made a blundering break in accusing County Clerk EDINGER of misappropriating
funds of school township No 11. Our mistake is explainable, but hardly
excusable as the facts now in our possession are not new to us but had simply
escaped our memory for the time. We were
misled by two things, first our attention had been called to a requisition from
St. Francois County for their portion of the school fund arising from the sale
of section 10, township 35, range 4, over half of which township lies in that
county; and secondly our county maps fails to show that any part of township
38, range 4 is in that county. We failed
to remember for the time, the strip of St. Francois county about one mile in
width by two lengths running up between Washington and Jefferson counties to
Blackwell station and including a section or more of township 39, which is
school township numbered 11 in Jefferson county and numbered 21 in St.
Francois. Mr. EDINGER made the correct
division, and no one else can regret the aforementioned blunder as we do.
are not violating any confidence or revealing any secret in stating that the
Republicans hereabouts are not enthusiastic over the results of their National
Convention. Of course they expected McKINLEY and were all for him, but they did not calculate
that it was necessary to his success for their Uncle FILLEY to be downed or for
the platform to be so strongly worded in favor of the single gold standard.
discovered yesterday that the map peddlers are again in this county and that
they have already captured orders from several school district boards, at
varying prices. While maps, charts,
globes, etc. are useful in all school rooms and necessary in some, we would
always advise against purchasing from peddlers or agents
who travel around the country taking orders.
This county has been swindled out of many thousands of dollars, paying
for worthless maps that have never been used, and for others that have been
used but could have been purchased for half the money; and we have yet to hear
of a single instance where the school district has not been beaten, to some
have not met the men who are here now selling maps, and have never seen their
goods, but we have been informed that they have a kind a sliding price, and
generally capture the school director who shows any inclination to deal with
them. Now we are not condemning these
agents. They are not in the business for
either health or pleasure, but for the money they can make out of it; and the
man who gives them an order must remember that a couple of slick talking men
riding around in a two horse rig costs somebody something, and the school
children could tell who pays this cost.
county has been so often victimized by school map agents, lightning rod agents,
riding plow agents and agents selling patents which are never used, that we
would think there was no crop left here for such men, but they slip in and have
more or less success until somebody exposes them. Any citizen has a right –though it may be
very foolish of him to do so – to purchase any of these articles and pay, or
give his note but the school director’s rights and privileges as such are
restrained by law, and there is one way of teaching them a lesson which will be
effective. If, at the annual school
meeting, the taxpayers veto a tax for library purposes, or for the purchase of
apparatus of any sort, it is the duty of the directors to obey orders, levy the
tax, have the money collected and expend it to the best advantage in procuring
what is ordered. In the absence of such
authority they have no right to appropriate a cent of the people’s money for
the purchase of maps, and when they give orders on the treasury for such things
they should be compelled to pay the money out of their own pockets, or be
punished for misappropriating funds. A
few examples will make them all cautious and observant of the law.
the Festus Times
COLMAN of near Festus died last Tuesday.
JOHNSON returned Sunday, from
people of Festus are troubled with a sort of apparent epidemic, affecting the
FUNK and his bride have returned from their trip to
company of negro show people, two men and two women,
are stranded in Festus, not having means enough to pay up with or get away on.
Rev. KISTLER, of the Presbyterian church, returned to his home last Thursday
evening he was surprised to find a number of young people of his congregation
had taken possession of his domicile, and had brought a supply of ice cream and
other refreshments, also one sofa, center table, etc. It was in honor of the minister’s birthday.
SCHOTT cradled sixteen acres of wheat one day last week and Harve
WINER was standing behind him. At sunset
Harve was about an acre ahead of him. I think they did remarkably well for
harvest is over and threshing will soon be in full blast.
DILLON came to the Ridge last Tuesday at
mad dog came to this town Friday night and bit all the dogs in town but one.
John HELLER killed it about
bouncing big boys arrived at the Ridge last week, one at Jacob WEHRLE’s and the
other at Ceston MILLER’s.
day last week Edwin BRACKMAN fell from the haymow and broke his leg. Dr. WILLIAMS dressed it, and he is improving
DELBRUGGE’s circus passed through this town Monday morning, in a rush for ‘Hendrickstown’.
August has one of the best trained mules in the state. The more he says ‘whoa’, the faster he goes.
