One million hoop-poles wanted at F.C. VOLLMAR’s,
Gents! For the nicest hats, shirts, neck ties, etc., go to VOLLMAR’s.
Mr. W.H.H. THOMAS, wife and son, Frank, visited
For drugs, medicines, etc. go to the Opera House Drug Store, DeSoto.
Wanted – A good blacksmith. Apply to Millard HUSKEY, Ware, MO.
The prices at which HOEKEN & WITTRAM are selling their saddles and harnesses are remarkable. Call and be convinced.
Mrs. Adam NACE?
Ladies! You can buy the neatest and most serviceable shoes at VOLLMAR’s. Call and see our display.
Licensed to Marry: Ira A. GARNER and Delphia E. SWISHER; Henry M. EOFF and Lucretia A. NULL.
The latest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera House Drug Store.
Go to the Opera House Drug Store for any thing you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery, etc.
It is low prices and good that is causing the rush at HOEKEN & WITTRAM’s – Are you in it?
Miss Mary HOEKEN started last Monday for Morrow, Ohio, where she expect to remain some time with family.
Aug. SANDER, opposite Opera House in DeSoto, will pay the highest market price for beef cattle, etc.
Hugh LLOYD, who is teaching the
Anything in the line of harness or leather goods will be found in the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM at bed rock prices.
Have you seen our Ladies $1 Button Shoe? Don’t fail to examine our stock bargain in all the lines. HOEKEN & WITTRAM.
Joseph BROWN, of
For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD’s Commercial Exchange, DeSoto.
Wanted – a boy to work on a farm. Good wages.
C.H. SMITH, near
Public Administrator BAKEWELL will sell all the personal affects of Mrs. Jane WINSER [Winsor?], deceased, at late residence of deceased in DeSoto, on the 21st last.
An examination of the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM will surprise you. Their assortment is complete and their prices will suit every one, quality of goods considered.
All teachers wishing to attend a three month’s Institute
course at
Nice hats and furnishing goods in great variety. Fine shoes a specialty and prices that are sure to please, in the stock of HOEKEN & WITTRAM. See that your packages are wrapped in red.
Seed potatoes of the Early Ohio variety, from one of the
best potato growing regions in
Mrs. John M. REPPY and her little daughter returned last
week from their visit to Mrs. REPPY’s mother, in
We have had a severe attack of la grippe for over a week, and it has come nearer putting us to bed than any sickness we have had for nearly thirty years. It may throw us yet.
Notice – I have two stallions to put out on shares. Maxie Cobb, sired
by Silverheels, is a fine saddler and a three fourths
draft Clydesdale and Percheron. Will make good terms with a
reliable party. S.P. HARRIS,
J.W. MATHIES, the Pevely merchant, has opened a lumber yard at that place, as an addition to his business; and will make it to the interest of the people of that vicinity to patronize him when in need of lumber. Don’t forget it.
The DeSoto Roller Mills took all the blue ribbons on flour at the fair. No other mill did or could compete. If you want good bread, buy only Lily White flour. If your grocer doesn’t keep it, go to the mill and HOPSON & LEPP will supply you.
Capt. WASHBURN and wife were in town last Saturday on business. The Captain is 71, and Mrs. WASHBURN is 70 years of age. Both are hardy and strong and bid fair to live to be centurions.
For sale – a farm of 63 acres, 2 ½ miles
northeast of
For sale – a fine young horse. Will make a good stud
horse. Iron grey, 2 years old, 16 hands high, good form, from Norman mare. By Bernard registered No. 2303. Anyone wanting to keep a good stallion will
find a bargain in him. Apply to or
address C.H. SMITH,
Charles JEUDE has taken charge of the Pevely blacksmith shop, formerly owned by Louis JEUDE, and will run it so as to give satisfaction to customers. Work will be done promptly and in first-class style.
