The Jefferson Democrat

October 22, 1891


There can be no excuse for want of a program at the coming institute at House’s Springs next Saturday.  Two are published, but there need be no conflict between them.  The one was published in the DeSoto papers is the duly authorized program, so far as any authority exists for making one.  The program published in this paper was made because the other was not at hand in time for printing last week.  It is a good day, the Springs will be taken by storm, no doubt, and the hospitality of the good people there will be put to the test.  The subjects named in the program will keep, if time for discussion is not had.



Taking the citizens of Jefferson county as a whole, we believe they are as law-abiding as any on the globe, and that there are as few violations of law here than in any other strip of country having the same population.  St. Louis county, immediately north of us, never makes an attempt to prosecute some violations of the Statutes, such as the Newberry and game laws, and her people, who have no religious or conscientious scruples, enjoy a freedom that we of Jefferson do not.  So long as they committed their depredations outside our county limits, it was no concern of ours; but the past year or so they have changed their place of operations to that country lying south of the Meramec river, and every Sunday, Summer or Winter, a score of fishermen and hunters come down on the cars, which are distributed between WICK’s and BAILEY’s Station, where they spend the day in hunting and fishing.  About one year ago some enterprising St. Louis sportsmen leased Joachim creek from those owning lands from its mouth to a point above Horine, and hired a man from this county to watch and prosecute all he may catch fishing in their waters not belong to their club.  We were told that this citizen receives a salary of from $100 to $150 per annum, to play the spy for the club.  This would be all right if there was no hunting on Sunday.  We do not question the right of an owner to rent his portion of the creek to whomever he pleases, but the fact that the club has rented the Joachim does not give the members a license to hunt on Sundays.  The State laws forbid that, and there is not a law-abiding farmer in Jefferson County who would hunt on his own premises on the Lord’s day.  A stop should be made to these violations.  Prosecuting Attorney DEARING and Sheriff MAUPIN should emulate the example set them by Judge GREEN and Mr. HURTGEN some years ago, when they put a stop to Mr. Martin MICHAEL’S wholesale sales on Sundays, by taking a posse and arresting whom they may find with a gun traversing our forests on the Sabbath.  Another bad feature in connection with this sporting club is the fact that their hired agent is an officer of the law – one of the Justices appointed by the late Republican court contrary to law – before whose very door a batch of these hunters alight from the train every Sunday.  He cannot help seeing them, unless he purposely turns around and looks in an opposite direction, and as he is supposed to know the members of this particular club, he would make an excellent State’s witness if he desired to do so; but a course of this kind, we presume, would put an end to the annual salary.  However, as a matter of justice and common decency, he should either resign his office or quit acting the spy for men who violate the law.  One cannot serve the Lord and the Devil at one and the same time.  We hope that immediate steps will be taken to put an end to this wholesale violation of the Sunday law.


Republican papers publish what they all “tariff pictures.”  The object is to deceive the people and make them think that a high tariff really cheapens prices to consumers.  Here is one of these pictures, which we copy from the Mirror of last week, and which, doubtless, has been published by this time in every Republican paper in the land:


New York Press:  “You poor farmer,“ weeps the free trader as his crocodile tears bedew the Ohio stump.  “MCKINLEY takes even your horse blankets.”  Let’s see.  A six pound gray wool blanket was advertised only the other day by a large Fourteenth street store for $1.32.


That is 22 cents a pound, which would indicate that the duty of 16 1/2 cents and 30 per cent. ad valorem would be 23 cents a pound or $1.38 on that blanket.  If the wicket tariff is really a tax, you ought to be able to get that blanket for the price less the duty, or get it for nothing and have six cents thrown in with it.


This is a fair sample of the pictures, and everybody who reads it knows that the only all-wool and a yard wide thing about it is the falsehood it contains.  And yet, strange as it may appear to intelligent readers, said papers publish it with as much solemnity as if it were solid truth, which no one can deny or doubt.  Six pounds of cleaned wool cannot be bought by any manufacturer for less than $1.29, and is more likely to cost him 30 cents per pound, or $1.80.  But say that he only pays $1.20, and employs the highly-paid American labor that we hear so much about and for whose benefit the tax is ostensibly levied, does anyone suppose he is going to convert the six pounds of wool into a blanket which a dealer can afford to sell at $1.32?  The statement is too preposterous to admit of serious consideration!  And yet it is on a par with, and a fair sample of, the stuff that readers of Republican literature are being fed on.  Does this not prove what we have often asserted, that the Republican leaders treat the public as a lot of ignoramuses, who haven’t sense enough to reason on any proposition?  There may be a grain of truth in the picture.  It is possible that a New York merchant does advertise that he sells six pound-all wool blankets for $1.32, but if he does everybody knows that it is not a legitimate business transaction, and that he either stole the blankets, or is a liar and a cheat.  The duty of a respectable newspaper in such a case is to expose the attempted fraud, instead of becoming a party to the fraud and attempting to mislead and deceive its readers.



