Jefferson County Record, Hillsboro, MO
~New Glass Works at Festus~
Festus is to have a glass
factory, all her own. It is an assured
fact; $25,000 has already been subscribed and one fourth paid in as a working
basis. The second fourth will be paid in
early in February and the balance in thirty day intervals. Fourteen directors were chosen, from among
whom the five officers were elected. For
president, Ed KERRNISH [Kerruish ?], vice president and manager; C. S. WARWICK; an experienced
glass man from an eastern factory; C. C. ENGLAND as secretary; and Charles
GROSSMAN, treasurer. Building the plant
will be begun at once and will be in the northwest part of town near the brick
kiln. The class of product will be
bottles; milk bottles, pickle bottles, prescription bottles etc. Festus is to be congratulated upon her
The Kimmswick Dancing Club
gave their first dance Saturday night at the Woodman Hall which was a grand
success…Excellent music was furnished by Prof. DEICHARDT Orchestra from
Miss Hilda MERKLE of
Mr. and Mrs. John HOGAN have
a fine baby girl.
Harold WENOM and little Bob
HALL have the scarlet fever.
Mrs. Ben LONG and son, M.
Brady, were in
Amanda SCHMIDT spent Sunday
with her father, David SCHMIDT.
Miss Mable
MCMINN spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MCMINN.
Miss Ethel DUERENHEIM of
Mrs. Oscar TANBOLD and son, Lenard and Miss Emma HUSHFELD will leave next week for
Mrs. Wm. HOUSHELL was in
Mr. and Mrs. CLOVER of the
far west have returned to Kimmswick, not having found any better place to
reside. They expect to make Kimmswick
their future home.
G. B. D.
PORTA to Citizens Bank of Festus, $1500, 2 lots.
R. B.
VOLLMAR to R. E. KLEINSCHMIDT. Land near Festus, $10,000.
OEHLERS to Fred GOLTERMAN, 65 acres 28-41-5, $200.
to Thomas HARNESS, 194 acres, 5-40-3, $900.
W. G.
PIERCE to Thomas RYAN, lot in Fletcher’s ad DeSoto, $800.
ROZIER No. 4 has moved his
stock of merchandise to Festus where he will continue in business.
Geo. OSTERWALD has returned
to Festus and --
employed by FUNK and SMITH in their drug store.
Charlie WARNE who was
employed by FUNK and SMITH is confined to his room with rheumatism.
Miss Blanche ARMBRUSTER was
taken to
Mr. Thomas BECKER of
Miss Mary MCNUTT of
Kendall NOCE has a bad case
of mumps.
Mrs. WELSH of
The friends of Mr. Joe WARNE
will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from a bad case of la grippe.
Rev. EDWARDS filled his
regular appointment here Sunday at the Christian Church. His wife accompanied him.
Mrs. Will MILLER who was
operated upon for appendicitis in St. Anthony’s hospital is getting along
Jim DONNELL was the winner
of the dozen photographs given by the ladies of the Catholic Church Thursday
The Theta Epsilon Club met
with Miss Frances MILLER last week.
Refreshments were served and all report a good time.
F. O. HORN has his engine
and boiler for his cleaning and pressing plant and as soon as possible will
have it in operation.
The Festus news mentioned
Hon. H. H. WEAVER as a suitable person or director of asylum No. 4 at
Dr. H. P. WALDMAN of Sikestown is taking care of Dr. WOLFF’s
practice during the session of the legislature.
Mr. B. C. REVIS is quite ill
with la grippe.
Prof. LUCKY of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DICUS of
Washington Co. are visiting their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
PARKIN. Mr. DICUS is unable to walk on
account of rheumatism but Uncle Sam provides for him to the tune of $24 per
month as he was a soldier in the Civil War.
Prof. MCMULLEN of the
business College has resigned his position to accept a similar position in
DeSoto. He has made many friends during
his short stay here who are loath to see him leave, but all wish him success in
DeSoto. He will enter upon his duties
there February 1.
~Joseph A.
Joseph A. HAMMOND died at
Letters of administration on
the estate of P.H. BYRNE deceased, granted to Mary A. BYRNE.
Last will of F.R.B.
STEINMETZ deceased, admitted to probate and letter of testamentary on said
estate granted to Barbara STEINMETZ.
Inventory and appraisement
lists in estate of R.G. MORGAN approved and filed.
Demand of F.P. CHOTT against
the estate of Frank MRAZ deceased, for $52.96, allowed.
