Jefferson County Record

January 23, 1913


~Our Normal Students at Cape Girardeau~


Jefferson County has the following students enrolled in the Normal at the Cape and there will be several additions, March 11th.

Ross BIEIKER, Bessie GRIFFITH, Mabel G. PARTNEY, Fera E. PARTNEY and Allison REPPY of Hillsboro, Naomi CHEATHAM, Luella WALTHER and Ethel HAMEL of DeSoto, Daisy WILSON of Morse Mill, Herbert J. STOVESAND of Cedar Hill & Grace M. BROCKMAN of Eureka, Route 18.


~Probate Court~


Inventory and appraisement lists in estate of Geo. J. EVERETT, dec., approved.


Demand of F. E. SKINNER, M. D. against estate of Annie SIDES, dec., for $9 allowed.


Adm. Of estate of Annie SIDES, dec. petitions court for an order to sell real estate.  All persons interested in said real estate ordered to be notified on or before the first day of Probate Court, Feb. 24.  Unless the contrary be shown by that time Court will order sale to proceed.


Annual settlement of Sudan E. THEOBOLD executrix of the estate of John THEOBOLD deceased approved.


Court appoints Malinda KELLEY curatrix, of estate of the KELLEY minors.


Last will of Henry Robert GNICHWITZ deceased admitted to probate and letters of testamentary granted to J. F. WALTHER without bond.


J. F. WALTHER appointed curator of estate of Henry Robert GNITIWITZ [GNICHWITZ] minor, and bond approved.


Letters of administration on estate of William L. PIPKIN deceased granted to Mary M. PIPKIN.


Upon information filed an inquiry made by a jury of two men, John W. CHOTT was adjudged to be a person of unsound mind and incapable of taking care of his own affairs.  Barbara CHOTT appointed guardian.


~Circuit Court News~


State vs. Benj. PATTERSON; fined $1.


Fred FICKEN vs. John EGGERS et al; motion for new trial overruled.


Cyrus P. VERNON vs. Fred STRANGE, demurrer over-ruled, deft. Withdrawn demurrer and files answer.


Fred SCHAFER vs. R. G. TOWNSEND et al, con’t.


State vs. Malinda DANA, place on docket, con’t to next term.


State vs. Arthur EWING, placed on docket for Wednesday, Jan. 22.


State vs. Wm. BOLE and Walter TRAVIS.  Same order.


State vs. Jas. MURRAY, guilty, 4 years in penitentiary for burglary and larceny.


S. T. WAGGENER vs. Maria F. BERRY et al, Albert MILLER appointed as guardian ad item for minor defendants herein.


M. P. HARRIS vs. St. Jos. Lead Company, continued.


State vs. Roland BRYANT, six months in jail and $50 fine.


State vs. Oscar L. RUTH, Pros. Atty. filed information charging defendants with carrying concealed weapons.  Sixty days in jail from Nov. 7, 1912.


J. E. SMITH et al vs. S. E. NEWHOUSE et al, passed to Jan. 28.


L. E. DUNLOP vs. Frisco Ry. files motion for security for costs.


Benj. L. LEWIS et al vs. Carrie M. DICKSON et al, judgment for plaintiffs finding them owners of the real estate herein described and that defendant have no title claim or interest therein.


Taylor SMITH, stenographer of the 27 Judicial Circuit is appointed as special stenographer in the case of State vs. W. T. DARDIN.


Mary Ann SAFFEL vs. Mrs. E. POSCH et al, passed to foot of the docket.


State vs. Fred MILLER, set for Jan. 24, P. S. TERRY counsel for defendant.


State vs. Annie LOLLIS, continued to May 12.


State vs. W. T. DARDIN, attachment ordered for Isam STEWART witness for state.


Elsie MEDLEY vs. Joseph MEDLEY, continued by agreement, defendant files answer to crossbill.


Della GLOWCZEWSKIE vs. John GLOWCZEWSKIE passed to Jan. 25.


Ida ABERNATHY vs. Noah ABERNATHY, continued.


State vs. W. T. DARDEN, [DARDIN] fined $200.


