The Jefferson Democrat

September 3, 1891


The civil war in Chile ended last week in the overwhelming defeat of the tyrant, usurper BALMACEDA; notwithstanding the moral support given him by the administration of this government.


Mr. BAKER pays us regular advertising rates per line for publishing the dramshop petition and his note thereon.  It has been suggested that some of the signers will get offended at us for publishing it; but we consider this a legitimate business transaction.  Furthermore, the petition is a public document of the County clerk’s office, subject to the inspection of everybody, so that we do not see how we are damaging anyone by publishing it.


The subtreasuryites and thirdpartyites captured the State F. & L. U. at Warrensburg last week; downed the Democrats as fast as they came to them, and elected all the officers.  When it came to adopting a platform, though, the fear of a split and burst up of the organization deterred them.  The sub treasury resolution is referred back to the counties, with instructions to talk it up and send instructed delegates to a subsequent convention.  The Republican managers are entitled to the credit of catching the Democrats napping and working up the scheme to switch the Union off.  Next year we will probably have a full fledged third party ticket in the field, and the Republicans will endorse it.


Prof. FLYNN expected to publish a letter from Mr. SHERMAN, last week, in which he reiterated his charges against the people of this County and threatened to prove them.  We saw the letter in Mr. FLYNN’s possession, and understood from him that he would publish it in connection with a complete refutation of the charges.  It appears, though, that SHERMAN has been advised to a different course and, that by attacking the soft-side of FLYNN’s Irish nature, induced him to give up the letter and let up on the expose.  For our part we have no apologies to offer for what we have said on the subject.  We considered SHERMAN’s first letter but only a part of a systematic effort, which has been made for years, to slander our state and County, and scare off good people who were hunting new homes and might be attracted by the natural advantages offered here; and his second letter, which he has withdrawn, was in line with the first.  We would like to believe that he has experienced a change of heart; that after praying over the matter he saw the error of his course and concluded to act more like a decent man, but we have no evidence to that effect yet.




By Zulu.


Road overseer HUNT is busy putting his roads in good shape for the Winter.


David WHITE purchased three lots, in W.H. BELL’s Subdivision of the Sulphur Springs tract, from Booker RICHARDSON and others.


The raffle came off at Theater Hall on the 22nd.  The surrey was won by B.F. DIARD, of St. Louis.  The party was a pleasant affair.


Our F. & L. Union took in three new members at its last meeting.  The entire MILLER band belongs to this Union, and enliven the meetings with sweet strains of music.


Don, second son of Prof. LASSATER, of Windsor Harbor, while jumping on a train at Windsor crossing, slipped and fell.  One of his feet was run over and badly smashed.  Dr. Kirk is trying to save the foot.          Kimmswick, August 30, 1891.



~From House’s Springs~


Will BYRNS caught, not long since, a fish in Big River, the largest that has been seen for some time.


Miss Susie GUIBOR has recovered from a spell of typhoid fever; we are glad to see her visiting her friends again.


A certain young man of our vicinity would not attend the picnic at Byrnesville, because his best girl was unable to attend.


Mr. T. CHARTRAND, of St. Louis, is visiting his parents at present, and, if reports are true, he visits more than his parents in the neighborhood.


Mr. E. BONACKER came back from the normal by himself.  How was it he did not come back with the Irish delegation?  No flies on the Irish, Ernst.


Quite a number from here attended the picnic at Byrnesville, Aug. 15th.  It was given for the benefit of the Catholic Church, and they reported a good time.


Mr. Hugh LLOYD did not attend the normal this year; from all indications there must certainly be some attraction in town, as he is seen on our streets every day.


Every one in this vicinity is about through threshing; wheat did not turn out as well as expected.  Corn is looking fine, as Providence has blessed this part of the country with plenty of rain.


Not long since, I overheard a group of young ladies saying that a certain young man would kill his horse driving so fast.  Correct, ladies, when a man has business to attend, he should do it in a business-like manner.   A Reader.



~To Teachers and School Officers~


The Missouri School Text-Book Commission has awarded the contract for text books, to be used in the schools of the State, for five years.  The list of books contracted for has been published in the Mirror and Democrat.  The State Superintendent will also furnish copies of instruction and a list of the books contracted for, with prices, etc., which copies will be distributed by the County commissioner to the clerks and teachers of each district as soon as received.  So far as Jefferson County is concerned, the following from the Text-book law is printed for the information of all concerned:


Sec. 11.  From and after the first day of September, 1891, no text-book upon the subjects named in section 5 of this Act, except those contracted for by said commission, shall be sold for use in the public schools of Missouri; and from and after the first day of September, 1892, no text-book upon the aforesaid subjects, except those contracted for by said commission, shall be used or taught in any public school within this State.