Some moving was done in town last week. Charley TAYLOR moved to Gus SPILKER’s house
down the creek, just vacated by Wm. ALEXANDER, who moved to DeSoto. John SPARKS moved into his new purchase, the
house vacated by
[Column 3]
Mr. James T. MOSS sold his Glaize creek farm this week to Charles KRAUSE, for $5000 cash, and he is also to get this year’s rent.
Choice seeds: Oats, Corn, Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, etc.
Mr. Geo. BRECKENRIDGE, of near DeSoto,
has two sons who will start for
To rent – A 10 acre farm; orchard and good
spring. Near
Lost – A slow hound bitch, 11 months old, black and tan
color, half of face and eye brows white.
Information of same will be liberally paid for by. R.G.
G.E. MARSDEN and Geo. W. RUSSELL have purchased the hack and ? ? between
Prof. FLYNN, of the Gazette, was in town Monday. Some of the boomers of the
Ad – Dr. HULL’s cough syrup
Ad – World’s Book Fair,
Big River boys made “Squire McFARLAND’ withdraw that $10 reward for the man who fired his straw stack. It turns out that it was an old stack, of but little value, and had been fired by one of his own boys, to get rid of the carcasses of some hogs that had died under it, of cholera.
Ad – Salvation Oil for neuralgia, Baltimore, MD.
F.W. STRATTMAN of Festus, died last Monday, after a lingering illness. He had worked for years in the mining department of the Crystal Glass Works, and his illness is supposed to have been the result of some kind of poison inhaled. He leaves a wife, but no child.
Notice – There will be a called meeting of the Grubville Stock Co., at their hall in Grubville, MO, March 19th, 1892, at 2 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of transacting some special business. A full attendance of the stock holders is desired. John S. MCKAY, Pres.
For sale at a bargain – two good work mules, young, large and well broken. A first class team for all work. My reasons for selling are that I have rented my farm and do not need them. I also have two good mares for sale or trade. Call at my residence, or address me at Belew’s Creek post office. Joseph BECHLER
Mr. and Mrs. McNEARNEY’s baby boy died last Monday night, after a short illness of inflammation of the brain. It was buried Tuesday in the Catholic cemetery at DeSoto. Mrs. McNEARNEY has also been quite sick and friend Simon is having a serious time of it. We extend our heartfelt sympathy.
P.P. O’BRIEN’s fine horse, Auber Jr., will make the coming season at his residence tow miles northwest of Cedar Hill. Auber Jr. is 4 yrs. Old, 16 hands high, weights 1500 lbs., was sired by Percheron Auber, and his dame is a full bred Clydesdale. He is dark steel gray with black points, one of the most stylish and best made horses in the county. See bills.
Eli PERKINS – On “The philosophy of Wit and Humor’, or “Now to Cause Laughter’, at the Opera House, DeSoto, Friday evening, March 11th. Reserved seats 50 cents, general admission 35 cents. Do not fail to improve this opportunity of hearing the foremost American humorist.
Mr. R. COXWELL and Rev. KENYON visited Hillsboro last Thursday in the interest of the Eli PERKINS lecture. It is the hope of some of the good citizens of DeSoto to have a series of lectures during the coming month, and the lecture of tomorrow night is the opening experiment. If it pays, it will be followed by others.
I will sell my feed mill outfit for $650 or trade it for that amount of property in Festus, or a farm near there. It consists of a good 10 horse power traction engine and all belts, and mill is in good running order. Call and see it. January S. LILLY, Festus, MO.
Bro. DENHOLM, of the Facts, made us a pleasant call last Monday, and as we could not talk, we let him do it all. His is talking of booming a grand scheme, which would be a good thing for DeSoto, as well as other parts of the county. It is an electric road from DeSoto to Hillsboro. But little grading would be required, and when it got this far it would be apt to continue on to the Regina clay mines, and then there would be a chance for a factory at DeSoto.
