There is a move on foot in
From House’s Springs
…..J.E.C. WILSON, the oldest
resident of this place, has removed with his family to
The rain of last Thursday and
Friday must have been very heavy near the source of Big River, as the raise in it was altogether
out of proportion to the amount of rain that fell here. The water flooded all the low bottoms, and
was nearly as high as it was in the extraordinary flood of a year ago.
Silas MAUPIN has moved to his
farm at the mouth of
Frank BURGESS will occupy the
farm and residence recently vacated by Silas, near Byrnesville. From the amount of furniture I have seen
coming from
There is and has been lots of
LaGrippa in this locality, but it is not so severe as it was last year.
Yesterday there was a law
suit here, before Esquire SCHULZE. A Mr.
BRAUER brought a charge of assault and battery against
some parties who reside near Cedar Hill; but upon hearing the evidence, the
jury thought he did not make out a case, discharged defendants and let the
plaintiff in for costs.
It is only a few days until
the 4th of March, when the country will draw a sigh of relief over
the almost miraculous escape she had in not being saddled with the infamous
measure, known as the Force Bill. Had
that bill passed the Senate and been made a law, then we could have said farewell
to individual liberty, to the rights of States, and to everything belonging to
our institutions, of which American citizens are justly proud.
House’s Spring,
Deaths and Births:
The following is a list of
the deaths filed with the
Feb 20,
Henry BRAHMERLOH, 10 yrs.
Feb 22,
William HOHGRAFE (Hografe?), 2 yrs.
Jan 25, Mrs. J.W. NULL, boy
Jan 30, Mrs. W.F. MCKEE, girl
Feb 9, Mrs. Julins THUSAND, boy
Feb 10, Mrs. Samuel OGLE,
Feb 16, Mrs. Fritz OCTJEN (Octgen?), boy
Feb 17, Mrs. David WHITE,
Stringtown Strings
Wheat looks promising in this
Mr. CLEVELAND’s letter,
denouncing the sliver hill, is not relished by Democrats of old Meramec.
Allen DEWITT is improving his
farm by rebuilding the barn and making some good new fences.
Michael BOEMLER met with quite
a loss by the death of a fine young stallion, valued at $300.
Miss Jennie BYRNS, of
Plattin, is visiting relatives near House’s Spring,
and Charley GALBOR, of
Since my last writing, some
of our people had quite a move on: Mr. WILSON of House’s Springs
moved to
“We bachelors are on the wing,
our leave having expired, consequently we’ll move to
some other vicinity. Our friend, Abe
CROMWELL, who is no stranger in these parts will move where we have lived, and
we would say to our neighbors, we hope that Mr. CROMWELL’s neighborly kindness
may be as pleasant to you all as yours has been to us. Meramec Twnshp, Feb. 25th.
The Jefferson Nursery located
near Kimmswick, Jefferson Co., MO
A fine and good assortment of
fruit trees – apple, peach, pear, cherry, plums and quince, and berries of
every kind, at prices – low – to suit the times. Myself or agent will
call on you for your orders. H. JOBGEN,
Resolutions of Respect
At a regular meeting of New
Liberty Union, No 338, held February 21, 1891, the following preamble and
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, it has seemed best
in our Heavenly Father to transfer to the Union above our late brother, George
W. GAMBLE; and while we bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things
well, our hearts are none the less made sad, as we remember that his place
among us if forever vacant….
George MURRELL, Committee
List of Conveyances filed
with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:
Bessie DAVIS to C.
CUNNINGHAM, two lots in DeSoto…$42.
George DURGAN (Durgin?) to John C. THORP, four lots in DeSoto…$50.
Bessie DAVIS to George R.
RATHBUN, two lots in DeSoto…$60.
Hattie A. SMITH to John V.
FISK, 52 acres, section 6 tp 39 range 5…$400.
Eugene AMOR to G.T. LANHAM,
80 acres, sect 32 tp 41 range 4…$100
George R. RATHBUN to J.R.
CUNNINGHAM, two lots in DeSoto…$30
Charles CUNNINGHAM to J.R.
CUNNINGHAM, two lots in DeSoto…$50
Sullivan FRAZIER to H.F.
