January 14, 1892
A rumor is current to the effect that Joseph
PULITZER of the New York World is about to start a newspaper in
Stringtown has been on a boom of late, building dwelling houses
and barns.
Mr. SIEVERS has sold his entire stock
of goods at the springs with the intention of closing up.
entertainment at House's Springs Christmas Night was quite a success. A large
attendance was on hand.
Christmas and
New Year passed off quietly in this vicinity, nothing of a startling nature
having occurred.
Sickness in
this neighborhood has been quite common for the last month, and our doctors are
busy. The most prevalent ailment is la grippe in its various forms.
The Local
correspondent spoke of the woman preacher at Cedar Hill with her pet monkey
holding services there. We should not infer from that, that the monkey was to
any way connected with the preachers missionary work at that place.
Mr. Ned
LYONS, the colored citizen of this township, was shot between the eyes with
small shot some time since, by some person concealed in his stable loft. The
shot entering the forehead glanced around the skull and lodged in the back part
of the head. Dr. GUIBER picked most of the shot out. I have understood that the
shot was battered and flattened as a pan-cake. The old gentleman is not
seriously hurt. Big
A snowstorm and cold snap are unwelcome visitors at
A protracted
meeting with Rev. FLEMMING officiating, has been in progress here the past week,
resulting in a few conversions.
The Valle and
Avoca schools both closed last Friday, and the children seem sorry. From reports
both schools did well. The new books had been adopted in the Avoca school, but
not in the other.
The aged
grandmother of your correspondent died one day last week at her residence in
A spelling
match society has been organized in the Avoca district. We hope it may bring
forth good results. It meets every two
Calvey Creek
Ripples: A heavy snow fell Tuesday and Wednesday.
report several cases of la grippe in this locality.
One of our
young men visits Grubville very frequently. Wonder what the attraction
Our school is
progressing nicely under the able management of Miss Annie ANDRAE.
an aged widow lady of this place died at her home last Friday. Her remains were
laid to rest the following day in the Dittmer's Store cemetery.
A very sad
accident occurred at Hemker, Franklin county, Mo.,
three miles southwest of this place, Thursday evening about six o'clock. Fred
HEMKER while playing with a revolver accidentally discharged the weapon, the
ball taking effect to his brother James' left temple killing him
instantly. Calvey Creek
Notice (Only names and dates are listed)
James S. IRWIN
Executor Dec. 17, 1891
Deaths and
The following is a list of deaths filed with the County Clerk for the
Name of Mother
Dec. 26, Mrs. William
27, Perry
7, Jas.
21, Thos. C.
20, Philip
12, David WILLIAMS,
dead boy
13, John
15, Pierre
12. John
21, Wm.
5, Wm.
5, James
31, Jos. T.
31, J.W.
26, Jacob
23, Godfrey
24, Fidelo
23, Herman
Jan. 1,
List of Conveyances
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending
on last Thursday.
Clementin ZIRMAN to Fred
HACKE 3 lots in De Soto $700
M.F. TYREY, ?0 acres, sec. 11-40-2, 75
Herman MEYER, ?83 acres, sec. 10-41-5, ?627
L.C. HALE to F.
W. SCHNAPPE, 50 acres, sec. 4-39-4
E. B. FROST to Lucy FROST 103 acres, sec.
56-41-3 1000
25 acres, sec.32-25-3 257
COLLINS 50 acres, sec. 32-40-4
John PLATNER to Catholic CHURCH 35 acres,
sec. 50-43-3 700
John PLATNER to Chris
SCHOEN 40 acres, sec.
29-43-3 400
Jacob KUECHEIMEISTER 40 acres, sec. 16-42-5 200
Henry HUNICKE to
T.J. HUNICKE 10 acres, sec.
5-42-5 100
subdivision, 700
Louis DRYER to
Ernst DRYER 80 acres, sec.
5-41-3 108
L.W. GAMEL to J.H. and W.A.
GAMEL part survey
1348 650
Ben MENTCHER to Phillip
WAMSGANG 1 1/4 acres, sec.
5-89-5 5
G.H. ROTH to Phillip
WAMSGANG 80 acres, sec. 8-25-5
Elsie COOPER to C.C. COOPER, 120 acres, sec.
