The Jefferson Democrat

September 24, 1891


The Jefferson Democrat was the only paper in the county which published last week a full list of the awards made at the county fair.  The abortive attempt of the Facts won’t count.


Secretary BURKE, of the Fair Association, got his books all posted up last week, and issued drafts on the treasurer for all the premiums awarded.  The drafts are now in the hands of the treasurer, M. S. COXWELL of the People’s Bank, and those who apply there can get their money.  We presume that those who cannot conveniently apply at the bank, can get checks by writing for them, or can collect by giving a written order to someone else who is going to DeSoto.  It is not the intention to 'sabotage' anybody’s money, but plenty of time will be given to all.


Mainly through the efforts of Mr. George R. RATHBUN a sufficient sum of money has been subscribed to purchase and pay for the fair ground at DeSoto, and now we hope that the subscribers will pay up without delay, as it will be an advantage to the association to get immediate possession.  Since the laying out of the Hotel Park into town lots, the fair ground is about the only place in the city for picnics and out-door meetings, and will be in demand at a reasonable rental; so it can be made the source of some revenue, and a great deal is needed to put it in the shape it ought to be in.


Mr. J. H. WAGGENER furnished us, last week, the following statement, compiled by Labor Commissioner HALL, showing the number of gallons of milk shipped during the year 1890 from Jefferson County to the St. Louis market.  It was gotten up with much care and is thought to be absolutely correct:




Sulphur Springs,---21,430









This, at 10 ½ cents per gallon, which is said to be the average price, represents $63,672.75 paid by dealers in the City of St. Louis for Jefferson County milk during the year 1890, and we are informed that the amount shipped this year will be much larger than that of last.  It must also be remembered in this connection, that the milk from the MORSE dairy at Vineland, one of the largest in the county, was all shipped to Memphis, Tenn., and is not included in above statement.


~Circuit Court News~


Rosa WILHELM was granted a divorce from her husband, Jacob, and given the care and custody of their children.


William ZIMMERMAN and Chas. SIMON were made citizens of this country.


Robert JENKINS, F. DUBOIS and James POINTER were each fined five dollars for shooting craps.  These are three of the colored boys whom the Prosecuting attorney started in to prosecute before a Justice of the Peace, but had to dismiss the cases on account of the defense entered by Messrs. MURPHY & SHERMAN.


John T. MURPHY was granted a divorce from Sophie B., and given care and custody of their child.


John H. REPPY and James G. BERKELEY passed examination and were licensed to practice law.


William CHILTON, indicted for stealing a cow, forfeited his recognizance.  The bond was for $500.


Thomas B. SMITH was convicted of keeping a gambling device and fined fifty dollars.


George DAUM took out his final citizen papers.


Sheriff was ordered to put up a hanging lamp forthwith, over the judge’s and clerk’s desk, which was done.


City of DeSoto vs Michael ROONEY, for keeping gambling device: cause dismissed.


C. F. VAUGHN vs City of DeSoto, for damages for impounding hogs; judgment for defendant.


THOMAS & HORINE vs E. C. DYER, on note:  judgment for $2960.


Michael CLOVER vs Rudolph HARNESS, action for damages for slander; venue changed to Iron County.


Amanda A. GORHAM vs G. A. AUERSWALD, action on note; judgment for defendant.  This was one of the most peculiar cases ever tried in this court, the plaintiff averring that the money had never been paid and defendant swearing positively that it had.  It appears the jury let the testimony of one party offset that of the other, and decided the case on the circumstances that were proven.  There will probably be an appeal taken.


National Electric Light Co. vs E. B. MAUPIN, sheriff, action to determine title to dynamo and other property.  Before conclusion of case defendants were permitted to withdraw and amend their answer, and cause was continued.


Sonera O'CONNELL vs Edward BURGESS, action for damages; dismissed by the plaintiff.


The case of Prudence ANDERSON vs the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railway, for killing her former husband, Upton, was tried for the fourth time and resulted same as before, the jury standing 9 to 3 in favor of a verdict for plaintiff.  The cause was first brought in St. Louis, and after two mistrials there the venue was changed to this county.


Henry HOGRAFE was made a citizen of the United States.


John FRECH vs. T. J. ALLER: judgment for plaintiff for $73.60.


State vs Lucy HENDON, charged with adultery: dismissed by agreement at cost of defendant.


