Jefferson Democrat

June 11, 1896


William R. MORRIS announces this week as a candidate for the office of Constable at Central township.  He is a thoroughbred Democrat and well qualified for the position he seeks.


In our announcement column will be found the name of Edwin J. BEAN, who asks the Democracy of Jefferson County to give him the nomination for the office of Prosecuting Attorney.  Mr. BEAN is thoroughly competent to discharge the duties of this important office, and is a Democrat all over.  If his name is on the ticket this fall, he will sure be elected.


We notice in the Mirror that Thomas Jefferson COUCH announces that he will attend the Springfield Convention in person, and not by proxy.  The Big River statesman will need a copy of the Jefferson Democrat, as credentials; for the official report of the meeting held here to elect delegates to Springfield does not show that he was elected or even mentioned as a delegate.  The Jefferson Democrat’s account showed the facts, that he was elected delegate but afterwards, by somebody’s juggling, traded off for a ? but the Mirror has the name of H.(R?) M. DENBOLM (Denholm?) as delegate to Springfield instead of Thomas Jefferson COUCH.


Last week’s Mirror contains a detailed count of how criminals have rushed to plead guilty as soon as they found Prosecuting Attorney WILLIAMS was after them, but the most wonderful part of the official’s record is left out.  It should have shown that several classes of persistent lawbreakers suddenly reformed and quit their meanness as soon as they learned that Jos. G. was elected.  Of course, the good people of DeSoto know that there has been no gambling done there since the election, and that the saloon keepers and bartenders have all been strict observers of the Sunday laws, but we doubt if they know who was the cause of the reformation and have been giving credit to whom it is due.



Crystal City, MO, June 6, 1896

Editor Democrat.  Our schools here closed today.  On Thursday evening the literary and commencement exercises were presented to an enormous audience in the Crystal City Opera House.  There must have been some seven hundred people present.  The exercises were most credible to the children and were well received by the spectators.  Our graduating class consisted of Misses Cora LONG, Elsie BESANT, and Jennie LAPROVOTE.  All three are bright promising young ladies.  Very Respectfully, G.O. NATIONS


High Ridge, MO, June 6, 1896-

I understand that Wm. POHLMAN is studying for surveyor.  He has a rifle which he uses for a compass and he uses a chain made of hickory bark.  He intends to come out for the office this fall but has not made up his mind on what ticket.

The picnic at this place on the 30th of last month was not very largely attended on account of the rain.

Rev. E.E. CRAVEN left the Ridge last Monday.  He went to Licking, MO, where his father lives.  He will return in about three weeks, after which he will make his home here.   

Chas. BUSCH and Albert BITTICK of Fenton hauled the machinery to the Houses Springs creamery last Monday and it will soon be in operation.  Squire DILLION will be ‘in the swim’ when the creamery and electric railroad are in operation.

Martin HOUING (Hunning?) and Charles WALLACK report very muddy roads at the head of William’s creek.  They found that out Sunday morning before daylight.

August DELBRUGGER, the new blacksmith at ‘Hendrickstown’, does a strictly cash business.  Those who are not able to pay cash for their work have the privilege of using his tools to do their own work.

“Butcher Frank’ and David BOWLES (two of a kind) are staying with Louis FISHER.

There was a grand raffle for a mule at the residence of Mrs. Magdalena WEIDNER last Saturday.  Marmaduke’ won the mule, so look out for a wedding in the near future.

For SaleMilch cows and Heifers, E. HOFFMAN, Vineland, MO.


Ad: 2 Popular Magazines for the Home: Frank LESLIE’s Popular Monthly and Pleasant Hours (for Boys and Girls)


Curator’s Sale of Real Estate.

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Jefferson County Missouri made at its February term, 1896, and a renewal of said order, made by said court at its May term, 1896, on the 23rd day of May 1896, the undersigned curator of the estate of Bertha BRETHOLD, a person of unsound mind, will on Saturday June 27, 1896, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm at the north front door of the courthouse in Hillsboro, Jefferson County Missouri, and while the Probate Court of said county is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the real estate of said Bertha BRETHOLD, insane, described as follows to wit:

Lot number two (2) in lot one (1) of survey No. 3011 (5011?), known as the Ca?anne tract….the subdivision plot of same made by J.H. DOVER, survey of, which said plot is duly recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Jefferson County, MO, said lot containing ninety six and sixty three hundredths acres.  Said land is to be sold for the support and maintenance of said Bertha BRETHOLD insane.

Terms of Sale: one half cash and the balance in two years from the date of sale; the purchaser to give note for deferred payment bearing interest from date at the rate of 6 percent per annum and to be secured by deed of trust on the land purchased.  Joseph A. LYNCH, Curator.      


