Patrick CRADICK, a well-respected citizen of
was a native of Ireland and the son of Thomas CRADICK, and old and highly
respected citizen of Jefferson County, whose sad death, caused by being ran over
at Ewing Avenue crossing, St. Louis, by an express train, occurred only four
years ago and is still fresh in the memory of many of the readers of this
paper. Patrick immigrated to this country about twenty five years
ago. Being then about nineteen years of age, he worked on his father’s
farm in this county for about two years. He then went to
He was a man who was ever ready to assist the poor and those in distress. His charity knew no bounds and he regarded the suffering of others with the tenderness of a child. His life was made up of a succession of charitable deeds. Kind, affectionate, generous and sympathetic, he was idolized by his friends and won the respect of all who knew him. His sufferings were extreme, but having to the divine decree that all must die; he bore them with Christian fortitude and patient resignation.
Although lingering before the threshold of eternity for seven long weeks, he retained his consciousness to the last and only a few hours before the final summons came, he called all the members of his family to the bedside, and bade them a last good-bye. He was a member of the Catholic Church and received the last sacraments before death. Having lived a truly Christian life, his death was no less edifying.
He was a member of the railway lodge of the A.O.U.W. and his brother members assisted him and his family in every possible way they could during the long period of his illness. His remains were sent to Catawissa and from thence taken to S. Patrick’s church, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, and after the last sad rites of the church were performed they were laid to their final resting place in the adjoining cemetery, there to sleep till the last trumpet’s dreadful din shall wake them to resurrection.
Rev. E. BERRY preached the funeral sermon, in which he paid a very eloquent tribute to the memory of Mr. CRADICK.
Deceased leaves a wife and six small children, the eldest of which is
twelve years, to mourn his loss. They have the sympathy of the entire
community in this their sad bereavement. A Friend, Pacific, MO,
~List of Conveyances~
Files with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.
Ed G. SMITH to Jas. E. WILSON, interest in 100 acres, sur 897, $400
James E. WILSON to M.U. GRAHAM, 122 acres, sur. 3053 - $2500.
Anna WITHITE to same, interest in 57 acres, sur 3053 - $100
James E. WILSON to same, same $1.
Edward DOWLING to R.H. STOCKTON, 5 lots in
J.B. BAKEWELL to Fred VALENTINE, 25 acres, sec-5, T40,R4 $200
W.J. ADAMS to Thos. M. BARNES, lot in Festus $60
W.J. BELL, by sheriff, to Theodor [sic] EHRICHS, 139 acres, S13,T39,R6 - $1000
C. WAGGENER to O. ABERNATHY, lot in Festus $10
J.H. MORSE, by sheriff, to STELBRINK, HINEY and HEINEN, 300 acres S25&26, T41, R3(or 13) $1005.
John F. WIDEMAN to J.A. JAMES lot in Festus $300.
James A. WILSON to Dennis W. WILSON, 170 acres, sur 1996 $3425
James T. MOSS to Chas KRAUSE, 320 acres, sur 1953 - $5000
~Annual Statement~
Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of
[Dollar amounts could not be transcribed]
R.W. McMULLIN (circus fees), Wm. MORRIS (road tax), S. LEVY (peddler), R. W. McMULLIN (saloon licenses)
Paid J.M. BURKE, election expenses, J.J. HOEKEN, work on streets, Jas. T. MOSS, same, R.G. HOEKEN, same, W.R. MORRIS, same, W.R. MORRIS, removing nuisance, R.W. MCMULLIN, clerk. Signed R.A. FRAZIER, Chairman, Board of Trustees.
~Annual Statement~
Showing the Receipts and Expenditures, the Financial Condition of the Several funds, and the Amount of Bonds, Warrants and Jury Script of Jefferson County, MO.
Outstanding for the Year ending
Cash from Herman HAMEL collected by him for this fund, Cash from W. E. DONNELL, ex-county clerk, expense in salary and by him …the treasury
Cash from D.M VEASEY, ex-circuit clerk fees
Cash from J.F. GREEN, ex-prosecuting attorney, by him collected from Thomas Moss, ex-collector, for this fund.
Transferred from Witness Fund
Cash from C.R. HONEY(?), circuit clerk, jury fees
Cash from F.J. SHEIBLE for A. PECANT, his share of F.J. SHEIBLE’s shortage.
Cash from Gen. D. FARNARD, over-charge on stationary.