From the above it will be seen that the text-books sold after Sept. 1, 1891, must be of the kind selected by the commission, and after Sept. 1, 1892, no book can be used in the schools other than those selected.  This will give one year to complete the introduction of the books, and it devolves upon the teacher and directors to carry out this provision of the law.  The important changes are in Readers, Geographies and Grammars.  The New Franklin Readers, Butler’s Geographies and Hyde’s Grammars are to take the place of those now in use.  In Penmanship the Analytical system is to be used, instead of those now in use.


The commissioner is informed that a monthly institute was voted by teachers during the session of the institute at De Soto, and that Festus was selected as the place for the September meeting; but in view of the fact that there are two important questions that ought to be considered at this meeting, the commissioner is of the opinion that a more central point should be selected, and will take the liberty to call the monthly institute for September at Hillsboro, on Saturday, the 12th last.  The two important questions to be considered and discussed are:  1st, The New Text-book Law, and 2nd, the Grading of Country Schools.  A scheme of grading and a course of study has been prepared by the State Board of Education, and a copy is in the hands of the commissioner, which he wishes to submit to the teachers and district directors at the very earliest opportunity.  The commissioner, therefore, will ask each teacher and one or more directors, or accredited representatives, of each district to meet at Hillsboro on the 12th last., for the purpose of reaching some conclusion in these matters, and, as well, if time permits, consider other matters which may be submitted.             

D.B. VEAZEY, County School Commissioner.



~Big Spring’s Spray~

By D.W.


Martin DALTON has been chosen to teach the House’s Springs school this season.


Frank PRICE, of near Eureka, is visiting friends at the Springs.  He is almost a man now.


Henry VANDERCRUYUSSEN has imported a lot of his countrymen, Belgians, to work for him at low wages; but as soon as they learn a little English they leave him.


William HUMES has rented his farm to  [?ua] SCHULZE for five years, and is making preparations to move on his farm near St. Louis.


Mrs. CHURCH is going to get a shot gun for the benefit of chicken thieves, who have greatly annoyed her of late.  This may prove very effective.


Big Springs, August 28, 1891.



~List of Conveyances~


Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:


D.M. PARK, et al, to C.A. DOWNER 2 lots in De Soto,   -             $125

Bessie DAVIS to W.H. TAYLOR 3 lots in De Soto,         -               [60?]

Geo. W. ALLEN to Henry UNSER 2 lots in De Soto        -                74

G.T. LANHAM to M.B. BAKEWELL 40 acres sec. 23-41-4,            110

R.W. MCMULLIN to Sam’l MCMULLIN 2 lots in De Soto,            -                16

S.G.A. MEDLEY to J.A. CASKLEY 3 acres sec. 18-42-4,           -                13

A.P. BOOTH to G.W. PIERCE 40 acres sec. 32-41-4,    -                60

Ed. SALE to John W. ECKLE, 70 acres sec. 23-42-3,     -             1340

Ed. BURGESS to Thos. HIGGINBOTHAM 160 acres sec 33-39-4   300

John C. WILLIAMS to J.F. WITTE 78 acres sec. 4-39-4,            -             1200

L.J. RANKIN to Gottlieb KLEISLEY 3 lots in De Soto,     -                75

L.J. RANKIN to B.F. REYNOLDS 4 lots in De Soto,        -              100



~Deaths and Births~

The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:

Date.                Name.                                      Age.

Aug. 8              Mary KONERT,                         22 yrs.

                        Wilhemina Barbara MAY,          71 yrs.



Date.                Name of Mother.                       Sex.

Aug. 1              Mrs. Wm OTTOMEYER,           girl

        6              Mrs. Gerhard KONERT,                        girl

~Missouri School of Mines~

Rolla, Mo.


Gives Degrees in Civil and Mine Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics and physics, and General Science.  Two years preparatory course if desired.  Facilities first-class.  Instruction thorough.  Tuition free.  Fees, $14 a year.  Total expenses per school year from $125 to $150.  Next term begins Sept. 14, 1891.  Catalogue free.  Address, School of Mines, Rolla, Mo.



~Circuit Court Docket~

September Term, 1891.


Monday, September 14th.


State vs. William CERILDO, grand larceny.

Nelson Distilling Co vs. Thomas ?, garnishment.

John S MAILON [Malone?] and Josias TIPPETT vs. Samuel A. REPPY on contract on acct.

Rosa WILHELM vs. Jacob WILHELM, divorce.

State vs. M. LONG, Frank [DEBOISE?], Jim POINTER and Bob JENKINS, gambling.

State vs. Dr. Spotted WOLF, selling drugs without license.

State vs. same and similar offense.


Tuesday, September 15th.


Mrs F.W. GRATIOT vs. Sallie PINSON, account.

State vs. Thomas SMITH, keeping gaming device.

Frank VAUGHN vs. City of De Soto, damages.

John F. MURPHY vs. Sophia B MURPHY, divorce.

State vs. William JOPLIN and ? TERRELL/Ferrell?, placing obstruction on railroad track.

