Jefferson County Record

February 13, 1913     




F. B. BOEMLER, repairing House Springs Rd.  $152.90.


Jno. O'DONNELL, sub. and appr., Mill and Ware Rd. $83.95.


Court met with Mayor and Council of DeSoto and appointed Aug. ZENSER Commissioner for 3 years.


On petition of D.E. SMITH, Court orders taxes on 40 acres 27-40-4, collected on value of $400 and $79.15 in 34-4-4 collected on valuation of $600.


Criminal Cost Bills allowed as follows:

Jno. A. MEYERS  $19.26

Arthur McKEAN  $5.60

Pleasant PARKER  $29.20

R. TAYLOR  $22.60

Morken DRAROV (?)  $42.10

Walter GOFF  $59.15

Ed CRAY  $14.48

Benard BISHOFF  $8.25

George KIDD  $56.10

Robert KELLY  $15.25

B. HOUSE  $14.05

Jack LOVE  $61.

Ed WIDEMAN  $41.90

Wm. COLES  $14.48

Will GREEN  $87.38

Eugene JACKSON  $37.85

Leo CARBERRY  $16.38


Petition of citizens of Valle township, requesting the location of part of DeSoto and Blackwell County Rd, taken up and referred to Commissioners of DeSoto Special Road District.


Court orders $62.35 transferred from Co. Revenue to Dist. Rd. Fund.


Geo. W. LOGAN ordered placed on County pension list at $6 per quarter.


Bond and Contract of MILLER and BORCHERDING for repairing bridge over Joachim near Herculaneum and over Sandy near Pleasant Valley School approved.


Inquest proceeding approved,

W.L. BOUGHTON near Horine, $17.62

Wilford VINEYARD, Herculaneum  $20.95

Sam PETE, Crystal City  $29.35


Bills allowed:

Mrs. Louis REECE, board, etc. pauper  $69.

F.J. ADAMS, refund witness fees  $10.

Jefferson Democrat pub-ptg.   $2.50

Jno. NAES, Jr., repairing Wind. Har. Bridge  $8.46

R.A. MARSDEN, supplies on ch.and jail  $85.27

J.W. ECKLE, supplies on Co. farm  $23.00

J.W.ECKLE, supplies on ch.and jail  $81.03

Peter McLOON, repair on State Rd.  $778.00

S.C. CAM  road comm.     $12.00

Geo. MELTON, repair bridge  $12.40

Thos. DeGONIA, culvert steel  $1.00

J.H. WINER, expenses to Judges meeting, Columbia  $12.89

Harry DAHL, sheriff waiting on courts etc.  $125.30

J.H. WINER, salary 5 days and mileage  $20.80 

W.C. KERCKEOFF, salary 5 days and mileage  $26.00

W. SCHWALBERT, salary 5 days and mileage  $27.20


Court orders Highway Engineer to make contract with MILLER and BORCHERDING to repair the Lemay Ferry Bridge over the Meremec River for the sum of $3,598. Jefferson Co. to pay half and St. Louis Co. to pay half. To be completed by April 21st.


~Dr. GUIBOR Buried Sunday~


Dr. Francois L. GUIBOR, Mayor of Maplewood, who was stricken with apoplexy in the street near his home some two weeks ago, died and was buried in Byrnesville last Sunday, after the funeral rites at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in St. Louis. Dr. GUIBOR formerly lived at House Springs and has many friends in this county who will regret the loss of this enterprising citizen and worthy man.  He was 61yrs. of age and is survived by a wife and several grown children.




Mrs. James N. DONNELL, nee POSTON, died at her home near Jarvis on the 7th and was buried in the Hillsboro cemetery Sunday, the 9th. Rev. G. W. HOLMES conducted the funeral service. Mrs. DONNELL has been ill but three weeks, though practically an invalid for years. Though born in St. Genevieve Co., the greater part of her life has been spent in this county. She has lived the life of a Christian since early womanhood and leaves the memory of a gentle life well spent to her surviving husband and only child, Hart DONNELL. A large number of relatives and friends mourn her passing.


