The Jefferson Democrat

September 17, 1891




The Jefferson County Fair of last week can be written down as a splendid success in every particular.  Not that it was all that it might have been, nor that no mistakes were made; but when we consider the facts that it was somewhat in the nature of an experiment, was gotten up on short notice, etc., the show was better than the most sanguine expected to see – in fact, was first-class, while a surplus of nearly three hundred dollars shows that the attendance was good.  There was the best exhibition of good horses ever seen on the grounds, and while the display of other stock was limited, it was all of good quality, including thorough-bred cattle, hogs and sheep, as good specimens as can be seen anywhere. There was a nice display of poultry; also of the products of the farm, garden and orchard, while the department devoted to dairy and pantry, and articles of ladies’ handiwork, was a perfect gem.  There were many articles of so much merit as to deserve special mention, but we find on looking over our list that there were too many of this class for us to mention all, and we can not afford to make distinctions.  The list of awards will give some idea of who contributed to make the exhibition a success.  There was some confusion, a little dissatisfaction, and even some injustice, caused by competition in wrong classes, which must be corrected and avoided in future fairs.  The premiums offered were necessarily small, and many useful and meritorious articles were entirely omitted.  This can also be remedied in future, and as a majority of people are attracted more by good races than by anything else, that feature should be made more prominent and sufficient inducements offered to secure stock that will make it more interesting.  The circus, which exhibited in the fair grounds on the second day, was objectionable in some respects, but could hardly have been avoided under the circumstances, and as it helped to swell the receipts, will have to be excused.  The following is a list of the awards:




Stallion, 3 years and over, Crystal Plate Glass Co., 1st; George VESPER, 2nd.

Stallion, 2 under 3, Herman HAMEL 1st, Louis YEIDA 2nd.

Stallion, 1 under 2, B.F. MCMULLIN 1st, Louis HARTWEIN 2nd.

Stallion, under 1 year, John F. WILLIAMS 1st, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.

Mare, 3 years and over, White MCNUTT 1st, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.

Mare, 2 under 3, John A. TUTTLE 1st, Jos ADAMS 2nd.

Mare, under 1 year, John F. WILLIAMS 1st, Theo EHRICHS 2nd.

Mare with suckling colt, Theo EHRICHS 1st, Charles S. BOOTH 2nd.

Matched horses, J.S. DUTTON 1st, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.




Stallion, 3 years and over, A.H. GORDON 1st, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.

Mare, 3 and over, T.A. JAMES 1ST, Wm. GORMAN 2nd.

Gelding, 3 and over, C.B. PARSONS 1ST, V. ROSEGRANT 2nd.

Sweepstakes, T.A. JAMES 1ST, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.

Saddle horse, C.B. PARSONS 1st, Theo EHRICHS 2nd.

Saddle mare, J.E. SHANNON 1st, Oscar EDWARDS 2nd.

Saddle gelding, John T. BYRNE 1st, R.S.D. HICKS 2nd.




Stallion, 2 years and over, HARRIS & GORDON 1st, Crystal Glass Co 2nd.

Stallion, 1 and under 2, C.H. SMITH 1st.

Stallion under 1, John F. WILLIAMS 1st, SP HARRIS 2nd.

Mare 2 and over, John F. WILLIAMS  1ST, Joseph ADAMS 2nd.

Mare under 1 year, Theo EHRICHS 1st, John F. WILLIAMS 2nd.

Gelding any age, Crystal Plate Glass Co 1st, C.F. LEE 2nd.




Stallion any age, C.B. PARSONS 1st, A.P. BOOTH 2nd.

Mare any age, T.A. JAMES 1ST, C.B. PARSONS, 2nd.

Stallion sweepstakes, C.B. PARSONS.

Mare 2 years, sweepstakes, W.H. MCNUTT.

Colt sweepstakes, Theo EHRICHS.

Mule sweepstakes, Joseph BROWN.

Mule 3 and over, Oscar EDWARDS 1st, C.B. PARSONS 2nd.

County court premium – Stallion, W.P. WILLIAMS; gelding, Crystal Plate Glass co; mare, White MCNUTT; jack, Geo VESPER; mule Oscar EDWARDS.

Special premium of $10, offered by Dr. J. Martin KERSHAW, of Maplewood farm, for best matched team, was awarded to J.S. DUTTON.




Novelty race three rounds, James REID 1st round, Phil PERRYMAN 2nd and JE JONES 3rd.

Half-mile heats best two in three, James REID 1st and J.E. JONES 2nd.

Mile heats best two in three, William MORRIS 1st and T.A. JAMES 2nd.

Trotting free for all, T.A. JAMES 1st and John T. BYRNE 2nd.

Pacing by county horses, Peter STEINMAN 1st and F. ROSEGRAND 2nd.

Trotting mile heats, best two in three, CB PARSONS Store 1st and his Dexter 2nd.

Pacing, Peter STEINMAN 1st and Frank ROSEGRAND 2nd.

Running one-third mile, Frank KENNER 1st and James REID 2nd.

Running two-thirds mile and repeat, J.E. JONES 1st.

Hurdle race, Edward REID 1st and Thos HIGGINBOTHAM 2nd.


[Category is not legible.]


Bull 3 and under . . . C.B. PARSONS.

Bull ? and under 2, J.E. SMITH.

Bull under 1 year, F.H. BLACKMAN.

Cow 4 years and over, C.B. PARSONS 1ST, F.H. BLACKMAN 2nd.

Cow 3 and under 4, Herman HAMEL 1st, and F.H. BLACKMAN 2nd.

