The Gazette man, in response to our suggestion that he
should unite with us in demanding that the next bridge to be built by the
county be at Victoria, surprises us with a display of littleness and narrow
mindedness that we did not expect of him. He accuses us of ‘imagining’ that all
the roads in the county that need attention lead only to Hillsboro, and that
the chief care of the public should be to keep this little burgh easily
accessible to all comers. He adds that
the time may come when
The county seat removalists of DeSoto are setting a bad example, and it is wrong to make the county seat accessible and to provide the necessary buildings for the orderly transaction of the public business and the safety of the public records and papers, because it is located at Hillsboro, it would be just as wrong were it located any where else. It is not the proper spirit to be kicking against necessary facilities and insist on continuing to risk irreparable loss, just because somebody thinks that the county seat will be moved some day. His bit of pleasantry about the Gazette swallowing up or hyphenating with the Jefferson Democrat does not alarm or agitate us in the least. Newspapers come and newspapers go, some of them shine very brilliantly for a while, but the J.D. goes on in the even tenor of its way, keeping up its steady light and shining for all.
Edward BURGESS, of House Springs, and John T. BYRNE, of Byrnesville, spent last week visiting and inspecting the
many noted stock farms around Springfield, IL.
Among those of whom they speak with praise are STERICKER Bros.,
importers and breeders of Cleveland Bar, English Shire and Hackney horses; Sam
T. PRATHER & Mile T. JONES breeders of Shorthern
cattle and Merino sheep; Springer Bros., breeders of Coswold
sheep and
List of Conveyances
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:
W.A. GAMEL to M.I. SWINK….lot in survey 416 …$70
Jos. M. AUBUCHON, by trustee, to James BRIERTON, lot in Festus…$3150
W.H. GREEN to M.J. JONES, lot in DeSoto…..$465
W.E. PAYTON to A.L. COLMAN, 2 lots in DeSoto….$225
Stephen HUG to Joseph MONET, lot in survey 460(?)….$84
Henry MILLER to Herman KOESTER, 120 acres, sec 2, twp 42, r 3…$700
Charles KELLER to Adam BEAUFORD, 5 acres, sec 11, twp 39, r4..$250
W.B. KENNER to M.L. SWINK, lot in sur 160….$100
W.R. DONNELL to J.N. PAUL, lot in sur 2003 (?)…$100
Geo W. ALLEN to Anna SCHNEIDER, 4 lots in DeSoto….$280
M. ROBERTS to H. B. LASCH, 3 lots in DeSoto…$100
Priscilla LONG to J.L. LASCH, 3 lots in DeSoto….$80(?)
Peter STETZEL to Jas. E. WILSON, 100 acres, sur 827….$400
W.M. LYNCH to Decia SUTTON, 4 lots in DeSoto….$400
Jas. E. VAUGHN to Lucy SCAGGS, 10 acres, sec 9, twp 40, r6…$200
Georgia A. AUBUCHON to Henry LEPP, lot in DeSoto….$900
Statement of County
(Dollar amounts are not transcribed)
To Whom and For What…Amount
S.R. PERRY – building bridge
E.H. MAUPIN – sheriff
W.I. TOWNSEND – stamps
Hubert BECKER – county judge
R.G. MADISON – county judge
T.J. DONNELL – county judge
Elizabeth LOGAN – pauper
Standard Printing Co. – stationery
G.D. BARNARD & Co. – stationery
William DEERR [sic Doerr] – repairing road
F.B. DEARING – prosecuting atty
R.W. McMULLIN – printing
Mrs. MEDLINE – road damages
Henry & Fred STAIKEN (Stulken?) – road damages
Henry EGGERS – road damages
W.L. TOWNSEND – county clerk
A.L. FRECH – taking pauper to farm
R.G. MADISON – county court judge
Hubert BECKER – county court judge
T.J. DONNELL – county court judge
L.W. GAMEL – back tax due
Parmelia KITE – pauper
S. J. BURGESS – pauper
Kitty A. McMULLIN – pauper
John GROB – building bridge
Mrs. M. ROGERS – pauper
Mary WIDEMAN – pauper
Henry GARTMAN – pauper
Jos. PFEIL – pauper
Fred MENG – pauper
Wm BOIL(?) – pauper
Road Dist – road tax due
G.W. RUSSEL – wood for county
W.R. McKEAN – keeping paupers, care of insane, sewing for paupers
Wm. DOERR – work on county insane asylum
E.B. MAUPIN – sheriff
J.F. GREEN – taking pauper to county farm
Jos. J. HOEKEN – salary county treasurer
William MORRIS – board for pauper
William MORRIS – buggy hire for grand jury to county farm
C.R. HONEY – circuit clerk
F.R. DEARING – prosecuting atty
R. & T.A. KOHLE [Bohle?]– stationery
Standard Printing Co. – stationery
J.B. FREDERITZE – repairing bridge
Jos. J. HOEKEN – goods for court house & county farm
Thos. M. BAKER – taking pauper to county farm
Ed MEYER – building culvert
G.D. BARNARD & Co. – stationery
C.R. HONEY – fee bills from circuit court
A.N. CALAHAN – sawing wood