35-43-4 275
LANDAYT lot in De
Soto 75
M.C. FROST, et al, to
Elizabeth MCKAY 170 acres, sec. 19 and
56-41-3 1
Sheriff's Sale
Thomas M. ROBERT
alias Thomas M. POLITTE, hearing date December 31, 1891, will sell at the court
house door in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the
following real estate: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section
five, in township thirty eight, of range four east, containing forty
Magdelene HUBER and Anton
HUBER, hearing date December 22, 1891, will sell at the court house door in the
town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the following real
estate: all of block number one hundred and twenty one of the city of
Joseph A. GARNER, Henry H. WERASE and Joseph OSBORN, hearing
date, December 23, 1891, will sell at the court house door in the town of
Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the following real estate: the
north half of section seventeen, township forty two, of range four east,
containing three hundred and twenty acres.
Heirs of Abraham GOTTSCHALK,
hearing date December 22, 1891, will sell at the court house door in the town of
Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the following real estate: 80
acres, the east half of the southeast quarter of section fourteen, in township
forty, of range four east.
Administrator's Notice
Estate of Michael
Notice of
sale under School Fund Mortgage: Whereas on the tenth day of May 1887, Ludwig
YEIDA and Catherine YEIDA, his wife, borrowed of the county of Jefferson, State
of Missouri, the sum of one thousand dollars of the capital school fund of said
county, and to secure the payment, executed and delivered to said county, for
the use and benefit of said school funds, their mortgage deed, conveying to said
county the following described real estate: lot number ten, in block number two,
in the town of Pevely, also lot number seventeen in block number four in said
town of Pevely, also lot number eighteen in block number four in the town of
Pevely, also the eastern half of lot number nineteen in block number four in
said town of Pevely, did default and the sheriff will sell at the court house
door in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the above
real estate.
Notice of
sale under School Fund Mortgage: Whereas on the fifth day of March 1888, A.
SINGER borrowed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars belonging to the
capital of the county school, and to secure payment A. SINGER and his wife M.
Ursula his wife, executed and delivered to said county, for the use and benefit
of said school funds, their mortgage deed, conveying to said county the
following described real estate situated in Jefferson County, Missouri the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section number eighteen, in
township number thirty nine, north of range number five east containing forty
acres, more or less, also the following: commencing at the southwest corner of
the northeast quarter of section number twenty one in township number thirty
nine, range number four east, did default and the sheriff will sell at the court
house door in the town of Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the
above real estate
and SARAH F. his wife, Deed of trust,
(now more than nine months dead) and Mary F. MORSE his wife, Deed of trust
Notice is hereby given that I will
tender my resignation as guardian of John ZICKENRATH insane person, to the
Probate court of
Order of Publication:
State of Missouri County of Jefferson
In the probate court of
William E. TERRY hearing date, December 22, 1891, I have levied it upon
and seized the following described real estate and property, lying and being in
Jefferson County, Missouri as the property of William E. Terry and described as
follows: 40 acres, the southwest quarter of section ten, in township forty of
range four east, and I will sell at the court house door in the town of
Hillsboro, Jefferson County, State of Missouri the above real estate for cash on
hand to the highest bidder. E. B. MAUPIN
To-morrow the
James J.
WILSON, SR.. will preach next Sunday, the 17th, at
One million
hoop-poles wanted at F.C. VOLLMAR's,
Rubber boots
at bottom prices, at Ed VOLLMAR's,
Walter GREEN,
from the Gazette office, helped us get our paper up this week.
For drugs,
medicine, etc., go to the Opera House Drug Store,
good blacksmith, Apply to Millard HUSKEY, Ware,
Deputy Sheriff
FORREST moved into the jailor's residence after Mr. MAUPIN moved
Wanted----Black Walnut, Cherry and Cedar Logs, at Hamel's
Lumberyard, in
We have had
now, over a week of regular winter weather, the coldest for three
The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the
Opera House Drug Store.
Mrs. Mary EVERS, of Rock Creek has been very sick
since Christmas, but is now on the mend.
Go to the Opera House Drug Store
for any thing you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery,
Aug. SAUDER, opposite Opera House in
John SPARKS is filling up his Ice
house with a good quality of Ice from the creek near
If you want
to buy good goods for little money, give the Square Deal Clothing House a
For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to
Max FROMHOLD's Commercial Exchange,
WILSON is sick this week, and Mr. VREAZEY has been helping him out with
editorial work.
The only marriage license issued by the Recorder during
the past week was to Frank EDSELL and Miss Annie MUSIC.
A new lot of
men's fine shoes and children's school shoes just arrived at VOLLMAR's. Call and see them and learn prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
A Silverheel-Denmark
stallion, 16 1/2 hands high, weighs 1200 pounds, 3 years old in May, and coal
black, for sale by James VAUGHN,
We learn from
The Methodist
held their quarterly meetings in
A red heifer, 1 year old past, marked swallow fork in right
ear and split in left, is at Peter STROUP's. The owner
is requested to call, pay expenses and get his property.
