The Jefferson Democrat
April 7, 1892


Mrs. S. FRAZIER has been quite sick, but is convalescing.


One million hoop-poles wanted at F. C. VOLLMAR’s, Antonia, MO.


For drugs, medicines, etc., go to the Opera House Drug Store, DeSoto.


Louis A. GREEN, postal clerk, visited his mother this week.


Seed Oats! Black or White seed oats at VOLLMAR’s.


Little Sammy BREWSTER is recovering from his severe attack of spinal meningitis.


Persons indebted to the undersigned will please call and pay up before the 13th inst.  Arthur T. BREWSTER.


Bees – Several colonies of bees in patent hives, for sale cheap.  Apply to W.H. WASHBURN, Victoria, MO.


There were two failures in our mail this week, on account of the creek at Victoria being past fording.


The prices at which HOEKEN & WITTRAM are selling their saddles and harness are remarkable.  Call and be convinced.


For sale cheap – 15 colonies of bees in improved hives.  Apply to HAMEL’s Harness Shop, DeSoto, MO.


Judges MADISON and DONNELL had practical demonstration Monday, of the need of a bridge at Victoria.


The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera House Drug Store.


We learn that there is a brand new pair of twin girls at Edward MERSEAL’s, and that he don’t care if Big River is on a little rampage.


It is low prices and good goods that is causing a rush at HOEKEN & WITTRAM’s – Are you in it?


Anything in the lines of harness or other goods, will be found in the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM at bed rock prices.


Andrew BUTTS passed through here Tuesday, on his way to his new home in Belleville, Illinois, his family having preceded him about a week.


Young mules and horses – For sale at Maplewood Stock Farm, one mile north of Hematite.


Ray VEAZEY, who has been working at the DeSoto Electric Light Company for some months, has returned home, and will try farming for awhile.


For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD’s Commercial Exchange, DeSoto.


To rent – A 40 acres farm; orchard and good spring.  Near Zion.  Apply to Mrs. BART, at Dr. KERSHAW’s Horine place.  Post Office – Horine, MO.


Several citizens of Frumet were out Monday, presumably in the interests of a bridge, but from what they reported, we think they needed a steamboat worse than a bridge.


S.P. HARRIS, of near Sulphur Springs, will stand this season, the imported Shire Sprethro Marvel, and also Metspur, sired by old Silver Heels.  For terms, etc., apply at his stables.


At the town election in Hillsboro, Tuesday, the Board of Directors elected were R. A. ELKINS, Jas. T. MOSS, Henry HURTGEN, G.M. MOCKBEE and Simon McNEARNEY.


If you want good photographs of yourself or family, call, during the next two weeks, at Mr. RUSSELL’s, in Hillsboro.  He makes good pictures at very low prices, and will give satisfaction to all customers.


The Hillsboro public school closes tomorrow (Friday), and the teachers would like to have patrons present at a little exhibition to be given in the afternoon.


For sale – A fine farm, containing 186 acres.  Good improvements, 60 acres in cultivation, good orchard, plenty of water.  For further particulars, call on or write to M. F. BYRNE, Byrnesville, Mo.


For the very finest Gents’ neckties, hats, shirts, etc., go to E. VOLLMAR’s.  We lead in style as well as low prices.  Call and see our $4 Kangaroo shoes.  They are daisies.


We had a high wind, last Friday, but, as usual, it was not a circumstance, compared with what they had all around us.  It was one of the most widely spread and destructive storms ever known.


Lost – On the 12th of March, a leather pocket-book, containing two $10 bills. Finder will be liberally rewarded by sending same to E. B. MAUPIN, Hillsboro, MO.


For Sale or Exchange – The country place of Dr. KERSHAW, on county road one mile from Horine.  Apply to PAPIN & TENTRUP, 626 Chestnut Street, St. Louis.


In compliance with the request of numerous citizens, Gov. Francis appointed Prof. J. B. SCOTT, of DeSoto, School Commissioner of this county, to fill vacancy occasioned by Mr. VEAZEY’s resignation.


For sale or rent: A two–story brick store and a two-story frame dwelling with all out buildings, barn, etc., situated 26 miles from St. Louis, on the Gravois Road.  For full particulars, call on or address, J.E.C. WILSON, 2623 S. 18th St., St. Louis, MO.


The rains last Sunday night raised the streams higher than they have been for years, and much damage was done in the way of washing away fencing.  They were all on a boom, without any exception.  