The St. Louis Republic never waits to be driven along the path of progress by sharp competition, but keeps so far in the lead that competition is an impossibility.  Its first bold and original departure was the publication of its weekly in five separate editions – one for Missouri, one for Illinois, one for Texas, one for Arkansas, and another for the rest of the Union.  Next, it made the Weekly Republic a semi-weekly, issuing it every Tuesday and Friday, in sections of six pages each.  Then it established a special tariff department, edited by the Hon. W. L. WILSON, one of the ablest of the Democratic leaders in Congress.  Now it announces that each of these striking and original features will continue permanently, and in addition to all this, that two more pages will soon be added to one each week, so as to give subscribers to the Twice-a-Week Republic fourteen pages regularly every week for only one dollar a year.  Besides these special attractions – which no other paper in the country can offer – its general merits as a newspaper are unequaled.  Sample copies will be sent free on application.





Editor Jefferson Democrat:


In this noble land of ours there is a diversity of employment, and the young in pursuit of the pleasures and riches of early life, neglect that high and noble culture of the mind that tends to elevate them in their future sphere.  A great number of our young men fail to maintain an equal rank among their fellow beings, because they have not availed themselves of past educational opportunities.  It is a well-tested fact that in all the stages of the world’s growth, men have been loyal and patriotic to their governments to that degree in which they were taught to realize the responsibility that rests upon each citizen.  Missouri, the pride of the Mississippi Valley, affords abundant facilities for education; her schools are open to the poorest and humblest of our land; yet there are many whose desires for knowledge lie dormant, and who do not care to possess themselves of the opportunities which surround them.  When the persecuted Pilgrim Fathers landed on the cold and barren shores of New England and there kindled the flames of liberty that gave birth to a new republic, in which the people had at first to struggle for mere subsistence, in the face of all these disadvantages and in spite of the scalping knives and the tyranny of an oppressive government, the colonist did not forget the value of education.  There were established at that time schools which are in existence to-day and are renowned for their proficiency.  Such were the colonists’ views of the value of learning that the war clouds, which dazzled their vision, never caused them to deviate from their course.  We, today, are standing upon the threshold of a period of modern progress.


Our school system is excellent – our schools are numerous and good.  Among them is the Kirksville Normal, of which we wish to speak.  We feel safe in stating that this school ranks among the best in the State, everything about the building and the yard being so conveniently arranged; and what is especially of great interest to the student is the kind and noble spirit of the faculty.  In connection with this school is a Model Department, which is attended by about one hundred small pupils, who belong to the City of Kirksville.  These children are instructed by those students of the Normal, who wish to graduate in the two or your-year course.  The methods used in teaching in the Model School must necessarily be of the very best; otherwise they are not accepted by the faculty.  There are enrolled in this Normal school at present about four hundred and fifty students.  Good board can be procured in private families at the rate of $2.75 per week, and in clubs for $2.  This surely places education within the reach of all energetic young men; and we hope to see at the opening of the next school year a number of our boys here.  It is not only in the Normal that the student is welcomed, but in the Sunday schools and churches, which are eight in number.  Now, with best wishes to our friends and the readers of the J. D., we remain yours,  BB  Kirksville, Mo., Oct. 15, 1891



~Coach Horses at the St. Louis Fair~


Editor Jefferson Democrat:


I belonged to the Fair Mound Jockey Club for a number of years and have seen most of the noted horses shown in this country, but have never seen a better exhibit than at the last meeting of the St. Louis Fair Association, and this was particularly true of what is termed the coach horses.  There are four types of coach horses shown at the fair – the Cleveland Bay, the French Coach Horse, the Oldenburg Coach Horse, and the English Hackney.  The Clevelands were all about 16 hands high, beautifully proportioned, large prominent eyes, well muscled, with fine limbs and extra-good feet.  They were all of excellent bay color, and quiet, gentle and tractable.  Large, strong and graceful, they can be worked to the plow, wagon or carriage, and always be in place.


The French coach horse is a fine animal, but is rather too heavy for an all-purpose horse.  He is built more on the order of the draft horse and can never hope to be the coach horse of America.  If he is not really clumsy, he looks so.  A farmer’s horse should be an all-purpose horse – a horse he can use for all kinds of work himself and one for whom he can easily find a buyer, if he wants to sell.  This is not true of the small pacing or trotting horse, only fit for the sulky or buggy; neither is it true of the 2000-pound draft horse, fit only for heavy work to be done in a walk.


The Oldenburg horse is a fine dark-bay, 15 ¾ hands high, well muscled, beautiful carriage, with fine knee action.  He is a fine looker and will sell in large cities as a carriage or couple horse.  However, very nervous horses are not generally true, steady workers.


The Hackney is a horse 15 hands and two inches high, of chestnut bay or brown color.  He is a very stylish animal, has fine knee action, and is an elegant looking horse for coupe or Victoria.  He is the fashionable coach horse of the wealth people of some of the Eastern cities.  They want a great deal of show and style, and they get it in the Hackney.  Such high-knee action becomes, however, a species of pounding, likely to lead to lameness in a short time, where much driving is done over hard granite streets.  I do not think they this horse would plough well, or make a true horse with a heavy load of wheat behind him.




