~Fatal Shooting in Festus~
Frank BARTON Killed by Dave DEES in Dees’
A fatal shooting took place in
Clerk ordered to release school fund mortgage
of Leo and X. F. KOHLER paid in 1892.
Court orders taxes of Mrs. ROUGGLY for 1912
in lot 7, block 4, R.R. ad. DeSoto collected on valuation of $1000.
Same in Mrs. Rhoda HOPSON for 1912 on
personal property in DeSoto collected on valuation of $450.
Personal taxes of W. J. WILLIAMS ordered collected
on valuation $165.
Personal taxes for 1912 on property of J. T.
MOSS ordered collected, val. $1880.
Highway engineer ordered to examine road on
hill near William GRETCHEL’s place in road district No. 67, make estimate of
repairs needed and report.
Settlement of outgoing county treasurer,
showing balances in the several funds…ordered turned over to F. J. ADAMS, the
new treasurer.
Taxes on 80 acres, S29 T40 R3, for 1906 to
1911, on petition of C.E. MERSEAL, ordered collected on valuation of $50.
B. F. CHAPMAN ordered sent to county farm.
School fund bond of E. J. HAMRICK approved.
Settlement of Treasurer JONES of warrants
redeemed by him approved and ordered credited….
~Wm. L. PIPKIN, Dead~
Wm. L. PIPKIN, formally a commission merchant
He was an invalid for several months from
paralysis and had recently become connected with the Presbyterian Church.
He was one of the numerous PIPKIN family well
known in this section and in other parts of state.
was born at
Besides nearby relatives, there were present,
Mr. Walter PIPKIN, Miss AMES and Mr. and Mrs. PARKER from
For the first time this season the river is
full of floating ice.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. MEISENER have gone to
There is some interest in the new post-master
ship. So far, W. W. J. HILGERT and E.
J. WHITE are the only ones in the race.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. REPPY of
William L. PIPKIN aged 36 was buried
Sunday. He had been in poor health for a
long time. He leaves a widow and four
F. E. OBERMILLER our champion chicken fancier
certainly won premiums at the DeSoto Poultry Show. His big white Wyandottes scored four blue
ribbons, two red, and two yellow. They
are beauties and command a fine market for eggs and for flesh.
G. WOLF the horse and mule buyer was here
Friday, but did not buy, the weather being bad.
G. M. STAAT has been down with the grip the
past week and the result was that our school has been closed since the 7th.
Carson and Carol STAAT of
Rudolph WINTER got tired of bachelorship so
he went to St. Louis procured a marriage license brought his best girl, Miss
Lida DAUTENHAHN along and got married Sunday at the Lutherian (sic) Church by
Rev. DAUTENHAHN. We wish the young
couple an abundance of good luck.
Miss Emma SCHNEIDER of here was married to a
Mr. REIHL of
Mrs. F. HELD is still on the sick list.
Walter BERGMEYER left last week for
~Festus News~
Mrs. J. E. RUTLEDGE spent Friday in
Aug. KESSLES spent a couple of days last week
Miss Edith BOYER fell last Sunday and
sprained her wrist.
Joe AUBUCHON and two sons, Frank and Clarence
had business in
Mrs. BYRNS and little daughter who have been
visiting home folks for several days, returned to Festus Tuesday.
R. S. ENGLAND and Frank HOLLIDAY made a business trip to
Mrs. Sam WALTON and children visited her home
folks near Hematite last week.
Mrs. Jennie SMITH entertained her mother,
Mrs. M. E. GRIFFIN of
The Theta Epsilon Club met with Mrs. D. B.
FROST Friday, in honor of Mrs. FLANAGAN of
Mrs. M. C. MCDONNEL who has been visiting her
sister at Doe Run returned home Monday and reports that her sister is better.
A class of eleven was initiated into the
Court of Honor No. 632 last Tuesday night.
22 of the DeSoto team, the state manager, Mr. FLOYD, and District
Deputy, Mrs. GIBSON were present. After
the initiation a reception to the visiting team was give. A very pleasant evening was spent by all.
Little Lyle SCHAFER, daughter of Fred
SCHAFER, Jr., fell from a high chair and broke her collar bone. She is getting along nicely.