One day last week, two freight trains ran together down near Bismarck, and made a big wreck which blockaded the road for several hours. As usual, it is impossible to get information as to the cause, loss, etc., but one thing which can not be concealed is that a brakeman named J.B. BERRY, was killed. He was a resident of Jackson, MO and his body was shipped home for burial.
Last Friday, the LUCKEY School closed. Miss GLENN, the teacher, deserves a great deal of credit in the interest she has taken in her pupils. The house was crowded; friends as well as parents were pleased with the entertainment. When the hour came to bid farewell to the dear teacher, it was sad to say good bye, although their little hearts beat with gladness to know they were free again.
[Column 4]
Everybody must have a reliable newspaper. To keep fully informed of the successive steps by which the impending political revolution of 1892 is wrought out, and the means by which the coming Democratic victory is won, subscribe for the ‘Twice a Week’ St. Louis Republic. Its readers will get the important news at least half a week earlier than any weekly paper can furnish it, and, at the same time, it is unsurpassed as a home and family journal. The price is only one dollar a year. Subscribe now, or send for free sample copies. Address The Republic, St. Louis, MO.
For Sale or Trade – The valuable and well known horse ‘Forest Time’ is for sale or trade, at a bargain. Call at my farm on Sandy or address me at Jarvis P.O. – R.G. HOEKEN
~County Court~
County Court was in session this week, attending to various kinds of business. Collector HAMEL’s annual settlement was approved. It showed a total collection of over 93 percent of the taxes.
There were several bridge contractors present, but the lowest bidder on the Byrnesville bridge was the St. Louis bridge and Iron Co., and the contract was awarded them for bridge, piers, all and all, at $4,100. Judging from their other work in this county, they will do a good job.
J.F. HAEFNER was appointed Justice of the Peace of Joachim Township to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of Esq. JENNINGS.
$300 was appropriated for repair of rock road in district No. ?, to be appropriated under supervision of J. H. WINER.
Full report of other proceedings will be published next week.
~Pleasant Ridge~
Our school closed yesterday after a seven months school with an exhibition by the children; Miss Lizzie KLENN, the teacher, being master of ceremonies. The attendance by the patrons was good, as all the parents were present. The school and exhibition were a success. We can boast of as good a school there is in the county outside of DeSoto. Thanks to our last two teachers, Mrs. Anna WITTRAM and Miss Lizzie KLENN. We believe in teachers who will infuse the school with a spirit of progress, and go ahead, and we believe that the old system of teaching is as much out of date as would be the old sickle in the harvest field.
We are having lots of rain and oceans of mud.
The wheat is looking tolerably well, though a small acreage.
Joe HAMILL has left us for his new home in Saline County. We feel that we lose a good neighbor and the county a good citizen.
We are receiving mail at Andrae addressed to the Big Four. We would like to know the addresser as his documents may be of some value.
There is some talk of a daily mail from DITTMER’s Store via Andrea to Catawissa. When we look back four years we see the progress of time.
A. MYERS has moved on the Joe HAMILL farm.
We hear of B. F. LOLLAR having bought a farm near Bethlehem Church.
The health is about normal.
What’s the matter with Box 29, Andrae, MO? No mail.
The carnival season ended here on Monday last with a “? Masque’ in the Opera House, given under the auspices of the “Jolly Five C.C.’ The affair was a success indeed. The hall presented a picturesque moving wave of pretty and ugly merry masks, all bent on making the best of the last in the season. Music, management and all were good. Prizes, two handsome flower baskets, were presented by the costumer and flouriste, Mrs. ROTTER [transcriber note: Mrs. ‘Rotter’, the ‘florist’], of St. Louis, to the prettiest and ugliest masks on the floor. The first was received by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. TAINAN, as Romeo and Juliet – but the second - Jerusalem! It fell into the paws of two quadrupeds, disguised as the ‘Two Johns’, who were no other than our handsome “mare’ Bill HUFF and that everlasting “Hog” BROWN, the Arlington saloon keeper. Well, they made ugly faces at the crowd but after unmasking, they like St. Pete, went out and smiled. And to conclude with, I must say that a splendid supper, spread by the proprietors of the Opera House and Caterer POSCH, helped to swell the costumes and the fun, and at six a.m. all waltzed home.