My Ideal.


To Miss Hattie HANDCOCK. 


He’s a man who can struggle ahead of the strife,

Who can battle alone all the battles of life;

A man who is stern when his honor’s on test,

Whose face softly gladdens when near his heart’s best;

A man who is proud of his mother, and when

The hardest is on don’t forget he’s a man.


Not the one with soft leather sewed on to his boot –

A brogan may as well be fit on the firm foot;

But the step must be true, with a ring in the tread,

While the hat may be old, if a poise’s in the head.

A woman may choose for her own, if she can,

And love to the end of her life such a man.


His shoulders are broad, they can pack the whole load,

If sometime or other there’s a break in the road;

With a soft word of cheer for the one at this side –

Ah!  these are men for whom women have died!


I have seen in my day little men who were brave,

While beside them there strutted six feet of knave,

Who was tall in his dignity, dealing a blow

To the back of a man who already lay low.


‘Tis the fob of to-day who brings shame on his race,

With the cut of his clothes and the smirk on his face,

Who will kick and will swear, who will brag and will rear,

But crawl ‘neath the bench when the wolfe’s at the door.


The man with the iron-cast grip in his span,

And the gold in his heart, be your choice of a man!

M. L. M.           St. Louis, October, 1891


~Crystal and Festus~

The Knights of Pythias had an interesting meeting in their hall, at Festus, last Friday evening.  The attendance was large.


The fires under two of the calcine furnaces at Herculaneum were kindled Monday morning.  Mr. COBERLEY the assayist, and a lot of workmen, went up Sunday morning to take charge of the works.  This means another boom for the Crystal wedge.


A move is on foot in Festus to establish a pottery.  The works are to be put up on a new plan, for which a patent has lately been procured.  It is said that prominent parties are interested in the enterprise, and that three thousand dollars, together with the site for the new plant, have already been secured. Festus, October 20, 1891


~Sulphur Springs~

By Exchange.

Albert SMITH is visiting friends in our town.


Charles PURDOM has been under the weather for a week.


Robert CASTILE, Jr., and Miss Lizzie KERBERICH have gone on a visit to the city.  We presume what will follow.


George HULL, of Meramec Station, St. Louis County, has been visiting his brother, Dr. HULL, at this place, the past few days.


Died, at his home in this place, on the evening of the 16th inst., our aged postmaster, Robert VENN, in his 67th year, of erysipelas of the face.  He was buried on Sunday at the Kimmswick cemetery.  Your correspondent and a host of others followed the remains to their last resting place.  Mr. REINERT, pastor of the Glaize Creek Evangelical church, conducted the funeral and delivered an appropriate sermon.  Mr. V. was one of our best citizens.  May he rest in peace, and may God be with him forever.

Sulphur Springs, Oct. 19, 1891.



By Eureka

Phil PARKS declares he has the largest hog in the county for a four-year-old.


Philip GLATT has left us for the city to raise a fortune, and is at work in the Anheuser brewery.


Some of our band boys had better be hugging their instruments in time of play than the girls by moonlight.


The Maxville band and people are preparing for a serenade this evening at Peter SIMON’s, it being his wife’s 43rd birthday.


This cold snap has sent our people to the woods, looking after fuel, and putting up stoves, and the boys and girls are prevented from being out so late of nights in Summer suits.


A young St. Louis county man came near getting lost while taking his best girl home; he should either take along a guide or a torch next time.


The Maxville F. & L. Union sent Cris GRIMM to the County Union as delegate, and he declares that he made the trip home from Hillsboro without a stop.


Mr. Ben BAUER has left St. Louis and rented Philip GLATT’s place, and is once more one of our citizens.  Louis GILMAN has also come back, having rented the “Old French Miller” place.  It is queer, nearly all those leaving Jefferson County, are glad to come back.


Although a cold day and late in the season, Father SCHRAMM’s picnic was a success last Thursday, and about $280 went into the coffers.  The Maxville brass and reed band discoursed some beautiful music, and dancing was kept up very late.  The winding up was an elegant array of fireworks.

Maxville, October 19, 1891.


Adam might have been the ‘goodliest’ man of men since ‘born’, but it doesn’t appear that he ever did anything especially good for his large family.  What a lasting blessing he might have left behind if he could have made Salvation Oil and killed pain.


~Seckman Echoes~

By A. K.


We are having nice weather for Fall.  Ploughing and potato-digging is all the go.  ‘Squire BERRESHEIM and wife were visiting relatives in St. Louis County last Sunday.  Constable NOLAN had a sowing machine raffled off, at this place, last Saturday night; Miss Katie STECKEL was the lucky winner.  Dancing was kept up until a late hour.  Philip KEMP was over to see us; he thinks our roads are in better condition than those of St. Louis County. Seckman, October 20, 1891


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Andrew MALCOM, deceased, are notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of November, 1891, and on the fourth day of said term – November 12, 1891.

October 15, 1891.  J. B. BAKEWELL, Public Administrator.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Margaret SLATTERY, deceased, are notified that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1891, and on the fourth day of said term – November 19, 1891. October 15, 1891.            J. B. BAKEWELL, Public Administrator.