The largest and
cheapest stock of men's and boys' clothing ever seen under one roof in
The burning out of the flue to the
Recorder's office stampeded the court last Tuesday forenoon. The old walls
smoked so that it looked for a while like the house would burn down.
Rent--- a good four room house with stables. If required, about midway between
News came
last week that Hon. Sam BYRNs and his wife were both
sick, at his father's at House's Springs. They are there yet, but we have not
heard anything from them this week.
Just received ten cases of the
celebrated Dunlap & Stetson goods from
Attention of
farmers is called to the stump puller advertised in this paper. I If you want to
see the machine work, to be convinced that it will do what is claimed for it,
call at Mr. ELDERS' near
Mrs. Peter
Strayed----three steers, two
years old next spring; one red, one light yellow, and one red and white spotted;
two of them marked with split and underbit in right
ear---the other unmarked. Will pay liberally for their recovery, Address Bazile HINEY,
Remember that
Hon. Richard DALTON will speak at the courthouse to-morrow evening, and go
and hear him. Mr. DALTON is a prominent candidate for Democratic nomination
for Governor and the people ought to get acquainted with him.
"I have
found out a gift for my fair." Naturally it may be supposed it is a flower for
her hair, a diamond for her finger, or a box of candy, but it is far better than
these. It is a bottle of that famous Salvation Oil to cure her neuralgia, pretty
The grip still has the town and is making its presence felt in
every family, being somewhat partial to the women. Mesdames SPILKER, STELBRINK,
Arthur BREWSTER volunteered to assist
our pressman last Thursday, and in the attempt to put on some extra maneuvers
got the ends of three of his fingers badly mashed. His barber shop has not been
running since. We are sorry for Arthur as he is an energetic boy, and so often
meets with misfortunes.
Rev. FRAZIER can not meet his appointment at
Cedar Hill, on account of sickness. He and his entire family have been down with
the grip, and he is not well enough yet to get out.
Take notice----There
will be a regular meeting of the Grubville Stock Co. at their hall in Grubville,
January 16th, at
John S. McKAY, President
McDERMOTT, Secretary.
A public installation and
supper by Perry V. FLETCHER W. R. C., at the Opera House,
There will be a Box Supper and Entertainment at
Hattie McKAY, Secretary
A son of Mr. HEMKER, of
near Grubville, aged about, 15, was accidentally killed on the 7th last. He and
his little brother were playing with a pistol which was not thought to be
loaded, when it fired, sending a ball through his head and killing him
instantly. There seems to be some doubt as to which boy had hold of the pistol
when it fired.
A young man named Thomas NEWMAN, who was working for Mr.
SCHLOFFKE, at Horine, got badly hurt last Saturday, and it is feared his
injuries will prove fatal. He was cutting a tree down and when it got ready to
fall he ran to get his saw out of the way, when the tree struck him, cutting a
gash in his head and mashing one leg. He was unconscious for some
The Collector will begin next week, making out notices to those who
have neglected to pay their 1891 taxes. A great majority of them who have not
paid owe only a few cents, but it costs as much to enforce a five cent tax as it
does a twenty dollar tax. The tax must be collected if possible, and it is
foolish for people to wait for personal notice to be served on
Sheriff MAUPIN has leased and taken charge of the VOLLMAR
hotel in
One of my children having had a severe
case if whooping cough, I was induced to try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the child
was entirely cured by the use of two bottles. In view of the above, I deem it a
pleasure to forward this testimonial of it it's
The young man,
Wm. MORTON, who had his leg amputated, as reported in our column last week, died
on the 8th inst. One of the arteries broke, and he bled to death before it could
be stopped. He was a son of Mr. W.W. MORTON, of Belew's Creek, and is said to
have been a young man who was well liked by all his acquaintances. He was Mr.
MORTON's only son, and his sad death is a great blow
to the bereaved parents.
Miss Emma DONNELL gave a vocal and instrumental
concert, not long since, at Cape Girardeau, for the benefit of some church
society at that place, and the Cape papers are quite liberal in her praise, as
she no doubt deserves; but to convince the public that she is a songstress and
pianist of more than ordinary talent, they credit her to St. Louis. Miss Emma is
county girl, of
whom we are all proud, and the
Robert HICKS, of
To Miss Viola DONNELL;
Accept, kind friend, my thanks
For the lovely gift of the glad New
Believe me, I will prize it ever,
And think with
love of the fair giver.
O, may this new year be to
A golden voyage o'er life, a fair sea.