~Byrnesville News~
As the topic in our neighborhood at present is the long expected and much needed bridge, I will say a few words in its favor. I think that if a bridge is necessary anywhere in the county, it is going to be put in the right place this time, as there has been several lives lost in attempting to cross here, and it will benefit the county as well as this vicinity.
There have been weddings in our neighborhood lately. Mr. Geo. EDE to Miss Willie Ann DACE, and Mr. Al CREASON to Miss Fannie TUSELY [sic – TUSLEY ?]. The latter couple has gone to Kansas to live. Some of the fair damsels must have taken advantage of leap year and put Woman’s Rights in force. Hope that they young ladies will not forget they have a certain privilege this year.
Miss Agnes DUNIGAN has gone to the city to spend a few weeks with relatives.
Miss B. LYONS is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry BRIMER, of Byrnesville.
The choir of the Catholic Church is improving very nicely under the auspices of Miss Mary BYRNES. The sopranos are Misses Mamie GEATLY [sic – Geatley ?] and Anna BYRNES; alto, Miss Agnes DUNIGAN, tenor; Mr. John T. BYRNE; Mrssrs. J. DALTON and Pat McDERMOTT, bass.
Valentine time is about over. The young ladies of this place were not forgotten, but were remembered with pretty valentines.
Our school is progressing nicely under the careful attention of our worthy teacher, Mr. J. DALTON.
~Valle Township~
One of the saddest accidents that has happened in our midst for a long while occurred at ARMBRUSTER School house in district 2, township 9, on the 23rd inst. A little boy of Emil HENTCHER’s, in trying to get into the school house, was caught under the window sash and hung by the neck until dead. Bill McCONNELL passed near him in all probability in time to have saved his life, but thought he was looking in the house. This occurred in sight of his father’s door.
Quite a gay crowd visited Adda and James NULL at 143 Sidney Street, St. Louis, last night, consisting of Frank BRACKENRIDGE [sic - Breckenridge?] and Miss Cornelia TULLOCK, Albert CRAIN and Miss Hattie R. McMULLIN, Will McMULLIN and Miss Jessie NEER (Noce?, Neck?), Will BRECKENRIDGE and Miss Georgia HAVERSTICK. The last couple they say went by land or in a buggy, but was back in DeSoto by 11:30. They found Richard WILLAIMS at James NULL’s. He says he is coming home next week, eye or no eye. He has been gone from home six weeks and he thinks he is about well, but has lost the sight of his eye.
Next Monday BRECKENRIDGE’s boys and Will McMULLIN will leave for Fresno, CA.
~Oak Hill Echoes~
It has been some time since I have taken the pleasure to chronicle the events of this vicinity in your paper, and as no one else seems communicatively inclined, I will again endeavor to acquaint the outer world with our present existence and progress. The latter, however, is sadly impeded just now by a teraqueous mixture about knee deep, occasioned by recent rains. Still our county roads have not a great number of these mud holes. I only know of three or four around here, but they extend on an average about ten miles each. I think I could die happy if I could find one of the men who oppose the expenditure of money on the roads of ‘minor importance’, and would be allowed to take him in tow for about two hours on our best. I would further agree to pay his funeral expenses and furnish fitting obituary eulogies.
Mrs. BLACK, who has been very ill for some time, is slowly recovering.
James MEDLEY and James MORRIS are now residents of our community. We gladly greet them as neighbors.
Nathanial OGLE, of Dowling’s Creek, has several geological specimens. One in particular is worthy of mention. It has the exact appearance of a petrified wasp nest. The shape, the formation of the cells and cavities, and even the fastening at the back are the exact counterparts of the ordinary wasp nest.
