Jefferson Democrat

March 26, 1891  


A friend writes us the following information in regard to Hibbard, the Mississippi Co. town which we could not find on the map: Look for East Prairie & then tell your friends you have found Hibbard, and that it is a small town of about 4 yrs. growth & twice as large as Hillsboro. Within a mile is the place called Whiting, where the WARD Lumber Co. & the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad propose to build and donate to the county, a $20,000 court house


Hillsboro - March 23, 1891 - As many of my friends are surprised at my withdrawal from the race for Co. school commissioner, I will state briefly some of the reasons for my actions. Before my name was announced, I would make no canvas. As the contest developed, a canvas seemed to be necessary & having neither time, means nor inclination to make one, I retired from the field. The claims of my friends & neighbor, Mr. D.B. VEAZEY, as far as regards length & value of educational services in the county, are equal, if not superior, to mine. Mr. VEAZEY has been active & successful worker in the public & educational affairs of the county for more than 20 yrs. He has had large experience in various lines of educational work, is exceptionally well-informed on the vexed questions of text books, and is now in a position, by means of his paper, to make the office of great value to the schools of the county. His competitor, Mr. G.F. BOOTHE, is a very worthy young man & an excellent teacher, who, if elected, will bring to the office the energy & enthusiasm of youth. I am confident that either of these gentlemen will make a good Commissioner & the future Commissioner may rely upon my hearty cooperation in any measure that will improve our schools. To those of my friends, who were kind enough to think that my past services in the cause of education & my ability to render future service, were entitled to recognition in this matter of the Commissionership and to Prof. DOUGHERTY for his kind note, asking me to become a candidate & pledging me his support. I desire to return my hearty thanks. They know my interest in popular education has not required the stimulus of official position in the past, nor will it need it for the future. Respectfully yours, George STEEL


Valle Mines


Wm. HAVERSTICK & wife of Festus paid us a visit this week.


Frank WALTER had the misfortune to lose a fine horse last week. Bad success meets our friend.


Wm. REYNOLDS is once more up & about after a bad spell of sickness.


County Surveyor DOVER is in this section of the county surveying for several parties.


Items are scarce this week on account of the times (not the Festus Times).

Am glad to hear that the editor of that paper has got his pension.


I.N. BURNS got tired of single cussedness and is now trying double blessedness, having married Mrs. Nannie HAVERSTICK. Hope he will bloom in life like a four leafed clover.


Am informed that Wm. HAVERSTICK intends moving to and locating in Webb City, but can not say if it is true.


Fine weather at present writing, reminding us of what lies before, the work of Spring. It looks like the old saying, "A white Christmas and a green Easter" will be verified this time.


Goff & Florence, at FINCRN (?) Store is doing a good business.


Big Springs Spray


Messrs. John WEASE & Thos. BYRONS are both very low with pneumonia at this writing.


VANDERCRUYUSSEN's mill does the grinding for the surrounding neighborhoods & has a large patronage from other locations.


Our roads have been kept in good shape for traveling, the past year. Aug. SCHULZE, our road boss, has undoubtedly made a good overseer.


There has been a power of sickness in this part of the county the past month. Our Dr.'s GUIBOR & WILLIAMS have been riding day & night.


Fritz BOEMLER is in bad luck. He was married some three weeks ago & has been sick ever since. He took sick the day he was married. We hope he may soon get well.


I have understood that citizens on the west side of the river are talking of bringing Mr. FRANZ out and reelect him road overseer. My opinion is that they could not select a better man for that position.


Since my last letter, we have moved & located at the Big Springs, near VANDERCRUYUSSEN Mill. This is one of the most beautiful parts of Meramec Twsp, situated near the mouth of Head's Creek. The valley is wide & level, the land is rich & productive; the farmers are all industrious & economical and consequently, their lands are in a high state of cultivation.


The Cooperative Store Association at House Spring's have held their annual meeting & elected an entire new set of officers. John BRIMMER (?) is now the President, Ferdinand WEBER, Treasurer & Harvey WINER is Clerk & Salesman. After taking an invoice of stock, they found quite a  ?, divided for the stockholders. August BONACKER, who has been acting as Clerk for the Co. the past year, is a young man of extraordinary qualifications & has made a splendid salesman.




The month of March has been ugly & changeable and most of our people are down with LaGrippe.


