Jefferson Democrat
January 19, 1899
~Soldier Boys’ Letters~
A letter from our son Arthur was received last week. It was written at Cavite, Philippine Islands, December 5, 1898, shortly after the arrival of his battalion at that place from Honolulu. The following extract will, we believe interest the readers of the J.D.:
Tuesday afternoon we got orders to disembark next morning at 7 o’clock; so we were up at 4:30 and breakfasted at 5, having potatoes, meat and hominy in addition to the hard tack and coffee which had been constituting our regular meals for some days. Being anxious to leave the miserable ship quarters everything was ready to move at 7, but up to 8 o’clock no lighters were in sight to take us off. They came by 9, and the companies began marching off, and by 10 all were aboard and then freight was loaded on. It took four lighters to accommodate as many companies. These lighters are flatboats 40 feet long, 10 feet wide and 5 deep, and were built for transporting coal. The man who runs the boat lives with his family in an apartment built on the stem of the concern. The boat had a ridge pole supported by uprights, and sections of woven bamboo roofing rest in circular shape over this ridge pole and the ends come down to the edge of the boat, making a complete roof. The roof is in sections so it can be easily handled and moved from place to place. These boats were never intended to accommodate human freight, but their use now for that purpose is in line with other accommodations for the army.
Several steam tugs belonging to the government are in use in the bay, anyone of which would have accommodated over a company with all its baggage, but I presume they were thought too good for the animals; so we marched on the lighters and then waited, wondering how wet we would be when it got done raining. Three o’clock came and no signs of moving. At 1 o’clock hard tack and fat greasy bacon was brought us for dinner. We finally got started at 4. The lighters have no motive power and so had to wait for one of the tugs before mentioned. We soon passed across the intervening water, by Dewey’s fleet and the wrecks of the Spanish vessels, some of which are sticking up out of the water and landed at the wall of Cavite. Marched then through muddy streets to the other end of the walled town. Cavite is an island with a roadway built up to connect it with the main land. Our company was finally assigned to quarters with company H, which formed a part of the battalion which preceded us some months; so we were marched part of the way back through a muddy street, getting to the building after dark. Co. B. gave us a hearty welcome and a good supper, and then everybody being tired, after a bath in the bay we prepared for sleep. Swarms of mosquitoes attacked us and I had to tie a silk hanker chief over my face to keep them off. We had stacked our guns in the center of a large hall which is part of our quarters, and in the night one of the beasts – such is found in every company of soldiers – came in drunk, ran against the stack of guns, knocking them down with a crash that awakened everybody. This called forth a good deal of strong language, and the beast with an overload of foul liquor began to whimper like a spoiled child, and this brought forth a loud,’ SHUT UP: you d—d Dutchman!’, from one of the dutchiest men in the company, and this made everybody else snicker, and so we didn’t get much sleep after all.
The building in which we are quartered is some centuries old, and was evidently intended as a monastery. In one corner is the cathedral, and the rest is divided into living rooms of large dimensions, with large court yards containing many trees and shrubs. There are three wells or cisterns on the place. The walls are three to four feet thick and all moss grown and from some of the cracks large shrubs are growing. The roofs of all the buildings are of tiling. Most of them are two stories high, the first floor being unused on account of dampness. Only on business streets are ground floors used. I had no idea these islands were so old, in comparison with America, but it is evident that they were settled and built up centuries ago. This island is so small that it only has three streets running through it. No white people live in Cavite. I have only seen Manila from a distance. It rains here nearly every day and as the ground is low, scarcely 6 feet about sea level, it never dries. It is damp everywhere, and some of the streets, just canals of slime. They were reeking with filth until the soldiers occupied the place and compelled the inhabitant to be cleaner in their dress and habits. Much has been said and written about the American Indian clad with little more than their war paint, and of Cubans and Hawaiians, contenting themselves with girdles and breech cloths, but the Filipinos get along more cheaply until compelled to wear clothing by the soldiers. Even now a great many children run about naked and a majority of the others wear a slip resembling a short night shirt, made of cloth of little more closely woven than mosquito bar. The grown folks wear clothing which cannot be seen through, but it is of only two pieces, pants and shirt, the latter on the outside. The women wear as little as men, and everybody smokes.
Every line of business has its fruit and liquor department. While there are business stands for only fruit, soda water and eggs, and other only cigar stands, every shoe, dry goods, clothing, or other store has its own liquor and fruit stand. They know how to charge for their wares, but have no idea of competition. It does no good to tell one that on the next corner you can get four oranges for ‘cinco centavas’ when he sells only three for that amount. They work for very little. My washing costs me ‘doz pesos’ a month, that is $2 Mexican or $1 American.
