Jefferson Democrat

January 26, 1899


Transcriber note: A two column letter from Camp Columbia, Havana Cuba written by Samuel E. EAKEN is available upon request.  Contact Jefferson County Historical Society or email Kay.


DeSoto, January 21, 1899

Chas. BEISBARTH died at his home, last Wednesday, age of 58 years, of heart trouble from which he had suffered for the past three years.  The funeral services were held at the Congregational Church by Rev. Paul WENDT of the German Evangelical Church, of which church he was a member.  All the business houses in the city were closed in the afternoon of the day of the funeral.  Mr. BEISBARTH was one of the most prosperous and enterprising business men in our city. He came to DeSoto in 1868 and for the past 28 years has been engaged in the grocery business, until about six months ago (when) he retired from business; his oldest son, Ed, assuming the entire charge.  He was president of the People’s Bank, a member of the A.F. & A.M., Knight Templars, I.O.O.F.K. of H. and K. of P. and he held the office of major in the uniform rank of the latter lodge.  His funeral was one of the largest ever held in this city and the floral offerings were the most beautiful and profuse.  Seven children are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father, the mother having died some nine months previous. 


Capt. Joseph WALTHER, another of our old and prominent citizens, died at his residence Monday night, of heart failure.  The Captain has been failing in health for some time but was not considered dangerous until a few days ago.  He was well known and had a host of friends throughout the county.


Dispatcher Wm. FREY is visiting his father at Seymore, IN.

Rev. S. J. COPHER left for Montgomery City, MO, Monday, to spend a few days with friends.

Mesdames BLISS, HARDY, RONDEBUSH and ANDREWS and Miss Julia ANDREWS attended the funeral of Claude FLETCHER in St. Louis last Thursday.

Miss L.A. BARRETT, who died of consumption in St. Louis last Friday was brought to DeSoto Monday for interment.

The called mass meeting of railway employees last Sunday at Knights of Pythias hall, to protest against the two cent per mile railway legislation resulted in electing P.J. LOVETT(?) to represent them from here.

Mrs. S. W. ANDREWS and daughter Julia were the guests of Mrs. BLISS Friday and Saturday.

Mrs. Tom DONNELL left Saturday for Senath, AR to see her grandchild, who is quite sick.

John DUFFY of Kennett, MO was in our city a few days last week.

Frank McGRENDY(?) of Blackwell was shaking hands with his many friends in the city Friday.

F.C. BRICKEY of Festus passed through DeSoto last Friday on his way to Hot Springs.

Mrs. D. HARDY spent Saturday and Sunday at Nevada, MO, the guest of Mrs. McBRIDE.

Miss Emma THOMAS is getting up a class in painting, both oil and water colors.

Wm. BROWN and wife, who have been visiting Mrs. BROWN’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. PARTIN, left for their home in Bozeman, MT, Monday.

Miss Lola(?) LORENZ of Farmington is visiting friends here.

Miss Edith REPPY has accepted the position in the post office made vacant by the resignation of Miss STEEL.

Mast Mechanic ROBERTS spent last week in Memphis on business.

Miss Jessie BAILEY, who is living with her sister, Mrs. BLACK, we regret to learn is quite sick and very little hope is entertained for her recovery.

George MAHN surprised his many friends Monday night on his return from Chicago by being accompanied by a bride.

C.G. MILLER, who is well known in the county and who was agent of the T. & P. Railway at New Orleans, has been appointed agent of the I.M. Railway at Cairo, IL


~Rock Creek~ Jan. 18

There was an auction sale at Martin HUNNING’s on Sugar Creek last Saturday.  Everything brought a fair price, the cows especially selling high.  Judge Philip GLATT bought the wagon at a bargain, and when it was knocked off to him the auctioneer gave him three hurrahs and a ‘Purzelbaum’ in the bargain.  Esq. RUSTIGE was auctioneer.

