The Jefferson Democrat

July 2, 1891


(Transcriber note: page 2 needs to be recopied before it can be transcribed.)


~Items of News~


Miss Myrtle FREESE was visiting at Jos. J. HOEKEN’s last week.


Miss Ida BAGE, of near Victoria, visited friends in Hillsboro last week.


Preaching next Sabbath night, at the Hillsboro Church, by Rev. GRUNDY.


Mr. SCHINDEINTELSEER, a piano tuner and repairer, was in town last week.


William GEHRING, of De Soto, was taken to St. Vincent’s asylum at St. Louis.


Congressman BYRNS and wife were in town last Sunday, on a visit to Mrs. B.’s parents.


Mr. KELLEY, of near Victoria, has been chosen principal of the Hillsboro public schools.


Miss Edna DONNELL, of Hematite, was visiting W.R. DONNELL’s last Thursday and Friday.


Mrs. Kate MIEGER and son, of St. Louis, are here on a visit to her uncle, Mr. SHEIBLE.


M. CROSSMAN was appointed postmaster at Riverside, this county, vice J.E. DOVER, resigned.


Chris HOCK, of De Soto, accompanied by his wife and brother-in-law, started for Germany last week.


Aug. SANDER, opposite Opera House in DeSoto, will pay the highest market price for beef cattle, etc.


William BRYAN is making preparations for a grand time for those who attend his 4th of July barbecue, in Hillsboro, next Saturday.


Mrs. COLMAN and children were out from De Soto last Thursday, visiting old neighbors.  They seem to be enjoying good health.


H.K. SMYTHE, of  Houses’s Spring, and Miss Helen STITES, of Washington county, were granted marriage license at Potosi last week.


Miss Gertrude, daughter of the late Thomas. H. MCMULLIN, is here on a visit to relatives, and will remain a month or two.  Her present home is at Ashland, Ky.


Shelt STRINGER, after being discharged from jail, worked long enough for Mr. HURTGEN to earn his passage money to the place in Texas where he was found and arrested.


We learn that John CARREY lost a valuable brood mare last week.  He told his son to plough some corn with her, and the boy had not worked long when she took sick and died.


Prof. MORRISON has returned from Pertle Springs, and is very hoarse from some cause.  He says the celebrated springs at Pertle are not as good or large as the Hillsboro spring.


The Circuit clerk has the fees in the case of State vs. Charles TAYLOR, Ernst HOFFMANN, John HEINER, Noah WILLIAMS, James LANHAM, and Ed. and Louis RYAN.  Parties interested can call on him.


Some parties, who travel between this place and Sandy Bridge, complain loudly of a dead horse lying in the creek on Dan BOHNE’s premises.  They say the stench is fearful.  We learn that Dan lost a horse recently.


Messrs. Herman HEMME and Theodor BUECHTING, of near Antonia, who went to Germany some months ago to visit relatives and friends, returned week before last in excellent health, and say they had a good time in the Fatherland.


James E. WILSON, of Frumet, has a second-hand engine and separator, in good repair for cheap.


Messrs. Sam BYRNE, S.W. CRAWFORD, W.H.H. THOMAS, D. HARDY and Sam REPPY, we understand, will soon ask the City Council for a franchise for a street railway through De Soto.  We believe the scheme would be a paying business.


A painful accident happened to Jos. PALMER, last Thursday afternoon.  While working on a piece of steel rail, with an iron chisel, a chip of the metal struck his left eye, just in the ball.  Dr. PICKLES extracted the piece after an hour’s tedious work. – Festus Times.


Two more little girls were added to the population of Hillsboro last week – one at Rev. GRUNDY’s on Monday night, and the other at ‘Squire’ FRAZIER’s on Wednesday night.  To both families we extend our sympathies; less thoughtful persons may do the congratulating.


Don’t forget that the Social Club of Antonia will celebrate the 4th of July in becoming style.  A brass band from St. Louis has been engaged to furnish the music, Gus SPILKER will make the ice cream and wait upon the ladies, and everything is being put in apple-pie order for the occasion.


Persons desiring to employ Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT during his absence in cases pending or to be brought in the Circuit court of Jefferson County can do so by calling on Edward VOLLMAR or D.B VEAZEY.             


Little Johnny HURTGEN was climbing onto the jail wall last Tuesday evening, when a loose stone slipped with him, and he went to the ground.  The boy lit on his head and was stunned for some moments, but he is almost well again.  Lucky for him that the stone did not fall on him.


