Jefferson Democrat
January 12, 1899
~County Court~
An adjourned term of County Court was held Wednesday, January 4, 1899, the newly elected court being on the bench. The following business was transacted:
-Assessment of Douglas Jersey Cattle Co’s personal property reduced one-half, having been assessed double because of failure of assessment list to reach assessor.
-Assessment of lot in McALISTER’s subdivision, belonging to S.R. HAWKINS, reduced from $330 to $100; erroneous assessment.
-Resignation of G.A. JOHNSTON as constable of Valle Township accepted and Malcolm HIGGINBOTHAM appointed and ordered to file bond in sum of $1500.
-Dramshop licenses were granted as follows: G.A. BOEMLER, Houses Springs; E.A. STRAUSEL, Hillsboro, F.B. MERGET, DeSoto.
-Dramshop licenses were renewed as follows: J.F. WAPPLER, Charles KARTE, Chris HOCK and Mike MERGET, DeSoto; Charles PARKS, Joseph KEIFER, Edward TRUCHON, CAMPBELL & THOMURE, William GORMAN, Festus; John OHEIM, W.J. WHITE, Kimmswick; John N. SPARKS, Hillsboro; Ben F. KOBLER, Antonia; Anton ZIEGLER, Maxville; John HEINER, Pevely; Thomas CAGE, High Ridge.
-Albert WEASE appointed Justice of the Peace of Meramec Township on petition.
-School fund bond of Chris SUEGER (SAEGER?) filed and approved on condition that he insure buildings in favor of county.
-Bond of Malcolm HIGGINBOTHAM as constable of Valle Township filed and approved.
-Treasurer VOLLMAR made settlement of county paper redeemed by him as follows: County revenue fund, $264.50; interest on same, $1.32; special road fund, $1,055.12; total $1,320.94. Settlement approved and treasurer ordered to expedite the same.
-T.R. HILL appointed justice of the peace for Central Township.
-Assessment for taxes of 1898 on east half of lot 1, near sec3, twp 42, range 3, being erroneous, ordered that J.F. EARLY pay on value of $49 instead of $490.
-Sheriff ordered to have shelves made in prosecuting attorney’s office, purchase chairs and table for surveyor’s office, repair roof of courthouse, have two rooms over jail papered, flues, roof and guttering repaired and water drain from jail made; bill for work to be presented when completed.
-T.B. EAVES presents bill against state as follows: land assessment – one half of $478 tracts of land at 3c, $127.12; personal assessment – 1-2 of first 1000 names at 25c, $125; 1-2 second 1000 at 20c; $100; 1-2 of 3766 names at 15c, $282.45; total $634.62. Claim approved and same ordered certified to state auditor for payment.
-Bill as above against the county approved ad warrant for $634.62 ordered drawn in favor of T.B. EAVES.
-Ordered that road overseers make settlements at February term on following days…..
-Following demands against the county were allowed:
E.J. BEAN, pros. Atty - $133.33
W.D. SULLENS, circuit court - $1.50
Oscar OGLE, sheriff - $27.60
Ed VOLLMAR, treasurer - $150.28
W.F. EDINGER, county clerk - $31.67
W.F. EDINGER, stamps & express $7.31
J.B. DOVER, road - $15.00
John ULRICH, county judge - $10.00
J.W. FITZMORRIS, county judge - $10.00
A.F. SLAWSON, county judge - $10.00
W.R. EDINGER - M.F. HERRINGTON, Notary Public: Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Abstracts furnished to all property in the county. Rents collected and taxes paid and adjusted. Deeds, contracts, etc. carefully drawn. Office – post office, DeSoto, MO
[For a copy of the 2 column correspondence written by Samuel E. EAKEN from Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba, contact Kay Clerc-Fakhar at Jefferson County Historical Society].