Executor’s Notice – Notice is hereby given that letter of testamentary on the estate of Brinkley O’BRIEN deceased, where granted to the undersigned on the 9th day of May 1896 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.

All persons having claims again said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and if such claims are not exhibited within two years from this subscription, they shall be forever barred.  May 13, 1896.  John GANEY, Sr., Executive.


page 3


Administratix Notice:

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Felix T. BROWN, deceased were granted by the undersigned administration on the 19th day of May, 1896 by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited with two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.


Ed MERSEAL sends in a dollar for more county news.

Fred BURKHARD’s dollar for news came to hand Saturday last.

Gabe JOHNSTON, son of Marion JOHNSTON is here on a visit to friends and relatives.

Miss Edith REPPY of DeSoto visited relatives and friends in this place the past week.

Mrs. J.E. WILSON was at the county seat Thursday on business, and renewed the county paper.

F.R. DEARING attended the meeting last Saturday, at Ironton, which elected delegates to the Congressional Convention.

The explosion of a lamp last Sunday evening, at MAUPIN’s hotel, caused a little excitement.  Fortunately no great damage was done.

Those is need of farm machinery should call and see HURTGEN & HUBELI, who are selling out, at actual cost.

We erred last week in stating that the Jefferson County Teacher’s Institute would be in session two weeks.  It will continue for four weeks.

Milch Cows – I have eight fresh milch cows for sale.  Call and see them at my farm on Big River near Morse Mill.  W.R. WILLIAMS.

Al VOLLMAR has fitted up a neat little butcher shop at the rear of his store and expects to supply our citizens with meat this summer.

A man names Rambo arrived here yesterday, with a saw mill outfit and set up for business down near the town spring.

For Sale – I have fifteen good milch cows for sale on my farm, 4 miles southwest of Pevely.  C.H. KERCKHOFF.

John L. ROUGGLY has purchased an engine and dynamo and will run his own electric lights in the future.  He has a ? horse power engine and a 60 light dynamo.

Editor WILSON accompanied his mother to White Fern, TN, last week, where she went to visit her brother, whom she had not seen for 40 years.  Mr. WILSON returned the first of the week.


Notice – The public is hereby notified that trespassing on my farm is prohibited, and all person who trespass on the same will be dealt with according to law.  A.H. SPILKER

Wanted – An experienced girl for general housework; must know how to milk one or two cows.  Apply at once, Anton VOSS, Near Victoria, MO.

Henry HURTGEN’s father has a house in St. Louis which was badly damaged by the late storm, by a neighbor’s roof blowing over on to his.  Henry took his son Joseph and went up to superintend the repairing of the old gentleman’s house.

H. HOHENTHAL, DeSoto, has made great improvement in his millinery department.  You can suit yourself from the cheapest to the finest.  All the latest styles and designs, with the best and newest materials, trimmed.

We learn from the DeSoto Press that Mayor LEPP issued a call for a relief meeting of the citizen of that city, to assist the cyclone sufferers of St. Louis; that the call was utterly ignored, and not even sympathy extended to the sufferers.  This does not speak well for DeSoto.

A man named RICHARDS was arrested last Saturday on a warrant charging him with the theft of an overcoat and revolver, the property of Jas. REED of Plattin.  Constable DAHL brought him out and he was taken before Esq. FRAZIER.  He gave bond, with Clinton McCORMACK as security for his appearance.

Wm. INGALES ordered the weekly visits of the J.D. to his home.

L.B. ARMBRUSTER squared accounts with the J.D. this week.

We have received the fee from Lucinda McKEEN for enrollment of her name on our list.

Edward McKIRK of St. Louis is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. RILEY, near Hillsboro.

John KOCHNER wants to keep posted on the political news and therefore ordered the J.D. sent to his address. D.A. PERKINS has taken the subcontract for carrying the mail between here and Grubville.  He made his first trip last Thursday.

The personal effect of Felix T. BROWN, deceased, will be sold at the residence of his mother, on Saturday.

Capt. WALTHER brought substantial aid to the printers’ fund from Louis YOUNG of DeSoto.  He also deposited a dollar of his own credit.

D.A. PERKINS of Grubville is trying to get water.  He has a well over 200 feet deep and has not struck water yet, and is almost discouraged.

Wanted – Man to milk and care for a small herd thoroughbred cows.  J.G. MARRIOTT, Sulpher Springs Landing, MO.

For the past three or four days it looked like we would have an ice famine here.  It was caused by the machinery at the ice plant in DeSoto getting out of order, and our dealers here were unable to supply their customers.