J. C. ROQUES, Mike TIERNEY and Fred BENDER excused from jury.


T. C. CAGE, Harry FOREST, John KLEY and Charles HEMME, Jr. placed on regular panel of petit jury.


State vs. Ed EICHELBERGER, nolle prose qui.


State vs. Jno. BUTLER, exhibiting deadly weapon, Pros. Atty. enters nolle prose qui and by agreement costs are taxed to defendant.


State vs. Will GREEN, parole set aside and capias execution ordered to issue.


I. N. HAMILTON vs. Crystal City Gun Club, defendant files demurrer.


MERSEAL Allee Timber Co. vs. J. H. CHILDERS, continued.


L. H. DUNLOP vs. Frisco Ry., time for filing bond extended until 30 days before 1st day of next term and cause continued at cost of plaintiff.


G. T. LANHAM vs. Est. of James HOGAN, continued


Elbert FAST vs. Frisco Ry. Judgment for plaintiff for $150 and costs taxed against plaintiff.  Execution ordered stayed for 60 days.


Joseph CROSS vs. Bonne Terre Ry. jury fines $65.  Plaintiff files motion to enter judgment in double the sum found by jury.  Defendant files motion for new trial and a motion in arrest of judgment.


Jesse A. SCHAPER enrolled a member of this bar.


J. N. HAMILTON et al vs. Crystal City Gun Club, Plaintiff granted leave to file an amended petition.


Herculaneum Lumber Co. vs. Thos. GOZA: Dismissed by plaintiff.


J. F. DONNELL vs. Aug. THOMURE: Valley Park Trust Co. allowed $15 for answering - garnishee.  Judgment against Valley Park Trust Co. garnishee for the amt. of $102.69 and ordered to pay within fifteen days.  Upon failure execution issue against Valley Park Trust Co. for same and served with copy of this order.


State vs. Jennie MERSEAL: concealing birth of child.  Two years in penitentiary.  Paroled, bond fixed at $200.00.


Charles STUMN excused from jury.


Henry J. HENKEL appointed deputy sheriff.


~Critically Injured in Mill at Morse Mill Monday~

A shocking accident occurred Monday morning in the mill at Morse Mill when Clyde, son of Riley WILLIAMS, was caught by machinery in motion, and frightfully mangled.  The miller and the owner James BITTICK, together with the day crew who were just going to work, were standing about a large wheel where the belt needed attention.  In some way the young man’s arm was caught in the belting and he was whirled madly round and round the wheel in view of his companions who were powerless to help him.  The miller instantly rushed and shut the mill down, but already the right was mangled so that it had to be amputated, a foot was crushed and several ribs broken.  The young man is in critical condition and his recovery is doubtful.


~Petition Legislature to Remove Circuit Court to DeSoto~

W. E. CROW, George MAHN, Col. Sol HOBENTHAL, Roy DEAN and a number of others, we are informed, went up to Jefferson City Wednesday to obtain the removal of Circuit Court to DeSoto by act of legislature.  Why?


~Hillsboro School Notes~

Why don’t we have more visitors from among our parents and friends?  We are always glad to see you but we have had hardly a visitor except Christmas week, when former pupils came; Misses Eva PILLIARD, Kathleen REPPY, Birdie WILSON, Lena HILL and Mr. Hoyt HOEKEN.

Miss Legia HILL expects to enter DeSoto High School for the second term which begins next Monday. Our new teacher, Miss BOYER is now settled in the work and every thing is moving on pleasantly and helpfully, and we like her. The weather has been kind to the little tots and Miss WILLIAMS, attendance has been very good, tardiness is also improving.…

Supt. R. B. WILSON spent an afternoon last week visiting the room of the principal.…