R. B. VOLMAR has had a serious attack of pneumonia
but is some better and the doctors think that with proper care he will get up
again. Improvements are being made in VOLMAR’s old store building preparatory
to Mr. ROZIER’s stock of merchandise.
Since it is an assured fact that the Glass
Works will be established here lots are going like hot cakes. Mr. HOLLADAY has sold five in the last week,
one to DuBart LEAGUE and four to the A. J. JENNIS boys.
A row occurred in the Dave DEE’s saloon
Saturday night in which George BARTON
(The first article listed Frank Barton, rather than George Barton.) of
Crystal City was shot and killed by DEES.
We understood that BARTON drew a gun and threatened to shoot Dave’s
brother when Dave drew his and shot BARTON who lived only a few minutes. BARTON was
We learn through Mrs. H. H. WEAVER that Mrs.
Alice BRANDS who is at her daughters in Denver is gradually growing worse with
cancer, that she will come back to her other daughter, Mrs. HELBERSTADT at
Fayette, and from there will go to a hospital in St. Louis.
T. V. ROBINSON, barber, visited his parents
~Faithful Service is Recognized~
Louis PHILLIPI, the genial, affable and
faithful chief accountant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company at
Frederick RITTERBUSCH, eighty one years old
died at
The Maxville Mutual Telephone Company held
their annual meeting Saturday. On
account of the increasing membership the members decided to put their switch
board in James GRAY’s residence who will hereafter take care of it. Officers elected Wm. BLANK Pres., James GRAY,
Secy., Eugene MCCLAIN, repair man.
~Probate Court~
Demand of Dr. MOCKBEE against estate of Mary
E. RUSSEL deceased for $25.25 allowed.
Demand of A. J. SCHEIBLE against same estate
for $2.00 allowed.
Demand of LONG brothers against estate of
Maggie HUCK deceased $24.25 and allowed.
Upon petition by the administrator of the
estate of Mary A. MANESS deceased.
Letters of administration on the estate of
George J. EVERETTE [
Letters of administration on the estate of R.
G. MORGAN deceased granted to Robert D. MORGAN.
Court appoints Olive BOYER, curatrix of
estate of William, Harry and Olivia BOYER minors.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Benjamin F. CARTILAGE deceased granted to P. S.
Court orders by petition filed that all
persons interested in the James HOGAN estate be notified on or before Feb. 24,
and unless contrary be shown by said date, an order will be made for the date
of said real estate.
Same order as above in the estate of Maggie
HUCK deceased Felix LEUTZINGER administrator.
Same order John WALSH deceased estate.
Demand of E. S. COXWELL against estate of
Annie SIDES deceased for $63.50 allowed.
~Circuit Court News~
State vs. Robt. MCMILLIAN, Pros. Atty. enters
nolle pro qui.
Harry DAHL, Sheriff,
State vs. Gus BEFFA, No. 7 guilty, $40 fine,
No. 8 nolle pros qui.
State vs. David PETEREIN, guilty, $40 fine.
August BOUT vs. Iron Mountain Ry., time for
filing bill or exceptions extended until May 12.
State vs. Charles BOEMLER, continued.
State vs. Robert MCBROOM, 2 yrs. In
penitentiary, Bond of $1000 pending motion for new trial approved.
Frank B. CLARK vs. Horatio L. MARBURY, defendant filed demurrer and motion
for Security of Costs.
State vs. John A. MEYERS, Eugene WINGO,
Oliver KENCH, paroles continued.
William GRIFFIN, Frank MOON, Charles B.
FRAZIER, L. E. THOMAS, Leroy HUSKEY and W. W. POWERS appointed Deputy Sheriffs.
State vs. Arthur ENNIS, Pros. Atty. enters
nolle pros qui.
Thos. M. LANHAM et al vs. William BIENHARD
[Blenhard ?], time for filing all of exceptions extended to April 1st.
Lillie MCCLAIN STRICKLAN vs. Anna Belle
MCCLAIN et al, extended to February 1.
Ida HEARST vs. Iron Mt. Ry. Extended to April
School District No. 84 et al vs. Rose
TOOLOOSE et al, extended to April 1st.
State vs. Clarence RUCKMAN, extended to April
State vs. Milton MOSS, con’t.
State vs. Wm. DOWELL and Hugh HUSKEY, nolle
prose qui.