May not a
cloud obscure thy skies,
May not a tear dim thy sweet
But may they life glide on as sweet
As the
pure waters of a lake.
The Savior be thy friend and
And keep thee ever near his
There was a meeting in
$80; Pevely,
$13.40; Seckman, $8.96; Festus, $20. There was quite A lengthy discussions as to
the lists of books and the prices at and persons from whom they might be
purchased, and finally a motion was adopted, recommending that each district
prepare a list of the books it intends buying and send the same, accompanied by
the necessary amount of money, to Mr. VEAZEY, county commissioner, who will act
as purchasing agent and buy the books all together, at the best advantage, thus
making a great saving in cost of carrying. It is probable that he will make
arrangements by which the books can be secured at the prices noted in the School
Journal, delivered free of express or freight charges. All the district officers
who wish to avail themselves of Mr. VEAZEY's services
in this matter, are requested to make out their list of books and send to him at
The Hamel Manufacturing Co., of De Soto, submitted plan, with
prices, for library cases, which was explained to those present, but none of the
delegates were authorized to make any contract on cases. All who have libraries
will want cases to keep the books in and it will be well for them to consult the
Hamel Co. in regard to same.
Shekina Lodge A.F. and A.M.,
of Festus had a banquet and public installation of officers last Saturday night.
The attendance of Masons was one of the largest ever seen in this county. Lodge
was opened in the hall, after which they marched to the opera house where R.W.
William RICHARDSON, D.G.M., installed the following list of officers; J.P.
SNEDEN, W.M.; J.G. MOORE, S.W.; D.B. FROST, J.W.; F.A. BRICKEY, Treasurer; J.O.
COVER, Secretary; A.MOORE, S.D.; W.F. HOLT, J.D.; Jas. S. IRWIN and G. GARDNER,
Stewards; and R. BRADY, Tyler. After the installation a grand supper was
provided in the opera house hall. There were fifty plates, and the ladies and
other outside guests filled the first table. Mrs. PHILLIPI favored the company
with a couple of songs, Miss Emma DONNELL playing the accompaniments. Price's
quadrille band was present, and after the first
tableful had eaten, music and dancing commenced. Our
informant says that it was one of the most pleasant affairs he ever attended,
and he is an old-timer.
Circuit court opened Monday, with Judge GREEN
directing affairs, C.M. HONEY attending to the record, and papers, E.B. MAUPIN,
assisted by Harry DAHL and W.M. WILLIAMS, looking after the sheriff's duties,
F.R. DEARING to prosecute offenders, and a grand jury to furnish offenders to
prosecute, composed of W.J. McMAHAN as foreman, W.R.
Joseph FITE. The last named four with Mr. MCMAHON, were picked up to fill the
places of B.C. BERRY, Thomas STOUSE, A.H. MOORE, Harry WILLIAMS, and JESSE
MAUPIN, excused.
The case of
State vs JOPLIN and FERRELL, the two colored boys
indicted for putting obstructions on the railroad track at Sulphur, was
dismissed. There never was any evidence against them except that of another
colored boy who is know to be worse than they.
The first
case tried was that of Mr. MELLON against
Fred J. SHEIBLE died at his residence in
country newspaper office; we could leave the paper in his charge for weeks at a
time, confident that everything would go on as well as if we were present. We do
not expect to ever fill his place.
Mr. Sheible was a member of the I.O.O.F. and also the Knights of
Honor, and had insurance in the two organizations, for the benefit of his wife
and children, aggregating $3000. He leaves a wife and seven children. His two
eldest daughters are nearly grown, the other five are all small. It is very,
very sad that they have been deprived so early in life of their natural
protector. Mr. SHEIBLE made friends wherever he went, and during his eleven
years residence here had become one of the best known and most popular men of
the county.
F.J. was the
youngest of a family of twelve, and would have been 41 years of age the first
day of next month. His father, four of his sisters and one brother are yet
living. He was buried in the
Seckman Echoes
Herman BAUM has been at Berresheim's for a whole week, sawing stovewood.
Mrs. D.F. DIERKS, Mrs. Jake REIDER and
Martin REIDER are all down sick, but I hope they will soon recover.
WALDORF came down on a flying visit Monday, in a fine sleigh. Nobody knows where
he stopped.
Charles ROLF
had three visitors last week. They went hunting a couple of days and killed some
quail and rabbits.
We are having
winter at last, snowing now and then, and cold weather. Last Saturday was the
coldest day of the season, two below zero at Berresheim's store. If it gets much colder the birds will
freeze to death.
Seckman, Jan.11, 1892