Jan. 10, 1899-
The three year old son of Mr. McAFEE, who lives about two miles northwest of this city lost his way, Tuesday and was not found until Sunday. It seems that Mr. McAFEE was cutting wood some distance from the house when the mother sent an older brother on an errand to the father, the younger one accompanying him. On the older boy’s returning, he left the little tot with his father. The father thought he had gone home with the older one and did not miss him until he returned to the house at night. Search was immediately instituted and kept up continuously night and day. Saturday notices were posted in our city requesting all who could to join in the search. Sunday, some two or three hundred people responded to the call, which resulted in finding the child in an old field about a mile and a quarter from the house, with its face down in an old plowed furrow. To get into this field, the child had to go through a barbed wire fence and a high rail fence. The remains were brought to the city and placed in charge of Undertaker COXWELL. The funeral took place Monday.
A fire in the basement of the Central school building, Friday, caused some commotion among the children. A few buckets of water extinguished the flames, which were caused by the stove in room 10 falling and scattering the fire over the floor.
J.G. MELOY, brakeman, who was riding on the pilot of the engine, in jumping off to throw the switch for the train to head in at Mill Spring, fell and was run over by the engine and instantly killed. The remains were brought to DeSoto Sunday, and Monday, accompanied by his wife were taken to his home at Mt. Vernon, IL. Mr. MELOY had been married but about 4 months.
Geo. ROOT, a car repairman, met with a painful accident, Monday, while working on a car. The jack slipped and the lever struck his arm, breaking both bones.
Miss Lillian STEEL has resigned her position from the post office.
At the meeting of the school board Monday night, M.R. BARNTHOUSE was elected president, Dr. J.E. JONES having resigned.
B.J. BONE, a carpenter and who was well known in our city, while at work of the residence of J. WILLIAMS, last Friday, dropped dead. Heart failure was the cause.
Miss Naomi WEBB of St. Louis is the guest of Miss May WILLIAMS.
Harry THOMAS returned from California Friday morning.
Brakeman C. WILSON met with a serious accident last Thursday night near Poplar Bluff. He was doing some work about the train when he slipped and fell, his foot caught on the rail and a car passed over it, crushing it so badly that amputation was necessary. He was taken to the Missouri Pacific Hospital in St. Louis Friday.
Supts. DODDRIDGE and PECK went north in their special car Saturday.
John GRAY of Chicago was in our city Monday.
Miss Flora HINCHEY leaves the latter part of the week for Grandin, MO, where she will spend several days with her brother, Allen.
There are about two hundred cases of la grippe in our city.
Jan. 9, 1899-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. YEIDA entertained quite a crowd last Thursday evening, in honor of Miss Nellie DONOVAN of Huntley, Montana. The evening was spent in card playing and other amusements. At 12 o’clock an elegant luncheon was served and everyone present agreed that Mr. and Mrs. YEIDA are royal entertainers and expressed a desire to soon meet them again in the hospitable home.
Jan. 9, 1899
-We are having some rain at present but not enough to satisfy the empty cisterns.
-Nearly every family has some sick members and most of them have the so called la grippe.
-Some of our boys have gone to Fenton to get work on the electric road or some other road, and I hope they will come back well fixed.
-Leopold BERRESHEIM is out every day getting signers for our hustling saloon keeper, Herman ZINK, for a new dram shop license, which will be presented at the February term of County Court.
-Nic BUER is fixing up his place and it looks like something is going to take place in the future.
-E.J. McCLAIN, our hustling road boss, says if he is appointed again he will haul more gravel than ever before; and you bet he will do it, too.
-The HAEFNER boys were here yesterday and furnished us with some fine music. They promised to come back again soon.
