James EDWARD's and family went in his auto to St. Louis Wednesday afternoon to see "Raymond the Great" at the Olympic. He made the trip in 1 hr. and 44 min., this breaking the record for DeSoto machines.


George PYLE of St. Louis, spent Sunday at home.


Mrs. SHAWK of St. Louis visited the Missus McKEE over Sunday.


Mrs. RANNA and daughter of St. Louis spent last weekend with Mrs. E.S. COXWELL.


Walter EVANS is spending a short time with his family, here.


Mrs. O.F. MEEK entertained her Sunday school boys Monday evening from 4 to 6.


Mr. and Mrs. John BYRNS of St. Louis, who visited relatives here last week returned home Friday.


~Recital Notice~


The talent is all well known: Charles HEMME, Violin; Miss Zoe BOOTH, Vocal; Miss Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT, Mr. G.W. HOLMES and Mr. Robert KLEINSCHMIDT, impersonations and Mis Caroline KLEINSCHMIDT accompanist. The admission will be ten and fifteen cents.  After the program, refreshments will be served.  The proceeds will be used to discharge the Methodist Church budget.

Mrs. DEITRICH, who was to appear in vocal numbers, was forced to decline on account of the sickness of her son. The management regrets very much that this disappointment was necessary.




Thos. O'BRIEN left Sunday for Boise City, OK.   Mr. O'Brien expects to be gone for several weeks.


John GATELY, the teacher of Local school, had to close his school for a week on account of having the mumps.


Miss Kattie CREAN is visiting relatives in St. Louis.


Miss Josephine O'BRIEN of Allenton returned home Saturday after having a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here.


Mr. and Mrs. L.H. STEFFEN, who have made their home for many years, are going to Cuba, Mo. We have to lose this family, but wish them well in their new home.


Miss Tillie PERRY is visiting her sister Mrs. Thomas PERRY.


Mr. and Mrs. George FRANZ of Eureka are moving over to the DUNNIGAN farm this week. We welcome them to our town.


Mrs. L.H. STEFFEN and daughter, Mrs. Fred FISHER attended the quilting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. FISHER at Cedar Hill.


Mrs. MELTON is on the sick list.


The mumps are all the go.  Keep away from Cedar Hill.


The Byrnesville school is doing very nicely this year under the management of Mr. Edward ROMSEL [Rommel (?)] of Pacific. 


Mrs. Andrew CREAN and daughter, Miss Emma visited Mrs. Frank CREAN, Wednesday.


[Transfers appearing on page 1 are included with the Transfers column which appears on the last page]


Farm Hands Furnished (lengthy article/ not fully transcribed)

….young men….will accept salaries of from $25 per month up, depending on the kind of work and the kind of man.  Farmers that can use any of this labor should avail themselves of the opportunity at once by writing to the Farm Management, Missouri College of Agriculture, Columbia, MO.


~Sulphur Springs~


The Ladies Aid Society met at the church Thursday to elect officers for the coming year.  About fifteen ladies were in attendance, and after electing Mrs. McMINN as president, refreshments were served.


Our community was shocked this morning to hear that fire had destroyed the home of M.J. HARRIS, a portion of the historic Cedars. The family saved but few of their possessions.


Miss Winnie CAVANAUGH returned from Brazil, IN after an absence of a month.


Mrs. Wm. MARSHALL has gone to St. Joseph, Mo, her former home, to visit for a few weeks.


Mrs. A.D. SPENCER and son, David, spent Friday with the family of Mrs. GREENE.


Mrs. John BOLLEIMER returned from a visit to her mother at Harvell, a few days ago.


Mrs. J. SMIRLS, who has been sick for several weeks, is now convalescent.


Mr. and Mrs. FRITCH are now located at their farm at Sunnyside and we are glad to welcome such good enterprising citizens.


Mrs. J.M. SAXTON returned from Kansas City a few days ago and is going to make extensive repairs on her home.


Little Helen McLOON [McLeon?] has been sick with a severe attack of the grippe.


Notice is hereby given to the members of the Rock Township Mutual Protective Society that the annual meeting of said society will be held at Antonia on Saturday, March 1, 1913 at 2 p.m.



~Probate Court~


Last will of Robert J. WILLIAMS, dec. probated and letters granted to James E. WILLIAMS, without bond.


The following demands allowed:


Dr. DALTON $65.50 against George J. EVERETT estate.