~In Memoriam~

R G. MORGAN was born Aug 30th, 1842 in Marion County, Ill.  His parents were Maj. Jas. D. and Elizabeth (MIDDLETON) MORGAN natives of McMinnville, Tenn.  April 20th he married Mary S. PADEN of Mt. Pleasant, Ohio and moved to Jefferson County Missouri in Sept 1869.  He was Sunday School Superintendent of Zion Sunday School for forty-two years.  His death occurred January 1st, 1913 and his funeral was preached by his dear old friend, Rev. D. W. CROW in the Zion M. E. Church which stands close by the newly-made grave of its chief promoter and builder.  His body now reposes almost in the spot where the little old log church so dear in the memory of all who used to worship there. Brother MORGAN was a man of an unusually affable and lovable disposition, while he had out lived the good age of three score and ten, he was still young in heart.  He was unselfish and public spirited, ever studying the public good not only in his immediate neighborhood, but his interests were nation-wide, yes even world wide for his heart was in the great world wide missionary cause. Not only his near and dear relatives sustained a heavy loss, but his friends (and they are many), his county, his state and perhaps most of all his church.  The burden of Brother CROW’s address seemed to be as to upon whom the mantle of this good Christian and untiring Sunday School worker should fall, his prayer was for the lord’s comforting influence to be with the bereaved family, and that he would raise up some one to take the place of the deceased in the Sunday School and Church of Zion, MO.


Mrs. Florenz HELD of Antonia was buried there Tuesday, Rev. E. J. HAMRICK conducting the funeral.  Mrs. HELD had been a sufferer of rheumatism for a long time and death was a relief.  She is survived by her husband and several children one of whom is Mrs. L. M. ZENSER who formerly lived in Hillsboro.  Mrs. HELD has lived long in this county and her circle of friends undergo a deep loss in the passing of this good woman.


Mrs. John MCCREARY nee HENSLEY nee MOSS died at her home near Goldman Sunday the 19th and was buried Tuesday at lower Sandy Church. The deceased has been a sufferer of dropsy for several months and her death has been daily expected for two months or more.  She is survived by her husband, a daughter Mrs. Sam MARSDEN, and six brothers, Richard, Clay, and Philip of Goldman, Frank of Hillsboro.  Mrs. MCCREARY has been a member of the Baptist church for more than forty years… She lived more than eighty years…Rev. J. H. PEPPERS of Festus performed the last sad rites.


~DeSoto Happenings~

More Crews On, Lots of Visitors, New Preacher


Mrs. Zeno AUBUCHON and Mrs. MCCARTY of St. Louis were the guests of Mrs. John L. ROUGGLEY over Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Oscar OVERCROME are the proud parents of a baby girl born Friday.


DeSoto won in the basketball game with Flat River Friday.


Miss Susie JONES of Hillsboro is spending the week with relatives.


Judge C. S. BOOTH of near Hillsboro spent several days this week with his family.


Mrs. Sallie F. BOWLS, the grand Lecturer of the grand chapter of MO order of the Eastern Star was here Monday and Tuesday holding a school of instruction Monday afternoon and evening.


Mrs. W. T. LONG has returned from Texas.


Mesdames O.P. DEVIN and A. F. SLAWSON will entertain at the former’s home Wednesday afternoon.  The guests will be the members of the DeSoto Women’s Club.


The Congressional Church has a new pastor, Rev. MILLAR (?) of St. Louis who will move his family from St. Louis at once.


Mrs. John CRANE and baby of Poplar Bluff are visiting her sister Mrs. L.L. ROUGGLY.


Mrs. A.D. WILLIAMS left Wednesday for Poplar Bluff for a visit.


The Dorcas Society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S.W. CRAWFORD.


Several more crews will run out DeSoto as the Iron Mountain is sending the freight over the main road.


Miss Addie LOGAN entertained a number of friends last Thursday evening.


Mrs. Bell MASON is ill at her home on Fourth Street.


Mrs. BENSON and Mrs. R. B. MUNROE were Hillsboro visitors Friday.


Mrs. PRICE of Joplin, MO has returned home after spending a week with relatives.


Miss Nina McLANE is in St. Louis with her mother who is improving nicely.


P.J. LEVETT, W.A. WELSH and C.C. MITCHIM were in Jefferson City the first of last week attending the inauguration of the new governor.


C.W.HAVERSTICK has secured the contract for well drilling on the Frisco and has shipped the machinery to that road.


Mrs. G.E. LOGAN was the guest of relatives at Poplar Bluff last week.


