15, 1891
and PITTMAN, who bought the Festus Times some few months ago and started the
Leader, making quite a good local paper of it, have laid down the “stick, rule
and pen,” and left for pastures new.
What makes it look bad on them is the fact that they left without
telling their friends and patrons adieu, and Bro. KLEIN is as mad as a wet hen,
he being one of those mostly interested in the Leader’s welfare.
we knew whom to address, these lines would not take up our space, but instead
we would have written a personal explanation to the person for whom they are
intended. The person whom we mentioned
last week as having written a communication for our paper in refutation of something
published in the Mirror, has written us again, but still withholds his
name. He says the article he replied to was signed “Foot Loose,” while he signs his “Justice,” and
he thinks the public will know as well who “Justice” is as they will who “Foot
Loose” is. He is correct in this, and it
was not for the public that we wanted his name, but for our own
information. There is no new newspaper
law about this, as he seems to think, neither is it a new newspaper custom, but
it is a rule, almost as old as newspapers.
We did not want the writer’s name for publication, the cognomen he used
would have answered for that; neither did we ask for it with the expectation
that we might wish to divulge his identity to anyone else. Unless we have the names of those who write
communications for this paper, we will have no evidence that they are acting in
good faith at all.
blacksmith informed us, one day last week, that horse shoes cost more now than
they did sixteen years ago. As horse
shoes are protected by a tax of two cents a pound and the nails by a tax of
four cents per pound, they ought to be getting cheaper by this time, if the
theory of protectionist, that taxes cheapen prices, is correct. The fact is, however, that every effort made
to set aside the natural laws of trade and commerce, interferes with ordinary
business competition and makes it easier to form combinations and trusts. This is what ails the horseshoe trade. It is controlled by a trust, and the trust is
enabled to retain its control by reason of the tax levied for their benefit,
and which tends to shut out competition.
British capitalists find it more to their interests to invest their
money in American trusts than in English manufactories.
Jefferson Democrat:
reading Judge MADISON’s report of the road-grader contest at Mexico, I had to
agree with him in general, so far he went, but he stopped at a point that
suited his views on the road question:
“Large districts, large appropriations out of the general revenue fund
to work and keep them up, and general supervision by the court and its
a two-days’ attendance at the contest, as an outsider, from what I saw and
heard from experience of others present, the machines did good work where the
ground was not too broken and rocky; but to do so, they had six or eight large
horses or mules to pull them and the different companies had the best of
skilled operators to handle them. We
have but few of such teams, and fewer of such operators.
grader is just the thing to make a good dirt road better. The grader generally used in North Missouri,
Illinois and Iowa is the “Daisy,” a small two-wheeled machine, drawn by two or
four horses, and is a much lighter machine than those on trial at Mexico, and
can be used in close places. The grader
is the forerunner, and will cause a great improvement in roads where the
country is suitable for their working and does not wash into gullies, by
grading them up from the sides and afterwards keeping down the weeks and grass
that hold the moisture. The grader is
just the thing, leaving the roads as smooth and hard as a race course, and with
the proper care the roads will be in good condition eleven months out of
twelve, far surpassing many of our much-talked-of rock roads, which are only
used by the general farmer in exceptional cases and where there is no dirt
track along the side. A road is similar
to a chain or rope, only as strong as the weakest place; you can double up if
you can get a team and pull up the hill, or double
trip it over bad places.
think that the best part of the meeting was the discussion of the road question
in general. All were in favor of better
roads. Many were in favor of amending
the law in some respects, but a large majority were in
favor of each district managing its own road affairs, similar to school
districts, giving them all power to improve their roads in any way and manner
they might see fit. I enjoyed the
trip. Yours, W. S.
By Honeybee.
is badly needed in this section. Most of
our farmers are not yet done sowing wheat, while others have not begun. Some are sowing in the dust, but the majority are waiting for rain.
MANWARRING and his wife visited relatives in St. Louis during fair week; they
also attended the exposition, which they pronounce as good.
account of sickness your correspondent was prohibited from attending the St.