I. H. HOLT vs D. B. FROST; dismissed for want of prosecution.


Ollie ABERNATHY et al vs Pinkney ABERNATHY, partition; order of sale made; 20 percent cash, balance in 12 months.


William HOMAN Saddlery Co. vs Wm. BOYNE, on account; judgment for the sum of $221.21.


The grand jury returned but four indictments and were discharged on Saturday.


Joseph BRADFORD vs Ben HINSON, on account; judgment for defendant.


Wilhelmina STUSBERG (Stosberg?) vs Amanda JORDAN; judgment for plaintiff and mortgaged property ordered sold.


State, to use of collector, vs heirs of Abraham GOTTSCHALK, judgment for the sum of $13.61; same vs W. E. TERRY, $1.22; same vs Magdalena HAHN [HUHN?], $2.25; same vs T. M. ROBERTS, alias T. M. PO?HTE [Posche?/Politte?], $3.61; same vs Joseph MAZANETZ, $3.22.


Assignee of John V. HAEFNER returned inventory and was ordered to make sale of property.


~ A Card~

Editor Jefferson Democrat:

In your issue of the 17th last. I see an item in the Seckman Echoes, signed A. E., and written, I think, by Leopold BERRESHEIM,  the worthy ‘Squire of Rock township and a Democrat, who is so handy at misrepresenting facts that I think it impossible for him to state the truth.  He says, “at last our post office has been moved to the residence of H. SECKMAN.  Up to this time the new postmaster is doing fine; the mail carriers don’t drive to the new office, and our mail sojourns between Antonia and Maxville.  This shows what Republicans will do to spite Democrats.”


The Government established a post office in this locality in April, 18?0, and appointed George STAHL postmaster.  In 1891 he resigned and moved to Kimmswick.  April 27, 1891, I took charge of the office, with Leopold BERRESHEIM as deputy postmaster, and gave him all the pay in the office for keeping it in his store.  Now let us see if there is Democracy or Republicanism in the removal to my house.  I was obliged to attend to the post office from one to three times per week, for BERRESHEIM’s accommodation, and that was more time than I could devote to his benefit.  On the 10th of June, last, I received the following notice from him, and on July 21st the second notification came to hand:


Judge Henry SECKMAN:  Dear sir – I hereby notify you I am not going to act postmaster any longer.  Leopold BERRESHEIM, July 21, 1891


Henry Seckman, Postmaster:

This is my last day as assistant postmaster under you; and, furthermore, it must be moved out of my storeroom within ten days from this date.

Respectfully yours, Leopold BERRESHEIM, Assistant Postmaster.


Now, in order to please Mr. B., I made application to the post office department and received permission to change SECKMAN post office to my residence, where I will be able to attend to the duties thereof.  Having complied with Mr. BERRESHEIM’S written request, he ought to be satisfied, but it seems he is not happy.  Henry SECKMAN, Seckman, September 19, 1891.



~Deaths and Births~


The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date:               Name:                  Age:

Sept. 1     John KNORPP              63 years

Sept. 11    William CROMWELL    11 months

Sept. 11    Catharine PONZER       2 years


Births:              Name of Mother:              Sex:    

Aug. 13            Mrs. Thomas HOLMAN      boy

Aug. 19            Mrs. William G. CAIN         boy

Aug. 30            Mrs. Edgar A. VINYARD     girl

Sept. 5             Mrs. S. WHALEY                boy

Sept. 6             Mrs. James BYRNE            girl

Sept. 16           Mrs. Edward BURGESS      girl




By Eureka


The F. & L. Union gave their picnic and fishfry on the 12th, which was a success.  It was well patronized from all directions.  County Clerk TOWNSEND was present and seemed to enjoy himself; at least he was seen to get away with a good portion of fish.  Messrs. KASSEBAUM, KRUEGER, George WALDORF and George MILLER did not forget us.  For once the crowd got their fill of fish, and some 25 pounds were left.  The Maxville brass and string band were kept pretty busy up to near midnight.  The treasurer of the Union was loaded down with picnic funds, more that $200 and mostly in silver, and afraid to go home and had a half dozen good men to stay and keep watch with him on the grounds till daylight.  Of course, there was plenty on hand to eat and drink for the watchers.  Towards morning it became cool and the guard went to get a wagon cover nearby, but found one of Kimmswick’s men wrapped up in it, which gave them a terrible fright.  At the meeting of the Union, on the 19th, Philip GLATT resigned as treasurer and William SCHWALBERT was elected as his successor.  A vote of thanks was also extended to Father SCHRAMM, August KASSEBAUM, George WALLDORF, George MILLER and William KRUEGER for donations to the Union:  Also to J. M. FREDERITZIE for the use of his grounds for picnic purposes.  The Union is increasing about four new members at each meeting.  Father SCHRAMM will give us another picnic next month.  Maxville, September 21, 1891.