Ed BEISBARTH of St. Louis spent the week-end in our city.


Dan ROUGGLY, M. McMULLEN and T. DONNELL were Hillsboro visitors last Friday.


Mrs. C.W. MUSE who has been in poor health for more than a year left for Hot Springs Monday night.


Atty. Sam BYRNS has been ailing and confined to the house for the past week.



Louis REIMAN      Dittmer

Mary TIEHLAND   Oerman


~Good Time at Danby~

One of the most enjoyable events of the season was the Epworth League social given Friday night.  The Hall was beautifully decorated in white.  One of the novel features of the evening was the guessing of advertisement pictures.  A prize being awarded to the one guessing the largest number which was won by Miss Nora WATT, also the bean catch, the prize being won by Miss Alice BAKER. 


The Danby Literary and debating society met Saturday evening.  An excellent program was rendered ‘Everyone enjoyed, Why we never married’, by seven maids and seven bachelors.


Mrs. John Daugherty of Red Bud, IL are visiting her sister Mrs. Orvil HENDRICKS.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert SKINS of Memphis TN are visiting his parents here.


Miss Katherine FUNK returned from Doe Run, Thursday where he had spent the week with his aunt Mrs. BOYCE.


Rev. GALES and wife spent the week-end here and attended the League social at the Literary.


Teacher’s of Plattin Meeting…..Mrs. H. McKAY STRAUSER, V.P.


~Festus Lad Killed by Train Thursday~

Charlie LOLLAMANDIER was killed by a train at Festus last Thursday morning.  He worked at Crystal City and was going to work that morning he boarded a freight train to ride over.  Passing from one box car to another, he fell between and one leg was severed from the body.  He lived less than two hours.  The young man was be eighteen years old and was the son of Villar LOLLAMANDIER.


~Buckeye News~


Our school is doing nicely under the guidance of Miss Bertha HUSKEY.


Clarence OGLE was seen in this part of the country this week.


Mrs. J.P. SMITH who has been ill for the past two months is up and around again.


Miss Lena HILL called on the Misses BUREN last Saturday.


Miss Maria WHITE left Sunday for St. Louis where she has work and intends to attend night school.  


Mrs. Walter DeCLUE has been suffering terribly from a rising in her head but is somewhat better now.


Leo WOOTEN has returned from Franklin Co., where he spent a couple of weeks.


~Projected Glass Factory~

Regular Festus Correspondent, Miss Tillie OBERLE visited in St. Louis Sunday and Monday with relatives.


Fred MOORE and family were visited last week by their son-in-law, Russel JENKINS and wife.


Mr. and Mrs. Al KENSY of St. Louis visited her mother and other relatives here last week.


On Jan. 24, the Triangle Club will give another of their famous dances.


Dist. Deputy BLUEDORN of the ? Men was here this week.  He will organize a lodge at Herculaneum.


Mr. and Mrs. I. Ben MILLER of Cape Girardeau spent Sunday here.


Miss Barbara HAEFNER went to Ste. Genevieve to serve as maid of honor at the LEUER-ROZIER wedding.


Messrs. W. B. PATTERSON and R. JACKSON of Rush Tower had business in Festus last week.


Robert HOLMAN died last week of tuberculosis of the lungs.  He was the third member of the family to die of the dreaded disease.


Festus will soon have another artist’s studio.  The parties have been here looking for a location.


A man was arrested here last week for representing another agent and soliciting orders.  He was fined $10 which he paid and departed a sadder and wiser man.


A tacky party was given by the Girl’s Club at the home of Miss Eva PILLIARD Friday night at which there were some quaint costumes which created a great deal of merriment.  Refreshments were served and dancing was indulged in and all spent a pleasant evening.


Mrs. James MATTINGLY has been quite ill for several days, her daughter, Mrs. TUCKER of St. Louis is here for her health and her son-in-law, Mr. TUCKER is in a St. Louis hospital having been operated upon.


Mr. Will DRAKE of Chicago is here visiting his brother, Horace and family for the first time in 30 years.  Horace DRAKE’s children have never seen their Uncle Will.