State vs. Ed PETERS, fined $100.
State vs. Jack MARSDEN, con’t.
State vs. Chas. PHILLIPS, nolle prosse qui.
State vs. Archie MCDOWELL, passed to Jan. 23.
State vs. Jno. EICHELBERGER, set for May 14,
witnesses return without further notice.
State vs. Horace SCHAFER, guilty, 6 months in
C. G. HARRIS appointed deputy sheriff.
State vs. Jas. FRANCIS, $50 fine.
State vs. Jno. WIDEMAN, continued to May 15.
State vs. Wesley WIDEMAN, same order.
State vs. Fred MILLERMAN, 2 years for
burglary and 2 years for larceny.
State vs. Clayton MAUPIN, Edw. MAURICE and
Benj. PATTERSON, pleas of not guilty entered.
~Atty. E. J. Bean’s Son Fatally Injured,
Edwin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J.
BEAN is dead as a result of a coasting accident in DeSoto last Wednesday
~In Memoriam~
In sweet remembrance of our darling Ivan, who
fell asleep in (sic) Jesus one year ago, Jan 11, 1912 and dear idolized son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edw.SHUBERT.
to Elmer S. FRAZIER, 2 lots in Horine, $160.
E. C. EDGAR to F. E. LANHAM, lot in Rathbuns
ad DeSoto, $400.
W. KERRNISH to V. E. CANEPA, lot in Festus,
Oliver CROMWELL to Frank HLUZEK, 37a, 11-
42-4. $1400.
Jno. P. GRATIOT to Wm. CASTLEBERRY, lot in
Fletchers ad DeSoto $75.
W. BELLVILLE to Jos. BELLVILLE, 80a. 14 &
15-39 5, $100.
G. E. STONE to L. A. MEYERS, 40a, 16 40 4,
Emma WILLIS to W. J. KNORPP, 95a, 17 39-5,
$1300 John DRISSELL to H. S. DRISSELL, lot in Herberts ad DeSoto, $1.
HARBISON to Edward REABAN, 155 36a 15 41-3, $3000 Herculaneum Lumber Co.
to John W. DUGAN 2 39a, B. T. F. & C. Co. plat, $100.
Same to Same, lot in
Same to Same, lot in Horine, $300.
P. J. SCHNEIDER to Clarence HUSKEY, 6 lots in
Rathbun’s ad DeSoto, $1.
~Marriage Licenses~
Cleve M. BREWEN…..DeSoto
Bessie H. TOLTON…...DeSoto
Frank HARNESS…..
Edw. B. BOYER…...Festus
Alice M. COOK….. Festus
Wilks G. POOKER ….Hillsboro
Emilie SCHON……..
Jessie WHITE……
Jas. STAFFELBACH….Victoria
Isabel SCHEARPE…….DeSoto
Charles NELSON……
Myrtle PEEBLES…….Crystal City
The New Era Publishing Company
A partnership composed of
John H. REPPY and Mrs. Albertise COON REPPY
Mrs. SMITH of
Mr. and Mr. J. Ben MILLER of
Edwin BEAN, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. BEAN was fatally injured while coasting on
The Fair Association elected officers Tuesday
afternoon of last week. They are:
President, A. J. BLAIR; Vice President, P. P. HINCHEY; Secretary, C. J.
DAVIDSON; Treasurer, R. B. JONES. These
officers are preparing to make the fair this fall a better one than the one
held in 1912.
Miss Maude GOFORTH left Friday morning for
her home at
Miss Chessie LONG has returned from
Miss Bertha CROSSLAND who spent the holidays
Mrs. CROSS entertained the Country Woman’s
Club Tuesday afternoon.
One of the fine horses brought here for sale
died on pneumonia Saturday. This was
quite a loss as it was a high priced animal.
Ray AUBUCHON has returned to
Miss Rosa A. REYNOLDS and Harry VAUGHN were
married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. REYNOLDS on
The West Minister Guild of the Pres. Church
met with Miss Harriet MEEK Monday afternoon of last week and elected new
officers. They are: President, Miss Nell
PEASLEY; Vice President, Miss Genevieve GIBSON; Secretary, Miss Ruth CLYDE;
Treasurer, Miss Lucille BENSON. The
hostess served light refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. TULEY, former citizens of
Blind BOONE who was here some years ago will
be at the Jefferson Theatre Friday, January 31.