The DeSoto Roller Mills took all the blue ribbons on flour at the fair.  No other mill did or could compete.  If you want good bread, buy only Lilly White flour.  If your grocer don’t keep it, go to the mill and HOPSON & LEPP will supply you.


The Maxville Brass and Reed Band will give a grand concert and ball at WEHMEYER’s Hall, Fenton, MO., on the evening of the 30th inst.  The boys have always shown a readiness to help along every other enterprise or social gathering, and deserve a crowded house.  Admission is only 25 cents, and the entertainment will be worth much more, so everyone who can ought to attend. 


[Column 3]


Johnny McNULTY, of St. Louis, was in Hillsboro last Monday.  He was on his way to visit his cousin, Hugh LLOYD, who reached the age of 31(?) that day.  It is likely that they had quite a celebration of the event.


I will sell my feed mill outfit for $650, or trade it for that amount of property in Festus, or a farm near there.  It consists of a good 10-horse power traction engine and all belts, and mill is in good running order.  Call and see it, January S. LILLY, Festus, MO.


There were two real estate deals in Hillsboro last week.  James J. WILSON, Jr., purchased the house and lot in the rear of the J.D. Office, of Dr. BREWSTER, and B. F. BOUGHTON purchased Mr. WELSH’s place.


Choice Seeds – Oats, Corn, Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, etc., at RATHBURN [Rathbun] & HIGGINBOTHAM, DeSoto, MO.


~Licensed to Marry~

John L. McFARLAND and Naomi [Nannie?} B.[R.?] LEWIS


William BOYLE and Florence JONES

Benjamin GARNER and Cynthia ABERNATHY.  The last couple is colored.


The Hillsboro school district elected as directors, E.B. MAUPIN, for three years and Jas. J. WILSON, Jr. for one year, and voted an eight month’s term of school.  Robert EVANS was elected overseer for the road district outside of the town.


For Sale – A fine young horse. Will make a good stud horse.  Iron grey, 3 years old, 16 hands high, good form, from Norman mare.  By Bernard registered No. 3503.  Any one wanting to keep a good stallion, will find a bargain in him.  Apply to or address C. H. SMITH, Box 118, DeSoto.


The Hillsboro Bank will be connected with the office building of HORINE & REPPY. The vault for the safe will be erected on the west side, and a portion of their office will be fixed up for the business office of the bank.  The bank will be doing business in about a month.



In St. Louis, March 30, 1892, Mahala, wife of John NATZ.  Mrs. NATZ was a daughter of John WACH, the old Hillsboro blacksmith, and her husband worked at the wagon maker’s trade in Hillsboro and DeSoto.  Her death was the result of a surgical operation.  She leaves four children, including a new born baby.


A Mr. BRYAN, who is working for the Missouri Sunday School Association, will deliver an address at the Union Church, Hillsboro tomorrow (Friday) evening.  The citizens are all invited to hear him.  It is likely that some Sunday School workers from DeSoto will also be present, and it is hoped that the meeting and lecture will get up a greater enthusiasm among our citizens in behalf of Sunday school work.  Every body should attend.  There is no charge for admission or anything else.


R.A. FRAZIER, county lecturer for the Jefferson County F. & L. U., will deliver lecture of the order at the following name places: Monday, April 11thGlaize Creek Union, Tuesday, April 12th at Kimmswick Union, Wednesday, April 13th at Maxville Union, Thursday, April 14th at Antonia Union, Saturday, April 16th at Maxville Union.  Everybody is invited to attend whether members of the order or not.  R.A. FRAZIER, County Lecturer.


At a meeting of Hillsboro citizens last Tuesday, presided over by Judge ELKINS, a committee consisting of Henry STELBRINK, R.Z. FRAZIER, James J. WILSON, Jr., Charles STEIDEL and R.A. ELKINS was appointed to get up plan and specifications of a flour mill, with the estimate of cost of same, and report at a subsequent meeting.  The committee organized and went to work at once.  STELBRINK and STEIDEL went to St. Louis the next day to see about cost of machinery, and the others are investigating about site, cost of building, etc., and will be ready to report probably tomorrow.


~Crystal City~

March 29, 1892

To the Sunday School people of Plattin township:

Will the people of Plattin township please meet as soon as possible at their school houses and organize their Sunday Schools for the year and have reports ready for the township convention to be held 1st or 2nd Sunday in May at Muddy School House?  The program will be published soon in all the papers.  We hope every district will be organized and maintain a good Sunday School.  F. JENNI, Vice President, Plattin Township.