Inventory and appraisement
lists in estate of John W. CHOTT, insane, approved.
Upon petition filed and
verified of Hans HEIMICH praying the court for a writ of habeas corpas, it is therefore ordered that a writ of habeas
corpus be issued in favor of Hans George HEIMICH and Ernest Man HEIMICH
returnable January 22, and same. Sheriff
DAHL made his return by bringing into court the afore
said children. Parties agree and ask
court to turn children over to Mrs. John F. MILLER to remain as before where
the mother had placed them before this trial and the father Hans HEIMICH pay
all costs of this trial.
All final receipts in the
estate of George RICHARDSON deceased, filed and the administrator is discharged.
Inventory list in the estate
of Hugh
Court orders guardian of
above estate to pay P. S. TERRY $100 balance due him for legal service
Demand of R.A. HERRINTON
against estate of R.E.
Demand of Mary ARMBRUSTER
against the estate of Benjamin CARTILAGE deceased, for $292.62 allowed.
list in the estate of Benjamin F. CARTILAGE deceased, approved.
Inventory and appraisement
lists in the estate of F.R. B. STEINMETZ deceased, and approved.
Executrix on above estate
ordered to sell personal property at public or private sale.
~Woodsman Officers Installed~
At a special meeting of
Hillsboro Camp No. 2389 M.W.A. called especially for that purpose, the
following officers were duly installed for the ensuing year: W.J.A. SCHUBEL, V.C.; Edgar LAFOON, W.A.;
G.W. GASCHE, Banker; A.J. SHEIBLE, Clerk; E.E. MARSDEN, Escort; L.J. LAFOON,
Watchman; John HUBELI, Sentry and W.S. WILSON, Mgr. for 3 years. Great interest
in Woodcraft was manifested at this meeting and a prosperous year following is
evident. One new member was added to the
Camp roll. In the past year, not withstanding the rate agitation, Hillsboro
Camp has taken in nine members. It was
decided that at the next meeting, which will be held on Friday night,
The ice has left us, only to
be followed by high water; the river water quite congested with ice and blocked
for a couple of days, and the river is still at a stage too high to permit
operation of the mill.
Has everybody here had the
mumps? They still seem to be lingering
in the neighborhood, Elmer HARNESS being the last victim reported.
L.P. O’BRIEN has taken a
leave of absence from his position with the Missouri Pacific and is now
spending a few days with his brothers here.
The DUNNIGAN sisters have
had their house remodeled, which is a good display of energy on their part
considering the fact that their invalid father had to be cared for during that
Miss Mary BYRNE has been
confined to the bed for the past several days suffering with inflammatory
rheumatism, but we are glad to hear that she is now enroute
to recover.
Herman JUNGE, the
blacksmith, in an effort to shoe a young bronco belonging to Walter BUXTON,
narrowly averted having his arm broken when he was kicked by the animal.
P.P. O’BRIEN of Allenton was
recently in our community and reports that Fred BOEMLER has been doing some
good work on the Eureka Road, which he states is badly in need of repairs on
account of the heavy traffic. Due to the
distance and condition of this road
Mr. O’BRIEN further states
that the bridge proposition across the Meramec at the point known as Hunter’s
Ford is getting very interesting. At a
very little expense the railroad can be brought between four and five miles
nearer to us via this route. An
important feature connected with a bridge at the Hunter’s Ford is that the
public travel would not at any time be blocked by reason of high water, and the
road, after constructed, would not be expensive to maintain. Farmers on both sides of the river are
greatly impressed with the proposition, and Pat says he can show them its advantages.
Mrs. Wm MAY and daughter
Ella, of Cedar Hill were visiting Mrs. Geo. BIRK last Tuesday.
Despite the condition of the
roads, Will BOHLANKER was out joy-riding in his ‘Ford’ last Sunday.
~Circuit Court News~
Fannie M. WILLIAMS et al vs.
Mary TRIMBLE et at report of sale of real estate,
approved by court.
State vs. W.T. DARDEN,
defendant files motion for new trial.
State vs.
William BOLI and Walter TRAVIS, $300 bond for each. Case set for May 15. Wittnesses to return without further notice.
AUSTIN et al vs. Alexander MILES et al, dismissed by plaintiff at their costs.
Alex MILES et al vs. est of Naomi WHITESIDES, cause
continued upon affidavit of defendant, and at their costs.
State vs.
Archie McDOWELL, Bond $500. Set for May 13.
S.T. WAGGONER vs. Maria F.