Louis fair.
were held here Sunday morning and night.
Rev. Jos. DOUGLASS has been engaged as pastor for one year by the
Baptists hereabouts. Though not very
well educated, Mr. DOUGLASS is a good speaker, and discusses his texts well.
Mines, October 12, 1891.
Maxville band serenaded Prof. Max EDER, teacher of Father SCHRAMM’s parochial
school, on the evening of the 9th last.
baseball club went over into St. Louis County, Sunday afternoon, and gave the Mehlvillians a sound drubbing. They claim that out of seven match games this
was their second defeat. The score stood
– Maxville, 33 runs; Mehlville, 13. Umpire, P. PARK; scorers, W. J. KIRK and Mr. REHER. Only seven innings were played. Earned run, F. TIEFENBRUNN
of Maxville.
October 12, 1891.
regular meeting of the Jefferson County Farmers’ and Laborers’ Union will be
held in Hillsboro, Friday, October 16, 1891, at 10 o’clock a. m. All delegates and secretaries of delinquent
sub-unions are requested to see that State and county dues are collected and
paid to me on or before that date.
full attendance is expected.
W. J. F. KIRK, Sec’y,
Kimmswick, Mo.
RENICK, of Texas, is visiting his mother at Windsor.
are about done sowing wheat and are still complaining of dry weather.
of hunters from St. Louis are arriving daily on the trains, Sunday not
BROADBEND and daughter spent Sunday at his farm, in the Kimmswick suburbs.
P. BOWMAN and family, of Quincy, Ill., are spending a few days in Kimmswick.
river is very low, there only being five feet of water in the channel; but few
boats are running.
HOLMAN, civil engineer on river improvement, has just put in a water gauge at
Widow WATERS’.
public schools have been running the past three weeks; James HERRINGTON and
Miss Mary GRATIOT are the efficient teachers.
HARRIS of Sikeston, Mo., formerly railroad agent of this place, is staying a
few days with his brother, S. P., near Sulphur.
Belle ASHE opened her school at Maxville two weeks ago. Miss Bertha WHITEHEAD opened her third term
at the White School house this morning.
T. MOSS of Hillsboro, Esquire BERRESHEIM of Seckman,
Judge SECKMAN of Rock Creek, and Col. O’FALLON of Sulphur
Springs, were in town last Saturday.
HILL of the HILL & HAMMEL real estate firm of South St. Louis, leased C. M.
SPENCER’s house and grounds at Windsor, and is now a citizen of Jefferson
County. Mr. SPENCER has moved his family
to St. Louis.
lodge of the F. & L. U. met at White school house last Monday, and
appointed delegates to the County union, which meets at Hillsboro on the 16th
inst. This union is fast increasing in
numbers, and bids fair to become the banner union in the county. Dr. KIRK is the president. They expect to give a grand ball in the early
part of November.
October 12, 1891.
fresh milch cow will make a good cow for winter
giving plenty of rich milk, is for sale; also a cow that will come in this
winter, and two steers 2 years old and a 1 year old heifer. Apply to Dr. BREWSTER, Hillsboro, MO.
~Seckman Echoes~
By A. K.
SCHRAMM’S picnic ought to be well attended.
is not so plentiful since the P. O. has been moved; however, Seckman Echoes are not knocked into a cocked hat.
Misses Emma and Mary ZUFALL, of near Frumet, were visiting at Esquire BERRESHEIM’s,
they being old friends from Romine’s creek.
sowing is about over, but still some of our farmers are breaking the Sabbath by
drilling wheat, in order to get ready to dig late potatoes.
Kimmswick F. & L. U. will give a grand ball, at Kimmswick, on Saturday, the
31st last. Sub-unions are
invited to come and spend a pleasant evening.
MILLER, Sr., had his hip dislocated one day last week, and is not expected to
live unless relief comes soon. Dr.