Walther COUCH, against Geo. HIGHFIELD estate $5.70.


CANEPA and BECKER against R.G. MADISON estate, $2.05


Mary WILSON against Mary L. DeCLUE for $6.50


Upon Application Filed the Court makes the following Orders:


1) Personal property of Wm. L. PIPKIN, dec. to sell at private sale.

2) Verdict of the jury and judgment of the court wherein John W. CHOTT was adjudged of unsound mind, set aside.

3) Administrator of estate of Mary E. RUSSELL, dec. ordered to purchase monument, not to exceed $50.

4) Verdict of jury, that John W.CHOTT is a man of sound mind.

5) Personal property of James QUINN dec., including stock and bonds, at private sale.

6) H.R. SARGE appointed guardian and curator for Walter G. and Freddie W. WARNE, minors.


Last will of August J. BUFKA, dec., probated and Wenzel BUFKA, appointed executor without bond.


Letters of adm. granted Chas. QUINN on estate of James QUINN, deceased.


Letters granted to Minnie ZUERN upon estate of William ZUERN, deceased.


Final settlement of Adolph SCHULZ, curator est.  John SCHULZ, minor, approved and curator discharged.


Last will of Wm. GONZ dec., admitted to probate and letters of Adm., granted without bond.


Inventory and appraisement lists approved in the estates of the following deceased:

W.L. PIPKIN, Leroy DOVER, and James QUINN, William ZUERN, and BOYER minors


 Annual settlements made and approved upon the following estates of minors:

Lafayette SHAW -- Geo. O. HAYS, cur

Jeff RULO, dec.  -- Louis RULO, adm.

Myrtle PARKER -- W.R. DONNELL, cur

Edgar KURTZ --    W.R. DONNELL, cur

Clarissa KURTZ -- W.R. DONNELL, cur



Mary S. HOLT --   W.R. DONNELL, cur

Irene McCLAIN -- W.R. DONNELL, cur

Robert BRADY -- W.R. DONNELL, cur


Firmin PARKER -- W.R. DONNELL, cur


~Wedded at Edwardsville~

A very pretty wedding occurred Friday February 21, 1913 at Leland Hotel, Edwardsville when John F. MOTHERSHEAD, -?-est son of I.S. MOTHERSHEAD of Morse Mill and Miss  RUSSEL, youngest daughter of ? RUSSEL of Route 3, were married, Rev. ? officiating.  They were accompanied by J. W. RUSSELL, uncle of the bride.  The best – of their many friends - - them. 


~West Kimmswick~

(right side of column missing)


Miss Ella HAEFNER had returned from a trip to St. Charles.


Miss Anna RITTEL is on the sick list.


Fred RITTEL, Jr. intend -?- Jefferson County and -?- St. Louis county as agent -?- Shores remedy company.


Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS and John FLAMM and family visited as Mrs. Jacob HAEFNER’s -?- day.


Our new neighbor J. -?-MEISTER will be ready to -?- in the near future.  His -?- Saturday was well attended.


J.P. GILLMAN was in town the other day and purchased -?- building lots of E.J. -?- WHITE still has some -?- building lots for sale.


The stork visited the family of Wm. ROESCH last week -?- a bouncing baby boy, -?-


Mr. and Mrs. Martin -?-, Jr. received a baby -?- from the Stork last week.




Mrs. Lee FORSHEE visited in Mineral Point, Thursday.


Wm. WASHER of Horine had business in our city, Thursday.


Peter STROUP and Wm. ENGLAND of Hematite had business here, Monday.


Mrs. Jess WAGGONER had business in Bonne Terre last week and remained several days.


Wm. GRIESHABER in company with an uncle visited Ste. Genevieve last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred WALTON spent several days last week in St. Louis Mrs. Fred SCHAFER, Sr. spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. A.V. GRAF in St. Louis.


White McNUTT, who has been declining in health for some time, went to St. Louis last week to consult a specialist. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery.


Miss Agnes COLEMAN, who has been visiting her brother, Daily Coleman at Herculaneum, returned to her home at Bliss, last week.


Walter LaROSE made a trip to Bloomsdale last Sunday.


P. R. FARMER was here last week in the interest of the W.O.W. and says he met with success and will organize.


Jas. T. OGLE, "mine host" of the Jefferson hotel in Hillsboro had business here Wednesday.


Walter DORLAC who had been sick for so many months, is just able to walk around in his yard. Walter has had a serious time and his friends are glad to note he is improving.