Cow 2 and under 3, cow 1 and under 2 and heifer under 1, F.H. BLACKMAN.

Fat cow, Herman HAMEL.

Calf, thorough-bred bull, County court premium for cow and bull, all to C.B. PARSONS.




Poland China sow, S.S. MORGAN; Berkshire boar, C.H. SMITH; boar of any breed, N.N. DAPRON.

Longwool buck and ewe, W.J. WILLIAMS; finewool buck A.P. BOOTH, ewe William PLASS; mutton sheep, D.L. CLEMENS; buck sweepstakes, A.P. BOOTH; ewe, same; County court premium, boar NN DAPRON, buck and ewe A.P. BOOTH.




Light Brahma cock C.H. SMITH, . . .  cock William MCFRY, Plymouth Rock cock and hen Florence WESTWOOD, Leghorn cock W.H. WALKER, half . . . fowls C.H. SMITH, geese Anthony ELDERS, ducks F.H. BLACKMAN, display of poultry C.H. SMITH.




Red wheat Eph. WILLIAMS, rye CB PARSONS, oats Eph. WILLIAMS, yellow corn C.S. BOOTH, flour and corn meal HOPSON & LEPP, tobacco John RICHARDSON, clover seed W.S. MCCORMACK, Irish potatoes Jacob ARMBRUSTER, onions H. KLEISLEY, tomatoes Geo HAMEL, beets A.H. SPILKER, Lima beans Geo HAMEL, cabbage Herman SCHMIDT, carrots H. KLEISLEY, celery and display of vegetables Geo HAMEL,  butter W.S. MCCORMACK, dried apples B.F. MCMULLIN, dried peaches same; County court premium – wheat and oats Eph. WILLIAMS, rye C.H. PARSONS, corn C.S. BOOTH, potatoes Jacob ARMBRUSTER, butter W.S. MCCORMACK, flour HOPSON & LEPP.


Collection of greenhouse plants and cut flowers J.W. BUTCHER, hanging basket George HAMEL, Winter apples B.F. MCMULLIN, Fall apples Eph. WILLIAMS, freestone peaches B.F. MCMULLIN, clingstone peaches C.S. BOOTH, seedling peaches and dwarf and standard pears E. WILLIAMS, Virginia seedling grapes Mary SINGER, plums W.S. MCCORMACK, display of apples John A. TUTTLE, of peaches Eph. WILLIAMS, of grapes N.A. SINGER, of fruits John A. TUTTLE, loaf yeast bread Katie DUROCHER, canned apples, peaches, pears, strawberries and blackberries G.R. RATHBUN, canned gooseberries J.W. BUTCHER, canned raspberries and display canned fruits G.R. RATHBUN, Apple preserves B.F. MCMULLIN, peach preserves, strawberry and best display of preserves G.R. RATHBUN, cherry preserves B.F. MCMULLIN; grape jelly B.F. MCMULLIN, quince, pear and peach, Lily BOOTH; Raspberry, gooseberry and blackberry jelly Ward CUNNINGHAM, strawberry jelly and display of jellies Mrs. G. HAMEL, Apple jelly Herman SCHMIDT, plum jelly Mrs. J. SUBLETT; cucumber, sweet, mixed and brandy pickles, Mrs. RATHBUN.


Home-made carpet W.S. MCCORMACK, bedspread Nancy TENBROOK, woolen hose, stockings and mitts a HINCKLEY, silk quilt Rachel HOHENTHAL, calico quilt A.B. GILBERT, crochet counterpane Sophie EULER, child’s dress Tillie PECAUT, infants outfit C.T. GRATIOT, pillow shams Mrs. PAYTON, table cover Sophie KNIER, table scarf Clara MOEHLMAN, piano cover C. OSTERTAG, bureau set The Guild, wash-stand set Rachel HOHENTHAL, lambrequin J.M. BURKE,  arasene Hattie HOHENTHAL, appliqué E.T. CLARK, Kensington on silk Sophie EULER, Kensington on crewels M. ROBERTS, Chemise work Emma HAMEL, etching S.E. BERKELEY, drawn work Clara MOEHLMAN, Queen Ann drawing Mary PARTIN, wall banner Emma HAMEL, scrap book, slipper case and fancy apron The Guild, wall pocket E.T. LOOMIS, fancy tidy Nettie RUTHERFORD, toilet cushion The Guild, lace C.L. COLLINS, crochet lace Ida SUBLETT, display of crochet Emma HAMEL, display of tissue-paper work Wm. JENKINS, wax work Ida HAMEL, painting in oil Ritia DYER, painting water colors Mabel PARSONS, Kensington painting, Clara MOEHLMAN, painting on silk Mrs. HERRICK, display of paintings Mabel PARSONS, display of woman’s work Emma HAMEL.


Stoves and tinware CUNNINGHAM & HAMEL, furniture COXWELL & Son, harrow, new ground plow, stubble plow, cultivator, farm machinery, hay rake, corn planter and drill Henry HURTGEN, stump puller Anthony ELDERS, sewing machines R. COXWELL & Son.




Mr. L.E. WHITSETT, representing the Post Dispatch, was present, taking notes and distributing copies of his paper.


The most elaborate individual displays were those of COXWELL & Son, furniture; CUNNINGHAM & HAMEL, stoves and tinware; and the display of photographs and drawings, by the DeSoto Art Co.


Farmer HAMEL raked in several premiums, and could have secured more if he had made the entries.  His display of vegetables would have been a credit anywhere.


The ladies of the Art Department looked pleased and happy; and well they might, for they had a display that would have looked well at the St. Louis fair.


