One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was
the party give by Mesdames GREEN, GILL, and COXWELL, Monday evening at the K of
P Hall. About 46 couples were
present. Games were the principal order
of the evening. Mr. PECK of
Judge J. F. GREEN leaves this week for
Mrs. Adam MUMMERT gave a candy pulling in honor of Miss
Gertrude FARRAR, who is home from her school in
Miss Alice BRANT attended a social at Kimmswick Friday evening and was the guest of Mrs. Lon HARLOW.
Miss Lizzie BISSELL gave a delightful little party Wednesday evening to a few friends.
Mrs. R.M. DENHOLM and children of
George CARD, who was reported as having died in the military hospital at Jacksonville, FL, has we are pleased to note, entirely recovered from his illness and is visiting friends in DeSoto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. DUNLOP are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G.D. HAWKINS.
J.W. GRAVES, stenographer in Supt. HARDY’s office, spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother in Moberly.
Mrs. F. D. DeGARMEN and children
returned home Saturday after a pleasant visit with her friend, Mrs. F.M. FRANK
Mrs. WILSON and daughter of Troy, MO are visiting with her brother(?), Rev. A. J. COLVER.
J.J. NELSON and wife and S. FLETCHER and wife were out of the city Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. BOHMLE, and were the guests of L.M. ROUDEBUSH and wife.
Rev. VAN VLEET will move in a short time to Fayette, Ind., where he has accepted a position.
B.F. DAVIS, who died in
J.D. BARTH of St. Louis was here on day last week.
Capt(?) MILLER(?),
agent of the T & P. RY at
Miss Hattie and Richard BYRD of Hematite were the guests of their sister Mrs. Abbott MORSE, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. John GRAY of
Quite a number of Mrs. Mary PARK’s(?) friends gave her a little surprise New Year’s Eve, leaving a few – in honor of her --- birthday.
The -- given by the –Brakeman(?) Monday evening was well attended and all who enjoyed dancing did so the best string band ever in DeSoto. Trainmaster F.B. DeGARMO and wife led the grand march.
Miss ?ICKHAM of East St. Louis was the guest of Miss Kate McNULTY New Years.
C.J. EAGAN and wife are entertaining Misses Mattie NEFF, Hattie WOODSLEY and Hazel NELSON of St. Louis for a few days.
Fred WALTHER and wife leave the later part of the week for a
six weeks visit to friends in
The remains of H. W. CROSS, who died at Sheridan Lake, CO, a few days since, of consumption, were brought to DeSoto for Interment Tuesday.
Miss Eva GREEN of St. Louis, an accomplished pianist, is visiting with Mrs. Charles HARMONY this week.
Mrs. Helen CARAGILER of
The eventful year of 1898 has passed away. The steam whistles, the ringing of bells and the firing of guns heralded the departure of the old year and the arrival of the new, as usual.
The Christmas holidays have not been very eventful at this town; turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens are less numerous. Skating is good, and the supply of beer and other liquid refreshments is not yet exhausted.
The river is full of floating ice and navigation has been suspended for the second time this year.
There was an entertainment at the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening for the Sunday school children, which was well attended and enjoyed.
Leon RITTER and wife of
W.W. BURGESS of Chicago made the annual visit to Windsor Harbor, and spent several days with his sisters, Mrs. F. D. WATERS and Mrs. Tavie MOSS.
Miss Lulie BOWMAN of
Mrs. Cordelia HASSENGER (formerly
WATERS) died December 24, at her home in
Albert SPENCER has the misfortune to have a large stack of hay burned up. It is supposed that some boys while out hunting set fire to it.
Misses Addie and Julia RICHARDSON attended a school
convention at
Our public school was closed during the holidays.
Editor J.D.: The ball
given at Silas P. MAUPIN’s Wednesday evening December 28 was a success in every
respect. Music was furnished by the
Pacific String Band. The guests began to
arrive about
High Ridge, Jan 2, 1899
There is lots of sickness around here, supposed to be la-grip. Six of CAGE’s children are down. J.P. MILLER lost 1 child last week and was buried on the 3rd. Old man MILLER of Sugar Creek, commonly known as ‘blacksmith MILLER’, was also buried on Saturday. John MILLER had charge of both funerals. Tony SPROCK accidentally shot himself through the finger last week. Dr. O’BRIEN amputated the member.
Nov 22 (?) a big fine boy arrived at Dr. O’BRIEN’s last week. The lost cow advertised in the J.D. was found and returned to the owner. There will be a grand Masquerade ball here on the eve of Saturday the 7th inst.
Maxville, Jan. 2, 1899.
Christmas times were dull here. One party of serenaders, about a dozen in number, including three musicians took in the town. They kept sober and behaved very gentlemanly. The grip is epidemic here, and but a few houses have escaped its visit. Dr. McNEARNEY and his family are all down with it and nearly everybody is needing the doctor just now. Mrs. McCORMACK of near Flucom is nursing the family.
