The Jefferson Democrat
May 12, 1892


(Page 1 does not contain local news)
Page 2

Column 2


~County Court~

Commissioner ordered to survey new roads as follows:  From Hillsboro and House Spring’s road ….in township 41 Range 4…. West and northwesterly to Hillsboro and Cedar Hill Road 250 yards east of B.F. HERRINGTON’s.

From a point on county road near [?] WUERZ, northward through lands of Frank BULTMAM, May SWALLOW, M. REINHOLD(?), Frank KRIZEL, Joseph RENNICK(?), John KADLETZ, Anton LEICHT, to point on road near Bohemian Church.

From Belew’s Creek Road on land of Albert ROSENAUER, through land of Henry MILLER, D. BECKMAN, J.W. McCREERY, Wm. MARSH/KOSCH, Joseph EISENHAUER, Louis MEYER, Philip DICKERMAN and others, to Hillsboro and House Springs road, Sec 3. Township 41, Range 4.

From point on Hematite and Plattin road, one-fourth mile east of Hematite, through lands of G.W. NULL, W.S. NULL, Geo. MONROE, E. F. DONNELL, to connect with county road running from C.F. LEE’s to Bailey Station.’

From point on public road leading from Vineland to DeSoto, on north side of Whitehead Branch, over lands of H. HARPER, W. A. COLE, Nolan KING, Nancy PINSON and C. CAMPBELL, in DeSoto and Valle Mines Road.

From point on Crystal City and Pevely road in Sec 32, T41/R6,….following the STEWARD and BENNET private road, over land of W.K. JEWETT and others, to public road in City of Festus.

Also change of roads, as follows: Part of Hematite and Plattin road, over J. GROB’s land, and part of the DOHECK road, over land of Frank DOHECK.


A road leading from the old state road just north of Rock Creek to county road west of Montesano Springs was order put on the working list.

Road leading from Pevely to Sandy Creek was ordered widened to 60 feet.

Commissioner ordered to survey a county road on line between lands of Owen O’BRIEN and GARRET FICKE.


$15 paid into treasury by T.J. LEE, as damages awarded to E.F. GAMEL by location of road, ordered refunded, there being some informally in the proceedings.

$---appropriated for grading part of the road between Byrnesville and Scheve, a like amount having been subscribed by citizens.

$150 appropriated for fixing the road at ‘The Narrows’, a like amount having been subscribed by citizens.

$30 was appropriated for repairing the ford in Big River, near James WILSON’s to be done by E.F. PERKINS.


North part lot 6, block 9 Victoria, assessed at $15.

Contract for adjusting and tightening the iron bridges was awarded to the St. Louis Bridge and Iron Co., at $5 per day.  They to pay for hauling tools and for necessary help.


Two iron cells were ordered built at the poor house, for insane persons, at the cost of $70 each, and HURTGEN & HUBELI given contract for the same.

Contract for painting the Lemay, Morse’s Mill, Herculaneum and Pomme Creek bridges, awarded to K.S. PYLE for $470.

$75 appropriated for gravelling road leading to DeSoto via John CARREY’s.

Bond of St. Louis Bridge Co., for building Byrnesville Bridge approved.

Commissioner ordered to survey Pevely Road to legal width, through the land of Jersey Cattle Co, and Geo. MOSS.


Judges of election in Joachim township were appointed: Crystal City – S.HUG, Eph. WILLIAMS, Jacob BISHOP, Joe WIGGINS, Aaron MOORE and W.S. JEWETT; Festus – James S. IRWIN, W.J. BELL, W.F. HOLT, F.W. BRICKEY, B.C. BERRY, and R.C. MOORE; Hematite – P.C. McCORMACK, J.M. ENGLAND, Elbert OGLE, James SWALLOW, Reed McCORMACK and A.P. BOOTH; Pevely – Col. GRAVES, Isaac BAKER, John J. ENGLEBACH, Adolph KERSBACH(Kernlach?), Alex ZIEGLER, and A.D. DAVIS.

Lots 7, 9, and 10, Block 3, Kimmswick, assessed at $75.


$75 appropriated to be expended on road in district 59, under Owen McCOURT – Judge DONNELL dissenting.

$133.50 appropriated to be expended on county road in district 50.

Petition for appropriation for repair of Hillsboro and Morse’s Mill road continued to August term.

School fund bond of J.J. McDANIEL, for $1500 approved.

Report of cost of bridge across Plattin Creek, near Crystal City, continued.