~Sulphur Springs~

By Exchange.


Louis MILLER is again trying his luck on the section.

Henry TILDEN has returned from East St. Louis and is taking a vacation.

Our Public school commenced on the 14th inst., with A. C. STITES as teacher. 

John SCHMIDT came down from the city, on the 13th inst., to visit friends and relatives.

Philip GLENDENNING, our express agent and farmer, has returned from his trip to Nova Scotia.

John MCGUIRE, tankman, was on a visit to Indiana last month, but has returned to his post.

Your correspondent has been under the weather the past few weeks, but is now up and about.

Miss Katie KIRK has been visiting her friends in Florissant Valley the past few weeks, but came home on the 14th.

William GOVERN is still section boss here, and music can be heard occasionally by the banjo tater, accordion grinder, violin shrieker and piano fluter.

Sulphur Springs, Sept. 15, 1891.



The Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain route are offering exceptionally low rates to the St. Louis Exposition, Fair and other attractions this year.  The displays at the Exposition, Veiled Prophet’s Parade, brilliant street illuminations, great St. Louis Fair, and all other attractions, will be on a scale never attempted before, and this will be a rare opportunity of seeing St. Louis.  Inquire of your ticket agent for special low rates, tickets and further information.  H. TOWNSEND, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Mo.


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:


Wm. B. JEWETT to David HORNE, south half of lot 4 in Jewell’s subdivision.....$150