~Well Known Man Gone~


John GONZ died at his home in Cedar Hill, Fri. and was buried Sunday at Byrnsville.  Mr. GONZ has been in poor health for a year and surrendered life at only forty years of age. He was a native of this county and his many friends and associates regret the passing of a warm friend and accommodating citizen. He leaves a wife and one child to whom the sympathy of the community is extended.


~Jefferson County Teacher Dead~


Ellis FLEMING died very suddenly at his home west of Kimmswick, February 4th and was buried two days later at Festus by the Court of Honor and W.O.W. orders of which he was a member.  Mr. FLEMING had a large number of relatives and friends about the county where he spent years teaching school. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his death.


~Road Overseers Annual Settlement~


Road overseers present annual settlement for work ending February 1st. Approved and balance due ordered paid;


(Dist 15) Charles WUERTZ  $5.55

(Dist 23) W.E. MEDLEY  $18.25

(Dist 12) Wm. FREDERITZIE  $5.25

(Dist 14) Geo. KOHR  $48.25

(Dist 20) Fred BAUER  $16.20

(Dist 24) F. YENECKEK  $5.40 [Yanejeck ?]

(Dist 33) C. KIDD  $49.20

(Dist 45) Walter GRIFFITH  $5.10

(Dist 53) A.H. LANDUYT  $12.38

(Dist 57) W.E. GROB  $4.20

(Dist -)   T.S. JACKSON  $2.60

(Dist 63) L.B. HENTCHER  $7.40

(Dist 67) M. NUSSBAUMER  $25.50  [Nussbaum ?]

(Dist 32) S.J. MARSDEN  $1.01

(Dist 34) H. McCULLOCH  $73.

(Dist 46) James RYAN  $6.60

(Dist 54) R.B. MURRILL  $3.25

(Dist 60) C.P. CURTIS  $10.82

(Dist 62) W.C. FINK  $20.60

(Dist 64) Peter LEE  $2.22

(Dist 68) Steve JACKSON  $8.95


Planning for Bridge Across the Meramec

At a meeting held in St. Louis last Friday by land owners of St. Louis and Jefferson Counties, for a proposed bridge to be built spanning the Meramec River about three miles south of Allenton, at Hunter’s Ford, the land owners present were very enthusiastic over the proposition and subscribed very liberally to same. This has been one of the most dangerous fords on the Meramec River, and as the country is becoming settled up, there is greater need for the bridge.  Other meetings will be held soon, and a petition for subscriptions is already circulating. 




Edw. MEISNER, of Kansas City, spent Sunday with Mrs. OBERMILLER.


Mrs. C.H. DARENBEIM [Darenheim ?] spent last week in St. Louis, with her mother, Mrs. SETTLES [Settles ?].


Miss Edna WHITEHEAD and Miss Minnie MEISNER of Bushburg, are spending a few weeks in Kansas City.


Mr. DOILUS [Dollus ?] spent Sunday at his home. He has been in Peoria, IL for a few weeks, returning home this morning.


Chas. NORMANN is buying cattle and shipping to St. Louis market, while his business is dull in the butcher shop.


~ Resolutions of Respect~


Whereas, the angel of death has again entered our court and called from our midst to her eternal reward, our sister, Mrs. Katrena HELD, whose memory shall ever dear to those who know her, and whereas, in the death of this esteemed member we are reminded of the uncertainty of life and the rapidity  with which our lives are drawing to a close; be it Resolved, that we, as a court, deeply mourn her death, and sympathy of the entire membership be extended to the sorrowing ones, in the loss of a loving wife and a mother, and we commend them to him who comforts all who sorrow; and be it further Resolved that our character be draped in mourning for thirty days, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family; also to the Jefferson County Record and the official paper for publication, and that a copy be spread on the records of the court.  Dear mother thou has left us, Thy loss we deeply feel, This God who has bereft u s, He can all our sorrows heal.