If Ray VEAZEY had given the printer in his father’s office the setting up of the program for the entertainment last Thursday night, it might have reflected some credit upon the profession and advertised that office; as it is, it looks like the work of a blacksmith with a five-dollar amateur printing outfit.


The Times says that the new depot of the Bonne Terre railroad, near Festus, is about completed and is a fine structure.  It is asserted that the cut near the depot will be widened and a macadamized road built along the side of the track to the main road.  This latter thoroughfare could well be called Grand Avenue.


We wish, through the columns of this paper, to return our thanks to the good people of Hillsboro and vicinity for their generous donation of cash, amounting to $13.30, the proceeds of an entertainment given for our benefit.  The good feeling thus shown is mutual, and may the blessings of Heaven ever rest upon the donors.                  W.F. GUNDY.


Constable BUREN, of Festus, brought the sheriff two more boarders last Tuesday.  They are strangers in this county, who have been working for a short time on the Bonne Terre R.R., and give their names as Thomas SMITH and John WEST.  They plead guilty, before ‘Squire JENNINGS, of petit larceny, having stolen from our Jacob TEAWORDE a valise containing a suit of summer clothing, some shirts, socks, etc.  They were sentenced to 25 days in jail as punishment for the offense.


On the night of June 20th, the Mehlville band, with Prof. John OLINGER in charge, serenaded Dr. SAPPINGTON.  The music was well rendered and greatly enjoyed by the Doctor and his numerous friends.  Refreshments were ordered from August KASSEBAUM, who was present and had brought a waiter to attend to everything.  The elite of Mehlville, Maltese and Maxville were present, and Father SCHRAMM, Prof. WINKEL and Judge BECKER contributed a song to the entertainment.  All present spoke very highly of the band.                     


The disappearance of Mr. HECKEL, of which we made mention last week, is as much of a mystery as ever.  The only new development thus far is the finding of his coat, vest and hat at the foot of Stein Street in Carondelet, which were identified by Mrs. HECKEL.  Whether there was foul play or suicide will probably never be known, provided he has found a grave in the Mississippi.  We learn that Mrs. HECKEL has offered $50 reward for him, dead or alive.  He is 53 years old, dark complexioned, has one eye out, is of medium height, and generally wore whiskers.


There was a special session of County court last Monday, for the purpose of appointing members of the County Institute Board.  It is the duty of this board to appoint instructors and fix their pay.  Mr. VEAZEY had suggested Profs. SCOTT and STEEL, but as they are in training for positions as instructors the court thought it would not look well for them to act on their own applications and salaries, and hence they appointed Messrs. W.H.H. THOMAS and W.R. DONNELL.  These two, with Commissioner VEAZEY, must provide for the institute, appoint instructors, fix their pay, etc.


The trial of Mrs. DOERGE against L.D. THURMAN, last Monday, had a sequence that same evening.  Mr. THURMAN, knowing that Joe OKENFUSS had signed Mrs. DOERGE’s bond, met Joe on Main Street and a quarrel followed.  THURMAN upbraided Joe for signing the bond and gave him a terrible blow over the left eye, which was enough to mash any common man’s peepers into a jelly.  THURMAN was summoned by the Marshal to answer charges in the Mayor’s court, where he plead guilty and a $2-and-cost shinplaster was pasted on him.  How the matter will terminate in Circuit court can easily be foreseen since this last racket. – Festus Times.


KNORPP, June 29.  – Editor J.D., how is it that your papers for this office are not received regularly:  The last week’s issue is not here yet.  The Mirror arrives every Friday.  How is it that the J.D. does not get here in the same time?  I have written to the railway mail service in regard to our mails being delayed, and am assured that mail clerks are not guilty of any blame, which he puts on the publishers’ shoulders.  Hoping such trouble will not occur in future, I remain, yours, Charles KNORPP, P.M.


(We cannot explain the matter.  The papers are certainly mailed here every Thursday, and should never be later than Friday in reaching KNORPP.  Some time ago the same complaint was made, and since then we invariably add “via Riverside” to the KNORPP package.  If the railroad men are not to blame, the “nigger in the wood-pile” must be in of the post offices through which this mail passes. – Ed.)