One of the prettiest sights we saw was the children of the Catholic schools marching in with their bright faces and carrying flags, on Thursday afternoon.  We were not present to see the children of the Public schools the next day, but they doubtless made as attractive an appearance.


Plenty of men could be found after the big race of Wednesday, who knew that Dr. JONES’ old horse would come out ahead on the last round, but strange to say, they all wanted to bet the other way before the contest.


We were glad to see our new citizens – C.B. PARSONS, J.G. MARRIOTT, Dr. KERSHAW and others – assisting in making the fair a success.


Sam HARRIS is the kind of a man to make a fair go.  He knows he has good stock and takes his chances, but don’t kick if he fails to get the premium.


Mr. JEWETT had an exhibition, just for the novelty of the thing, some sweet potatoes that were raised last year, and are still as sound as a silver dollar.


Eph WILLIAMS’ “Jefferson County Oat” was admired by many of the farmers.  It has been proven to be the oat for this county.


No intoxicating drinks, stronger than hard cider, were sold on the grounds, but still many of the prohibitionists staid away.


The music band in attendance was the best we have heard on the fair grounds, but it was not the most expensive.


The ladies in charge of the eating booths had trouble in feeding the multitude on Thursday and Friday.


Gust HAMEL, as president, and J.M. BURKE, as secretary, proved to be the right men in the right places; but S.A. REPPY, as ticket seller, had the most arduous position.



We came from St. Louis last Saturday forenoon and, after walking J. V. HASINER and C. H. KLEINSCHMIDT out from Victoria, attended the meeting of the teachers and school directors.  There were about forty present and we learned that they had reorganized for the season the Jefferson County Teachers’ Institute, with Prof. SCOTT as president and Miss KECK as secretary.  From discussions we heard we were more than ever convinced of the necessity for such an organization.  Matters which ought to have been permanently and definitely settled long ago are still troubling the teachers, and if they and the directors can have monthly meetings, much good can be accomplished.  Messrs. W. H. H. THOMAS, John DALTON and W. S. CALVERT were appointed to draft a set of rules for the government and grading of the schools, to be submitted to the Commissioner, and after approval by him, recommended for adoption by the schools of the county.  Messrs. Jos. J. HOEKEN, R. W. MCMULLIN and J. E. MALLORY were appointed to prepare a form for school orders, which will obviate the difficulties experienced by the use of so many kinds of warrants, and which will be recommended for use by all the clerks of the county.  It was voted to carry out the course of instruction recommended by the State Teachers’ Association.  The next meeting is to be held at House’s Springs on the 24th of October.


The Jefferson City Tribune says it is generally believed now that Gov. FRANCIS will convene the legislature in special session next January.  He is being urged to include a number of subjects in the call.  The farmers are very anxious to be afforded another opportunity to require assessors to carry seals and stamp notes listed for taxation.  While the governor would be very glad to please everybody, yet it is generally believed that he thinks if the bars are once let down every measure that failed at the last session will be urged for reconsideration and the session lengthened for many weeks.  The probabilities are that the only proposition named in the call will be redistricting the congressional and judicial districts. 


We have been asked to call attention to the law of this State, which requires those owning or occupying lands to prevent thistles from going to seed.  It is chapter 160, Revised Statutes.  The thistles are to be watched for and cut, and the penalty for non compliance is $10.  These thistles and another nuisance, known as “thorny careless,” are rapidly spreading all over the county, and it is the result of carelessness and negligence.  No one should permit such things to spread all over their yards and horse lots, and no one man can keep his premises clean while his neighbors are continually raising the seeds.


We attended the last day of the Missouri Press Convention in St. Louis, and found nearly a hundred editors there discussing matters to their interest.  The entertainment, furnished by the St. Louis Press Club Thursday night, was a pleasant affair; but the greatest treat was the complimentary admission to the Exposition and Gilmore’s concert Friday night.  It is a pity that all, who aspire to be journalists, do not join the association.


Somebody, months ago, got up a statement, purporting to show the difference between wages paid in free-trade England and protective-tariff America, and nearly every week one or another of our Republican exchanges publishes the statement as conclusive evidence that a high-tariff benefits the laboring classes.  Whether the figures are correct or not we can not say but even if they are they do not prove what they are intended to.  It is a well-known fact that wages of all classes of workmen are higher in England than in any of the high tariff countries of Europe, and a comparison between the wages of England and Germany, or England and France, would show as big a balance in favor of England as the comparison between the United States and England shows in favor of this country.  Such statements as the one referred to are misleading and deceptive, and are gotten up and published for the purpose of misleading and deceiving the people.


Several persons imagine that they have been outraged by our publication of a petition for a saloon license.  Several others have been imagining for years that we have outraged them by publishing saloon advertisements.  It is quite likely that if we had to depend on these two classes of outraged persons for a living, our toes would have long since been “turned to the daisies.”  We publish a paper as a business, for the purpose of earning a support for ourself and family, and are not only willing, but anxious, to publish advertisements of any legitimate character.  We have a hard enough tussle at best, and can not afford to refuse a ten-dollar bid which we can earn in a legitimate way.  It is not our desire to hurt anybody’s feelings, and we see no occasion for so much objecting in this case, as such publications are of common occurrence in other counties.


Williamsville Transcript:  This pension business is demoralizing the country.  It is a cormorant that continually cries for more.  The vast and increasing army of soldier pensioners of the civil war, drawing from the government over $100,000,000 annually, excites the greed of others, and many new schemes are being concocted for demands in the way of pensions upon the public treasury.