~Program of Joachim Township Sunday School Convention, to be held in the Christian Church~
Festus, January 21
Devotional Exercises, Rev. H.L. JENKINSON
Symposium on Attendance – R.M. BAKER, R.G. MORGAN
How to Grade Sunday School – Prof. G.O. NATIONS
Discussion – F.W. BRICKEY, Florian JENNI
How to start a Home Department – W. J. HEYS
Praise Service – J. COVER
Secretary Reports – Mrs. R. J. SIMONSON
Illustration – Mrs. STEVERS
John’s Gospel – Rev. JENKINSON
Teaching to win souls – Mrs. SIMONSON
The making of a man – W.J. HEYS
~Probate Court Docket~
February Term, 1899
First Day – Monday, February 13, 1899
Name of Estate-------Administrator/Curator--------Kind of Settlement
BARRY, U.G., minor, Jucy (sic?) J. BARRY, cur. Annual
BRADY minors; Nellie BRADY, cur. Annual
DUNNIGAN, M., minor; F. DUNNIGAN, cur. Annual
FICKEN minors; Louis BOHL, cur. Annual
HENDERSON, Al, minor; J.J. McDANIEL, cur. Annual
LINDWEDEL, Caroline, dec’d; Henry LINDWEDEL, admr. Annual
LONEY, Mary, dec’d; C.R. LONEY, admr. Annual
MEESE, Peter, dec’d; Jno MEESE admr. Annual
MEYER, Cornelius, dec’d; Jno G. BRUNS, admr. Annual
Second Day – Tuesday, February 14
TAYLOR, Sheppard, dec’d; J.I. RUSSELL, adm. Annual
WEBER, Andrew, dec’d; Mary R. WEBER, admx Annual
BECHLER minors; Mary BECHLER, cur. Annual
BURGESS, Wilford, minor; Ed BURGESS, cur. Annual
BROWN, Francis, dec’d; B. SCHNEIDER, admr. Annual
CUNNINGHAM, Jas, dec’d; J.J. RUSSELL, admr. Annual
FLEMING, A.R., dec’d; Martha J. FLEMING, admr. Annual
HEATON, Ellis, minor; F.D. HEATON, cur. Annual
Third Day – Wednesday, February 15
HANVEY minors; Elijah BURGESS, cur. Annual
LONG minors; Thos. H. LONG, cur. Annual
LINDWEDEL, W.J., minor; H.C. LINDWEDEL, cur. Annual
MEISNER, G. E., dec’d; Alwina MEISNER, ex. Annual
McCLAIN minors; Horace McCLAIN, cur. Annual
OUTMAN minors; - F. NICHOLS, cur. Annual
RICHER, Louis, dec’d; Annestina RICHER, ex. Annual
Fourth Day – Thursday, February 16
BAUER, Jacob, dec’d; Helena BAUER, admx. Final
WILSON, Jas. E., dec’d; Jas. A. WILSON, admr. Final
TOWNSEND minors, Mary TOWNSEND, cur. Annual
GLENN minors; G.R. RATHBUN, cur. Annual
VOGELSANG minors, Louis H. BRUNS, cur. Annual
KONERT, Mary S., minor; Gerhart KONERT, cur. Annual
Fifth Day – Friday, February 17
RIEBOLD minors; M. RIEBOLD, cur. Annual
SPITZ, Catharine, dec’d; P.E. SPITZ, admr. Annual
TONKINS minors, G.W. TONKINS, cur. Annual
STROUP minor; A.J. HUSKEY, cur. Final
ZIPP, Jas, dec’d; Leopold ZIPP, ex. Annual
-R.A. FRAZIER, Judge of Probate
(Local News)
Dr. A.P. BOOTH was at the Hub on business last Saturday.
N.C. EAVES had his name enrolled on our House’s Springs list.
George SCOTT contributed to the printer’s fund this week.
John CHOTT sends the funds to secure his enrollment on our Murphy list.
Edgar REPPY of DeSoto visited his brother John H. last Saturday night.
Renewal dollars were received last week from Ed OELS and Michael O’HARA.
A dollar J.D. dues reached us last week from Mrs. M. DWYER of Scheve, MO.
John NAHLIK sends New Year’s greetings to the J.D., also funds to renew for 1899.
Rev. C.A. DAUTENHAN has our thanks for a renewal dollar for the county paper.
B.W. McCORMACK, a Plattin merchant, had business at the Hub last Saturday.
Mrs. Hugh McNAMEE was here Tuesday proving up the will of her late husband.
Ed McCLAIN of Maxville attended county court last week, and remembered the printers.
Jos. KEEFE, who was deputy recorder under Simon McNEARNEY, is assisting Recorder BURGESS.
Collector HORSOX had to keep to his room and bed last Monday but was out again Tuesday.
The HARRISON brothers of Silica have made arrangements for the weekly visits of the J.D. until 1900.