Willie STONG, son of S.H. STONG, of this city, met with an accident on Saturday last at Cheatham ford on Big River near Vineland.  While trying to cross the stream, during its flood, with a wagon-load of hay, his horses lost their footing, and his hay and wagon frame were washed away.  He reached dry land all right with his team and wagon and then began searching down stream for his wagon frame.  On arriving at Bryan’s ford, a short distance away, he beheld an unfortunate traveler in a still worse predicament than his own.  A peddler was shouting for assistance.  He had attempted to ford the swollen stream with his heavily laden wagon, drawn by a span of mules.  The result was, that when young STONG arrived on the scene, he found the peddler’s entire outfit swept away and the two mules dead in mid-stream – drowned, and their bodies entangled in the harness.  The young man, being at home in the water, jumped in, and not only brought ashore the harness but the dead bodies of the mules.  Besides his mules, the peddler lost his entire stock of merchandise, among which were seven good watches.  He also lost $75 in cash.  The neighbors offered to subscribe a purse for the man, but he refused, saying he could earn more in a day than any of them. – De Soto Gazette.


Wanted to rent, a farm of 50 acres or more in cultivation, with more land to clear and comfortable buildings, either on shares of for cash.  Address, lock box 209, DeSoto.  H.H. CASTILE.


Hartford COLLINS, livery stable keeper of Ironton, passed through here last Saturday, on his way from St. Louis, with some horses he was leading and driving home.  Among the lot was a large young stallion which he had purchased the day before of Jacob HOFFMAN, of Luxemburg, for $500, and which he was leading behind his carriage.  When near G.E. MARSDEN’s, 3 ½ miles north of here, the stallion suddenly fell dead, presumably from a sunstroke.  When COLLINS reached Hillsboro his other horses were pretty well fagged out.  He claimed to have left word at Thompson BROWN’s for the horse to be hauled out of the road, at his expense, but we are informed that such was not the case.  The horse lay in the road endangering the lives of all who passed, as it proved a terrible fright to other horses, till Sunday afternoon, when Constable FORREST went out and had it removed.  Saturday was a bad day on horses, as we learn that Mr. BOHNE lost one near the same place, it having gotten overheated while working in a reaping machine.


There is a sequel to the above, ‘Squire FRAZIER was interested with the constable in removing the dead horse.  The country is thickly settled along the road, and the farmers all objected to having the carcass hauled onto their land; so the two officers did what they thought best under the circumstances – getting it as far away from the road and houses as they could.  It still raised a stink, though, and Buz MARSDEN began threatening to prosecute them, and, having once taken charge of the carcass, they were in for disposing of it.  Tuesday afternoon they got a lot of coal oil and went out and built a fire on the dead animal and burned it up.


The entertainment given at Hillsboro last Thursday evening for the benefit of Rev. GRUNDY and family was a success in every particular.  The house was packed to its fullest capacity with a very intelligent and orderly audience, and the performance passed off smoothly and satisfactorily.  All who took part acquitted themselves creditably, and we hear only words of commendation.  A critic might have found fault occasionally, but he would have found more to commend than to condemn.  The tableaus, “May Queen” and “Court of Civilization”, could hardly have been surpassed without more room, as the stage was filled with pretty little girls and handsome young ladies.  The drill of the broom brigade was as good as the stage facilities would admit of, and the calisthenics and songs by the little ones were first-class.  The two acting charades, “Irish Linen Peddler,” and “Darker Photographer,” were very well acted.  Miss Bunnie WILLIAMS presided at the piano in good style, and the singing of Mrs. BURKE and Miss Ida HAMEL was fine.  John REPPY’s negro melodies, in costume, captured the house, as it could not have been excelled by any of the famous singers, and the expression was heard that John made a mistake by not being born black.  Misses Laura and Florence MCMULLIN and Messrs. Willie MCMULLIN, George WITTRAM and others rendered good assistance in the vocal music.  The affair was closed by an appropriate address by W.H.H. THOMAS, Esq.  We believe that Mrs. WITTRAM and Miss MCFARLAND are entitled to the credit of suggesting and arranging the entertainment, and it is admitted by others who took part that Mrs. BURKE deserves special thanks for the valuable and unremitting services rendered from beginning to end.  The net proceeds, after all expenses paid, were $43, and as everybody seemed so well satisfied we feel safe in again announcing that it was a grand success.


Bargains in Real Estate

Any of all the following list of lands can be purchased at low figures and on easy terms:

10 acres, S23T40R4

80 acres, S2T41R4

40 acres, S33T39R5

30 acres, S3T38R5

40 acres, S5T38R4

80 acres S6T42R3

120 acres S10T43R3

40 acres S23T41R2

10 acres survey 1807, T43,R3

Lot 3, block 10 Victoria

Lots 16 & 17, block 1, Kimmswick

Apply to D.B. VEASEY or R.W. McMULLIN, Hillsboro, MO.


~Big Spring’s Spray~

By D.W.