The stave factory put in a new saw mill week.  One of the latest improved.  The company are receiving ? shipments of bolt and ? from the south and are running already.  DeSoto Facts.


Lost – on the old DeSoto road, between Frank CAREY’s and DeSoto, or in the city, a pair of gold spectacles.  Finder will receive liberal reward by returning the same to J.M. BURKE, DeSoto.


The electric light plant having been closed down two nights this week for repairs, the people of DeSoto now know how to appreciate the lights.  The plant was shut down in order that the company might put in a new boiler – DeSoto Facts.

The W.C.T.U. of DeSoto made their annual visit to the county farm and jail Tuesday afternoon, leaving the inmates of both institutions some good wholesome literature, and also conducting devotional exercises.  They didn’t visit the courthouse.

Judge GREEN came out to hold an adjourned term of Circuit Court, Monday, but as the lawyers were not ready to go to trial with the principal cases, and adjournment was taken until the latter part of the month.  The case of City of DeSoto vs. James T. WILLIAMS was dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

High Ridge Lodge, No 148 AOUW will give a grand picnic and barbeque at BRACKMAN’s grove, High Ridge, on the 4th of July.  Arrangements are being perfected for a grand time, with plenty of amusements, abundance of refreshments and everything to make it an enjoyable occasion.  Posters will be out soon announcing the special features.

Wm. KINKEAD (Kinread/Kinhead?), who was serving a jail sentence for carrying concealed weapons, skipped out last Saturday.  He was considered trusty and had been allowed to do chores around the jail and over town.  That day he was set to work in Mr. SHELTON’s garden, but finding that Sheriff OGLE had left town in the afternoon, KINKEAD concluded to leave also, and had forgot to come back.


There will be a picnic at Byrnesville on the 15th of August, in CREAN’s grove.  It will be given for the benefit of the Catholic church of that place, and everybody is invited.  A band of music from St. Louis will enliven the occasion, and all who go may expect a grand time.  There will be plenty of refreshments, etc.


The St. Louis Republic has made arrangements to cover the political move of all parties in the coming campaign in a way that has never been equaled by any newspaper.  Those who wish to keep posted should subscribe at once.


The editor accompanied by his wife, left last Friday to be in attendance at the annual meeting of the Missouri Press Association, which convened on board the Steamer Belle of Memphis.  An excursion was had in Memphis, Tenn, and return.  Any scarcity of news can be attributed to the fact the ‘devil’ got out the paper.


At the Catholic Church in Byrnesville, next Sunday, a collection will be taken up for the benefit of the cyclone sufferers in St. Louis.  This is a most worthy and noble charity and all who can should give something.  The people of St. Louis are always the best to respond to appeals coming from outside the city, and for this alone they should now receive liberal donations from our people.


Last Saturday Rev. S. FRAZIER, who was staying over night at the residence of Mrs. Izella DONNELL of Hematite, had some experiences with burglars.  It was at an hour between midnight and morning that he was awakened by a noise in the house, and a few minutes later he gazed upon the form of as black a negro as he ever saw.  The reverend gentleman was not armed, neither was there anything in the room with which he could defend himself, but he possesses good lungs, and when in thunder tones he asked of the burglar his mission there, the only answer was the fleeing footsteps in the darkness.  The burglar gained entrance to the house through a window.  His pal did not enter the house but kept guard on the outside.  Deputy Sheriff MARSDEN and Esq. FRAZIER made a search next day for the negroes but were unable to locate them.  We understand nothing was missing from the house.


The choir of the Presbyterian church of DeSoto will repeat the concert, given in that city some weeks ago, in Hillsboro, this (Thursday) evening.  Thos who attended in DeSoto speak in the highest terms of the entertainment, and there should be a large attendance here this evening, at Masonic Hall.  The concert will be given under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of Hillsboro.  Admission, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents.  The following is the program:

Anthems – (a) Resurrection; (b) Oh, that I had Wings; Choir

Might Jehovah – Baritone Solo and chorus; Mr. MORRISON and Choir.

Reading: Miss Bessie MORSE

Solo and Chorus: Legend of the Chimes from Robin Hood; Mrs. S. NICCOLLS and Choir.

Duet – Silent Night; Mesdames FOSTER and SLAWSON

Reading: Miss SMITH

Trio – Oh! Lovely Night; Miss Fanny BISSELL, Mrs. EDY, Miss Lizzie BISSELL

Recitative: In the Beginning Chorus – And the Spirit of God, Recitative – And God Saw the Light; Creation; Mr. SLAWSON, Mr. MORRISON, Choir

Reading: Miss MORSE

Song – Stories: Mrs. A.F. SLAWSON

Chorus – Lovely Appear, from Redemption.