~County Court~


County court was in session two days of last week, and the following transactions were had:


Back taxes for 1887 to 1889, on lots 13, 14 and 15, block 41, DeSoto, compromised at valuation of $1000.


Loans of school funds ordered to J. S. DEADERICK $3500, John E. HILGERT . . . , and Joseph J. PUCKETT $1700.  Bond of J. S. DEADERICK approved.


Taxes for 1887 to 1889, on north fractional half of southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 11, township 39, range 5, compromised at valuation of $100.


Exceptions and objections of Henry EGGERS to new proposed road from Cedar Hill to Catawissa were sustained.


Order for opening road from St. Francois county line to G. P. WHEELHORN’S was rescinded.


Subscription of citizens of $110, for repairing road in district ?6, with petition for appropriation, continued.


Accounts were allowed against the county as follows:


Elizabeth LOGAN, pauper,                     -           -           -           -           $8.00

J. B. DOVER, road commissioner,         -           -           -           -           28.75

Standard Printing Co., stationery,          -           -           -           -           91.00

George D. BARNARD, stationery,         -           -           -           -           55.00

William DOERR, fixing road,                 -           -           -           -           40.35

F. R. DEARING, prosecuting att’y,        -           -           -           -             5.00

R. W. MCMULLIN, publishing,               -           -           -           -             2.20

W. L. TOWNSEND, making school-tax book,     -           -           -          105.00

A. L. FRECH, taking pauper to the county farm,              -          -             2.50

R. G. MADISON, county judge,             -           -           -           -           10.00

Hubert BECKER, county judge,                         -           -           -           -           16.00

T. J. DONNELL, county judge,              -           -           -           -           10.00


Application of Frank J. HAMPEL, for Constable of Rock Township, continued.


Albert PRINCE was exempt from road work for one year.


Report of commissioner, as to condition of Kimmswick Bridge, accepted.


Bridge on Lemay Ferry gravel road, near Maxville, was ordered repaired on recommendation of the commissioner.


George W. RUSSELL was awarded the contract for furnishing 10 cords wood to court house, at $1.78 per cord – half dry and half green – to be delivered by November 1, 1891.


Dramshop bond and petition of Theo. AUBUCHON were approved.


The school-tax books were approved and ordered turned over to Collector HAMEL.


R. G. MADISON was selected by the court to represent Jefferson county at the Mexico, Mo., road meeting.


Court then adjourned to first Monday in November.



~Seckman Echoes~

By A. K.


Too dry for ploughing, but good weather for corn cutting.


Ed ROESCH is very ill, under the care of Dr. KIRK of Kimmswick.


Mrs. Charles ROLF is on the sick list, and under Dr. SAPPINGTON’s care.


PAUL & Co. wound up their threshing.  The amount is – wheat, 21,742 bushels; oats, 1475.  A good run for this year.  They were out 38 days, averaging 610 bushels daily.


At last our postoffice has been moved to the residence of Henry SECKMAN.  Up to this time the new postmaster is doing fine; the mail carriers don’t drive to the new office, and our mail sojourns between Antonia and Maxville.  This shows what Republicans will do to spite Democrats.


Seckman, September 11, 1891.



~A Card~


Editor Jefferson Democrat.


The report is being circulated that after I left . . . I only charged four cents, when I had been charging five cents for threshing wheat.  I wish to state that the report is false, without . . . whatever.  I would like . . . single man for whom I threshed at four cents.  I treated all alike and charged five cents for every bushel of wheat I threshed, because no man can thresh for less and do his work well and make . . ..  [The author’s name is illegible.]



~Deaths and Births~


The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:


Date.                            Name.                          Age.

August 10,                    Walton,                         one day



Date.                     Name of Mother.                  Sex.

June     28,           Mrs. Albert HENSLEY,          boy

July      11,                   Hardin BLAKE,              boy

Aug.       3,                   Leo COFFMAN,                        boy

            12,                   J. E. MALLICOAT,        boy

            13,                   John TIERNEY,                        boy

            15,                   Charles LOGAN,           girl

            22,                   [Renlien?] BOYER,       boy

            23,                   Joseph BONE,              boy      

            30,                   W. R. CANTRELL,        girl

              6,                   George H. LEE,                        boy

            18,                   William WEHNER,        boy

            15,                   George WILLIAMS,       girl

            13,                   Michael ROBERTS,      boy

            11,                   William [ELLIS?],          boy

            . . .                   Frank WALTON,           girl

              6,                   Anton MILLER,             boy

              4,                   Fred WAPPLER,           girl

            22,                   B. M. [CAS?]                ----

              1,                   Matthew NUSSBAUM,   girl

            29,                   R. L. KIDD,                   dead  boy

Sept.      5,                   J.W. HAWKINS,           boy

              2,                   Frank E. BURGESS,     girl

July      25,                   James OGLE,               boy

Aug      . . .                   George ARNOLD,         girl

            22,                   Isaac GIBSON,             boy

            11,                   F. J. ZIEGELMEIER,     girl                  

            20,                   Edward RASCH,           boy

            12,                   Oscar NEIGEBAUER   ,boy

            28,                   Augustus BRINKMAN,  boy

Sep.       7,                   Charles J. ROLF,          girl

            10,                   William WILEY,             boy






I am closing out, at cost, my stock of . . . walking or riding three-wheeled plows.  This is a plow that can be used as well by a man of 60 as by one of 20 years, for if he gets tired of walking he can ride.  I am selling them at cost because I need the money in rebuilding my shop.  Those needing other kinds of plows, drills, rolling coulters, or any other farming implement, are requested to call on me, as I have reduced prices on all.    Henry HURTGEN,

             Aug 20 Hillsboro, Mo.