T. L. MCCORMACK vs. Mississippi Mixer and Bonne Terre Railroad, damages to crop.

State vs. ? SPATE/(SPITZ?) , Powell SPATE/(SPITZ?) and Chris HONIG, killing fish with dynamite.

Applications of James G. BERKELEY and John H. REPPY to practice law.


Wednesday, September 16th.


W.H.H. THOMAS and C Tho HORINE vs. Eugenia C DYER et al, on note.

City of De Soto vs. Michael ROONEY, keeping gambling device.

National Electric Manufacturing Co vs. E B MAUPIN, damages.

? O’CONNELL vs. Ed BURGESS, damages.

Amanda GORHAM vs. G.A. AUERSWALD, on account.

Joseph BRADFORD vs. B. T. HINSON and J. C. KERCHOFF, on account.


Thursday, September 17th.


L. H. HOLT [HEIT?] vs. D B FROST, petition to enforce mechanic’s lien.

Dave BALLARD vs. William HUFF, action to recover stake money.

Peter BERG vs. Noah FAUBER, damages.

Frederick HACKE vs. Adolph POSCH, on notes.

Prudence ANDERSON vs. Iron Mountain Railway, damages.

? GRAHAM vs. Missouri Pacific Railroad, damages.

Michael CLOVER  vs. Rudolph HARNESS, action for slander


Friday, September 18th.


Thomas J WILEY vs. James C MCMULLIN, replevin

Louisa PULLEN vs. Isaac PULLEN, divorce.

Lucy HENDON vs. George B HENDON, divorce.

John (O’Neal?), by next friend, vs. C YOUNG & Sons Seed and Plant Co, damages for personal injuries.

Wilhemina [STRAUSBERG/Steisberg?] vs. Amanda JORDAN et al, petition to foreclose mortgage.

Isaac S BAKER, street commissioner, and the City of Festus vs. P.?. HENDER---?, action to collect poll tax.


Saturday, September 19th.


State vs. Henry POLITTE and Lucy HENDON, adultery

Ollie ABERNATHY et al vs. Pinkney ABERNATHY, petition in partition

Thomas J WILEY vs. James C MCMULLIN, ejectment.

Peter BERG vs. Noah FAUBER and Emma FAUBER, ejectment.

(Emma?) C STEGMAN, by guardian, vs. Charles A and Gustave STEGMAN, Jr, partition.

William HOEMAN Saddlery Co vs. William BOYNE, on account.

John FRECH vs. T J ALTER, attachment on account.


Monday, September 21st.


P Francis WELLS et al vs. Henry LEE, ejectment.

State ex rel vs. Leander MITCHELL et al, taxes.

                        Jos C EISENHOWER, same.

                         George [RENNER?],, same.

                         George HARNESS, same.

                         J C WILSON, same.

                         G M SCHMIDT, same.

                         Henry DELDT/[DEIDT?], same.

                         Frank WALLACH, same.

                         Andreas ALT, same.

                         Jacob ? et al, same.

Thomas C. O’HAVER vs. Charles WALDRON et al, partition.

State vs. Robert J MCBROOM, forgery.

State vs. (Lilburn?) THOMAS, defiling female in his employ.


Tuesday, September 22nd.


John BINS vs. Philip BINS, on account.

State vs. Joseph BRADFORD, assault.

Henry STELBRINK, administrator estate of John B. MORSE, vs. John TUTTLE et al, partition.

State ex rel vs. John O’FALLON, taxes.

                         Mary BENTLEY, same.

                         Unknown heirs of John W MORTIMER, taxes.

State ex rel vs Unknown heirs of Abraham GOTTSCHALK, taxes

State ex rel vs. William K TERRY, taxes.

                         Joseph A GARNER et al, same.

                         Sallie SHERIDAN et al, same.

                         Magdalene HUBER et al, same.

                         Margarethe (MUELLER?), same.

                         James REYNOLDS, same.

                        Nicholas SINGER et al, same.

Annie NICOLLE vs. Louis NICOLLE, divorce.

Ellen MCDOWELL  vs. City of De Soto, damages.


Wednesday, September 23rd.


People’s Bank of De Soto vs. W E (FITE?) et al, on note.

State ex rel vs. George (R.?) KING, taxes.

                         Virgiline GRIFFIN, same.

                         William HENDRICKSON, same.

                         W R WILLIAMS et al, same.

                         Thomas LONG, same.

                         Thomas M ROBERTS [ROHERT?] et al, same.

                         Peter WHITE, same.

                         Joseph MAZANETZ [MAZANCE?], same.



NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS – Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of Jefferson County, Missouri, at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891:

Central township,                      Hillsboro,                      Sept. 21, 23, 26

Big River,                                 Grubville,                      Sept.    28

Big River,                                 Morse’s Mill,                 Sept.    29

Big River,                                 Frumet,                         Sept.   30

Plattin township,                       Rush Tower,                 October ?