Thursday I had a chance to walk about and take a look at the town, visiting among other places, the ruins of an old cathedral, which is more of a labyrinth than the building we occupy. Saw the natives carrying freight. They take ropes, loop one around each end of a box, put a pole through the loops and then four men lift the poles to their shoulders and go off on a trot, no matter how heavy the load. They are quicker with their teams. The cabs and drays and – wheeled affairs, the only difference between them being that the --- have tops and lamps. They are drawn by a kind of horse a little larger than a Shetland pony. I am told that in Manila, they have regular horses.
The sidewalks of the town are four feet wide and the streets generally six feet from curb to curb. A street 18 feet wide is an exception. When we first arrived everybody complained of a strong smell of decayed vegetation but our smellers have been educated now so we don’t notice it much. The entire island has a water wall six feet broad, where the regulation town wall does not run along the water’s edge. This town wall is 20 feet high, broad enough to accommodate teams, and looks like it would never get out of repair.
-He had written a letter describing his trip from Honolulu to Cavite, but it has not reached us. For the last month he has been shut up on the ship Arizona in front of ----, where he is probably having his worst experience.
From Clarence, who is in Yauco, Porto Rica, we hear more regularly, his last letter being dated January 3rd. He says: The natives of Puerto Rico celebrate New Year more than they do Christmas. The 400 gave a ball in the city hall, to which the commissioned officers of the 19th were invited and which some of them attended. It was a swell affair. I staid up town that night till after one o’clock, talking to a young storekeeper. We sat on a bench in front of the church, and on one side of us was the hall given by the swells of the towns and on the other a nigger dance.
The Plaza is a very pretty place with the shade trees and grassy lawn. The only building on the square is the church, and it is there we have a guard mounting. The principal way of celebrating Christmas is by singing. Crowds of singers with their instruments, parade the streets, and in every block they find some house open to them where they have refreshments. It seems to be a custom of the lower class to see how much rum they can drink on Christmas. Men, women and children get so drunk that they haven’t life enough left to move. Saturday morning 16 barrels of rum were brought to the depot to be shipped to Pouce. A lot of us went in swimming on Christmas day.
[Poem by H.R. LLOYD entitled “LOST” – 13 paragraphs available upon request. Contact Kay at Jefferson County Missouri Historical Society]
Mrs. Julia SULLENS, aged 19. Died January 9, 1899, Near Fenton, MO
Our dear schoolmate from us has gone,
One whom we all loved so well;
The one whom we so gladly welcomed
As gone to Heaven, there to dwell.
She has gone from us forever-
Her kind face we shall see no more.
Till some day we all are gathered
On God’s eternal shore.
It has pleased God to call you,
In your youth and bloom of life;
It has pleased Him to take you
From the world that is full of strife.
Dear one, how we all miss you,
Since from our midst you are gone.
How sad to see your vacant seat
Here at school, and your parental home.
But, again we hope to meet you,
When our work on earth is done;
When our Heavenly God sees fit to call us
To the happy home above.
Till then we shall always cherish
The memory of one good and true.
Now farewell from your teacher and schoolmates.
Farewell! Farewell! To you.
-by the teacher and pupils of Saline School
DeSoto – W. BARTLETT, who is well known in this vicinity (a son-in-law of S.W. CRAWFORD), died at the Baptist Hospital, St. Louis, Monday. He was operated on Thursday for appendicitis. Mr. BARTLETT has been in poor health for some time. He leaves a wife and three children.
Quite a number of the friends of Dr. Charles WILLIAMS gave him a surprise party Friday night in honor of his birthday.
Miss Emily THOMAS returned home Wednesday after an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. J. EVANS of Decatur, IL.
Charles BEISBARTH, who has been ill for some time, is we are sorry to learn, not better, and all hopes of his recovery are despaired of.
George MAHN and daughter, May, left Tuesday for a week’s visit to friends in Chicago.
Miss Lizzie McGILLIGOT of St. Louis spent a few days this week with Mrs. Elmer WEARING.
Golden Rod Lodge No. 2039 will give a mask ball in the opera house Feb. 8th.
Claude FLETCHER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith FLETCHER, died at the Missouri Pacific hospital in St. Louis, Tuesday morning. Claude was a relief telegraph operator and worked to with a few days of his death, and not feeling well he went to the hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis. He leaves a wife and baby.