George SCHNEIDER, Emillie MARTIN and Magdalena KOHLER; committee


~Marriage Licenses~


Luther VALLE, Herculaneum and Lucy YOUNG, Herculaneum

C. WHITESIDE, Herculaneum and Mary STATIN, Herculaneum  

Simon McCOY, Herculaneum and Rebecca HEWETT, Mineral Point

Wm. MAY, St. Louis and Susie EGGERS, St. Louis    

John L. THEUSEN, Silica and Margaret E. VINYARD, Horine

Wm. C. REDHAGE, Oerman and Bertha A. VIEHLAND, Oerman      


~New Road Overseers for Ensuing Year~



(Dist 2) J.J. CONRAD

(Dist 3) J.C. HILGERT

(Dist 4) A. John FRANK

(Dist 5) John McNAMEE

(Dist 6) Hy OBERHAUS

(Dist 7) F.B. BOEMLER

(Dist 8) J.R. BURGAN

(Dist 9) Albert BROUK

(Dist 10) A.A. YATES

(Dist 11) Ben BAUER

(Dist 12) Joe ZEGLMEYER [Ziegelmeyer]

(Dist 13) Geo. BENDER

(Dist 14) Geo. KOHR

(Dist 15) C. WUERTZ

(Dist 16) H. SAEGER

(Dist 17) Jos. WEBER

(Dist 18) B. GRAHAM

(Dist 19) G. MELTON

(Dist 20) F. BAUER

(Dist 21) D.L. REED

(Dist 22) M.F. POUNDS

(Dist 23) W.E. MEDLEY

(Dist 24) Frank YENICEK [Yanejeck]

(Dist 25) Leopold ZIPP

(Dist 26) F.W. RAEBEL

(Dist 27) Jno. NAES, Jr.

(Dist 28) John HERRELL

(Dist 29) F.A. SEITZ

(Dist 30) D.W.MURPHY

(Dist 31) Joseph CIHAK

(Dist 32) S.J. MARSDEN

(Dist 33) Cleve KIDD

(Dist 34) Harmon McCULLOCH

(Dist 35) John EGGERS

(Dist 36) F.A. HARBISON

(Dist 37) W.P. CARROW

(Dist 38) K.W. MILLER

(Dist 39) John O'DONNELL

(Dist 40) Frank HUSKEY

(Dist 41) Louis LAFFOON

(Dist 42) Edgar WHITEHEAD

(Dist 43) Scott NULL

(Dist 44) George WILLIAM [Williams]

(Dist 45) J.F. WILLIAMS

(Dist 46) James RYAN

(Dist 47) Herman LUHN

(Dist 48) Frank LIVRAR [Liverah -  Liveriah]

(Dist 49) Andrew PILLEN

(Dist 50) Andrew JOHNSON

(Dist 51) D.L. WIDEMAN

(Dist 52) James J. WILSON

(Dist 53) Melvin BAKER

(Dist 54) R.B. MURRILL

(Dist 55) L.T. SCOTT

(Dist 56) Martin BECHLER

(Dist 57) W.F. GROB


(Dist 59) Chas. R. McCLAIN

(Dist 60) M. PILLIARD

(Dist 61) T.S. JACKSON

(Dist 62) Ed FINK

(Dist 63) L.B. HENTCHER

(Dist 64) Peter LEE

(Dist 65) J. GANNIGER

(Dist 66) J.H. MORSE

(Dist 67) Wm. GRETSCHEL

(Dist 68) W.S. BOYCE

(Dist 69) A.W. MORSE

(Dist 70) Jas. WHALEY

(Dist 71) Louis VIVRETT [Vivette]

(Dist 72) A. BLACKWELL

(Dist 73) Leroy G. MOORE


~Probate Court~


Demand of J.G. KOCH against estate of Jacob KELLER, dec. for $68.50 allowed.