~Missouri School of Mines~

Rolla, Mo.


Gives Degrees in Civil and Mine Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, and General Science.  Two years preparatory course, if desired.  Facilities first-class.  Instruction thorough.  Tuition free.  Fees, $11 a year.  Total expenses per school year from $125 to $130.  Next term begins Sept. 14, 1891.  Catalogue free.  Address, . . . School of Mines, Rolla, Mo.



NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS – Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of Jefferson County, Missouri, at the indicated time and place, for the purpose of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891.


Central township,          Hillsboro                                   Sept. 24, 25, 26

Big River,                     Grubville                                   Sept. 28

                                  Morse’s Mill                              Sept. 29

                                   Frumet                                     Sept. 30

Plattin township,           Rush Tower,                             October 5

                                   Danby                                      October 6

                                   McCormack’s,                           October 7

Valle township,              Valle Mines,                             October 8

Joachim township,        Crystal City,                             October 12

                                   Festus,                                      October           11, 14

Valle township, . . .       DeSoto                                      October           13, 16, 17

Rock township, . . .       Kimmswick                                October           19, 20

                                   Sulphur Spring,                          October 21

Joachim township,         Pevely,                                                October 22

                                   Hematite,                                  October            23

Central township,          Hillsboro,                                  October 24

Meramec township,       Dittmer’s Store,                         October 25

                                   Cedar Hill,                                October            27

                                   Byrnesville,                              October 28

                                   House’s Spring,                                     October . . .

                                   High Ridge,                              October . . .

Rock township,              Maxville,                                  Nov.10, 11

                                   Antonia,                                    Nov.12


Bring along the number of the . . . of the land you desire to pay taxes on.  A correct tax receipt will answer the purpose.  The attention of the taxpayer is called to section . . . of the Revised Statistics, which will be rigidly enforced.


Herman HAMEL

Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri

Hillsboro, Mo., August 27, 1891.



ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE – Notice is hereby given, that letters of administration, with will annexed, on the estate of William REDFORD, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 12th day of August 1891, by the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to . . . them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any . . . of said estate; and if such claims be not presented within two years from the date of this . . ., they shall be forever barred.             Phoeba REDFORD, Administratrix, August 2?, 1891.


ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE – Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Isaac F. WILSON, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, on the . . . day of August, 1891.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of the publication, they shall be forever barred.     Hester WILSON, Administratrix, September 2, 1891.



GUARDIAN’S SALE – Notice is hereby given that on pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Jefferson county, Missouri, made at its August term, 1891 – on the 22nd day of August, 1891 – the undersigned, guardian of the person and property of Augustus E. MEYER, a person of unsound mind, will, on Saturday, October 2, 1891, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the court house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson county, Missouri, and while the Probate court of said county is in session, shall at public auction, to the highest bidder, for the purpose of paying the debts and for the. . . .

John CARREY, Guardian of Augustus E. MEYER, insane.  Hillsboro, September 3, 1891.


SHERIFF’S SALE. – By virtue and authority of two executions, issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson county, Missouri, and to the undersigned sheriff, delivered, . . . favor of . . . and Southern Electrical Supply Company, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Adolph PECAUT, defendant, bearing date August ?, 1891, and . . . in the September term, 1891, thereof, I have levied it upon and served the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson county, Missouri, as the property of Adolph PECAUT, and described as follows, to wit:

A lease for twelve years, from the first day of March, ?, or during the life of Sarah POUNDS, on the following described real estate, situated in said county and state, to wit:  A part of the Wesley SKAGGS farm, west of Big River, being a part of the part owned by Sarah POUNDS, and bounded as follows – on the east by lands of same estate, controlled by . . . on the south by the . . . claim; on the north by lands of J. SKAGGS, and on the west by lands of J. J. SKAGGS, the fence . . . on the west at the brow of the hill being the west . . ., the same being the . . . where the . . . and well are located, containing twelve acres, more or less.

And I will, on Saturday, the . . . day of September, 1891, at the court house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and . . . o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the Circuit court, sell all the rights, title, claim, estate and property of the said Adolph PECAUT of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said two executions and . . .  Dated at Hillsboro. . . .

E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff



[Content is illegible.]



In the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, . . .  [Two names mentioned are John CAFREY and Augustus MEYER.  The rest of the text is illegible.]




[One legible name is MEYER; otherwise the text is illegible.]




[One name mentioned appears to be WOLF; otherwise the text is illegible.]





John H. LANHAM started by for Dent County last Monday.


Joe and Annie MIDDENDORFF visited Mr. STEINER’s family last week.


Judge DINNING, of Potosi, and Joseph WALKER, of Ironton, are attending court.


John H. REPPY and James G. BERKELY received license to practice law this week.


We notice a great many new faces among the jurors – not so many old-timers as usual.


Ed. HUSKEY, Peter’s Ed., has moved on the place recently purchased by Mr. ELKINS of Mr. MORRISON.


Uncle Dick MARSDEN has added a new hack to his stock of conveyances, and is making some improvements on his barn.


Mrs. T. H. MCMULLIN and children left last Friday for their Kentucky home, having spent some weeks here visiting relatives.


Funeral sermon, in memory of Mrs. Susan BOYD, will be preached at Victoria, on the fourth Sunday in this month, by Rev. J. P. CAPE.  All friends are invited.


On the 13th last., ‘Squire JENNINGS united in wedlock, at the home of the bride near Herculaneum, John AREND and Miss Anna SUTHERLAND, both of this county.