Hannah GRUPE is visiting at Jacob WEHRLE’s.
MILLER (and you know) made a flying visit to Frank WALLACK’s last Sunday.
MINES, MO, June 22
harvest is a thing of the past in this neighborhood and the steam thresher is
getting ready to tout.
looks well for the time of year, and although chinch bugs are numerous, the
farmers have hopes that there will be a good crop raised.
wagon load of men, women and children went Sunday morning of last week on a
pleasure trip to
prayer meeting at the Oakland Baptist church still continues but the attendance
is very small.
Harvey WHALEY, who has been sick quite awhile, is now some better.
young man endeavored to get to teach a certain school but failed in his
attempt. A certain other young man said
that had he succeeded, it was his intention to break the school up. Now, we do not like to censure anyone, but we
must say that if this young man would go to school and do his best to learn, he
would find out that he would gain a great deal more of both pleasure and renown
than he would if he should go simply to break it up.
Republicans of this vicinage are jubilant over the nomination of McKINLEY, and so is your correspondent.
following is the program of the Valle Township Sunday School Convention, to be
held at Christian Church,
L.W.WOODS, D.W. WOODS, C.L. ALLEN, Rev. T. GRUENEWALD (Greenewald?), Mrs. SUTTON, Miss Kate McCLURE,
M.S. COXWELL, Mrs. Al SHORT, Mrs. Mattie STEPHAN, Miss Cora JANUARY, Fred
Probate Court
Emma R. NUESKY chose John
WALLS as her guardian; bond approved.
Michael VOGELSANG made final
settlement of his accounts as curator of estates of Nicholas and Maggie
VOGELSANG, minors, who had become of age.
Marriage Licenses:
Rolf H. CLARK,
Frank WALLS, McCormack P.O. –
Emma E. NUESKY, McCormack, P.O.
Administrator’s Notice
Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on the estate of Thomas BYRNS, deceased, were granted
to the undersigned administration on the 24th day of June, inst, by
the Probate court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims
against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance (remainder cut
off from transcriber’s copy)
Whereas, Wm. J. ADAMS and
S.A. ADAMS, his wife, by their deed of trust dated January 14, 18--, and
recorded in the recorder’s office of
All of number nine in large
lot number twenty nine of Adam’s subdivision in the city of Festus, lying
immediately south of the one in large lot twenty nine and fronting one hundred
and two feet on Adams street, commencing thirty feet from the southwest corner
of lot number one and running thence some one hundred and fifty feet, then east
forty four feet, then north one hundred two feet, then west forty four feet to
place of ? and lying in
United States Survey?, township 40 (?), range 6 east.
Which conveyance was in trust
to secure the payment of a promissory note therein mentioned and described, and
whereas, said note has long since become due and payable and remains
unpaid. Now, therefore at the request of
the legal holder and owner of said note has in pursuance to the authority to me
given by said deed of trust, public notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, July 18, 1896,
Between the hours of
Whereas, Julius SEKRIT and
Mary SEKRIT, his wife, by their deed of trust dated November
?, 18??, and recorded in the recorder’s office of
All of lot No 1 in Eugene
PALLET’s subdivision of portions of United States Surveys ?
and ?, the same having been acquired by him from David STEWART by deed dated
July 5, 1878 and recorded at page 77, in book 1?, in the recorder’s office of
Jefferson County, Missouri, the said subdivision is also recorded in the
recorder’s office aforesaid. The above
U.S. Surveys are in Township 40, Range 6 east.
Which conveyance was in trust
to secure the payment of a promissory note therein mentioned and described, and
whereas, said note has long since become due and payable and remains
unpaid. Now therefore at the request of
the legal holder and owner of said note has in pursuance to the authority to me
given by said deed of trust, public notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, July 18, 1896,
Between the hours of
Whereas, Wm. F. LEE and Melvina LEE, his wife, by their deed of trust dated March
27, 1886 and recorded in the recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Missouri in
the record Book No. ?, at page ?, conveyed the undersigned, trustee the following
described real estate, situate in Jefferson County, MO, to wit:
The west half of the
northwest quarter of section thirteen, township forty one, range two east,
containing eighty acres.