Rev. W.M. VAN VLEET and family, formerly pastor of the Congregational church, moved to Fayette, IA, where he will engage in mercantile business.
At the regular meeting of the O.C.F. Monday night the following officers were elected: W.T. NICCOLLS, C. Mrs. L. MUMMERT, V.C.; A. F. SLAWSON, sec’y; Mrs. M.T. NICCOLLS, treasurer; Mrs. C. M. BRANT, Pre--; D.M. PARK, marshall; Mrs. S.J. DUFFY, ward; A. MUMMERT, guard.
M. OWENS and wife of Marquand, who have been visiting his sister Mrs. J. REESE, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. J. T. BURNS left Sunday to join her husband, who is working out of Poplar Bluff.
We regret to learn that Col. W.H.H. THOMAS, who moved to California some time since, is experiencing considerable trouble with his eyes, have completely lost the sight of one. It was thought at first that the eye would have to be taken out. He had an operation performed a few days since and hopes are entertained that he will not lose the ball of the eye.
Miss Eva McARTHUR, who has been on an extended visit to relatives and friends at Lamar, returned home Thursday.
The funeral of Ed STRUNK, the brakeman who was killed Thursday at Cliff Cave, took place at his home in Hematite, Sunday. A large delegation of friends from here attended the funeral.
A.N. HIBBERT and wife left Saturday for an extended visit to relatives and friends in Kansas City.
~List of Conveyances~
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday:
Frank CAMPBELL to Gust HAMEL, Jr., lot in DeSoto…..$650.
James HUNT to R.E. BYRD, trustee for Geo. SUMMERFIELD, 40 acres, S?4 T40 R4…..$600.
Narcis POLITTE to A.E. MURPHY, lot in DeSoto…..$190.
W.J. WIDEMAN by trustee to (J.H.?) MORSE, 120 acres, S12 T40 R2……$228.
Margaret L. SKEWES by trustee to S.W. CRAWFORD, 2 lots in DeSoto….. $----.
Herman HAMEL, Sr., et al to DeSoto Realty Co., 3 lots in DeSoto…..$2700.
Lizzie M. BAIRD et all by sheriff to J.F. DONNELL, 2 lots in Festus….$200.
J.E. WAGGENER to S. T. WAGGENER and B.C. BERRY, 20 acres, S3 T—R7….$1200.
Emilie C. LOERCH to Wm. HERMAN, 2-3 interest in 85.33 acres, S7 T42, R6…….$500.
Lon J. EAST to Bernhard LEUBBERS, 30 acres, S2 T38 R4…..$175.
Daniel BONACKER to August BONACKER, and Dora SCHULTZE, 120 acres, S21&28 T43 R--…..$1.
Daniel BONACKER to G.E. and E.R. BONACKER, 100.44 acres, S33 T43 R4…..$1.
STARK Bros. to E.S. COLLINS, 40 acres S22 T40 R5…..$160.
Wm DETTWILER to Sarah SHINALL, 120 acres, S19 T43 R4……$500.
~Probate Court~
J.A. BURGESS vs. estate of Catherine SMITH, deceased, on account allowed….$57.
Letters of administration of the estate of Louis MATHIEN, deceased, granted to A.L. FRECH with bond for $1000.
Mrs. Maggie CRADICK appointed guardian and entatrix of Walter G., Katie G. and Maggie C. CRADICK, minors with bond for $360.
F.H. BLACKMAN appointed administrator of the estate of B.J. BONE, deceased with bond for $500.
Al VOLLMAR’s General Store, Hillsboro, MO- Dry Goods/Groceries: 18 lbs Sugar $1.00, Coffee 25 cents per pound, Hams 10 cents per pound, Bacon 7 cents per pound, Tobacco 45 cents per pound.