He will be accompanied here by Jessie BROSIUS, Messes Soprano and Miss
Emma SMITH, Soprano of whose singing the press speaks most highly.
The Wells-Fargo Express has a new wagon for
delivering express packages without extra charge.
Mrs. Adah AYLESWORTH passed away at the home
of her son, M. AYLESWORTH, January 6th.
The funeral was held Wednesday at the
On account of inclement weather the party to
be given by Mesdames O. P. DEVIN and A. F. SLAWSON complimentary to the Woman’s
Club was postponed.
Mrs. R. E. SINGLETON is entertaining her
brother from
Mrs. Louis ROZIER and daughter, Miss Adele,
left Saturday morning for
Judge J. F. GREEN and wife of
Mrs. H. FARRIS who has been quite ill is
better Mrs. WILSON of
Mrs. DAVENPORT who has been the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Robert COXWELL for several months has returned to Texas Mr. and
Mrs. Tom EAVES entertained relatives from
The DeSoto Woman’s Club will meet Friday with
Mrs. W. E. GIBSON.
A large number of packages were sent from our
city by Parcel Post last week, one, was an excellent roast sent to Blackwell
that arrived there in time for dinner.
Mr. Frank DAUSS of
Mrs. Harry JENSON of
~Docket for Second Week of Jefferson Co.,
Circuit Court~
Monday, January 20th-Seventh Day
53 State of Missouri vs. Ed
56 State of Missouri vs. Dr.
F. E. SKINNER -abortion
L. H. DUNLAP vs. St. L. & S. F. Ry. Co. -damage
58 Joseph CROSS vs. M. R. &
B. T. Ry. Co. -Appeal
59 Henry TOWNSEND vs. George VAN
SYEKEL et al -injunction
R. A. FRAZIER 60 G. T. LANHAM vs. Est. of James HOGAN -appeal
from Probate
MERSEAL-ALLIE Timber Co. vs. J. H.
CHILDERS -attachment
62 Aupa B. KELLER vs. Frank
LORENZ et al -attachment
WAYBARK & STEWART 63 Elbert FAST vs. St. L. & S. F. Ry. Co.
Tuesday, January 21-Eighth Day
64 State of Missouri vs. Jennie
MERSEAL -concealing birth of child
BYRNS & BEAN & THOMAS 65 Mo F--? G----? Co. et al vs. MERSEAL & ALLIE Timber
Co. –injunction
WILLIAMS & MILLER 68 George M. HEMPKER vs. C. T. MCDANIELS -breach of contract
P. S. TERRY 70 M. B. HARRIS vs. St. Joseph Lead Co. -damages
Fannie BUREN vs. Cynthia FREDERITZI
-Try title
Jno. H. REPPY 72
Richard W. SCHROEDERA vs. Grover MARSDEN -Appeal
Wednesday, January 22-Nineth Day
Mary AUSTIN et al vs. Alexander MILES et al -Partition
Alexander MILES vs. Est. of Naomi WHITESIDE et al -appeal from Probate Court
75 Emma DAY vs. St. L. &
S. F. R. R. Co. -Damages
Con CARLIN vs. Sherman BOYER et al
- Partition
City of
City of DeSoto vs.
79 Stokely T. WAGGONER vs. Maria
F. BERRY et al -Partition
Geo. W. LUBKE, Jr. 80
Thomas H. FORRESTER vs. John F. COFFMAN et al -Quiet Title
Cyrus P.
H. B. IRWIN 81a
City of
Friday, January 24-Eleventh Day.
REPPY & IRWIN 91 Judson B. POUNDS vs. W. R. WILLIAMS -demand
P. S. TERRY 92
Katie MILLER vs. Virginia MCCREARY et al
P. S. TERRY 94
P. S. TERRY 95
Mary E. VOLLMER vs. Robt. B.
VOLLMER -divorce
Edna COSTIGAN vs. John P.
COSTIGAN -divorce
97 Edward HINDMAN vs.
Lodesky HINDMAN -divorce
Gertrude HAZELBACKER vs. Henry C.
Kate RILEY vs. Frank RILEY - divorce
DAVIS & ERD 99a State ex rel P. Roberts vs. Fred SCHAFER et al -Action on bond
Thursday, January 23-Tenth Day. (The 23rd and
the 24th are in this order in the newspaper.)