Louis BROWN – pauper
Geo. McFARLAND – assessor
R. G. MADISON – delegate to
C.R. HONEY – fee bills from circuit court
Standard Printing Co. – stationery
W.L. TOWNSEND – stamps, freight, cleaning cistern
W.L. TOWNSEND – county clerk
S. G. BURNHAM – stationery
Hubert BECKER – judge and mileage
T.J. DONNELL – judge and mileage
A.K. BOYD – building bridge
J.E. WATSON – county patients at deaf & dumb asylum
Mrs. STATINE – road damages
Hy FREESE – road damages
Adolph BAUER – road damages
Herman NORDEN – road damages
William MEYER – road damages
L.H. ARMBRUSTER – tiling for bridge
C. RUPPEL – building bridge
Ed BUREN – extra work near gumspring
A.M. CALAHAN – sawing wood
Thos. CAGE – taking pauper to county farm
Robt. EVANS – trip to
E.B. MAUPIN – sheriff; boarding pauper
D.B. VEAZEY – school commissioner
A.M. FERRELL(?) – road engineer
R.G. MADISON – county court judge
Hubert BECKER – county court judge
T.J. DONNELL – county court judge
W.L. TOWNSEND – money for pauper
R.W. McMULLIN – printing
R.G. MADISON – county court judge
Hubert BECKER – county court judge
T.J. DONNELL – county court judge
Geo. McFARLAND – salary assessor
W.J. NULL - ----
Frumet Cooperative Store – clothing pauper
Jos. J. HOEKEN – material for bridge
J.A. McMULLIN – coffin for pauper
R.G. MADISON – county court judge
T.J. DONNELL – county court judge
Hubert BECKER – county court judge
Oscar OGLE – petit juror
Lewis PIERCE – witness/grand jury
John GAMBLE – petit juror
Pertina HUSKEY – witness/grand jury
Rosie JOHNSON – witness/grand jury
Dr. G.A. AUERSWALD – witness/grand jury
Dr. T.S. BREWSTER – witness/grand jury
Edwin FORREST – witness/grand jury
Herman POSCH – witness/grand jury
G.G. BRYAN – witness/grand jury
W.C. HUFF – witness/grand jury
W.J. ADAMS – witness/grand jury
R.P. BUREN – witness/grand jury
Jane PIPKIN – witness/grand jury
Henry DANIELS – witness/grand jury
John SHORT – witness/grand jury
Martha SHORT – witness/grand jury
Stewart HAMPTON – witness/grand jury
Geo. STEPHENS – witness/grand jury
Frank PERKINS – witness/grand jury
John TUTTLE – witness/grand jury
M.F. BYRNE – petit juror
Thos. G. BRENT – petit juror
John ROGERS – witness/grand jury
B. CHARTRAND – witness/grand jury
Frank GRISSAM (Grisham?) – petit juror
August KUHLMAN – juror
Jacob HAEGER [Hanger?] – petit juror
Geo. HARNESS – petit juror
Frank LEE – petit juror
Jacob BOYER – petit juror
Thomas SHANNON - petit juror
Herman PIERCE – witness/grand jury
Jos. BLECKER (?) – witness/grand jury
Francis HUSKEY– witness/grand jury
John VIVRETTE – witness/grand jury
Jesse VIVRETTE – witness/grand jury
Tom PARTNEY – witness/grand jury
James MOON – er? – petit juror
Aquilla BLACKWELL – petit juror
Willis WILLIAMS – petit juror
Peter DUNNIGAN – petit juror
Thos. COMMISKEY – petit juror
Edward ROSCH (Posch?) – petit juror
John HAMPEL – petit juror
John MURPHY – petit juror
W. Scott NULL – petit juror
D.L. CLEMENTS [Clemmons?] – petit juror
Thos. BYRD – petit juror
N.B. MALLORY (Mallery) – petit juror
R.G. HOEKEN – petit juror
James KING – petit juror
-paper crease: name illegible
James T. MOSS – petit juror
Harry DAHL – petit juror
W.J. FIELDS – petit juror
Jno. L. WEAVER – petit juror
George BRECKENRIDGE – petit juror
John WINTZ – petit juror
Henry VIVRETTE – petit juror
J.F. CUREE – petit juror
D.S. FRAZIER – petit juror
John SHELTON – petit juror
W.J. HUSKEY – petit juror
Jesse MAUPIN – petit juror
W.A. VOTAN (?) – petit juror
Pat LOVETT – witness/grand jury
Wm. BALLARD – witness/grand jury
Geo. W. McFRY – witness/grand jury
Henry LEPP – witness/grand jury
Geo. LEBAUME – witness/grand jury
Robert HICKS (Wicks?) – witness/grand jury
Wm. PINSON – witness/grand jury
Charles COOK – witness/grand jury
Jos. METTS – witness/grand jury
Henry HEFNER (Heiner?) – witness/grand jury
Aug. HEILIGTAG – petit juror
John GOLDBERG – petit juror
Fred VOLLMAR – juror
Jos. A. HUBBARD – petit juror
J. H. GAMBLE – petit juror
E.P. BUREU (Buren?) – witness/grand jury
Jos. BRADFORD – witness/grand jury
J.W. WASHBURN – witness/grand jury
Felix RUSSELL – witness/grand jury
Jacob HEINREICHS [Heinrich?}– witness/grand jury
Louis MEDOIT?? [Medone] – witness/grand jury
Jos. BASSICA (?) [Kassing?]– witness/grand jury
Hy SPILLMAN – witness/grand jury
Dr. T.A. JAMES – witness/grand jury
Harry DAHL – witness/grand jury
A.L. FRECH – witness/grand jury
E.B. MAUPIN – witness/grand jury
James C. COUCH – witness/grand jury
Chas. M. POUNDS – witness/grand jury
William CRAIG – witness/grand jury