Emile STRAUEL’s Saloon – Hillsboro – Green Tree Lager Beer
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of Jacob BAUER, deceased, are notified that the undersigned administrator of said estate intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the probate court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro, on the second Monday in February, 1899, and on Thursday, February 16. Helena BAUER, Administratrix
~Notice of Final Settlement~
All creditors and others interested in the estate of James E. WILSON, deceased, are notified that the undersigned administrator of said estate intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the probate court of Jefferson County, MO to be held at Hillsboro, on the second Monday in February, 1899, and on Thursday, February 16. James A. WILSON, Administrator
~Probate Court Docket~
February Term, 1899
First Day – Monday, February 13, 1899
Name of Estate-------Administrator/Curator--------Kind of Settlement
BARRY, U.G., minor, Jucy (sic?) J. BARRY, cur. Annual
BRADY minors; Nellie BRADY, cur. Annual
DUNNIGAN, M., minor; F. DUNNIGAN, cur. Annual
FICKEN minors; Louis BOHL, cur. Annual
HENDERSON, Al, minor; J.J. McDANIEL, cur. Annual
LINDWEDEL, Caroline, dec’d; Henry LINDWEDEL, admr. Annual
LONEY, Mary, dec’d; C.R. LONEY, admr. Annual
MEESE, Peter, dec’d; Jno MEESE admr. Annual
MEYER, Cornelius, dec’d; Jno G. BRUNS, admr. Annual
Second Day – Tuesday, February 14
TAYLOR, Sheppard, dec’d; J.I. RUSSELL, adm. Annual
WEBER, Andrew, dec’d; Mary R. WEBER, admx Annual
BECHLER minors; Mary BECHLER, cur. Annual
BURGESS, Wilford, minor; Ed BURGESS, cur. Annual
BROWN, Francis, dec’d; B. SCHNEIDER, admr. Annual
CUNNINGHAM, Jas, dec’d; J.J. RUSSELL, admr. Annual
FLEMING, A.R., dec’d; Martha J. FLEMING, admr. Annual
HEATON, Ellis, minor; F.D. HEATON, cur. Annual
Third Day – Wednesday, February 15
HANVEY minors; Elijah BURGESS, cur. Annual
LONG minors; Thos. H. LONG, cur. Annual
LINDWEDEL, W.J., minor; H.C. LINDWEDEL, cur. Annual
MEISNER, G. E., dec’d; Alwina MEISNER, ex. Annual
McCLAIN minors; Horace McCLAIN, cur. Annual
OUTMAN minors; - F. NICHOLS, cur. Annual
RICHER, Louis, dec’d; Annestina RICHER, ex. Annual
Fourth Day – Thursday, February 16
BAUER, Jacob, dec’d; Helena BAUER, admx. Final
WILSON, Jas. E., dec’d; Jas. A. WILSON, admr. Final
TOWNSEND minors, Mary TOWNSEND, cur. Annual
GLENN minors; G.R. RATHBUN, cur. Annual
VOGELSANG minors, Louis H. BRUNS, cur. Annual
KONERT, Mary S., minor; Gerhart KONERT, cur. Annual
Fifth Day – Friday, February 17
RIEBOLD minors; M. RIEBOLD, cur. Annual
SPITZ, Catharine, dec’d; P.E. SPITZ, admr. Annual
TONKINS minors, G.W. TONKINS, cur. Annual
STROUP minor; A.J. HUSKEY, cur. Final
ZIPP, Jas, dec’d; Leopold ZIPP, ex. Annual
-R.A. FRAZIER, Judge of Probate
Whereas, James H. FERGUSON, by a certain deed of trust dated the 21st day of June, 189-, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county of Jefferson, State of Missouri in Book 23, page 417 of trusts, conveyed to John C. SEGER, trustee the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to-wit: All the west half, and southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section seventeen (17) in township thirty-eight (38) north of range four (4) east, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres.
Which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one negotiable promissory principal note in said deed described; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of said principal note and the same with interest remain due and unpaid; now therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note and in pursuance of the provisions of said deed of trust, the undersigned will on Friday, February 16, 1899, between the hours of 9 o’clock a.m. and 5 o’clock p.m. of that day, at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Hillsboro, county of Jefferson, State of Missouri, proceed to sell at public venue to the highest bidder, for cash, the above described property, to satisfy said note and interest and the cost and expenses of executing this trust. John C. SEGER, Trustee, Hillsboro, MO
James A. GILMORE orders his name enrolled on our Fenton list.
F. KRAMMER sends by mail to renew for the county papers till 1900.
Curtis LITTON sends the fee to secure enrollment on our Festus list.
Mrs. Fred KAUFFMAN, an old German lady of Sandy, died one day last week.
A dollar for the printers from S.W. CAPE reached us by the hand of L. CRAIN.
Jacob LINDAUER called upon our printers last week and left dues for the J.D.
A dollar accompanied J.E. MALLERY’s wishes for a prosperous year for the J.D.
John SCHNEIDER had his name enrolled last week on our House’s Springs list.
