McKEE, postmaster at
Good Seed Oats for
Sheriff MAUPIN started last
Mon. to convey Mrs. FONTAN to the lunatic asylum at
Wm. DOERR's large pigs heard they were being advertised for and
straight-away came home.
D.M. PERRY's fresh
garden seeds for sale at the Hillsboro Post Office.
HORINE & Judge ELKINS, took in a St. Patrick's Day parade in
For all kinds of
building material, call at the cash store of Jos. J. HOEKEN.
We have seen
a great many styles of carts recently, but in our opinion, the kind Henry
HURTGEN has for sale, are the best out.
60 bushel's of White Bonanza oats
for sale by J.BLEIKER,
Jessie YOUNG, a colored man
from DeSoto, was taken to the
Groceries of every description at the lowest prices,
at the Cash Store of Jos. J. HOEKEN
Mr. Ed EVERSOLE & Bruce BYRD of
Washington Co., passed through our town last Sat., taking some fine brood mares
Wm. PLASS is getting
enthusiastic over his success at sheep-raising & is confident of it proving
a paying industry. He has thoroughbred Southdowns.
The fine stallion, known as the LaFoon horse, is for sale or trade. Elbert OGLE, Hematite,
Licensed to marry:
Samuel BOYD & Ida
Peter K. SMITH &
The youngest
three of Wm. H. PLASS children have had a three week tussle with LaGrippe. Although they had very severe attacks, we are glad
to say that they are convalescing.
John BURKE & Simon McNEARNEY attended the grand ball Tues. night at DeSoto of
Iron Mountain Lodge, National Association of MachinistS. The ball was a brilliant
Wanted: Black Walnut, Cherry & cedar logs at HAMEL's Lumberyard in DeSoto.
horse-and-jack BILL season has arrived & our special artist began by taking
the picture of the celebrated Percheron horse,
"Justus", owned by W.P. WILLIAMS of Morse Mill. He is a fine horse.
JEWETT has disposed of the seed oats he advertised, so please don't bother him
any more about it; but if you want strawberry, blackberry or raspberry plants,
free of charge, he will accommodate you.
Isaac F. WILSON returned last
Mon. from a two week visit to
Sale Cheap-- A fine-bred jack, 3 yrs. old last Sept. Apply to R.P. STEWART,
Mr. STEELE has withdrawn
from the race for School Commissioner. It seems that all candidates are expected
to make something of a canvas & this he can not do, so he retired &
leaves the race between Messrs D.B. VEAZEY & G.F. BOOTHE
John KEISKER's 4 yr. old daughter was buried on Weds. of last week. His wife, who was also very low, is on the
mend. Mrs. Herman SCHUERMANN, besides nursing the wrist she recently fractured,
has been taking a mothers care of Mrs. KEISKER's baby during her illness.
We learn from the
Facts that Thomp. MANION & F. DRENNON, both of
Married at the Mockbee House in
Mr. M.T. CHESTNUT & a Mr. DAVIS purchased
the Montesano property last Sat. at a trustee's sale. We understand that it's
the intention of Mr. C. to build a fine residence on the property and make it
his home. He is also interested in the Mammoth Mines and twelve hundred acres
adjoining it. We welcome such men to our county.
Messrs. Ferdinand
BURKHARDT & Robert BACKER came over from Festus last Monday morning to bid
on a piece of property sold at trustees sale, but like a cow's tail, they were a
little behind, the sale having been perfected & Gen. POSCH and his crowd,
had left for home. The weather was pretty warm, and our two friends from Festus
were warm, nay, hot.
There was a well attended meeting of Perry V.
FLETCHER Post, G.A.R. at DeSoto last Sat. night. The principal business was to
make arrangements for organizing a Women's Relief Corps. at that place & appointment of a committee to solicit
subscriptions & make arrangements for a three day reunion of Grand Army men
at DeSoto, early next fall.
Brother KLEIN of the Festus Times, one of
those who fought, bled & did not die for his country in the '60's has been
granted a pension of $12 a month by Uncle Sam. Frank needs the lucre and no doubt is
deserving of it and if he will send over an 8th of Billie GORMAN's XXXX Elixir, we'll drink to his health & pray
the Government for an increase, even though it should take the last peg out of
our No. 6 ??s
For Exchange - Farm of
80 acres in Cedar Co., MO. 50 acres in cultivation. Will
exchange for Jefferson Co. property. Price: $1200. Address: W.R. CALVERT,
Mrs. Conrad SCHORR, residing
about 4 miles N. of Hillsboro, died on the 11th & was buried on the 13th at
When we got back from the bonfire, on
the night of the 11th, inst, we found the house in possession of a large crowd
of young people, who were making themselves at home & having a grand good
time generally. On inquiry, we learned that the assembly was in honor of the
birthday of our daughter, Birdie.
