~Items of News~
Banker MUNROE was out here
yesterday, making a sale as trustee.
Mrs. Anson VEAZEY and
children have been spending some days at D.B.’s.
Mrs. Kasie KEYSER came down
Ed FORREST found a bee tree
last week and took therefrom about 50 pounds of fine honey.
Edward CARVER, of
Licensed to marry – George L.
George SCHERER, an inmate of
the county poor house, died on the 11th last., aged 81 years.
We had splendid rain last
Monday, which did the corn and late potatoes an immense amount of good.
The aged mother of Chris.
We learn that William BROWN
sold his blacksmith shop to Dan JARVIS, and intends to work in the Future Great
for a while.
B. IRWIN came down from
Robert SMITH stuck an ax into
one of his feet, on the 17th of May, and has scarcely been able to
walk since. This is bad luck for a
William RICHARDS, of the
Government fleet at Bushberg, came out to
Miss Nancy GAMEL died, at her
home near Festus, on the 15th last.
She was an estimable lady, near 60 years of age, and had never been
Prosecuting Attorney DEARING
dismissed the case before ‘Squire LYNCH, against POLITTE, for dynamiting fish,
and filed an information in Circuit court.
The big free picnic comes off
at the
Cibrion LALUMANDIER, of Ste.
Genevieve, was relieved of $50 and trimmings, by ‘Squire JENNINGS, because he
was handling a pistol too recklessly at the French picnic in Festus.
Mr. MCNEARNEY and family went
on a visit to Mrs. M.’s mother near High Ridge, last Saturday. Simone left his wife and children there and
is now living the lonesome life of a grass widower.
A patent medicing vender, who
was operating at
Mrs. W.H.H. THOMAS has been
visiting, for a couple of weeks, Mrs. BLAND at
Arthur BREWSTER had a severe
spell of cholera morbus Sunday morning.
Saturday night Mr. MCNEARNEY’s peaches took wings and flew away; but
Arthur says it was honey, not peaches, that made him sick.
The whistle of the thresher
is heard about
John KLEISLEY, Jr., came near
being killed the other day, in the manner that Mr. BRADY lost his life some
years ago. While ploughing in new ground
the plow hit a stump, and one of the handles struck Johnnie in the
stomach. He was laid up for some days,
but is now able to work again.
James T. CALAHAN, of
Jefferson county, and Miss Martha A. EAVES, of Dent county, were recently
married at the residence of the bride’s father, who gave them a magnificent
wedding, which was attended by a host of relatives and friends. Elder SHANER officiated. The happy couple now reside in
Mr. Lee DOERR died on the 18th
last., at his residence near
C.T. HORINE is disabled again
since Monday, having neuralgia and other ailments. He has a hard time of it lately.
We hardly think the show next
Saturday will have all that is on the large bills, but there will be no trouble
about those who attend getting their money’s worth. The low price of admission – 25 cents –
should bring a large crowd. Be sure and
bring the children along to see the elephants and other rare animals.
They have finally concluded
that Mr. HECKEL, who disappeared so mysteriously a month or so ago, is dead,
and his wife has applied for letters of administration on his estate. It will be remembered that he went to
Mr. John M. GARDNER of
The following were elected
and appointed officers of Joachim Lodge, No. [16?], A.F. & A.M., last
Saturday night, and will be installed at next meeting: C.S. BOOTH, W.M.; J.J. WILSON, S.W.; John S.
MCKAY, J.W.; C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Treasurer; R.W. MCMULLIN, Secretary; W.S.
and Edward C. MERSEAL.
Writers of obituary notices
are respectfully and kindly informed that we are often compelled, by lack of
space, to abbreviate or curtail their productions. We aim to never leave out any important
statement of fact, but the poetical part often has to suffer. We sympathize with the bereaved as much as
any one does, but beg to say that the obituary business is often overdone with
stereotyped phrases, while important facts in the history of deceased are as
often omitted. This should be corrected.
SIEBER & Co.’s Mammoth
Aggregation, Educational Exhibitions, Caravan of Wild Animals and Free
Menagerie will visit our city on Saturday, 25th of July. This institution is a new departure from
circus business and the introduction of novelties, acrobatic and gymnastic, and
callisthenic exercises pleases the people and is proclaimed a success wherever
this show has been. A parade of one and
one half miles long is one of their features and the free menagerie is
another. Open dens of wild animals, Elephants,
Camels and Dromedaries should be seen by all and the biggest Elephant on earth
should not be missed. Come early and see
the parade.