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Ada K. PECK, deceased, are notified that the undersigned, administratrix of said estate, intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1891.

October 8, 1891.         Julia COLEMAN, Administratrix


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Samuel MARSDEN, deceased, are notified that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1891.       

October 8, 1891          Sullivan FRAZIER, Public Administrator


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of John P. LOLLAR, deceased, are notified that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1891.

October 8, 1891.                     B. F. LOLLAR., Public Administrator.


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Leander BAILEY, deceased, are notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of November, 1891.

October 8, 1891.                     Sullivan FRAZIER, Public Administrator.


NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. – All creditors and others interested in the estate of Andrew STECKER, deceased, are notified that the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intends to make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November, 1891.

October 8, 1891.                     William HAMPEL, Public Administrator


TRUSTEE’S SALE – Whereas, John H. MORSE ( now more than nine months dead and Mary P. MORSE, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated the fifth day of May, 1887, and duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the County of Jefferson and state of Missouri, in Trust Record book 18, at page 8, conveyed to the undersigned, as trustee, the following described real estate and the improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, to wit:

A tract of land, containing six hundred and forty acres, known as survey No. 871, confirmed to Mark WIDEMAN; also forty five acres out of the land confirmed to Henry PREWITT, adjoining the above described land, and making together six hundred and eight-five acres, more or less, except the quantity of one hundred and sixty acres heretofore conveyed to William J. WILLIAMS and forty-five acres conveyed Henry PREWITT, leaving the number of acres hereby conveyed four hundred and eighty acres, and being the same land acquired by said John H. MORSE  from James WILLIAMS.

Also the west half of a tract of six hundred and forty acres, known as survey No. (3182?), in township 41, range three east, confirmed to Jacob COLLINS and legal representatives, and acquired by said John H. MORSE of Giles LEE by deed dated February 23, 1858, and recorded in Book “N”, page 17, in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Jefferson county, and is all the same real estate described in a former deed of trust to Peter M. BROWN’s trustee, dated May . . ., and recorded in Book No. 11, page 583, in the Recorder’s office aforesaid.


Which conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of certain promissory notes in said deed described, with the interest thereon; and, whereas twelve of said notes have been long past due and remain unpaid:  Now, therefore, I, the undersigned trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said notes, and in pursuance of the provisions of said deed, will, on FRIDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1891, between the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the above described real estate, for the purposes said trust.

October 8, 1891.         James S. BROWN, Trustee


 TRUSTEE’S SALE. – WHEREAS, John H. MORSE and Mary P. MORSE, his wife, by their deed of trust, dated April 24 . . ., and recorded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County, Missouri, in Trust Record book No. 12, at pages 40 and following, conveyed to the undersigned trustees, the following described real estate, situate in Jefferson County, State of Missouri, to wit:

The southwest quarter of section seventeen, the southeast quarter of section eighteen, the southwest quarter of section twenty, the west half of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter, and the northwest part of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, of section twenty; all of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty, except the right of way of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the tract where LEPP’s store is located; also block number twenty-nine in the Town of Vineland.  All the above described real estate is situated in township number thirty-nine, range four east, containing in all about seven hundred and twenty eight acres, more or less.


Which conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of seven promissory notes therein mentioned and described; and, whereas, it is provided in said deed of trust, that in case default be made in the payment of said notes, of any or either of them, when they respectively become due or payable, this deed shall be in force and all payable, and the trustee shall proceed and sell; and, whereas, one of said notes has become due and remains unpaid, which default makes all the notes due and payable; and, whereas, the said John H. MORSE has been dead more than nine months – now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder and owner of said notes, and in pursuance of the authority to me given by said deed of trust, public notice is hereby given that I will, on Friday, the 30th Day of October, 1891, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., at the front door of the court house, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, in the State of Missouri, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the real estate above described, to satisfy said notes and the expenses of executing this trust.

October 8, 1891.                     Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Trustee.


NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS – Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of Jefferson county, Missouri, at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891:


Central township,                                            Hillsboro,                     Sept. 24, 25, 26

Big River,                                                        Grubville,                     Sept. 28

Big River,                                                        Morse’s Mill,                Sept. 29

Big River,                                                        Frumet,                        Sept. 30

Plattin township,                                              Rush Tower,                October 5

Plattin township,                                              Danby                          October 6

Plattin township,                                              McCormack’s,             October 7

Valle township,                                                Valle Mines,                October  8

Joachim township,                                          Crystal City,                 October 12

Joachim township,                                          Festus,                        October 13, 14

Valle township,                                                DeSoto,                       October 15, 16, 17

Rock township,                                                Kimmswick,                 October 19, 20

Rock township,                                                Sulphur Spring,           October 21

Joachim township,                                          Pevely,                        October 22

Joachim township                                           matite                          October 23

Central township,                                            Hillsboro,                     October 24

Meramec township,                                         Dittmer’s Store,           October 26

Meramec township,                                         Cedar Hill,                   October 27

Meramec township,                                         Byrnesville,                  October 28

Meramec township,                                         House’s Spring,           October 29

Meramec township,                                         High Ridge,                 October 30

Rock township,                                                Antonia,                       November 12


Bring along the number of the land you desire to pay taxes on.  A correct tax receipt will answer the purpose.  The attention of the taxpayers is called to section . . .  of the Revised Statutes, which will be rigidly enforced.