Married, in Festus, on the evening of the 13th last, by Esquire JENNINGS, Mr. John H. CLOSE, of Jefferson county, and Miss Jennie STAPLES, of Washington county.  Potosi papers please copy.


Somebody learned the difference this week between Justices of the Peace courts and the Circuit court; but probably he don’t mind it, since it is his clients who have to pay for the information.


Mr. MILLER, one of DeSoto’s tailors, was buried last Sunday.  He had been sick for several months.  He was a member in good standing of the Knights of Honor, and his family will derive the benefits of that institution.


Licensed to marry – John AREND and Anna SUTHERLAND, Ferdinand GASCHE and Catharine THOMPSON, Otto MOOGE and Wilhelmina BURKHARDT, William MORRIS and Julia A. MOCKBEE, John CLOSE and Jennie STAPLES.


Mr. C. E. BYRNE, son of the late Judge Pat. BYRNE, will be ordained to priesthood, at St. John’s church in St. Louis, on the 23rd last.  First holy mass at the Byrnesville church on the 27th last.  We extend congratulations, as well as thanks for invitation.


The County commissioner has sent to each clerk four copies of a circular containing text-book information, which are to be handed to the directors and teachers.  A copy is also sent to dealers for their information.  Please report any failure to receive circulars.


Strayed – A red and white spotted heifer, 1 ½ years old, marked with hole in right ear.  Information paid for by Ignatz WUERTZ, Antonia, Mo.


To the Farmers and Laborers Unions of Jefferson County – I find that I cannot farm and lecture too; hence I expect to resign at our next meeting.  Do not call on me in future for lectures, as I can not comply with your request.

Augustus STROUP.


Strayed, from John WHITE’s near Kimmswick, a red and white spotted heifer, one and a half year old . . . breed and unmarked.  Reasonable reward of her whereabouts.


Judge ELKINS united in the holy bonds of matrimony, at the bride’s residence in this town, last Thursday evening, Mrs. Julia MOCKBEE and Wm. MORRIS.  A cowsbell and tin-horn serenade was given them Saturday night, but the groom soon settled with the musicians, and they quit playing.


On the third last, a number of friends and relatives gathered at Mr. Andrew HUSKEY’s of Dry Creek, to witness the marriage of Mr. J.B. VIVRETTE and Miss L. HUSKEY.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.P. MCKAY.  The young couple have our best wishes for their future happiness.


Last Thursday night Ed LEUTZINGER rode into town on business, and hitched his horse to the court-house rack; but when he got ready to go home the horse was gone, some one having cut the halter strap and ridden the animal off.  Mr. LEUTZINGER spent time and money telegraphing and traveling, without getting any trace.  Friday night the horse was found in Parson FRAZIER’s corn field, but the animal being unknown in that vicinity, he was kept there till Sunday, when ‘Squire FRAZIER saw and took him home.


Mr. and Mrs. R.P. STEWART, of DeSoto, buried their four-year-old daughter at Cedar Hill cemetery last Saturday.  This is the first death that has occurred in their family, and the child was so bright and of such a loving disposition, that she had become a favorite and really the pet of the household.  She was only sick two or three days, but suffered intensely.  Her death is a very sad blow to her parents and, while they have human sympathy in abundance, the wound is one which only the loving Father and Time can heal.


The Jefferson House at DeSoto is fast becoming one of the most-popular hostelries in this section.  Mr. WAPPLER accommodated as many guests during the fair as any other hotel in that city, among them the St. Louis band that furnished the music on the fair ground.  For years Mr. WAPPLER and lady have labored hard to please the public, and it is gratifying to them to see their labors appreciated.  Those desiring wholesome and well-cooked food, clean beds and well-ventilated rooms, should stop at the Jefferson House when in DeSoto.


I will sell my brick houses on Second between Perry and Fletcher streets.  A five room house on 30 foot lot and one double house, five rooms each on 50 foot lot.  Will bring 10 percent on investment.  Will sell all, or one, on easy terms.  Enquire of C.H.R. HANDCOCK or J. R. SERRIA [Serris?]. 





Circuit court convened Monday, with Judge GREEN presiding.  Circuit Clerk HONEY is assisted by his brother, Elias F., and Sheriff MAUPIN had Edwin FORREST, Harry DAHL and M. M. HORINE sworn in as deputies.  F.R. DEARING attends to the prosecution of violators of the law, and he has the assistance of a jury composed of good citizens of the county.  The grand jury is composed of John M. BAILEY, foreman, and Joseph RUSTIGE, Thomas BOLY, Andrew HILGERT, William KLEINSCHMIDT, A.W. BUTTS, F. P. PERKINS, Alfred SMITH, Henry CAPE, William T. LEE, J. W. FITZMORRIS and Landon WILLIAMS.  The latter two were picked up to fill places of S. P. HARRIS [or MORRIS] and Patrick LOVETT, excused.  It is a good jury and we may expect good and careful work from it.


J.V. HAEFNER made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors to James BRIERTON.  The assignee filed bend in the sum of $12,000, which was approved.


Jacob WEHRIE, Ernst WINKLER and Jno. RUF were made citizens of the United States.


Dr. Spotted WOLF was convicted of selling medicines as an itinerant vendor, without license, and fined $30.  The doctor is an Indian, who was running a show and selling nostrums at DeSoto, and who was informed by the Prosecuting attorney that he must have a license, which would cost him $100 under the law.  Thereupon he procured a peddler’s license, to sell goods, wares and merchandise, costing . . . and when arraigned before a Justice in DeSoto, he showed his peddler’s license and was acquitted.  There were three more cases against him, but he plead guilty and let off with a one-dollar fine in cash.  The cases of P. BERG vs Noah [?] and David BALLARD vs William HUFF were dismissed by plaintiffs.