BOUGHTON, two lots in Victoria…$500
C.C. HALSTEAD to James F.
GREEN, four lots in DeSoto….$240
George R. RATHBUN to John F.
PERKINS, two lots in DeSoto…$60
(Ruch?), lot in survey 416….$650.
M.E. BOUGHTON to Sullivan
FRAZIER, six lots in Hillsboro…$500
George FICKEN to Minnie S.
GUTHRELL, lot in Festus…$650
LYNCH, two lots in DeSoto….$300
Henry LEPP to Lila H. ALFORD,
lot in DeSoto…$90
C.M. BRANT to Wm. C.
FAIRBANKS, two lots in DeSoto…$175.
Samuel CUMMINS to Chas.
WINER, 120 acres, sec 26, tp 38, range 4…$400.
Bernhard SCHNEIDER to
Catharine MUELLER, 80 acres, in sect 4, tp 41, range
Sylvester WILSON, by trustee,
to Matilda WILSON, lot in Festus…$450.
A. PECANT, by trustee, to
Selmer GRANDJEAR (Grandjean?), lot in DeSoto…$1000.
Arthur, 17-yr old son of
Thomas LITTLETON, of this place, has made a complete railroad engine by hand,
with the exception of the four drive wheels, which his father purchased for him
in St. Louis. The engine has two
cylinders and runs with steam as smooth as any large engine. It is reversible, and by means of a simple movement
of a lever will run backwards or forwards.
Arthur has it attached to the engine at the Alliance mill and by means
of a small pipe, connected with the steam pipe of the Alliance engine, he keeps the little one running at full tilt. He is now working on a boiler, to be placed
on top of the engine; afterwards he will construct a – and tender and one
coach, and then he will build a line of railroad with a gauge of seven
latches. When finished it will be a
wonder, and for industry and genius will place young LITTLETON ahead of any boy
of his age and experience. -Fredericktown Plainsdealer.
By Car Loads
Steel and wood beams, plows,
rolling coulters, cultivators and corn planters are sold by the undersigned at
retail at wholesale prices. Give me a
call before purchasing elsewhere. New
ground plows, with coulter, from six to eight dollars. Remember that I receive carloads of plows
direct from the factory, which are retailed at wholesale prices. F. H HACKE, Desoto, MO
Fine Cigars and Liquors – Southeastern
Sample Room – F. A. KAIN, prop., 101. N. Sixth Street, corner Chestnut, St.
Louis, MO.
Frank J. HAMPEL, Maxville, MO
– Hartford Fire Insurance Co.; Bloomington Nurseries!
Mortgagee’s Sale – Whereas
John H. MORSE, by his chattel mortgage, dated June 18??, and recorded in Book
‘K’ at page 186 of Jefferson County, Missouri Chattel Mortgages, conveyed to
the undersigned and Henry STELBRINK all the growing crops on the west half of
the survey, in township 41, range 2 east, consisting of hay, etc. them
against the payment of a school fund mortgage to Jefferson County, Missouri on
which they had signed as securities, and the said James A. WILSON having been compelled
to pay part of said mortgage, now in accordance with the previsions of said chattel
mortgage, I will sell all the hay that was raised on said land that remains
there, on the premises, on Saturday, the 14th day of March 1891, for
cash to the highest bidder. James A.
WILSON, Mortgagee.
Administrator’s Notice –
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration of the estate of George
W. GAMBLE, deceased were granted to the undersigned on the 17th day
of February, 1891, by the probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri.
All persons having claims
against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the
undersigned within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be
precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims be not exhibited
with two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever
barred. Sullivan FRAZIER, Administrator.
Administrator’s Notice - Notice is hereby
given that letters of administration of the estate of Victor C?? (Cravath?), deceased were granted to the undersigned on the
31st day of January, 1891, by the probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri.
All persons having claims
against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the
undersigned within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be
precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims be not exhibited
with two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever
barred. J.B. BAKEWELL, Public
Executor’s Notice – Notice is
hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of John CIHAK, deceased,
were granted to the undersigned on the 25th day of August,
1890. All persons having claims against
said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor with one
year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit
of said estate, and if such claims be not exhibited with two years from the
date of this publication, they shall be forever barred. Joseph CIHAK, Executor.
