Jefferson Democrat

June 4, 1896


Page 1 (Transcriber note: A full column is included of names of individuals who were injured/killed during the cyclone/tornado that hit St. Louis; the entire front page of this issue is devoted to this.)


Page 2

Harry DAHL announces this week as a candidate for Sheriff.  He has had some years of experience as Constable and Deputy Sheriff, and has proven a very prompt, efficient and honest official.  He is qualified for the discharge of all the duties of the office, and if elected the county will have an excellent all-around Sheriff.  As a Court officer he has few if any equals.


For the information of those who are not well acquainted with John McNAMEE, who has announced as a candidate for County Judge, we will state that he is a native of Jefferson County, resides in the Labarque hills of Meramec township; is a successful farmer, has a good practical education, and is a man of more than average intelligence and of sound judgment.  He keeps well posted and is well informed as to the resources and needs of the county, though the only official experience he has had has been as road overseer.  He is an all-around safe man for the important position he seeks.


We listened last Monday, to a conversation between Judge SECKMAN and Road Commissioner DOVER, and the impression they left on our mind was that the county has been getting very little honest work done, especially by stone masons.  They assert that where the bridges and culverts have been damaged by floods that the fact has been developed that the masonry was defective.  The contracts would call for a good class of masonry, large rock laid in mortar, etc., and that while the walls appeared from their face, to be in strict compliance with the contract, it has developed that while the face showed up well the balance of the wall was no good, being simply a filling in with spalls and dirt.  The most of the damage is therefore attributed to the faulty and dishonest work.  This is a bad state of affairs if true and as the conversation was in public, we are violating no secrecy in mentioning it.


The cyclone or tornado which struck St. Louis on Wednesday of last week is said to have been the worst ever known in this country.  It is also said by those in position to know that the last month’s record of storms has never been equaled by any month, since such things were recorded.  There were many more storms than days in the month.  Taking it for granted that the editor of our outside pages will give the particulars of the terrible storm, in better shape than we possibly can, we will not attempt to describe it.  Great as the loss of life and property has been the citizens of St. Louis [who] have bravely announced that they will provide for their own need, and do not desire any outside assistance.  As they have always been among the first and most liberal in helping other stricken communities, it was natural that they should receive offers of assistance from all over the globe, but all such offers have been respectfully declined.


Probate Court

John TUBBESING appointed administrator of the estate of Anna TUBBESING; bond $800.

Final settlement of estate of John RICHARDSON, deceased, approved.

$100 appropriated out of estate of Henry R. MEYER, for year’s provisions for widow and children.

Sale bill of estate of Henry F. MEYER, approved.

Annual settlements approved estates of Katie, Lawrence and Loretta YAEGER, minors, and the interest collected on their money appropriated to their mother for their support.

Inventory and appraisement of estate of Anna TUBBESING, approved.

Final settlement of estate of Mary TUBBESING, minor, approved.

Gus HAMEL Manufacturing Co. vs. estate of J.W. FLETCHER, allowed $10.37 and $2.15.


List of Conveyances

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday:

Mary ZICKENDRATH et all to F.J. BENTON, 145 acres S1T39R5….$1000.oo

Thos. J. DONNELL to F.J. KNAPP, 3 lots in DeSoto….$2500.00

Phillip PFEIFFER to Wm. HOENE, 78 acres, S19T43R4….$2200.00

J.L. ROUGGLY to H.N. McGREADY (sic-McCREADY?) & W.H. BUST, 4 lots in DeSoto..$6787.00

J.C. DOWNER to C.H. WILLIAMS, 3 lots in DeSoto….$260.00

T.J. COUCH to T.J. WILEY, 4 acres, S11T46R3….$50.00

J.J. HOEKEN to W.D. SULLENS, lot in Hillsboro.$1250.00

Perry F. LEPP to Pauline SPARKS, lot in DeSoto….$63.00



LeMines, MO, May 26, 1896

Corn planting is finished in this neighborhood and the farmers are glad.  Oats are looking fine since the rains and will certainly make a good crop.  Wheat is also looking very well and will doubtless make a very good yield, unless the chinch bugs interfere.


It was announced at the last meeting at the Oakland Baptist Church that Rev. K. EAVES will preach there at 11 o’clock next Sunday.

Some of our farmers have been using bone fertilizers on their land this year, and so expect their crops to make bountiful yield.  We believe this to be a good plan.

Big River got up considerably last week, but we have not learned so far of its doing any damage.


Bullen BROWN (colored) of near here, but in Washington County, departed this life on the 23rd inst.  “Uncle BOLLEN,” as he was generally called was well known by a great many people, both white and black, and was always spoken of as a good, honest man.  He was a member of the Baptist Church, and we are informed that when he found that he must bid farewell to earth, he said that he was willing to go, as he was sure that he would enter that land of joy where sickness and earth are unknown. 