Plattin township,                       Danby,                          October 6

Plattin township,                       McCormack’s,               October 7

Valle township,                         Valle Mines,                  October 8

Joachim township,                    Crystal City,                 October 13

Joachim township,                    Festus,                          October 11, 14

Valle township,                          DeSoto,                       October 15, 16, 17

Rock township,                          Kimmswick,                 October 13, 20

Rock township,                          Sulphur Spring,            October  21

Joachim township,                    Pevely,                          October  22

Joachim township,                    Hematite,                      October  23

Central township,                      Hillsboro,                      October  24

Meramec township,                   Dittmer’s Store,            October  25

Meramec township,                   Cedar Hill,                    October  27

Meramec township,                   Byrnesville,                  October  23

Meramec township,                   House’s Spring,            October  29

Meramec township,                   High Ridge,                  October  30

Rock township,                          Maxville,                      November 10, 11

Rock township,                          Antonia,                       November 12


Bring along the number of the land you desire to pay taxes on.  A correct tax receipt will answer the purpose.  The attention of the taxpayers is called to section ? of the Revised Statutes, which will be rigidly enforced.


Herman HAMEL,           Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri

Hillsboro, MO, August 27, 1891.



~A Card~


To the Honorable County Court of Jefferson County, State of Missouri, We, the undersigned taxpaying citizens of the County and State aforesaid, would respectfully ask that a dramshop license be granted John [HEINER?], at the stand in Pevely, on lot, block 3, and for which will ever pray, etc.:         [Following this opening, there are about 400 names listed, most of which are not legible.  Those that are legible are transcribed below.]


Frank SMITH                 W. AUBUCHON                       Thomas KEITH              E. WOLF

John COOK                  Thomas BLAKE                        George PHILIPPI          G.W. MANESS

W. FLETCHER             Anthony WIDENER       W. ANDERSON            A. GREEN

E. WAKEFIELD             ? HARRIS                     William CARTER          Nicholas KEITH

J.G. SCOTT                 Wesley RENFROW       James WALKER           William HARTOR

E. ADAMS                    Joseph PURSALL         John RIGLEY                T. WOLF

Edward MATHEWS       Chas. HOUGHTON       W.J. TERRY                 A. HERRINGTON

Henry WINGO              John CHANEY               Henry MARTIN            Frank WILLIAMS

? SWEET                     ? WILLIAMS                 George ANDERSON     John MILLER

Steph. WOODWARD     ? DIDAT                      Joe ALBERT                 Ferdinand HUBER

Joe FRAZIER               Wm. EDWARDS           Frank WHITING                        M. AUBUCHON

L. SCHMIDT                 John DUGAN                Wm. PICKLE                D. THURMAN

A. NESSLER                C. MILLER                    H. HUNT                      L. MILLER

James WALTON           James LAVLEY             Frank VOST                 D. MURPHY

? ENLOW                     August YEIDA             Margaret YEIDA             James MARSH

J. MUNRO                    J. LANDOLF                 Wm. EDWARDS           John LANDOLF

W. CRAWSHAW           ? ACKERMANN            T. BURGESS                ? WRIGHT      

Frank WILLIAMS          Walter WILLIAMS         K. GORDON                 George KOCH

? MURPHY                   James HUSKEY           ? MURPHY                   Charles KOPE

Hank MCNAMARA        ? JACOB                      Amanda AUBUCHON    Wm. STEIN

J.N. HAMPTON            Tom SMITH                  Wm. MILLER                Wm. SCANLON

Charles HENDRICKSON M. SEIBERT                W. JACKSON              J. HEINRICH   

H. MILLER                    ? LINDHORST               K. MUELLER               Ernest BAKER

N. FENDER                  Victor BARTHOLOMY   F. HUBER                    Joseph PARSALL

G. ZE??MANN               Fritz ZE??MANN          George FORD              Z. MILLER

Clem LOGAN                G. HOCKEN                 Perry STEVENSON      John CLOVER

George SANDRIDGE     George ANDERSON     A. FONTANA               John HOWARD

J. VINYARD                 Peter VINYARD                        C. KOPP                      Jacob HEINRICH

J.M. STEWART            Julia BROWN               G.W. KEATON             John ENGELBACH

Elizabeth MATTHEWS Louis VEIDA                  Wm. PARKS                 John J. ENGELBACH

Charles PARKS            Mason GIBBS               Louis GREVE               Mary STREETER

Charles ELLIS              A. ZIEGLER                  J.W. MILLER                John MILLER

John HOWARD             Frank EDWARDS         W. SMYTH                   James CASTILE

Ephraim WILLIAMS       ? DIETZ                       Jon. CRAWSHAW        John HENKEL

John SCHAEFER          John HANKS                Charles LOVELL           Frank TANGAY

John KELLY                  Florenz KOCH              Wm. RICHARDS


If respectable parties, whose names appear on this petition, had associated with the names of many whom they do not consider respectable, they have no one to blame but themselves for it.  They ought to know that always and in every community, the worst class of people are willing and eager to sign such petitions, if the law will permit them to do so: and they ought also to know that always and everywhere the liquor traffic controls and uses for its own purposes the very worst classes in society outside the prison . . . – there is no exception to this.  Hence, it is intended to publish the dramshop petitions in this township, outside of the City of Festus. 