The friends of Hon. H.H. WEAVNER of Rush Tower will be pleased to note that he has about recovered from a case of pneumonia. 


Mr. and Mrs. Harry STONE are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine daughter at their home last Monday.


Miss DUNN, a trained nurse of St. Louis is nursing little Gilbert DRAKE who has been hovering between life and death for several weeks.  He is still in a very critical condition.


Little Selma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. SEWALD has been sick with a fever for about a week but is improving.


Blind BOONE, the noted colored musician and his associates will give a concert here Feb. 1st.


S. T. WAGGONER is nursing a sprained ankle and will not be able to be out for several days.


Father HOLDTSCHNEIDER received a fall from which he has been confined to his room for several days.


Sam and Pete BARTON of Ind. and Mrs. Mary SHEDRON, brother and sister of George BARTON attended the funeral services of their brother George last week.


Mesdames W. L. TOWNSEND and D. B. FROST attended the funeral of Edwin BEAN in DeSoto.


The BOYER sisters have succeeded to the insurance business of their father, W. S. BOYER who died a few weeks ago and will represent the same companies.


F. O. HORN has his boiler on the ground and will soon have the other machinery for his new cleaning and pressing plant.


Prof. LUCKEY of St. Louis gave a stereopticon lecture in the M. E. Church Sunday night on the life of Christ which was both instructive and interesting.


~Docket of Jefferson County Circuit Court for Jan. 23, 24 and 25~


Friday, January 24—Eleventh Day.


REPPY & IRWIN  91         Judson B. POUNDS vs. W. R. WILLIAMS    demand

P. S. TERRY  92         Katie MILLER vs. Virginia MCCREARY et al      demand

R. A. FRAZIER   93    I. N. HAMILTON et al vs. Crystal City Gun Club  demand

P. S. TERRY  94          Rosa CASEY vs. John CASEY      divorce

P.  TERRY   95            Mary E. VOLLMER vs. Robt.  B. VOLLMER   divorce

R. A. FRAZIER  96     Edna COSTIGAN vs. John P. COSTIGAN     divorce

R. A. FRAZIER   97     Edward HINDMAN vs. Lodesky HINDMAN  divorce

R. A. FRAZIER   98     Gertrude HAZELBACKER vs. Henry C. HAZELBACKER

R. A. FRAZIER   99    Kate RILEY vs. Frank RILEY      divorce

DAVIS & ERD     99a  State ex rel P. ROBERTS vs. Fred SCHAFER et al action on bond


Thursday, January 23—Tenth Day


REPPY, TERRY & IRWIN  82  Frank B. CLARK  VS. Horatio L. MARBURY  damages for libel

H. B. IRWIN  E. C. EDGAR  83   City of DeSoto vs. Henry GARDNER   appeal

REPPY and MILLER, Clyde WILLIAMS  84  Fred FECKEN  vs.  John EGGERS et al New trial

H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR  85 City of DeSoto vs. Henry HARRIS appeal

[missing, probably H.B. IRWIN]   86 George DECLUE  vs. St. L. I. M. & So. Ry Co. et al  appeal

H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR   87  City of DeSoto vs. Arthur WASHBURN  appeal

H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR  88  City of DeSoto vs. Thos. HARNESS  appeal

H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR  89  City of DeSoto vs.  Geo. TOLTON  appeal

H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR 90  City of DeSoto vs. Charles BURRIS   appeal

BRYCE & BEAN 90a  C. E. FENN  & Co.  vs. C. A. SCHOELKOPF  suit on note


Saturday, January 25—Twelfth Day


R. A. FRAZIER  100  Mary MAZZELLA  vs. Ben MAZZELLA  divorce

R. A. FRAZIER  101  Mary N. LANHAM  vs. Joseph LANHAM divorce

P. S. TERRY 102  Clarence B. LONG  vs. [Katie ?] LONG  divorce

P. S. TERRY 103  Birdie LIVARER vs. N. F. LIVARER  divorce

J. G. BERKLEY  104  James COOK vs. Jerusha COOK divorce

J. G. BERLEY  105  Arthur EWING vs. Ella EWING  divorce

R. A. FRAZIER  106  Rebecca E. PAGE  vs. George W. PAGE   divorce

R. A. FRAZIER  107  Viola E. MITCHEL vs. Clarence MITCHEL  divorce

Chas. WHITE  108  Hattie REED  vs.  John REED   divorce

Clyde WILLIAMS  109  Edwin D. LUCKEY vs. Rebecca LUCKEY divorce

Jno. H. REPPY  110   Malissa  RICHARDSON vs.  John RICHARDSON  divorce





Jno. W. JUEDE to W. E. FRANKS, 23-41-6, $200.