Herman HAMEL, Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri, Hillsboro, Mo., August, 27 1891





Circuit courts – Second Mondays in January, May and September; James F. GREEN, Judge, DeSoto.


Probate courts – Second Mondays in February, May, August, and November; R. A. ELKINS, Judge, Hillsboro.


County courts – First Mondays in February, May, August and November; Judges – R. G. MADISON, Crystal City; Thomas J. DONNELL, DeSoto; Hubert BECKER, Maxville.


Representative, J. N. CONN, Rush Tower.

Prosect’g  Att’y, F. H. DEARING, Hillsboro.

Circuit Clerk, C. R. HONEY,   Hillsboro.

County Clerk, W. L. TOWNSEND, Hillsboro.

Recorder, Simon MCNEARNEY, Hillsboro.

Sheriff, Edward R. MAUPIN,   Hillsboro.

Treasurer, Jos. J. HOEKEN,   Hillsboro.

Collector, Herman HAMEL, DeSoto.

Assessor, George MCFARLAND, Frumet.

Public Adm., J. B BAKEWELL, Victoria.

County Surveyor, J. B. DOVER, Victoria.

Coroner, Dr. T. A. JAMES, DeSoto, Mo.





Wm. A. BROWN is now braking on the Iron Mountain railroad; so is John W. STROUP.


Miss Hannie WILLIAMS, who has been in St. Louis the past month returned last Saturday.


August SANDER, a DeSoto butcher, had the misfortune of losing a child last week with croup.


Licensed to marry – Henry B. IRWIN and Mabel D. VEAZEY, Charles R. MCMULLIN and Fannie B. CAPE.


Judge ELKINS, is going to have one of the prettiest places about town when he gets through building and repairing.


Albert PRINCE, who recently bought the WACK place near Hillsboro, sold it yesterday to John W. L. TOENNICA, of St. Louis.


Johannes BOESCH arrived here Tuesday night, “lock, stock and barrel,” and is now safely housed in the GUENTHER residence.


The past week has been very fine Fall weather, and those having apples hereabouts have been busy picking and putting them away.


Mr. B. SCHWEIZER is in St. Joseph, Mo., this week, as a delegate from the Festus lodge to the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias.


Miss India WELSH is no longer “sweet sixteen,” having arrived at majority, which event she celebrated by spending a month in St. Louis.


We learn that Mr. ROBINSON, who lost the big case on trial in Esquire FRAZIER’s court for four days recently, has taken an appeal to Circuit court.


We lay awake of nights a great deal now, but it is not for the purpose of studying up brilliant editorials or funny locals, but because we cannot help ourself.


Aug. SANDER, opposite Opera House in DeSoto, will pay the highest market prices for beef cattle, etc.


The only professional milliner in Festus, is at B. SCHWEIZER’s; hence be not misled.  If you desire a highly artistic hat for yourself or children, go to B.  SCHWEIZER’s.


The Sheriff got another boarder from Festus, one day last week.  It was Frank WILLIAMS, colored, who was unable to pay a fifty-dollar fine for carrying concealed weapons.


The landscapes hereabouts are worthy of the attention of the most-gifted painter.  The coloring is brilliant, and includes all the shades of red, yellow, brown and green.


A red cow, with yellowish-white tail and horns growing inward, supposed to have a young calf, has strayed from Henry UNSER, of DeSoto.  Information of her whereabouts paid for.


Dr. MILLER is getting lonesome and says he does not admire playing widower and keeping bachelor hall.  His wife and children left for Cole County last Friday, for a few week’s visit to Mrs. MILLER’s parents.


Alexander CALAHAN was relieved, last week, of his job of carrying the mail between Hillsboro and Ware’s.  Leonard COUCH took a sub-contract on the route.  Aleck is now sawing wood for the court house.


There will be a horse race, in the fair grounds at DeSoto, on the afternoon of October 24th, between KENNER’s horse “Wildcat” and REID’S “Nick;” once around the track for $50 a side.  Admission, 25 cents; gate opens at 1 p. m.


Found, in my corn field, a spotted sow, mostly black, apparently about two years old, marked with swallow fork in right and smooth crop off left ear.  The owner will please come, pay damages and get his stock.  Louis PRATT, near Hillsboro.


The little boy, whom we mentioned last week as being in the custody of Marshal McFRY, is named Walter CHRISTOPHER.  His crime was robbing a small boy.  He was brought to jail and there is talk of sending him to some reform school.


“Dr. RED,” of Richwoods, was in DeSoto last Saturday, studying birdology.  The City Drug Store has a curiosity in the shape of a white bird, a cross between an eagle and an owl, or something else.  The doctor has not rendered his decision.