Trustee’s Sale – Whereas,
Homer P. WILLIAMS and Amelia C. WILLIAMS, his wife by a certain deed of trust,
dated – day of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight acknowledged on the 20th day
of July 1888, and recorded in the Recorder’s office in Jefferson County, State
of Missouri, in Book 17, page 563, conveyed to the undersigned the following in
the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to wit: Lots numbered twenty
one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, and thirty-four
of William H. BELL’s Sulphur Springs Tract, according
to a plat of - subdivision by William C. JAMISON which said plat is recorded in
the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County, State of Missouri, the said lots
containing according to said plat in the aggregate the – of forty four ---
acres; also block number twenty of Silvan Heights
subdivision of U.S. Survey no’s 2005 and 2009, according to a plat of –
subdivision, which is recorded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County,
State of Missouri, said block containing the quantity of three acres more or
less, it being the same block on which the ‘Montesano Hotel’ formerly
stood. Which said conveyance to the
undersigned was made in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory
note in said deed of trust described; and whereas default has been made in the
payment of a portion of the said described in and secured by said deed of
trust; Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note, and in
pursuance of the conditions, of said deed of trust, the undersigned will, on,
Wednesday, the 13th of March, 1891, between the hours of 9 o’clock
in the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the court house
door, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, proceed
to sell the above described land for cash, for the purpose of satisfying the
balance due on said note and the costs of executing this trust. Michael KEBER, Trustee.
Trustee’s Sale – Whereas,
August NEIGLE and Cecilia NEIGLE, his wife by their deed of trust dated
December 6, 18?? and recorded in the recorder’s office
of Jefferson County, Missouri in trust recorder book No 15 (16?) at page ? conveyed to the undersigned trustee, the following in the
County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to wit:
All of block number nine in
William J. ADAM’s subdivision of part of US Survey….
Which said conveyance to the
undersigned was made in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory
note in said deed of trust described; and whereas said note has long since
become due and payable and remains unpaid, and the said August NEIGLE has been
dead more than nine months…. at the request of the legal holder of said note,
and in pursuance of the conditions, of said deed of trust, the undersigned
will, on, the ? of March, 1891, between the hours of 9
o’clock in the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
court house door, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, State of
Missouri, proceed to sell the above described land for cash, for the purpose of
satisfying the balance due on said note and the costs of executing this trust. J.E. SWINK, Trustee.
[Note: The below notices are
too blurry to completely transcribe:]
Trustee Sale
Rene F. [this surname is about 11+ letters}
Trustee is Connie
Sold at the
courthouse on Sat. Mar 21, 1891.
Trustee Sale
Samuel SIMPSON and Sandy? SIMPSON, his wife
George A. WITTRAM, Trustee}
Trustee Sale
William JEWETT and Elizabeth JEWETT, his wife
E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff
Sold at the
courthouse on Sat. Mar 21, 1891.}
Sheriff’s Sale as Trustee
Christoph HUBER and Christine HUBER, his wife, by their deed of
trust, dated March 4, 18??, and recorded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson
County, Missouri, in Trust Record Book No 36, on page ???, conveyed is
Christian KEARNER (KOERNER?) as trustee, the following described real estate,
situate in Jefferson County, Missouri, to wit:
The southwest fractional
quarter of section twenty one, township forty one, range five east, containing
twenty nine and forty hundredths acres, acquired by deed recorded in the
recorder’s office of Jefferson County Missouri, in book P, at page ???.
Which conveyance was in trust
to secure the payment of promissory notes therein mentioned and described; and
whereas, said notes have long since become due and payable, and remain unpaid,
and where as it is – in said deed of trust that in ……of Jefferson County,
Missouri, shall execute said trust, and the said Christian KOERNER having
refused to act, now therefore at the request of the legal holder and owner of
said notes, and in pursuance of the Authority in me given by said deed of trust
publication is hereby given that I, the undersigned Sheriff of Jefferson
County, Missouri will on, Saturday, the 31st day of March, 1891, between the hours of 9 o’clock in
the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the court house
door, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, sell at
public auction the real estate above described for cash, to satisfy said note
and the expense of executing this trust.