The painter of Houses’s Springs is making things look attractive about that village in general. 


Judge Patrick BYRNE is very low at this time, with little hope of recovery.  ‘Squire SCHULZE is also confined to his bed with fever.


If some of our farmers had thought they had the power to control the elements for the last ten days, we have no doubt but that some of them would have tried it, anyway till after harvest.


Wheat harvest was seven days behind time, owing to too much rain; however the farmers have been spirited and made thing buzz what time they were at it, consequently they are about through in good shape.


A certain young fellow would like to know whether it is against the law for a freckle-faced boy to marry a cross-eyed girl, both of marriageable age; if not, he will get some Justice to tie the nuptial knot before dog days set in.


The Big Springs miller has some hogs marked in a peculiar manner:  the ears are taken off close to the head.  I asked Henry if that was a legal mark.  “No,” said he, “but it has been unlawfully done by some one.”  Jumping hogs make bad dogs.


How pleasant it is to hear of a brotherhood of an organization of any kind getting along nicely.  We overheard a WHEELER say the other day that his lodge were going to draw a chalk-line across their hall at the Springs to keep stockholders from fighting during business hours.  They had better have a bull dog in one corner of the hall.


While James BYRNE was in attendance at his father’s sick-bed, one night last week, a thief entered the stable and stole his horse, saddle and bridle.  Many of our citizens went to different points, including St. Louis, but have found no trace of the stolen property as yet.  A Negro went through these parts a few days previous and stole a coat from August SCHULZE, and he may have also taken the horse.


If a stranger should happen to pass through Meramec township at the present time, he would be thoroughly convinced of the fact that it is a very productive part of the earth.  We have large weeds of every variety, and have had no idle men in this neighborhood the past ten days – all have been busy in pulling weeds and trying to save their wheat.  There was no excuse to be idle.  Hands were so scarce that women and children went into the fields to help save the golden grain.  Wheat was badly lodged in many localities in the low bottoms.  The clover crop has about gone to waste; but little of it was saved.  Grass and oats are looking fine.

Meramec Tp., June 28, 1891.


~Valle Minings~

By Honeybee.


“Doc” LARKINS paid St. Louis a flying visit Friday.

Lulu, daughter of Mrs. Jane KOBEL, is very sick with fever.

Dr. BRICKEY, of De Soto, was here last week, visiting the sick.

Farmers are cutting wheat.  The outlook for good crops is promising.

We have had an abundance of rain in this vicinity, which put farmers behind with their work.

Another stranger arrived to bless the home of James OUTMAN.  It’s a boy, and he came to stay.  It is No. 4.


Self-bladers are all the rage now.  I noticed a man cutting wheat with one of them, on my way to DeSoto last Friday, and three men followed and put the wheat in shocks.  He could not keep them busy, though, for they could have downed more with three cradles.


I paid Festus a flying visit with my friend, Frank WINTZ, last Sunday.  On going, one of our promising young men put his head out the car window to get a peep at his girl, and in drawing it back he lost his hat.  The next time he desires to see his girl, he will likely get off the train.

Valle Mines, June 27, 1891



Died, -- At her home in Plattin, Laura Belle, daughter of James and Martha VAUGHN, of double pneumonia, on March 13, 1891.

Deceased was born April 14, 1877.  She told the family at the beginning of her sickness that she would not recover, that it was no use to do anything, that it would do her no good.  Her mother said:  “You do not want to leave us, do you?” to which she replied:  “I want to die and go to Heaven.”  After bidding adieu to all in the room, she called for her brother Sammy, and said:  “Brother, I am going to die, and I want you to meet me in Heaven.”  In a few hours she passed quietly away, as if going into a natural sleep.


Parents, brothers, and sisters, mourn not for your loved one,

That was so innocent and good, who from you has gone

To dwell with her Heavenly Father above,

And bask in an ocean of eternal love.

Remember the spirit that from this earth has flown,

Dwells in a beautiful Heavenly mansion near the Throne;

Ever be ready when the angel of death shall come.

To meet her in a happy Heavenly home;

When you reach the blissful shore;

Parting, pain, nor death, are felt and feared no more.

                                                            Josa. C. MCCORMACK.

Plattin, Mo., June 29, ‘91



By Eureka.


By July 1st our wheat will all be cut and shocked.  It was a hassle for binders, as the wheat was badly tangled.