$170 appropriated for grading and macadamizing road from DeSoto to LUCKEY place, under supervision of Chas. HERSCHER.

Treasurer HOEKEN presented county paper redeemed by him, as follows:

….(Money values only -  no surnames to transcribe)

Commissioner ordered to survey road from E. MOORE’s to Bailey and Crystal Road.


Loan of $600 school funds granted to Sullivan FRAZIER.

Report of inquests by Coroner approved, and fee bills allowed at $34.60 and $33.20.

James COAKELY exempted from road work, on certificate of disability.

Petition from Sulphur Springs for appropriation for road continued.

List of Taxes levied for 1892… [– no surnames are mentioned.]


Column 3

Transcriber note:  One surname appears in the first (unreadable) line – possibly: A. E. [F.?] w/surname…


Change of Morse’s Mill and Pevely road, near FRAZIER’s and ADAMS’, approved.  


Commissioners reported damages by locations of roads: A. ZIMMERMAN, August KRAMME, Fred KRAMME, Henry ROSE, John CORDES?, Henry EAGERs, Henry SPRINGMEYER…damages were paid and road ordered opened.

Change of road near lands of W. G. McKEE, approved and old road ordered closed.

J.B. DOVER, W. WASHBURN and I. (L?) ASHCRAFT were appointed commissioners to assess damages by road from St. Francois county line to Valle Mines road, near T.J. DONNELL’s.


Commissioner ordered to report to July term cost of repairing culverts and bridges in District (23?), also as to cost of bridge of Saline Creek.


Change of road over lands of Herman(?) DOSS/DACE?, approved, and change established.

Geo. W. McCORMACK appointed overseer of road district 5.

Commissioner reported damages to road at ?,  DeSoto and Bonne Terre Road, change is granted on condition that petitioner pay damages….


$277.93 appropriated for repairing gravel road north of Dr. MILLER’s residence, to be expended under supervision of Dr. MILLER….


W.L. TOWNSEND’s annual settlement as county clerk showed receipts (a list of dollar amounts not transcribed).


….at the last meeting of the Union, the county court made an appropriation of $5,000 for building a fire proof building near the court house, for the use of the Recorder and clerks of courts.  A plan was adopted, and W.H.H. THOMAS appointed commissioner to let out contract and superintend the erection of the building.  It is calculated to have it ready for occupancy by the first of November next.


The following demands were allowed against the county:

Permelia KITE, pauper

S J. BURGESS, pauper

? BALDWIN, pauper

Chas. BR----LE, taking insane person to county farm

Jos. PFEIL, pauper

P. MENG, pauper

H. GARTIEN (Gartier?), pauper

Mary WIDEMAN pauper 

Mrs. M. ENGERS?, pauper

Mark DRENNEN, pauper,

HOEKEN & WITTRAM, court house supplies

HOEKEN & WITTRAM, county farm supplies

T.C. CAGE, keeping paupers, work on county farm

Michael GETZ (Gotz?), pauper

K. A. McMULLIN, pauper

J.B. DOVER, road commissioner

Wm. PINSON, road commissioner

J.B. DOVER, member board equalization

T.? MOSS, roofing?

F.E. DEARING, pros. Attorney

R.& T.? DAVIS?, stationery

Wm. MORRIS, taking pauper to county farm

R.W. McMULLIN, advertising

June CHOTT [Chatt?], waiting on Wm. MORTON when sick

J.A. WINER, repairing Fenton road

Standard Printing Co, stationary

Ed VOLLMAR, goods for jail

W.M. WELSH, school supplies

Jos. ?, repairing bridge

W.L. TOWNSEND, stamps and freight

Gus. McFARLAND, member board equalization

E. B. MAUPIN, sheriff

Mike LYNCH, pauper

Louis BROWN, pauper

R.G. MADISON, member board equalization

A. BECKER, same

T.J. DONNELL, same

J.J. HOEKEN, county treasurer

R.G. MADISON, county judge

A. BECKER, county judge

T.J. DONNELL, county judge.