Byrnesville, MO, May 24 –

Mr. Editor, I am home again so will send you a few items.  We are having plenty of rain now, and all the crops look well in this vicinity.  There are a few chinch bugs in the wheat and some potato bugs on the potatoes.  The farmers are almost through planting here.

Lim F. SALE made a trip to St. Louis last week and had his photograph taken.  I suppose he wants to have something to show how he looked when he was young.

I think we will get the electric railroad yet.  I saw M.F. BYRNE, James WINER and a few of the magnets pass through Byrnesville one day last week.

By the way, this is getting to be a great place for bicycles.  A friend of mine out walking the other day saw something come flying along the road.  He said it looked like one of those red-headed woodchucks, and naturally enough it dropped down at the base of a tree.  But on closer observation it proved to be our friend, the red haired cyclist from Dutch creek who came in contact with the tree.  He is alive yet though.


There was a large crowd at the sale yesterday at the home of the late Henry MEYER.  Property sold for ‘full value’, according to present prices, I think.

We have another good citizen in the town of Byrnesville in the person of D.R. DENNY, who appears to be a gentleman in every respect.



Rock Creek, MO, June 1 –

The party of the RIEHOLD’s hall, Pink Monday, was a success in every way.  A large crowd was present and dancing was kept up in two rooms until the wee hours of morning.  The greatest incident was the making of a raft and taking one young lady across the creek.

Grass and oats are looking better since the rain.

Strawberries are but gone.  Raspberries next.


Misses Edna and Pauline HILL of Fenton are visiting this place.  One young man is not so lonesome now.

N. BROUK (Bronk?) has remodeled his old barn by making it a few logs higher and putting new sheds up.

C. SHUBERT is spending a few days at home.

A sewing circle is being organized on the creek.  Weddings certain.

A.J. SHUBERT has completed his new residence.  He seems to be in a hurry, as he made an extra trip too St. Louis last week for screens.

One of our Rock Creek young men has been visiting Fenton quite frequently of late.  Cause: a magnet in that vicinity.

I noticed an article from High Ridge saying George SCHOELL agreed to play violin for 35 cents a night and furnish the rosin.  Tell Mr. SCHOELL to move down here and we will guarantee him a job one night every week.


Hematite, MO, June 3-

Several parties from this vicinity visited St. Louis next day following the storm.  Jerry and Patrick CAVANAUGH were among the number.  Their aunt was killed and nephew badly injured in East St. Louis.  Two nieces of Mrs. STRUNK were also missing.

The M.E. Church strawberry and ice cream festival was very well attended considering the rainy evening.  As it was not practicable (sic) to have it on the lawn, it was removed to Suat’s hall.  The proceeds were satisfactory.  Some of the people are asking for another, but I suppose there will be no strawberries in it in case there is another.  They might be able to have dewberries and ice cream.

C.R. MOCKBEE and Miss Myrtle FREESE of Zion attended the festival and had to remain until the next day, on account of the rain.

J.M. ENGLAND and Son have the brick work to their addition completed and some of the carpenter work done.  They will soon be ready to fill it up with goods.

Hart BYRD is helping in the store of BYRD and BOOTHE.  He is a great boy for horses, and would rather jockey than clerk, and I think he does jockey more than clerk.

Dr. BOOTH has been suffering from poison ivy, but he is better now and able to be behind the counter and to smile once more upon the fair damsels.

Mrs. WHITE and daughter Miss Nellie are at C.J. HOGAN’s for the summer.

Miss Hattie BOYCE is at DeSoto on a visit.

There was a birthday social given at Mr. HARRINGTON’s last Friday evening in honor of his little daughter.

Miss Dollie McCORMACK is visiting at Jarvis this week.

CASKANETT and SUMMERFIELD have two cars loaded with ringstones for shipment to St. Louis.


Sulphur Springs, Mo, May 30-

The Sulphur Springs public school closed Thursday night.  The entertainment was put off until then on account of the storm.

The pupils acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of parents, teacher and friends.  The roll of honor printed below is the result of the term examination and department record of the last month of school.  Department’s averages are added to the scholarship averages and the result divided by two, making a general average. The percentages show the behavior as well as the scholarship of each pupil, and a careless, lawbreaking pupil cannot possibly go above the conscientious law abiding pupil even if he is brighter.