LOHMANN, of Kimmswick, has the case, but Dr. THURMAN has been called to his
BERRESHEIM and Constable NOLAN went to Hillsboro last week, and stayed the
better part of two days, trying to paint the town red. Ed. MAUPIN kept them company all the time,
and the fat man occasionally smiled with them.
Seckman, October 12, 1891.
~Knorpp News~
Knorpp, October 12, 1891.
MATTES and sisters, Miss Emma, of Vera, Ill., came here on a visit Thursday
morning, to their uncle, Albert KAUSLER, returning home Sunday evening. Their cousin, Albert, accompanied pretty Emma
to Knorpp post office, at which place they were
welcome and the visit highly appreciated.
Wm. MATHES and John F. WAGNER took a trip to St. Louis Saturday evening.
W. STRINGFELLOW made a flying trip to Festus Sunday.
Jefferson Nursery located near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, MO:
A fine and good assortment of fruit trees-apple, peach,
pear, cherry, plum and quince and berries of every kind at prices-low-to suit
the times. Myself or agent will call on your for your
orders. H. JOBGEN, Prop.
of Conveyances~
with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:
MARTIN, by curator, to J. W. ROBINSON, 2 lots in DeSoto …. $265
E. HERRINGTON to Ed. F. HERRINGTON, sixth of 170 acres, S17, T41, R4 …. $225
to John J. HERRINGTON, for similar interest in said land….. $225
Henry MCCLURE, by trustee, to Thomas HERRINGTON, half of 120
acres, S29, T40, R? …. $50
DAVIS to George L. ADAMS, two lots in DeSoto …. $40
H. WEDDE to August WEDDE, 160 acres, S25, T42, R5 … $800
BELLAGAMBA to Olivia GRAY, lot in Festus … $250
T. WAGGENER to J. J. FITZGERALD, lot in Festus … $1
HIGGINBOTHAM to B. C. BERRY, lot in survey 315 … $180
R. RATHBUN to Frank DICKEMAN, four lots in DeSoto ….$125
T. HUSKEY to Frank DICKEMAN, two lots in DeSoto …. $700
J. FARLEY to Felix HOLSTER, lot in Festus …. $412
L. PIERCE to Stephen BENTON, 43 acres, S31,T41, R4 ….
and Births~
following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:
Date. Name. Age.
25, Maggie Dora
Sept. 23 Alice
WILLIAMS, 80 years
– Crop Bulletin No. 29~
was normal for the week throughout the northern part of the State. In Southeast Missouri there were only light
showers, with a still greater deficiency in the southwest section, where the drouth has been the most protracted.
was normal or below throughout the State.
On 5th and 6th heavy frosts occurred in all
sections. Sunshine was normal or below.
seeding is now being pushed to completion.
That sown before the rains is coming up unevenly, and in some cases has
been reseeded.
CHUBBUCK, Sec’y State Board.
Sale - One team and wagon, both horses young and good workers and the wagon
nearly new and in good order. Apply for
price and terms to John SPARKS, Hillsboro, MO.
Notice of Final Settlement.
creditors and others interested in the estate of Andrew MALCOM, deceased, are
notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make
a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the
second Monday of November 1891, and on the fourth day of said term – November
12, 1891.
R. BAKEWELL, Public Administrator, October 13, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of Margaret SLATTERY, deceased,
are notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intends to
make a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, to be . . .
at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday in November 1891, and
on the fourth day of said term – November 12, 1891.
R. BAKEWELL, Public Administrator, October 13, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of Ada
E. PECK, deceased, are notified that I, the undersigned, administratrix
of said estate, intend to make a final settlement of said estate at the next
term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at
Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of November 1891.
Julia COLMAN, Administratrix,
October --, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of Samuel MARSDEN deceased, are notified that I, the undersigned,
administrator of said estate, intend to make a final settlement of said estate
at the next term of the Probate court of Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held
at Hillsboro, in said county, on the second Monday of November 1891.
FRAZIER, Administrator, October 8, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of John F. LOLLAR, deceased, are
notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make
a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the
second Monday of November 1891.