Frank B. CLARK vs. Horatio L. MARBURY
-damages for libel
City of DeSoto vs. Henry
GARDNER -appeal
Fred FECKEN vs. John EGGERS et
al -Motion for new trial
City of DeSoto vs. Henry HARRIS
---------------- 86 George DECLUEvs.
H B.
IRWIN, E. C. EDGAR 87 City of DeSoto vs. Arthur Washburn - appeal
City of DeSoto vs. Thos. Harness
- appeal
City of DeSoto vs. Geo. Tolton -
City of DeSoto vs. Charles
Burris - appeal
U. E. FETCH & Co. vs.
C. A. SCHOELKOPT - suits on note
Saturday, January 25-Twelfth Day
- divorce
Clarence B. LONG vs. Katie V.
LONG - divorce
P. S. TERRY 103
Birdie LIVARER vs. N. F.
LIVARER - divorce
104 James COOK vs. Jerusha COOK
- divorce
J. G.
BERKLEY 105 Arthur
Rebecca E. PAGE vs. George W.
PAGE - divorce
Viola E. MITCHEL vs. Clarence
MITCHEL - divorce
Chas. P. WHITE 108
Hattie REED vs. John REED -
Jno. H. REPPY 110
Melissa RICHARDSON vs. John RICHARDSON - divorce
~Of Local and Personal Nature~
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. KING of Goldman spent
Monday in
A son of George W. RUSSELL of Route 8 is
reported ill of pneumonia.
The young folks expect to enjoy a little
dance at the hall tomorrow night.
Walter DAHL of
W. T. DARDEN and R. B. MONROE of DeSoto were
here Monday on business.
Edgar REPPY of
John Jay WILSON of
Miss Viola MUELLER of Jarvis has returned
home from a pleasant visit to friends and relatives in
Mrs. J. W. ECKIE is home again after weeks of
nursing her daughter Mrs. Syl WILLIAMS of Morse Mill. The invalid is improving but still is bed
Mesdames F. E. SPILKER and Ware EVANS, the
Misses Lillie HEMME and Mamie HELLER and Charles HEMME, Jr. attended the
funeral of Miss Emma HERMAN of DeSoto on Friday.
Taylor EAVES is in the Capitol as clerk to
Representative Scott WOLF for a while after which he takes a clerical position
in the office of the penitentiary. Mrs.
EAVES left for
Walter GRIFFITH is entertaining his cousin,
Gilbert MCFARLAND of Two Dott,
The James A. WILSON real estate was sold a
public sale at the Court House, yesterday.
William A. WILSON bought the homestead for $8060 [$8860?] Mrs. Dexter
WILLIAMS, a daughter, bought the
The bad weather and sudden change from summer
to winter since the holidays has been hard on health and in our own town alone,
there is quite a list of ailing, though not exceedingly serious. Among the number improving being Mrs. G. E.
ASHBY, Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS, Mrs. B. A. MARSDEN, Sr., Miss Susie JONES, Frank
FRAZIER, M. F. DUNNIGAN, Casper DIEKBRADY, and Mrs. S. E. CLARK on Route 1.
J. H. FIEDLER, representative of the National
Rating League of Chicago was here Monday in the interest of that organization…
Decorator, Painter and Paper Hanger
~Official County Directory~
Representative—W. W. HULL
Prosecuting Attorney—Albert MILLER
Sheriff—John L. BECHLER
Clerk of Circuit Court—W. H. PILLIARD
Collector—John HELLER
Recorder—Charles HEMME
Treasurer—J. E. JONES
Probate Judge—M. F. DUNNIGAN
Coroner—Dr. O. E. HENSLEY
Surveyor—Theo. HURTGEN
Assessor—Theodore SEMMEL
Public Administrator—Felix LEUTZINGER
Superintendent of Schools—R. B. WILSON
~West Kimmswick~
Christmas and New Year passed without any
snow or any other enjoyment, but we had a dance at HENTCHELIS Hall and
everybody seemed to enjoy it. Music was
furnished by St. Louis professionals.
Our merchants were kept quite busy during the
holidays and also our friend LUDERMAN.
Petitions are out for a new Post Master, Mr.