E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff
Order of Publication
Emma H. McNUTT,
plaintiff vs. Robert S. McNUTT, plaintiff – For
.. on this day comes the
plaintiff herein, by her attorney, Thomas HORINE…Grounds of abandonment…failure
to support plaintiff and their child and provide a life for them, and plaintiff
further asks for care and custody of their child.
And unless the said Robert McNUTT be and appear at this court
at the next term….
C.R. HONEY, Circuit Clerk
Tinware – John GEATLEY, practical Tinner,
Scheve, P.O., MO
Jefferson House, by Fred WAPPLER, Main Street. DeSoto, Liquors, Beer and Wine
New Brick Livery, Feed &
Sale Stable, Main & Boyd Streets, DeSoto, MO-A.L. FRECH
J.W. SMITH, Senate Saloon, S.
Main, DeSoto, MO
DORRANCE Portrait Studio,
South Main Stree, DeSoto, MO
MOCKBEE HOUSE (Clark’s Hotel)
Hillsboro, MO
Elmer KEMPE, Dry Goods,
Notions, Boots and Shoes
E.B. MAUPIN, Auctioneer,
Hillsboro, MO
New Country Store, Glade
Chapel, All Country Produce, Mrs. Anna FRAZIER
For the ladies – Butterick’s patterns, The Prim Millenary Store, Mrs.
GEATLEY and Mrs. WARNER, Prop, Main Street, DeSoto, MO
Wine, Beer and Liquors, 14
mile House, Lemay Road – Aug. KASSEBAUM
E. VOLLMAR, Dry Goods,
Groceries, Clothing
Items of News
Henry JOBGEN was in Hillsboro
this week, selling fruit trees.
William SLOAN, of Potosi was
visiting friends here this week.
For plain
and fancy stationary go to the Hillsboro post office.
Bill BRYAN is wrestling with
a supposed felon – on his thumb.
Mrs. Edward HANSON, of St.
Louis is visiting Chris HUSKEY’s.
Good Seed Oats for sale by
F.C. VOLLMAR, Antonia, MO.
G.W. LANHAM will attend the
Baptist College at Farmington, this Spring.
Mrs. John H. REPPY
accompanied her mother to Arkansas, to visit her relatives.
Bushels of
seed oats for sale by W.S. JEWETT, Crystal City.
John KEISKER’s wife and
children are quite sick. Lagrippe is said to be the ailment.
Regular winter weather
prevailed the past week, the coldest of the season being Tuesday night.
Mrs. FITE, of St. Francois
County was visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary P. GREEN, last week.
Married in
Hillsboro, March 3, 1891, James M. HUSKEY and Miss Mary J. WILSON, Judge ELKINS
D.M. FERRY’s fresh garden
seeds for sale at the Hillsboro post office.
Wanted at Flucom, Jefferson County, MO: 50,000 half barrel hickory
hoops. Must be well shaved.
Mrs. Sarah POST, an old lady
residing in Desoto, died on the 22nd ult., and was buried on the
following day.
For all kinds of building
material call at the cash store of Jos. J. HOEKEN.
Mrs. J.P. DOUGHERTY and her
son, Raphael, of Fenton, came up to attend the wedding of her brother, Thomas
Mrs. BUTCHER of Prescott, AR,
who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.H. REPPY, for the past month,
returned home last week.
50 bushels of White Bonanza
seed oats for sale by J. BLEIKER, Hillsboro, MO.
L.B. NULL and Alda Jackson, both of near Antonia, were united in marriage
February 25, 1891 by Judge ELKINS, in Hillsboro.
William MORRIS has been under
the weather for a few days, and his brother, Joe has been doing his chores
around the Mockbee House.
Go to HOEKEN’s cash store for
all kinds of school books and school materials.
Herman POSCH of Festus, the
bartender in the county, was in Hillsboro last Friday. He was considerably more docile than of yore.
Since Mr. LITTLE has moved to
Sandy and seen fit to take our devil with him, we have taken the contract to
make a devil out of Gussie SPLIKER.
Subscriptions to all
newspapers and periodicals received at the Hillsboro post office at club rates.