An infant son of Henry MARX & lady was buried on Sunday evening, having died at birth, in the morning. Mrs. MARX is poorly, having a bad attack of grippe & being sick all winter.


Henry UNSER, our stone mason, sold his place at Maxville to John BURKHARDT, a shoemaker, something our town long needed.


The Maxville Brass Band, under their leader, Prof. LANGFORD (?), are making good headway for new beginners. They are practicing but four weeks & can play a half doz. airs already St. Patrick's ????, they bounced out of their de? (cle?) & marched up to our merchant, Martin F. BECKER, then to Joe ZIPP's then to Rev. SCHRAMM & Prof. WINKLE, to Judge BECKER & George ZIEGLER and gave each of them a serenade, which were well received. The band is preparing to assist with the music for Father SCHRAMM's school concert, to be given on Easter Monday, at noon.


Filed with Recorder of the week, ending on last Tuesday.


Mord ROBERTS  to  Herman WALTHER, two lots in Lansdowne Add't to DeSoto $350.


N. SLAWSON  to  Wm.G. CAIN, two lots in Slawson Add't to DeSoto $120.


J.T.KINCAIDE  to  Wm.J. MAUTHE, lot in DeSoto, $700.


Wm. J. MAUTHE  to Mattie BALLARD, a lot in DeSoto, $ ?0.


Dave BALLARD  to  Wm. BALLARD, two lots in DeSoto $325.


Wm. C. BALLARD  to Mattie BALLARD, same lot $325.


August NEUGENT, by trustee to Caroline NEUGENT, lot in Festus $70.


C.D. CURTIS  to Abbie J. DAVIS, 120 acres in survey 1332 (1832?) $100.


Andrew H.(?) GAY  to John H. GAY, ?? acres in survey 2991    ------


M.F. BOISRAMIE by trustee to Alexis GLORIED, ?151 acres, sec. 1?, twsp

40, range 3(?)        $401


S.M. BERKLEY  to J. T. RATHBUN, four lots in DeSoto $150.


Peter GUTHRELL  to Minnie GUTHERELL, lot in Festus $100.


Kate BURGESS  to J.M. SATION(?), 27 acres, sect. 32 twsp 42, r 6 $900.


Theo. MUNSON  to Jas.J. MALONE, 10 acres in survey 1821 (1831?)$158.


August GEBAUR  to R.L. MILLER, two lots in DeSoto $120.


Chas.W. THOMAS  to Theodore DAPRON, 40 acres in sect. 23, twsp 29?, r 4 $400.


S.P. PIPKIN  to John DORUSEIF & J. BAUMNER, 80 acres, survey 3?39 $?09.


Emily SIMMONS  to same, 232 acres, survey ?020, $4100.


Adeline WILSON  to Martha LEE, two acres, sect.18, twsp 41, r 3 $1.


Martha LEE to Adeline WILSON, two acres, sect.18, twsp. 41, range 3 $1.


Issac COTTNER to Lizzie OVERBECK, lot in Festus $578 (? $378).




March 11    George SCHAD       55 1/2 yrs

March 16    John Henry SCHORR     11 yrs

March 17    Christina W. HINKEL      57 yrs

March  9    Tillie KELSKER                4 yrs



Feb. 14     Mrs. Chas. SNEEDEL       girl

March (?)  Mrs. C.M. STEBER (?)      girl

March 13  Mrs. M. DOLL                   boy

March 17  Mrs. John C. FRANK         boy        

March (?)  Mrs. Chris L. HUSKEY      boy         


(Adminstrator’s Notices, Trustee Sales, Sheriff Sales & Divorce could not be read)


Items of News


Miss Le?s McCRERRY of DeSoto was visiting at C.T. HORINE’s the past week.

The Misses Edith REPPY & Daisy WALKER were visiting Hillsboro friends the past week.


John M. BERCE (Bencer? PIERCE?) has moved to St. Louis & thus Jefferson Co. has lost another good citizen.


Licensed to marry -


Frank PILLOW(?) & Ellen T. WAITWORTH


Mrs. VOLLMAR expects to get her icehouse filled this week. The ice is now on the way from the North.


Elder FRAZIER's youngest son, had a severe attack of pneumonia, but is reported as being some better.


Constable FORREST moved into Dr. BREWSTER's house near our office and is now convenient to his business.


Some of Thompson BROWN's children have been down with measles the past few weeks. Miss Ida had the hardest time.