BERRY et al; decree of partition granted with order of sale. Terms 25 per cent cash and balance in one
year, purchaser to give not with approved security or all cash at option of
Special grand jury summoned
and met Jan. 24.
George H. HEMPKE vs. C. T. McDANIEL; jury finds for defendant on first count in plaintiffs petition and for plaintiff for $200 on second
count. Both parties file motion for new
& Co. vs. C.A. SCHOEIPKOPF; judgment for plaintiff $327.08 with interest
form date of per cent.
Fred VOLSEY [VOISEY ?] is fined $500 for contempt of court. Afterward remitted.
DeSoto vs.
Lesley CUNNINGHAM not guilty.
et al; motion for new trial overruled.
DeSoto vs. Arthur WASHBURN, continued.
DeSoto vs. Henry HARRIS, continued.
DeSoto vs. Thos. HARNESS,
DeSoto vs. George TOLTON, dismissed.
DeSoto vs. Chas. BURRIS,
Sate vs. James WASHBURN et
al $500 bond; IRWIN & FRAZIER counsel.
Order of continuance set aside.
State vs. Jane WASHBURN,
Pros. Atty, enters nolle
prose qui as defendant, Jane WASHBURN.
Clyde MORSEY of Farmington
enrolled a member of this bar.
Fannie M. WILLIAMS et al vs.
Mary TRIMBLE et al, John H. REPPY and Clyde WILLIAMS allowed $500 as for the
prosecution of this suit on part of plaintiff and P.S. TERRY is allowed $100 as
guardian ad litem for minor defendant.
George DeCLUE
vs. Iron Mt. Ry., continued.
DeSoto vs.
Hy GARDNER, not guilty.
DeSoto vs.
Hy BECKMAN, not guilty.
Fannie M.
WILLIAMS et al vs. Mary TRIMBLE et al, Jno. L. BECHLER, late sheriff
files final reports for land sales.
State vs. Horace WILSON, two
[sentence incomplete]
Judson B. POUNDS vs. W. P. WILLIAMS, continued.
Court swears as Grand
Jurors: Philip BAUMGARTH, Wm. FREDERITZIE, Hugh WILLIAMS, Oscar OGLE, Grover
John F. WILLIAMS appointed foreman of Grand Jury.
James COOK vs. Jerushia COOK, continued.
BYRON, jury finds the issues in the cause for defendant.
COLE et al, trial by court and temporary injunction issues herein made
State vs. Fred MILLER,
guilty petit larceny and punishment fixed at 50 days in County jail, dating
from Dec. 26.
Mary E. LANHAM vs. Joseph LANHAM, continued.
Hattie REED vs. John REED,
divorce granted plaintiff with care and custody of infant children.
State vs. Arthur
Rosa CASEY vs. John CASEY,
tried by court, evidence heard and cause taken under advisement until next
GLOWEZEWESKIE vs. John GLOWEZEWESKIE, same order as above.
Mary E. VOLLMAR vs. Robert
B. VOLLMAR, divorce granted plaintiff with care and custody of minor children,
Agnes 10 and Eileen 7 and costs taxed against defendant.
Gertrude HAZELBACHER, trial
by court and decree of divorce granted plaintiff with restoration of maiden
name, Gertrude JEFFRIES.
Kate REILEY vs. Frank
REILEY, same order, restored maiden name, Kate GEITZ.
R.W. SCHROEDER vs. Grover
MARSDEN, dismissed by agreement at defendant’s cost.
Grand Jury report and are
State vs. David T. DEES, capias ordered to issue, returnable forthwith.
Katie MILLER vs. Virginia McCREERY et all, dismissed by
plaintiff at plaintiff’s costs.
Birdie LIVARAR vs. W. T.
LIVARAR, continued by agreement.
Dist. No
77 et al vs. DeSoto Special Road District et al; defendant files motion for new
trial, continued.
Fannie E. BUREN vs. Cynthia
FREDERITZIE; trial by court and court finds defendant has a life estate in the
real-estate described in plaintiffs petition and hat plaintiff Fannie E. BUREN
has a vested remainder therein.
State re P. ROBERTS vs. Fred
SCHAEFER et al; continued.
Arthur EWING vs. Ella EWING;
trial and evidence heard and case taken under advisement until next term.
Ernest GOWAN vs. Delia
GOWAN, Decree of divorce granted with care and custody of minor child Oliva [Otiva ?] GOWAN.