The one who is at the head the greatest number of times during the term is called on the last night the star of the school and wears a white ribbon at that time…. (Transcriber note: the names of who won the honor are cut off my copy, but based on the rest of the article - I believe these names to be Pearl STITES & Jennie GLENDINNING) {cont:} ….times, but in their term report at the close of the school both made the semi-general average, bringing Pearl ahead three times and Jennie twice.  The averages made by these two in their term report was 99 percent, and both deserve great credit.  Jennie is only eleven years of age and recited history and geography in the same classes with Pearl, but Pearl’s grammar and arithmetic examinations were quite difficult and she had seven studies, while the other pupils only had six, thus making her success richly deserved.  Nellie NOKES and Minnie HULL are third on the roll of honor, neither had ever led the school, but their term average was 93 per cent, and they also deserve praise.

The following is the roll of honor, compiled from the term report: Pearl STITES, Jennie GLENDINNING, Nellie NOKES, Minnie HULL, Mary POINTE (Polite?), Bessie WIGGINS, Ethel GREENE, Wallace HULL, James St. JOHN, Oscar NOKES. 


Lansdown, MO, May 26, 1896

Editor J.D.: There being so little to tell about these hot sultry days, although there are whisperings going on behind the swaying pale, and superfluous smiles are exchanged between the Ice water and the ‘strawberries” while the gossip vender finding neither heat nor cold too much to keep her under, wends her way and distributes her wares, I look about one in despair for something new under the sun, and am obliged to fall back on a paragraph from a letter last received from the boys, Fred MEYER and Jake HERCHER, which, although not containing anything new, has an icy air about it that cannot fail to be acceptable to their many friends.  The letter is postmarked “Gibonsville, Idaho”, May 19, 7 a.m., and reads: We left Butte City, MT, and are now in Idaho, 95 miles from the railroad.  It is a rough road over the mountains.  We waited 48 miles, then took the sleigh for the next 36, changing again for the footpad of over snow from 7 to 15 feet deep.  While we were not led into temptation by the ripening strawberry patches, we saw a novel sight as a strike is on between here and Divide, among the mail carriers.  We saw Uncle Sam’s pouches all along the route openly and fearlessly holding their own in this the wildest, bleakest, most God forsaken country in His domain.  But they are safe: the roughest character here knows the penalty: he also knows they contain little outside of written letters, and the miner and trapper, the tramp and aborigine care little for stuff of that sort; and even without the U.S. and the seals would scarcely be disturbed, up here although down in the land of civilization, where the sun shines and the flowers bloom, I would not say so much.  Gibonsville takes the cake of all that’s rough and dreary, but it is a mining town where a man gets money by working for it – it being so far out of the beaten track that but few care to risk the venture up here.  I will trace it for you on the map next time, and also our footprints across the snow Route.  You can give Pete SMITH one to stick up on his plow handles as he goes, and when resting he can close his eyes and imagine the rest, just as we do also.  Also give John MANESS one.  He, too, can make good use of it. For a whiff of snow and ice while trudging in the furrow always is acceptable in that part of Jefferson County.  Tell Peter to fatten that mule by fall and to remember where his new owner now is – muleless and saddleless, as near heaven as he can ever expect to be, with snow to the right of us, snow to the left of us, snow all around us.  So now then good-bye.”

The rest is only for those who know him best.  But we cannot but note the snowy whiteness, the uncrumpled appearance of the little envelope that was carried for hundreds of miles on the pack saddle, on the shoulders of guides, in the sleigh, until the railroad tracks at last hurried it on to its destination and Mr. GOFF, to while we look as if for mercy, handed it us – it’s purity unsullied and nothing to tell of its long strange journey save the stamp on the front and back, of the men into whose trust it was given; the one in fur cap and coat of the polar bear, and the other mopping his brown in the almost tropical heat of the Southeast Missouri day.



All the Dr. EDWARDs heirs are requested to meet at Hematite on Friday, June 12, 1896, at half past ten a.m. to appoint one of the said heirs as attorney to transact the business for the other heirs.  Chas. F. WHITEHEAD, Silica, MO, June 1, 1896.


To Contractors!

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to June 13, 1896 at 2 o’clock p.m. for the building of a new frame schoolhouse in District 4, Township 3 Range 3, known as the Spitz school, 2 miles west of Maxville.  For plans and specifications call or write to Judge H. SECKMAN, Seckman, MO.  Bids and communications to be addressed to Phillip PARKE, Maxville, MO.


Grand Basket Picnic!  A grand basket picnic will be given at HINEY and RUSSELL’s grove, 1-2 miles north of Stone House on Dry Creek, on Saturday June 29, 1895.  There will be all kinds of refreshments and lunch stands with plenty to eat and drink.  Amusements of all kinds.  A large, smooth dancing platform will be erected.  First class music will be furnished.  No trouble or expense will be spared to make it pleasant for everyone.  Come one, come all.  G.W. RUSSEL; B.F. HINEY.