Bro. FLYNN is a candidate for City Attorney of DeSoto & is a rustler, who always carries a chip upon his shoulder.


Rev. J.V. WORSHAM, pastor of the Festus Presbyterian Church will preach in Hillsboro next Sunday at 11a.m. & 7p.m.


Little Frankie(?) THOMAS fell on a nail, which pierced his eyelid. He had a bad looking eye, but is not severely injured & is hoped he will not be permanently injured.


A man named MUSIC, has taken the sub-contract for carrying the mail between Hillsboro & Ware, 104 roundtrips at ??? yr. This is the route that Alex CALAHAN is now serving.


Wm. H. WASHBURN, I.F. WIDEMAN, Thomas MANIAD (?), D.L. JARVIS & A.P.(?). BOOTH had their horses photographed at this office this week.


Our new neighbor, Mr. MORRISON appears to be a rustler. He comes highly recommended as a school teacher, but we see he is not afraid to engage in any kind of hard, honest work. We welcome such acquisitions to our population.


The institutes work performed here by Prof. STEEL last summer, was a decided success & we are glad to know that he contemplates a repetition of it this summer. In order that he may know whether to go ahead or not, it is necessary for those who will attend to notify him at once.


F. HACKE, of DeSoto is making a specialty in manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at St. Louis prices.


H (?) P. STEWART & Smith DUTTON are in charge, as proprietors of the livery stable in DeSoto, formerly owned by T.O. SMITH. They are well prepared for accommodating the public & their bid for custom will be found in another column of this paper. They are men who will treat you right.


F.M. SKAGGS - formerly of this county, but now in Henry (?) Co. - is well pleased with his new locality. He says Clinton is beautifully located, has a population of ?000, the largest college for young ladies in the State, street cars, electric lights & three railroads running through with many other advantages & conveniences.


Miss Clair VEASEY had a birthday party last Tues. eve, which was attended by all the little girls in town.....


The M.E. Conference closed the session in Springfield, Mo. last Mon. Rev. O.M. MARTIN is continued as elder for this district & Rev.D.W. CROW, pastor of the DeSoto church. The other assignments for this county are G.H. GIDEON to Festus & W.F. GRADY is Hillsboro. Mr. HATWOOD is sent to Urhand(?),Mo. in the Springfield dist.


Frank BOUGHTON, the butcher, met with a painful accident on Weds. of last week. He had started out on horseback to look up a beef & while riding slowly along, his horse stepped with a hind foot onto a front shoe & stumbled & fell. Frank fell over the horses head onto the ground & struck with such force as to break his collar bone. He will be laid up for a month or more.


We understand that the party who contracted to carry the mail on the route between Hillsboro & Victoria, at 19 cents a round trip, or 38 cents a day, expects to get the service changed, making Victoria the starting point instead of Hillsboro. We think he will learn before he's through with it, that post offices & post routes are established in this county for the benefit of the public and not for the accommodation of 33 cents-a-day contractors.


There have been considerable improvements made along the line of the old road between here & DeSoto, this winter. Mrs. T. WALKER has a neat paliing fence around her yard & also had a new field cleaned & fenced. Judging from the quality of the fence, John SPARKS is having built, he must be fixing up a sheep ranch. Milton LANHAM, Geo. ?urral & others have been cleaning & fencing and a fellow has to follow the county road now, if he wants to get through the neighborhood. Farther on we noticed the new houses, but did not stop to inquire as to the owners.


Joseph SMITH of DeSoto is satisfied that he owns a good half-mile horse. He wants particularly to inform everyone that his animal is not a quarter horse nor a mile horse: yet he sometimes accommodates sporting men, who think they have horses of those classes. Last Sat., he accommodated two and from all reports, must be about $300 ahead in consequence. Wm. GRELEY(?) of Richwoods, thought he had a good mile horse, but he was badly beaten by "Joe's Charley"; the Farmington man who had been challenging the winner with a quarter horse, was relieved of his betting money, just as easy.