Werner OPES, a prominent citizen of Morrow, Ohio, was here Monday and Tuesday, on a visit to the family of his cousin, Jos. J. HOEKEN. Mr. OPES is an enthusiastic Democrat, and is confident that Gov. CAMPBELL will be reelected next month.


We presume there was a township Sunday school convention at Victoria last Sunday, though we have no report from it.  On account of our disabled hand, we were not in a condition to travel, and hence could not attend, but we desired to very much.


James N. WHITEHEAD, Jr., came in from Denver, Colo., week before last.  He has become of age, and came here to get from his guardian the money due him, which was recovered from the railroad company for damages for the loss of a leg in a collision, while he was a little boy.


Friend REPPY, at DeSoto, has had quite an extensive private hospital for two weeks, his children having been down with scarlet fever.  At last accounts they were all getting well.  We understand that the disease has made the run of the city, but is called by some other name.  It has not been of a malignant form.


The Jefferson County F. & L. U. had a regular meeting in Hillsboro last Friday.  There was a pretty full attendance and the session continued till a late hour.  We sent up a request for report of such proceedings as they wished to make public, but having received nothing, we presume all the business was of a private secret nature.


Louis WAPPLER has bought out John DEVILLA’S interests in the furniture and stove business recently purchased by them of Mr. RICHER in DeSoto, and Mr. WAPPLER is running the business on his own book.  Louis is a courteous gentleman, a good mechanic in wood work, and does not intend to be undersold in his . . . nor underbid on job work.


A young man was tried before a Justice at DeSoto last Saturday, on charge of stealing a suit from a merchant, named M. BAKER.  The circumstantial evidence against defendant was strong, but the goods were not found, and the jury accepted his story of innocence and acquitted him.  It has since been learned that the goods have been found in his possession, but we presume he cannot again be tried for the same offense. 


Jacob MARTIN, butcher at KELM’s old stand in DeSoto, is always well supplied with the best of fresh meats and all kinds of sausage.  He also pays the highest price for beef cattle, fat hogs and sheep.  Give him a call.


Mr. MAUTHE found that he could not run the Klausman beer depot in connection with his soda water factory, without neglecting one or the other, and has resigned as agent for the brewery.  Mr. Fred WAPPLER has been induced to accept the agency of brewery company, and will be glad to furnish beer to all who desire to buy the keg, eighth or half barrel.  Bottled beer can also be had by the case.  When in need of good ‘liquid food’, call on Fred WAPPLER, DeSoto, MO.


Strayed – two milch cows; one light red half Jersey, marked with swallow fork in left, smooth crop and slit in the right ear; also a brindlish-red cow, white spotted, marked with under bit in right ear.  Information paid for by George CASTILE, DeSoto, Mo.


Last Saturday we stepped on the train at Victoria and went to DeSoto, and found our old friend, Conductor FREEMAN, in charge.  He is one of the few men of the early days of the Iron Mountain, and doesn’t look a day older than he did twenty years ago.  We also met on the train the brainiest trio of Southeast Missouri, namely ex-Congressman CLARDY of Farmington, Congressman BYRNS of Washington and Jefferson counties, and Major DENNIS of Cape Girardeau.


Mr. Wheelock Veazey TOWLE spent Sunday in town.  He is a cousin of Mr. D. B. VEAZEY, and was only about three years old when Mr. VEAZEY came West, in 1866.  This is his first meeting with his cousin’s family.  Mr. TOWLE’s home is at Exeter, N. M., but he has recently located in Chicago and is traveling for WILDER & Co., of that city, who are engaged in the leather business.  He says that St. Louis is one of his best points for trade, and that he shall frequently visit there, so that he hopes to come to Jefferson County often.


Judge LABEAUME, the “terrible” of DeSoto, has had most of his molars extracted recently and this is the reason Max FROMHELD has a surplus of lunch lately, even though Editor FLYNN has quit going home for his dinner.  This surplus at lunch acted somewhat on the Judge as CLEVELAND’s surplus had acted upon our Republican friends some years ago – it made him poor.  Max, seeing this and having a warm heart in him; has secured a bottle, with a rubber teat, and treats the Judge to a pint of good milk at lunch time until the dentist has his new molars ready.


There is probably not another town the size of Hillsboro where the hammer and saw is heard plainer than here.  Thomas WILLIAMS is repairing the damage sustained by the blacksmith-shop fire on Joe HOEKEN’S old store house; Judge SECKMAN’s eldest son is pushing the work on Judge ELKIN’s building, where Mr. HARTNETT is also plastering; stone masons began laying the foundation for HURTGEN & HUBELI’s smithy and wagon-maker shop, which will be large and commodious structure; Deer BILLY has been building a chicken house for County Clerk TOWNSEND, while James MOSS is having his residence decorated in the latest style.


Last week we announced George N. WILSON, of Festus, as the happy father of twins, and mother and children as doing well.  It was a pleasant picture; but, alas!  How soon to fade.  Mrs. W., after some days of intense suffering, was relieved by the Death Angel last Monday, and now there is a disconsolate husband, two motherless babes, and parents bereft of one who was dear to them.  Mrs. WILSON was a daughter of Mr. S. T. MILLER, who moved to this county from Iowa a few years ago, and was much esteemed by those who knew her.  Her death, under the circumstances, was a sad one, and the mourning relatives have our sympathies.  She was interred in the Hillsboro cemetery on Tuesday.