W. P. WILLIAMS to W. J. KNORPP, ?-39-4, $50

R. SCHMIDT to J. D. CELLA, 70 acres – 24-40-4, $8500 [$3500 ?]

Caroline KRAUPA to C. J. SEIDLER, 70.8 acres, Sev 2991, 42&43 5&6, $500.

C. J. SEIDLER  to Caroline KRAUPA, same land, $500

Mary E. ?UDING to W. J. KNORPP, 2.04 acres, $885 {$385?]

P. O. MCCORMACK to D. L. ROUGLY, 1 acres, 2-39-4 $375.

S. P. JOHNSON to Vaclav PASDORNICK [Pasdernick ?] $1474.75  17 acres.

W. F. HERBERT to Patrick KAVANAUGH, $600, 3 lots in Festus.

J. A. FLEMING to Geo. W. MOORE, $345, 5acres in Sulphur Springs

Nelson HUNT to P. J. RUESS Jr., $400, 18 acres near Sulphur Springs.

J. M. SYNDER to Wiley Merc. Co., $900, 4 lots in DeSoto.

F. R. B. STEINMETS to J. B. STEINMETS, $100, 2 acres.

Fannie WILLIAMS et al to Jno. M. WILSON, $8360.00, 28, 29, 23, 41-3.

Fannie WILLIAMS et al to E. C. EDGAR, lots in DeSoto, $885 {$385?]

John F. KLEY to S. J. MARSDEN, 100 acres, $3000 [$9000?] sur. 1976.



Louis RIEMAN, Dittmer…….Mary TIEHLAND [VIEHLAND ?] Oerman.



~Personal Chat~


Frank NAES of Seckman was in the county seat on Tuesday.


Leslie ADAMS of DeSoto spent Sunday here with home folks.


W. H. PILLIARD went to Festus to spend Sunday with his family.


Theodore HURTGEN has returned from a surveying trip to Fenton.


Miss Blanche FRAZIER is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Reuben SHEIBLE, of DeSoto.


Miss Mamie HELLER attended the school of instruction at the O. E. S. of De Soto, Monday night.


Supt. R. B. WILSON is busy among the schools aiding the teachers and working up sentiment and interest in the medals, the writing and the spelling contests…


Mrs. F. E. SPILKER who has had a severe attack of acute gastritis is improving.


Mr. and Mrs. Ed OLDSHUE of Waveland, Indiana were the guest here of relatives, the HOEKEN family, the week end.


Mrs. P. C. MCCORMACK of Hematite and a cousin, Mrs. Hope MORRISON of St. Paul, Minn. visited relatives here last week.


Kirkwood JONES and family and Miss Gussie SELVERS of DeSoto visited Dr. JONES and family Sunday and Miss Susan returned with them.


Andrew BOEHM who left Hillsboro in October to return to St. Louis, spent a weeks lay-off with Hillsboro friends, returning home on Sunday.


Attorneys E. A. ROZIER of Farmington and Moses WHYBARK of Cape Girardeau have been engaged in damage suits for railroads in this Court this week.


Dr. R. SCHMIDT of Hannibal who built the stone bungalow north of Victoria has sold it to Joseph CELLA of St. Louis for $3500 which is certainly a bargain for the purchaser.


Thornton HENSLEY of Pevely visited county seat friends the first of this week.


Dr. DENNY and W. L. CLOVER of Cedar Hill came in to attend Masonic Lodge Saturday.


Misses Hazel HOYE [BOYE ?] and Kathryn WILLIAMS spent Saturday in DeSoto visiting, shopping, etc.