List of Conveyances

D.M. HIGHSAID(?) to J.M. AUGERER, 42 acres

S.A. HUDSON to Martin GUE? [Gonz?], 84 acres

Peter STEINMAN to A. W. BLANK, lot in DeSoto

Maurice MUSIC to Wilhelm FEHLHABER

N. SCHWEIZER to J.B. JENNINGS, lot in Festus

Conrad GLATT to Peter GROB, 25 acres

Thos. HIGGINBOTHAM to Narcisse POLITTE, lots in DeSoto


Margaret KEANEY to Sarah MADISON, lot in DeSoto

Margaret KEANEY to George MADISON, lot in DeSoto

Bessie DAVIS to Elisha LANHAM, 2 lots in DeSoto

J.W. BEMENT to Henry KEMPL, lots in DeSoto

John DAILEY to John and Owen McCOURT



The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

April 10th – Jessie May HARNESS 11 years



Mar 22, Mrs. F.D. HEATEN - girl

April 14, Mrs. William SMITH- twin boys

April 23, Mrs. David TUCKER- girl

April 13, Mrs. Fred DICKHARDT- boy

April 14, Mrs. Conrad HOFFMAN-boy

April 17, Mrs. William HARTMAN- girl

April 17, Mrs. John SUTTON - girl

April 19, Mrs. J.C. JAMES (Joiner?) - girl

April 20, Mrs. John RATZOM – girl

April 27, Mrs. John LAHEY - girl

April 31[sic], Mrs. Henry STEFFEN - girl

April 30, Mrs. Thomas HAMILTON - boy

May? Mrs. William GIBBONS, girl – dead.


Column 4


Abstract of Settlements of Road Overseers in County Court May Term 1892.

-No surnames-



Mrs. James P. DOUGHERTY, the wife of Prof. DOUGHERTY, departed this life on the 21st of April, after an illness of three months.  She bore her suffering with the most Christian like fortitude. Thinking her sickness might prove fatal; she called her spiritual advisor, Father FELTMAN, and became a member of the Roman Catholic Church.  Her death was like her life - happy.  Shortly before her soul left this world, she prayed most fervently to our Savior and his Blessed Mother.  She then fell into a sleep, in which her countenance was illuminated with smiles, as thought she was entering in the 'joys and happiness of the Kingdom of Heaven".  Thus she passed peacefully away, a most affectionate wife and mother.

Mrs. DOUGHTERY, formerly Cassie LANHAM, was married to Prof. James P. DOUGHERTY on the 11th of February, 1889, in DeSoto, MO, and was (20+/23?) years of age at her death.  She leaves a most affectionate and indulgent husband, two sweet little children, Raphael, age 2 years and 4 months, and Beatrice, aged 4 months, two brothers, two sisters, a number of relatives and a host of friends to mourn her loss.  They have the entire sympathy of all.  She was buried in St. Columbkille cemetery near Byrnesville in the family lot.  Fenton, May 2, 1892. 


~Sulphur Springs~


The river is very high at present and Glaize creek is still booming.


Our citizens are feeling better with the advent of Spring.


As one of our friends wants to know the in and out goings of the young folks, I will tell him the boys and girls can be seen on our streets again, happier than ever, but are not visiting much at present.


Mr. O’FALLON has erected a new fence fronting his residence.


Mr. MEYER, of South St. Louis, has bought the flouring mill in our town.  He is repairing it at present, and will be ready for grinding before long.  He moved his family to the old SMITH house, on Spring Street, on the 2nd last.


Taxpayer article – [no surnames were mentioned].


John McGUIRE and family have moved into the new house of Mr. O’FALLON, on Burgess Avenue.


Part of Mr. GREENE’s brick house is empty and for rent.  I hear Mr. ALLEN’s house is for rent also, and several smaller houses can be rented by those wanting houses.


The Misses Lillie KIRK and Jennie GLENDENNING are the champion scholars at the private school, being further advanced in the books than the majority of the children.


Wash MCKEE, of Festus, was here to see us a few days ago.


There was a big dance at Frank OVERSHON’s (Obershan?) on the 30th inst., and there will be another at E. HELD’s next Saturday night, I hear.


Our friend, Alexander FOSTER comes in on business occasionally.


Advertisement - Riverside Stock Farm

Advertisement - Maplewood Stock Farm


~Notice of Election~

Restrain Sheep and Swine from at Large, in Joachim Township


Administration Notice

William. F. STRATTMAN, dec’d. John L. McMULLIN, Admin


Adminstration Notice

Victoria KOCH – John KOCH, dec’d.


For Sale or Rent – a two story brick store and a two story frame dwelling with all the out buildings, barn, etc. situated 20+ miles from St. Louis on Gravois Road.  For full particulars, call on or address J.E.C. WILSON, S. 13th St., St. Louis, MO


Notice is hereby given that annual stockholder’s meeting of the F & L.U. store will be held at their store in DeSoto, May 21st, 1892, at which meeting the annual dividend will be declared.  A full attendance is requested.  John McNULTY, Treasurer.