Some of the ladies are
questioning the reliability of the J. D., and accuse us of prematurely
announcing the birth of a boy at Judge GREEN’s.
We deny the charge. In last
week’s list of births was included; “June 14th, to Mrs. J.F. GREEN,
a boy.” This was correct. Mrs. KRAMER’s certificate shows that the boy
was born on that date, that his father’s name is James Frank GREEN, and that he
is a carpenter. Judge GREEN, it must be
understood, is not the only J.F. GREEN in the county. It may be contempt of court for the other
man’s boy to be born first, but this paper can not help that. We publish such things as they come, and are
not responsible for any delays.
The County Union met here
last Friday, with a large delegation, and elected the following officers for
the ensuing year: John A. TUTTLE,
president; Reed MCCORMACK, vice-president; Dr. W.J. KIRK, secretary; M.F.
BYRNE, treasurer; Sullivan FRAZIER, chaplain; Aug. STROUP, lecturer; John T.
BURGESS, assistant lecturer; Alex. BOYD, R.S.; Omer JAHN, L.S.; B. WYNN,
sergeant-at-arms. D.A. MORRISON was then
recommended for county organizer and R.G. MADISON was selected as delegate to
the State Union. Dr. KENEY, Jr., and
Frank C
Notice – The undersigned,
administrator of the estate of David HALE, deceased, will sell at private sale,
under an order of the Probate court, the following described real estate,
situated in Jefferson county, Mo.; 140 acres – east half of northeast quarter
and east half southeast quarter, section 34, township 40, range [8 or 3?]
east. Good frame dwelling and all other
necessary improvements; also an orchard.
For terms, etc., apply by mail to Albert HALE, Frumet, or R.W. MCMULLIN,
Charles B. CONINGHAM, who has
been a telegraph operator for John MULFORD, a St. Louis broker, left his home
last Saturday week ago for Frederick, Ill., where his relatives reside, and has
not been heard of since. A reporter went
to see his wife, who resides on
~Seckman Echoes~
By A.E.
Corn and potatoes want a
drenching rain.
Wheat threshing is all the go
now, and turning out from 17 to 27 bushels per acre.
There will be a grand raffle
near Seckman on the 25th, for a good saddle. The winner will be satisfied after that
Michael RITTEL died on the 15th
last., aged 28 years. He was one of the
most faithful young men towards his parents in this community. His death was the result of falling off a
load of hay and being severely pricked with a stubble, which caused lockjaw. He was buried on the 16th at
Maxville, Rev. SCHRAMM officiating. Many
of his friends were present, and his old father will miss him sadly.
Our postmaster is not
satisfied, when he is called on by his assistant once in two or three weeks to
attend to the duties of the office. He
had better resign and let some one get the appointment, who will see that the
mails are properly attended to without any trouble. But he will hardly do that, because a
Democrat might get there under our Sam, as Bill KINSEY’s time has expired. How is this for high?
~Valle Minings~
By Honeybee.
A severe drought is visiting
us at present, which is death to the corn crop.
Mrs. HAINES and daughter, of
Owing to the sickness and
death of my grand-mother, I was unable to attend to the reporter’s duties the
past few weeks.
Rumors are afloat that the
A.O.U.W. lodge of this place will give another picnic on the 15th of
August, but I think this a mistake.
We have had two new [section?]
bosses since the first of June: Marion
WILLIS was invited to resign and Dan DONOVAN took his place.
We had a glorious picnic here
on the Fourth; plenty to eat and drink, and other amusements besides. I saw only one knock-down during the day.
Wheat threshing has begun in
this vicinity, several persons having threshed already. P.B. FRAZIER gets 610 bushels off of 60 acres
– a little better than 10 bushels per acre.
This is a poor turnout for this section.
A swarm of bees lit in Marion
WILLIS’ chicken house, where there were three or four empty beer kegs. Of one the bees took immediate possession
and, I presume, got drunk and could not get out any more. When
~Fair Notes of the Belleville
District Fair of
The green stables now inside
of the track will be moved out, and the track on the west side straightened and
otherwise improved.
The new dance hall in the
fair grounds is now receiving the finishing touch of the painter’s brush, and,
when completed, will be the finest building on the grounds.