Dittmer's Store - March 21 - Quite a crowd of people gathered at the schoolhouse on Fri. last and spent the day very pleasantly, listening to closing exercises of our school. The house was neatly decorated with busting wreaths of evergreen & flowers and everything looked bright & attractive, for which credit is due to the young lady pupils. In the examinations, all the pupils acquitted themselves with great credit, both to themselves & to their teacher, Mr. G.W. GASCHE, to whom we tender our sincere thanks for the great interest he has taken in the advancement of the pupils in our school the past ??? terms. At the close of the exercises, the hearts of the juveniles were gladdened by a generous distribution of candies, nuts & oranges


The lead mines near DeSoto bids fair to develop late something substantial. A company of business men here have been having some boring on a tract of land on which they have an option and this borings indicates the presence of lead is paying geantitles(?) and not very deep. James HOUWIS(?) Jr., Len(?) GOWAN, William PAUL(?) & Chas E. HOSSEN had an option on ??? acres of the same tract at $30 ($80) per acre and after sinking a shaft 30" deep, they were well enough settled with the prospect to close the deal. They say they have got a good thing and know it & after the spring rains are over with they will go to work getting out the ore. They call their company the "Cow Tall Co." This is just a very high sounding name, but they care more for results than they do for big names. These men are the lowest bidders for sinking a shaft for the other Co., but there is delay about letting out the contract.


Transfer of Chattel - Mr. J.W. STROUP, partner in the firm of STROUP & STONG, who recently purchased the saloon chattels of Mr. D. BALLARD in the Bement (?) stand, has assumed charge of the entire Exchange, having purchased the share of Mr. S.H. STONG.


The DETRICK referred to in the following clipping was once a resident of this county & owned the Staldle(?) place near Glade Chapel. He went from here to Tippecanoo City, Ohio, where he embarked in the milling business. He informs us that he is going to try it again at some other point, but has not settled on the locality yet.


The real disastrous fire seen in Miami Co. for a long time, occurred here on the afternoon of Nov. 24th at 1 o'clock, the DETRICK Flouring Mill, the only mill in town, took fire from some unknown cause in the dust room. It is thought by some that spontaneous combustion caused the fire. The flames spread so rapidly that the local fire dept. could do nothing to check their raveres(?) The ????? is the mill, valued at $17,000, making the total loss at about $30,000. Some insurance was written on the bldg., but the amt. could not be learned from the ???? of the companies, in which it was insured.


Oak Hill Echoes


Allow me to introduce the people of Oak Hill whose former head-line was Belew's Creek. They are still living, though the grip is pretty hard on us & the removal of our post office added another weight toward sinking our dear community into the sands of social oblivion, but we are inclined to believe that we live to see 1892 roll in with a Democratic President, we shall come out on top with a new post office & be able to wave the banner of victory over "Old Whiskey Bottles".


Frank McCRERRY, as stated last week, is very ill, but at present there is hope of his recovery.


Joe GANZ was in St. Louis this week & brought home a cow & calf. I saw the litter, which was spirited & had good blood, but it is said the cow bled to death the next day from a wound it had received by a fence.


Misses Sara (?) MUELLER & Delle (Belle?) MILLER of St. Louis are visiting relatives in these parts.


DeSoto Marble & Granite Works


Having lately hired Mr. P (?) F. ARCHIBALD, an experienced marble & granite cutter of 40 (10) yrs. experience, direct from the East, I am better prepared then ever to meet the wants of those who may favor me with orders. I shall keep a fair assortment of finished work on hand, with an unlimited variety of designs in marble & granite.


Calvey Ripples


Mrs. Madlean (?) McDANIEL is very low with heart trouble.


Miss Maggie BYAN of St. Louis is spending a few days with her parents.


John OERMANN received a kick from a horse last Tues., peeling the skin from knee to ankle.


Mrs. HINKEL died last Mon. of paralysis, aged about 60 yrs. She leaves behind a husband, three daughters, three sons and a host of warm friends to mourn her.


A couple of young men were seen going down Calvey, a few days ago, one leading a horse & other riding it. This attracted considerable attention as the horse was attached to a handsome road-cart.


Sulpher Springs


Our cisterns are filling up with good, pure water.


There are plenty of hogs, dogs, etc. in our town.


Miss Katie BOSHLING (?) visited St. Louis and its eastern suburb.


Danule GREENE, night operator at the Barracks, was on a visit to East St. Louis on the 15th.


Some of our citizens heard of the whereabouts of Louis & Co. who need to do business here.


Quite a number of our citizens have been down with sickness the past week, but are improving again.


One night a few weeks ago, a burglar got into the boarding house and stole Peter FINNERTY's overcoat.