Geo. RUSSELL(?) was at the Hub one day last week with a dollar to spare for the printers.
Thos. HUNT and Jacob CHRISTOPHER of DeSoto had business at the Hub last Saturday.
Frank STOWE left a dollar for the printers before returning home from jury duty.
Henry SCHMIDT of near Antonia called the other day and renewed for the county paper.
W.S. NULL of Hematite was here paying taxes one day last week, and also paid for the J.D.
J.F. WILLIAMS recovered the lost package advertised in the J.D. It was found by Mrs. DOERR.
STRAYED – Three heifers, have rings in right ears; will pay for information. R.H. DONNELL, Jarvis, MO.
Rev. Sullivan FRAZIER will hold services at the Hillsboro Union Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Chas. BAUMBACH was here Monday and left some free silver from his brother Gus and himself for the J.D. force.
New farming implements, at reduced prices, at HURTGEN & HUBELI’s, Hillsboro, MO. Call on us for anything in that line.
Jno. F. WILLIAMS returned from St. Louis, last Friday, where he had been selling a car load of hogs, and stopped to renew for the J.D.
W.A. GAMEL and Geo. M. McCORMACK, who were witnesses in the SWEET case, improved the time while here by renewing for the county paper.
Lost – on Hillsboro and DeSoto rock road, or in city limits of DeSoto, a black feather boa. Finder will be suitably rewarded by J. G. BERKELEY, Hillsboro.
J.M. ENGLAND was at the Hub last Monday attending to some legal business, and also did some business with this office for himself and P.C. McCORMACK.
We received last week from Jas. F. EARLY money for renewal of his two subscriptions to the J.D. By the way, friend James is now entitled to append M.D. to his name.
The 4th quarterly meeting for the M.E. Church will be held at Zion Church next Sunday. Rev. O.M. STEWART, presiding elder, and Rev. R.H. SHUTE, pastor, will be present.
Persons wanting to insure their houses in one of the strongest and most reliable insurance companies in the country are invited to call at this office and learn the terms of the Hartford.
When Marshall McMULLIN went home from court last Saturday he found his brother E.R. and wife both quite sick, so he was excused from jury service on Monday and went back to take care of them.
We understand that we came near losing our public administrator one day last week. He had a sudden fainting spell and was unconscious for several minutes, but finally came to and is now as spry as ever.
Lost – a spotted hound pup, age 9 months; has yellow ears and a white streak down his forehead. Goes by the name of Dewey. A liberal reward will be given when same is delivered to C. MARSDEN, Victoria, MO.
Wanted Salesmen – Now is the time to sell oil. We want good reliable men to sell our Tiger Brands Lubricating oils and greases. Good proposition to right party. References required. The Howard Oil & Grease Co., Cleveland, OH.
Nearly one-fourth of the residents of the county have not yet paid their taxes for 1898. Most of them are men who can hardly afford to pay the expense of a deputy coming after the taxes, and the time is getting short. Notices will have to be sent out no later than last week in February.
For Sale at a Bargain - Hillsboro property – 5 room residence in good repair, good stable, smokehouse and henhouse, garden and lot of 1 acre. For prices and terms apply to Wm. BRYAN, Hillsboro.
A dollar J.D. dues was received from J.H. ENGLE, St. Louis.
Matt McDANIEL of Calvey Creek died last Monday. He was over 70 years of age.
A new boy arrived at Lawyer BEAN’s residence one day last week. It is no. 2.
H.R. LLOYD visited our office last Saturday and left renewal money for himself and mother.
Mrs. Robert McCREERY of DeSoto is visiting Mrs. HORINE and other relatives here this week.
B. LUEBBERs and W. J. JAHN were at the Hub Monday and each left a silver message for the printers.
The last of the petit jury was discharged Tuesday. The fees of the jury for the term aggregated $385.40.
Wanted – 80 bushels of corn; will pay highest market price in cash. G.R. RATHBUN, DeSoto.
There will be a school entertainment and box supper at the Vineland school house, on January 28th. Everybody is invited.
Hunting and fishing on my land on Plattin Creek are hereby prohibited, and trespassers will be prosecuted by the law. Thos. TOOLOOSE.
Walter HENSLEY, prosecuting attorney of St. Francois County, attended the funeral of his cousin, D.L. JARVIS. Before returning home he remembered the J.D.
Charles BEISBARTH, a prominent business man of DeSoto, died yesterday morning. He will be buried tomorrow, the Masonic fraternity having charge of the funeral.