Joe THOMURE was buried here Saturday He had been in bad health for many months, yet still continued to work at Crystal City until a few months ago, when he was compelled to give up.  Since then he was confined to his room and bed.  His funeral was from the Catholic Church and he was laid to rest in the Gamel cemetery. He was a Civil War veteran and has many friends in this county, who extend sympathy to the bereaved family.


Mrs. F.O. HORN and little daughter, Dorothy, left Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Horn's parents in East St. Louis.


A reception was given in honor of Mrs. J.F. DONNELL, last Thursday at the home of Uncle Eli Donnell, at which about 35 ladies were present. A dainty luncheon was served.


Prof. LUCKEY delivered an able lecture in the M.E. Church Sunday morning on "Happiness". His lecture was well received by those who heard it.


Rev. and Mrs. George EVANS have gone to Mississippi to visit Mr. Evans’ father.

They will be absent a couple of weeks.


Charlie VOLLMAR has improved his property by erecting a new porch.


Robert FROTT who was absent from Festus for some time, has returned and accepted a position with Festus Mercantile Co.


The stork left a nice baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. ROBERTS last Friday.


Mrs. Dane PERRYMAN has been quite ill with a stubborn case of the grippe.


A house belonging to Miss Jessie JEWIT on Crystal Heights and occupied by the family of Mr. HEGGENS was consumed by fire last week.


Rev. BURNS attended a missionary conference in Memphis, Tenn.


Henry LUDEMAN's mother Mrs. WILSON, age about 80, died last week and was taken to Cedar Hill for burial.


The report reached here that Miss Libbie MALONE was married last week in California.


The little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. BYRNS has been real sick for several days, but is improving.


G.M. JOHNSON of Plattin, who has been making a tour of the East, returned home last week.


Little Olivi MASON, who has been blind for 3 or 4 months with tricoma in eyes, has gotten so she can see a little after 2 months treatment and Dr.'s think her eyesight will be permanently restored.


Harold PODESTA who was at work in Crystal City was hurt by a crane last week and was carried home. He is better and thought that he will recover.


Charlie WALSH secured the appointment of R.R. mail carrier and will enter upon his duties at once. We understand he contemplates purchasing an auto for the purpose of carrying the mail.


The material for the erection of the opera house in Crystal City is being put on the ground and work will begin at once.  It is the aim to complete it by the time the Drummer’s convention meets here in May.


B. BROOKS baby is quite ill with pneumonia.


The H.B.C. Club gave a surprise on Master Francis WOLFF last Friday evening.

Luncheon was served and the youngsters enjoyed the time.