Mrs. Herman SHERMAN slipped
on the ice last Monday, fell and broke one of her arms near the wrist. Dr. ELDER fixed up the wounded member.
Mrs. STEEL left, on Saturday,
to visit relatives in North Missouri.
Her niece Miss Jennie LEE of Grubville, is
keeping house for the Professor and family in her absence.
D. S. FRAZIER bought the
young stallion, Harry of the West, from Chas. T. JARVIS, and will let him serve
a few mares this season at his (FRAZIER) stables, on Sandy.
The finest
assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera House Drug Store.
and other delegates of the Farmers and Laborers Union were here last Monday,
fixing up a plan for a farmer’s insurance organization for this county.
Lucinda MITCHELL, an old
colored woman who used to do washing in Hillsboro, died last month, at the
cabin she was existing in, on Big River. She was destitute and was buried by a neighbor.
Wanted – Black Walnut, Cherry
and Cedar Logs, at HAMEL’s Lumberyard, in DeSoto.
Mr. E. MURPHY, a young and
intelligent looking lawyer, of Hillsboro, Ohio, has settled in our city with a
view to practice. He is a graduate of
the law school of Ann Arbor, Michigan – DeSoto Gazette.
Butcher BOUGHTON will move to
his new home in Victoria this week, and Squire FRAZIER intends to occupy the
BOUGHTON house. Frank says he will
continue to furnish Hillsboroians with beef, pork and
If you want a No. 1 cooking
or heating stove, call on Jos. J. HOEKEN at his cash store.
Licensed to marry – L.D. KULL
and Alda JACKSON, William KYLE and Martin (sic?) McDANIEL, James
M. HUSKEY and Mary J. WILSON, Herman STRESE and Elizabeth KREIDMACHER, Andrew
There was a slight of hand
performance at the court house Saturday night, which was not well attended,
owing to the inclemency of the weather; but those who were present, speak well
of the ‘conjuror’ and his tricks.
Boots and shoes, for people
of all sizes and ages, at the cash store of Jos. HOEKEN, Hillsboro, Mo. See the
low prices.
The Mirror was a little
premature in saying that Tom LANHAM was to marry last Thursday. Tom is still wandering about in single
cussedness, but it is quite likely that he will enter a state of double
blessedness before the moon changes.
The Missouri Legislature has
passed a law restraining domestic geese from running at large. We object to this measure, as it is a direct
slap at our ex-devil, Arthur BREWSTER, whose geese have always seen to it that
our hogs would waste no corn.
We learn through a letter
from Harvey SELLMER, that John M. SKAGGS, formerly of this county, is now
engaged in breeding fine stock at Knobel, AR. He has a six weeks old colt for which he has
refused $200 in cash.
Fritz ALFELD (Atfeld?), who has been shaving hoops at Antonia the past
year, intends to go down near Bailey’s Station and work up the poles in that
country. He is a good shaver, always
pays the market price for poles, and comes up to his contracts.
It is quite probably that you
may need the services of a physician some day, but can postpone the time
indefinitely by keeping your blood pure and your system invigorated through the
use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Prevention
is better than cure.
Mr. Alex COOPER, of near
Cedar Hill, seems to have gotten into some trouble by acting as attorney for a
neighbor names BRAUER. Squire SCHULZ is
trying to convict him of making a false affidavit, but it is not likely that
there is anything to it.
The James HUSKEY farm on Big
River was sold in partition, by the Sheriff last Monday. Edward ILLUSON was the purchaser at the price
of $2631. The land was sold subject to
the homestead of the widow and minor children, or it would have brought much
A.K. BOYD was around Monday,
with his head and hand bandaged, looking like there might have been a contest
at his house to decide who was boss. He
was assisting in taking down some trestle work for the railroad company, when a
timber fell on him and knocked him down.
It was lucky that he was not worse hurt.
A. MEYER was appointed
postmaster at Kimmswick last week, in place of M.F. SPALDING, removed. Dr. SPALDING, the old postmaster, was a
Democrat, and the delay in his removal was occasioned by a disagreement among
the local Republican bosses. We judge from
the appointment being made that peace now reigns in the camp.