Demand of Dr. Martin DALTON against estate of Jacob KELLER, dec. for $10 allowed.


Upon petition filed, court orders Curator, estate of Hugh WILSON, minor to pay R.A. FRAZIER $50, legal fees.


Demand of Wm. B. ANSELIN against estate of Benjamin F. CARTILAGE for $20 allowed.


Demand of Dr. J.J. COUNESFORD against estate of R.F. CARTILAGE for $15 allowed.


$250 ordered appropriated out of estate of LEWIS minors for support and maintenance for 1913, paid to their mother.


Inventory and appraisement lists in estate of P.H. BYRNE, dec. approved.


Annual settlement of A.W. CHARLESTON, curator GILL minors approved.


Final settlement of A.W. CHARLESTON, curator of L.W. GILL minor approved and curator discharged.


Sale bill, estate Alex BOUGHTON, dec. approved.


Inventory and appraisement on the estate of Leroy DOVER, dec. approved.


Demand of Dr. DALTON against estate of Geo. J. EVERETT, dec. for $65.50 allowed.


Annual settlement of George O. HAYS, curator of the estate of Lafayette SHAW, minor, approved.


Personal property of estate of W. L. PIPKEN ordered sold at private sale.



~Party at Pevely~


A surprise party was given Saturday evening, February 8th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

FOSTER, Pevely, Mo., in the honor of Mr. Foster's 24th birthday. The early hours of the evening were spent in games, singing and a better part by dancing, after the music furnished by the MOSS brothers, Orin and Harvey began ....Among the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. THURWELL, Mr. and Mrs. B. SADDLE, Miss Linnie PRICE and Mr. Ernest FRAZIER, Mr. and Mrs. Carl FOLK, Mr. and Mrs. H. MERTZ, Mr. and Mrs. J. GILL and Mr. Sam JOSSEY of St. Louis.




Wm. SCHYTT got it in the neck the past week, which was a carbuncle of ordinary size. Willie was very careful how he stepped on the frozen ground.


Miss Mary KROBAR of St. Louis spent last Sunday at the home, with her folks and her sick brother, Philip who is slowly recovering from a long sick spell.


Wm. SCHULTZ and F. WEBER, cashier of the House Spring's Bank, were seen driving our road to West Kimmswick, last Saturday.


Chas. EDINGER has been busy cutting saw logs since the New Year, for he is going to have a saw mill on his farm this spring and saw him a lot of lumber to build him a large barn. This gives everybody a chance to have lumber sawed for building purposes.


Nick ROESCH has been on the sick list the past two weeks.


Our school is progressing along nicely with a good large daily attendance with Mrs. Nellie BRENT as teacher.  Everybody [is] praising her good work as a teacher.


For Sale: My fine Perchron Stallion and Black Mammoth Jack.  This stock was awarded first premium at the Washington Fair last fall. For further information address C.B. JONES, Villa Ridge, MO.


~Young Couple Wed at Oerman~


Wm. C. REDHAGE and Miss Bertha VIEHLAND of Oerman were married Tuesday by Rev. E.

RAGLIN, at St. Martine Church. The groom is the son of Louis REDHAGE and the bride a daughter of Herman VIEHLAND.


Mr. WILLIAMS has opened up a new meat market next to LAHAYS store.


The water pipes burst Sunday night and Derwood KETCHUM's barber shop had considerable water in it. The HAMEL-MEEK dry goods store did not entirely escape, but no damage was done to the stock of merchandise.




Mrs. A. A. WILLIAMS spent last weekend with relatives at Poplar Bluff.


C. T. JARVIS is attending – at Greenville, MO.


T.B. EVANS has purchased a new automobile.


Mrs. Louis SUDDICK spent Sunday with her sister in St. Louis.


W.J. MAUTHE had business in St. Louis last Thursday.


Miss Gwendolen BRICKEY arrived home from Fredericktown Thursday evening and remained until Sunday night.