Cash from township 43, range 6
Cash from Thos. J. LEE, paid by him for damage on road
[Other Expenditures -no surnames listed]
~Dirt Road Fund Receipts~
Cash received from Herman HAMEL collected by him for this fund
Cash received from county revenue fund…
Cash received from Jas. F. GREEN, ex-prosecuting attorney, collected from Thom. MOSS, ex-collector.
[Add’l Expenditures were listed that did not include surnames.]
State of
I, W. L. TOWNSEND, clerk of the county court and state
aforesaid, will hereby certify that the above and forgoing is a true and correct
statement of the Receipts and Expenditures and of the other matters set forth in
said statement of
{Seal} Witness my hand and the seal of the said court of office in Hillsboro, MO this 8th day of March 1892. W. L. TOWNSEND, Clerk of County Court
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Jane WINSOR, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 27th day of February 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. J.B. BAKEWELL, Public Administrator, March 10, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Patrick MARKOY, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 5th day of January 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Arthur O’BRIEN, Administrator, January 7, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Patrick MARKOY, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 18th day of February 1892, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Douglas CALOWAY [sic – Callaway ?], Administrator, February 18, 1892.
~Administrator’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Michael P. LYNCH, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 31st day of October 1891, by the Probate Court of Jefferson County, MO.
All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administrator within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be rescinded from said benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Mary P. LYNCH, Administrator, March 10, 1892.
~Assignee’s Notice~
Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of Joseph M. AUBUCHON, of the City of Festus, in Jefferson County, Missouri, that I will on the 11th day of April, 1892, at the office of Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT, in the Town of Hillsboro and the County of Jefferson, proceed publicly to adjust and allow demands against the estate and effects assigned to me by Joseph M. AUBUCHON, for the benefit of creditors, and will continue said hearing during the two following days.
March 3, 1892, F.W. BRICKEY, Assignee of J. M. AUBUCHON, C.E. KLEINSCHMIDT, Attorney
~Advertisements on this page~
[Ad] First and Last Chance! F.P. KENNER’s New Saloon, near the depot, Festus, MO. The best of wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco always on hand…
[Ad] Consumption Cured – Rochester, NY
[Ad] St. Louis Globe-Democrat – Weekly - $1.00 per year
[Ad] Riverside Stock Farm, Jefferson County, MO-Kentucky horses– Stallion Season; Tantalus 5410, bred by R. E. PEPPER, South Elkhorn Stock Farm, Frankfurt, KY; Stono, bred by John O. ROGERS and bro. Versailles, KY; Black Diamond, bred by John O. Rogers and Bro., Versailes, KY
[Ad] Hair Removal – Cincinnati, Ohio
[Ad] Maplewood Stock Farms, One Mile North of Hematite, J. Martine KERSHAW, Proprietor; The All-Purpose Horse: The Black Prince; The Jack: Reuben Napolean.
[Ad] Lord & Thomas – Chicago, IL
[Ad] Byrnesville Mercantile Co., Byrnesville, MO, General Store – Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ladies’ Hats, Notions, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions -Farming Implements, A specialty, from a Garden Hoe to a Steam Thresher, and cheaper than anywhere else, St. Louis market price paid for all kinds of Country Produce.
[Ad] Opera House Saloon and Restaurant, Festus, MO, by William GORMAN, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Cigars and Tobacco. Meals furnished in the best style, at all hours at reasonable rates. The celebrated Anthony & Kuhn’s beer for sale by the keg. Goods delivered to all parts of Festus and Crystal City.
[Ad] George BAKEWELL, O.M. MUNROE, Jefferson County Bank, BAKEWELL & MUNROE, DeSoto, MO.
[Ad] Conrad FINK, Aug NASSE, Wm. FINK – FINK & NASSE Wholesale Grocers. Coffee & Sugar a Specialty - 17 N. Main Street (Between Market & Chestnut) St. Louis.
[Ad] E. B. MAUPIN Auctioneer, Hillsboro, MO. Will cry the sale of all kinds of property in Jefferson County, at moderate charges and guarantee satisfaction. He will also open a Feed Stable on the first of January, at HOCKEN’s old stand, where stock will be well cared for. Give him a trial when in Hillsboro.
[Ad] F. AUBUCHON & Son, Dealers in General Merchandise, DeSoto, MO. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes….