A large lot of harness,
saddles, bridles, etc., the property of a Mr. STILES from St. Louis, was sold
here at auction last Saturday. It was
mostly of a very cheap class, but the purchasers seemed very well satisfied
with the bargains. The stores throughout
the country will not sell much of this line of goods for some time, as the
demand has been pretty well supplied.
Augustus R. STEARNS, infant
son of Arthur and Emma STEARNS, died Friday, February 27th of
pneumonia, at his home in East St. Louis, Ill.
His remains were brought to DeSoto the following day, and the funeral
took place at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Services
were held at the home of Mrs. STEARN’s mother, Mrs. M. EULER, by Rev. G. GEKLER,
pastor of the German Evangelical Church.
For some time we have been
wondering what had become of Con. SHEN, the harmless railroad tramp who spent
most of the last winters in our poor house.
This week we were informed by a reliable person that Cornelius had been
left a legacy of some $6,000, by a relative in Ohio, and that he is now
enjoying life under the care of a guardian.
We hope he may live many years to enjoy his treasures.
Mr. G. F. BOOTHE requests us
to inform the people of this county, that the reason why he does not visit the
different neighborhoods and give the people a chance to become acquainted with
him before the April election, is that he is engaged in teaching school, and
his term will not end until a few days before the election. His school was some delayed this winter,
owing to sickness among the children.
“Lena M. PERRY, born Aug. 29,
1852, died Feb. 27, 1891. Funeral
services next Sunday, at 2 o’clock p.m. at the M.E. Church, South in DeSoto, to
which all friends are invited,” so read a funeral notice receive by mail by us
last Sunday. We have since learned that
the deceased was the wife of Comrade Ed PERRY, Commander of the GAR Post at
Desoto. We have not been informed as to
the cause of her death, but we know it must be a sad blow to friend Perry, and
we hereby extend our sympathy.
Notice is hereby given that
the annual meeting of the Rock Township Mutual Protective Society will be held,
at Antonia on Saturday March 7, 1891, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of electing
officers for the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may be on
hand. All members are expected to be
present. George MARTIN, Pres., E.
John ROESCH (Boesch?) has returned from a three months visit to the
place of his nativity, Canton St. Gallen, Schwiez, whither he had gone to see about an inheritance left
him by his sister. He informed us that
the estate left him will aggregate some $8,000; that he has been paid only a
small portion of it, because the matter has not had time to be properly
adjusted in the courts, and that it will take from six months to a year before
he will receive the full amount. He
intends to stay will us until then, when he will probably invest his means in
real estate securities.
Messrs. Birkhead
A. MERRILL, of the Star Stables in St. Louis, according to advertisement, had sixteen ? and mares in Hillsboro
last Saturday for sale or trade. They
made three or four sales and a couple of trades that we heard of. They had a better class of animals than
anyone expected to see – in fact, just such animals, if all right, are taken from
here to the city for sale, and hence everybody was suspicious of them. They are good talkers and made as fair
offers, so far as letting parties test the animals was concerned, as anyone
could ask; but they hold out for pretty stiff prices.
Seckman, March 2
Mrs. John ZUFALL was visiting
our merchant and would have gone to see more of her old friends had time
Wm. SCHWALBERT had a stable raising on the 28th ult,
and those who helped him had good time, drinking beer and playing cards. William always treats those who help him to
the best, and we know should he have another raising
they would all aid him.
There was a surprise party at
Judge SECKMAN’s on the night of the 28th ult,
but I did not learn whom they surprised.
Frank LORENZ and Esquire
BERRESHEIM went down to DeSoto today, to buy a monument for some of their
deceased relatives.
F. HACKE, of DeSoto, is
making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at St.
Louis prices. They are the best and
lightest running wagons extend. Go see
them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wages guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Mr. MORRISON and family
reached here last Friday and are now occupying their new home, the HUSKEY
place, adjoining Hillsboro. This is what
the Audubon (Iowa) Advocate says of him: “Mr. D. A. MORRISON and family leave
Audubon County, next Friday, for Hillsboro, MO., where they will make their
future home and Mr. MORRISON will engage in fruit raising. During his eleven years residence in this
county Mr. MORRISON has made many friends, who will regret to learn of his
intended departure. As a teacher in the
schools of the county, for the greater part of his residence here, he has proven
himself to be a capable educator and the impress he has left upon its youths
here have been for good. The Advocate
goes with him to his new home and wishes for him and his prosperity in the
Public sale – Mrs. Elizabeth
HARNESS will dispose at public auction, on her farm three miles south of
Frumet, March 14, 1891, thirty head of cattle and thirty-five hogs. Terms: $5 and under, cash; nine months credit
on sums over that amount, on notes bearing six percent interest from maturity.