Notice To Contractors:

Contractors and builders write to the undersigned for plans and specification for a schoolhouse to be built in district 1 of ?. (Bailey district).  By order of board.  A.P. BOOTH, District Clerk, Hematite, MO.


For Sale: Milch cows and Heifers - E. HOFFMANN, Vineland, MO  


AD: The Home Treatment of Female Diseases.

To assist modest women, who will not submit to humiliating examinations, in treating themselves at home, a book has been prepared which describes the symptoms of all female diseases and explains their proper treatment.  Copies of this valuable 128 page book will be mailed to any lady on receipt of five cents – Rev. R. L. McELREE, ST. Elmo, TN.

Cost of Treatment     

One package MeELREE’s Wine of Cardui  $1.00

One package Thedford’s Black Draught         .25

Total Cost                                                    $1.25

Sold by all Dealers in Medicine    

[Transcriber Note: Background on Wine of Cardui-Thedford’s Black Draught: ‘Thedford’s Black Draught’, a senna based laxative was originally developed in 1840 by Dr. A.Q. SIMMONS of Snow Hill, GA.  Dr. McELREE’s ‘Wine of Cardui’, was a tonic for women based on the sedative and antispasmodic benedictus.  It has a history dating back to Central Europe, yet it is reported that a Cherokee Indian temporarily stopped by a town in TN, and successfully brought relief to a young girl by making a compound from the dried leaves of a botanical plant.  The Indian left seeds which were in turn given to Mrs. McELREE, who placed them in a trunk.  Several years later the seeds were planted out of curiosity, and it was discovered that the plants were indeed beneficial.  During the 1870’s the drug was commercially packaged and sold and by 1882, Mr. McELREE sold the rights to the Chattanooga Medicine Company.]


Executor’s Notice – Notice is hereby given that letter of testamentary on the estate of Brinkley O’BRIEN deceased, where granted to the undersigned on the 9th day of May 1896 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.

All persons having claims again said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and if such claims are not exhibited within two years from this subscription, they shall be forever barred.  May 13, 1896.  John GANEY, Sr., Executive.


For Sale.  The well known store building at Frumet, Missouri.  Price $1,000.  Satisfactory Terms.  Geo. W. TAUSSIG, LeClede Building, St. Louis, MO.


Curator’s Sale of Real Estate.

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri made at its February term, 1896, and a renewal of said order, made by said court at its May term, 1896, on the 23rd day of May 1896, the undersigned curator of the estate of Bertha BRETHOLD, a person of unsound mind, will on Saturday June 27, 1896, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm at the north front door of the courthouse in Hillsboro, Jefferson County Missouri, and while the Probate Court of said county is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the real estate of said Bertha BRETHOLD, insane, described as follows to wit:

Lot number two (2) in lot one (1) of survey No. 3011 (5011?), known as the Ca?anne tract….the subdivision plot of same made by J.H. DOVER, survey of, which said plot is duly recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Jefferson County, MO, said lot containing ninety six and sixty three hundredths acres.  Said land is to be sold for the support and maintenance of said Bertha BRETHOLD insane.

Terms of Sale: one half cash and the balance in two years from the date of sale; the purchaser to give note for deferred payment bearing interest from date at the rate of 6 percent per annum and to be secured by deed of trust on the land purchased.  Joseph A. LYNCH, Curator.      



-Bernard MEESE, Manufacturer of Cigars, Maxville, MO; Private Brands a specialty.

-Metropolitan Business University and School of Penmanship and Shorthand

    1110 Olive St., St. Louis, MO, W. E. HARTSOCK, President.

-Jacob LINDAUER, House’s Springs; General Blacksmith and Wagon – Keeps on hand a full line   

     of Fins and Burial Cases at Best Prices.

-STEWART’s Nursery – located on – north of Crystal and Festus. Robert STEWART, Crystal

     City, MO.

-To the Public: Having…my Flour Mill with the latest approved machinery…Respectfully ask a share of public patronage.  James BYRNE, Houses Springs, MO.

-Black Sampson, the Mule Jack.  Will make the season of 1896 beginning April 1st at my farm.    

     A.L. ESHBAUGH, Festus, MO.


Page 3

Official Directory

Circuit Courts – James GREEN, Judge, DeSoto

Probate Courts – Louis HARTWEIN, Judge, Desoto

County Courts – Judges: Louis FREDERTIZIE, Maxville; Henry SECKMAN, Seckman; and Wm. S. McCORMACK, Plattin.