Judge FRAZIER is among those who have been attacked by the grip. He had to take to his bed Monday.
Mrs. HELD (ILLELD?) of Tennessee, with her little boy and little niece, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. SHEIBLE.
John DRESSELL and Otto YOUNG visited the county seat one day last week and each left remembrances at this office.
Strayed – three heifers; have rings in right ears; will pay for information. R.H. DONNELL, Jarvis, MO.
From W.M.B. McCARTY was received last week money to renew for the J.D. for himself and his son Edward, of Hazel Run.
Judge Jos. J. WILLIAMS returned last Monday from St. Louis, where he had been wrestling with grip for ten days.
W.F. EDINGER and M.F. HERRINGTON were at the county seat last Friday. They have gone into the real estate business.
New Farming Implements, at reduced prices, at HURTGEN & HUBELI’s, Hillsboro, MO. Call on us for anything in that line.
Wm. PLASS was her Monday to attend a meeting of the bank stockholders, and took another dollar’s worth of stock in the J. D.
It would almost take a directory of the town to enumerate those who have suffered with the grip during the past two weeks.
Hon. Jno. T. BURGESS, who has been seriously ill for the past month, has rallied again and is now reported much better.
R.C. BAGE visited the Hub last Saturday and made himself square for another year with the county and the county paper.
Dr. J.B. COX died at his residence in St. Genevieve, Mo, December 31, 1898. He practiced medicine in this county several years and bore an excellent reputation.
Judge M.F. BYRNE had business here last Friday and we learned, incidentally, that he has a good hour trade at Herculaneum. He ships from his mill on Big River by wagon.
“Uncle John” HEARST took an early morning’s ride to the Hub one day last week to get his tax receipt without any ornaments added on. He had the usual dollar left for the printer.
W.T. HUSKEY, the DeSoto merchant, visited the Hub last Saturday, and paid taxes for a long list of his neighbors. He had money enough left to renew for the county paper till in 1900.
Geo. KIDD, Jr. was in to see us last Saturday. He informs us that he has sold his farm on Belew’s Creek and bought a home in Reynold’s County, to which he will move next month.
Lost – on the road between LUCKEY place and Mr. WACK’s, a red paper box containing Christmas toys, etc. Finder will be suitably rewarded in forwarding it to me. John F. WILLIAMS, Morse Mill
J.F. McNAMEE of near Pacific was here Tuesday. He informed us of the death of Mrs. Severn MUIR, which occurred last Saturday. The old lady was about (80?) years old and one of the pioneers of that part of the county, and had led and active and useful life.
Renewal money was received Monday from John T. McMULLIN.
Joseph BOESCH sends a dollar from Maxville for dues to the county paper.
Joe BESSLER called Monday to have his name enrolled on our Herculaneum list.
J.E. EVANS and D.E. O’DONNELL remembered the J.D. while in town last week.
Jno. BAKER brought us a printer’s dollar from John B. RICHARDSON of Maxville.
Alfred SMITH handed us a dollar, ordering the J.D. sent to Emily KIDD, Colorado, TX.
G.M. McCORMACK and W.A. GAMEL renewed for the county paper while here attending court.
Judge GREEN will not change his residence from DeSoto. He will only have his office in St. Louis.
John PERADORE was a witness in court and concluded to have his name enrolled on our Flucom list.
Attorney BOOTHE of DeSoto attended Circuit Court this week and also left a dollar at the J.D. office.
Herman BECKER made his regular annual visit to the J.D. office, Tuesday and left a dollar with the foreman.
Wanted – 60 bushels of corn; will pay highest market price in cash. G.R. RATHBUN, DeSoto.
Mr. PURCELL and wife are the happy parents of a girl baby which arrived Tuesday, and Dr. CAMP is now a grandpa.
Philip MEATZIE (METZE) informs us that his brother Henry, who shot himself in the head some time ago, is in a fair way to get well.
Hunting and fishing on my land on Plattin Creek are hereby prohibited, and trespassers will be prosecuted by the law. Thos. TOOLOOSE.