The County Court did a big days work Tuesday, but we have not space for a fall report of proceedings this week.  The jury drawn for next term of Circuit Court are: Grand, P.C. EAVES, Charles E. MERSEAL, Robert STEWART, John T. BURGESS, John BURGET [Burgert?], John DALTON, Anton LEICHT, Robert JONES, Louis COLE, W.A. COLE, S. B. STONG, and L. J. DEARING; Petit, R.W. McMULLIN, Ed HERRINGTON, Geo. CRULL, Columbus McCULLOCH, J. C. COZZENS, R. G. HOEKEN, Reed McCORMACK, D. L. JARVIS, James N. DONNELL, John OBER, G. J. BARRETT, Oliver CROMWELL, John GAVEY, Fritz MILLER, Jr., John NAHLIK, Harry ASHE, Jeff BOWLES, B.F. ENGLAND, D.C. McCORMACK, John C. CAPE, Jas. H. WILSON, Wm. BLACKWELL, L. J. ROZIER, and John D. HEARST.


Reports of damage by the floods of last Sunday night are coming in.  Big River was higher than it has been for years, and has not subsided enough to show the full extent of damages.  At Blackwell, it is said, the river was so deep over the railroad that trains could not pass.  There was  a tie-up of trains anyway, caused by a wash-out of a trestle down near Sabula, Iron County, where a cattle train was ditched.  It was at first reported that the entire train crew was lost, but later reports are that only one man was drowned, and we have not learned his name.  So far we have not heard of any county bridge being washed away, but the roads have suffered from all the streams, not having been graded up to withstand such floods.  All farmers along all the streams have suffered more or less.  At Victoria, the creek was past fording, from Sunday noon till Tuesday morning.  Judge MADISON got to the county seat by stopping off at Hematite and getting a horse, while Judge DONNELL did not get here till Tuesday.


[Column 4]


J.W. MATHEIS, the Pevely merchant has opened a lumber yard at that place, as a new addition to his to his business, and will make it to the interest of the people of that vicinity to patronize him when in need of lumber.  Don’t forget it.


Sheriff MAUPIN is as young as he was thirty years ago, but it seems that his legs are growing old.  In a playful scuffle with Wilton PIPKIN, one evening last week he fell and either broke a bone in his left ankle or gave it a fearful sprain.  He has been laid up with a very bad leg ever since, and it will probably be several days before he cane walk on it.


$2 per day and liberal commission paid to agents to handle our new WORLD’s FAIR BOOK, the greatest selling book on the market.  Act quick.  Write for information.  Interstate Publishing Co, Wyandett St., Kansas City, MO.



   Date             Mother                       Sex

Feb. 11, Mrs. Charles M. TAYLOR, girl

Feb. 13, Mrs. W. MASON, girl

Mar. 23, Mrs. Andrew REECHT, dead girl

Mar. 26, Mrs. James BURKE, girl

Mar. 29, Mrs. Charles PEEBLES, girl       


Constable FORREST gives us the following item, which he believes to be absolutely true:

One night, two or three weeks ago, Hiram R. BOYER, of Plattin, was out ‘coon hunting.  After capturing a ‘coon, he started home, and on the way, his dog got into a racket with something in a thicket in a little field.  He finally went to the dog’s assistance, and found him in a fight with a large buck deer.  BOYER had no weapon, just an ax, but with the first stroke he cut through the animal’s side and into its heart, and killed it.  The only discrepancy we discern in the tale is that the buck was reported as carrying a heavy head of horns, and if this is so, the circumstance must have occurred longer ago, for bucks shed their horns earlier than three weeks ago.


Seed Potatoes….HOEKEN & WITTRAM – We can supply you.  All wrapped in red and the prices are sure to please you….


~Knorpp News~

G.W. KNORPP is busy, building a new barn.  C. KNORPP is also making an addition to his barn.


Miss Hattie B. McCORMACK, of Plattin, visited her intimate friends, Misses Carrie and Mannie KNORPP, last Monday.


Conrad WEBER, of St. Louis, arrived here last Friday, on a visit to his friends, C. KNORPP and F. SCHMIDT.  He returned to the city, Monday.  Hopefully, he will visit here again soon.


Miss Emma KOESTER, accompanied by J.F. WAGNER, made a pleasant trip on a visit to relatives and friends in St. Louis, last Sunday week, returning the following week, and reporting have a splendid time.


Mrs. WILLIS returned to Festus, last Monday, and is much missed at Knorpp.