[Ad] Drs. STARKEY & PALON’s Treatment by Inhalation. Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA & Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA. Please mention this paper.
[Ad] Don’t Buy Old Stoves and Furniture When you can buy new for nearly the same price of Louis WAPPLER, South Main Street, DeSoto, MO. A full stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Cooking and Heating Stoves for either Coal or Wood are kept constantly on hand, and we are determined to suit you in prices because we want your custom. Furniture repairing is a specialty. We also have a large stock of Coffins of all sizes. Give us a call.
[Ad] Iron Mountain Route! Great Through Line to Texas, Mexico and California. Only one change of cars to City of Mexico, San Francisco and Pacific Coast. Only one line to famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Write any agents of the Iron Mountain Route for tickets, time tables and further information. H. C. TOWNSEND, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, MO.
(Page 3)
We have not noticed any one making garden this week.
One million bean-poles wanted at F. C. VOLLMAR’s, Antonia, MO.
For drugs, medications, etc., go to the Opera House Drug Store, DeSoto.
We had an all-days snow, Monday. It average 5 inches in depth next morning.
Seed Oats! Black or White Seed, oats at VOLLMAR’s.
Misses Olivia OPES and Florence McMullin will teach the closing month of the Hillsboro school.
The prices at which HOEKEN & WITTRAM are selling their saddles and harness is remarkable. Call and be convinced.
For sale cheap – 15 colonies of bees in improved hives. Apply at HAMEL’s Harness Shop, DeSoto, MO.
From the looks of SPARK’s glass door, Sunday morning there must have been a picnic in town Saturday night.
Ladies! You can buy the neatest and most serviceable shoes at E. VOLLMAR’s. Call and see our display.
The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera House Drug Store.
The jail now has seven occupants, two awaiting the action of the grand jury, and five serving out sentences.
It is low prices and good that is causing the rush at HOEKEN & WITTRAM’s – Are you in it?
For Sale Cheap! Three sows and pigs and a lot of shotes. Apply to E. B. MAUPIN, Hillsboro.
~Licensed to Marry~
Charles WULF and Mary KADLETZ
George E. PERRY and Mattie E. REYNOLDS
Anything in the line of harness or leather goods, will be found in the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM at bed rock prices.
Go to the Opera House Drug Store for anything you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery, etc.
Henry LANHAM, of Dent County, is here on a visit to relatives. He is somewhat crippled up in his legs, but his tongue is as glib as ever.
Have you seen our Ladies $1 Button Shoe? Don’t fail to examine our stock. Bargains in all the lines. HOEKEN & WITTRAM.
For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD’s Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO.
Powell SPITZ, who was convicted of dynamiting fish, is now in jail serving out his fine. He was brought in last Saturday by Constable KIRK.
To Rent – A 40 acre farm; orchard and good spring. Near Zion. Apply to Mrs. BART, at Dr. KERSHAW’s Horine place. Post-office, Horine, MO.
An examination of the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM will surprise you. Their assortment is complete and their prices will suit everyone, quality of goods considered.
Prof. SCOTT, of DeSoto, is an applicant for the position of county school commissioner. He and Prof. DAVIS visited the hub last Saturday in his interests.
Green HUSKEY, a young man under indictment for stealing clothes from Mr. BAKER, of DeSoto, was captured and brought to jail by Jas. E. WILSON, last Saturday.
Nice hats and furnishing goods in great variety. Fine shoes a specialty and prices that are sure to please, in the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM. See that your packages are wrapped in red.
For sale – A fine farm, containing 186 acres. Good improvements, 60 acres in cultivation, good orchard, plenty of water. For further particulars, call on or write to M.F. BYRNE, Byrnesville, MO.
Mrs. McNEARNEY has been quite sick the past two week’s and for a time was near death’s door, but we are glad to know that she is now convalescing satisfactorily.
S. P. HARRIS, of near Sulpher Springs, will stand this season, the imported shire Spretbro Marvel, and also Hetspur, sired by old Silver Heels. For terms, etc., apply at his stables.
J.W. MATHIES, the Pevely merchant has opened a lumber yard at that place, as an addition to his business; and will make it to the interest of the people of that vicinity to patronize him when in need of lumber. Don’t forget it.