B. J. WATERS of Kimmswick visited his daughter, Mrs. Grover BRISTOL and family Sunday.


G. A. WENOM of Kimmswick has had to make two trips to Circuit Court within the last week.


John L. BECHLER has sold his handsome team of matched chestnuts to Dr. R. SCHMIDT of Hannibal.


William and Peter FREDERITZIE and John F. MILLER, from Maxville were in the county seat yesterday.


Mrs. J. W. BENSON and Mrs. Robert MUNROE attended Court here last week and were the guests of Mrs. J. H. REPPY.


Rev. G. W. HOLMES brought his brother with him to spend Sunday here.  The young man is a law student.


John R. BAKER and wife of Maxville were here Tuesday on their way to Victoria to visit Rufus RUDDER and family.


Rev. G. W. HOLMES preached morning and evening here on Sunday and Rev. E. J. HAMRICK will fill the pulpit next Sunday.


Fred THORPE the insurance man who is spending the winter here is in St. Louis on a few days’ business trip.


James H. MOSS and his daughter, Mrs. Sam BYRNS, attended the funeral Tuesday of Mrs. John MCCREARY of Goldman, sister of the former.


Theodore FRISSELL and George DOVER of Frumet were here Saturday and returned by way of Ware where they attended the meeting of the Odd Fellows lodge that evening.


Suppose you all are going down to DeSoto to hear Blind BOONE 31st Friday night.  The wonderful playing of Blind BOONE is well known but this is the first time he has ever played in this county.


We learn that the fifteen year old son of L. R. RADECKER of Cedar Hill, accidentally discharged a shot gun, Sunday, into his hip making only a flesh wound.


Attorneys E. J. BEAN, S. A. REPPY, H. B. IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR, besides A. J. BLAIR, W. A. WELSH Sol HEHENTHAL, Andy LABEAUME, are among DeSoto citizens in the burg this week.


Quite an interesting case was tried Monday before Justice W. L. STONE, John JAY-NELSON brought suit for the possession of his farm against Samuel OGLE, NELSONs theory was that his tenant, James OGLE had terminated his lease by leaving the farm and going into the hotel business here, Sam OGLE claimed that he was only looking after the farm for his father, James OGLE who claims that he is still in possession.  The Jury adopted the OGLE view of the case and NELSON appealed to the Circuit Court.


Henry SCHLEUTER of Kimmswick and Harris KING of Goldman were callers on the Record yesterday.


Mrs. J. S. KING of Goldman visited her mother yesterday and the heavy cold rain in the evening compelled her to stay over night.


A goodly delegation of Kimmswick were here yesterday as witnesses in the MILES case.  Among them Dr. KIRK, Gus and Otto WENOM, Oscar TAUBOLD, Mrs. Alice MILES, Mrs. CARR, Mrs. Cora G. ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CHURCH, Mrs. M. E. QUICK, and others.


~For Sale~

Pierpoint white wyandottes.  A few fine, well matured pullets and cockerels at reasonable prices…  F. E. OBERMILLER    Kimmswick, Mo.


~A Grand Masquerade Ball~

Will be given in Adolph KOHLER’s Hall, Antonia, Mo. on

Saturday, February 1, 1913.

…M. F. ZIMPFER, Mgr.


~Letters of Administration~


Notice is hereby given that letters administration on the estate of John GOLDBERG, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 14th day of December, 1912….

Annie GOLDBERG, executrix


~Letters of Administration~

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of R. G. MORGAN, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 11th day of January 1913….

Robert D. MORGAN, Adm.



~Letters of Administration~

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on 26th day of December 1912…

Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Frank SCHMIDT,


W. M. SCHMIDT, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Martin HUNNING,


Fred HUNNING, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Henry LEIGHT, Deceased…

Anton LEIGHT, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Jacob REABAN, Deceased…

Ed REABAN, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Stephen BAST, Deceased…

Maggie BAST, Administratrix


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Edna J. FEISELMAN,


Edward J. FEISELMAN, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Naomi WHITESIDES,


F. D. WATERS, Administrator


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Wm. KOHLER, Deceased…

Peter KOHLER, Administrator