Which conveyance was in trust
to secure the payment of a promissory note therein mentioned and described, and
whereas, said note has long since become due and payable and remains
unpaid. Now, therefore at the request of
the legal holder and owner of said note has in pursuance to the authority to me
given by said deed of trust, public notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, July 18, 1896,
Between the hours of
MEESE, Manufacturer of Cigars,
-W.E. HARTSOCK, President
LINDAUER, Houses’ Springs, MO, General Blacksmith and WagonMaker
Nursery, Located north of
the Public – Having fitted up my Flour Mill with the latest improved machinery,
and being conveniently
located for a
large number of the farmers of
patronage. Respectfully, James BYRNE, Houses’ Springs, MO.
Sampson’, the mule jack. Will make the season of 1896 beginning April 1st at my
farm. A.L.
TOWNSEND, General Passenger Agent,
Courts – James GREEN, Judge, DeSoto
Courts – Louis HARTWEIN, Judge, Desoto
Courts – Judges: Louis FREDERTIZIE, Maxville; Henry SECKMAN, Seckman; and Wm. S. McCORMACK,
– George W. STEEL
Atty – Jos. G. WILLIAMS,
Clerk – W.D. SULLENS,
– Oscar OGLE,
– Jos. W. WALTHER,
Adm – J.B. BAKEWELL, Victoria
Comr – G.F. BOOTHE, DeSoto
DEARING Bros. Attorneys at Law
J. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law,
DINNING & BYRNS, Attorneys at Law,
HORINE & REPPY, Attorneys At Law,
Abstract of Land Titles
J. KIRK, Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Title Investigator,
C.H. WILLIAMS, Dentist, DeSoto,
Bank, DeSoto
THOMAS, pres. & Jos. J. WILLIAMS, v.p.
Bank of
Bakery, DeSoto
Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, DeSoto (upstairs, Corner
Administratix Notice:
is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Felix T. BROWN,
deceased were granted by the undersigned administration on the 19th
day of May, 1896 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO. All persons having claims against said estate
are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix
with one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any
benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited with two years from
the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.
Note: Administratrix [name cut off from
this copy].
SHULZE, was at the Hub last Monday.
SCHNEIDER, the tombstone man, visited
is reported that Dr. BRUCE intends moving from Festus to Maxville.
CASTEEL, was at the Hub last Tuesday, trying to sell a
fine horse.
Cloth Top Button Shoes at $1 a pair at B. SCHWEIZER’s.
SMITH and wife, of Dakota, are visiting relatives and friends in this county.
BYRNS came out from Houses Springs, yesterday, to administer on his father's
Dick' MAUPIN is up from
pairs Boy's Knee Pants, cheap at 24 cents, now 15 cents, at B. SCHWEIZER's.
- Parties desiring ice this summer can get it of John N. SPARKS at 75 cents per
100 pounds.
peaches have been quite plentiful in our market the past week, and they have
sold at fair prices.
Fifty boys Knee Pants Suits, worth $1.25, now 75 cents at B.
G. WILLIAMS was the bearer of some newspaper money for Stephen BECKER of
to HAMEL's Drug Store, DeSoto, for choice wall paper of all new and desirable
designs, 12 rolls for 50 cents.
and D.C. McCORMACK of
Plattin were here last Friday as witnesses in a case before Esq. FRAZIER.
were at the Hub, on business last Monday and visited the JD office.
dark mixed Cashmere Suits would be cheap at $8.50; now at $5 at B. SCHWEIZER's,
failed to acknowledge last week receipt of a dollar for the J.D. from Henry
WAGNER of Kimmswick.
Laura McMULLIN returned Tuesday from a three days
visit to W.L. STONE and family,
SMITH, formerly of this county, represented Dakota in the convention in
HINCHEY and Miss Edith REPPY drove out to
locality was favored with a fine rain last Monday evening, but from what we
have learned its path was not very wide.
Oil Grain Shoes, double sole and top, would be very cheap at $1.50; go at $1.25
pair at B. SCHWEIZER’s.
HARVEY and family of DeSoto are spending the week at Morse Mill, on a fishing
excursion. They went out Tuesday.
in need of farm machinery should call and see HURTGEN & HUBELI, who are
selling out at actual cost.
RAMBO started three large while oak logs to
A. REPPY has returned from
4th of July will be celebrated in grand style at Ware P.O. Messrs. GRAHAM & LAPEE are arranging a
big picnic with barbeque dinner, and will have all kinds of amusements for
young and old. Posters are out
announcing the special features.