Page 3

Judge LAUGHLIN, of St. Louis was at court Tuesday.

Judge M.F. BYRNE has bought a half interest in the Morse Mill.

One million hoop-poles wanted at F.C. VOLLMAR's, Antonia, MO.

For drugs, medicines, etc., go to the Opera House Drug Store, DeSoto.

Mrs. H.S. HAWKINS, of Hematite, was visiting at Mr. VEAZEY's last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hardy McCORMACK, of Plattin, visited us last Saturday and Sunday.

We do not keep goods; we sell them.  Our prices make them go.  HOEKEN & WITTRAM.

Ladies, you can buy the neatest and most serviceable shoes at E. VOLLMAR's.  Call and see our display.

W.L. BALSAM, of St. Louis, was greeting his old Democratic neighbors at this place last Monday.

The picnic season will be opened at Antonia by a grand picnic, by the Antonia social club, on Thursday, the 26th.

The prices at which HOEKEN & WITTRAM are selling their saddles and harnesses is remarkable.  Call and be convinced.

For Sale Cheap - 15 colonies of bees in improved hives.  Apply at HAMEL's Harness Shop, DeSoto, MO.

We learn that there is a probability of Leopold BERRESHEIM being a candidate for Assessor, before the Democratic convention.

James H. WAGGONER has been appointed deputy county surveyor, and is ready to respond to all calls made for his services as such.

HOEKEN & WITTRAM take the lead in shoes.  Their stock is complete, and the prices cannot be duplicated.

Farm Wagons - for sale at St. Louis prices, at FLINT & KEMPT's, DeSoto, MO.

Rev. W. F. GRUNDY will preach at Frumet, Friday night before the 4th Sunday, also Saturday night and Sunday at 11 a.m.

Squire Thos. WELCH could not stay away from Jefferson County mass meeting, though he is now a resident of Washington County.

Young mules and horses - For Sale at Maplewood Stock Farms, on mile north of Hematite.

Go to the Opera House Drug Store for anything you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery, etc.

Miss Alice SHEIBLE and her school had a picnic last Saturday out at Mr. STELBRINK's farm.  They were most all little folks, but they had a powerful big

Hon. James G. DONNELL, of Fredericktown, attended our mass meeting.  He is an enthusiastic DALTON man, but did not find any need for his services here.

The best is always the cheapest.  Our goods are always the best quality, and prices to suit everyone.  Give us a call.  HOEKEN & WITTRAM.

Mr. RUSSELL, the photographer, is now prepared to take tin types in good style.  Those wanting good pictures should call at once.

Licensed to Marry-
Leo ZIPP – Varnsueta/Farnouete(?) ROSENAUER
Eugene BOYER - Sarah CARROW
Frank A. CANNON - Mabel WARNE
Rudolph C. RAEBEL - Ida PAUL

For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD's Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO.

Get a general stock of goods, there is no store in the county equal to HOEKEN & WITTRAM's.  It will pay you to investigate before purchasing elsewhere.

The picture of the members of the Teacher's Institute taken at their last meeting in Hillsboro was a fairly good one, and those wanting copies can secure
them at 25 cents each.

To Rent - A 40-acre farm; orchard and good spring.  Near Zion.  Apply to Mrs. BURT, at Dr. KERSHAW's, Horine place.  Post-office, Horine, MO. 

James MOSS, an old resident of Valle township, died a few days ago, from the effects of cancer that had eaten away his entire upper jaw, and caused weeks
of intense suffering.

John FISCHER, of Knorpp P.O., this county, has taken up a sorrel mule about 15 years old, 14 hands high, blind in left eye.  If the owner does not call
soon, the animal will be posted.

If you need anything in the line of new ground plows, cultivators or road carts, call on HURTGEN & HUBELI.  They have a new supply of a new kind that is
sure to give satisfaction.

Don't forget the big picnic to be given at Antonia, on the 26th.  Refreshments of all kinds will be provided, good music furnished and everything done to
make it pleasant to all who attend.

S.P. HARRIS, of near Sulphur Springs will stand this season, the imported shire Sprathro Marvel, and also Metspur, sired by old Silver Heels.  For terms,
etc. apply at his stables.

Gabriel M. JOHNSTON, a Jefferson County boy, is now keeping a tea and coffee store at 1213 S. Broadway, St. Louis, and he wants his old friends and
acquaintances to call on him when in the city.