HILGERTH having the influence.
Elmer CADWALLADER has sold his house and lot
to Jacob KUCHENMEISTER, Sr. [Kuechenmeister] and has bought and moved to the
GERARD place near the park.
Wm. KUECHENMEISTER is also doing some moving
to their new place but they will not vacate the farm until after the public
sale February 22.
Walter MILLER has returned from his hunt in
the wilds and now is busy telling the boys of all the big game and deer (or was
it dear) he saw, I forgot.
Henry BUSCH who is a traveling salesman for
the Rice and Stix Clothing Company was home for a weeks vacation.
Wm. HAAS took
a bunch of joyriders to Hillsboro New Years day in his J. I. CASE Car.
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of William L. BOUGHTON, Deceased were granted to
the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on 26th day
of December 1912…
Mary J. BOUGHTON, Administratrix
~Sheriff’s Sale Under Special Execution~
Whereas, A. P. BOOTH on the 25th day of
September, 1912 recovered judgment in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County
Missouri against Newton T. ESHBAUGH by the attachment of the real estate of
said Newton T. ESHBAUGH for the sum of three hundred and eighty-one dollars,
costs which said debt and costs were by the court declared to be a lien upon
the real estate set forth and described in – judgment, and whereas, Special
Execution – from the office of the Clerk of said court, dated Dec. 11, 1912,
and was to me said Sheriff, delivered on said day, by virtue whereof I have
levied it upon and seized the following described property attached in said
same to wit: All the right, title and
interest of the said Newton ESHBAUGH, of, in and to the following real estate
situate in Jefferson County Missouri to wit”
All that part of U.S. Survey No ? Township
40, North of Range 5 East, described as intersection of Fractional Section 11
with the S.W. line of said Survey, thence N. 38 degrees…….corner of Mrs. Sarah
GAMEL’s land, thence 8.1 degree W…….
Excepting however from above described tracts
of land all that part thereof that was conveyed by Arthur L. ESHBAUGH and wife
Ana P. BOOTH, by deed dated September 22nd 1906 (?) and recorded in the
Recorder’s office of Jefferson County in Book at page 458. All the described real estate situate, lying
and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri.
And I will on Saturday, the 18th day of
January 1913, at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro in
Jefferson County, Missouri, during the session of the Circuit Court of said
County, between the hours of 9 o’clock in the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon
of said day, expose said real estate to sale at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said
Judgment and Costs. John L. BECHLER
~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~
Con CARLIN, Plaintiff vs. Mary P. BOYER and
Sherman BOYER, Defendant,
Whereas the circuit court of Jefferson
County, MO by its judgment and decree in the above entitled cause, rendered at
the September term A.D. 1913 to-wit: On September 20, 1912, ordered and
directed the sale of the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of
making partition and division thereof, between the parties according to which
said judgment, decree and order duly aforesaid, bearing date, October 29, 1912,
was to me delivered on the said October 29, 1912.
Now therefore, public notice is hereby given
that I the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri by virtue and
authority of said judgment, decree and order will on Saturday, January 18, 1913
at the north front door of the court house in the town of Hillsboro Jefferson
County, Missouri between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five
o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and while the circuit court of said
county is in session offer and expose to sale at public venue to the highest
bidder, the real estate set forth and mentioned in said judgment, decree and
order, lying being and situate in Jefferson County, Missouri and described as
follows to-wit: …..
Terms of sale: One fourth cash and balance in
one year; the deferred payment to be -
by deed of trust on said property and to bear interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum with privilege to the purchaser of paying all cash, provided he
elect to do so before the approval or the …..
John L. BECHLER, Sheriff of Jefferson County,
~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~
Fannie M. WILLIAMS, nee WILSON and W.P.
WILLIAMS, Jr., her husband, William A. WILSON and Ella WILSON, his wife, Martha
BITTICK, nee WILSON, a widow, and Jennie WILLIAMS, nee WILSON, a widow,
Plaintiffs vs. Mary TRIMBLE, nee WILSON and John TRIMBLE, her husband, John M.
WILSON and Bertha, his wife, Jennie(?) A. WILSON, a widow, Daisy WILSON, Bessie
WILSON and Lila WILSON, minors, and Hugh WILSON, a minor.