Guardian Sale – Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, made at its August term, 1891, -- on the Third day of August, 1891, -- the undersigned, guardian of the person and property of Augustus K. MEYER, a person of unsound mind, will, on Saturday, October 3, 1891, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the court house door in Hillsboro, Jefferson County, Missouri, and while the Probate court of said County is in session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for the purpose of paying the debts and for the maintenance of said insane person. . . . following described real estate of said August K. MEYER, insane, to wit:  The south half and northwest fourth of southeast quarter, of section seventeen, township forty, range . . . east; also the northeast fourth of northeast quarter, and the . . . half of northwest fourth of northeast quarter, of section twenty, township forty, range four east, containing . . . acres, all situated in Jefferson County, Missouri.  Terms of sale – one-third cast at time of sale and the balance in twelve months, the purchaser to give note with approved security for deferred payment, bearing interest from date at the rate of six per cent, per annum, or all cash at the option of the purchaser.

John CARREY, Guardian of Augustus K. MEYER, insane.  Hillsboro, September 3, 1891.


EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. – Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Patrick BYRNE, deceased were granted to the undersigned, on the . . . day of August, 1891, by the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executor within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from this publication, they shall be forever barred.

Rose BYRNE, John T. BYRNE (Executors.)  Hillsboro, MO., August 10, 1891.


ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE – Notice is hereby given, that letters of administration, with will annexed, on the estate of William REDFORD, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the  . . . day of August 1891, by the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.  Pho??? REDFORD, Administratrix, August 30, 1891.


ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. – Notice is hereby given . . . letters of administration on the estate of Isaac F. WILSON, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, on the . . . day of August, 1891.

All persons having claims against said estate are requested to exhibit them for allowance to the administratrix within one year after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such . . . be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they shall be forever barred.  Hester WILSON Administratrix                        September 2, 1891.


SHERIFF’S SALE. – By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and . . . the undersigned sheriff, . . . in favor of Johann Henry SPRINGMEIER and against Anna SPRINGMEIER, Henry Frederick SPRINGMEIER, and Anna SPRINGMEIER, administratrix of the estate of Henry SPRINGMEIER, deceased, bearing date August ?, 1891, thereof.  I have . . . the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, . . . the property of Anna SPRINGMEIER, Henry Frederick SPRINGMEIER, and Anna SPRINGMEIER, administratrix of the estate of Henry SPRINGMEIER, deceased, and described as follows, to wit:

The west half of lot one of the northwest quarter of section four, in township forty-one, or range three east, containing . . ., more or less.

Also the east half of lot two of the northwest quarter of section . . ., in township . . . range three west, containing . . . acres.

Also the southwest quarter of the . . . of section thirty-three, in township forty-two, of range three east, containing . . .

And I will, on Tuesday, the . . . day of September, 1891, at the court house door, in the town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the circuit court, sell all the . . . and property, of the said Anna SPRINGMEIER, Henry Frederick SPRINGMEIER, and Henry SPRINGMEIER, deceased, of, . . .

Posted at Hillsboro, the . . . day of August, 1891, E.R. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of a general execution, issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and . . . the undersigned sheriff, delivered, in favor of Isaac WOLF and Joseph WOLF, partners in trade, doing business under the . . . name and style of WOLF & . . ., plaintiffs, and against W. JEWETT, Elizabeth [STERNE?], and H.J. [STERNE?], Sr., defendants, hearing date August . . . and . . . in the September term, last, . . . seized the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, . . . the property of the said W.B. JEWETT, Elizabeth [STERNE?] and H.J. [STERNE or STERNS?], Sr., and . . . as follows, to wit:

A part of the northwest quarter of the south west quarter of section thirty-two (32), township forty-one . . ., by deed dated March. . . .  [Details of the property location are not legible.]

And I will, on Saturday, the . . . day of September, 1891, at the court-house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the Circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the said W.H. JEWETT, Elizabeth [STERNE?] and H.J. [STERNE or STEINS?], Sr., of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this 13th day of August, 1891.

August 27, 1891.                       E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of two executions, issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff, delivered, in favor of L.M [HEADSEY?], . . . a corporation, plaintiff, and southern . . ., a corporation, plaintiff, and against Adolph PECAUT, defendant, . . . described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, as the property of Adolph PECAUT, and described as follows, to wit:

A . . . the following described real estate, situated in said County and State, to wit:  A part of the Wesley [SKAGGS?] farm, west of Big River, being a part of the . . . owned by . . . on the east by lands of . . . estate, controlled by R.F. . . .: on the south by lands of J.J. SKAGGS,  . . . fence on the west at the . . . being the west . . ., the same being . . . containing twelve acres, more or less.