The Misses BENSON will entertain their club with a valentine party this week.


Miss Bessie SWALLOW left yesterday for Colorado.  While here she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. SWALLOW.


Mrs. Scott MARSHAL and daughters Misses Dolly? and Monta were in St. Louis last week.


Rev. SHERMAN of Kansas who has been preaching at the Presbyterian Church the last two Sundays will remain another week.


Mrs. A. S. MEYERS had been quite ill the past week.


Mr. and Mrs. L. BR----[Brady ?] arrived home from Irondale on Saturday.


Mrs. Charles HARMONY from St. Louis visited relatives here this week.  





Mr. J. R. FUNK made a trip to Doe Run Tuesday.


Miss Agnes BOYER had business in St. Louis Tuesday.


Miss Marian CHAMBERLAIN spent last week in St. Louis.


Messrs. SCHWEPPE, KRATZER, ENGLAND and MECHELHOFF had business in County Court last week.


Mr. August CADWALLADER purchased 16 head of dairy cows from Mr. KESNER.

KESNER is going out of the dairy business.


Miss Maud McCREARY of Rush Tower visited in our city last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Lee FORSHEE attended the funeral of Mr. MIDDLETON at Hopewell.


Mrs. Jess WAGGONER visited in St. Louis last week and while there, visited Dr.

TAYLOR, at the hospital and says she found the Doctor cheerful.


D. W. McCORMACK has been carrying the mail temporarily on Route 1 from Festus, but says he is not stuck on the job.


Mr. Lynn WAGGONER of Danby, came in Friday to attend the moving picture show.


Mrs. Otto WEIDENSHOLER [Widensoler] of Rush Tower visited in Festus Friday.


Frank JOHNSON, mayor of Crystal City had business with the County Court last week.


A man by the name of DENNY had the misfortune to get his arm badly cut while at work at the factory at Crystal City last week.


The remains of Miss Mary POSTON were brought here from Flat River for burial Sunday.  The services were held in the M. E. Church by Rev. TAYLOR of Flat River and Rev. EVANS of Festus, after which she was laid to rest in the GAMEL Cemetery. 


Mr. and Mrs. A. OBERLE were summoned to Ste. Genevieve by the death of Mr. OBERLE's brother who died of pneumonia.


Paul BISHLER and Miss BAKER were married in Potosi last week.  Their many friends wish them a long and happy life.


H.S. WARWICK, Supt. and Manager of the new glass factory, has moved his family here and will assume control of it.


W.B. TOWNSEND of Shelbyville, IL delivered a lecture here Monday night on Woodcrafts.


The remains of Mr. Ellis FLEMING, who died near Kimmswick, were brought here for interment last week.  Mr. Fleming had formerly lived here and was employed by Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. for several years, but decided to turn his attention to teaching and resigned his position at the factory and has since taught several years in the schools at this county.


Ed OSTERWALD has opened up a jewelry store, on Main St., in the rooms formerly occupied by a millinery store.


Miss Ida BUFFER of St. Louis is spending some time with her father who was paralyzed some time ago.


Miss Lucille SMITH of Danby spent last week with the family of Mr. T. S. BYRD.


A masquerade party will be given by the daughter of Jess WAGGONER at their home on Kenner’s Hill, February 14th.


H. B. DRAKE is suffering with a serious case of the mumps.


We understand that there is talk of another picture show in Festus.


Mr. and Mrs. F. E. HOLLADAY were summoned to Piedmont Tuesday, by the death of Mrs. HOLLADAY's mother.


The business college is flourishing under the management of Prof's RAGLIN and HENSON, both of whom are considered first instructors.


Hon. H.H. WEAVER has so far recovered from his recent attack of pneumonia, to be able to come to town Saturday.


Little Gilbert DRAKE still remains in a very critical condition with a complication of ailments.