Mr. MONIG, of Jefferson City, writes me that he hopes to ship the rest of the library books ordered in ten days. Mr. R.W. McMULLIN has kindly consented to distribute them when they arrive. D.B. VEAZEY
For the finest in Gent’s neckties, hats, shirts, etc., go to E. VOLLMAR’s. We lead in style as well as low prices. Call and see out $4 Kangaroo Shoes. They are daisies.
Lost – On the 12th of March, a leather pocket-book, containing eighty-two $10 bills. Finder will be liberally rewarded for sending same to E.B. MAUPIN, Hillsboro, MO
Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup Ad….
The DeSoto Roller Mills took all the blue ribbons on flour at the fair. No other mill did or could compete. If you want good bread, buy only Lily White flour. If your grocer don’t keep it, go to the mill and HOPSON & LEPP will supply you.
Prof. SCOTT, of DeSoto, will perform the duties of school commissioner, by authority of Commissioner VEAZEY, until Mr. VEAZEY’s successor is appointed. Parties having business with the commissioner can confer with Prof. SCOTT.
For Sale at a Bargain – Two good work mules, young, large and well-broken. A first class team for all work. My reasons for selling are that I have rented my farm and do not need them. I also have two good mares for sale or trade. Call at my residence, or address me at Belew’s Creek post office. Joseph BECHLER.
Advertisement for HOEKEN & WITTRAM
Seed Potatoes! …For fancy seed potatoes, go to McKay & WITTRAM.
For Sale – a farm of 63 acres, 2 ˝ miles northeast of Hillsboro on gravel road about 45 acres plow land and 10 of wheat. Will sell cheap if sold soon. Inquire at premises. (Old WACH place). John L.W. TOENNIES
C. MONIG, partner of SPITZ in the conviction for dynamiting fish, came in last Monday and surrendered to the sheriff. He had paid the costs in his case, but said it would be impossible for him to pay the fine, so he would let the people pay it by boarding him in jail 25 days.
For sale or trade – The valuable and well known horse, ‘Forest Time,’ is for sale or trade, at a bargain. Call at my farm on Sandy, or address me at Jarvis P.O. – R.G. HOEKEN.
When winter’s wind with mad turmoil,
Sweeps over hills and plains,
‘Tis then you need Salvation Oil
To heal your aches and pains.
Circuit Clerk HONEY has the costs in the following state cases. Parties interested can call and get their fees: Martin KEARY, R.G. HOEKEN, John MATHEWSON, Lem ENGLAND, Sam HARRIS(?), Frank RUIS, Rob’t EVANS, Lilburn THOMAS, Frank DuBOSE, Al LONG, Jim [paper crease ?], Bob JACKSON.
$2 per day and liberal commission paid to agents to handle our new World’s Fair Book, the greatest selling book on the market. Act quick. Write for information. Interstate Publishing Co., 818 Wyandette St., Kansas City, MO.
For Sale – a Fine young horse. Will make a good stud horse. Iron grey, 2 years old, 16 hands high, good farm, from Norman mare. By Bernard registered No 2303. Any one wanting to keep a good stallion, will find a bargain in him. Apply to or address C. H. SMITH, Box 118, DeSoto.
R.A. FRAZIER, county lecturer for the Jefferson County Union, will deliver lectures at the following named places: Vineland Union, Thursday night, March 24; Mosstown Union, Friday night, March 25, and Avoca? Station, Saturday night, March 26, on the objects and aims of the order. We desire a full attendance of the members. R.Z. FRAZIER, County Lecturer.
Choice Seeds – Oats, Corn, Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, etc. at RATHBURN & HIGGINBOTHAM, DeSoto, MO.
We stopped late the recorder’s office Tuesday just as Judge ELKINS was performing the marriage ceremony uniting George E. PERRY and Mattie E. REYNOLDS. They were a rather youthful couple, but appeared to realize the importance of the step they were taking. The were accompanied by Misses Cora HAVERSTICK and Minnie PERRY and Messrs. John SHORT and Ed SCHREIBER, and it looked very much like there was material for two more weddings in the near future. All were from DeSoto. Mr. PERRY informed us that he had a house for his bride, already furnished, which they would occupy at once, and that there would be a reception at their home that evening.
I will sell my feed mill outfit for $650, or trade it for that amount of property in Festus, or a farm near there. It consists of a good 10-horse power traction engine and all belts, and mill in good running order. Call and see it. January S. LILLY, Festus, MO.