For the very finest Gent's neckties, Hat, Shirts, etc. go to E. VOLLMAR's.  We lead in style as well as low prices. Call and see our $4 Kangaroo Shoes. 
They are daisies.

For Sale or Exchange - The country place of Dr. KERSHAW, on county road, one mile from Horine.  Apply to Papin & Tentrup, 626 Chestnut Street, St. Louis,
or to Mrs. BURT, on premises.

It is getting to be our luck to miss offered opportunities of pleasure.  Mr. Albert ROSENAUER, kindly invited us to be present at the marriage of his
daughter last Tuesday evening, but we could not possibly get away.

I will sell my feed mill outfit for $650, or trade it for that amount of property in Festus, or a farm near there.  It consists of a good 10-horse power
traction engine and all belts, and mill in good running order.  Call and see it.
January S. LILLY, Festus, MO.

J. W. MATHEIS, the Pevely merchant has opened a lumber yard at that place as an addition to his business; and will make it to the interest of the people of
that vicinity to patronize him when in need of lumber.  Don't forget it.

Strayed - Two cows, one a red or spotted road, 10 years old, left horn off, crop off left ear and other ear marks; the other a small jersey, 6 years old,
brown color, marked with upper slope on right ear, has a young calf.  Information on same will be liberally paid for.  A.D. DAY, DeSoto, MO.

Column 3

Advertisement: GRAND MAY SALE
This is what it means!
A great increase in our business!
Why? Because we lead in low prices....largest dry goods & clothing house in Jefferson County.  We intend to make this the Banner Month in Bargains in every
Department; and will make each price never heard of in the county, commencing Saturday, May 7th.
We offer in our Dry goods & Notion Department -
Dress Ginghams for 5 cts. worth 8 1/2 cts.
White Goods for 5 cts worth 10 cts.
Red Table Linen for 25 cts. worth 40 cts.
Toweling for 5 cts. worth 8 cts.
Lady's black silk mitts for 10 cts. worth 25 cts.
Lady's black hose for 5 cts. worth 10 cts.
Lady's Chemise nicely trimmed for 25 cts. worth 40 cts.
Lady's Drawers nicely trimmed for 25 cts. worth 40 cts.
Lady's Gowns nicely trimmed for 50 cts. worth 75 cts.
Lady's Skirts nicely trimmed for 50 cts. worth 75 cts.
Misses Blouse Waists for 25 cts. worth 50 cts.
Boy's Shirt Waists for 25 cts. worth 40 cts.
Lady's Sailor hats for 10 cts. worth....

Clothing & Men's Furnishing Goods Department
Men's Suits for $2.50 worth $6.00 ($5/$10 and $6/$12.00)
Boy's Suits $2.50/$4.00
Children's Suits $1.00/$2.00
Men's Moleskin pants .75/$1.00
Summer Coat & Vest .75/$1.25
Flannelette Shirts .25/.40
Black Saleen Shirts .25/.40
Percale Shirts .50/.75
Silk Neck Ties .15/.25
Windsor Sateen Ties .5/.10

Shoe Department
Ladies Heel and Toe Slipper  50 cts. worth 75 cts.
Oxford Ties, patent leather tip 75 cts. worth $1.00
Kid Button, Fine Shoes $1.00/$1.50 - $1.50/$2.00
Men's fine button Shoes $1.00/$1.50
Men's fine lace Shoes $1.00/$1.50
Men's Brogans .75/$1.00

Our Millinery Department displays a grand assortment of Trimmed Hats, gayer than the flowers of May, and embracing styles never before shown in this county; and the prices are within the range of all who want to have a nice hat or bonnet; and we earnestly implore you to call early and make your selections.  Remember, the sale begins Saturday, May 7, 1892.
And you are all cordially invited to see goods and learn prices at the only Low Price Dry Goods Clothing and Millinery House in Jefferson CountyB. SCHWEIZER Dry goods & Clothing Palace, Festus, MO.  Opera House Block. We have still on hand some Odds & Ends in Men’s, Boy’s and Children's Suits, Pants, Hats, Shirts, etc. of the Bankrupt Stock of the late firm of J.E.
AUBUCHON, which will be sold regardless of value, as we need the room for our immense stock of straw hats, which have just arrived.  B. SCHWEIZER.  

Strayed - a dark bay mare, 15 hands high, 5 years old, branded S.B. on left shoulder.  Return her to Charles COCHRAN, on W. BATT's farm near Hillsboro and
be liberally rewarded.