Frank KOHR for many years the Maxwell wagon maker has rented the J.P. GLATT farm and is going to devote his time tilling the soil.


August KOEBBE is soon to leave us and is going to open up a saloon in Barnhart.


Peter FREDERITZI is building a new auto garage. Benno MEYER is the architect and builder.


Peter GLATT had a severe case of homesickness and came out Thursday to get some Jefferson County air. He tells us he has already tired of city life and he [wishes] he had his farm back again.


Carpenter MEYER, who has been building up the ridge road with new houses, is back home resting up.


Phillip GANGLOFF, who has been very sick, is out and about again talking politics.


For over a week it seems Joe OTT, one of our most prominent and progressive farmers has something up his sleeve, perhaps by next week I will be able to tell the young lady's name.


We just learned that the Meramec Bridge will soon be equipped with steel stringers and a general improvement will be made on the bridge which is badly needed.  This speaks well for our district judge.




R.V. and Eva WAKEFIELD to R.V.WAKEFIELD, lot in Crystal City..$500

W.S. WHITE to R.A. HOLEKAMP, 128 acres, 35-41-4...$4000.

H.S. DALY to Lena R. FREEL, 14 acres ...$2000.

RANKIN Realty Co. to Trustees of A.M.E. Church, Eight lots in O.T. DeSoto

Frances WOOD to Sarah E. WAGGONER, 3 lots in Davis ad, DeSoto ..$600

F.F. SCHAFFER to F.T. REINEMER, 14 acres, 25-40-3...$880.

MERSEAL-ALLEE Timber Co. to Otto H. BAURICHTER [Baughrichter], 100 acres, 9-40-4 .....$1.


~Public Sale~

 All breeding stock of the Walnut Grove Stock Farm; John Jay NELSON, owner, will be sold at Public Auction on the farm 1 and 1/2 miles north of Hillsboro, Thursday Feb. 20th. Among other stock offered, will be two fine stallions, two fine Jacks, 2 yr. old horse colt, two span of mules, two or three cows and calves, thirteen sheep, hogs and lot of corn and corn fodder, hay wagons, harness, plows and all farming implements. Terms of sale: All sums under $5 – cash; All other sums, a credit of one yr. will be given, purchaser to give Bankable Note bearing 6% interest from date. John Jay NELSON, George W. RUSSELL, auctioneer.


~Notice of Final Settlement ~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Martis HUNNING, Deceased…

Fred HUNNING, Administrator 


~Notice of Final Settlement ~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Frank SCHMIDT, Deceased….

W.M. SCHMIDT, Administrator 


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Wm. KOHLER, Deceased…..

Peter KOHLER, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDE, Deceased…..

F.B. WATERS, Administrator 


~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Edna J. FEISELMAN,
Edward J. FEISELMAN, Administrator


~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on 26th day of December 1912…
Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix


~Personal Chat~


W.H. CROW and C.C. MITCHIM were out Thursday on business.


Mrs. FREEMAN who has been spending the winter here, has returned to St. Louis.


Esq. Henry MARX was down last Saturday, paying taxes for his neighbors and paid us a pleasant visit.


Mrs. J.H. REPPY and the Misses Kathleen REPPY, Hazel BOYER and Lillie HEMME spent Saturday in St. Louis.


Dr. J.E. JONES had a sale of personal property on Monday and is making preparations to move to DeSoto next month.


Dr. and Mrs. L.A. CHAMBERLAIN and young daughter of DeSoto spent the weekend here with Dr. and Mrs. MOCKBEE.


W.E. DIEHL and Wenzel BUFKA of the North end, were out here Saturday, attending to business matters in the Probate Court.


Peter L. GLATT has returned to the county from the city and will take up farm life once more, as it is more to his liking. He was here on business Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DONNELL and son, Jim of Festus and Dr. Newman DONNELL, of Herculaneum, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. James N. DONNELL.


Edwin FORREST has captured several fine red foxes lately with pelts which will meet ready sale. One of our teachers bought two the other day to make a scarf to match her muff.