And I will, . . . the 1?th day of September, 1891, at the court house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the Circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the said Adolph PECAUT of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said two executions and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this 25th day of August, 1891.  E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of a special execution, issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff, delivered in favor of Otto HERMANN and against Adolph PECAUT, bearing date August 17, 1891, and returnable to the September term, 1891, thereof, I have levied it upon and seized the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, as the property of Adolph PECAUT, and described as follows, to wit:

The improvements situated on lot three and south half of lot four, in block three, Railroad Addition to the City of De Soto, to wit:  a one-story brick building, used as an office and dynamo room, and the one-story frame building attached to the rear of said brick building, and used as a power house for engine; also the engine, boilers, furnaces, dynamos, switch boards, belting, pumps and machinery, in, upon and connected with said buildings;  also all the right, title, interest, and estate of the said Adolph PECAUT in and to lot three and south half of lot four, in block three, of Railroad Addition to the City of De Soto, owned by the said Adolph PECAUT at the time plaintiff commenced work and furnished material for said improvements.

And I will, on Wednesday, the 16th day of September, 1891, at the court house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of Circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the said Adolph PECAUT, of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this . . . day of August, 1891.  E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of a special execution, issued from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff, delivered in favor of Fred [HACKE?] and against Adolph PECAUT, bearing date of August 11, 1891, and returnable to the September term, 1891, thereof.  I have levied it upon and seized the following . . . real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, . . . the property of Adolph PECAUT, and described as follows, to wit:

The improvements situated on lot three and south half of lot four, to block three, Railroad Addition to the city of De Soto, to wit:  a one story brick building, used as an office and dynamo room, and the one story frame building attached to the rear of said brick building, and used as a power house for engine; also the engine, boilers, furnaces, dynamos, switch boards, belting, pumps and machinery in, upon and connected with said buildings; also all of the right, title, interest and estate of the said Adolph PECAUT in and to lot three and the south half of lot four, in block three, Railroad Addition in the City of De Soto, owned by the said Adolph PECAUT at the time plaintiff commenced work and furnished material for said improvements.

And I will, on Wednesday, the 14th day of September, 1891, at the court house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the Circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the said Adolph PECAUT, of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this 20th day of August, 1891.  E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the under signed sheriff, delivered, in favor of the State of Missouri, . . . the relation and to the . . . of Herman HAMEL, collector of the revenue of Jefferson County, in the State of Missouri, and against W. Jack WIDEMAN, bearing date June . . ., 1891, and returnable to the September term, 1891, thereof, I have levied it upon and seized the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, Missouri, as the property of W. Jack WIDEMAN, and described as follows, to wit:

The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three, in township forty, of range four east, containing . . . acres.

And I will, On Tuesday, the fifteenth day of September, A.D. 1891, a the court house door, in the town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, between the ours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property, of the said W. Jack WIDEMAN, of in and to the above described real estate and property, for cast in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this 13th day of August, 1891.

E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff.


In the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, Saturday, August 23, 1891, the following proceedings were . . . to wit:  The court . . . order John CARREY, guardian of the person and estate of August E. MEYER, insane, to give the following notice, by publication in the Jefferson Democrat, a weekly newspaper published in Jefferson County, Missouri, for four weeks, to wit:  Notice is hereby given . . . the undersigned was appointed guardian of the person and estate of August E. MEYER, insane, by the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, on the 11th day of May, 1891: and that all persons are hereby . . . to harbor, . . . or have any business transaction with him without any comment; and that all persons having claims against the estate of said ward are hereby notified to present the . . . to the Probate court for allowance within one year, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and that if they are not . . . within two years from the date of this notice, they will be forever barred.

John CARREY, Guardian of the Person and Estate of August E. MEYER, insane.

A true copy of the record.  Witness my hand and the seal of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, hereto affixed, . . . day of August, 1891.

R. A. ELKINS, Judge of Probate.


~Sheriff’s Sale in Partition~

Emma C. STEGMAN by James S. ?, her guardian, plaintiff versus Charles A. STEGMAN and Gustave STEGMAN, Jr., defendant.

In the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri.

By virtue and authority of a decree said order of sale made by said court in the above entitled cause, and of a certified copy thereof, dated August 19, 1891, I will, on Friday September 18, 1891, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the Town of Hillsboro, in Jefferson County, in the state of Missouri, and during the session of the Circuit court sell at public venue, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, vis:  The east half of the northeast quarter of section eleven, in township thirty-nine, north of the base line in range four, east of the fifth principal meridian, containing seventy nine acres more or less, and situated in Jefferson County and State of Missouri.

Terms of sale, as follows, viz:  One third of purchase money cash in hand at time of sale, the balance in one year, the purchaser to give good and sufficient bond for the deferred payment, bearing interest from date at the rate of six percent per annum, or all cast at option of the purchaser.