~List of Pupils Passing Satisfactory Exam~


School                        Pupil                        Address


Black Hawk          Nellie Belle ADAMS       Granville

Black Hawk          Cornelius ADAMS          Granville

Black Hawk          Jennie Gale WILSON     Granville

Danby                  Roy PILLIARD                Danby

Danby                  Carl McMULLIN              Danby

Hyfield                  Ira WEBER                    DeSoto R1

Koch Valley          Sophia ENGELBACH    Pevely R1

House Springs      Katie OTJION               House Springs

House Springs      Lillian LEIGHT              House Springs

House Springs      Charles BOEMLER       House Springs

House Springs      Dimer SEIVERS            House Springs

House Springs      Julia HEPPE (?)            House Springs

Pevely                   Henry HENKLE               Pevely

Pevely                  Lily F. HEINER                 Pevely

Pevely                  Mildred FARLEY              Pevely

Pevely                  Elnora RAPP                    Pevely

Central                 Frank DICKERMANN       Pevely

Central                 Dela SAEGER                  Pevely

Central                Lydia DICKERMANN         Pevely

Cedar Hill           Kate BOHLE                      Cedar Hill

Cedar Hill           Anna PINK                         Cedar Hill

Cedar Hill           Lenera   GANZ                  Cedar Hill

Cedar Hill           Helen STOVESAND          Cedar Hill

Baker                Robert KIDD                        Baker

Baker                Florias ARMSTRONG         Baker

McCormack       Flotie WAGGENER           McCormack

McCormack      Dick ROBERTS                  McCormack

McCormack      I.H. MORSE                       McCormack

Zion                  Hazle MORGAN                 Zion

Zion                   Herman ZISKY                  Zion

White Oak         Tony WALLACH                White Oak

Flucom              Kathryne FINK                  Flucan

Flucom              Olga ROWE                      Flucan

Flucom              Amelia KNORP                 Flucan

Pevely               Lenora HEINER                Pevely

Pevely               John HEINER                   Pevely

Pevely              Dora K. WEIMYER             Pevely

Pevely              Jessie GRIFFIN                  Pevely

Pevely              Walter WUENCHER           Pevely

Sandy              Marvia HENSLEY                Pevely R1

Sandy               Milton HENSLEY                Pevely R1

Spitz                 Eula FLEMMING                Kimmswick

Antonia             Erich FRIEDMAN               Kimmswick

Antonia            Theodore KLABLE              Kimmswick

 Antonia            James REIBOLT                Kimmswick

Antonia             Viola WALDORF                Kimmswick

Antonia             Martin TUESNELDA           Kimmswick

Antonia            Sophia   KOHLER                Kimmswick

Antonia           Ada KONIER                        Kimmswick

Antonia           Olive MEYER                       Kimmswick

Scheve            Evelin DICKINSON             Cattawissa R1

Kimmswick      Ivy HERREIL                       Kimmswick

McNamee       Nellie REMMEL                    Pacific

McNamee        Joseph BUSCHER              Pacific

McNamee        William ROTH                     Pacific

McNamee       Agnes McCOURT                Pacific

Baily               Rinda ARMSTRONG           Pacific

Salt Peter       Dorothy TOULOUSE            Flucem

Salt Peter       Oswald TOULOUSE            Flucem

Salt Peter       Dora FRAZIER                     Koester

Salt Peter       Willie WAGGONER              Koester

Mayfield         Archie WILLIAMS                 Morse Mill

Haverstick     Margaret BECHLER             Hematite

Rush Tower    Emma KURTZ                     Rush Tower

Rush Tower    Hilde McCREARY               Rush Tower

Rush Tower    Carl JOHNSON                   Rush Tower

Rush Tower    Louise WIEDENSOHLER   Rush Tower

Maness           Edwin HOPSON                 Hillsboro R3

Pleasant Grove  Emma GREB (Grob?)      Plattin

Ditch                  Leva BAILY                      Maupin

Herculaneum    Pearl PORTELL                Herculaneum

Herculaneum    Gladys BAKER                 Herculaneum

Herculaneum    James  CRAIG                 Herculaneum

Herculaneum    Edeth BUCKNER             Herculaneum

Herculaneum    Stella  SPURGIN              Herculaneum

Herculaneum    Harry C. DUNNIGAN        Herculaneum

Herculaneum    Hattie GAMBLE                Herculaneum

Crystal City      Kenneth BOWMAN           Crystal City

Crystal City      Alice THOMPSON            Crystal City

Crystal City      Frank NULL                       Crystal City

Crystal City      Wesley BUCKNER            Crystal City

Scheve            Elizabeth BUXTON            Cattawissa

Scheve            Emma SMITH                    Cattawissa

Scheve            Agnes CALVIN                  Cattawissa

Scheve            Myrtle JUNGE                   Cattawissa

Scheve            Emma BAUMGARTH        Cattawissa

Scheve            Eugene JUNGE                 Cattawissa

Mt.Hope          William WIDEMAN             Frumet

Mt.Hope          Cecia DOVER                    Frumet

MoonTown      Howard BLACKWELL        Blackwell

MoonTown      Alice BROD                        Blackwell

MoonTown      Perry HOLDMAN                Blackwell


All the above named pupils should make an earnest effort to finish the examination this year.  It will require a grade of 70 percent to pass in any branch, teachers should feel confident that their pupils can do successful high school work before recommending the examination.  Remember that this is law required by the Superintendent.  Grades will be held to the pupil’s credit one year.  Final examination will be held in February, March, April and May.  Call for the final examination questions and written instructions.  Pupils and teachers should confer with me any time. 

Very truly yours, R.B. WILSON, County Superintendent.


~For Sale~

My fine Percheron Stallion ad Black Mammoth Jack.  This stock was awarded first premium at the Washington Fair last fall.  For further information address C.B. JONES, Villa Ridge, MO.


~Personal Chat~


Curly BURGESS and wife spent Tuesday here.


Mike ROESCH and wife were visitors here in the county seat, Friday.


Oscar TAUBOLD was here Tuesday His wife and her sister, who are in Denver for their health, are improving.