The Southern Methodist quarterly meeting was held here last Sunday and Monday. Presiding Elder MAYS preached Sunday evening, Pastor HEYS being alone at the morning services.
The grand jury adjourned yesterday after a session of nine days. Their pay amounted to $231.80, and 77 witnesses before them were paid $168.80. They returned 23 true bills and investigated other causes in which no bills were found.
The grand jury adjourned was a record breaker, both in number of days in session and in time put in at work. They worked till nearly dark every day and had a great many witnesses before them. It is yet too early to determine the result of their labors.
Last week we recorded the fact that Mr. and Mrs. PURCELL were the happy parents of a little girl baby. This week the situation is changed, and they are mourning the loss of the little cherub, which was claimed by the angel Death last Sunday morning. They have our sympathy in their bereavement.
Someone who was afraid to sign his name wrote from DeSoto informing us of a row which occurred at the ‘repair shanty’ in which one man drew a couple of revolvers. If there is any truth in the information it ought to have been given to the prosecuting attorney. All we could do with it was to consign it to the waste basket.
At the meeting of the delegates to the County Convention of the Modern Woodsmen, held in this place on the 10th inst, A.H. SPILKER and Henry GUIBOR were elected as delegates and John McBROOM and J.H. PEASLEE (Peasley?) as alternatives to the State Camp, which meets on the second Wednesday in February. The County Convention was well attended, 11 camps being represented.
Judge FOX came Monday to hold court and try cases in which Judge DEARING was interested. His first case was that of D.E. MORRIS vs. N.S. HUSKEY. HUSKEY agreed with MORRIS to sell him his farm for $2000 and received $100 of the purchase money, but as his wife refused to sign a deed, the trade fell through. MORRIS sued for recovery of his $100 and damages and got judgment for $600.
A grand masquerade ball will be given at SIEVER’s hall, Houses Springs, on Friday eve, Feb. 3rd. Music by MILLET Bros. Everybody invited. Only Maskers will be permitted to dance before 11 o’clock. Now here is where you will have a ‘car load of fun’; but be sure to bring your ladies, and you will have a better time than ever. Sam PERRY – Al. R. WEBER, Committee.
Constable LANHAM had a race for a prisoner last Monday evening. A man named SELZER (SETZER?), living in Antonia, had been fined by Esq. HILL for carrying a pistol, and not having paid the fine the constable arrested him and brought him uptown. Just as night set in, he procured a commitment and started to put SELZER in jail. Leaving SELZER at the foot of the stairs, LANHAM went up to call the sheriff and get the keys and when he came down his man was gone. He soon learned that SELZER had gotten into a buggy with Ben KOHLER and was on his way home. LANHAM got his horse and gave chase, overtaking the buggy about four miles out, and landing his prisoner in jail.
W.F. EDINGER – M.F. HERRINGTON – Real Estate and Insurance Agents – Abstracts furnished to all property in the county. Rents collected and taxes paid and adjusted. Deeds, contracts, are carefully drawn. Office over post office DeSoto, MO
Take Notice – Hunting on my land is hereby forbidden, and those disregarding this notice will be prosecuted for trespassing. Thos. J. WILEY
Sophia S. BROWNING vs. M.K. BROWNING, divorce; petition and cross bill dismissed and judgment for costs against defendant.
A.F.C. MEYER of St. Louis enrolled as member of this bar.
James MACKIN vs. Joseph WILSON, ejectment; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.
Long Bell Lumber Co. vs. Jos. J. HOEKEN; change of venue granted to St. Francois County.
The grand jury returned two true bills and reported bill against Bert GRAE not true.
St. Louis Clock and Silverware Co. v. G.W. DONALDSON, attachment; judgment for plaintiff by default for $500 against defendant and A.M. ZERWICK.
Ida R. SMITH vs. Jos. E. SMITH, divorce; dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.
Tennie JORDAN vs. W. H. JORDAN, divorce; decree granted plaintiff.
I.W. MAYFIELD of Lebanon, MO, enrolled as a member of this bar.
Henry MARTENS vs. Dora MARTENS, divorce decree granted plaintiff.
Littia H. BAKER v. Charles E. BAKER, divorce, decree granted plaintiff with custody of child.
Bazile BOYER vs. Caroline BOYER, divorce, decree granted plaintiff.
Western Brass Manufacturing Co. v. Arthur BOYCE, account judgment for plaintiff by default for $987.20.
Wm. RUST granted final citizen’s papers.