Mr. JOHNSON, our fast mail carrier, had a house raising today.  He likes to carry the mail all right, but says it takes horses for fast service.  He wore out seven in two years, and some were regular race horses.

Our pastor, Rev. J. TICHY, has had a touch of pneumonia but is now up and around again.

George RIEBOLD is the happy father of a fine big baby boy No. 2.  He came from Babyland on the 17th, and Mrs. A. RUSTIGE, the new midwife, brought him.  Both mother and child are doing well.

The grip is prevailing and whole families are now suffering from this malady.  Our school has closed for two weeks on account of sickness.

A hard joke is told on a certain young man who had a miserable toothache caused by a decayed tooth.  He went to town to have it extracted by a dentist, but when he got there his courage forsook him and instead of going to the dentist he went to the shoemaker, who was his friend.  When the shoemaker had heard his troubles he examined the tooth and then told him to be easy about it – he would get it out in less than a twinkle.  Accordingly, the shoemaker made a strong string of hemp and looped it in such a manner around the young man’s tooth that it was firmly held by the string. He then told him to sit down on a chair.  The shoemaker then tied the string securely to a nail driven in the floor.  After this preliminary, awl in hand, he crawled up in back of the chair where our young man was sitting, and then and there he plunged that awl about two inches into that part of the young man’s anatomy which we call in German ‘verkehrt front’ (wrong front).  Up he jumped, the tooth dangling from the string, exclaiming, and scratching that part where the awl had hurt him.  “I never thought that teeth had roots so deep”.


~Byrnesville, MO~

Dr. DENNY is kept very busy here of late on account of so many people having the grip.

Miss Ella BYRNE has returned after a few weeks spent with relatives and friends in St. Louis.

John DALTON and company is doing a rushing business lately.

The wheat is looking fine around this neighborhood, but we think if a good snow would come it would be better.

Messrs. McCOURT and BRENNEN passed through here about a week ago on their way to the county seat.

Miss Maggie GEATLEY was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. DUNNIGAN a few days last week.

‘A Sooner’ said he hoped our delegates would be a success and we are very glad to say they are so far.

Miss Lou O’BRIEN has returned after a few months visit to friends and relatives in St. Louis and Old Orchard.

There was a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ECKLE one evening last week.  A large crowd was present and all seemed to have a good time.

There was also a party given in our hall by some of the young men around here which was a grand success.

John McCOURT visited relatives and friends here last week.


~For Sale~

A three-year old Jack; 15 hands high, standard measure; an extra good one; price $200. A.L. ESHBAUGH, Festus, MO.


~Public Sale~

The undersigned will sell at the Thompson BROWN place, 3 miles north of Hillsboro, on Saturday, February 4, 1899, the following described property: seven head of cattle; 4 springers(?), one seven year old ----, 2 one year old heifers; 2 mares -7 and 8 years old, 1 four year old horse, 1 brown sow; 10 shotes, 150 bushels corn, about 4 tons hay, 1 cultivator, corn - , hay rake, mower, plows, spring wagon and farm wagon.  T.P. EAVES


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of Jacob BAUER, deceased, are notified that the undersigned administrator of said estate intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the probate court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro, on the second Monday in February, 1899, and on Thursday, February 16. Helena BAUER, Administratrix


~Notice of Final Settlement~

All creditors and others interested in the estate of James E. WILSON, deceased, are notified that the undersigned administrator of said estate intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the probate court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro, on the second Monday in February, 1899, and on Thursday, February 16. James A. WILSON, Administrator