Supt. B.B. WILSON spent last week visiting the Festus and Crystal City Schools, and reports them in good condition and that Crystal is quite enthused over the coming medal contest and several aspirants in training. Herculaneum is also.


For SaleAlmack Wilkes, dark bay stallion 16 hands high, weigh 1200 lbs, a good saddler and driver, combines blood of Wilkes, Champion and American Eclipse families.  Pedigree on application.  Must sell at once.  Ellis T. MARRIOTT, Barnhart, MO.


Quite an interesting lawsuit was pulled off Saturday, before Justice STONE. A furniture company of St. Louis reclaimed some goods of a Mrs. GRIMM of Crystal City for a balance claimed under a mortgage. A  Mr. McATRE, of St. Louis Co., and Clyde WILLIAMS, represented the plaintiff and R.A. FRAZIER the defendant. Plaintiff recovered judgment for the amount of its claim, although public opinion was with the defendant.


For Sale: As we expect to move to our Fair-View Breeding Farm, will offer for sale on Thursday, February 27th at the Baily Station Farm the following; 1 pair matched sorrels…, 1 bay horse…, 3 mules…, 1 bay horse colt and 1 yearling bay colt…, 20 head dairy cows, 1 Durham bull, 16 head of hogs, a few farming implements and other things, too. Terms; under $10, cash, over $10 a credit of 6 months on bankable note will be given. L.W. LUCAS and son; Geo. W. RUSSELL, auctioneer.


Mumps prevail throughout the county.


Atty. J. H. REPPY is in Kansas City for a few days.


Oscar TAUBOLD of Kimmswick was here Tuesday on business.


Richard CREAN and sister, Miss Katie were in the County Seat on Tuesday.


Byron, the second son of Circuit Clerk, W.J.A. SCHUBEL is ill of pneumonia.


Mr. and Mrs. R.B. WILSON and Miss Blanche FRAZIER spent Monday in St. Louis.


Prosecuting Attorney Albert MILLER and his young son are confined to the house by mumps.


Mrs. Marie ESCOFFER of Kimmswick and sister, Mrs. MAYS of Festus were here Tuesday on business.


Miss Lena SCHULZ of St. Louis is home to see her mother who has been in poor health since the first of the year.


John Jay NELSON sells his live stock and farming implements next Thursday the 20th at his farm one mile north of Hillsboro.


Wanted: Girl for general housework. German preferred.  Apply in person or write to J.M. CHRIST, the Baker, DeSoto, MO.


Robt. C. ROESCH will have a sale of farm implements and household goods besides a fresh cow and a driving horse March 15 at the Ed ROESCH farm between Seckman and Kimmswick.


Collector John HELLER drove in Tuesday in his new automobile making the trip from House Springs in an hour and fifteen minutes, a distance of 18 miles through melting snow and sloppy roads.


Misses Nellie SCHNEIDER, Gertie BUCHMILLER, and Dollie MILLER started to DeSoto yesterday when a mile out of town they were run into by four young men from DeSoto.  The buggy was broken and the horse captured at Victoria.


The last number on the Y.M.C.A. entertainment course of five took place last night, and was attended by a number of Hillsboro people.  This course from the Redpath Bureau in Chicago has been an unusually pleasing one, each one being exceptionally fine.  We learn that the Redpath man has been in DeSoto this week to arrange for next year’s course.  If they send as pleasing entertainers next year they can count on some Hillsboro patronage.


Theodore HURTGEN was kicked in the head by one of his horses Monday and narrowly escaped death.  He heard his horses fighting in the stable and ran out to the rescue to find one on its back in the manger.  He grabbed an axe to break the manger to pieces to liberate the horse.  In its scramble to roll over and out, it kicked Mr. HURTGEN above the temple near the eye with an ice shoe, inflicting an ugly wound.  The wonder is that it did not prove fatal.  The horse was uninjured.