M. & J. MCDERMOTT to Margaret FLANNAGAN, half of 160 acres in S27, T43, R8.....$809

R. W. MCMULLIN to Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM, 40 acres, S3, T39, R4......$25

G. H. BRAGGEMANN  to Nelson Distilling Co., lot in Festus...$225

H. F. SPRINGMEIER et al to J. H. SPRINGMEIER, by the sheriff,120 acres, S4 T41 R3, and 19 acres S53 T42 R3....$400

S. W. CRAWFORD etal to A. F. SHEARLOCK, lot in DeSoto...$125

Same to A. H. SHEARLOCK, four lots in DeSoto...$525

Bessie DAVIS to _____ HARRINGTON, lot in DeSoto...$20

Same to Perry HARRINGTON, two lots in DeSoto...$60

Henry LINHORST to Adolph PAUL, 103 acres in survey 873....$3000

I. W. BROOKS and C. A. STEADMAN to John F. RICHARDS, 72 acres, S8 & 9 T42 R6..$1500

Hope SMITH to S. P. MCMULLIN, three lots in DeSoto...$195

Gabe BOYCE to C. HIGGINBOTHAM, lot in survey 315...$75

W. E. PYLE etal to John BECK, an acre in S2 T? R4....$10

A. L. COLMAN to Fred A. HERCHER, two lots in DeSoto...$140

R. F. LANSING to Nancy GRAF, lot in Festus....$100

Booker RICHARDSON to David WHITE 24 acres in survey 2039..$1000

Thomas HIGGINBOTHAM to Thomas CLOONAN, five lots in DeSoto...$250

L. J. ROSIER to M. A. and A. H. DONOHUE, two lots in DeSoto...$275

John GOWAN to E.L. IRVINE, lot in S2 T39 R4...$100

F. E. MYERS to D. M. PARK, four lots in DeSoto...$130

L. COLMAN & Henry SECKMAN to Starrett MCKEAN 119 acres, S31 T41 R4...$650

Elizabeth MORRIS to W. L. SEGMICK, 60 acres in survey 1879...$800

William HARMONY to F. M. JOHNSON, lot in DeSoto...$250

J. F. RICHARDS to A. J. MAUREY, 72 acres, S8 & 9, T42, R6...$2000

R. W. MCMULLIN to Peter BERG, three lots in DeSoto,...$26

Laura JUDSON to F. L. CARPENTER, lot in Kingston tract...$20

Nancy SHORE to William PLASS, lot in Festus...$550


~Pevely Doings~

Charity and peace should be accorded all men, regardless of their opinions concerning the political, religious and moral questions of the day; for all have hearts and feelings.  But the prohibition party of this burg has sought to throw dirt into the eyes of many law abiding citizens by the publication of their names to a petition for a dramshop license and drawing unjust inferences therefrom – drawing a line between man and man, the difference being only one of a financial character.  The difference between a prohibitionist and a staunch Republican is but slight; both are of the same piece of goods, only of a different stripe, one being wet and the other dry.  One is a general practicer of immorality and the other plays second-fiddle in Presidential elections.  One makes the music for the entire party to dance to, while the other stands ready to furnish a full band, if necessary to help Republicanism and aristocracy.  Advice is proper, but some think it is not taken soon enough.  Truth is great, but honesty and truthfulness conjoined are greater.  Our prohibitionists are now trying to show us what is what and who is who, but they should be careful to give their brethren fair treatment and equal judgment.    G. W. M.   Pevely, September 20, 1891.


~Resolutions of Respect~

The following tribute of respect, in memory of Addie PERKINS, who was killed by lightning, was adopted by the Hematite Sabbath school:

Whereas, it hath seemed best in the sight of the Lord to remove from our midst, by sudden death, our sister, Addie PERKINS, therefore be it –

Resolved, that in the death of our sister this Sabbath school has lost one of its most regular attendants and a dutiful scholar.

Resolved, that we, as a Sabbath school, tender our most heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family in their sad affliction; that, while we bow in humble submission to the will of an all-wise God, we would remember that Addie is not dead, but sleeps . . . in the arms of Jesus.

Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of deceased; also copies of same be entered in our Sabbath school record and sent to the county papers for publication.

Mrs  R.C. BERRY, Lettie  ENGLAND, J. A. . . . } Committee


~Notice to Taxpayers~

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS – Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of Jefferson County, Missouri, at the indicated time and place, for the purpose of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891.


Central township,          Hillsboro                                   Sept. 24, 25, 26

Big River,                     Grubville                                   Sept. 28

Big River,                     Morse’s Mill                              Sept. 29

Big River,                     Frumet                                     Sept. 30

Plattin township,           Rush Tower,                             October 5

Plattin township,           Danby                                      October 6

Plattin township,           McCormack’s,                           October 7

Valle township,              Valle Mines,                             October 8

Joachim township,        Crystal City,                             October 12

Joachim township,        Festus,                                     October 11, 14

Valle township, . . .       DeSoto                                     October 13, 16, 17

Rock township, . . .       Kimmswick                               October 19, 20

Rock township,             Sulphur Spring,                         October 21

Joachim township,         Pevely,                                    October 22

Joachim township,                    Hematite,                      October 23

Central township,          Hillsboro,                                  October 24

Meramec township,       Dittmer’s Store,                        October 25

Meramec township,       Cedar Hill,                                October 27

Meramec township,       Byrnesville,                              October 28

Meramec township,       House’s Spring,                        October . . .

Meramec township,       High Ridge,                              October . . .

Rock township,              Maxville,                                  Nov.10, 11

Rock township,             Antonia,                                    Nov.12


Bring along the number of the . . . of the land you desire to pay taxes on.  A correct tax receipt will answer the purpose.  The attention of the taxpayer is called to section . . . of the Revised Statistics, which will be rigidly enforced. 

Herman HAMEL

Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri

Hillsboro, Mo., August 27, 1891


~Administrative Notices~

Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Isaac F. WILSON, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate court of Jefferson County, MO, on the - day of August, 1891.  All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and if such claims not be exhibited with two years from the date of the publication, they shall be forever barred.  Hester WILSON, Administratrix, September 2, 1891.


In the Probate court of Jefferson County, MO, Saturday, August 22, 1891, the following proceedings.....towit: ....John CARREY, guardian of the person and estate of August E. MEYER, insane.....the following noticed by publication in the Jefferson Democrat, a weekly newspaper published in Jefferson County, MO for four weeks towit: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was approved guardian of the person and estate of August E. MEYER, insane, by the probate court of Jefferson County, MO, on the 11th day of May 18??, and that all persons are notified not to lend, credit or have any business transactions with him without my consent, and that all persons having [claims?] against the estate of...are hereby notified to present the same to the probate court for allowance within one year, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and that if they are not presented within two years from the date of this notice, they will be forever barred.  John CARREY, guardian of Augustus E. MEYER, insane. A true copy of record. 

Witness my hand ....R.A. ELKINS, Judge of Probate.  August 27, 1891.