Representative – George W. STEEL

Pros. Atty – Jos. G. WILLIAMS, Hillsboro

Circuit Clerk – W.D. SULLENS, Hillsboro

County Clerk – W.F. EDINGER, Hillsboro

Recorder – A.L. COLMAN, Hillsboro

Sheriff – Oscar OGLE, Hillsboro

Treasurer – Ed VOLLMAR, Hillsboro

Collector – Jos. W. WALTHER, Hillsboro

Assessor – A.H. SPILKER, Hillsboro

Public Adm – J.B. BAKEWELL, Victoria

County Surveyor, J.B. DOVER, Victoria

Coroner – G.A. AUERSWALD, DeSoto

School Comr – G.F. BOOTHE, DeSoto   



-E.R. DEARING, Hillsboro; E.M. DEARING, Potosi

     DEARING Bros. Attorneys at Law

-Jos. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Hillsboro


     DINNING & BYRNS, Attorneys at Law, DeSoto


     HORINE & REPPY, Attorneys At Law, Hillsboro, MO

Thomas Abstract of Land Titles

-Wm. J. KIRK, Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Title Investigator, Maxville, MO

-Dr. C.H. WILLIAMS, Dentist, DeSoto, Main Street over HAMEL’s Drug Store

-Boatmen’s Bank, St. Louis

-People’s Bank, DeSoto

-W.H.H. THOMAS, pres. & Jos. J. WILLIAMS, v.p. Bank of Hillsboro

-THEOBOLD’s Bakery, DeSoto

-DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, DeSoto (upstairs, Corner Main/Clement Streets)


Administratix Notice:

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Felix T. BROWN, deceased were granted by the undersigned administration on the 19th day of May, 1896 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix with one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited with two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.

Transcriber Note: Administratrix  [name cut off from this copy].


H.T. EAVES returned last Monday from Kirksville Normal School.

Wall paper, 12 rolls for 30 cents. HAMEL’s Drug Store, DeSoto, MO.

That dollar that strayed into our coffers last week was from Milton MOSS.

Ladies belts, ties, parasols and fans just received at H. HOHENTHAL’s, DeSoto.

From Rev. FRAZIER, we received this week an addition to our printer’s fund.

Go to Gust HAMEL Mfg. Co for lumbers, paints, etc.

A dollar on subscription to the county paper is received from Meinrod RIEBOLD.

W.O. BAKER is one of the few who spared a dollar for our printer’s fund the past week.

An interesting communication from Hematite is unavoidably crowded out till next week.

ICE – parties desiring ice this summer can get it of John N. SPARKS at 75 cents per 100 pounds.


Polk WILLIAMS and family were here Saturday and Sunday, visiting C.T. HORINE’s family

Hats and Gents Furnishing goods at the Square Deal Clothing Store.

Frank M. PIERCE sends a dollar from Melville, MT for the Jefferson County paper for one year.

The mail last Friday brought a dollar for our printer’s fund from Nick ROESCH of Rock Creek.


L. Ross SHANNON of St. Louis procured license, Tuesday, to marry Miss Hattie McMULLIN of DeSoto.

Those in need of farm machinery should call and see HURTGEN & HUBELI, who are selling out, at actual cost.


The personal effects of Felix T. BROWN, deceased, will be sold at the residence of his mother, on Saturday, the 13th inst.


Jason SCAGGS was here Monday and gave us the particulars of the cyclone which visited the section near him last week.

Wanted – an experienced girl or woman for general housework.  Apply to address Mrs. MILLS, Hillsboro.


Mrs. Julia COLMAN and her daughter, Miss Katie, of DeSoto were visiting at Geo. H. WITTRAM’s last week and called on other Hillsboro friends.

For Sale – A Walter A. Wood mower, in good repair; will do good work.  Will sell it for $15 if called for soon.  T.C. CAGE, Hillsboro, MO.

Editor WILSON was in the midst of the storm in St. Louis last week, and while he escaped unhurt he has some thrilling experiences to relate.

For Sale – The John O’FALLON farm near Pevely, MO.  80 acres, good five room house.  Inquire of L.K. WATERS, Kimmswick, MO.


A copy of the Petty Texas Enterprise was sent us this week by Rev. P.R. EAGLEBARGER.  Mr. E. is a native of this county but has been in Texas several years.

Men’s summer clothing sold very cheap in the next 30 days, to raise money.  Consult H. HOHENTHAL, the Old Reliable of DeSoto.


Mrs. DYER, formerly a resident of this county, lived in the storm stricken district of St. Louis and her house was badly damaged.  GIFFORD has the contract to repair it.

The man who has the contract for carrying the mail between here and Grubville was here last week and took a trip over the route.  He was hunting someone to do the work for him.