Quite a gay party of young folks surprised Miss M.M. KNORPP, last Monday, March 25/28th?, it being her 16th birthday. The guests were treated with much love and kindness, and it is useless to state that a delightful evening was spent.  Miss Mannie received some valuable presents.  The guests were too numerous to publish their names.


Wm. MATTHES, Wm. MOCKER and Eugene JUNKER went on a fishing excursion Saturday night.



The main topic of conversation during the past week has been ‘will there be a strike’?  And what if the company closes their works?  The consequence would be most disastrous, for Festus is almost entirely dependent on the Crystal Company’s works.  In fact, that has made Festus what it is.  However, at present writing, all minds are relieved.  The company comes out of the difficulty victorious, and seven men are discharged for good.  The chief of the G.W.U. came on and held a meeting at HAEFNER’s Hall with the strikers and listened to their grievances, and after hearing all the evidence in the case, he decided they were in the wrong and the Union could not support them.  I heard that Mike COBION, the boss glass cutter, was severely censured for false statements and expelled from the Union.  After all, the best strike is to keep striking at your work.


Friday was very windy and a part of the tin roof on ADAM’s Hotel was blown loose and he had to get the assistance of quite a number of men to hold it down while being repaired.  I also heard that it did damage to some of the company’s roofs, but did not learn the extent.  Many flower frames and such bric a brac are lying flat in all parts of the city.  Miss Mattie ODELL, while passing the post office about 2 p.m., got caught by the wind, and a Festus man, who was looking on, told me his first impression was she was too good for this world and was taking flight to the sweet by and by.


Peter BILLY, our jolly blacksmith, has sold his residence on Main Street to WAGGENER and brother for $650, and tonight joins the Good Templars and bids farewell to the little brown jug.  Glad to hear it.  Pete, stick to it and you will never peter out.


Mrs. W.F. HOLT started to St. Louis Wednesday morning on a visit to her son, Lee, and to see her new grandson.


Miss Josie BILLY came down Wednesday evening from St. Louis to set as bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding.  She brought with her a magnificent bouquet of cut flowers, a present for the bride from Presiding Elder MAYS.  It did our eyes good to seem them – I mean Josie and the flowers – for they were both lovely, and ‘a thing of beauty is a joy forever.’


I saw, the other day, hurrying toward the depot, a fine looking man dressed in uniform and I first thought war had been declared with England on account of the Bering Sea difficulty and Uncle Sam had sent a general here to raise a regiment, but on further inquiry I found out it was W.J. BELL, dressed in his G.A.R. suit, on his way to fill official duties as commander of the Victoria G.A.R. post.


Miss Mary D. BILLY was married to Clarence McCLAIN last Wednesday evening at her father’s residence, by Rev. RUSSELL.  Quite a number of relatives and guests were present, and the gifts were beautiful and useful.  The ceremony was given out for 7 o’clock, but owing to the delay of one of the family, it was 9 o’clock before the candidates were pronounced man and wife.  Kissing and congratulations followed and the company recovered spirits again from the previous weary waiting.  Supper was then announced and, Oh my! What a supper!  The table groaned with the weight of the feast, but your correspondent with the assistance of Frank BILLY and some others seen to lightening the strain, and safety of the table assured everybody seemed happy.  Bro. RUSSELL dropped his solemn look and had his wife been present, I believe he would have kissed the bride, too, and now for the benefit of your lady readers, I will try and give a short description of the bride’s dress.  It was not Henrietta cloth, but Marletta cashmere of a light air shade, made Bosque in front and infast waist at the back, with overskirt of China Chinchilla gauze looped up with Queen Anne ruffles and blue ribbons and held in place with silver pins.  But, pahaw!  How can a man describe a lady’s wedding dress?  Simply, it was just lovely.  But I must conclude by wishing the handsome couple success and happiness through their wedded life, and may their future happy home in due time be blessed with a reasonable number of little Macks.


And now I will have to lay some items over for your next issue, for if I infringe more on your space you will think I –

Otto B. Shot.


~Big Spring’s Spray~

The mercantile club at House’s Springs are erecting a large building for a store house, and when completed I think it will be quite a stately edifice.  Mr. GIFFORD is doing the mechanical work.


Gus SHOULTZE will be re-elected road overseer in this district if nothing happens.


The public school at the Spring’s closed yesterday.


Farmers have commenced ploughing. Wheat is growing finely.


The county seat is still where it belongs.  The DeSoto people are brimful of real, but are lacking in judgment.  They are not sharp enough for the Hillsboro fellows.  They should use less beer and drink more razer soup.  I am really glad that you delegates from Hillsboro met with M. F. BYRNE, from this part of the county.  Mike is always ready to assist in putting down a fraud of that kind, and in doing so he voices the sentiments of the people of old Meramec.