Lewis J. COUCH – witness/grand jury
J.C. McMULLIN – witness/grand jury
Geo W. GRAHAM – witness/grand jury
Thos. J. WILEY – witness/grand jury
John WALLACK – witness/grand jury
Maggie EIGLEMEIER (sic Eikemeier?) – witness/grand jury
Albert HALE – witness/grand jury
Joseph RUSTIGE – petit juror
Jas. FITZMORRIS – witness/grand jury
Thos HOLY – witness/grand jury
Andrew HILGERT – witness/grand jury
W. KLEINSCHMIDT – witness/grand jury
J.M. BAILEY – witness/grand jury
A.W. BUTTS – witness/grand jury
Alfred SMITH – witness/grand jury
F.P. PERKINS – witness/grand jury
Henry CAPE – witness/grand jury
Landon WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
W.F. LEE – witness/grand jury
A.P. BOOTH – petit juror
Leopold ZIPP – petit juror
Meinrod REIBOLD – petit juror
John LYNCH – petit juror
E.S. PYLE – petit juror
Chas. TAYLOR – petit juror
Wm. PINSON – petit juror
Frank BALDWIN – petit juror
Frank STOWE – petit juror
Peter HUSKEY – petit juror
John HUBELI – petit juror
Robert EVANS – petit juror
Philip MOSS – petit juror
Thomas RYAN – petit juror
J. HUBBARD (? paper crease) – petit juror
John T. LEE – petit juror
John SHELTON – petit juror
Jos T. MOSS – petit juror
Thos. E. WILLIAMS – petit juror
A.F. SLAWSON – petit juror
Hy PUHLMAN – witness/grand jury
John F. JOYCE – witness/grand jury
H.(?) LEDERER – witness/grand jury
John WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
G.W. McFRY – witness/grand jury
M.A. BAKER – witness/grand jury
W.A. COSBY – witness/grand jury
W.F. MOTHERSHEAD – witness/grand jury
John D. MUSIC – witness/grand jury
J.B. CROWS – witness/grand jury
H.M. LINTZ – witness/grand jury
W.L. KRANZ? [Brauer?] – witness/grand jury
Wm. BOEMLER [Romler?] – witness/grand jury
Herman GOEDELE – witness/grand jury
Mrs. Dora BOEMLER – witness/grand jury
H.P.G. BOEMLER [Romler?] – witness/grand jury
John HOEFER – witness/grand jury
Tho. ROTHERY – witness/grand jury
Ira KARR? [Barr?] – witness/grand jury
Jeff NORRENS? [Narrens?] – witness/grand jury
G.E. PERRY – witness/grand jury
M.A. KECK [Feck?; Neck?] – witness/grand jury
Lee CAMPBELL – witness/grand jury
Henry SUBIETI [Sublett?] – witness/grand jury
Jas. A. CAIN – witness/grand jury
Frank SCHMIDT – witness/grand jury
Millie HASH? [Rash?] – witness/grand jury
Frank MONK – witness/grand jury
W.F. KRUEGER – witness/grand jury
Geo. SLAWSON – witness/grand jury
Chas. SHUTE – witness/grand jury
Oscar FAUBER – witness/grand jury
Andy PETERSON – witness/grand jury
W.F. EDINGER – witness/grand jury
Benj. WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
Felix KERNEY [sic Kearney?] – witness/grand jury
Harry McCLURE – witness/grand jury
Thos. E. WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
Geo. McFARLAND – witness/grand jury
Edwin FORREST – witness/grand jury
J.K. CROSSMAN – witness/grand jury
Wm. KLEMM - petit juror
John C. HILGERT - petit juror
Wm. McDERMOTT – witness/grand jury
Wallace MATTHEWS – witness/grand jury
Clarence NULL – witness/grand jury
R.A. FRAZIER – witness/grand jury
John M. WILSON – witness/grand jury
E.B. MAUPIN – witness/grand jury
John DEVLIN – witness/grand jury
Wm. JOHNSON – witness/grand jury
James M. MERSEAL – witness/grand jury
Webster E. FRAZIER – witness/grand jury
Taylor EAVES – witness/grand jury
Albert BOUGHTON – witness/grand jury
Jennine? STROUP – witness/grand jury
R.P. BUREN – witness/grand jury
Adolph SMITH – witness/grand jury
Frank WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
Jas. WHITEHEAD – witness/grand jury
Jas. LAVELY – witness/grand jury
Jas. F. CARLEY – witness/grand jury
W. Ed GREEN – witness/grand jury
Ben BOUGHTON – witness/grand jury
Andrew WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
Mary WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
Jas. LAVELY – witness/grand jury
T.J. RYAN – witness/grand jury
Jeff GIBSON – witness/grand jury
Robt. VANGTON [Vangtor? Vantorn?] – witness/grand jury
W.T. BAUER – witness/grand jury
Hiram WILLIAMS – witness/grand jury
K.S. McCLAIN – witness/grand jury
J.S. DEADERICK – witness/grand jury
James NULL – witness/grand jury
Geo. ARMBRUSTER – witness/grand jury
Lawrence COLMAN [sic Coleman?]– witness/grand jury
Wm. VERNON – witness/grand jury
Joshua VERNON – witness/grand jury
Jas. H. BAILEY – witness/grand jury
Frank HENSLEY - petit juror
P.T. McCREARY - petit juror
N.B. McCARTY - petit juror
Jos. McNEARNY - petit juror
Gust. BAUMBACH - petit juror
Geo. ZIEGLER - petit juror
Frank RIESER - petit juror
Chris GRIMM - petit juror