List of Conveyances
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday.
Mary J. BUXTON to Jesse BUXTON … 150+ acres …$816.00
Caroline HAMPEL to Alice C. LANGE … 7 acres…$40.00
John W. ECKLE to Thos. H. HINES … 20 acres…$26.00
Sam BYRNS to Cornelius TOY ... 160 acres…$1.50
Geo. A. GUIBER to Jas. D. DAWSON … 13 acres…$16.00
Ann M. LUTKEMEIER to Maria MEYER ….$---
B.F. ROQUES to Wm. DETTWILER ….145 acres…$1
Emma KNORPP to Richard FICKERT…
R. RAMB----SEK to Sophia H--LOTH ….
Jas. R. WIDEMAN to Jas. A. WIDEMAN ….
Aug. DA--WITZ? to Chas MAVER? .....
One span of large draft horses, either both or one, to suit the purchases – young thoroughbred Jersey bull, and thoroughbred, registered, Poland China boar. Will be sold at private sale, and at prices that will be bargains for those who need them. For particulars, apply at the J.D. office.
Whereas, Thomas H. CURTIS and Francis E. CURTIS, his wife, by their deed of trust dated March 9, 18 - - and recorded in the recorder’s office of Jefferson County, MO, in trust record book, o – at page -, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, situate in Jefferson County, MO to wit: The SE ¼ of the NW ½ section 11, township 29, range 6, containing 40 acres.
Which conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of two promissory notes therein mentioned and described; and whereas said notes remain unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request on the legal holder and owner of the said notes, and in pursuance of the authority invested by said deed of trust, public notice is hereby given that I will on Monday, January 16, 1899, between the hours of 9 a.m. at the north front door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, MO sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for the real estate above described, to satisfy the notice and the expenses of executing the trust. James M. ENGLAND, Trustee.
By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff deliver, in favor of the State of Missouri at the relation and to the use of William S. HOPSON, collector of the revenue of Jefferson County in the state of Missouri and against Theodore WALTHER, bearing date October 8, 18??, and returnable to the January term, thereof, I have levied it upon and seized the following delinquent real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri as the property of Theodore WALTHER, and described as follows, to wit: all of lots 1 and 2, block 12, in the original town of DeSoto.
And I will on Tuesday, January 10, 1899, at the north front
door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro in the county of Jefferson,
state of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five
o’clock in the afternoon of that day and during the session of the circuit court
of said county, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the
said Theodore WALTHER, of in and to the above described real estate and
property for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and
costs. Dated at
By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff deliver, in favor of the State of Missouri at the relation and to the use of William S. HOPSON, collector of the revenue of Jefferson County in the state of Missouri and against A. J. DICKERHOFF, bearing date October ?, 18??, and returnable to the January term, thereof, I have levied it upon and secure the following delinquent real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri as the property of A.J. DICKERHOFF, and described as follows, to wit: Lots 10, 11, and 12 in the block ?, in the original town of DeSoto.
And I will on Tuesday, January 10, 1899, at the north front
door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro in the county of Jefferson,
state of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five
o’clock in the afternoon of that day and during the session of the circuit
court of said county, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of
the said A.J. DICKERHOFF, of in and to the above described real estate and
property for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and
costs. Dated at
By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from
the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and
to me, the undersigned sheriff delivered, in favor of the State of Missouri at
the relation and to the use of William S. HOPSON, collector of the revenue of
Jefferson County in the state of Missouri and against John D. NEMMICK, bearing
date October ?, 18??, and returnable to the January term, thereof, I have
levied it upon and secure the following delinquent real estate and property,
lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri as the property of John D. NEMMICK,
and described as follows, to wit: Lots 9 and 10 in the block ?, in the original
town of
And I will on Tuesday, January 10, 1899, at the north front
door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro in the county of Jefferson,
state of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five
o’clock in the afternoon of that day and during the session of the circuit
court of said county, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of
the said John D. NEMMICK, of in and to the above described real estate and
property for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and
costs. Dated at
Order of Publication
State of
In the Probate Court of said county, November Term
Now this day comes John L. RUSSELL, administrator of the
estate of Rebecca L. HUSKEY, late of Jefferson County, deceased, and presents
to the court his petition, pray that for an order for the sale of certain real
estate of which said Rebecca L. HUSKEY died seized, described as follows: All of that No. four in block
? in the Slawson’s addiction to the city of
Louis – Judge of Probate
Sheriffs Sale
First Class Country Store…New Goods…James O’BRIEN, Regina, MO.
Iron Mountain Route! Great Through Line to Texas, Mexico and California only one, change of cars to City of Mexico, San Francisco and Pacific Coast.
– H. C. TOWNSEND, General Passenger Agent
State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, MO
For particulars address John S. McGHEE, Pres.