John NANNEL of near Antonia drove up to St. Louis last Monday to view the wreck, and while driving through the streets came in contact with a live wire and one of his mules was killed.

Wanted – a good male teacher for McGehan school.  Six months term; salary $40.  Address W.C. WIEGMANN, DeSoto, MO.

A liberal reward will be paid for recovery of a horse strayed from me – small, flea bitten gray; short mane and tail; one hind hoof split from hair to shoe; some saddle marks.  Address: Harry DAHL, Hillsboro, MO 


A part of the county road leading from here to Ware was rained by a washout this week, but we are informed by overseer, DOERR that a new road can be made at a cost of about $35.

Nearly everybody here has relatives living in St. Louis, and after hearing of the great storm which visited the city, we were very anxious for news.  All have been heard from though, and not one was injured.

Lost – On the old DeSoto road, between Frank CAREY’s and DeSoto, or in the city, a pair of gold spectacles.  Finder will receive liberal reward by returning the same to J.M. BURKE, DeSoto.

Constable COUNTS brought out from Silica, last Tuesday, a crazy man picked up there.  He claims to have been turned out of a hospital in St. Louis and the county court had him returned to that city.  

Parents should bring their boys in to us for an outfit, as we sell them suits from $1 and upwards.  We have a good assortment and at low prices, at the Square Deal Clothing House.

We hereby apologize to a certain widow in Sulphur Springs for a reference to her published correspondence from that place.  We have been informed by a friend of the situation, and will eliminate all such references in the future.

H. HOHENTHAL, DeSoto, has made great improvements in his millinery department.  You can suit yourself from the cheapest to the finest.  All the latest styles and designs, with the best and newest materials, trimmed.

The Hillsboro school board has engaged Mr. BAIRD as principal and Mrs. WITTRAM as assistant for the next term of the public school.  The term is to be eight months and is to commence first Monday in September.

A black sow with 11 or 12 shotes are running at large around what is called the Nelson field, near my place.  The owner is warned that if he does not get them home, I will have to put them up to save my crop. T.C. CAGE

The 4th of July will be celebrated in grand style at Ware, P.O.  Messrs. GRAHAM & LAPEE are arranging for a big picnic with barbecue dinner, and will have all kinds of amusements for young and old. Posters are out announcing the special features.  Everybody is invited.


The peddler whom we mentioned last week as to be tried before Esq. FRAZIER did not appear in court when called last Saturday, and a forfeiture of his bond was taken.  He sails under the euphonious name of Reigmund (Heigmund?) SIEGHEIHMER.

Dr. KINSMAN’s Asthma Remedy affords instant relief to Spasmodic Asthma, Autumn Asthma or Hay Fever, Catarrh Bronchitis and all diseases of the respiratory organs.  Sample free; one pound box $1.  Address. DONNELL & FUNK, Druggist, Festus, MO.


Mr. Adam FREDERITZIE of Butte, Montana, is visiting relatives in this county and was here a couple of days this week with his niece, Mrs. R. P. BUREN,  The old gentleman has been West for nearly fifty years, and has some valuable mining property out there.

We have concluded to continue smoking a while longer, although admitting that it is an expensive and not very neat habit.  Somebody sent us eight sample quarter pound boxes of four of the finest brands of smoking tobacco, and we are sampling them.


Louis MEYER and Joseph BECHLER were here Tuesday telling about their experience with the Belew’s creek flood last week.  Having seen the power of water demonstrated they talked of visiting St. Louis, to have a practical demonstration of the force of wind.

Several young people of Hillsboro attended a party at Milton MOSS’ near Pevely last Thursday evening.  They found that the flood had kept away most of those who lived in the neighborhood, but they had a very pleasant time all the same and got back safely at about half past four next morning.

Jones and Bear Creeks got on a rampage last week after the other streams had subsided and cleaned out farms along their routes.  It is asserted that if Bear Creek had been up at same time with Heads Creek, the village of Houses Springs would have been washed away.

No trains were running on the Bonne Terre Road last Monday, and Judge McCORMACK had to come out to court on horseback.  He informs us that a hailstorm passed over Plattin Station Sunday night, doing considerable damage to some of the wheat crops of neighborhood.


We have sent out this week a lot of very polite duns, not as specimens of our skill nor for fun, but for reasons more pressing.  It is not our wish to oppress anyone, but those who do not respond in some way before the end of the month must not be surprised or offended if they hear shortly thereafter from a collection agency.