Seed Oats
300 bushels
of seed oats, at 50 cents a bushel; good and pure seed. Address J.H.
WILSON, Vineland, MO
Brice’s Creek
Alex DAHL has left for
pastures new and parts unknown.
Mr. William KYLE has left for
the wild and wooly West.
The F&L
Union of this vicinity, in increasing every meeting.
Wheat looks very good, not
withstanding the bad weather.
There is to be a show at
Hillcrest school house on Tuesday night.
Joe BECHLER has bought a sulky plow. He
says no more walking plows in his. [sic].
Noah KIDD and lady, John
HAYES and Charles STAMPE, were baptized last Sunday by the Rev. Joel HENSLEY.
Somebody appears interested
in Will HEIDBRINK lately. They had
better let him alone, or somebody might get hurt.
The mail carrier between
Hillsboro and House’s Springs, broke down his cart
last Saturday. Richard says he never
Bill, Belew’s Creek, March 2, 1891.
Great Bargains
All one dollar patent
medicines for 75 cents, cash, at HAMEL’s drug store, DeSoto, MO.
Valle Minings
by Honeybee
Our school closed last
Friday, with a spelling match at night.
A slight snow fell on
Thursday night and disappeared on Friday.
William REYNOLDS went to St.
Louis last Tuesday; business I suppose.
Your correspondent and his
friend paid Flucom a flying visit last Sunday, and
attended the German church.
Mrs. Margaret REYNOLDS is
very low at this writing. Hiram REPPY is
quite sick with la grippa, of which I also have a
slight attack.
Mr. MANN, living near Bonne
Terre had his house consumed by fire lately.
It is also stated that his mill was burnt, but I do not think he owned
Joseph GRIFFIN, salesman for
Kimmswick Nursery, paid us a visit this week and informed us that the business
is booming, he having sold more trees this season than ever before in so short
a time.
‘Old Man Jimmie WILSON’, who
resided near Silver Springs, was sweeping in an upper story of his house, when
he got overbalanced and fell part way down.
His feet got caught in falling and he hung head downward, in which
position he remained about six hours until released by a party of boys coming
from church. He was nearly dead when
found, so I am informed.
Farm For
173 acres, one-half mile west
of Festus, MO, along the Crystal City railroad; good farming land, well
situated for dairy or stock farm. Free
from encumbrance. Will
be sold on reasonable terms and at low figures. For particulars apply to A.H.H. GORDON,
For Sale
29.75 acres cultivated land,
with improvements, 25 miles north of Hillsboro, 9 miles south of St. Louis, on
the macadamized county road running from Hillsboro to St. Louis, and known as the A.K. WILSON
farm. Apply to Mrs. M.E. MANESS, DeSoto,
MO or at the Citizen’s Bank, Festus, MO.
Removal Sale
B. SCHWEIZER has rented the
store room below the Opera House and will move into his new quarters on or
about, March 12. He will add a full
stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Furnishing Goods and Ladies and
Children’s Shoes, Notions, etc.
County Court
County Court met last Monday
and the following proceedings were had:
Ernst WEIGER was allowed six
dollars per quarter as a poor person.
Petition was presented for
vacation of the following portion of public road leading from Byrnesville to mouth of Big River. From northeastern line of survey 1897, near
southeast corner of HECKER’s land, to the point where said road intersects road
running between the E.B. MAUPIN farm and John HOWALD place; continued to next
Bids for county advertising
were opened and contract awarded to R.W. McMULLIN for
the sum of $1 per square first insertion and 50 cents per square for each
subsequent insertion, publication to be made in three papers – Jefferson
Democrat, Mirror and Gazette.