There is to be a road grader contest in this county on the first Tuesday in May next. The place selected for the contest is a mile north of the court house on the road leading from the gravel road past the BOOTH place. It has been suggested that the citizens interested in that road should make ready for the contest by removing such trees and grass that may be in the way; for the work done will be of a permanent character, thoroughly grading and ditching the road as far as it goes, and the fewer impediments in the way the more road will be made. We believe it is the intention to buy a number of readi-grading machines after the contest is over, and there should be present representative men – interested in good roads – from all parts of the county.
Notice – There will be a called meeting of the Grubville Stock Co. at their hall in Grubville, MO, March 19th, 1892 at 2 o’clock, p.m. for the purpose of transacting some special business. A full attendance of the stock-holders is desired. John S. McKAY, President.
Mr. VEAZEY, having been appointed to the position by the Burlington railroad company, being placed in charge of the advertising department of said company, resigned his office as county school commissioner and also as principal of the Hillsboro school. The school directors hated to give him up and the pupils united in a petition to him to remain until the end of the term, but the fact was his wages here were not such as his abilities justify him obtaining, and he had a good offer it would not have been treating him right to have insisted on his staying. He left, Monday, for his new field, and carries with him the best wishes of the entire population of Jefferson County. His family will still remain here, so we expect to see him quite often.
Last Friday, Mr. Henry BRADY, who lived about five miles north of Hillsboro, suddenly dropped dead from heart failure. He was 76 years, 11 months and 5 days old, but when we saw him last a few weeks ago he appeared to have the vigor and strength of a man of 60. We are informed that he had not complained or showed any symptoms of diseases until a few minutes before he died, and then his complaint was not such as to produce any idea of anything serious. Mr. BRADY was an old river man, but for the last twenty years or more had been living on a farm where he died. He was a man of more than average intelligence and information, but was quiet and unostentatious, attending strictly to this own business, and was generally liked by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, who is also quite aged. Mrs. BRADY has one son by a former marriage, W.K. VREELAND, who used to be well known around Hillsboro and Crystal City.
Everybody must have a reliable newspaper. To keep fully informed of the successive steps by which the impending political revolution of 1892 is wrought out, and the means by which the coming Democratic victory is won, subscribe for the “Twice a Week” St. Louis Republic. Its readers will get the important news at least half a week earlier than any weekly paper can furnish it, and, at the same time, it is unsurpassed as a home and family journal. The price is only one dollar a year. Subscribe now, or send for free sample copies. Address The Republic, St. Louis, MO.
It appears that we have been slandering Judge MADISON’s lost dog, by publishing her as slow; but it is not our fault as we gave the description as given us. The following is a full description as near as the Judge can give it from memory. Small black and tan hound bitch, 10 or 12 months old, bald faced, lashes of one eye white, possibly some white on neck and belly, and probably all feet white, end of tail white, marked with a small slit in one ear. The Judge considers her a valuable animal, as he purchased her as such, and is anxious to recover possession of her. He will pay liberally for information that will lead to her recovery. It is probably that she is in the possession of someone not many miles a way, and if so, on seeing this notice such person should at once take her home. For fear that he will not, everybody is requested to be on the lookout for her.
~Deaths and Births~
The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County clerk the past week:
July 5, 1891 – Patrick Byrns, age ---
Feb 24, 1892 ----Burkhardt, age 35 hours
Date Mother’s Name Sex
Dec 31, Mrs. Fred MILLER, girl
Feb 20, Horace(?) McLAIN, boy
Feb 23, Valentine BURKARDT, boy
Mar 5, Vic NEIL, girl
Mar 6, John F. McBROOM, boy
Mar 3, Louis KRAUS, boy
Mar 6, Charles KRASS [Kraus?], boy
Mar 4, Wm. HELTERBRAND, girl
Take Notice –
Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that whereas one Joseph WEIDE obtained by fraud my note for $30.00 in a horse trade, the animal traded me belonging to Henry GUNTHER in Washington County, I have stopped payment on said note as it was obtained by fraud. The said Joseph WEIDE, (or WHITE in English), is a man of medium height, with blue eyes, rather wild in appearance, Iron grey hair and moustache, speaks very slow and speaks English very brokenly. He claims to be a doctor, and also a Pinkerton detective employed by the Pension Department, with Badge No. 11. Such is false, I having received a letter from that department with information to publish him as a fraud. W. J. JAHN, Valle Mines, March 11, 1892.