~Probate Court Docket~

February Term, 1899

First Day – Monday, February 13, 1899


Name of Estate-------Administrator/Curator--------Kind of Settlement

BARRY, U.G., minor, Jucy (sic?) J. BARRY, cur.              Annual

BRADY minors; Nellie BRADY, cur.                                  Annual

DUNNIGAN, M., minor; F. DUNNIGAN, cur.                  Annual

FICKEN minors; Louis BOHL, cur.                                    Annual

HENDERSON, Al, minor; J.J. McDANIEL, cur.                Annual

LINDWEDEL, Caroline, dec’d; Henry LINDWEDEL, admr.   Annual

LONEY, Mary, dec’d; C.R. LONEY, admr.                        Annual

MEESE, Peter, dec’d; Jno MEESE admr.                         Annual

MEYER, Cornelius, dec’d; Jno G. BRUNS, admr.           Annual


Second Day – Tuesday, February 14

TAYLOR, Sheppard, dec’d; J.I. RUSSELL, adm.              Annual

WEBER, Andrew, dec’d; Mary R. WEBER, admx          Annual

BECHLER minors; Mary BECHLER, cur.                          Annual

BURGESS, Wilford, minor; Ed BURGESS, cur.               Annual

BROWN, Francis, dec’d; B. SCHNEIDER, admr.            Annual

CUNNINGHAM, Jas, dec’d; J.J. RUSSELL, admr.           Annual

FLEMING, A.R., dec’d; Martha J. FLEMING, admr.      Annual

HEATON, Ellis, minor; F.D. HEATON, cur.                      Annual


Third Day – Wednesday, February 15

HANVEY minors; Elijah BURGESS, cur.                           Annual

LONG minors; Thos. H. LONG, cur.                                 Annual

LINDWEDEL, W.J., minor; H.C. LINDWEDEL, cur.         Annual

MEISNER, G. E., dec’d; Alwina MEISNER, ex.               Annual

McCLAIN minors; Horace McCLAIN, cur.                      Annual

OUTMAN minors; - F. NICHOLS, cur.                            Annual

RICHER, Louis, dec’d; Annestina RICHER, ex.              Annual


Fourth Day – Thursday, February 16

BAUER, Jacob, dec’d; Helena BAUER, admx.              Final

WILSON, Jas. E., dec’d; Jas. A. WILSON, admr.           Final

TOWNSEND minors, Mary TOWNSEND, cur.             Annual

GLENN minors; G.R. RATHBUN, cur.                            Annual

VOGELSANG minors, Louis H. BRUNS, cur.                Annual

KONERT, Mary S., minor; Gerhart KONERT, cur.       Annual


Fifth Day – Friday, February 17

RIEBOLD minors; M. RIEBOLD, cur.                             Annual

SPITZ, Catharine, dec’d; P.E. SPITZ, admr.                  Annual

TONKINS minors, G.W. TONKINS, cur.                         Annual

STROUP minor; A.J. HUSKEY, cur.                            Final

ZIPP, Jas, dec’d; Leopold ZIPP, ex.                          Annual

                             -R.A. FRAZIER, Judge of Probate



Whereas, James H. FERGUSON, by a certain deed of trust dated the 21st day of June, 189-, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county of Jefferson, State of Missouri in Book 23, page 417 of trusts, conveyed to John C. SEGER, trustee the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to-wit: All the west half, and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section seventeen (17) in township thirty-eight (38) north of range four (4) east, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres.

Which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one negotiable promissory principal note in said deed described; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of said principal note and the same with interest remain due and unpaid; now therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note and in pursuance of the provisions of said deed of trust, the undersigned will on Friday, February 16, 1899, between the hours of 9 o’clock a.m. and 5 o’clock  p.m. of that day, at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, county of Jefferson, State of Missouri, proceed to sell at public venue to the highest bidder, for cash, the above described property, to satisfy said note and interest and the cost and expenses of executing this trust.  John C. SEGER, Trustee, Hillsboro, MO


A. KERKOWSKI left a dollar with the J.D. force today.

Judge M.F. BYRNE was here on business last Saturday.

Thanks to Mrs. Helen M. HYATT for renewal dollar for the J.D.

A dollar paper dues was received last week from Wesley KNORPP.

Frank BOHNE of Sandy left a dollar for the printers one day last week.