The bicycle races on the
first day of the fair will be the best ever had in this part of the
country. The premiums in gold medals
will amount to about $400. This will
bring the boys not only from
The carrousel, or
merry-go-round, is certainly the finest ever seen in the West. This is now being placed in position on the
grounds, and will be the delight of children as well as grown persons. The organ attached is a $400 one, and is
equal to a full band.
The bricklayers commenced on
Wednesday morning the laying of the foundation for the art gallery, which will
be 48 feet long by 24 wide. This
building will add considerably toward ornamenting the grounds, and, when filled
with pictures and paintings of the noted and standard artists of the nineteen
century, will be entertaining to the visitors of the fair.
~Hard Lines~
She said, as she bade her
lord good-bye,
“I really wish I were you;
You will sit at your desk all
day, while I
Have a hard day’s work to
And her husband
answered: “Well,
Make a start
And you’ll finish ere I
return, sweetheart.”
When her lord had gone, she
idly sat
O’er her coffee an hour or
Then spent an hour in a
cheery chat
With her neighbor at Number
And afterward went for an
hour to prate
O’er the latest scandal at
Number Eight.
An hour at the window she
stood to look
At a horse that was down in
the street,
Then a cold collation she
slowly took
And, being with work
She into her chamber calmly
And three hours in
well-earned slumber
An hour o’er her novel she
needs must pass,
And the day had worn on to
And at length, when her
husband came home, alas!
She was working with main and
And her husband dropped a
pitying tear
As she murmured “I wish I
were you,
My dear;
You men in life get all the
But the toil of a woman is
never done!”
Died –
Peaceful be they silent
Peaceful in they grave so
Thou no more will join our
number –
Then no more our sorrows
Yet, again, we hope to meet
When the day of life is fled,
And in heaven with joy to greet
Where no farewell tears are
There is no Death! The stars go down
To rise upon some fairer
And bright in Heaven’s
jeweled crown
They shine forever more.
And ever near us, unseen,
The dear immortal spirits
For all the boundless
universe is life, --
There are no dead.
Farewell, George, till we
meet again in a brighter, better world than this.
Mrs. Nannie RUPPEL.
Whereas, we, as a church,
have cause to mourn the loss, by death, of four of our oldest members, in so
short a time and so close together that it seems remarkable, namely T.C.
CARVER, William S
Margaret REYNOLDS, who died
Dear mother, thou has left us
in this
world of woe.
By thy presence in the
heavens the stars
increase their glow.
Yet we hope to meet you,
mother, in
that world so bright and
For we know, when called to
die, that
We may meet you there.
~Sealed Bids~
Notice is hereby given that
sealed bids for the management of the county poor farm and the care and
management of the inmates thereof, for a term of four years, commencing
~Probate Court~
Term Docket of the Probate
Court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be begun and held in the Town of
A.R. ELKINS, Judge.
Monday, August 10th,
First Day.
Estate. Adm.,
Cur. or Ex.
Henry BAUER Margaret
John GALVIN Terry
Stephen MAHLER Elizabeth
Samuel MARSDEN Sullivan
John P NEFF Louis
Adeline E PECK Julia
Ann SWAYN Stephen
Andreas STECKER William
Gertrude SCHMITT William
Elizabeth WHITWORTH Bernard SCHEVE
Frances H. WARNER C.H.
Sylvester A. WILSON J.B.
Tuesday, August 11th,
Second Day.
Madeline FAN
Moria A. GALVIN Peter
Jane GALVIN Peter
Prewitt minors H.C.
William STEERMAN August
Virdie WILLIAMS Sallie
~Grand Picnic~
J.F. MANESS and G.W. GRAHAM will give a barbecue and
picnic at the Allen MANESS farm on Dry Creek,
There will be a meeting of
the Byrnesville Mutual Protective Society at the Byrnesville school house on
Saturday, July 28th, at
Peter DUNNIGAN, Pres.
John GANEY , Vice-P.
M.F. DUNNIGAN, Secretary.
SEIBER & Co.’s Mammoth
Aggregation. Educational Exhibitions, Caravan of Wild Animals and Free
Bargains in Real Estate
TRUE & Co., Money
?.C. ALLEN, $3000 a year!
F.P. KENNER’s New Saloon
HEISKELL’s Ointment
R.P. STEWART, Livery, Feed
General Merchandise
Louis GREVE’s General Store