Sherman PALMER took a flying trip to Bonne Terre last Sunday.
M. WILLIS of Festus visited his father-in-law, C. KNORPP, last Sunday.
Minnie KNORPP, our post office clerk has been on the sick list the past week.
Mr. JENKER went back to Festus Thursday and returned Saturday with his daughter Blanche to A. KAUSLER’s, where they intend to remain awhile.
A sad accident happened to Wes. KNORPP last Wednesday, while bowing some timber for a barn. The broad ax missed the timber and hit his feet, of which he cut the little toe entirely off and also split the feet. It was much feared that the foot would have to be amputated, but the wound is improving very rapidly.
Miss Lena KAUSLER visited her intimate friends the Misses KNORPP, last Thursday, March 18, 1892.
As there have been no items from this place for quite a while, I will write a few lines to represent it. They will be such as people like to see and hear.
Rock Creek is booming in every respect.
There has been plenty of wet weather lately.
Wheat has begun to look more natural since the late rains.
Some of the farmers around here are preparing to sow oats, but owing to the wet weather they did by little.
The F&L Union Store of this place is doing a flourishing business under the management of Frank W. DOHACK, Jr.
August KRUDER is improving his farm by building a dwelling house on it.
Effects of the grip remain in parts of this locality.
John PINTNER, of near Rock Creek, has moved to Bear Creek. He bought a place there, where he intends to reside until he sees a better chance.
Caspar KROPA, who has been very sick for the past two months, is still bearing toward his eternal home. Mr. C. KROPA has been an intelligent man in this neighborhood and the people will hate to lose such a man of their community. But they cannot conceal what God would reveal. March 4, 1892.
~Irondale Items~
Green Bean is still sick, otherwise health is pretty good.
Mr. HEWESON, the Presbyterian minister, preached here last Sunday to an attentive congregation.
Dr. PRIMROSE, the Evangelist, will commence a series of meetings April 1st, at this place.
The public school closed the 2nd of this month. Mr. GARRET and Miss JORDON were the teachers.
The same afternoon quite a crowd assembled at the residence of Mrs. HIGHLEY to witness the marriage of her sister, Miss Cinda JORDON to Mr. O.E. RADDATZ, of Utah, Rev. D.J. MARQUIS officiating. The bride look lovely in a dress of fawn colored Henrietta cloth. The groom was attired in the accustomed suit of black. They left on the following Monday for their western home.
The little folks had a party at Mr. ARNOLD’s on the afternoon of the 7th, in honor of his little granddaughter, Miss Ethel ARNOLD, it being her fifth birthday. She received several nice presents. After enjoying themselves as none but little ones can and partaking of the refreshments that Miss Ethel served they returned to their homes happy.
And Miss Ethel, as the lovely opening rose, Each hour doth new beauties disclose, So may you, my little flowered fair, Reveal fresh beauties every year. March 10, 1892. Mrs. D.J. M.
[Column 5]
Public Sale – Andrew BAITS/BUTTS, living on Hematite and Hillsboro Road, will sell his household and kitchen furniture, at public auction on Saturday, March 19th, 1892. Terms – Sums of $5.00, Cash; on sums over that amount, a credit of six months, on note with approved security.
Several large advertisements:
F. HACKE has just bought, directly from the factory, one carload of sized and wooden beam plows, one carload of agricultural machinery of all kinds and one carload of Empire Harvester machinery – binder, droppers and mowers.
Farmers in need of machines of any kind should call on HACKE, before buying elsewhere, and examine his goods and prices. HACKE pays the freight and sells machines, plows, etc., as cheap by retail in DeSoto as the can be bought of the biggest wholesale house in St. Louis.
None but the best materials - no common stuff in anything HACKE sells. He has a large supply of the following implements on hand:
Steel Cultivators $14-$20, Sulkey Hay Rakes $16 - $22, Top and Spring Buggies, with leather quartered tops $55-65, Two-seated Spring Wagons $45-$85.
And every farmer who needs a plow or cultivator should come to DeSoto and see HACKE. He has the best plows ever made and sells them at the lowest wholesale prices. I guarantee everything I sell.