Oliver HENSLEY had his third round with the Masonic goat last Saturday night.

The J.D. is gotten out this week by a corps of invalids, but it get out all the same.

F.L. RUSSELL informs us that he changed his residence from St. Louis to Pevely, MO.

We neglected last week to acknowledge receipt of favors from C.R. and Marshal McMULLIN.

Wm. SHELDON and wife, an aged couple living near Hillsboro, have been very sick this past week.

Some items were received from White Oak, MO, but we have no idea who from so they went into the waste basket.

Strayed – three heifers; have rings in right ears, will pay for information.  R.H. DONNELL, Jarvis, MO.

Jno. R. BAKER and D.C. McCORMACK each left a portion of their jury fees with ye editor of ye county paper.

Judge THOMAS had business at the county seat last Saturday and his wife accompanied him, visiting some of her old neighbors.

J.A. BUCHER, a prominent business man of DeSoto, was at the Hub on business last Friday, and paid dues to the county paper.

James FRAZIER has purchased and moved into the WILLIAMS property.  Wm. SECKMAN had just vacated the premises and moved to DeSoto.

Hunting and fishing on my land on Plattin Creek are hereby prohibited, and trespassers will be prosecuted by the law. Thos. TOOLOOSE.


T.J. LETCHER and Miss Maggie LANNEN, both of Richwoods, MO, were married in the Probate Court room, Tuesday, Judge FRAZIER, officiating.

We hereby acknowledge receipt of favors from A. L. ESHBAUGH. Meanwhile he has something to say that will interest mule breeders.  See his card.

C.H. SMITH, the pioneer fancy poultry breeder of the county, renews for the county paper until
April 1900.  He also advertises eggs for sale.  See his card.

Sheriff LONG accompanied Milton SWEET to Jefferson City last Saturday.  Mr. SWEET is on a two years visit to the state capitol for trying to kill Mr. GAMBLE.

Dr. HARBISON reports that while busy attending to sick neighbors he also had a patient at home.  His wife was bordering on pneumonia for several days but is now convalescing.

And education rally will be held in the Hematite Methodist Church next Sunday at 10 a.m. Prof. N.B. HENRY of Fredericktown will be present and will deliver an address.  W.J. HEYS

We met Judge CHARLES at DeSoto last Friday.  He was getting some business ---- from H. HOBENTHAL and one of them was not to sell goods at cost.  It pleased him so well that he renewed for the county paper.

Lost – a spotted hound pup, age 9 mths; has yellow ears and a white streak down his forehead.  Goes by the name of Dewey.  A liberal reward will be given when same is delivered to C. MARSDEN, Victoria, MO.

Gottlieb SIEVERS has business at the Hub last Saturday and remained over to take in the Masonic lodge meeting that night.  He also called at the J.D. office and had May 15, 1900 written opposite his name.

Three of D.L. JARVIS’ children were sick at the time of their father’s death.  Two have about recovered, but the oldest son, Claude, has had a severe attack of typhoid fever.  He is with his aunt, Mrs. DONNELL, at Hematite and is now reported as getting better.

Someone asked George MERSEAL why it was that he was always so cheerful and taking life so easy.  He replied that he had twelve children at home all healthy and strong, and that he had never had to pay out a dollar for medicine for his wife, so he had nothing to worry about and no reason for feeling anything but cheerful.  There is probably not a parallel case in the state.

A grand masquerade ball will be given at SIEVER’s hall, Houses Springs, on Friday eve, Feb. 3rd.  Music by MILLET Bros. Everybody invited.  Only Maskers will be permitted to dance before 11 o’clock.  Now here is where you will have a ‘car load of fun’; but be sure to bring your ladies, and you will have a better time than ever.  Sam PERRY – – Al. R. WEBER, Committee.