Mrs. Mary Ann FONTAN, of near
Rush Tower, was found to be insane, and was ordered sent to the asylum at
Fulton as a county patient. Mrs. FONTAN
is a daughter of John M. RUTLEDGE, is 22 years old, has
two children, the youngest 12 months old.
Her trouble began in Texas, where she was then residing and after being
brought home she continued to grow worse.
Commissioner DOVER reported
that wall of bridge on Victoria Road had fallen down and that C. RUPPEL had
rebuilt it, which was approved and RUPPEL allowed $13 therefore.
Nim RITTGER was relieved of personal property tax against
him for 1890, he having been a non-resident of the county at time of assessment.
Report was filed of change of
road leading from John J. NELSON’s to Hematite, over lands of Silas WILLIAMS
and others. Commissioners reported
damages to Silas WILLIAMS $25, and to W.H. DODSON, William RAYMOND and William
CREAGHAN (Creagan?) nothing. WILLIAMS appeared in court and agreed to take
$20 in full for damages, and the court paid said sum and ordered change made.
In the matter of new road,
from half mile west of DITTMER’s Store to intersect Oermann
and Catawissa road, evidence was heard on Monday and cause continued on
Demands against the county
were allowed as follows:
for printing….$5.50
Dr. BREWSTER, expert
Mrs. Meredith ROGERS, pauper….$4.00
William BOLY, pauper….$6.00
F. MENG, pauper….$6.00
Jos. PTELL, Sr., pauper….$6.00
Henry GARTMANN (Gartman), pauper…$4.00
John F. WILLIAMS, coffin for
and burying Virgill MITCHELL’s wife and
Leo KOHLER, burying pauper….$10.00
Tuesday, Second Day
Tax on lots, Kimmswick, were
released to assessment of $25 per lot
New road heretofore
established from Ignatz WUERZ to J.G. KUCHELMEISTER’s
was ordered opened at once.
John ROGERS was found to be
disabled and was declared exempt from road poll tax.
Evidence and argument were
completed on the petition for and remonstrance against the new road from
Catawissa road half mile west of Dittmer’s Store to Oermann
and Catawissa road on Calvey Creek; and the road
commissioner was ordered to survey the route and make report at next term.
Proceedings of inquests held
by Coroner JAMES were approved and fee bills allowed as follows:
On body of William REED….$21.30
On body of James R.
On body of Joseph CLAY…$19.75
Fresh Seeds
For field and garden – corn,
oats, clover and grass, vegetables and flower seeds, etc. at RATHBUN’s, DeSoto,
For the Teacher’s Institute
to be held in Festus, March 28th:
Music in public schools –
Miss KECK;
Discussion – Miss CABLE
What Means Have We in Missouri
for Training Teachers? D.B. VEAZEY;
Discussion – E.M. DEARING
Qualifications of Principals
of Public Schools – Prof. SCOTT;
Exercise for Friday Afternoon
– J.S. MERRINGTON (Herrington?)
The Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co.
Now carries the largest stock
of lumber ever had in this city. We can
fill all orders on short notice. Orders
solicited from all points. Yard and office – Boyd and Second Streets, DeSoto, MO.
Byrnesville News
The prospect for an abundant
wheat crop is good.
Mrs. LEE is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. BRIMMER, at Byrnesville.
The Wheel Store at this place
has been doing a good business the past months.
Mrs. Bridget HENRY has had
her new house built, but is not occupying it yet.
LaGrippe has taken great effect hereabouts, and nearly
everybody was down with it.
Our old bachelor, Henry
WELMER, has been very sick with the grip for the past few weeks, and we hope he
may shortly recover.
This has been a great year
for valentines. There was not a boy or
girl within five miles of Scheve’s Store, but what
received from two or three of such ‘pictures’.
J.W. ECKLE is moving upon one
of his father-in-law’s places. He says
he will do nothing else the rest of the winter than sit in the middle of the
field and shoot snow birds.
GOFF and FLORENTZ, General
Store – Flucom, MO.
J. HOEKEN’s Cash Store –
Hillsboro, MO
Crystal Plate Glass – General
J.W. MATHIS – General
Merchandise – Pevely, MO
Louis GREVE’s General Store –
Pevely, MO
DeSoto Marble – Eugene HIRSCH