Constable BUREN of
Maxville, March 17th - There seems to be a set of sneak thieves
around here. Some 4 weeks ago, Mr. Franz MICHEL was robbed of some $25, and last
week Mr. Willow BECKER was robbed of $300, so rumor has it. On Sunday, the 13th,
Mr. Lucas RASCH, while at church, had his house entered by burglars. He found
the lock of the door broken, the clothing scattered about the floor, the bed
topsy turvy and the door of
the closet, where he kept his money, open, but the fellows failed to find it and
only got $1.55, belonging to Mrs. RASCH. It's about time to organize a vigilance
Susan, beloved wife of John ULRICH, Sr., aged 83 yrs, 3 mos & 16 days died of lagrippa
and old age on the 13th. She was confined to her bed the last few years
& her suffering has been great, but we hope she is now in a haven of rest
& glory. Having been a resident here about 40 yrs., her funeral was a large
one, and the whole neighborhood turned out en masse.
On March 11th, a number of guests were
called to witness the marriage of Mr. Elasco GREEN & Miss Lucy WILSON, which took place
at the residence of the bride. T.A. MAXWELL
officiating. Elasco is the youngest child of
G.B. GREEN & Lucy is the youngest child of Robert WILSON. The newlyweds will
go at once to their new home - the old homestead of G.B. GREEN. Among the
guests were Edward GREEN & lady, C.E. RAMEY & lady, & Mrs. F.
WILLIAMS, The misses Mary McKAY, Jennie & Anna
FROST, Hannah & John WHITSETT & Mary WILLIAMS & Mssrs. Ed & Will JOHNS, Mr. Robert WEBER was groomsman
& Miss Hettie JOHNS acted as
August BRAUER is a poor man with a wife & four
small children to support. We will not claim for him that he can be classed as
one of our best citizens, but he has rights, which should be protected by law
and from what we can learn, he has been badly treated. He had rented a farm near
Cedar Hill from an old man, named DUEREUX, he & his family living in the
same house with Mr. D. & his wife. DUEREUX fell out with BRAUER and sued him
for rent, attaching his property. The trial was had before Squire GEATLEY and
the jury returned the following verdict; "we, the jury, find for the defendant;
Edmond SALE, Forman. We further agree that the attachment stand until the rails
are hauled & put into the fence, Edmond Sale, foreman" This verdict is a
peculiar one, but from what we have heard of the evidence, was exact justice to
all concerned. Sometime afterward, BRAUER appeared with Alex COOPER, before the
Squire and made affidavit that the rails had been hauled, as required by the
jury and had the attachment dismissed. Thereupon, DOEREUX filed an information before Squire SCHULZE, charging BRAUER and
COOPER with having made false affidavit. The venue was changed to Esq. Geo.
BRACKMANN of Cedar Hill and the trial was had on Wednesday of last week.
Prosecuting Attorney DEARING, having an engagement elsewhere, had Squire R.A.
FRAZIER to represent him before BRACKMANN's court. The
weight of the evidence was that BRAUER had not hauled all the rails, but it was
also proven that DUEREUX had stopped and forbidden him to haul anymore. An
Ex-Justice, who was present, wrote out an instruction, Circuit Court fashion,
which the Squire signed and delivered to the jury, which reads as follows:
"State of
Yesterday morning, after the above was in type, BRAUER was
taken out of jail on a writ of habeas corpus, issued by Judge ELKINS, and after
the irregularity of his confinement was shown, he was released on payment of
Belew's Creek
Reinhard ROCHER has bought the old WEBER place.
very sick and not expected to live.
W.A. VOTAU had the misfortune of
losing a valuable horse.
Frank & Rosa ?OBECK
of Rock Creek attended the ball given by Tom BECKLEG.
The pupils
of Hillcrest school are afraid their last teacher will die of an enlargement of
the heart, because he was so liberal on the last day of this
Wm. CLARK has gone to Poplar Bluff where he is the painting
Louis MILLER has moved from the Landing to the brick home on
Burgess Ave
Prof. HARRIMAN, the principal of our schools, has been living
here all winter with his family.
Newton BRADSHAW has moved his family
from GREENE's brick house to the old AXLEY building on
Express Agent, GLENDENNING
wants to sell his farm if he can, and locate in a town on the Iron Mountain
Steve BRADSHAW is out in Rock Twsp.,
taking orders for fruit trees, etc. for the Missouri Nursery of Louisiana,
Wm. RICHARDS has moved upon the WIDER place & Mrs. W. GOVEREAU
(?) will occupy part of Mr. GREENE's yellow house with
In Memorandum
Died at her home on Sandy, March 10, 1891
Tillie, beloved daughter of John & Magdalene
KEISKER, aged 8 yrs. 11 mos.
The matured fruit must fall and sometimes the blossoms. This dear little bud was
early severed from the parent stem, God has transplanted to the
Lagrippe has made a round trip thro’ this
vicinity. We have had real winter weather the last ten
LUTHER is the happy father of twin daughters.
Harry FETZER’s wife presented him with a new
James VAUGHN’s daughter, Belle, died on the 13th inst.
of pneumonia.
Mrs. Rudy
PERKINS baby has been ill, but was improving at last accounts.
Jr. died on the 11th, supposed cause of death, heart disease, as it
was very sudden.
neighbor, Joseph DAVIS has resumed his duties as cook for the
has moved his family to Plattin Station, where they occupy the house Noble
SHAFFER formerly lived in.