Died at the residence of his brother William, near Victoria, January 22, 1899, Alexander BOYD, aged 58 years and 11 days, of pneumonia.  Mr. BOYD leaves one daughter and one son and some little grandchildren.  He was a member of the A.O.C.W. and we understand his insurance is to be divided between his daughter and two granddaughters.  For a good many years he had been in the employ of the Iron Mountain Railroad Company as bridge carpenter.


Hillsboro Chapter No 71 O.E.S. elected officers for the ensuing year last Friday evening as follows: Mrs. Octavia BUCHANAN, Worthy Matron; R.W. McMULLIN, Worthy Patron; Miss Emma HONEY, Assoc. Matron; C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Treas; Miss Laura McMULLIN, Sect; Mrs. Jessie, Conductress; Mrs. Lilly BOOTH, Assoc. Conductress; The following were appointed: Mrs. M. LANDERS, ‘Adah’; Mrs. Julia WILLIAMS, ‘Ruth’; Miss Gertie ELKINS, ‘Esther’; Mrs. Mattie REPPY, ‘Martha‘; Miss Florence McMULLIN, ‘Electa’; C.H. BOOTH, ‘Chaplain’; E. BURGESS, ‘W---(Warder?)‘; J.H. REPPY, ‘Sentinel’.


By the death of Charles BEISBARTH at DeSoto last week that city lost one of its most useful citizens, and the population showed its appreciation of that fact by the closing of business houses and everybody attending the funeral Friday afternoon.  He belonged to three fraternal societies, Masons, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias, and while the funeral was, at his request, conducted by the Mason, the other orders turned out in full force in the procession.  Services were held at the residence and at the Congregational Church by Rev. WENDT, after which the body was accompanied to the city cemetery and deposited in solemn form.  C.E. PYLE, W.M. of DeSoto lodge gave the funeral ceremony, probably to better form than it was ever heard in that city in the procession of the Knights Templar and Uniform Rank of K. of P. as escorts, in full regalia, formed a prominent part.  We remember Charles BEISBARTH when he first came to DeSoto, years ago a mere boy, and secured a position as clerk in the store of Knorpp and Blank. By gentlemanly conduct and correct deportment he soon became popular and when accumulated enough to go into business for himself he retained lifelong friends and made new ones, and emulated a good prosperity.  He leaves quite a family of children and goes to join his wife who preceded him to the spirit land about a year ago.  His health was broken down two years or more ago, and we learn that his suffering for some time had been intense.  May he now rest in peace.


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday:

Egbert FOSER to Henry J. MEYERS, –acres, S4T-R4…….$500

Jacob J. SKAGGS et al to Henry LEPP, 264.56 acres, Secs 12 & 20 T40 R3……$2000

Maria SCHUB to Herman G. ROTH, 100 acres S4&9 T3- R-…..$1600

Fannie RANKIN to Elias BURGESS, 3 lots in DeSoto…..$1300

Henry LEPP to Jacob J. SKAGGS, 2 lots in DeSoto…..$1000

John H. MORSE to F.M. WILLIAMS, 2 lots in DeSoto….$175

Charles M. CRANE to S.W. CRAWFORD, lot in DeSoto….$1

DeSoto Improvement Co to Delia M. MORSE, 4 lots in DeSoto….$120

J. H. WAGGENER to Am. A. GAMEL, 80 acres, S2T39 R6….$70

Mary M. HERBERT to Wm. E. HERBERT, 3 lots in Festus….$1

Cora L. NIXON to Louis CANOPA, 3 acres, S9 T40 R6….$65

Frank CANOPA to Louis CANOPA, 1.25 acres, S29 T40 R6…..$1

A.F. WHEELER to Anna C. NICKEL, 30 acres, S10 T41 R5…..$1

G.F. CARD to W.E. BURGESS, 3 lots in DeSoto…..$1300

Henry T. MUDD to Alexander CA-?IK, 80 acres, S- T39 R5….$400


Resolutions of Respect to…Mr. D.L. JARVIS (dec’d); Sandy Sunday School….Committee (Mrs. Maggie ADAMS)


Take Notice:  Hunting on my land is hereby forbidden and those disregarding this notice will be prosecuted for trespassing.  Thos. J WILEY


Sunday School Convention – the Joachim Townships Sunday School Association held it second quarterly convention in the Christian church at Festus on Saturday, January 21.