E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff                August 27, 1891


SHERIFF’S SALE – By virtue and authority of a special execution, . . . from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, and to me, the undersigned sheriff, delivered in favor of Jules B. DANE and against Herman MEYER and Hermina MEYER, his wife, bearing date August 17, 1891, and returnable to the September term, . . . I have levied it upon and seized the following described real estate and property, lying and being in Jefferson County, State of Missouri, as the property of Herman MEYER and Hermina MEYER, his wife, and described as follows, to wit:

A one story, two-room frame house, situated on one acre of ground in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, township forty, north of range four east, containing forty acres, and which said one acre is described as follows, to wit:  Beginning at a point 55 feet east of the northeast corner of said frame house; thence north a foot; thence west 6?? feet; thence south . . . feet to the place of beginning, containing one acre.

And I will, on Thursday the 17th day of September, 1891, at the court house door in the Town of Hillsboro, in the County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of the Circuit court, sell all the right, title, claim, estate and property of the said Herman MEYER and Hermina MEYER, his wife, of, in and to the above described real estate and property, for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said execution and costs.  Dated at Hillsboro, this 20th day of August, 1891.            E.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff


~Items of News~


Some communications are unavoidably crowded out this week.


John HUBELI is making preparations to move his family back to Hillsboro.


Miss Dora TURLEY, of New Orleans, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. F.R. DEARING.


A well-boring outfit passed here, Saturday, enroute for . . .


Misses Lillie and [Hattie?] BAY and Emma JOPLIN, of Eureka, are visiting at Sheriff MAUPIN’s.


Licensed to marry –

Benjamin T. PATTERSON and Ella [POST/FOST?],

Herman HAMEL, Jr., and Emma [WASEWA?].


William FRETCH, of near Hematite, died last Tuesday.  He had been suffering with consumption.


Mrs. E.B. MAUPIN returned home Saturday from a two-week’s visit to friends near Eureka, MO.


Mr. BURKE and wife went to St. Louis County, yesterday, to attend the wedding of Herman HAMEL, Jr.


Take something to the fair, more for the purpose of helping it along than for the sake of the premiums.


Phun” BREWSTER came down from the city to visit relatives and friends, last Saturday, and returned Monday.


Dr. KERSHAW will have some of his fine stock from the Maplewood Stock Farm, on exhibition at the County Fair.


Remember that our County fair will be held next week.  If you are a Jefferson County man, you ought to do all you can for the fair.


John H. LANHAM, of Salem Mo., is here on a visit to his old home.  If any one thinks he has lost his power of speech just let them try him on.


Dr. WILLIAMS and lady, of House’s Springs, were in town last Friday.  The doctor was sending his wife on a visit to her parents in Washington County.


Everybody seems to be taking an interest in the County fair; but to make it what it ought to be everyone who has anything worth showing should send it for exhibition.


S.P. HARRIS had a pretty good family for a bachelor last Sunday:  there were seventy-two in all.  They will return to the city soon.  Twenty-four left Monday morning.


Our friend, Charles STEIDLE, who left his farm a year ago and moved to St. Louis, has returned and will be a granger in future.  He thinks the farm is not as bad a place after all to make a living.


The County commissioner is supplied with blanks for appointing agents to sell text-books in Jefferson County.  All those desiring such appointment should make written application, as provided in section 11 of the Text-book Law.


Some people always go away from a County fair feeling how easy they could have captured a premium, if they had only had their stuff in competition.  To avoid this feeling, take every worthy article you have and risk getting a premium.


Harry THOMAS, Louis CHAMBERLAIN, and Charlie MOCKBEE started yesterday for Columbia, to attend the State University.  Willie MCMULLIN will go the better part of the week to Rolla.  ‘Lige BURGESS went to Caledonia last Saturday to attend school.


A cow belonging to John SCHORR, of near Hillsboro, got into his barn, one night last week, where he had a fine young mare tied, and cut the mare’s leg on the hip with her horn.  The cut is a large one, and will at least hurt the sale of the mare, if it will not cripple her entirely.


Take Notice – My sale notes will be due on the 20th inst, and I will meet parties who want to settle in Hillsboro, Sept 1, 1891.  W. R. MORRIS.


We learn that Miss Sarah CHILTON, of Festus, was badly burned from pouring gasoline into a kettle of boiling water to facilitate cleansing clothes.  The oil boiled over onto the stove, ignited and filled the room with fire.  People should not experiment with such a dangerous substance.


We learn that our item, about the peacemaker at Victoria on the day of the G.A.R. picnic, did Johnny STROUP an injustice.  The man who did the knocking was not employed by Mr. STROUP, and STROUP is in no way responsible for the man’s actions.


The picnic given by Wm BRYAN and S.P. MCKEAN at Hillsboro last Saturday was not largely attended.  The people seem to have enough of picnics for this season.  There was good music, Wm. [GO??], Otto HAMEL and T.B. MOSS being the performers, and those present had a good time during the afternoon, but in the evening a shower of rain dispersed them.  Quite a crowd assembled at Mrs. VOLIMAR’s hotel and danced till about midnight.