Wm. SWEET - witness
W.T. BURNS - witness
W.R. WILLIAMS – grand juror
G.W. RUSSELL – grand juror
W.J. HARRISON – grand juror
Jos. LEICHT – grand juror
Geo. PORTER – grand juror
Geo. HEINLEG? [sic Heinler? Beisley?] – grand juror
J.K. MALLICOAT – grand juror
N.S. HUSKEY – grand juror
Thos. R. WILLIAMS – grand juror
Jno. L. McMULLIN – grand juror
Jos. PFEIL – grand juror
W.J. McMAHON – grand juror
S.B. MANHEIMER – petit juror
Geo. MERSEAL – petit juror
Green MEDLEY – petit juror
John ANDERSON – petit juror
John WILMS – petit juror
Augustus STROUP – petit juror
Hy SCHMIDT – petit juror
John SHARRON? [Shelton?] – petit juror
Jos. NORRIS [Morris?] – petit juror
W.F. BAILARD – petit juror
State of Missouri, County of Jefferson}
I, W.L. TOWNSEND, clerk of County Court of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct statement of all warrants and jury scrip issued for the year ending February 1st 1892, given date of issue, the purpose for which issued, to whom payable and the amount of each warrant and script respectively. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Office in Hillsboro, MO this 30th day of January 1892. W.L. TOWNSEND, County Clerk.
Ad – Weekly Globe Democrat – St. Louis, MO
[Ad] Riverside Stock Farm, Jefferson County, MO-Kentucky horses– Stallion Season; Tantalus 5410, bred by R. E. PEPPER, South Elkhorn Stock Farm, Frankfurt, KY; Stono, bred by John O. ROGERS and bro. Versailles, KY; Black Diamond, bred by John O. Rogers and Bro., Versailles, KY – Address: Riverside Stock Farm, Jefferson County, MO
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William S. FRENCH, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 16th day of January 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Martha FRENCH, Administrator, February 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Delphia OGLE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of December 1891, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. J.B. BAKEWELL, Administrator, January 31, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John C. COLE, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 13th day of December 1891, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Thomas J. DONNELL, Administrator, January 23, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Caroline CALOWAY [sic Calloway?], deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 18th day of February 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Douglas CALOWAY, Administrator, February 18, 1892.
~Executor’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary to the estate of Camel RHODES, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 5th day of February, 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from this publication, they shall be forever barred. W.H.H. THOMAS, executor, February 18, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Patrick MARKEY, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 5th day of January 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Arthur O’BRIEN, Administrator, January 7, 1892.
Ad – Byrnesville Mercantile Co., General Store, Farming Implements, Byrnesville, MO
Ad- Opera House, Saloon and Restaurant, Festus, MO, by William GORMAN
Ad – Jefferson County Bank – BAKEWELL & MUNROE, DeSoto, MO
Ad - FINK & NASSE, Wholesale Grocers, Coffee & Sugar, a Specialty, No. 17 North
Main Street [Between Market & Chestnut Sta.) St. Louis
Ad - E.B. MAUPIN – Auctioneer, Feed Stable – Hillsboro, MO
Ad - F. AUBUCHON & Son, General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, DeSoto, MO
Ad- Drs. STARKEY & PALON’s, Treatment by Inhalation, Philadelphia, PA & San
Francisco, CA
AD- Don’t Buy Old Stoves and Furniture when you can buy new for nearly the same
Price of Louis WAPPLER, South Main Street, DeSoto, MO; A full stock of all kinds
of Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shade, Cooking & Heating Stoves,
Ad - Iron Mountain Route! – Great Through Line to Texas, Mexico & California. Only
one change of cars; Hot Springs of Arkansas – H.C. TOWNSEND, General
Passenger Agent, St. Louis, MO
Page 3
Judge GREEN had court here on Tuesday of this week.
Rev. GRUNDY will preach in Hillsboro next Sunday evening.
There will be a meeting on Thursday nights in Hillsboro at the Union Church.
We omitted last week, giving Mr. HOEKEN credit for the report of the McNUTT-CHAMBERLAIN wedding.
Wanted – a good blacksmith. Apply to Milliard HUSKEY, Ware, MO.