A recital of readings and music will be given at the hall Saturday, March 1st. The program is a good one, to be rendered by Rev. G.W. HOLMES, Mrs. Frank DEITRICH and Misses Carrie and Bessie KLEINSCHMIDT and Zoe BOOTH.


The joint program at the school Fri was enjoyable and instructive to pupils and visitors alike.  The scheme of exercises was patriotic....The patrons who were there to enjoy the celebration were Mrs. Harry FOREST, J.W.  ECKLE, J.L. HECKLER, F.R. SPILKER, J.F. WILLIAMS, P.M. RILEY, J.H. REPPY and Mrssrs. R.R WILSON and Felix LEUTZINGER.


Mrs. G.W.MOCKBEE and Mrs. J.H. REPPY and Martha attended the Washington's Birthday supper at the Presbyterian Church in DeSoto, returning Sunday with the Dr. and J.H., who had taken in Masonic Lodge.


The Masonic Lodge in DeSoto had a large and enthusiastic meeting Saturday night at which initiatory work was done, followed by an elaborate spread. Hillsboro members who were fortunate enough to attend were; Dr. MOCKBEE, J.H. REPPY, Clyde WILLIAMS and John MEDLEY and of Victoria: Ed PINSON. Quite a delegation from Mt. Hope Lodge of St. Louis was also present


J.J. HOEKEN, Ross DONNELL, J.H. REPPY, Dr. MOCKBEE, R.A. FRAZIER, F.E. SPILKER, J.G. WILLIAMS, Clyde WILLIAMS and the County Court Judges; J.H. WINER, Wm. SCHWALBERT and W.C. KERCHOFF are home from Jefferson City where they went to represent the rights of Hills and the county at large, against ambitious DeSotoans who are petitioning the legislature for the removal of the Circuit Court to DeSoto in part or in whole.


Mr. and Mrs. George P. DOVER of Frumet have been recent visitors to Hillsboro.


Ford GASCHE of Morse Mill had business in the hub, Monday.


Miss Lola McMULLEN and W.E. BOHMLE [Bohne ?] came down from the city to spend Sunday.


Joe ECKLE accompanied Raymond FORREST back to Chicago, where he expects to work.


Miss Mamie HELLER entertained the Cooking Club, Friday night in honor of Miss Susie JONES.


Mr. and Mrs. John L. BECHLER are home from a visit to his mother of Belews Creek district.


George GASCHE moved his family and household goods into the BURGESS property, lately occupied by Dr. J.E. JONES.


Richard SCHROEDER has quit farming and removed his family and household goods into town and is quartered at the Jefferson.


J.P. MILLER of High Ridge was here Monday in his brand new Ford. He was accompanied by Fred HUNNING and J.H. KREINHEDER.


John G. KOCH of Fenton was here in his machine on Monday, having brought Mrs. Maggie BAST and son and daughter to attend probate court.


Philip RILEY is spending a couple of weeks at Glen Allen with his brother, the highway engineer, aiding in his work while he is confined at his home by rheumatism.


Judge EHRICHS of Festus whose health has been poor this winter, writes from Florida that he is enjoying the mellow sunshine and fruits and flowers of that clime.


Wanted: Housekeeper at once. Salary as per arrangement, no trifling. Call on or write, Louis G. WEPPNER, Pevely, Mo. R-1.


The small boys mentioned in the Record last week, as being held here as witnesses against some car breakers at Riverside, but really as accomplices, made their escape Saturday evening and in spite of the sprinting of all the detached male population, got good and away and have not since been apprehended.


Edward H. FIESELMANN of Kimmswick was here Tuesday, making a final settlement in the probate court of the estate of his wife, Edna J.  FIESELMANN, dec. Mr. FIESELMANN says the race for post mastership at Kimmswick is waxing warm and interesting the aspirants being Mr. HILGERT, the roacher(?) and Mrs. Wm. PIPKIN, lately widowed with four little children to support. Both have strong endorsement.


For Sale: As we expect to move to our Fair-View Breeding Farm, will offer for sale on Thursday, February 27th at the Baily Station Farm the following; 1 pair matched sorrels…, 1 bay horse…, 3 mules…, 1 bay horse colt and 1 yearling bay colt…, 20 head dairy cows, 1 Durham bull, 16 head of hogs, a few farming implements and other things, too. Terms; under $10, cash, over $10 a credit of 6 months on bankable note will be given. L.W. LUCAS and son; Geo. W. RUSSELL, auctioneer.