Everybody is invited.
J.J. WILSON, Jr. accompanied by her little children, went to Richwood last
Friday for a week's visit to her parents.
McCABE of the I.M.R.R. was in our burg last
Tuesday. Judging from the company with
him, he was on a peaceful mission.
George KIDD of Belews Creek died on the 17th inst.
after a protracted illness, at an advanced age. No further particulars received.
HERSCHER was here Tuesday and he informs us that chinch bugs are very numerous,
and are doing the corn crops much damage.
are informed that Messrs. GILL and VEAZEY and Miss Julia JARVIS of DeSoto are
attending the Teacher's meeting at Pertle Springs
this week.
Wanted -to exchange lumber for a gentle driving horse or fresh milk cow. I.N.
C. BOHNE was home from
RAMBO will operate a mill in
LANHAM has given up his job as barkeeper for Mr. SPARKS and is negotiating for
DEARING started Tuesday to visit some of the lower counties of this district to
promote his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Congress.
J. HOEKEN and Judge M.R. BYRNE took in the big
– an experienced girl for general housework; must know how to milk one or two
cows. Apply at once. Anton VOSS, near
request, we send the J.D. to Florian JENNI at
WITTRAM has gone to attend the State Teacher’s meeting in Pertle
Springs, expecting to remain and participate in the summer course of training
at the
REID and wife were here Friday to prosecute a man who they supposed had stolen
something from them, but owing to the absence of the prosecuting attorney the
case was not tried.
The sawmill owned by Mr. RAMBO appears to be doing a big business. The saw can be heard nearly every moment of
the day. It is located at the foot of
the hill, near Mrs. HONEY’s residence.
wishing to buy a nice melodeon (8 stops) in good order should write to Law
McBROOM was here Tuesday and he informs us that he
just finished planting corn, last Saturday.
His first plantings got drowned out by
Silas BELEW of Dry Creek visited us last Monday and made a valued payment into
our printers’ fund. We were sorry to
learn from her that the old gentleman is too feeble to get away from home
KIRKMAN’s Asthma Remedy affords instant relief to Spasmodic Asthma, Autumnal Asthma
or Hay Fever, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the respiratory
organs. Sample free; one pound box
$1. Address DONNELL & FUNK,
MONTGOMERY of Festus accompanied Constable COUNTS to
road and bridge commissioner has taken steps to let out the contract for the
bridge between DeSoto and
storm of wind and rain struck Silica and vicinity last Saturday afternoon.
wind was strong enough to down some of the large sycamore trees which stood
along the bank of the creek.
HOHENTHAL, DeSoto, has made great improvements in his millinery department. You
can suit yourself form the cheapest to the finest. All the latest styles and designs, with the
best and newest materials, trimmed.
WILLIAMS returned Monday from a visit to
MUNROE and Mr. OMOHUNDRO were out to
G.E. MARSDEN was reported as near death's door, last Tuesday evening, but next
morning we learned that she was all right again. It seems that she had had one of the severe
spells of colic and heart trouble to which she is subject.
THOMAS was at the Hub last Friday, settling up some business. He and his wife left Tuesday for
a Japanese student who is in the country preparing to teach Christianity to his
people, gave a talk in the Union Church last Sunday evening after which a
collection was taken up for his benefit.
He appears to be a very bright young man.
got an idea of what she missed by not securing the location of the target
practice ground near there, when drunken soldiers paraded her streets with
their pistols hanging to their belts. It
was a lucky miss, both for DeSoto and the county.
Johalfa WILSON reports that mosquitoes are more numerous in the Big River
bottoms than ever known before. The wet
season has been favorable to their propagation.
This will be bad news to those who are contemplating taking trips to the
bottoms for pleasure.
MOSS can afford to laugh at our local Republicans who underwent such
tribulations in getting admission to their National convention. He was furnished, without asking, a ticket
good for the entire business. After
seeing what he wanted, he handed it over to a Democratic friend.
directors of the bank of
G. McCOY of the
will be a picnic at Byrnesville on the 15th
of August, in Crean’s grove. It will be for the benefit of the Catholic
church of that place, and everybody is invited.