For Sale – A good gentle horse works well every way, but is s little slow to work with my other horse.  C.S. BOOTH, Hillsboro, MO


A camp of Sons of Veterans was organized at Victoria last Saturday, and is designated as Frank HARDER Camp, with the following officers:  Chas. T. SNYDER, captain; Thos. J. HARDER, 1st lieutenant; Phil S. MCKEE/MCRAE?, 2nd lieutenant; Joseph G. WILLIAMS, James J. WILSON, Jr. and George ELDERS, camp council; J.E. MEDLEY, chaplain; W.M ELDERS, 1st sergeant; W. JUDY, 2nd sergeant; J. RUPPEL, color sergeant; Ray VEAZEY, corporal of guard; Will MCMULLIN and Wm. MCMULLIN, picket guards; Wm RUPPEL, principal musician; delegate to division encampment, T.J. HARDER; Richard MEDLEY, alternate.  They are going to have a picnic on the 19th of September, and everybody is invited.  The picnic is not to make money, but is free to all, and those who attend are expected to bring their baskets, and spend the day in having a pleasant time.


On the 19th of August, 1891, a number of friends gathered at the residence of Mr. Robert DENNY, to witness the marriage of Mr. C.A. MACAM, of Oak Ridge, Cape Girardeau County, and Miss Eve DENNY, of Franklin County, which took place at 11 o’clock, Rev. J.P. MCKAY officiating.  On account of rain the invited guests gathered very irregular; some arrived as early as 9 o’clock, and others as late as 12, the latter missing the fun, except dinner.  The number of guests present was about 70.  Some brought presents, others none.  At 1 p.m. the groom and bride bid us good day and started for the city, and we suppose their journey to the station was a rough one, as it rained soon after they left.  Mr. Robert DENNY, Jr., and Miss Hettie JOHNS were groomsman and bridesmaid.  No doubt Mrs. DENNY will be very lonesome for a while, as this was the first wedding in the family and the bride her only daughter.


On Thursday of last week there was a very sad occurrence at Hematite; the residence of M.W. PERKINS was struck by lightning and his daughter, Annie, aged 10 years, was instantly killed, and he received a shock which felled him to the floor and seriously injured him.  While the storm was raging Mr. PERKINS was in the hall and called to Annie to put down a window up stairs.  Just then the shock came.  Another little girl, seeing her father prostrate ran into the kitchen and called to her mother that “papa is killed.”  Mrs. PERKINS immediately ran into the hall and began efforts to revive her husband, and it was some time before any one thought to enquire about Annie; but when search was made for her, she was found a corpse.  The house is of concrete, and when the lightning entered there seemed to be nothing to conduct it, and it jumped from one spot to another, getting into closets and around the rooms, leaving its impress at various places.  It was a terrible calamity, and sympathizing friends rendered all assistance in their power.  It is thought that Mr. P. will thoroughly recover, but it was a close call for him.


I will see my brick houses on 2nd at between Perry and Fletcher streets.  On five room house on 30 ft. lot, and one double house 5 rooms each on 50 ft. lot.  Will bring 10 per cent on investment.  Will sell all or one on easy terms.  Enquire of C.H. HANDCOCK or J. R. SERRIN.


The picnic given near Pevely, just north of the church, last Saturday, was a pleasant success, and highly appreciated by all who were present.  The Kimmswick Brass and Reed Band furnished the music, and the people assembled are full of praise for the sweet strains furnished.  There was but a small crowd up to noon, but immediately after dinner, wagons loaded with human freight, came in from all directions.  The Crystal City delegation arrived between 3 and 4 o’clock, and made things lively.  There was but one vehicle from Hillsboro, but that contained the bigger part of the present County seat, Mr. SHEIBLE, wife and daughter.  Of course, he is still for Hillsboro, but we should not be surprised if he did not seek out a lot whereon to move when . . . CHARLES has the court house moved down.  Herman POACH and Nick BEHRING ran the refreshment stand, which was well patronized, while a large carousel was spinning around at a lively gait.  Jerry DONOVAN was giving them the cane racket, and many a poor devil was seen perambulating the grounds with a much poorer cane.  The projectors of the picnic are well satisfied with the result, but are mad at Hillsboro because they, too, had one on the same day.




John REINER, hotel and saloon, Pevely

R.P. STEWART, livery, feed and sale

E.B. MAUPIN, auctioneer

Leo BERRESHEIM, general merchandise

F.P. KENNER’s new saloon

Frank J. HAMPEL, Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Drs. STARKEY & PALEN’s Treatment by Inhalation

Jefferson County Bank

E. VOLLMAR, dry goods, groceries, clothing, hardware, notions

F. AUBUCHON & Son, general merchandise

B. MANHEIMER’s, dry goods