On last Thursday at 4 a.m., our worthy fellow townsman, George HAMEL, passed away at his residence in this city, after a long and protracted illness.  This gentleman has been a resident of DeSoto for more than thirty years, and of the county about forty-one, and was sixty-one years of age.  His remains were interred yesterday afternoon in the city cemetery by the Knights of Honor, of which he has been an active member for many years. Deceased was a brother of our enterprising citizens, Judge HAMEL, Ex-collector, Herman HAMEL and Mr. Wm. HAMEL, and the father of Mr. Gust HAMEL, of the firm of CUNNINGHAM & HAMEL Mercantile Co. of this city. (transcriber note: last line was cut off in this column.)


Several person from here visited St. Louis to view the wreck.  Joseph and Richard HOEKEN found that their mother’s residence had been considerably damaged, and they telegraphed for Jack GIFFORD to come and make repairs.  He and two other carpenters responded promptly.


Judge Jos. J. WILLIAMS went to St. Louis last week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. REPPY.  When the storm came up his daughter was in town shopping and her husband off down the road, so the judge was compelled to spend the night taking care of the baby.  He does not want any more cyclone experiences.


High Ridge Lodge, No. 148 A.O.U.W. will give a grand picnic and barbecue at Brackman’s grove, High Ridge, on the 4th of July.  Arrangements are being perfected for a grand time, with plenty of amusements and everything to make it an enjoyable occasion.  Posters will be out soon announcing the special features.


When the storm occurred in St. Louis last week, Sant(?) DOVER, son of our county surveyor, was on board a boat, bound for New Orleans.  The boat was broken loose from it’s moorings and blown to the Illinois shore, and young DOVER had his skull fractured, but we learn that he is rapidly recovering and this his wound is not likely to prove serious.


Constable DAHL arrested Dr. CORNELL of Dry Creek last Thursday on a warrant issued by Esq. FRAZIER, and brought him to Hillsboro.  He was charged by Mrs. Mary Jane WILLIAMS with assaulting and beating her daughter.  The doctor pled guilty to the assault and was fined one dollar in each case.  As there was no trial we do not know just what the circumstances were.


The chair of the DeSoto Presbyterian Church gave a concert some time ago and it proved to be such a fine entertainment that efforts have been made to induce them to repeat it.  They have promised the Hillsboro Christian Endeavor Society to give it at this place some time in the near future.  The date is not determined on, but when they come they should have a crowded house.   Half the receipts for admission are to be given to the Hillsboro Society.


We learn from DeSoto papers that George MAHN secured a divorce from his wife in the Wayne County Circuit Court and was also granted the care and custody of his children.  Mrs. MAHN for reasons never made public, was the first to apply for a divorce, but took care that the facts should never be made public.  After being dragged around to different courts, Mr. MAHN filed his petition, with the result above mentioned.  While the woman may deserve to be pitied, the man certainly is entitled to congratulations for the final favorable outcome.   


Several mechanics from this county have gone to St. Louis to secure work in repairing and rebuilding the storm stricken territory of that city, and, so far as we have heard, all who went with the expectation of earning what they received have obtained work, while those who expected exorbitant wages, a great deal of pay for a very little work, have been disappointed.  There may be room for more but we would advise those who contemplated trying it to first write to someone they know and learn what the chances are.  It seems that laborers are flocking there from every direction in anticipation of a rich harvest, and there were already there a great number of unemployed, so the prospects are that many who expect to obtain work will be disappointed.


Leon DEGONIA sent us a diagram and description of a trap which he says one can soon catch all the English sparrows about the place, and thus get rid of a nuisance and no have to longer drink cistern water impregnated with their droppings.  We are not prepared for printing the diagram but can probably describe the trap so that one wanting to try the trap can soon make one.  Make a light martin box and place it on a pole. Have an opening on one lower corner of the box for the birds to get in at, and a sliding door to which a string is attached so that the opening can be quickly closed by pulling the string.  When you see a bird enter the box pull the string and close him in, take down your pole, kill your bird and set up your trap for the next.  He has his shutter attached to the end of a cross bar. 


On Wednesday afternoon of last week there was a cyclone in the western part of this county, not very extensive but quite violent.  It struck the earth east of Old Ditch and crossed Big River at the Brown ford, reaching nearly to Ware on Dry Creek before it raised.  Coming down a hollow to Big River it swept the trees in its course and damaged all the buildings in its path.  Jos. BROWN’s barn was blown down, and Mrs. James HUSKEY’s barn badly damaged.  The residence of Andrew HUSKEY, Jr, a small house, was blown down, but nobody hurt.  Mr. VIELHABER’s residence, a double log house, was blown down, the family escaping injury by taking to the cellar.  A large tree was blown onto Mr. LONG’s house, mashing the roof, but probably serving to prevent the house blowing away.  VIELHABER lost a pair of pants containing his money, and it is reported that J.R. HARRISON, who lives some miles away, found a pair of pants hanging in a tree, with something over $100 in the pockets.  It is possible that this may be Mr. V’s property.