Thomas CAGE took charge of the county poor farm on the 1st inst. He will keep things in good shape.
HOEKEN & WITTRAM yesterday received the largest stock of strictly shoes, ever brought to Hillsboro.
For Sale – 15 colonies of bees in improved hives. Apply at HAMEL’s Harness Shop, DeSoto, MO.
Miss Florence McMULLIN said her brother, Arthur, took in the Patti concert at St. Louis last Saturday evening.
Rev. James J. WILSON, Sr. will preach at Morse’s Mills next Saturday night at 7 o’clock. Also, on Sunday next, at Fair View at 11 a.m. and at Old Ditch at 7 p.m.
Aug. SANDER, opposite Opera House in DeSoto, will pay the highest market price for beef cattle, etc.
The M.E. Conference meets at Carthage, MO on the 10th last. Mr. GRUNDY expects to attend, and will start a few days ahead of time, so as to get to visit his brother.
For Sale Cheap! Three sows and pigs and a lot of shotes. Apply to E.B. MAUPIN, Hillsboro.
For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD’s Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO.
Gus SPILKER is a candidate for re-election to the office of road overseer in the district surrounding Hillsboro. As he did so well the past year, it is not likely that he will have any opposition.
Wanted – a boy to work on a farm. Good wages – Apply to C.W. SMITH, near DeSoto, MO
Notice – There is at my farm at Hematite, MO 4 sheep, 3 ewes and 2 yearlings – one with a bell on. Owner can claim by paying for this notice. J.M. ENGLAND.
All teachers wishing to attend a three month’s Institute course at Grubville, MO, commencing the 11th of April, should write at once for particulars to C.A. KNIGHT, Grubville, MO.
We are making a special this month of shoes – our stock of everything else is complete. When your packages are wrapped in red, you know they came from the Cash House of HOEKEN & WITTRAM.
Little Miss Winnie MAUPIN had a birthday party on Wednesday evening of last week. It rained so much that many of the children did not get there, but those present had a gay time.
Seed Potatoes of the early Ohio variety – from one of the best potato growing regions in Illinois, will be shipped to Victoria about the first of March. Price, $1 per bushel. Send orders to George STEELE, Hillsboro, MO
J.W. MATHIES, the Pevely merchant, has opened a lumber yard at that place, as an addition to his business; and will make it to the interest of the people of that vicinity to patronize him when in need of lumber. Don’t forget it.
On account of the grip [sic - grippe] epidemic, the Hillsboro Sunday School has been closed for some time. It will be reorganized and started in afresh, next Sunday. All interested are requested to meet at the church at three in the afternoon.
The DeSoto Roller Mills took all the blue ribbons on flour at the fair. No other mill did or could compete. If you want good bread, buy only Lily White flour. If your grocer don’t [sic] keep it, go to the mill and HOPSON & LEPP will supply you.
For Sale – a fine farm, containing 156 acres. Good improvements, 60 acres in cultivation, good orchard, plenty of water. For further particulars, call us or write to M.F. BYRNE, Byrnesville, IL.
The report that blacksmith ROGERS, of Victoria set Jimmy WHITEHEAD’s broken leg, and fixed it up in a few minutes so that it was as strong as ever, is correct. It was not a very remarkable feat of surgery either, for it must be remembered that the leg was a wooden one.
Mr. W.H.H. THOMAS visited the State Capital last week.
For sale - a fine young horse. Will make a good stud horse. Iron grey, 2 years old, 16 hands high, good form, from Norman mare. By Bernard registered No. 2303. Anyone wanting to keep a good stallion will find a bargain in him. Apply to or address C.H. SMITH, Box 118, DeSoto.
Charles JEUDE has taken charge of the Pevely blacksmith shop, formerly owned by Louis JEUDE, and will run it so as to give satisfaction to customers. Work will be done promptly and in first-class style.
For sale at a bargain – two good work mules, young, large and well broken. A first class team for all work. My reasons for selling are that I have rented my farm and do not need them. I also have two good mares for sale or trade. Call at my residence, or address me at Belew’s Creek post office. Joseph BECHLER
Notice – I have two stallions to put out on shares. Maxie Cobb, sired by Silverheels, is a fine saddler and a three fourths draft Clydesdale and Percheron. Will make good terms with a reliable party. S.P. HARRIS, Sulphur Springs, MO.
Mr. C. A. KNIGHT, of the Kirksville State Normal School, will teach a Summer Institute course at Grubville, MO, commencing the 11th of April. All teachers who wish to attend should write to him for terms and particulars. Address, Grubville, MO.
$2 per day and liberal commission paid to agents to handle our new World’s Fair Book, the greatest selling book on the market. Act quick. Write for information. Interstate Publishing Co., 818 Wyandette St., Kansas City, MO.
We Have Them – the largest stock of strictly shoes ever brought to Hillsboro, which are selling cheap Strictly for Cash. See that your packages are wrapped in red and thereby know they came from the Cash House of HOEKEN & WITTRAM.