 Notice is hereby given that on pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, made at its August term, 1891, on the 22nd day of August, 1891, the undersigned, guardian of the person and property of Augustus E. MEYER, a person of unsound mind, will, on Saturday, October 2, 1891, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the court house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, and while the Probate court of said county is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for the purpose of paying the debts and for the following described real estate of said August E. MEYER, insane, towit: The south half and northwest fourth of southeast quarter of section seventeen, township forty, range four east, containing 120 acres; and ten acres of the southeast quarter of section seventeen, township forty, range four east, also the northeast fourth of southeast quarter and the north half of northwest fourth of northeast quarter of section twenty, township forty, range four east, containing -- acres, all situated in Jefferson County, MO.  Terms of sale - one third cash at time of sale and the balance in twelve months, the purchaser to give note with approved security for deferred payment, bearing interest from date at the rate of six percent per annum, or all cash at option of the purchaser.  John CARREY, Guardian of Augustus E. MEYER, insane, Hillsboro, September 3, 1891.


~Items of News~


A few of our farmers have sown some wheat, but it has been so dry that it did but little good.


Licensed to marry – Richard MASON and Minnie VAUGHN, M. ZIEGLER and Sophia GANGLOFF.

The peach crop of the county is about harvested, and was neither of very good quality nor quantity.


Philosopher FLYNN was here this week representing the City of DeSoto in a case in which she is defendant.


Judge THOMAS was here this week.  He seems to be standing the wear and tear of his office remarkably well.


Mr. and Mrs. R. P. STEWART, of DeSoto, had the misfortune of losing another child last Thursday – a babe seven days old.


Constable BUREN brought Chas. ROYAL to Hillsboro, one day last week, to eat out in the county jail a fine imposed on him by a Festus Justice.


John J. KAGELBACH, of Pevely, was in Hillsboro on Monday, and informed us that Louis GREVE was very sick.  We trust that Louis may soon recover.


Wanted - Black Walnut, Cherry and Cedar Logs at HAMEL's Lumberyard in DeSoto.


A. T. BAKEWELL and the oldest son of the late Herman HOFFMANN have gone to Notre Dame college, near South Bend, Ind., to begin a five-years course of studies.


A daughter of Mr. D. A. MORRISON arrived here from Iowa last week, and his son and family are expected daily.  The latter are making the trip overland in a prairie schooner.


We heard a young man tell Gus SPILKER, the other day, that he would soon need a wedding cake, and as a certain young lady was present we presume he knew whereof he spoke.


State School Superintendent WOLFE has set apart October 16th as Library Day, and all the schools are expected to do something on that day towards procuring libraries.


George HALE was buried at Blackwell last Monday, having died at Bismarck, where he had been living the past few months.  He was for many years a resident of this county, and an excellent citizen.  He died of old age.


Among the marriage licenses issued in St. Louis last Monday was that of Elsworth MURPHY to Laura PRATTE.  MURPHY is the DeSoto lawyer referred to elsewhere, while Miss PRATTE was for some time a type setter in the Facts office.


The case against Lilburn THOMAS was continued to next term on application of the State, on account of absent witnesses.  C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT represented the State by appointment, Prosecuting Attorney DEARING having been attorney for defendant before his election.


H. W. MEYER, of Doe Run – formerly of DeSoto – was here as a witness in a case last week.  He predicts a glorious future for the new mining town as soon as the Doe Run extension of the Bonne Terre railway is completed, which will be in a few months.


Judge FOX, of Fredericktown, arrived Monday and in the afternoon took charge of the court.  Cases are coming up this week in which Judge GREEN is interested, and he has been lucky in filling his seat on the bench, as Judge FOX is one of the ablest judges in the State.


Mr. John LEWIS and Mrs. Mary Jane LEWIS were united in marriage, by Rev. J. C. MCMULLIN, on the 7th last., at the residence of Thomas LEWIS, on Dry Creek.  This is the third matrimonial venture of the bride, her second and third husbands being named LEWIS, but were no kin to each other.


The result of the last grand jury’s work does not indicate that this is the lawless county that some people represent it to be.  After a six-day’s session and examination of thirty-seven witnesses, they only returned four bills.  The fees paid witnesses amounted to $71.30, and the fees of the jury were $139.10.  From the make-up of the jury we are satisfied that it gave careful consideration to every matter brought before it and that there was nothing omitted that ought to have been attended to.