Stephen HUG vs. W.S. CENNER
Poindexter MANESS vs. Wm. KELLEY, continued.
Walter B. PATTERSON vs. C.E.
PATTERSON, continued.
State vs. James FRANCIS,
judgment rendered for $50 and defendant remanded to custody of the sheriff
until judgment and costs paid.
Melissa RICHARDSON vs. John
RICHARDSON; dismissed by court.
State vs. Fred MILLERMAN,
sentence rendered dating from
State vs.
William LOESCH; judgment and sentence dating
State vs. Harold WILSON
sentence rendered dating from the 1st day Dec. 13, for two years.
State vs. Roland BRYANT,
fine commuted to 25 days from Oct. 16.
~Notice of Final Settlement
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Martis HUNNING, Deceased…
~Notice of Final Settlement
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Frank SCHMIDT, Deceased….
A special grand jury was
empanelled in the circuit court on Friday to investigate the murder of George
BARTON, and returned and indictment against David T. DEES charging him with
murder in the first degree. Sheriff DAHL
brought him to county jail on the same day, where he is confined awaiting
Miss Maud SMITH of
Miss SIMCO of
Mrs. John REPPY of
R. B. JONES attended the
funeral of Mr. WILLIAMS of Morse Mill last week.
The members of the Christian
Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church held a social at the home of Mrs. BENSON
Saturday evening.
The young society buds
enjoyed a dance at the LEIDERKRAM (?) Hall Friday night.
Mrs. Robert COXWELL
entertained her Sunday class at her lovely home on
Mrs. DEEN and two little daughters
returned to
Miss Susie JONES returned to
A. L. AMIDON went to
Rev. MILLER (?), the
congressional minister will move his family from
Lawrence AuBUCHON
was in
and son Andy went to
Miss COOK of Festus is here
this week.
Mr. MALAY and family moved
Monday in the home on 6th and Pratt lately vacated by the SHOWMAN family.
Mrs. Allie DOUGLASS spent
the weekend with relatives in
Mrs. J.G. BERKLEY spent last
Wednesday in
A.F. SLAWSON was a
The DeSoto Woman’s Club
meets Friday afternoon of this week. The
music committee will have charge of the program with Mrs. C. T. JARVIS as
went to
Mr. True S. CLARK of Seattle
who is visiting his sister-in-law Mrs. Charles PYLE and family returned home
Brother CROW gives us the
reason why he wants to remove on term of court to DeSoto. It is very much the reason we expected he
would give. His attitude is very much
that of the big boy who protects his smaller fellows candy from the raids of
other boys and the calmly appropriates it to his own use. We believe and will not cease to believe that
the better citizenship of DeSoto voted for the county seat to remain at
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Wm. KOHLER, Deceased…..
Peter KOHLER, Administrator
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDE, Deceased…..
~Personal Chat~
Bert HOEKEN is home again.
Mrs. J.E. - - -GMANN spent
Saturday in
Dr. LUCKY of Festus,
coroner, was here on business Friday.
Mrs. J.J. HOEKEN and Miss Marv visited DeSoto friends Friday.
Mrs. James A. WILSON of
Morse Mill was in
Ernest FRAZIER and J.H.
Mrs. Charles HERMAN of
DeSoto made a week-end visit to her parents here.
Charles MUSE, Jr. and Kern
DEVON of DeSoto spent Sunday with the REPPY family.
Dick SCHROEDER, wife and boy
have been in the county capitol several days of late.
Mrs. R.A. FRAZIER and son
Frank visited Rueben SHEIBLE in DeSoto for the week-end.
Oscar OGLE of Hematite made
a few hurried calls Thursday, while here in grand jury duty.
Miss Mamie
PYLE of DeSoto was here Friday doing some stenography work for C.T. JARVIS.
Attorney Sam BYRNES of
DeSoto was in town this week in improved health after a two weeks illness.
Thomas S. BYRD of Festus was
here as witness in circuit court and called on relatives and friends while
Dr. J. K. HOSTERMAN, real
estate agent for Pittsburg Plate Glass Company was here Saturday, as a court
Misses Hazel BOYER and Katheryn WILLIAMS, our teachers, went to the city Saturday
to see the Sotherns in one of Shakespeare’s plays.
Mrs. John H. REPPY and son
John attended the Zehner lecture in DeSoto Friday
night and Miss Kathleen, a party there Saturday night.
Collector John HELLER has
sold his auto and has ordered a Ford from J. P. BOEMLER who was here Monday in
the interest of that popular machine.