Viola KOBEL vs. James W. KOBEL, divorce decree granted plaintiff.
L.D. THURMAN, James BRENNAN, Owen McCOURT, Frank STOWE and Sam HARRIS excused from further service on petit jury for this term.
Ella D. HIGGENBOTHAM vs. M.F. HIGGENBOTHAM, divorce; decree granted plaintiff without alimony and maiden name restored; judgment against defendant for costs.
St. Louis Clock and Silverware Co v. G.W. DONALDSON, on interplead and garnishment; judgment against interpleader and garnishee discharged. Attorney fee of $15 allowed garnishee. Motion for new trial overruled.
Samuel W. CRAWFORD vs. Harry H. SKEW et al, ejectment judgment for plaintiff by default for one cent damage.
Milton SWEET sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of two years to date from August 18, 1898.
Grand jury returned not a true bill against Harry H. SKEWS.
State vs. Harry HEITMAN, selling liquor with license; plea of guilty and fined $40 and cost.
J.F. DONNELL vs. Lizzie BAIRD et al, partition; report of sale by sheriff approved and order of distribution of proceeds made. Deed to Jesse F. DONNELL acknowledged.
State ex-rel vs. Mrs. E. THAN et al, delinquent taxes; judgment for plaintiff for $3.60.
Same vs. Nasciquant F. AGSORD(?), same; judgment for $5.70.
Same vs. Jane HAWKINS, same; judgment for $9.10.
Same vs. Charles HENSLEY, same; judgment for $1.90.
Same vs. August UHLISCH, same; judgment for $5.65.
Same vs. Elizabeth COOGAN, same; judgment for $10.75.
Same vs. Lavina BOOKER et al, delinquent taxes, dismissed.
State vs. George MANION indicted for horse racing on public road; plead guilty and fined $5 and costs.
Fannie I. RANKIN vs. Charles T. RANKIN on demurrer; demurrer overruled.
May L. COLWELL vs. William C. COLWELL, divorce, decree granted with custody of children.
State vs. John SARGENT and Michael WHITWORTH, indictment for disturbing lawful assembly of people; plead guilty and fined $5 each and costs.
Marshall McMULLIN excused from further service on petit jury on account of sickness in his family.
Samuel E. MORRIS vs. Nathaniel S. HUSKEY, damages; judgment for plaintiff for $600.
Sarah SCHMALL (Schmoll?) vs C.W. BEELER et al; conveyance of property; dismissed for failure to give security for costs.
Petit jury discharged from further service.
State vs. George HENSON, indicted for horse racing on public road; plead guilty and fined $5 and costs.
S.E. MORRIS vs. N.S. HUSKEY, on motion for new trial; motion overruled and judgment reduced to $100.
Daniel L. JARVIS, died at his residence on Sandy, the night of Wednesday, January 11, 1899, aged 45 years. After a severe siege of typhoid fever which had just reached the turning point, pneumonia developed and the combination proved too much for the naturally strong constitution and death soon followed. He was the oldest child of the late Thornton JARVIS, who was one of the most prominent and highly esteemed citizens of this county. Dan leaves a wife and seven children, a mother, one brother, two sisters and other relatives and doubtless as many friends as any man who has died in the county and all will sincerely mourn his death; but his wife and children are the greatest losers, and to them the sympathy of everybody is extended. He was buried on the 13th inst. at Sandy Church. It was a miserable day, rainy and the roads almost impassable and many who wanted to pay a last tribute to his memory were too unwell to do so, yet there was a large number present. Rev. STEEL preached one of his matchless funeral sermons, and was followed by appropriate remarks by Revs. J. F. CAPE and Sullivan FRAZIER, after which the body was consigned to the tomb. He was a member of both the Workmen and Woodsmen lodges, but owing to the enforced absence of members on account of sickness neither performed their funeral services.
Mr. JARVIS was well known and universally respected. As a good citizen he had no superiors, and as a faithful Christian gentleman but few equals. He was a member of the Baptist Church and having the ability as well as the disposition to be of practical service to his church and community he made himself useful and influential, and his absence will be felt where any good word or work is needed. Why one so useful should be taken is one of the mysteries of Providence which no man can understand and which it may be wrong to let the mind dwell upon. He leaves his family well provided for.
~For Sale~
A three-year old Jack; 15 hands high, standard measure; an extra good one; price $200. A.L. ESHBAUGH, Festus, MO.