We learn from St. Louis papers that Anderson BOWLES, of near Fenton, died on the 16th last.  His age is not given, but he was quite old.  He was formerly a resident of this county, and once represented it in the State Legislature.  He was held in very high esteem and leaves many relatives, some of whom reside in this county.


Master Herman BURKE came near getting fatally injured, one day last week, in a very novel manner.  He had climbed a scaly-bark hickory tree for nuts, when a dead limb broke with him, and he slipped down the tree and one of the scales struck his throat, cutting a gash across it two inches long and nearly deep enough to cut the artery and windpipe.  Dr. MOCKBEE sewed up the wound and the boy is getting along very well, but he had a narrow escape.


Strayed - a sorrel horse, two or three white feet, saddle gall on back and collar marked.  Will pay liberally for his return to Hillsboro.  F.R. DEARING


A burglar entered the residence of C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT last Saturday night and carried away Charley’s pants and vest.  In the yard he explored the pockets of the clothes, found nothing and left them lay.  Fortunately Mr. K. had put his money and watch in a safe place on going to bed.  A few nights previous Mrs. KLEINSCHMIDT heard something unusual and got up, but could see nothing, and it is now thought that a burglar tried to get into the house at that time.  Charley talks of buying a mountain howitzer.


We learn from the Facts that Mr. N. FAUBER has raised a subscription of stock, amounting to the sum of $20,000, for the purpose of establishing a wagon manufactory at DeSoto.  Mr. FAUBER, as well as some of the others associated with him, are practical mechanics, and if anybody can succeed at that business in that place they can.  They will have one serious obstacle to contend with, and that is freight-charges; but it is to be hoped the railroad company will give them better encouragement than it has other enterprises.  We wish the new project success.


It would seem that Mr. SHERMAN’S letter to Ohio had one good effect, no matter how much it misrepresented our people.  We learn that Mr. EDWARDS, of Fredericktown – one of the most gentlemanly lawyers in the Southeast – intends to move to DeSoto and gather in some of those “round, plump” fees, and the firm of DINNING & BYRNS and EDWARDS is like hauling in a good jackpot, and the people of DeSoto, as well as these of the entire county, are to be congratulated on the acquisition.


Dogs got among Mr. Charles BOOTH’s sheep last Saturday, and killed three and wounded two.  Another dog is supposed to have carried away part of a load of shot.  There were three of the canines, two part hound, and the other a mixture of cur and shepherd.  It is an outrageous shame that our law provides no compensation for Mr. B.’s loss, except as against the owner of the dogs.


Strayed - a red and white spotted heifer, - years old, marked with hole in right ear.  Information paid for by Ignatz WUERTZ, Antonia, MO.


Judge MADISON attended the meeting, at Mexico, Mo., last week, as a delegate from this county.  It was for the purpose of talking up ways and means for building good roads, and there were on exhibition various machines which have been invented and manufactured for that purpose.  We indirectly learn that there was one machine which eclipsed all others and astonished everybody, and we presume that the Judge will report in favor of procuring one of them for this county.  With it, it is said, that road-making will be comparatively easy and cheap, and nearly everybody here seems to be interested now in having more good roads.  We expect Judge MADISON to send us a report for publication.


Strayed from John WHITE's near Kimmswick, a red and white spotted heifer, on and half years old, -- breed and unmarked.  Reasonable reward of her whereabouts.


The following is a communication, mailed from Festus to the grand jury, which we publish verbatim, leaving out the names given.  It is not likely that the jury will risk the Sheriff’s life by sending him after such a desperado.  The writer does not say whether the fellow has a separate pistol for every day of the week, or whether he carries all six at once; but, in either event, he is liable to kill himself rather than someone else, if left alone a while.  Note the phonetic spelling:

“I want to inform a the grand jure that j---- h---- is careing pistols he had six last time I no anything about him if u don’t do anything with him rite to him and tell him the law on caring con seal weapon. he  ses he wud shute the one that reported him or he wud shute the sherefe that wud try to tak him.  I will give the details of wereabouts. u tell him at site by his shootin pistols of.”


Strayed - a ?bay filly, two years old last spring, rather heavy seat, heavy boned, white spont on forehead and small white stripe o face and some white on both hind feet.  Will pay liberally for her, or for information leading to her recovery.  R. G. MADISON, Festus, MO.