Jan 15 Mrs. John ARNOLD….girl
Jan 25 Mrs. Giles CARROW….girl
Jan 26 Mrs. Isaac POUNDS….girl
Jan 26 Mrs. Ernest DRYER….two boys
Jan 28 Mrs. Henry HORN….girl
Feb 14 Mrs. Jas. H. SILKWOOD…girl
Feb 14 Mrs. L.H. BURNS…..boy
Choice seeds: Oats, Corn, Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, etc. at RATHBUN & HIGGINBOTHAM, DeSoto, MO.
Lost – A slow hound bitch, 11 months old, black and tan color, half of face and eye brows white. Information of same will be liberally paid for by. R.G. MADISON, Festus, MO.
Licensed to Marry
L. Kennett McCORMACK and Mary S. PARTIN
Henry MULLER and Susa [sic] BREWEN
Louis BANGART [sic Banghart?] and Caroline STECKER
William A. CRASON [sic Carson?] and Fannie E. PRESLEY
Amos GRAHAM and Cora DAVIS
Silas G. BELEW and Isabelle BOONE
William J. DEGEAR [sic DeGeare?] and Carrie SIEBERT
Notice is hereby given that the Rock Township Mutual Protective Society will hold their annual meeting at Antonia, on Saturday, March 4th, 1892, at 2 p.m. sharp, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. All members should try to be present. E. BERGMEYER, Secretary
HAMMAL, the murderer of Wm. BEATT [sic Beatte?], has his preliminary examination before Esq. WARNS, at Festus, last Thursday. He was represented by attorneys Jos. J. WILLIAMS and C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, whom he has employed in his defense. After hearing the States evidence and the speeches of the lawyers, the Justice remanded the prisoner to jail, to await the action of the grand jury.
The Gazette says the Mr. RATHBUN saw a large black wolf one day last week at his Vineland farm. It had caught a lamb, but he frightened it and made it drop its prey. Also, that Colin CAMERON, brakeman, while going down Gad’s Hill, was struck by a cattle guard and knocked from his train, but grabbed hold of something and extricated himself before the wheels could crush him, and escaped with only slight injuries.
Mrs. Valentine WISEMANTLE & son, were out at Hillsboro Monday, to see the Big Four about buying or renting Morse’s Mill. The mill no doubt, will be put in first class repair at once. Mr. WEISEMATLE formerly ran the Enterprise mill at Cedar Hill, and is an experienced millwright. As soon as he decides on what is needed, the contract no doubt will be closed; and by the time farmers thresh their next crop, Morse Mill will be turning out flour second to none in the county.
Hon. Sam BYRNS has been favoring his constituents with public documents and garden seeds. There is always a great quantity of such at the disposal of Congressmen, but heretofore only a few comparatively, of the constituents have been remembered, and the government gets rid of the surplus by selling it to junk dealers. Mr. BYRNS went at the thing systematically and will send out all that is assigned to him. It requires a good deal of work, but he is not afraid of work. As his guide for this county, he copied the list of J.D. subscribers, while home on a visit.
Mr. William DOERR had been importuned by so many of his friends to become a candidate for sheriff, subject to Democratic nominations that he had concluded to run, and was actively in the race for awhile. After mature deliberation though, he has concluded to withdraw, for reasons satisfactory to himself, and he requests us to thus publicly announce that he is not a candidate but will be enthusiastic for the nominee, whoever he may be. Mr. DOERR is competent and he is an influential young Democrat, and would undoubtedly have made a strong race, but he now wants to be considered out of it.
A sad accident which resulted in the death of the eight year old son of Mr. Emil HENTCHER [sic Hencher?], who lives east of the city, occurred Tuesday afternoon. The little fellow had attended school at the Armbruster school house and after getting near home, he returned to the school to get something he had forgotten. The school house being locked, he had endeavored to gain admission by a window, and apparently while entering, the window sash fell and caught him by the neck. His body was found hanging from the window by his uncle, Mr. Louis HALTER, who was on his way home from DeSoto. He gave the alarm and the body was taken home and every effort to resuscitate life made in vain – DeSoto Facts.
Ada M. CHEVAILLIER, M.D. – 1316 Olive St., St. Louis, MO Specialist – Diseases of Women, Skin Disease, Tumors and Cancers – will be at – Commercial Hotel, DeSoto, Missouri, March 11 to 16, 1892.
Teacher’s Institute
The March meeting of the institute met at Crystal City last Saturday and discussed the program as published in the Democrat. The teachers from south of Silica went on the Arcadia train, and had time to visit the factory before the train from the north arrived. Conductor DYER made himself popular by his attentions to the wants of those who needed his services. A few of the old timers got off at Festus, and greeted their friends in that live town before going to Crystal. Prof. NATIONS, Principal of the Crystal schools, and his charming assistants, made it very pleasant for the visiting teachers by their assiduous attentions for the welfare of the visitors. The dinner at the Crystal City Motel, was all that could be asked for by anyone. We always did have a good time when we went to Crystal, and this occasion was no exception. The session of the institute, was called to order by Prof. SCOTT, the President, but a couple of the juvenile members of the SCOTT family were in town, and the Prof. asked Mr. NATIONS to preside so that he might be at leisure to look after them, if occasion required. The discussion of the questions prepared by the committee on program, were taken up and elicited an exchange of opinions. Col. M. Clay DAVIS, Asst. Supt, and Principal of a room in DeSoto, scalped Commissioner VEAZEY on the first round, and in the afternoon, the Commissioner fearing to face the very illuminations of the fierce foe, hied himself humbly homeward, waiting however, in Festus, to take in the Matinee along with others of the pedagogic fraternity who took a ‘sneak’ on the institute and brought up in the wicked city adjacent to Crystal. Whenever the teachers go to Crystal I want to be invited, because there’s fun along the line, more than is found at other places. I am very sober and sedate, but there is an unbending of my aged dignity when out with the boys, or enjoying the warbling of the sirens who preside over the juvenile departments of the Hillsboro and Festus schools, backed up by the dignity of Hematite’s principal. The next meeting is to be held at DeSoto in the latter part of March. Miss RICHARDSON, who was appointed critic for the day, performed her duty in this line as thoroughly and as well as she does anything she undertakes.