Jacob, son of August REUTER, died at his home on ROMINE’s creek on the 11th inst.  He was a beautiful child, beloved by all who knew him, and his death is mourned by a large circle of friends.  Though the death of this dear little boy is a heavy blow to the afflicted parents, they should derive consolation from the thought that little Jacob has been merely called to the kingdom of his eternal Father in heaven.  God, in His wisdom, has recalled the boon His love had given, and though the body moulders here, the soul is safe in heaven.


A precious one from us has gone,

A voice we loved is stilled;

A place is vacant in our home,

Which never can be filled.                   M.




Robert VENN, postmaster at Sulphur Springs, Mo., died on Friday evening, October 16, 1891, aged 67 years.  Mr. V. had been a citizen of Sulphur Springs since 1863.  He came there as a soldier, liked the situation of the town and, at the end of his service, bought a lot and built a house upon it, which he made a permanent home.  He was strictly honest in his dealings, and very prompt in business.  For the last ten years he has kept a store, taking great pleasure in keeping his business straight.  He was buried in the Kimmswick cemetery, Rev. REINHOLD of Glaize Creek performing the last services at the grave in the German language.  A large number of friends of the family attended the funeral.  F. W.



~Valle Minings.~

By Honeybee.


A nice shower of rain visited us last Friday, since which time wheat sowing is prosecuted with a vim.  James L. GOFF and his partner, Oscar FLORENTZ, went to St. Louis last week, preparatory to resuming business at Flucom, I presume.  Edward ROWE, who has been working at Festus, returned home, Saturday, on a visit.  James GOFF, who is noted for his desire to be a professional “coon” hunter, went out one day last week, and caught five ‘possums.

Valle Mines, October 19, 1891.




Rainfall for the last seven days was below the normal for this State.  Light showers fell throughout a larger part of the State on the 13th and 14th, but the precipitation was generally insufficient.


Temperature was normal.  Frost on the morning of the 15th was the heaviest of the season, and in some counties reported the first.


Sunshine was normal.


Wheat seeding, delayed by drouth, is now nearly done.  Much of the early sown came up unevenly.  The acreage will probably be less than that of last year, owing to the unfavorable conditions for seeding.


Levi CHUBBUCK, Sec’y State Board. Columbia, October 17, 1891.



A Card.


Editor Jefferson Democrat:

You might have noticed a piece in the Crystal Mirror about Gus LASATER and some chicken shooting, by a correspondent from this place, signing his name as “Foot Loose.”  He should have said “tongue loose.”  Now, I have known Gus for a number of years, and know all about the circumstance in question from parties of the opposite side, and can truly say that 95 percent of the paragraph in the Mirror was positively false, and I am ready at all times to defend what I say.  I believe a man should know the facts in the matter before he rushes into print, and in justice to the boy I will say that he has always, since I have known him, borne a good reputation, is a boy of genteel, social qualities, and well liked by all, except by some low-down, puny curs, like the writer of the article in the Mirror, who is always trying to down somebody, and keep them down so long as he can lash them with his scandalous and perfidious tongue.  However, as “Foot Loose” has made such a fine showing at exaggeration, on such short notice, in favor of Mrs. CHURCH and Mr. MILLER, I think it but just for them to give him 10 cents each, and I will throw in a nickel, which will make a quarter, and that is better than nothing.  It’s a great deal of trouble to study up such polished language, you know!  But he forgot that it is more honorable to shoot a chicken in public, where everybody can see it, than to sneak up to a hen roost at night, steal a chicken, go to the woods, and cook and eat it.

JUSTICE.                    Kimmswick, October 4, 1891.



~Pevely Doings~


Our fat man is considerable better now.


Carpenters seem to be very busy at present.


Judge CHARLES is having his well dug deeper.  He says, “more water – more fun.”


Mrs. Congressman BYRNS and Mrs. R. G. HOEKEN were visiting at Mrs. George MOSS’ last week.


Our school teacher’s horse caused an excitement a few days ago, by running away with his pretty little rider.


Misses Myrtle and Olie MOSS have just returned from a week’s visit to St. Louis, where they attended the exposition.


Mrs. DONOVAN is improving in health. 


Bud CADWALLADER, who was hurt some time ago in the breast, is in a very poor condition.