Last Sunday Henry SEEMEL and lads entertained a number of their friends in royal style.  There were present Max FROMHOLD AND FAMILY, Charles KARTE and family, Mrs. Catharine [DICKERMANN?], with her daughter and son, all of DeSoto; Gus SPILKER and family, Justus MARTIN and wife, our fat man and his lesser half and Jake WALLDORFF, of Hillsboro, and their neighbors, H. WREN and family, Joe [MORRIS?] and daughter, Ed LEUTZINGER, Herman SIEMERS and Henry STEFFEN and wife.  Besides these, their son-in-law, Fred HERCHER, with his family, and Philip GEIB, of DeSoto, aided in entertaining the guests, especially the latter, who furnished the music for the occasion.  However, at times he did some tall kicking.  As soon as the moon came up, they all departed for their respective homes, wishing Mr. SEEMEL and family good health and plenty wealth.


For sale or rent, a house and barn, with five acres of land in Hillsboro, MO.  Inquire at Mrs. A. GEHRING, Hillsboro, for further particulars, or address Frank GUENTHER, 2122 Bismarck Street, St. Louis, MO.


One would not expect much fun in Circuit court during the trial of a cause for damages for killing a man; yet it is a fact that those who were present, last Friday afternoon, during the taking of testimony in the case of Mrs. ANDERSON vs. the railroad company, for accidental killing of her former husband, Mr. UPTON, enjoyed an intellectual treat.  Several times the Court, jury and entire audience were convulsed with laughter.  Judge A. R. TAYLOR and Hon. Martin I. CLARDY were the opposing counsel, and it was their witty and sarcastic encounters that caused the mirth.  Both kept in apparent good humor and were very gentlemanly in their demeanor, and while each seemed to recognize that he had a foeman worthy of his steel, neither was backward about making an attack or parrying a threat.  Opinions, as to which got the better of the intellectual affray, differed according to the sympathy of the crowd for one side or the other.


The great law firm of MURPHY & SHERMAN appears to have run its course, and MURPHY has gone to seek new pastures.  He attended court two days last week, and saw several of his clients suffer for having acted under his instructions.  Prosecuting Attorney DEARING informed him that it would be necessary for him to show his license to practice in the courts of this State, and he promised to bring it out next day.  The following day he did not come and has not been back since; neither has he been in DeSoto, except on a very short visit.  His effects there have been attached by a creditor, and his visit was for the purpose of getting the attachment released; but he failed and left again next morning.  His success here has been rather remarkable, and it is to be hoped that he will never return, although we can not feel much sympathy for his victims.  There is no sense in people putting so much confidence in untried strangers and running to them for advice rather than to substantial citizens, whose reputation is known.  We understand that Mr. SHERMAN makes no pretense of having a license.


There has been trouble between two residents of Dry Creek and both parties have intimated to us that they would prefer having nothing said about it, but a great many people appear to be taking an interest in the matter, and so many incorrect rumors are afloat, that we will give a statement of the facts.  The parties are Thomas J. WILEY and Calvin MCMULLIN.  WILEY had a deed of trust on MCMULLIN’s farm, and as interest and taxes had not been paid for some time, he gave legal notice and sold the farm on the 27th day of April last, and as it did not bring the amount of his debt, he bid it in and got a deed.  He then began proceedings for possession and attached the wheat that was growing on the land at time of sale.  When the Sheriff went to serve the papers WILEY accompanied him, and a compromise was agreed on between the parties, MCMULLIN agreeing to give WILEY a portion of the wheat.  Several opportunities to get the wheat threshed were permitted to pass, and one day WILEY visited the place, when he and MCMULLIN had a quarrel about it, and as MCMULLIN made a demonstration, WILEY drew a pistol and presented it.  MCMULLIN presented a warrant from Esq. ZOLLMANN, and WILEY appeared, pleaded guilty to the charge of presenting a weapon, and was fined one dollar and costs.  Shortly afterwards, on instructions of a DeSoto law firm, MCMULLIN got a machine to come and thresh the wheat, which was done in the night, and hauled it to DeSoto the next day.  WILEY, hearing of it, had MCMULLIN arrested for larceny and brought to jail.  After three or four days MCMULLIN was released on bond, and the grand jury failed to find a bill against him.  The other matters at issue between the parties are to be tried next Saturday.