Mrs. Charles HEMME has been quite ill for some days past.


Clay KING and wife of Goldman visited the county seat, Friday.


Will THOMPSON and Arthur CRULL of Morse Mill were recent visitors to the county seat.


Mr. and Mrs. Ware EVANS visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HERMAN in DeSoto, Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Green HEARST are back from a shopping expedition and visit to St. Louis.


Alex DICKHART of out Route 2 was in town the other day and joined the Record's Honor Roll.


Will FORREST returned to his position at Granite City, IL, after a visit with relatives here.


For Sale: 14 foot John Deere sulky plow at Frank BECHLER's shop, Hillsboro, Mo.


Wanted: Stallion to stand on shares at Antonia. Write to; M. ZIMPFER, Antonia, Mo.


Mrs. George K. ASHBY and son, Hesson have returned from a visit to their daughter and sister at Flat River.


James DALTON a prominent merchant of Cattawissa spent a few days here on business the last of the week.


Judge Spencer D. TOMPKINS of St. Louis was here Friday examining the record in connection with some titles.


Russell DEES and his two sisters and other young people of Festus have been here this week to visit David Dees.


Mrs. Annie KRAMME of Oerman and her son Earnest were here yesterday making an annual settlement in the probate court.


R.T. REINEMER of Cedar Hill accompanied Mrs. John GONZ to the county seat Friday and assisted in the probate arrangements of her late husband's estate.


There was an explosion in the power room in the Glass Works at Crystal City Tuesday, which seriously burned two men and necessitated shutting down the works for awhile.


William ZISKIE of Horine visited the county seat a couple of days recently that is, to his notion, the important part of the county seat, his twin grandsons Lloyd and Floyd MARSDEN.


John BOLLE, B.C. REVIS, Sam COLEMAN, John V. HAEFNER, Richard HAEFNER, a delegation from Festus were in Jefferson City investigating the county seat controversy.


Miss Naomi DEES of Festus was the guest of Miss Lillie HEMME a few days last week, followed by her cousin, Miss Bessie BUSCHER [Buecher ?] of Bonne Terre, who will make an extensive visit.


From a letter from James PARKINSON of Bogard, a former resident of this section, we learn that the world goes well with him, though his mother and Aunt, Mrs. Ochavia HUCHANAN have been recent grippe victims.


For Sale:  Farm of 60 acres, large house and barn, 1 mile southwest of Kimmswick on the state road, good springs, plenty fruit, 50 acres in cultivation, $5,500. Apply to Oscar TAUBOLD, Kimmswick, Mo.


In attempting to alight from a Grisco (Frisco?) train at Horine Wednesday morning, Mrs. C.T. THOMURE of Hillsboro, Rt. 3, was thrown to the ground and her ankle sprained. She was brought through here on her way home.


Rev. and Mrs. G.W. HOLMES of Hematite entertained the Young Peoples Societies of Hematite and Victoria last Thursday night. There were 51 guests to enjoy the program.


Highway engineer S.C. CAMPBELL was away on a business trip.


P.S. TERRY of Festus had business in this county seat.


Theodore HURTGEN and wife are home from a few days trip to Festus.


W.A. WELSH of DeSoto, possibly DeSoto's future Post Master, was in the county seat, Monday.


For Sale: 40 acre farm, log house and other out buildings, good springs, on Lemay Ferry Rock road 1 ¼ mile from Hillsboro, county seat.  Rudolph STADLER, Hillsboro, MO.


For Sale: 16 ton of hay, 8 of millet, 8 of clover.  Call on Peter E. WILLIAMS, Victorian, MO. 


Notice: The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Rock township, Jefferson County, MO will hold its annual meeting at Maxville, MO, March 15, 1913 at 1 p.m. to transact business as may legally come before said meeting.  Thos. J. KIRK, Secy.


For Sale:  Pierpoint white wyandottes.  A few fine, well matured pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices. Eggs for hatching; Exhibition stock $5.00 per 15 eggs. Utility stock $1.50 per 15 eggs.  I guarantee to please you or will refund your money.  F.E. OBERMILLER, Kimmswick, MO. 


Blanche HERRICK and Marian BERGMAN will appear in Piano and Song Recital at Jefferson Theatre, DeSoto, MO at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, March 6.  Geraldine ALBERT will assist with readings and her own interpretative dance of Sindings, “Rustle of Spring”.  Tickets 35 cents, Reserved 50 cents.



