De Soto Weekly Facts
De Soto, Missouri

(transcription by Charlotte Maness)

Crystal City, Jefferson, Missouri - Died at her home on the 9th inst. near Florisant, St. Louis County, Mo. Mrs. M.J. FINE of heart disease, aged 43 years and 11 months. She was born July 9, 1851, on a farm in this county. Her remains were brought to our village on the 10th, accompanied by her husband and three sons. She was buried at the Burgess cemetery on the 11th. Rev. JACKSON of Kimmiswick delivered the general sermon. May she rest in peace.

Life's Labor's Done - On last Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward THOMPSON, aged 68, passed away. For fifteen weeks she suffered intensely but with christian fortitude bore her afflictions to the end. Mrs. THOMPSON was born in the Indian Territory and 50 years age was married to Edward THOMPSON and to him was proven a faithful companion through all these years. Mrs. THOMPSON leaves five daughters to mourn her. They are Mrs. S.S. PRENTISS, Mrs. Lottie FLEMMING, and Miss Sallie THOMPSON of De Soto, Mrs. GAMARCHE of Pevely, and Mrs. HARMONY of Clifton Hill, Mo. The funeral took place Monday, conducted by the Revs. RUSSELL and JANUARY, and the remains laid at rest in the family burying lot in the City cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends in De Soto and surrounding country as everybody was acquainted with "Aunt" Elizabeth.

Card of Thanks - We take this means of extending our most sincere thanks to those who so kindly and nobly aided us during the sickness and death of our beloved mother and wish to assure them that their kindness to us in our bereavement will ever be remembered. Respectfully,  Mr. and Mrs. S.S. PRENTISS

DIED - Lucile, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed MAHONEY, residing on Fourth and Boyd streets. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their sad affliction.