D. L. JARVIS was reported dead yesterday morning, but later it was learned that he was still living and there were hopes of his recovery.
Lost – a spotted hound pup, age 9 mths; has yellow ears and a white streak down his forehead. Goes by the name of Dewey. A liberal reward will be given when same is delivered to C. MARSDEN, Victoria, MO.
Milton C. BROWN of St. Louis, an attorney, was present at the opening of Circuit Court, Monday. Mr. BROWN is an ex-editor, having run a newspaper for several years in this state, and naturally enough he visited this office while here. He had his name curolied on our list before leaving.
Ed VOLLMAR expects to move this week to near Pevely, where he will engage in farming with his father-in-law, Mr. Jon B. CRAFT. Ed is studying up on the GRANGER grip and passwords, and has already learned several signs. We predict that he will make a success as a farmer, as he is industrious and likes outdoor work.
Esq. RUSTIGE’s New Year’s greeting to ye editor was accomplished by a renewal dollar for the J.D., and in congratulating u on the success of Democracy last November. He very wisely adds, “If Democrats now heed the lesson given the Republican bossed there will be no danger in the future of another artificial Republican majority.”
Sam BYRNS does not consider it much of a joke, but others are having a laugh over it. Last Monday morning between DeSoto and Victoria the train slacked up for some purpose and someone called out Victoria. Sam was busy talking and without noticing where he was, stepped off and the train proceeded without him, and he had quite a walk to the station.
For Sale – a good farm of 80 acre; about 60 acres under cultivation, balance timber land. Good dwelling house with 2 room and kitchen; one large and one small barn; one large machinery shed and other outbuildings. A no. 1 spring with milk house. For particulars apply to Fred J. MILLER, Kimmswick.
Esq. McCORMACK, of Plattin, in sending money to renew for the J.D. takes occasion to say that the farmers there are complaining of hard times. It seems that Jefferson County farmer are slow to recognize the fact that unbounded prosperity has struck them, and that, in the language of our Gov. STEPHENS, ‘there has been no failure of field or orchard.’
A grand masquerade ball will be given at SIEVER’s hall, Houses Springs, on Friday eve, Feb. 3rd. Music by MILLET Bros. Everybody invited. Only Maskers will be permitted to dance before 11 o’clock. Now here is where you will have a ‘car load of fun’; but be sure to bring your ladies, and you will have a better time than ever. Sam PERRY – – Al. R. WEBER, Committee.
Take Notice – Hunting on my land is hereby forbidden, and those disregarding this notice will be prosecuted for trespassing. Thos. J. WILEY
Notice to Hunters – Notice is hereby given that hunting is not allowed on my place, and those passing through the place are notified to close gates. All trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Herman J. MEYER.
For Sale – one span of large draft horses, either both or one, to suit the purchaser; young thoroughbred Jersey bull, and thoroughbred, registered, Poland China boar. Will be sold at private sales, and at priced that will be bargains for those who need them. For particulars apply at the J.D. office.
Advertisement: J.A. WILLIAMS, proprietor, DeSoto, Missouri
Famous – Clothing House
When there must be something bought,
Tis a truth that long been taught –
You should buy were goods are cheap
And where quality can’t be beat.
So when you come to this great town
And on its streets are walking ‘round,
Do not forget the Famous store
Always keeps an open door.
And if you never there have been
Will you next time, please step in?
If you want to buy, all right;
If you don’t, we will not fight.
When your suit is soiled with dirt,
And you almost have no shirt,
When your socks are full of holes,
And you old shoes have no soles;
When your ties and --- are worn,
And your hat is old and torn,
And you wish to buy this fall
Do not forget we keep them all.
All of our good are nice and new
And of superior beauty, too.
The styles and wear are all first class-
You cannot let such bargains pass.
Court met in regular session last Monday with Judge DEARING on the bench and the other offices in their places. Harry DAHL and T. B. MOSS were sworn in as deputy sheriffs, and C.R. HONEY as deputy circuit clerk.