Blackwell Lodge, A.O.U.W., will give a grand barbecue and picnic at the Blackwell Station Grove, on the 4th of July.  Everybody is invited and a good time

Strayed or Stolen - A dark brown Jersey cow with black points and light nose, 6 years old.  A liberal reward will be given finding same, or for information
leading to its recovery.  Phil BLANK, DeSoto, MO.

James E. WILSON, of Big River, has lost several hogs lately, and thinks it is from eating cockle burrs.  Since the late flood, they have had a range of a
neighbor's field that is so well stocked with the burrs.

$2 per day and liberal commission paid to agents to handle our new World's Fair Book, the greatest selling book on the market.  Act quick.  Write for
information.  Interstate Publishing Co., 818 Wyandott St., Kansas City, MO.

The Ironton Register pays Judge GREEN the following deserved compliment. In Mr. J. F. GREEN, of Jefferson County, this Circuit has an able and
conscientious Judge, and it gives us great pleasure to note that he will likely be accorded a nomination and election without any opposition, whatever.

Taken up by Allen STALLINGS and posted before Robt. E. VOLLMAR, a justice of the peace in Joachim township, of Jefferson County, MO, on the 13th day of
April 1892, the following described property; one roan steer about 3 years old, slit in each ear and underbit in each ear, large horse.  Allen STALLINGS, Taker

Our abstract of road overseers settlements show, with two districts to hear from that there was spent on the roads of the county during the past year in
labor of road hands, $8,159.30, and work done or hired done by overseers $11,447.83.  To get this work done the overseers have been paid out of the county
revenue fund, $4,508.45.  This makes the total cost of the roads, $24,015.58.

Circuit court opened last Monday, but not much has been done yet.  The grand jury appears to be busy.  It is composed of John BURGESS, as foreman, Chas. E.
MERSEAL, P.C. EAVES, Robert STEWART, L.J. DEARING, James FITZMORRIS, John SHELTON, George GIBSON, and Geo. F. BOOTHE.  The last four were picked up in
place of Robert JONES, John DALTON, Anton LEICHT and W.A. COLE, excused.

Column 4


Lost - A felt saddle blanket, between Hillsboro and Regina, Tuesday afternoon.  Return same to E. B.  MAUPIN, at Hillsboro, and receive reward.


Valle Mines, May 2, 1892

- Some boys and whiskey mixed made quite a racket here Sunday. 

- Rev. GREEN, of Bonne Terre, preached an eloquent sermon here Sunday, and administered the Lord's Supper.

- A grand box supper is to be given here on the 28th by the Valle Mines cornet band. 

- Our Sunday School was reorganized last Sunday, with Jas. MANWARRING as superintendent, J. MATHER assistant, Wm. BUNT, secretary and Miss Josie FINNEY librarian.  I hope it will be a success. 


Festus - When "music with it's voluptuous swell" awakens us in the stilly night from pleasant dreams and peaceful slumbers - why, its all right, provided it comes in the approved style; but, we do think it rough after a hard day's work to be woke up from our first nap by the howling and barking of about forty dogs more or less of all sorts and descriptions, and we respectfully ask our City Fathers to enforce the city ordinance in relation to dogs, and demand that no citizen be allowed to keep more than six dogs and be required to have them under hand to keep the peace.


"Pa," said a Festus boy as they were walking down Main Street together, "there goes the editor of the Dutch Fried Batter."  "Hush, my son," he replied, "we don't know what we may come to."


The weather is again cooler, with the river rising.  Yesterday (Sunday) our coats, wraps and fires were in demand, and those who had taken down their stoves were looking blue - even the snowballs in the gardens began to turn white.


Elder Geo. H. STEELE preached at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning and evening.  The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the evening service.  Congregation and attention both good.


Many of our churches are already supplied with bells, and now they are going to have one at the M.E. Church; but if you want to hear the sweetest bells in town, just go and take dinner with the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel were you can get a good square meal and hear the silver bells, all for 25 cents.


The building boom still continues, and business remains fair.


Look out for the entertainment next Saturday night at the Opera House.


Geo. BUTLER, who commanded a portion of the U.S. Army during the late civil war, was outgeneraled on a certain occasion so that he could neither advance nor retreat.  Gen. GRANT, hearing the circumstances of the case, remarked that "BUTLER was bottled up!" and that reminds me that certain parties in St. Louis have offered inducements to establish a bottle factory here, provided some encouragement is offered them.  Now then, gentlemen, who will furnish the corks - or, in other words, will take stock?  Will the business men let this enterprise like the last go to pot?