Devotional exercises: Rev. Harry JENKINSON

How to grade a Sunday School: Prof. NATIONS

How to start a home department: Mr. HEYS

Song/Prayer Service: J.E. COVER

Punctuality: R.M. BAKER

Regularity: Mr. MORGAN

Primary teaching: Mrs. SEIVERS

The characteristics of Johns Gospel: Rev. H.L. JENKINSON

Question Box: G.O. NATIONS

Sorrow over Death: Mr. D.L. JARVIS

Bessie J. SIMONSON, sec’y.


Program of Jefferson County Baptist Ministers and Deacons Institute and S. S. Convention, to be held at Oakland Baptist Church, January 28 and 29, 1899

Inspiration of Scripture: Elder Wm. McKAY

John’s Ministry: Elder Sullivan FRAZIER

Salvation: N.W. EOFF

Prayer: George EVANS

Church conditions: Deacon J.C. CAPE

Pastors relations to Sunday School: A.G. MEDLEY

Mission work: Wm. IHU


~Marriage Licenses~

Glen SMITH (Vineland) – Maud STROUP (Baryties?)

Henry SEYPOHLTOWSKY (Granite City, IL) – Florence WESTWOOD (DeSoto)

T.J. LETCHER (Richwoods) – Maggie LANNEN (Richwoods)


Henry HEITMANN – M. DITTMER’s Store is closing out his entire stock of merchandise at cost and some articles below cost price for cash only.  Come early and get your supply of the season. Come everybody!



Hematite Circuit – M.E. Church South

Hillsboro – 1st and 3d Sundays

Pevely – 2d Sunday

Victoria – afternoon (3 p.m.) of 1st Sunday

Sunnyside – afternoon (3 p.m.) of 4th Sunday

W.J. HEYS, Pastor


Fine Farm for Sale! – I offer for sale my farm, consisting of 38 acres, half bottom land, situated in the town of Victoria, on the St. Louis, I.M. & S. Ry. It is in a high state of cultivation, plenty of fruit, berries, etc.  For full particulars call on or address, Samuel CALLAWAY, Victoria, MO.


~Probate Court~

Herman HEIF vs. estate of August ZIMMERMAN, deceased, on account, allowed $26.50.

Charles T. JARVIS appointed administrator of estate of D.L. JARVIS, deceased, and bond for $10,000 approved.

John H GHERKIN appointed administrator of estate of August F. MUELLER, deceased, with will annexed, and bond for $1100 approved.


Program of Central Township Sunday School Convention to be held at Hillsboro at 10 a.m. Saturday, February 4.

Devotional exercises: Rev. S. FRAZIER

Words of Welcome: R.W. McMULLIN

Response: Oscar OGLE

Moral Education: A.T. BREWSTER

Defects of Sunday Schools: H: SHEER

The Remedy: Rev. W. J. HEYS

Praise Service: Rev. Green MEDLEY

Report of Secretary: Mrs. E. VINEYARD

Sunday School Reading: James CROSSMAN

How to Secure Regular Attendance: Mrs. LAFFOON

Punctuality: H. T. EAVES

How to Teach the Little Folks: Mrs. O. BUCKMAN

Sabbath ---: Mrs. E. VINELAND

Normal Lesson on John’s Gospel: C.S. BOOTH

Lesson Helps: Miss Laura MCMULLIN

Progress in Bible Knowledge: R. M. BAKER

Closing Consecration: Mrs. F.P. LANDES


Eggs! Eggs!