A band of music from
Frances M. SHORTRIDGE, eldest daughter of W.H.H. THOMAS, was married on the 17th
inst, at the home of her parents in DeSoto, to Rolf H. CLARK of
High Ridge Lodge, No 148 AOUW
will give a grand picnic and barbeque at Brackman’s
grove, High Ridge, on the 4th of July.
Arrangements are being perfected for a grand time, with plenty of
amusements, abundance of refreshments and everything to make it an enjoyable
occasion. Posters will be out soon
announcing the special features.
There will be a Sunday school
picnic at Grubville on the 4th of July. A good dinner will be provided, with other
refreshments such as ice cream, lemonade, soda water, etc., so that nobody need
go hungry or thirsty. An appropriate
program, including good singing and speaking will be carried out, and the day
made pleasant to all. Everybody is
male DeSoto boys were arrested and taken to
WALLS and Miss Emma NUESKY came out from Plattin Station, last Friday, for
marriage license, but ahead of them came a telegram stating the girl was under
age, and that it was a case of abduction.
She proved though that she was 17 and an orphan, so she chose her lover’s
brother as guardian and he gave his consent to the marriage. The license was then issued, and Judge
HARTWEIN tied the nuptial knot and they went their way rejoicing.
COOK brought in one day last week from Mrs. MARSDEN's farm, a stone that is
quite a curiosity. It was broken open by
the point of the plow before he picked it up, but its form is not spoiled. It is shaped like an egg, and is fifteen
inches in circumference, and appears to be a petrification
of either a gigantic egg or fruit. The
center, which is loose, is the shape of an almond kernel, while the outer
layers correspond to the hulls of a nut.
It is now displayed at SPARK's saloon, where it attracts a good deal of
CUNDIFF, widow of the late James CUNDIFF, died last Saturday at the residence
of her son, Robert RICHARDSON, near Hematite, aged 74. She had been suffering with inflammatory
rheumatism, and for over a year and a half had been bedridden and helpless,
requiring constant attention. She was a
faithful Christian and bore her suffering with remarkable patience, anxious to
go and be at rest, but submissive to the will of God. She was buried in the
SLAWSON, of the Jefferson County Sunday School Assoc., is sending out blanks
for reports from the various Sunday Schools in the county......The various
Sunday Schools of Central township will please report at once, to R.W. McMULLIN, Hillsboro, MO....
of Conveyances
with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday:
KEIM to C.A. GEIRTH, 13 acres, Cody’s subdivision….$350.00
THURMAN to P.J. MURPHY, 3 lots in
MAHN to C.W. BRUMER, 2 lots in DeSoto….$250.00
BAKEWELL to Fred VALENTINE, Jr., 20 acres, S35 T41 R4….$200.00
Fred VALENTINE, Jr. to Jno. J. QUINNE, same land….$200.00
After the 20th of
Jun 15, or 20, head of horses of cattle, in pasture, at $1.50 per head, per
month. The money must be paid before
stock is removed from pasture. Stallions of 2 years and over not taken. Will try to prevent accidents but will not be
responsible should any occur. F. R. PIPKIN, 1 ½ miles north of Kimmswick.
Executor’s Notice – Notice is
hereby given that letter of testamentary on the estate of Brinkley O’BRIEN
deceased, where granted to the undersigned on the 9th day of May 1896 by the
Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims
again said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor
within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from
any benefit of such estate, and if such claims are not exhibited within two
years from this subscription, they shall be forever barred.
Curator’s Sale of Real
Notice is hereby given that
in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri made
at its February term, 1896, and a renewal of said order, made by said court at
its May term, 1896, on the 23rd day of May 1896, the undersigned curator of the
estate of Bertha BRETHOLD, a person of unsound mind, will on Saturday June 27,
1896, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm at the north front door of the courthouse
in Hillsboro, Jefferson County Missouri, and while the Probate Court of said
county is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the real
estate of said Bertha BRETHOLD, insane, described as follows to wit:
Lot number two (2) in lot one
(1) of survey No. 3011 (5011?), known as the Ca?anne
tract….the subdivision plot of same made by J.H. DOVER, survey of, which said
plot is duly recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Jefferson
County, MO, said lot containing ninety six and sixty three hundredths
acres. Said land is to be sold for the
support and maintenance of said Bertha BRETHOLD insane.
Terms of