Chas E. MILLER was excused from service on grand jury and P.C. EAVES selected in his place. The grand jury was then impanelled and charged. It consists of D. C. McCORMACK, foreman; Andrew HUSKEY, Thomas JOHNSTON, P.C. EAVES, Robert VOLLMAR, Thos. WILLSON, Jake LINDAUER, Fritz LANDOLT, John BAKER, F.H. WILLIAMS, Frank STROUP and Eli McMULLIN.
Wm. KESSLER of Greenville, MO, was appointed official stenographer.
Most of the first day was consumed in hearing motions, the only case finally disposed of being dismissal of case of J.R. SUTTON vs. Hartford Insurance Co.
Milton SWEET was put on trial for felonious assault, terminating next day in a verdict of guilty and assessing his punishment at two years in the penitentiary.
F.E. TINDALL vs. Thos. TOOLOOSE; judgement for $31.26.
D.N. MASON vs. St. Louis I.M. & S. R.R. Company; dismissed.
Emma vs. Chas. TAYLOR, for divorce; dismissed; defendant having died.
Sophia S. vs. M.K. BROWNING, for divorce; appears to be biggest case on docket from number of witnesses and interested parties. Trial commenced Tuesday.
Program of Jefferson County Teacher’s Meeting to be held in Hematite, Saturday, January 14, 1899.
Sincerely, G.O. NATIONS, President
A Plea for the Children: Prin. H.W. PRENTIS of the Hodgen School, St. Louis, will speak on this theme at our Hematite teacher’s meeting. No enterprising teacher can afford to be absent. Sincerely, G.O. NATIONS
Fine Farm For Sale! – I offer for sale my farm, consisting of 38 acres, all bottom land, situated in the town of Victoria, on the St. Louis, I.M. & S. Ry. It is in a high state of cultivations; plenty of fruit, berries, etc. For full particulars call on or address Samuel CALLAWAY, Victoria, MO
(Transcriber Note: Names/numbers noted in the legal and court listings are always difficult to interpret in these old newspapers. A copy of the original land deeds can be obtained from the courthouse, or copies of the actual newspaper images are available thru me via the Jefferson County Historical Society. – Kay )
~List of Conveyances filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday~
H. BECKER to F. RABLE, 1.89 acres, sur. 893…..$94.
Thos. QUINN to Louisa WIDEMAN, 15 acres, s26 t40 r4…..$555.
Caroline DRISSEL to S. W. HAVERSTICK, 2 lots in DeSoto….$350.
Wm. DOERR to Sam MORRIS, 1?0 acres, s5t40r4…..$700.
Ada PRICE et al to Peter BYRNE, 160 acres, s8t42r4…..$125.
John HEINER to Herman HEINER, 2 lots in Pevely….$555.
B.C. BERRY to Robt F. BERRY, lot in surveys 160 & 315……$100.
Frances SCOTT to Sophia HUNFETH(?), 40 acres, S11T41R5….$1000.
W.R. DONNELL to Lucy A. PEEVERS, lot in Festus….$250.
Geo. WARREN to Chas. FRAZIER, land in s34t39r5…..$200.
A.J. HUSKEY to Dan HUSKEY, 82.77 acres, s1t39r5…..$150.
Thersia BURKHART to R.L. MEYER, lot in Festus…..$215.
J.T. BYRNE to Peter DUNNIGAN, 1 acre, s36t43r3…..$25.
Sand BROOKS to H. G. KRAKE, 220 acres, sur 747 T42R6….$4000.
Louis LILLY to John BECKER, 80 acres, s27t40r6…..$50.
J.F.McCLAIN to B.C. BERRY, 25.50 acres, sur 2158 t39r5…..$50.
Jos. RUSTIGE to Henry WELIMS(?), 40 acres, s6 t42r5…….$500.
Susan FIREBAUGH to W.W. HULL, lot in Sulphur Springs…..$35.
Henry KESZIER to Owen McCOURT, 236 acres, sur 1897…..$1.
Daniel O’CONNELL to Peter CONNER, part lot US survey 1897….$1.
G.H. PRICHARD to Maggie STAUFFER, ----acres, s13t39r6…..$1000.
James KEANEY to Wm. KEANEY, lot in DeSoto…..$1.