The Festus Democratic Club met at HAEFNER's Hall, last Tuesday evening and effected their permanent organization.  In the absence of the temporary chairman, B.C. BERRY, Dr. BRUCE was called to the chair, with W.F. HOLT (Heit?) as secretary pro tem.  The reports of the various committees were called for.  J. H. WAGGENER, as chairman of constitution and by-laws, presented and read the proposed articles, and they proving satisfactory, were unanimously adopted.  Committee on selection of officers present the following names:  President, Wm. GERMAN, vice-presidents, J.M BAILEY and J.W. ADAMS; recording secretary, F.C. BRICKEY, with K.J. FUNK and T.L. BURGESS as assistants; corresponding secretary, Dr. T.L. BRUCE; sergeant-at-arms, Jeff GIBSON, Joseph THOMURE and William PARKS; all of which proving satisfactory, the club endorsed.  On motion and second, a committee of three escorted the president to the chair and he then made a very short speech, after which the club adjourned to meet next Wednesday night at the hall.


From Plattin - by Plato

We are having fine growing weather that everybody is glad to see.


Mrs. James A. WILLIAMS, with her two children, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. F. G. HAMEL, at DeSoto.


Mrs. Will McCORMACK went to Bonne Terre to have Dr. BLISS do some dental work last week.


George B. TUCKER feels very old, as he is a grandfather.  His son Dave, aged 19, married his stepmother's sister last summer.  Their little daughter arrived on the 27 aft.  It weighs 7 1/2 lbs.  There is a novel relationship existing between this babe and the children of George Tucker by his present wife.


Mitchell McCORMACK has gone into the apiary business.  Mr. CURRIER is putting up some fine patent bee gums for him.  I hope he will have good luck with the sweet business, for he loves honey dearly.


It still continues to rain.


There has been a mad dog scare here.  Dave TUCKER, Jr. has killed two.  The last one was a f?ste that belonged to the old lady TUCKER, that she had owned for 15 years of more, name Nickle.


John T. BYRD has gone to conference.


Two people were bitten at Festus, by rapid dogs last Saturday.  They were a Miss COPELAND and a child.


Mrs. Thomas HILL died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. McCLAIN, on the third of May.  She left three children, the youngest a girl baby aged 6 months.


Mr. and Mrs. Julian SHERMAN, of DeSoto, visited the parents of Mrs. SHERMAN, last week.


Mrs. John DYE has been visiting her sick sister, at Moontown, for several weeks.


Mrs. Joseph DAVIS is recovering slowly but surely.


The people here are very much disappointed over the advance in rates on the Mississippi River and Bonne Terre railroad.  They think now that it is of no importance whether they build a depot at Plattin station or not as they expect to go to the Iron Mountain railroad when they want to make a trip by rail.


As we have no bridge at the Mitchell McCORMACK ford on Plattin creek and no hopes of getting one.  Burdett McCORMACK has built a boat for the purpose of crossing the creek when too deep for fording.   Plattin, May 8, 1892


Column 5


Editor Jefferson Democrat:

As I never see any news from our town and vicinity, in your paper, I will endeavor to mention some, and should my items escape the waste basket, I shall write again.


The farming has been kept backward on account of too much rain - some are just finishing sowing oats, while others are getting ready to plow for corn.  Wheat is looking well, and good prospects for a large crop.


Our adviser on principles, etc. is having R.E. MOCKBEE to touch up the odds and ends on his dwelling.   


We understand 'Squire' VOLLMAR has sold his farm here.


Fred VOLLMAR and family of Antonia were here last Sunday, and to see Fred and Robert together, puts us in mind of some almanacs I have seen, where they have two pictures - one before taken, and the other after taken.


Our dairymen have a considerable smile on them at present - the grass is growing rapidly, and lots of water.


From all appearances, Will PLASS will have a dairy here, soon.  He has a two-third interest in a good dairy farm here now, and the balance he will get soon.


The biggest excitement we have had of late, happened on the 29th of April.  An assault and battery case of R. MUELLER, wife and daughter, vs. B. MUELLER, a brother of E.'s, lately arrived from the old country.  B. was the first arrested, but he was acquitted.  He then had his brother arrested, but the matter was settled by the influence of Wm. PLASS.  Forget-Me-Not.



Everything is booming.


Building is all the go at present.


Old man Peter MARX is up and about again.


Judge SECKMAN has about completed his new house.