House’s Springs is on a building binge.  Several new buildings are going up this Spring.  The Springs may wish for the county seat after awhile, but of course they would be willing to let it be left to a vote.  They would not try to take it by any unfair means.


John HOWELL, living near the mouth of Big River, is around with a petition.  He is trying to get a bridge across the Meramec River at Ball Mill/Hill? ford.  The northern part of the county would be greatly benefited if they could get a bridge at that point.


Samuel CHURCH, a 15 year old son of Mr. CHURCH, of this neighborhood, invested one dollar in a raffle and won a buggy, which he sold in a few days for $50.  Sam was greatly elated over his luck.


Edward BURGESS is now in the fine stock business.  He has now on hand a beautiful imported stallion.


I heard an old man talking the other day, dreading the trip to the Circuit Court.  He said that the only chance to get there would be to take the cars and go by way of St. Louis.  He said the Frank DEARING said that would be the way.


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.

G.W. ALLEN et all to F.S. HANDCOCK – 2 lots in DeSoto - $150.

Mary PRESS to Otto PRESS – 40 acres, s5t38r4 - $40.

Thos. S. BREWSTER to J.J. WILSON, Jr. – lot in Hillsboro - $300.

Jos. J. WILLIAMS to John F. & W.S. BRECKENRIDGE – 372 acres, s22t40r3 - $3000.

Peter BILLY to S.T. WAGGENER & Bro – lot in Festus - $675.

Chas. SWAB to S.L. COLE - ? lots in DeSoto - $800.

Isaranda SMITH to J.E. WILSON – 100 acres, sur 897 -$400.

B. SCHWEIZER to Jas. E. BELL – lot in Festus - $150.

Edward BEAUCHARD, by trustee to John G. MANHART/Manbart? – 154/184 acres, s12t41r5 - $528.

W.G. CAIN to Jessie W. SCOTT, - lot in DeSoto - $125.

Bernard MEESE to Joseph ZIPP – 2.77 acres, sur 2?91 - $515.  

W.H.H. THOMAS to Chas. S. BOOTH – lot in Hillsboro - $150.





The above and well known brewery established an agency at DeSoto, and their celebrated beer can be had in a keg or bottle at all seasons of the year. Charles KARTE, Agent.


Column 6


For Sale or Trade – The valuable and well known horse, Forrest Time, is for sale or trade, at a bargain.  Call at my farm on Sandy, or address me at Jarvis P.O., R. G. HOEKEN.


County Union – The next regular meeting of Jefferson County F.& L.U. will be held in Hillsboro, April 15, 1892, at 10 o’clock a.m.  W.J. F. KIRK, Secretary, Kimmswick, MO.


-HURTGEN & HUBELI, Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers, Hillsboro, MO.

-Granite and Marble, DeSoto, MO – John SCHNEIDER.

-DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H.E. ZORN, Upstairs, corner of Main and Clement Streets.

-New Country Store! Glade Chapel, Jefferson County, MO – Mrs. Anna FRAZIER.

-MOCKBEE House (CLARK’s Hotel), Hillsboro, MO – William MORRIS, Prop.

-Jacob LINDAUER, General Blacksmith & Wagonmaker, Coffins & Burial Cases, Houses’ Springs, MO.

-John SPARK’s Saloon (VOLLMAR’s Old Stand), Hillsboro, MO.


~Notice of Election~

Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1892, at the county clerk’s office, in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, MO, for the purpose of electing a Board of Trustees for the inhabitants of the town of Hillsboro.

John SHELTON, James T. MOSS, H. Ed GREEN – Judges of Elections, Hillsboro, MO, March 17, 1892


Pastor KOENIC’s Nerve Tonic – A natural remedy for Epileptic fits, Falling Sickness, Hysterics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, Inebriety, Sleeplessness, Dizziness, Brain and Spinal Weakness.  Chicago, IL


-Vehicles and Machinery – F. HACKE – Opposite City Roller Mills.

-Call at the Bonne Terre Farming & Cattle Store, Herculaneum, MO.

 -The Home Market of Jefferson County – F. C. VOLLMAR, Antonio, MO.

-J. W. MATHIES – General Merchandise, Pevely, MO.

-Louis GREVE’s General Store - Pevely, MO.

-Crystal City Plate Glass Co. – Crystal City, MO.

-Clairette Soap – N.K. Fairbank & Co., St. Louis, MO.