Sealed bids will be received for dancing floor, lemonade stands, etc., for the Sons of Veterans’ picnic at Victoria, up to the evening of Sept. 11, 1891.





~Where’s the Difference~


’Tis strange what difference there be, ‘Twixt tweedledum and tweedledee!”


The foregoing sentence, Mr. Editor, came to my mind on reading Mr. BAKER’s “note” on John HEINER’s dramshop petition.  As to the propriety of publishing the list of names I have nothing to say, being one of the signers myself, and I am not hypocrite enough to either sign a paper or take a drink “behind my closet door.”  I believe in freedom of speech, perfect freedom in what one desires to eat or drink, and am opposed to all proscriptive laws.  However, Mr. BAKER’s “note” requires some attention and he ought to answer a few pertinent questions.


The signing of a dramshop petition is nothing more nor less than the casting of a vote; one is signed and then filed with the County clerk, while the other is printed or written and deposited in a box, then cast up and the result made known by the proper authorities.  In either case those signing or depositing ballots, are using the prerogative of popular suffrage.  I have carefully perused the list of names and find among it some of our best citizens.  There are but few whom I do not “consider respectable,” and they may be as respectable as Mr. BAKER himself for all I know except in color, and that is through no fault of theirs.  However, when a general election comes around, Mr. BAKER is found working and voting with these self-styled by him “not respectable” citizens, and advocating just what those people are told by Republican politicians and demagogues.  What is the difference, so far as respectability is concerned, whether one votes with these people at the ballot box or on a petition – the result is the same?


If Mr. BAKER is really so respectable and of the “best class” in the county, why does he draw the line at Festus?  The “note” says, in future it is intended to publish all dramshop petitions for Joachim township outside the City of Festus.  Methinks, if the saloon is such a pest as Mr. BAKER would have people to believe, his missionary efforts should be mainly directed to this city, as in her limits are found nine saloons to two in the township.  Has he no compassion on the people of this city, and does he not care what becomes of them after they “shuffle off this mortal . . .” or is the immaculate soul of this respectable man tainted with the greed for money to such an extent that the increased salary as street commissioner, derived from saloonkeepers, acts as a “balm of Gilead” upon his conscience?  Doesn’t the flesh overcome Mr. BAKER’s religious scruples when it comes to a matter of dollars and cents?  It looks that way to one up in this altitude.  A Signer.  North Crystal, Sept. 2, 1891.





All sons of veterans, who desire to join Frank HARDER Camp, are requested to meet at the G.A.R. ball at Victoria, . . ., on Saturday, September 19th, at 7 p.m., sharp.  All who join on that day will go in as charter members.

Chas. T. SNYDER, Captain.



~List of Conveyances~


Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.


A.I. COLMAN to Latouer E. SMITH, four lots in DeSoto,             -           8,000

Wm. O. TOWNSEN to E.N. POSTEN, lot in DeSoto,      -                 25

J. M. AUBUCHON to N. W. WELSH, lot in Festus,         -               500

J. T. WILLIAMS to W. E. MAUPEN, . . . acres, s1 tp 40 r3,             600

Anton WEBSTER to Ida BENDER, 2 acres in Bell’s subdivision  -      50

W. S. JEWETT to David HORINE, lot on Jewett’s Heights,        -     130

Bessie DAVIS to Charles WABTRON, two lots in DeSoto,          -       30

Charles H WARNER to Caroline OBERT, 2 ½ acres to survey 2008   400

Henry HEMME to D. F. DIERKS, 207 acres to survey 335,         -         1

D. F. DIERKS to Henry HEMME, 208 acres to survey 335,         -         1

Frank GROOM to J. C. WATT, three lots in DeSoto,      -           -      200

J. W. FLETCHER to Emily TAYLOR, lot in DeSoto,        -           -          1

G. R. RATHBUN to Frank GROOMS, four lots in DeSoto,          -       120

E. F. DONNELLY to Frank STEARSLY, two lots in DeSoto,        -       106

J. L. BOYER to J. S. LILLY, lot in Festus,          -           -           -         75

Charles REILLY to S. T. WAGGONER, lot in Festus,     -           -       700

R. C. MOORE to Joseph KELLEY, lot in Festus,            -           -           -       800

R. C. MOORE to William RILEY, lot in Festus,   -           -           -       800

M. W. PERKINS to S. A. SEAT, lot in Hematite, -           -           -         20

T. A. COOPER to Nancy SIMPSON, lot in Hematite,      -           -        225

D. L. JARVIS to August BIERMAN, lot in section 20 tp 41 range 5,          10

George W. ALLEN to DeSoto Machine Co, five lots in DeSoto,             400

Gabe BOYCE to C. HIGGINBOTHAM, lot in survey 315,            -           -          75

W. E. PYLE et al to John DECK, one acre, section 2 tp 39 range 4,         10

A. L. COLMAN to F. A. HERCHER, three lots in DeSoto,            -           -         140





Given under the auspices of the Sons of Veterans, at Victoria, Mo., on Saturday, Sept. 19, 1891.  All are invited to come and bring their baskets and spend a pleasant day.  Dancing and refreshment stands will be on the ground for the accommodation of all.          THE COMMITTEE.




By M.L.M.


One day in the Autumn of ’89, the woods were red and brown,

Each hill in the velvety distance wore a gold-entangled crown;

A misty figure was seen at times bobbing and jogging along,

The plowboy climbed to the highest . . . to see what might be wrong.