BROWN, one of the oldest men in this neighborhood, died last week and was
interred at what is known as the J.T. McMULLIN
Mrs. W.A.
SMITH with her two youngest children, went down to
Bonne Terre on the railroad today to spend a few days in visiting
Miss Mary
MCCARTY is keeping house for her brothers, near Hazel Run, on the farm bought
recently by B. MCCARTY. It is called the Josiah SEARGENT
Mrs. W.S.
MCCORMACK returned on the 11th from
PINSON and his daughter, Laura, of
Jan. 7 Mrs. Henry
BLAKE (?) girl
Feb. 1 N.F. POUNDS
Feb. 24 C.C. McCULLOCH girl
19 John
11? James S
27 Thomas
11 Martin
12 Filmore
23 Joel
Feb. 24 James
Feb. 25 Frank
March 1 Oscar
March Sterling
Mr. J. OERMANN sent best regards to his
sweetheart in St. Louis.
Fritz KRAMME of
Miss Bertha
KRAMME gave the young folks a surprise party recently which all
The OERMANN Cooperative Store is doing a good business, the
hauler, Chas. OERMANN, goes to
Wm. OERMANN is visiting friends and relatives in
question is asked in this vicinity, as well as in all parts of the county, is
D.B. VEAZEY a candidate for School Commissioner? In answer I will say that Mr.
Veazey was presented with a call, signed by a number
of friends from different parts of the county, which he accepted and so
announced through the papers, stated that if the people of the county saw fit to
elect him he would accept and fill the office to the best of his ability. Mr.
VEAZEY is a man who is eminently well qualified in every respect an ardent
worker in institute work, and if elected would infuse new life and vigor into
the schools of this county, and the fact of his being located in the center of
the county is a good reason for securing his election. So, in conclusion, allow
me to say to the friends of Mr. VEAZEY from all parts of the county, go to the
polls on the first Tuesday in April, and there work and vote to secure his
election to the office of School Commissioner, and by so doing you will place a
man at the head of the public school system of Jefferson county, who will ever
be found at his post working for the advancement of the cause of education.
Valle Minings
REYNOLDS is improving somewhat. Mrs. REYNOLDS, I am happy to state, is some
Women are
joining the Farmers’ and Laborers Union at Saltpeter.
STEWART and family are down with the grip, and in bad
and her son, of these diggings were in
were held at this place last Sunday, Rev. RUSSELL officiating. There is
preaching here the first and second Sundays in each month.
LAPLANT went to DeSoto one day last week on horse back, when the animal took
fright and throwed him, breaking his arm and
dislocation an elbow. He was brought home in a bad fix in a
Mr. and
Mrs. Tom TERRY are both down with supposed lagrippa.
It looks like that disease is contagious and everlasting. The person who takes
it never gets rid of it. Nearly everybody here has it, though they didn’t cry
for it.
We learn
that James STARK and family will move to
has a fine son at his house since March 11th. Another Democrat on the list.
The F.
& L. Union of
SHANNON has left the store at
HOLT Jr. died this morning, leaving a wife and two small children. The bereaved
family have our sympathy in their affliction. May the
Lord comfort them.
The water
in the river is at a very good stage; boats now land at Danby Landing, and some
of our farmers are hauling their shelled corn to the river to be shipped South.
We learn
We think if
a good physician would locate at
C. FUNK one
of our most prosperous farmers is improving his stock, having lately purchased a
fine blended male to add to his drove of cattle. We need more farmers like him
in this county.
We learn
that many sheep and hogs are being killed by dogs in this vicinity. The owners
of such dogs must know what the law in regard to keeping such dogs is, as the
same was recently published in one of our county papers.
KENDRICK and a Mr. ROBINSON having (been) doing good business in trapping this
season, according to reports; having caught forty-odd ‘coons, also some skunks,
wild cats and other vermin, which is quite advantageous to poultry raisers along
Isle la Boise creek.
Order of Publication; Emma H. McNUTT, plaintiff vs. Robert S. McNUTT, defendant, for divorce.
Chas. BAUMS, Blacksmith, Horseshoer &
A. PECAUT, practical
Watchmaker & Dealer in Watches, Clocks & Jewelry.
Robert COXWELL, undertaker - Main St., opposite Depot, DeSoto,
Opera House Saloon & Restaurant, Festus, MO by Wm. GORMAN, dealer
Wines, Liquors, Beer, Cigars & Tobacco.
C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent & Justice of the Peace, Festus,
BYRON's Saloon, opposite the Court
House, Hillsboro, MO.
Grand Opening - B. SCHWEIZER's Dry Goods & Clothing Palace, Sat. March 21,
300 bushels of seed - J.M. WILSON,
Fall & Winter Goods for less money at Crystal Plate
Glass Co's General Store, Crystal City.
J.W. MATHEIS General Merchant, Pevely, MO.
Louis GREVE's General Store, Pevely, MO.
Marble Works, Eugene HIRSCH, proprietor.