Mrs. Jesse LUCAS has been ill but is recovering.
Nicholas MUGLER sold his farm to Joseph GONZ lately. Joe is getting to be quite an enterprising farmer. He also purchased the Baxton tract adjoining this farm some time ago.
Mrs. Louisa NUELLE of St. Louis is visiting her mother, Mrs. BLACK.
Wm. GUIBOR sold his black horse last week.
Francis BLACK traded horses lately, so did yours truly, -Investigator.
~Knorpp News~
Plenty of rain and mud lately.
Sherman PALMER had moved from T.H. HASSE’s house, and has taken possession of Wm. MOCKER’s house.
Wes KNORPP, our road overseer, is improving the roads at present. Mr. KNORPP always takes much interest in the roads, as he keeps them in very good condition.
Last Thursday night a freight train on the Bonne Terre Railroad was wrecked on section No. 2, but no damages were done, and nobody hurt.
Mrs. A.P. STEMMETZ (Stenmetz?) left our midst last Friday evening, and returned to St. Louis, leaving her little daughter, Florence, at her aunt’s Mrs. KREIGER.
Miss Emma KOESTER, of KOESTER Mill, visited her friends, Miss Rosa NUSSBAUMER and the Misses KNORPP, last Friday.
Miss Lena KAUSLER has been suffering very much with a sore hand; but we are proud to hear that her pains have been released.
Mr. JUNKER made a flying trip to Albert KAUSLER’s son a week ago.
Hannie KNORPP returned home last Wednesday from a week’s visit at relatives and friends in Festus, and reported having a grand time.
Mrs. SYKES has been visiting relatives in St. Louis the past week.
Mrs. NUSSBAUMER is visiting friends in DeSoto since Friday.
Sophia KNORPP went to Festus last Wednesday to visit her friends.
The KNORPP post office and store is booming.
Wm. STRINGFELLOW has not recovered yet.
Public Sale – Andrew BUTTS, living on the Hematite and Hillsboro Road, will sell his household and kitchen furniture, at public auction on Saturday, March 19th, 1892. Terms – Sums of $5.00 cash; on sums over that amount, a credit of six months, on note with approved security.
Seed Potatoes! Choice Northern Early Ohio Rese and Hebron. For Fancy Seed Potatoes, go to HOEKEN & WITTRAM.
[Column 6]
Ad - HURTGEN & HUBELI – Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers, Hillsboro, MO
Assignee’s Notice – Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of Joseph M. AUBUCHON, of the city of Festus, in Jefferson County, MO, that I will, on the 11th day of April 1892, at the office of Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT, in the town of Hillsboro and County of Jefferson, proceed publicly to adjust and allow demands against the estate and effects assigned to me by Joseph M. AUBUCHON, for the benefit of creditors, and will continue said hearing during the two following days. F.W. BRICKEY, Assignee of J.M. AUBUCHON; C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Attorney.
Granite and Marble, Headstones, Tombs, Mantles, Etc. – John SCHNEIDER, DeSoto, MO.
DeSoto Dental Rooms – Dr. H. E. ZORN
All Country Produce – Mrs. Anna FRAZIER
MOCKBEE HOUSE (Clark’s Hotel) Hillsboro, MO – William MORRIS, Prop.
BRYAN’s Saloon, Hillsboro, MO, opposite the Court House
F.P. KENNER’s New Saloon – near the depot, Festus, MO
Patents – Chicago, IL
Clairette Soap
F.C. VOLLMAR – Dry Goods, Antonia, MO
J.W. MATHIS – General Merchandise, Pevely, MO
Louis GREVE’s General Merchandise, Pevely, MO
VICK’s Floral Guide - James VICKS’ SONS, Rochester, NY
Closing – Crystal Plate Glass Store
The Jefferson Nursery, located
near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, MO
A fine assortment of Fruit
trees…..H. JORGEN, Prop.