John SCHWALBERT and wife went to St. Louis, last Sunday, to visit relatives and friends.


Rudolph RABLE and Miss Ida PARD are to be married next Thursday, the 12th.  A good old time is expected at Mr. PLAUL's [PAUL's/Praul’s?] residence.


William SCHWALBERT, our worthy road overseer, is pushing his work up as fast as he possibly can, in order to get ready to pick strawberries.


The Maxville A.O.U.W. Lodge, No. 332 (832?), will go into the parade on the 12th, with the Maxville brass and reed band, hoping to see brothers from Hillsboro here and other places.


I notice in last week's J.D. that our friend, John P. NOLAN wants to become our next sheriff.  He ought to get there because Rock township has not had the sheriff for a long time, and I know John is well worthy.  If elected, you bet he will make a good sheriff.  Seckman, MO. May 9, 1892.


MAXVILLE by Eureka.

The Maxville brass and reed band has commenced hustling.  At their concert and ball, at Fenton, they drew a large crowd and did well.  Saturday they had a job in St. Louis County, near Mattese.  They came home next morning about daylight, quite hilarious, and roused the town up.  They counted noses and found one missing.  He had made a mash on a beauty and taken her home, and got home safe and sound in the evening.  Our Commisky, (not the little drummer), felt quite elated and it was a hard job to get him along with boys for home.  He declared a miss had made a mash on him and wanted him to take her home, but it was some miles from homeward, so he gave it up.  But she gave him her post office address and I presume the post office will be enriched to an extent, by some letter correspondence.  The band will also play at Leopold ZIPP's wedding, on Tuesday, south of Antonia; and on Thursday they will go with the Maxville Lodge No. 332, A.O.U.W., to Carondelet, being employed to play in the great reunion parade, of the 17th anniversary of the order in Missouri.  There being about 8 lodges of the order consolidated and will hold their parade in Carondelet, known as the southern division of the great parade and will meet at JODD's hall, Courtais Street and south Broadway, at 8:30 a.m. sharp, and about 11 o'clock will take electric cars, (engaged for the occasion), and will go out to the [sentence stops here – transcriber]



Bank of Hillsboro

W.H.H. THOMAS, President

Jos. J. WILLIAMS, Vice President

Chas. A. SHORTRIDGE, Cashier

Capital, Paid In, $10,000

Special Attention paid to Collections, Taxes Paid for Residents and Non-Residents, General Banking Business Done.



The Cash House of HOEKEN & WITTRAM, Hillsboro, MO., Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes.....Satisfaction Guaranteed. Your patronage is solicited. 


Column 6

For Sale or Trade

The valuable and well known horse, "Forest Time," is for sale or trade at a bargain.  Call at my farm on Sandy, or address me at Jarvis P.O., R.G. HOEKEN


HURTGEN & HUBELI, Blacksmiths, and Wagon-Makers, Hillsboro, MO.....

- Granite and Marble, Head-Stones, Tombs, Mantles, Etc. DeSoto, MO.....

- DeSoto Dental - Rooms, Dr. H.E. ZORN, The Dentist (Upstairs) corn Main and Clement Streets....

- New Country Store!  Glade Chapel, Jefferson Co, MO...All Country produce…Mrs. Anna FRAZIER

- MOCKBEE House, (Clark's Hotel) Hillsboro, MO.....William MORRIS, Prop.

- Jacob LINDAUER, Houses' Springs, MO, General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker.....

- John SPARK's Saloon (Vollmar's Old Stand) Hillsboro, MO...

- VOLLMAR Hotel, Hillsboro, MO, E.B. MAUPIN, Prop.  Custom Respectfully Solicited

- Vehicles & Machinery......F. HACKE has just bought….steel and wooden plows….agricultural Machinery and Implement, Ware, MO......Pratt St. (Opposite the City Roller Mills)

- Call at the Bonne Terre Farming & Cattle Store, Herculaneum, MO... groceries, canned fruits and vegetable, boots and shoes…I fact, anything you may want….

- The Home Market of Jefferson County, F.C. VOLLMAR.....Antonia, MO.....

- J.W. MATHEIS, General Merchandise, Pevely, MO.....

- Louis GREVE's General Store is the place to get…Groceries, dry goods, glass, wood- Pevely, MO.

- Spring is Here...our prices are the very lowest…Crystal Plate Glass Company's Store....

- A Home Run, N.F. FAIRBANK & Co., Clairette Soap Champions, Sr. Louis, MO.