F.C. RICHARDSON to Geo. CHRIST, ----acres, US Survey 2991….$3700.
Estella BURGESS to Ed M. BURGESS, undivided 1-5 of sec7t42r4…..$25.
Estella BURGESS to same, land in sur 3059……$1300.
W.A. WELSH to G.M. PILE, 2 lots in DeSoto….$400.
G.A. JOHNSON (DeSoto)/Rosa POUCHER (DeSoto)
W.L. STRICKLAND (Festus)/Lillie McCLAIN (Plattin)
For Sale at a Bargain:
Hillsboro property – 5 room residence in good repair, good stable, smokehouse and henhouse, garden and lot of 1 acre. For prices and terms apply to Wm. BRYAN, Hillsboro.
Program of Jefferson County Baptist Ministers and Deacon’s Institute and S.S. Conventions, to be held at Oakland Baptist Church, January 28 & 29, 1899, 10 a.m.
-Inspiration of the Scriptures, Elder Wm. McKAY
-The relation of John’s ministry to that of Christ’s, Elder Sullivan FRAZIER
-Conditions of Salvation, N.W. EOFF
-Christ as a man of prayer, Deacon George EVANS
-How far are the deacons of a church responsible for its condition?, Deacon J.C. Cape
-Pastors relation to the Sunday School, A.G. MEDLEY
- Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri made at the November term 1898, I the undersigned public administrator of Jefferson County, Missouri having in charge the estate of T.C. ROQUES, deceased will on Saturday, January 21, 1899, at the courthouse door in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, MO, and during the session of the Probate Court of said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, one third cash and remainder in 1 year at 6 percent interest for all cash at option of bidder, all the right, title and interest of Talbert C. ROQUES, deceased, of, at and to the northwest quarter of section -, township -, range 4 east, in Jefferson County, MO for purposes of paying debts of said estate, under orders of said court. James L. RUSSELL, Public Administrator of Jefferson County, MO having in charge estate T.C. ROQUES, dec’d.
– Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of George ROESCH, deceased, were granted to the undersigned administrator on the 10th day of December, 1898, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Robert PAUL, Administrator
[Transcriber Note: there is an additional court item that is cut off and was not able to be transcribed. This may be the Trustee Sale for James FERGUSON/John SEGER also found in issue January 19, 1899.]
-THEOBOLD’s Baker, DeSoto, MO
-First Class Country Store, James O’BRIEN, Regina, MO
-State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, MO, for particulars address John S. McGHEE, Pres.
Hoarseness, Sore Throat – Dr. BULL’s Cough Syrup
-Bargains in Land: having purchased the ALLEN tracts of land, some of the best land in the county, they will be subdivided and sold as lots – John T. BYRNE, Byrnesville, MO
-DEARING BROS., Attorneys at Law; F.R. DEARING, Hillsboro; E.M. DEARING, Potosi
-Jos. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro, MO – Office in Jefferson Democrat Bldg.
-R.A. SWINK, Attorney at Law, Festus, MO
-John H. REPPY (Successors to J.L. THOMAS & Bros. and Thomas A. HORINE), Attorneys at Law, Hillsboro
-Dr. L. M. CAMP, Physician & Surgeon, Office at residence, Hillsboro; Chronic Diseases a Specialty
-C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Pres; Jos. J. WILLIAMS, V.P.; W.H. DONNELL, Jr. Cashier – Bank of Hillsboro
-People’s Bank, DeSoto, MO
-Boatmen’s Bank, St. Louis, MO
-Dr. C.H. WILLIAMS, Dentist, DeSoto, MO; Main Street over HAMEL’s Drug Store
-DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, Corner Main/Clement Streets, DeSoto (Upstairs)
-M.Y. O’BRIEN, M.D., Physician & Surgeon, High Ridge, MO
-Al VOLLMAR, Postmaster; Arrival/Departure Mail Schedule: Hillsboro to Victoria; Overland Route – Hillsboro to St. Louis
-Royal Baking Powder, New York
-Prickly Ash Bitters – Sold by all Druggists; Price $1.00 per bottle
-German-American Bank of DeSoto, MO