Whereas, the circuit court of Jefferson
County, Missouri by its judgment and decree of the above entitled cause,
rendered at its September term …..and ordered and directed the sale of the
hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of making partition and
division thereof between the parties according to their respective rights and
interests, a copy which said judgment, decree and order duly certified by the
clerk of the circuit court….was to be delivered on said November 25, 1912. Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given
that I, the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson County, Missouri, by virtue and
authority of said judgment decree and order will on Wednesday January 15, 1913,
at the north front door of the court house in the town of Hillsboro Jefferson
County, Missouri between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five
o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and while the circuit court of said
county is in session offer and expose to sale at public venue to the highest bidder,
the real estate set forth and mentioned in said judgment, decree and order,
lying being and situate in Jefferson County, Missouri and described as follows
to-wit: …..
Terms of sale to be 50 percent cash and the
balance of the purchase price to be paid in one year and to bear interest at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date of sale or all cash at the option of
the purchaser. John L. BECHLER, Sheriff
of Jefferson County, MO.
~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~
Sarah GIBSON, Martha BARNETT, Anderson
HAWKINS, Elizabeth BUSH, Eliza Ann KEYES, Milton GILMER, Plaintiffs, vs. Caleb BOWLES, David BOWLES, Jefferson
BOWLES, Mary BRUEN, George HAFNEY (H--?--y), Johanna CUSICK, John GU-ER,
Michael VOGELSANG and John M. DAHN, Defendants.
Whereas the circuit court of Jefferson
County, MO, but its judgment and decree in the above entitled cause, render at
the May term 1912, ordered and directed the sale of the hereinafter described
real estate for the purpose of making partition and division thereof between
the parties according to their respective rights and interests which said order
was renewed by said court a the September term thereof 1912 to-wit…..
The interest of Anderson BOWLES in said real
estate is subject to the – of a deed of trust
Given by Anderson BOWLES to Michael
VOGELSANG, trustee for John M. ----
Terms of Sale: Twenty five percent in cash at
the time of sale, and the balance to one year, purchaser to give note with
approved security for the balance of the purchase money, said deferred payment
to bear interest from the day of sale until paid at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum or all cash at the option of the purchaser. John L. BECHLER, Sheriff of Jefferson County,
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters
administration on the estate of John GOLDBERG, Deceased, were granted to the
undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 14th day
of December, 1912….
Annie GOLDBERG, executrix
~Letters of Administration~
Notice is hereby given that letters
administration on the estate of R.G. MORGAN, Deceased, were granted to the
undersigned by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri on the 11th day
of January, 1913. All persons having
claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the
undersigned within six months after the date of said letters or they may be
precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims be not exhibited
with one year from the date of the last insertion of the publication of this
notice they will be forever barred. This
11th day of January, 1913. Robt. D. MORGAN, Adm.
A.T. BOWLES has got some of the frame work up
on his house which he is rebuilding having lost the other by fire.
Rudolph DELOHNE is making preparation to
build a new house.
J.W. CHATT [Chott ?] and Michael VOGELSANG
made a flying trip to St. Louis last week.
G.B. SULLINS is staying at home and is
improving in health.
Thomas HELICK has his new residence complete
and the stork also visited him.
Mrs. W.S. HAWKINS died last Thursday and was
buried Friday in the Park Hill Cemetery.
SAPPINGTON, the highway engineer and John
CONRAD were out inspecting the roads; hope we get some gravel put on.
Henry KETTLER of Kirkwood is visiting Peter
GROSSGLOSS the last few days.
Fred BARTH who went South with E.R. FRITSCHIE
is reported having a good time down in Norville, LA hunting and fishing.
Frank DOUGLASS spent the holiday in
Walter DAHN is seen out on the roads with his
new auto. He says he don’t mind the ice
very much.
There were not many young folks at the
A.O.U.W. Ball Saturday night on account of the ice.
David BOWLES is on the sick list the last few
days, but is getting better.
~A Grand Masquerade will be given in Adolph
Saturday, Feb. 1. 1913. First Class music will be furnished by
HAEFNERS Brothers Orchestra.
Four prizes will be awarded – one for the
most popular ladies and gentleman costume and one for the most popular ladies
and gentleman costume. {exact wording}.
Come one, Come all – M.F. ZIMPFER