C.A. SCHOELLKOPF, Prop., DeSoto, MO – Iron Fences, Etc., Cemetery Work of Every Description.


H.B. IRWIN, Lawyer, DeSoto


F.J. ADAMS, Real Estate Agency – Farm Property a Specialty.  Have a lot of finely improved farms for sale at reasonable prices.  Send for my farm list, and if you want to seppl playc your farm with me.  (this is the correct sentence).  I expect to give my attention to the business and will get results.  Call or Write.


~Transfers~ (from front page)

W.J. ADAMS to Cadro(?) ADAMS lot in Festus $1.60

Albert GROTHE (Gruthe ?] to T.L. QUINN   ....     $700.

Paul ? to Jacob B? Railway?   .....?


~Transfers~ (from last page)

W.A. WILEY to E. H. & B. MANWARRING, 3 lots Park ad DeSoto…$800.00.

E.D. FRANZ to J.J.A. HILGERT 2 lots in Kimmswick…$950.00.

Caroline SCHAFFER to Philip FORD, 15 acres sur. 1906….$800.00.

Herman SNYDER to Martin DAWSON, 36 acres, 30-40-5….$100.00.

Martin DAWSON to Eugene A. COX, same land…….$10.00.

James N. DONNELL to Jacob GECHWEND, 8 acres, Rdwy, 907-41-5….$1.00.

R.E. JOHNSON to J. GACHWEND [Gaschwend ?], 50 acres, 7-11-5…$1350.00.

Nicholas HACK to E. NICHOLEN, 104 acres, 10-40-4….$2625.00.

Walter L. FILMER to Andrew J. HOLLOWAY, 127 acres, 33-42-3….$2000.00.

G.B. GALE to Horine Townsite Co., 2 lots in Horine…$1.00 etc.

Mary P. BOYER to Con CARLIN, 63 acres, 4 & 9 39-3, $1.00, etc.

Mary J. SIEBUM to Maggy BAST et al, 37.30 sur 3011-7….$50.00.

Mary Jessie JEWETT to W. R. CRAIG, 1 lot 32-41-6….$400.00.

F.O. HAMEL by trustee to Horine Townsite Co., 2 lots in Horine Block 73…$16.25.

Sherman BOYER et al to Con CARLIN, 125 acres, 3-39-3….$5000.00.

Sherman BOYER et al to W. P. CRAHAM [Graham], 125 acres, 3-39-3…$500.00.

Leander W. CAPE to Rebecca J. PYLE, 80 acres, 10-39-4…$1.00.

Francis WOOD to Rebecca J. PYLE, 80 acres, 10-39-4…$1.00.

Rebecca J. PYLE to L.W. CAPE and Francis WOOD, 80 acres, 10-39-4…

Horine Townsite Co. to Iron Mr. Ry. Co., Right of way at Horine….$500.00.

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. to Hugh GLENN, lot in Crystal.$300.00

Carolina SCHAFFER to Philip FORD, 15. 356 7-40 6….$800.00. [same as above listing?]


~Notice to our Wide Awake Neighbors~

The gentlemen who are interested in the Belews Creek Presbyterian Sunday School are cordially invited to meet at our new church next Saturday afternoon March 1st, with axes and such tools as will be needed to clear and clean the ground around the church.  If weather permits.

Very respectfully yours, Mrs. Chas. STEIDLE.



Mr. and Mrs. GOODWIN and son were called here Saturday on account of the health of her father B. MANHEIMER.


On account of the illness of Mrs. A.L. AMIDON, the DeSoto Woman’s Club met with Mrs. J.F. ROZIER who made a charming hostess dressed in colonial costume.


The New Cozy Gem picture show opened Saturday night with a crowded house.  The pictures were very good and the ‘little man’ was quite an attraction.  Mr. and Mrs. PALMER, proprietors are stopping with Mrs. Mrs. S.E. MEYERS on Boyd Street.


Mrs. B.J. PEASLEY and daughter were in St. Louis one day last week.


Mrs. BROOKS who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos COLEMAN, has returned to her home at St. Louis.


Mrs. Henry MAUPIN visited relatives at St. Louis last week.


Mrs. Clarence MURDOCK of Mississippi arrived here Monday morning for a visit with her mother Mrs. E. KLENN.


Mrs. E.C. EDGAR entertained her sister from St. Louis a few days last week.