Arbor Day
To my immediate predecessor, the Hon. W. E. COLEMAN, belongs the credit of inaugurating Arbor Day in Missouri.
The first observance was in April 1886. The law setting apart the first Friday after the first Tuesday of April in each year as Arbor Day was passed in 1887. The state superintendent’s reports show the following result of the observances:
In 1887-1888: 9,736 trees were planted; 1888-1889: 9,334; 1889-1890: 9,903; 1890-1891 9,786; total 38,759. This is an excellent showing.
The object of the observance is to plant trees on the school grounds, to inculcate knowledge of trees and to inspire a love of them. Additional objects are to teach the value of forest products and incidentally to inculcate a love of nature and to make sentiment in favor of beautifying home grounds. Then, we desire the youth of Missouri to study trees because they protect from summer’s sun and winter’s blast; because they beautify home and school, hill and dale’ because of their wonderful influence upon climate…….L.E. WOLFE, State Supt. Public Schools
The Evangelist, HARPER, preached Sunday morning and evening at the Windsor Presbyterian Church.
Roads are very bad and we are having rain enough to keep them in that condition.
The public school will close at the end of six months which will be next Friday, for want of funds. This condition of the treasury is occasioned by the division of the district in 1889. From one of the largest and wealthiest school districts in the county, it has been reduced to a low standard.
Tony WEBSTER, an old negro, died last Friday morning. Tony was well known and liked for his honesty, as well as for his genuine simplicity. He came to Sulphur Springs in 1861 or ‘63 as a refugee and was afterward enlisted by Col. YERGER into the regular army. He could tell marvelous tales of the war. On one occasion he retreated 60 miles in one day and ‘?” all the time. He was a deacon in the Baptist church for the past 20 years.
James T. MOSS of Hillsboro was in town Saturday.
There will be a dance at Theater Hall Monday night. Thomas TRUE will furnish a wiener-wuerst supper for the occasion.
Myrtle WILCOX, eldest daughter of Mrs. Mary LANHAM (nee WILCOX) died in St. Louis last week of scarlet fever.
~Big Springs Spray~
A little daughter of Albert WEASE’s was recently ran over and seriously hurt by a young horse.
Prospects of the present growing crop of wheat in this locality are good.
The cooperative store at the Springs, under the economical management of Winer and BOEMLER is in a flourishing condition.
Daniel BONACKER is preparing to rebuild barns for his east side river farm, formerly the Widow LEE farm.
I happened by chance some time since to be present when two politicians, a Democrat and Republican, were discussing rather in a sarcastic way, the future prospects of the two great political parties, as to which would probably be winner in the next campaign. The Republican gentlemen made the remark that he was under the impression that the Republican party would be victorious in getting their President, saying that they had the money and men to do it with, and would have votes to trade or sell to the Democrats, - that is, if they are able to buy, - in order to enable them to elect a few state officers. The Democratic citizen very courteously replied that he had not the least doubt that money would be spent very freely by Republicans to procure votes; that was verified at the last election. “But”, he said, “Democrats as a party are not built that way; they vote from principle”, He said it is very likely that votes could be purchased very cheap from the ranks of the Republican party, but they did not wish to deal in that kind of material. About this time, I left. The Democrats was on top so far, and likely to stay on top….
Martin DALTON’s school at the Springs has been continued for an extra month by an unanimous vote of the patrons of the district.
James BURGAN is a beneficent man. He is encouraging chicken culture by exterminating the foxes in this vicinity. He has killed about a dozen this winter, and is not through yet.
I hear some talk that Jim WINER of this township would become a candidate for the office of sheriff. Jim is a good solid Democrat and, I think, would make a good officer.
Gust SHULTZE is down in bed with a crippled back. He strained himself by lifting a rock while working on the road.