Mr. and Mrs. R.B. WILSON,
Mrs. J.L. BECHLER, Mrs. A.J. SHEIBLE and Sam and Joe ECKLE attended the funeral
of Clyde WILLIAMS of Morse Mill Friday.
Warren SECKMAN of St. Louis
was down Sunday to visit his brother Will who is still in a serious condition
at the home of his father-in-law Robert KING on Route one.
Attorney MARBURY of
Farmington was here Thursday to defend his brother, Editor MARBURY of Festus in
an alleged libel case brought by Frank CLARK of
Clocks Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles; School Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments
and strings at lowest prices. The Kimmswick Jeweler, M. ZIEGLER.
Uncle LIGH BURGESS slipped
on an icy step Thursday and fell against the porch giving himself a painful
injury in the side. He is up about the
home getting over it as fast as grit and his
Quite a delegation of our
young people went out to
County Court meets next
R.G. HOEKEN, wife and
daughter were in town yesterday.
Mrs. BOAS moved from her
farm south of town to DeSoto again.
Watch for the Woman’s Column
next week. It will interest you.
Miss Gladys JOHNSON
(Jamison?) of
Attorneys W. A. MOSELY of
Bloomfield and J.H. JAMISON of St. Louis are practicing in this court this
The NELSON-OGLE controversy
was settled out of court Tuesday upon agreement that Mr. NELSON pay Mr. OGLE $400 for his personal property and take
We hear of a teacher in
Plattin township who has attended every teachers
meeting in the township this year. Denslow DIXON by name.
Beat it, if you can.
John KEISKER of Jarvis was
here Monday with Julius OEHLERT and wife who were here getting the necessary
papers to convey some land to Fritz GOLTERMAN.
Mrs. Frank BECHLER and Mrs.
Jim BOUGHTON have returned from
Judge DUNNIGAN married on
Saturday, Louis VOTAW of Crescent, St. Louis Co. and Fannie Gertrude JEFFRIES
nee BAKER of Cedar Hill. The bride had
obtained a divorce from JEFFRIES on Friday.
Rev. Joseph STEPHEN, well
known in this county died at his home in
Dr. Francis E. GUIBOR, Mayor
of Maplewood was stricken with paralysis while waiting on a street corner near
his home, waiting for a street car. He
was removed to his home and little hope for his recovery is entertained. This from Tuesday’s
Globe-Democrat. Dr. GUIBOR and
family lived for years at House Springs and have many friends in this county
who will be pained to learn of his sad condition.
Public Sale – I, the
undersigned having retired and rented my farm 5 miles west of Kimmswick, 5
miles south of Maxville on Lemay Ferry Rock Road near Maxville, MO, will offer
for sale on February 22, 1913, the following property to-wit:
Matched team of gray mules,
16 hands high, Roan horse, good trotter, 2 fresh cows,
1 heifer, Top spring wagon,
good as new, Truck wagon, new wagon bed, Hay frame good as new, Top buggy,
Runabout, set of single harness, set of double harness, set plow harness, Deering ideal binder, Superior disc grain drill…..
Terms of sale: Cash for all
sums of $5 and under, all sums over $5 a credit of 9 months will be given,
purchaser giving a bankable note with approved security, bearing 6 per cent interest from date of
sale. 2 per cent discount for all cash
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Henry LEIGHT, Deceased…
Anton LEIGHT, Administrator
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Jacob REABAN, Deceased…
Ed REABAN, Administrator
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Stephen BAST, Deceased…
Maggie BAST, Administratrix
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that
letters administration on the estate of John GOLDBERG, Deceased, were granted
to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the
14th day of December, 1912….
Annie GOLDBERG, executrix
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on the estate of R. G. MORGAN, Deceased were granted
to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the
11th day of January 1913….
Robert D. MORGAN, Adm.
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others
interested in the estate of Edna J. FEISELMAN,
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were
granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri
on 26th day of December 1912…
Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix
The Monday club met with
Miss Julia KLENN and an interesting program was rendered.
Mrs. Adam MUMERT spent last
Wednesday with relatives in
Miss Maybelle
Mrs. Charles BURRIS
entertained a few friends Wednesday of this week.
entertained the county woman’s club Tuesday afternoon of this week.
Walther COUCH Mercantile Co.
is having a special sale for the next few weeks.
~Marriage Licenses~
Louis VOTAW,
James J. CRAHAN,
DeSoto…..Magnolia S. JONES, DeSoto