In the game of basketball between Bonne Terre and DeSoto the latter won.  Songs and yells were given in honor of the DeSoto team.


Dr. MOCKBEE and wife were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. L.A. CHAMBERLAIN Saturday night.


Dr. JONES and family moved the latter part of last week from Hillsboro to our city.


Miss Julia KLENN who has been quite ill for the past two weeks is improving slowly.


Dr. Frank LONG had business at Jefferson City last week.


Miss Rhoda COXWELL entertained a number of friends complimentary to her house guest Miss Cleo HANNA of St. Louis Saturday afternoon.


Harry OUTMAN has been transferred from St. Louis to Little Rock.  Mrs. OUTMAN and children are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. COSBY for two weeks before going to their new home.


Rev. and Mrs. MILLER have gone to housekeeping in the FRENCH cottage.  Mrs. MILLER is a sister of Mrs. J.O. FRENCH.


Mrs. FROMHOLD entertained a few friends Friday afternoon at her home on Boyd Street.  Mrs. TROMBOLD was assisted by her daughters Miss Clara and Mrs. W.W. ALLEN.


James MOSS of Hillsboro visited his daughter Mrs. Sam BYRNS last week.


~Iron Mountain’s Sixth Demonstration Farm~


The sixth demonstration farm on the Iron Mountain tracks of the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain System has been located at Arcadia, MO, on the grounds of the Arcadia College adjoining the right-of-way of the railroad.  Rev. Father John ADRAIN, of the College who has been a student of scientific farming for some time, will be in charge under the general supervision of Mr. L.A. MARKHAM, Commissioner of Agriculture for the Iron Mountain.

Eighteen acres will be placed under cultivation at once, and within a year or so the farm will be extended to twenty-five or thirty acres.  The business interests and residents of Arcadia united in a movement to have the railroad select this site.  The farm will also be used in conjunction with the course in agriculture included in the college’s curriculum….[explanation of crops not transcribed].

The location of demonstration farms on the Missouri Pacific line of the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain System will be under the directions of Geo. K. ANDREWS, recently appointed Commissioner of Agriculture for the Missouri Pacific proper, Mr. MARKHAM’s jurisdiction being over the Iron Mountain tracks.

Mr. E. P. KEARNEY, General Superintendent of Transportation of the Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain, has announced the appointment of Mr. J. A. SOMERVILLE to be Superintendent of Transportation for the System vice Mr. KEARNEY, recently promoted to the office of General Superintendent of Transportation. {transcribed as it appears}.

Mr. SOMERVILLE who is a very efficient railroad man, spent his entire career on the Burlington System until he resigned as Superintendent of Terminals at Kansas City for the Missouri Pacific four years ago, which position he has filled ever since until given his present promotion.


Frank BECHLER, The Big Blacksmith, Shop East of ECKLE’s store, Hillsboro, MO.

The Garden Fence, C.H. GERARD, Kimmswick, MO.

Chris W. JENNI, Real Estate, Festus, MO.

Frank E. SPILKER Saloon, Green Tree Beer, Fine Wines and Cigars, Opposite the Court House.

John H. REPPY, Attorney-at-Law, Hillsboro, MO.

L.A. CHAMBERS, Dentist, DeSoto, MO.



~Trustees Sale~


Whereas, Martin W. REITER, Jr. and Christina E. REITER, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated, November 21, 1911, and recorded in the recorder’s office with and for Jefferson County, Missouri, in Trust Record Book No 44 at page 295, conveyed to the undersigned, trustee, the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and the State of Missouri, to-wit:

The east half of the north west quarter of section 14, in township 42, range 5 east, containing 80 acres, less however and excepting therefrom 5 acres, originally reserved out of the north-east corner of said tract, containing after said deduction 75 acres, be the same more or less.

This is a second Deed of Trust and is given subject to a first deed of trust for $1,200.00 held by Frank GAMACHE

In trust to secure the payment of promissory note from date with said Deed of Trust, one for the principal sum of $800.00 due in 3 years and three interest notes, each for $36.00 due in 1, 2, and 3 years.  One of which is long since past due and remains unpaid whereby all of said notes have become due by reason whereof I will on Saturday, the 23rd day of March 1913 at the Court House door in the town of Hillsboro, expose said real estate to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash for the purpose of satisfying said debt and the expenses of executing this trust.  John H. REPPY, Trustee


  ~Letters of Administration~

John GONZ, deceased

Louisa GONZ, executrix