F. HACKE, Agricultural Machinery and Implement Warehouse, Pratt St., DeSoto, MO (Opposite the City Roller Mills)
Call at the Bonne Terre Farming & Cattle Co.’s Store, Herculaneum, MO, and see what they can do for you in the way of Choice Family Groceries, Canned Fruits & Vegetables, Provisions, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots & Shoes, Fresh Garden Seeds, Garden Tools – In fact, anything you may want. This store works in harmony with their Mammoth Establishment at Bonne Terre, with which it is connected by wire, and anything not in stock can be furnished on short notice. Country Produce taken in Exchange.
Bankrupt Sale. Having purchased the entire stock of Gent’s Furnishing goods, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, etc., of the late firm of J.M. AUBUCHON & Co., at less than 50 cents on the dollar, I am able to offer goods this line at just one half of regular prices.
Children’s Suits 75 cents, former price $1.50 - $2.00
Boy’s Suits $2.50, reg. (3.50-4.50)
Men’s Suits $3.50, reg. (5.00-6.00)
Knee Pants 25 cents, reg. (50-60 cents)
Boy’s Vests 25 cents, Men’s Pants $1.00, Boy’s Overshirts 25 – 50 cents, Boy’s & Men’s Hats 50 – 75 cents, Children’s Hose 5 cents, Ladies Hose 10 cents….
Those wishing Bargains should call early in order not to miss this rare opportunity.
B. SCHWETZER, Dry Goods and Clothing Palace, Opera House Block, Festus, MO.
HURTGEN & HUBELI Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers, Hillsboro, MO
-Also keeps a full supply of Stalk Cutters, Carts, Riding and Walking Plows
Buggies and Harness, Riding and Walking Cultivators, and all kinds of Farming
Implements as cheap as can be bought anywhere. Call and see us when you need
any work or machinery in our line. HURTGEN & HUBELI
Granite & Marble, DeSoto, MO
John SCHNEIDER, Head Stones, Tombs, Mantles, Etc., At Lowest Prices. Special attention given to designing and creating first-class cemetery improvements.
DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H. E. ZORN, the Dentist (Up Stairs) Corner of Main and Clement Streets, DeSoto, MO
Jacob LINDAUER, Houses’ Springs, MO., General Blacksmith & Wagonmaker. Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Coffins and Burial Casks, at Lowest Prices.
Adam CHEVAILLIER, M.D., Diseases of Women, Skin Diseases, Tumors and Cancers. Will be at Commercial Hotel, DeSoto, MO; March 11 – 16, 1892.
New Country Store! Glade Chapel, Jefferson County, Missouri. Will aim to keep an assortment of all goods needed to supply my customers and sell at the lowest profit.
All Country Produce. Taken at the highest market price. A liberal share of public patronage respectfully solicited by Mrs. Anna FRAZIER.
~Notice of Election~
Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1892, at the county clerk’s office, in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, MO, for the purpose of electing a Board of Trustees for the inhabitants of the town of Hillsboro.
{John SHELTON, James T. MOSS, Ed GREEN, Judges of Election}
Hillsboro, MO March 17th, 1892.
MOCKBEE HOUSE (Clark’s Hotel), Hillsboro, MO. Boarding by day, week or month. The best of fare and satisfaction guaranteed. Custom is Respectfully Solicited. A Feed Stable is also kept in connection with the hotel. William MORRIS, Prop.
BRYAN’s Saloon, Hillsboro, MO, Opposite the Court House. Good Wines, Liquors, Cigars
and Green Tree Beer always on hand.
From East to West…. the soap that leads the rest. Clairette Soap. Made only by N.K. FAIRBANK & Co., St. Louis, MO.
The Home Market of Jefferson County, F. C. VOLLMAR, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Hats and Caps, Clothing, Provision & Cutlery. Antonia, MO.
J.M. MATHEIS, General Merchant, Pevely, MO.
Louis GREVE’s General Store is the place to get your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Provisions, Hard, Glass, Wood and Everything usually found in a General Store. Agent of the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford. Pevely, MO.
VICKS Floral Guide contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables….Over 100 pages 8 x 10.5 inches. Instructions how to plant and care….Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties…James VICKS’ SONS, Rochester, NY
Closing Out – Big assortment of Odds and Ends, Remnants and Pieces, From Stocktaking at the Crystal Plate Glass Co. Store. If you want to avail yourself to the best bargains ever offered, come and see us at once.
The Jefferson Nursery, near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, MO.
Fine and good assortment of Fruit…H. JORGEN, Prop.
John SPARK’s Saloon (Vollmar’s Old Stand) Hillsboro, MO.