Pure White Pekin Duck Eggs and Light Brahma Fowl Eggs to season.  C.H. SMITH, Box 118, DeSoto.


For Sale – one span of large draft horses, either both or one, to suit the purchaser; young thoroughbred Jersey bull, and thoroughbred, registered, Poland China boar.  Will be sold at private sales, and at priced that will be bargains for those who need them.  For particulars apply at the J.D. office.



 – Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Daniel L. JARVIS, deceased, were granted to the undersigned administrator on the 1?th day of January, 1899, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.  Charles P. JARVIS, Administrator



– Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Hugh McNAMEE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 10th day of January, 1899 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.  Mary E. McNAMEE, Executrix



Whereas, Joseph F. SMITH and Ida SMITH, his wife, by a certain deed of trust dated the March 17, 18--, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county of Jefferson, State of Missouri in Book ---, conveyed to W. H. H. THOMAS, as trustee the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to-wit: All the ---- of section -- in township --- of range --- in the city of DeSoto, and piece of ground having a -----Valley Place and --- feet on Delia (?) Ave.

Which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one negotiable promissory principal note therein described; and whereas, has long since ----- due and payable and remains unpaid; whereas as provided in said deed of trust----the sheriff of Jefferson County ----the --- W. H. H. THOMAS, trustee –the state of Missouri---public notice is hereby given that I will on Friday, February 17, 1899, between the hours of 9 o’clock a.m. and 5 o’clock  p.m. of that day, at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, county of Jefferson, State of Missouri, proceed to sell at public venue to the highest bidder, for cash, the real estate above described property, to satisfy said note and expenses of executing this trust.  W.T. LONG, Sherriff of Jefferson County, MO



 – Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of B.J. BONE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned administrator on the 1?th day of January 1899, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.  F.H. BLACKMAN, Administrator


Metropolitan Business University – School of Penmanship and Shorthand

1110 Olive St., St. Louis, MO, W.E. HARTSOCK, President



-Al VOLLMAR’s General Store, Hillsboro, MO- Dry Goods/Groceries

-Emile STRAUEL’s Saloon – Hillsboro – Green Tree Lager Beer

-State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, MO, for particulars address John S. McGHEE, Pres.

Hoarseness, Sore Throat – Dr. BULL’s Cough Syrup

-Bargains in Land: having purchased the ALLEN tracts of land, some of the best land in the county, they will be subdivided and sold as lots – John T. BYRNE, Byrnesville, MO

- Country Store, James GREEN, Regina, MO

-THEOBOLD’s Baker, DeSoto, MO

-DEARING BROS., Attorneys at Law; F.R. DEARING, Hillsboro; E.M. DEARING, Potosi

-Jos. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, MO – Office in Jefferson Democrat Bldg.

-R.A. SWINK, Attorney at Law, Festus, MO

-John H. REPPY (Successors to J.L. THOMAS & Bros. and Thomas A. HORINE), Attorneys at Law, Hillsboro

-Dr. L. M. CAMP, Physician & Surgeon, Office at residence, Hillsboro; Chronic Diseases a Specialty

-C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Pres; Jos. J. WILLIAMS, V.P.; W.H. DONNELL, Jr. Cashier – Bank of Hillsboro

-People’s Bank, DeSoto, MO

-Boatmen’s Bank, St. Louis, MO

-Dr. C.H. WILLIAMS, Dentist, DeSoto, MO; Main Street over HAMEL’s Drug Store

-DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, Corner Main/Clement Streets, DeSoto (Upstairs)

-M.Y. O’BRIEN, M.D., Physician & Surgeon, High Ridge, MO

-Al VOLLMAR, Postmaster; Arrival/Departure Mail Schedule: Hillsboro to Victoria; Overland Route – Hillsboro to St. Louis

-Royal Baking Powder, New York

-Prickly Ash Bitters – Sold by all Druggists; Price $1.00 per bottle

-German-American Bank of DeSoto, MO