~Marriage Licenses~
Sherman WILCOX (Festus)/Mary S. KELLY (Crystal City)
Francesco FERRARIO (Crystal City)/Mary PALMER (Festus)
A.G. OKER (DeSoto)/Allie R. POLITTE (DeSoto)
John FOXTON, Jr. (Mammoth Mines)/Gertrude F. EMMONS (Mammoth Mines)
John C. HALEY (DeSoto)/Jennie SUBLETTE (DeSoto)
~Judge HARTWEIN Dead~
Judge Louis HARTWEIN departed this life January 15, 1899, at his home on Sandy, aged 72 years, 2 months and 2 days, after two weeks illness of pneumonia. He was born in Germany November 13, 1827, came to this country in 1843 and resided in Pennsylvania six years. He was married in 1859, and with his wife moved to this county where they have resided the last 40 years. Eleven children were born to them nine of whom are still living. After appropriate funeral services by Revs. Paul WENDT and Sullivan FRAZIER, his body was laid to rest in the Hillsboro cemetery on the 17th. In honor of his memory the public offices were closed and the officials joined with a large concourse and relatives and friends which attended the funeral. The Judge was a member of the German Evangelical Church and was faithful in his Christian duties.
We have known Judge HARTWEIN for 35 years and now repeat what we have had occasion to say during his life, that we considered him a just and upright man and a useful citizen. Those more intimate with him agree that in the relations of husband, father and neighbor he led a model life. In the office of Judge of Probate, which he filled for four years, he proved to be faithful, conscientious and honest. His stricken relatives have our sincere sympathy and we --- with his host of friends and acquaintances in acknowledging that the county has suffered the loss of another good citizen.
Program of Central Township Sunday School Convention to be held at Hillsboro at 10 a.m. Saturday, February 4.
Devotional exercises: Rev. S. FRAZIER
Words of Welcome: R.W. McMULLIN
Response: Oscar OGLE
Moral Education: A.T. BREWSTER
Defects of Sunday Schools: H: SHEER
The Remedy: Rev. W. J. HEYS
Praise Service: Rev. Green MEDLEY
Report of Secretary: Mrs. E. VINEYARD
Sunday School Reading: James CROSSMAN
How to Secure Regular Attendance: Mrs. LAFFOON
Punctuality: H. T. EAVES
How to Teach the Little Folks: Mrs. O. BUCKMAN
Sabbath ---: Mrs. E. VINELAND
Normal Lesson on John’s Gospel: C.S. BOOTH
Lesson Helps: Miss Laura MCMULLIN
Progress in Bible Knowledge: R. M. BAKER
Closing Consecration: Mrs. F.P. LANDES
Fine Farm For Sale! – I offer for sale my farm, consisting of 38 acres, all bottom land, situated in the town of Victoria, on the St. Louis, I.M. & S. Ry. It is in a high state of cultivations; plenty of fruit, berries, etc. For full particulars call on or address Samuel CALLAWAY, Victoria, MO
Notice to Hunters – Notice is hereby given that hunting is not allowed on my place, and those passing through the place are notified to close gates. All trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Herman J. MEYER.
-DEARING BROS., Attorneys at Law; F.R. DEARING, Hillsboro; E.M. DEARING, Potosi
-Jos. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, MO – Office in Jefferson Democrat Bldg.
-R.A. SWINK, Attorney at Law, Festus, MO
-John H. REPPY (Successors to J.L. THOMAS & Bros. and Thomas A. HORINE), Attorneys at Law, Hillsboro
-Dr. L. M. CAMP, Physician & Surgeon, Office at residence, Hillsboro; Chronic Diseases a Specialty
-C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Pres; Jos. J. WILLIAMS, V.P.; W.H. DONNELL, Jr. Cashier – Bank of Hillsboro
-People’s Bank, DeSoto, MO
-Boatmen’s Bank, St. Louis, MO
-Dr. C.H. WILLIAMS, Dentist, DeSoto, MO; Main Street over HAMEL’s Drug Store
-DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, Corner Main/Clement Streets, DeSoto (Upstairs)
-M.Y. O’BRIEN, M.D., Physician & Surgeon, High Ridge, MO
-Al VOLLMAR, Postmaster; Arrival/Departure Mail Schedule: Hillsboro to Victoria; Overland Route – Hillsboro to St. Louis
-Royal Baking Powder, New York
-Prickly Ash Bitters – Sold by all Druggists; Price $1.00 per bottle
-German-American Bank of DeSoto, MO
J.A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, Famous Store, DeSoto, MO