Z. Z.                 Pevely, October 16, 1891.



~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:


Rolla J. HELT to William T. HELT, lot in Festus..$1

John H. SCOTT to Smith WALKER, lot in Festus….$1

M. F. HERRINGTON to Thomas EDELMAN, 18 lots in DeSoto…$400

George KRAEMER to John GRACYEK, lot in survey 2991…$625

S. T. WAGGENER to Wm. F. HELT, lot in Festus…..$10

R. F. LANNING to Louis SEMRICH, lot in Festus….$100

Same to John KNITTING, lot in Festus…$100

Same to Norbert BADER, lot in Festus….$100

Charlotte MULFORD to Arthur MULFORD, 20 acres, S34, T40, R4…$1000

Maud RONDEBUSCH to Michael MERGET, lot in DeSoto…$1000

Herman ENGEL to Q. J. FARLEY, 90 acres, S32,T41, R5…$450

Simson TUTTLE to J. E. JONES, 3 lots in Victoria….$1150

T. H. GAINES to H. C. GAINES, 82 acres in survey 1990….$500

R. W. MCMULLIN to T. M. POLITTE, two lots in DeSoto….$5

Josephine GUENTHER  to Johannes BOESCH, lot in Hillsboro…$875

William SIEBERT to G. W. GOZA, 2 lots in Hanover….$475

K. T. GAMEL to John FORGY, 136 acres in survey 392…..$3200

W. ALLEN and others to Marie GRATIOT, two lots in DeSoto….$200

W. F. EDINGER to J. W. BAKER, lot in DeSoto…..$1400

J. W. FLETCHER to J. W. BAKER, lot in DeSoto,….$60

C. N. FITCH to Reason GOWAN, 2 ½ acres, S1,T39, R4…$900

John DRYBREAD, by administrator, to W. E. HOLT, 31 acres, S4, T39, R7….$72

Joseph SALVRI to Frank PERANO, lots in Festus….$1300

Bessie DAVIS to C. MERCER, two lots in DeSoto…..$51

P. M. WYNNE to J. W. MORRISON, 60 acres, S31, T41 R5….$1200



~Deaths and Births~

The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date:               Name:                                                                         Age:

Oct. 13,    Amos EDWIN, youngest son of William LOTTMAUW - Age 23 mths/18 days, of membranus croup.



Date:                           Name of Mother:                     Sex:

Sept. 14,                      Mrs. Harmon H. BUSS,           boy

Oct. 14,                       Mrs. B. W. CORNELL,            boy

The latter only lived two days.



~Probate Court~


Term docket of the Probate court of Jefferson County, to be begun and held in the Town of Hillsboro, in said county and State of Missouri, on Monday, the 9th day of November, 1891.  R. A. ELKINS, Judge.


Monday – First Day.

Estates.                                                           Executers and Admins.


Samuel MARSDEN,                                        Sullivan FRAZIER.

Andrew MALCOLM,                                        J. B. BAKEWELL.

Gus MARTIN,                                                  Mary E. MARTIN.

Harriet L. ABERNATHY,                                 Camel RODES (Rhodes)

James E. BYRNE,                                           M. F. BYRNE.

Oliver CROMWELL,                                        O. and S. CROMWELL.

Lydia A. DRAKE,                                             M. B. DRAKE.

John GALVIN,                                                Terry O’BRIEN.

B. F. JENNINGS,                                            Mark C. JENNINGS.

George C. MCNUTT,                                      C. H. FAKE.


Tuesday – Second Day.


Jeremiah MCCLAIN,                                       J. T. MCCLAIN.

J. R. MCCULLOCK,                                        Lester J. HENRY.

William TUBBESING.                                      Anna TUBBESING.

Thomas L. DONNELL,                                    W. R. DONNELL.

Cora KIRN,                                                      Sophia RACINE.

C. M. and C. A. MERESEAL,                          C. E. MERSEAL.

VOGELGESANG minors,                               M. VOGELGESANG.

Jas. N. WHITEHEAD,                                     W. R. DONNELL.




Iron Mountain Route, M.C. TOWNSEND, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, MO

STODDART & Co., Patents, Washington, DC

MOCKBEE House, Boarding, Hillsboro, MO

F. AUBUCHON, Dry Goods

E. B. MAUPIN, Auctioneer

Glade Chapel, All Country Produce, Mrs. Anna FRAZIERR

Leo BERRESHEIM, General Merchandise

The St. Louis Republic Newspaper

Phillip CLARK, Chicago, IL

M. ZIEGLER, Watches, Kimmswick, MO

Aug. KASSEBAUM, Dry Goods - 14 Mile House, Lemay Rd.

Rob’t COXWELL, Undertaker,  DeSoto, MO

E. VOLLMER, Dry Goods

Wm. WITTLER, Tobacco, St. Louis, MO

J. F. DONNELL, Physician and Surgeon, Hematite, MO

John GEATLEY, Tinware, Scheve, MO

Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent, Justice of the Peace, Festus, MO.

Green Tree Brewery Co.,St. Louis, MO

The Jefferson House, by Fred WAPPLER, DeSoto, MO

Max FROHHOLD, Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO

Opera House, Saloon and Restaurant, By William GORMAN, Festus, MO

A. PECAUT, Watchmaker, DeSoto, MO

N. K. FAIRBANK & Co. – Clairette Soap

Chas. HEMME, Contractor, DeSoto, MO

Louis WAPPLER, Stoves and Furniture, DeSoto, MO

Chas. H. BAILEY, Real Estate, St. Louis, MO

Louis GREVE’s General Store, Pevely, MO