On Saturday night the Maxville band headed a crowd of young folks, as well as some old residenters, and marched into the premises of W.J. KIRK, and gave Mrs. KIRK a general surprise, it being her 47th birthday.  This was quite unexpected, but she, with the aid of other ladies, soon fixed up something for the hungry.  Dancing was kept up till the ‘wee hours of morn’.  We noticed among those present Frank and Viola SECKMAN, the HERRELS of Kimmswick, as well as Father SCHRAMM and Prof. WINKEL.  All the young ladies brought along cakes and bouquets.  The most beautiful assorted present was from Mrs. Joseph TIEFENBRUNN, which consisted of a basket filled with cabbage, cucumbers, peas, beans, carrots, raspberries, potatoes, onions, peaches and beets, of this year’s growth and raised in her own garden.  All passed of jovially, and the parties seemed well satisfied and pleased.


On Wednesday was St. John’s day.  Rev. Father SCHRAMM, assisted by Revs. SCHINDLE of Carondelet, BURNS of Nazareth near Jefferson Barracks, BACHMEYER of Osage county, BOEHM of Festus, and four others, blessed a new altar in our church.  It being Rev. John SCHRAMM’s namesday, his friends met at Maxville in the evening and, headed by the Brass and Reed Band, marched over to the parsonage and gave him a surprise.  The place was soon illuminated with Chinese lanterns and torches, which presented a beautiful sight.  Prof. WINKEL superintended the surprise and, with the aid of the church choir, sang some beautiful pieces.  At the beginning of the surprise Prof. WINKEL presented Father SCHRAMM with a magnificent gold-headed cane, contributed by the revered gentleman’s friends, as a token of his perseverance and energy in building up the fine parsonage and the general overhauling of the church building, fences, etc.  The presentation speech was responded to by Father SCHRAMM, sincerely thanking his friends for the token of friendship.  Father BOEHM also made some humorous remarks, which were well received.  There were plenty of refreshments, music and cigars, and the sport was kept up till midnight.  Yesterday the ladies of the congregation, not to be outdone by their stronger halves in the cane affair, presented our minister with a magnificent carpet.

Maxville, June 29, 1891


~Seckman Echoes~


Hot weather! is all the cry.

We have had 98 degrees of heat in the shade and 108 in the sun.

Mr. and Mrs. WUERTENBERGER lost a two-year-old boy last Saturday, caused by eating green apples.

Some of our farmers are done cutting wheat, while others are just beginning Corn-ploughing and clover-cutting held them back.

Some of our good farmers are having bad luck:  Jake BLANK had one of his mares sun-struck, last Friday, in harness and hitched to a Wood’s binder, and she died on the spot; Paul EHLERS had the same luck – one of his mares dropped dead in front of one of the same make of binders; Mr. BAUER also had a horse sun-struck, which was attached to a Buckeye reaper.  I do not think the machines were in fault, but it must have been the hot weather or the drivers.


~Vineland Vines~

Miss Alta LEPP is visiting friends in Kansas.

“Hot weather for harvesting,” is the usual cry.

Rev. J.T. HILL, of De Soto, held divine services here last Sunday.

Mrs. Jas. D. HEARST has returned home from a three weeks visit in Festus.

Miss Jennie PERKINS is visiting her sister, Mrs. L.A. POSTON, at Doe Run.

Farmers have been very busy since the late rains, plowing corn and harvesting.

Prof. G.F. BOOTHE spent last Sunday in our town with friends and relatives.  Fred. is looking the picture of health.


Mr. Gus POLITTE, of California, is at home on a visit, and from the frequency of his visits, one would infer that he thinks down near Big River Bridge is a nice place to spend these hot days.  That’s right, Gus; time never drags where Miss Annie is.


Our “youthful-appearing, would-be lady-killer” has shaken the dust of our city from his feet, and is abiding in parts unknown to us at present, and from the silence of the “Blackwell Kid” this week, we judge that they have taken their flight together.  Boys, “do your mothers know you are out?”


Mr. KINGSLAND has just completed a well 200 feet deep, on Arthur M. BARROW’s farm, two miles west of here, which affords an abundance of nice, cold water.  Mr. KINGSLAND is now drilling for water on John A. TUTTLE’s place.  The well business has taken quite a boom in this neighborhood, under the management of Mr. KINGSLAND. 



HEISKELL'S Ointment to cure skin disease of any form

New Brick Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, A.L. FRECH, Prop.

Lumber -- Jos. J. HOEKEN’s Hillsboro

Square Deal -- The Leading House for Bargains

Crystal Plate Glass, Crystal City

J.W. MATHIES, General Merchandise, Pevely

Louis GREVE’s – Groceries, Dry Goods

DeSoto Marble – Eugene HIRSCH