Male Quartette, from Cantata ‘Ruth’: Mssres. SLAWSON, JONES, ALLEN and McGLASHEN.

Swing Song: Ladies of the Choir

Vocal Solo – Rev. W.A. JACKSON

Solo and Chorus – O Holy Night: Mrs. NICCOLLS and Choir


Grand School Picnic

On Wednesday, June 10, 1896, at the hall and grove in Maxville, a grand picnic will be given under the management of Rev. KRECHTER, for the benefit of the new church of that place.  Excellent music has been engaged and plenty of refreshments of all kinds will be provided.  There will also be sports and amusements of various kinds so that both young and old may enjoy themselves.  Everybody is invited and all who attend can be sure of having a good time.  This will be a good chance for candidates to get acquainted with the people and they should not neglect it.  Remember the date, June 10th.


To the Teachers of Missouri

{Details of meeting}….Pres, J.M. WHITE; Sec’y E.D. LUCKEY


Marriage Licenses

Chas. H. NOLLMAN, High Ridge – Carrie M. HELLER, High Ridge

L. Ross SHANNON, St. Louis – Hattie McMULLIN, DeSoto

Col. Joseph JONES, Valles Mines – Col. (sic) Louise E. McGUIRE, Valles Mines

Garrett A. DECKER, Valles Mines – Emma L. KOBEL, Valles Mines

Ferdinand WEBER, Houses Springs – Grace CROMWELL, Houses Springs

Col. Geo. W. ROBINSON, Valles Mines – Col. (sic) Rushia J. BISCHE, Valles Mines

Edward G. FUNK, Festus – Mary O. BELL, Festus

Edward L. FOUNTAIN, Festus – Billie OGLE, Festus

Col. John W. JOHNSON, DeSoto – Col. (sic) Maggie McGUIRE, Valles Mines

William H. WEHMEYER, Fenton – Catharine HEINERT (Helnert?), Pevely


List of Conveyances 

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Monday:

Edwin T. TURNER to Thornton A. HENSLEY, 105.28 acres, T41 R5….$180.00

Emily TAYLOR to George HUSKEY, lot in DeSoto….$200.00

Thos J. WILEY to Thos J. COUCH, S11 T40 R8….$40.00

Jas. A. VINYARD to C.T. HORINE & J.H. REPPY, S23 T40 R4…$75.00

L.C. HALL to Wm. BRUNO, 80 acres … [last line(s) cut off from copy]


Confederate Reunion

New Orleans, LA, June 1, 1896

Editor Democrat – The Annual Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans will take place at Richmond, VA on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 30th and July 1st and 2nd, 1896.  Ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors everywhere are urged to form themselves into local associations and apply to these headquarters for paper to organize in time to participate in the great reunion and thus unite with their comrades in carrying out the laudable and philanthropic objects of the organization.

Business of the greatest importance will demand careful consideration during the Sixth Annual Reunion – such as the best methods of securing impartial history, and to enlist each state in the compilation and preservation of the history of her citizen soldiery; the benevolent care through state aid or otherwise disabled, destitute or aged veterans and the widows and orphans of our fallen brothers in arms; the care of the graves of our known and unknown dead buried at Gettysburg, Fort Warren, Camps Morton, Chase, Douglas, Oakland Cemetery in Chicago, Johnson’s Island, Cairo and at all other points; to see that they are annually decorated, the headstones preserved and protected, and complete lists of names of our dead heroes with the location of their last resting places furnished to their friends and relatives through the medium of our camps, thus rescuing their names from oblivion and handing them down in history; to participate in laying the cornerstone of the Jefferson Davis monument at Richmond, VA, the consideration of different movements, plans and means to complete the monument to the memory of Jefferson DAVIS, President of the Confederate States of America, and to aid in building monuments to other great leaders, soldiers and sailors of the South; and as there is no relief of aid for veterans and their families outside of ourselves and our own resources, to perfect a plan for a mutual aid and benevolent association; to make such changes in the constitution and bylaws as experience may suggest, and other matters of general interest.

[A list of camps (states) also was included],

Very respectfully, Geo. MOORMAN, Adj. General and Chief of Staff


Grand Basket Picnic!

A Grand Basket Picnic will be given at HINEY and RUSSELL’s grove, 1 – 2 miles north of Stone House on Dry Creek, on Saturday.  There will be all kinds of refreshments and lunch stand, with plenty to eat and drink.  Amusements of all kinds.  A large, smooth dancing platform will be erected.  First class music will be furnished.  No trouble will be spared to make it pleasant for everyone.  Come one, come all.  G.W. RUSSEL (sic), B.F. HINEY