~Public Auction~

I will sell at public venue, at my farm on the State road, one mile north of Pevely, the same recently having been occupied by Mr. SCHINDLER, on Saturday, October 3, 1891, all the household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils and live stock formerly owned by said SCHINDLER; also 20 acres of corn in shock, and some four tons of hay.  Being compelled, in consequence of ill health, to leave Missouri for a time at least, I will, at the same time and place, also sell all my personal property – except household and kitchen furniture – now on my place at Sulphur Springs, consisting of 10 or 12 horses, mares and colts; 35 head of cows and calves – nearly all the cows giving milk and of good dairy stock; few fine hogs, four or five farm wagons, as many sets of double harness, a lot of plows, harrows, and other farming implements, one 7-foot mower, a fine 4-seated spring wagon, suitable for family use, a single spring wagon, two sets of single buggy harness, a No. 1 road cart and harness, about 20 acres of corn in the shock, 25 tons of hay, and other things too numbers to mention.

Terms – On sums over five dollars a credit of twelve months will be given, without interest, purchasers giving their notes with approved security.

Information desired will be cheerfully given at the above-mentioned place, or at my residence, near Sulphur Springs.  John O’FALLON.


~Bargains in Real Estate~

Any or all the following list of lands can be purchased at low figures and on easy terms:

10    acres, S23  T40  R4

80    acres, S2    T41  R4

40    acres, S35  T39  R5

30    acres, S3    T38  R5

40    acres, S5    T38  R4

80    acres, S6    T42  R3

120  acres, S10  T42  R5

40    acres, S25  T41 R2

10    acres, survey 1807 T43 R5

Lot 3, block 10, Victoria.

Lots 16 and 17, block 4, Kimmswick.

Apply to D. B VEAZEY or R. W. MCMULLIN, Hillsboro, Mo.





-Elmer KEMPE, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, DeSoto, MO

-Mockbee House (Clark's Hotel), Hillsboro, MO

-Glade Chapel, New Country Store - All Country Produce, Mrs. Anna FRAZIER

-FELDMANN, SCHAAF, and  FRIES, Drygoods Co., South Broadway, corner of Carroll Street, St. Louis, MO

-F. AUBUCHON & Son, General Merchandise, DeSoto, MO

-The St. Louis Republic, now issued twice a week, Tues & Fri (12-14 pgs $1.00 per year)

-Phillip CLARK, Washington Street, Chicago, IL - bicycles/watches

-M. ZIEGLER, Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Kimmswick, MO

1-4-Mile House, Lemay Road, Wine, Beer and Liquors

-Aug. KASSEBAUM, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes

-Rob’t COXWELL, Undertaker, DeSoto, MO

-R.P. STEWART Livery, Feed and Stables, DeSoto, MO

-Dr's STARKEY & PALEN's Treatment by Inhalation, San Francisco, CA

-John HEINER, Proprietor, Hotel and Saloon, Pevely, MO

-E. B. MAUPIN, Auctioneer, Hillsboro, MO

-Leo BERRESHEIM General Merchandise, Seckman, MO

-F.P. KENNERS, New Saloon, near the Depot, Festus, MO

-Frank J. HAMPEL, Maxville, MO, Agent for Hartford Fire Insurance/ Bloomington Nursery

-J.W. MATHEIS General Merchant Dry Goods

-George BAKEWELL, Jefferson County Bank, Bakewell & Munroe, DeSoto, MO

-E. VOLLMAR, Dry goods, Hillsboro, MO

-W. WITTLER, Cigars and tobacco, 1241 S. Seventh, St. Louis, MO

-J.F. DONNELL, M.D., Hematite, MO

-John GEATLEY, Practical tinner, Scheve, MO

-The Missouri Railroad Telegraph School, St. Louis, MO

-Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent and Justice of the Peace, Law Day - every Saturday, Mayor's Office, Festus, MO

-Green Tree Brewery Co., St. Louis, MO

-The Jefferson House, by Fred WAPPLER, Main Street, DeSoto, MO

-Max FROHHOLD, Commercial exchange, DeSoto, MO

-Opera House Saloon and Restaurant, by William GORMAN, Festus, MO

-A. PECAUT, Practical watchmaker, DeSoto, MO

-B. SCHWEIZER’S Dry goods and clothing palace, Opera House Building, Festus, MO

-Jos. J. HOEKEN's - Lumbar

-Square Deal Clothing, Main Street

-Crystal Plate General Store, Crystal City, MO

-Louis GREVE’s Groceries, Pevely, MO

-DeSoto Marble, Eugene HIRSCH, DeSoto, MO

 -Stoddart & Co., Patents. Washington, D.C.