Big Springs, Feb. 27, 1892
On the evening of the 27th inst., a lodge of the A.O.U.W. was organized at this point by Deputy Grand Master Workman, Frank L. BOHN, of St. Louis, ably assisted by G.M. SCHNELL(?) and Geo. R. WILLIAMS. The lodge starts out with twenty of the most influential citizens of this vicinity. The following is a list of the officers that were elected: F.T. REINEMER, Past Master Workman; H.T. MEYER, Master Workman; Jesse BUXTON, F., Peter STAZEL [Statzel?], O.; Henry REINEMER, Recorder; Wm. GONZ, Fla.; P.P. O’BRIEN, Receiver; L.B. REDACKER [Radacker?], Guide; G. FICHEN [Ficken?], I.W.; George WEIDNER, O.W.; Charles WOHLBOLD, Jos. GONZ and George DAUM, Trustees; Dr. J.E. TORBITZKEY, Medical Examiner. This lodge certainly has a bright future before it, starting under such favorable prospects, having only such material as will command the respect of the people, and above all, the Ancient Order of United Workmen as a fraternal beneficiary society that has been in existence twenty-four years, has a total membership of 275,000, is constantly increasing, and enables its members to secure $2,000 protection at an average annual cost of by $20 in assessments. This order has 25,000 member is this state alone. Several short term orders have lately collapsed, likewise some insurance companies, hence, some people argue that all mutual securities are sure to go. However, anybody that will stop to look at the past records of this society (for 24 years) will readily see that A.O.U.W. has passed the critical age in societies of this character, and is today above reproach. This order gives to its members, protection at actual cost. There are no high salaries paid as in old life insurance companies, therefore those in the most humble walks of life are enabled to secure protection. Cedar Hill, Feb. 23, 1892.
Valle Minings
There are a few things we would like to see: The Honeybee spark his girl, and a let up on rainy weather.
St. Valentine’s Day passed off very quietly, each of the youths getting a comic valentine. Your correspondent has an endless variety of them for sale at home which he has received. Hope ye Editor got one dozen pretty ones.
Business in our town is booming at present.
A grand affair took place at the residence of Wm. BUNT on the 23rd inst., in the shape of a grand dinner, given in honor of our landlord, Mr. Wm. BUNT. A large amount of eatables were spread before our guest, which they responded to with the greatest slacrity. Among those present were Mrs. MURRAY, mother of Mr. BUNT, Jas. L. GOFF and lady, Mrs. Harriet STEWART, the Misses Carrie CORS? [Core?] and Haddie GOODWIN, Josie FIANEY [Franey?} and Etta McLAIN, and our esteemed blacksmith, Mr. F. WINTZ. We left our host in his 47th year, wishing him many more years of happiness.
Assignee’s Notice – Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of Joseph M. AUBUCHON, of the city of Festus, in Jefferson County, MO, that I will, on the 11th day of April 1892, at the office of Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT, in the town of Hillsboro and County of Jefferson, proceed publicly to adjust and allow demands against the estate and effects assigned to me by Joseph M. AUBUCHON, for the benefit of creditors, and will continue said hearing during the two following days. F.W. BRICKEY, Assignee of J.M. AUBUCHON; C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Attorney.
Notice To Contractors
The contract for building an iron bridge across Big River at Byrnesville, MO, will be let out to the lowest bidder on Tuesday, the 8th day of March, 1892, at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Hillsboro, MO. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The letting will take place about one o’ clock, p.m. Specifications on file in the County Clerk’s office at Hillsboro, MO. J.B. DOVER, Commissioner
Granite & Marble, DeSoto, MO
John SCHNEIDER, Head Stones, Tombs, Mantles, Etc., At Lowest Prices. Special attention given to designing and creating first-class cemetery improvements.
DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H. E. ZORN, the Dentist (Up Stairs) Corner of Main and Clement Streets, DeSoto, MO
New Country Store! Glade Chapel, Jefferson County, Missouri. Will aim to keep an assortment of all goods needed to supply my customers and sell at the lowest profit.
All Country Produce. Taken at the highest market price. A liberal share of public patronage respectfully solicited by Mrs. Anna FRAZIER.
MOCKBEE HOUSE (Clark’s Hotel), Hillsboro, MO. Boarding by day, week or month. The best of fare and satisfaction guaranteed. Custom is Respectfully Solicited. A Feed Stable is also kept in connection with the hotel. William MORRIS, Prop.
BRYAN’s Saloon, Hillsboro, MO, Opposite the Court House. Good Wines, Liquors, Cigars
and Green Tree Beer always on hand.
First and Last Chance! F.P. KENNER’s New Saloon, near the depot, Festus, MO. The best of wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco always on hand…
From East to West…. the soap that leads the rest. Clairette Soap. Made only by N.K. FAIRBANK & Co., St. Louis, MO.
The Home Market of Jefferson County, F. C. VOLLMAR, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Hats and Caps, Clothing, Provision & Cutlery. Antonia, MO.
J.M. MATHEIS, General Merchant, Pevely, MO.
Louis GREVE’s General Store is the place to get your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Provisions, Hard, Glass, Wood and Everything usually found in a General Store. Agent of the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford. Pevely, MO.
VICKS Floral Guide contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables….Over 100 pages 8 x 10.5 inches. Instructions how to plant and care….Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties…James VICKS’ SONS, Rochester, NY
Closing Out – Big assortment of Odds and Ends, Remnants and Pieces, From Stocktaking at the Crystal Plate Glass Co. Store. If you want to avail yourself to the best bargains ever offered, come and see us at once.
The Jefferson Nursery, near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, MO.
Fine and good assortment of Fruit…H. JORGEN, Prop.
John SPARK’s Saloon (Vollmar’s Old Stand) Hillsboro, MO.