’Tis a man,” the children told me, and he’s coming with horse and rig

Right through the brush and the bramble, as if he were dancing a jib.”

The . . . was already over when a knock fell on my door,

And as I hastened to open, ye fat man crossed my door.


Aye, the fat man of the Democrat came out with good intent,

To visit old subscribers, I guess, and gather paper rent.

I don’t know how it happened, he went wrong in our broad, green woods,

And oh! how he tore up our country, our lands and landed goods!

“Such roads;” may the heavens protect me?  Why I wouldn’t live our here” –

At this he looked at his derby and clinched a frozen tear –

“Not if Dry Creek were given me, with the Rock House throwed in free,

One ride through this blessed country will do all my life for me.”

Now I knowed we had snags to stumble our Sunday bunions on,

And roads not perfectly shapen like a city’s well-kept lawn;

That the ruts came in uneven, while some times a tree would fall

Just where the road was narrow, and block out ruts and all.

But still we lived in a country where the road-tax . . . a bill,

And a generous . . . of gravel is stretched from hill to hill.

Something is wrong, I argued, this man seems all awry;

For his face was full of scratches, and a stick run in his eye.


I pondered awhile, then thinks I, I‘ll go and see the road

He’ll travel going homewards; so I sent to where I knowed

There was a sweep of gravel, and ten feet further down

A broad, hard road – the old State road – stretching to Hillsboro town.

But lo!  He bounded a ten-rail fence and turned his horse in the brush,

Scattering the nests of the Summer, where brooded the jay and thrush;

The ‘Squire got into the cow-path – those beasts never walk where they should –

And coming and going he followed it a zig-zag through the wood.


How long he rode we never may know, but sounds on the midnight air

Gave rise to folks’ suspicion that a “haunt” was wandering there.

They heard sounds as if some phantoms were praying – or something else;

But what he said we never shall know, unless the fat man tells;

And the marks are seen to-day yet, all over the forest, where,

The types in his wild career lost bits of his hat and hair.


Now, what would you say if a woman rode all day from the county seat

To get eight miles out, through thorns o’erhead and snags beneath her feet,

. . . just at her right lay the highway, where a man can whistle a tune

And sing, as he rides in December, a song of flowery June.

But the fat man was not singing – the glare in his eye showed that,

The scratch on his nose and forehead – the rift in his coat and hat.

He used no . . . lore, as he bent to look at gig and horse;

But, then he had lost the way you see, so we’ll pardon him, of course!




Died – September 1, 1891, at his home in Jefferson County, Mo., Mr. John KNORPP, of paralysis.


Deceased was paralyzed in 1889, and has suffered two and a half years, until death released him from earthly pain.  He was senseless from the third time he was paralyzed, last Sunday morning, and did not speak any more.  Shortly before dying he seemed to recognize all present – his wife and three children.  Deceased was a native of the Fatherland and came to America in [1833?].  He was 68 years of age and one of the oldest settlers of this German settlement.  He was buried in the old German Methodist cemetery, where the Evangelical minister held a sermon, taking his text from II Kings, chapter 20, 1st verse:  “in those days was Hezekiah sick unto death, and the Prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, came to him and said unto him, Thus said the Lord, set thine house in order, for thou shall die and not live.”  Rev. Wm. KLEINSCHMIDT, of the Methodist church, also made some appropriate remarks.


Mr. KNORPP was a member of the German Ebenezer Evangelical church, which he attended very regularly, until he was no longer able to go.  He leaves a wife, four children, and many relatives and friends, to mourn his death.  He was beloved by all who knew him, and a very large crowd, from far and near, attended his funeral.  Dear grand-father, hope we will all soon meet in a better world, where eternal life shall endure forever, and where we shall never, never part.

R. M. KNORPP, Knorpp, Mo., Sept. 6, 1891.  County papers, please copy.



~Public Auction~


I will sell at public vendue, at my farm on the State road, one mile north of Pevely, the same recently having been occupied by Mr. SCHINDLER, on Saturday, October 3, 1891, all the household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils and live stock formerly owned by said SCHINDLER; also 20 acres of corn in shuck, and some four tons of hay.  Being compelled, in consequence of ill health, to leave Missouri for a time at least, I will, at the same time and place, also sell all my personal property – except household and kitchen furniture – now on my place at Sulphur Springs, consisting of 10 or 12 horses, mares and colts; 35 head of cows and calves – nearly all the cows giving milk and of good dairy stock; few fine hogs, four or five farm wagons, as many sets of double harness, a lot of plows, harrows and other farming implements, one 7-foot mower, a fine 4-seated spring wagon, suitable for family use, a single spring wagon, two sets of single buggy harness, a No. 1 road cart and harness, about 20 acres of corn in the shuck, 25 tons of hay, and other things too numerous to mention.


Terms – On sums over five dollars a credit of twelve months will be given, without interest, purchasers giving their notes with approved security.


Information desired will be cheerfully given at the above-mentioned place, or at my residence, near Sulphur Springs.  John O’FALLON.





B. SCHWEIZER’s Dry Goods

Elmer KEMPE Dry Goods

Jos. J. HOEKEN’s Cash Store

The Clairette Soap

Square Deal Clothing

Crystal Plate Glass General Store

Louis GREVE’s General Store

DeSoto Marble Works

Leo BERRESHEIM General Merchandise

F.P. KENNER’s New Saloon

E. VOLLMAR Dry Goods

Rob’t COXWELL, Undertaker