There were doubtless many more elaborate and imposing Decoration Day services, but we doubt if there was one neater and more appropriate than that in Hillsboro.  Mrs. Anna WITTRAM had gathered the children at the church and at ten o’clock formed them in procession, with a company of little boys as soldiers, with imitation guns in the lead, and the little girls following with flags.  They marched through town and to the cemetery, and forming in a square around Judge John WILLIAM’s grave.  The little soldiers went through their drill and the little girls gave their recitations, closing with…(last line cut off)

 (beginning of the next column-)…flowers. The little folks then marched back to the picnic grounds, where they spent the afternoon in a picnic gotten up for the benefit of the Band of Hope.  Mrs. WITTRAM deserved the praise for conceiving and carrying out the plan, while Mr. JUDY is entitled to the credit for collecting and seeing to the distribution of the flowers.  


Marriage Licenses:

Henry MENTALE, Belew’s Creek – Melissa ROQUES (Rogers?), Belew’s Creek

Frank WASHBURN, DeSoto – Nancy MANESS, DeSoto

Wm. D. SUFFENS, Hillsboro – Teresa VOGELSANG, Festus


County Court

The court met to hold an adjourned term last Monday.  The first record is made as follows:

Judge Henry SECKMAN dissent from the bill allowed Presiding Judge Louis FREDERITZI, on Saturday…

Bonds of J.W. WILSON and Fred OCTGEN as road overseers approved.

Commissioner DOVER reported estimated cost of bridge across the Joachim creek, between Victoria and DeSoto at $3,200, and was ordered to advertise for bids for building said bridge.

Petitioners for a new road from Wicks Station to Lemay Ferry failing to appear the petition and all proceedings in relation thereto were dismissed.

Supt of county farm was ordered to discharge Henry BANGERT, one of the inmates.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that an error exists in the personal assessment of Fred HESS for the year 1894, amounting to $700, it is therefore ordered that the same be stricken off the books.

J.B. DOVER, Daniel BONACRE and Michael BOEMLER were appointed commissioners to locate a private road for Jos. SPROCK, from his line over lands of Fred PFOFF’s heirs to the Fenton gravel road and assess damages, etc. and report next regular term.

Geo. MARTIN, for work on road allowed $12.

J.P. GILMAN, for same, allowed $17.25.

Applications for loans of school funds granted to Wm. and March McMULLIN, $2,000; J.N. WHITEHEAD  Post GAR, $300; Jas. G. REYNOLDs, $400, and Chas. ELLIS $800.

L. ULRATH (Ulrith/Ulrsch?) granted dramshop license at DeSoto.

Wm. DIEHL’s resignation as constable of Meramec township accepted.

Applications of Ira BOZARTH and Andrew HUNT (Bunt?) for exemption from road work rejected.

The following were ordered to pay up interest on their school fund:

Matt WYNN, Geo MURRELL, Jas MARTIN, Jos GRIFFIN, H.M. FORREST, Peter STROUP, D.H. MILLER, Chas. WALDRON(?), C.J. KOBEK, J. PATTON, T.N. GREY, Trustees Christian Church, DeSoto, Sam AUBUCHON, Otto YOUNG, John HENKEL, and securities of J.N. DOUGLAS.

Commissioner DOVER reported on costs of making repairs of roads and bridges lately washed away, and was ordered to advertise and let out contracts for same.

Demands against the county allowed as follows:

G.H. COUNTS, taking insane man to St. Louis…$10

R.COXWELL & Sons, burying paupers…$68

J.H. DOVER, road comm.$41

Alexian Bros. Hosp, car of HAMMERS child…$37.50

Dr. MILLER, visit to county farm…$5

Ed VOLLMAR, treasurer…$50

W.F. EDINGER, county clerk..$80

W.F. EDINGER for postage exp, etc.  $7.85

G.D. BARNARD & Co., document files for probate judge…$210

J.G. WILLIAMS, pros. atty.$58

Oscar OGLE, sheriff….$203

M.F. HERRINGTON, hauling grand jury to county farm…$2

Codogan HATCHER Co, stationery…$45

Codogan HATCHER Co, stationery…$9.85

Isaac MARTIN, for bridge….$70.43

Louis FREDERITZI, county judge….$10

Henry SECKMAN, county judge…$10

W.S. McCORMACK, county judge…$10

Adjourned till Monday, July 6,



Attention Farmers – I will sell very cheap at private sale, my stock of Berkshires and Poland Chinas….will also sell my large boar, which is the largest in the county…will give six months time on them as I am going out of business; Will rent the farm and have also100 acres and good house to rent. James MARTIN, Horine Station, MO.