LOLLAR, Administrator, October 3, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of Leander BAILEY, deceased, are
notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make
a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the
second Monday of November 1891.
FRAZIER, Administrator, October 8, 1891.
of Final Settlement,
creditors and others interested in the estate of Andrew STECKER, deceased, are
notified that I, the undersigned, administrator of said estate, intend to make
a final settlement of said estate at the next term of the Probate court of
Jefferson County, Missouri, to be held at Hillsboro, in said county, on the
second Monday of November 1891.
Sale – Whereas, John H. MORSE (now more than nine months dead) and Mary F.
MORSE, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated the fifth day of May,
1887, and duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the County
of Jefferson and State of Missouri, in Trust Record book 18, . . . page--- .,
conveyed to the undersigned . . . trustee, the following described real estate
and the improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the County of
Jefferson and State of Missouri, to wit:
tract of land, containing six hundred and forty acres, known as survey 871 to
Mark WIDEMAN; also forty-five acres out of the land confirmed to Henry PREWITT,
adjoining the above described land, and making together six hundred and
eighty-five acres, more or less, except the quantity of one hundred and sixty
acres heretofore conveyed to William J. WILLIAMS and forty-five acres conveyed
to Henry PREWITT, leaving the number of acres hereby conveyed four hundred and
eighty acres, and being the same land acquired by said John H. MORSE from James
Also, the west half of a tract of six hundred and forty
acres, known as survey No. ---, in township 4?, range three east,
confirmed to Joseph COLLINS and legal representatives, and acquired by said
John H. MORSE of Giles LEE by deed dated February 23, [1856?], and recorded in
Book “N”, page 17, in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Jefferson County,
and is all the same real estate described in a former deed of trust to Peter M.
BROWN’s trustee, dated May 5, 18-- and recorded in Book No. 11, page 363, in
the Recorder’s office aforesaid.
conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of certain promissory notes in
said deed described, with the interest thereon; and, whereas, twelve of said
notes have been long past due and remain unpaid: Now, therefore, I, the undersigned trustee,
at the request of the legal holder of said notes, and in pursuance of the
provisions of said deed, will, on Friday, the 30th Day of October,
1891, between the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon and five o’clock in the
afternoon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the Town of
Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, State of Missouri, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, for cash, the above described real estate, for the purposes
said trust. October 8, 1891 James BROWN, Trustee.
Sale – Whereas, John H. MORSE and Mary P. MORSE, his wife, by their deed of
trust, dated April 24, 18--, and recorded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson
County, Missouri, in Trust Record book No. 12, at pages 40 and following,
conveyed to the undersigned, trustee, the following described real estate,
situated in Jefferson County, State of Missouri, to wit:
southwest quarter of section seventeen, the southeast quarter of section
eighteen, the southwest quarter of section twenty, the west half of the
southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the south
half of the northwest quarter, and the northwest part of the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter, of section twenty; all of the northeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of section twenty, except the right of way of the St.
Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company and the tract where LEPP’s
store is located; also block number twenty-nine in the Town of Vineland. All the above described real estate is
situated in township number thirty-nine, range four east,
containing in all about seven hundred and twenty-eight acres, more or less.
conveyance was in trust to secure the payment of seven promissory notes therein
mentioned and described; and, whereas, it is provided in said deed of trust,
that in case default be made in the payment of said notes, or any of either of
them, when they respectively become due or payable, this deed shall be in form
and all payable, and the trustee shall proceed and sell; and, whereas, one of
said notes has become due and remains unpaid, which default makes all the notes
due and payable; and, whereas, the said John H. MORSE has been dead more than
nine months – now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder and owner of
said notes, and in pursuance of the authority to me given by said deed of
trust, public notice is hereby given that I will, on Friday, the 30the Day of
October, 1891, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., at the front door of
the court house, in the Town of Hillsboro, County of Jefferson, in the State of
Missouri, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the real
estate above described, to satisfy said notes and the expenses of executing
this trust.
3, 1891 Charles H.
to Taxpayers – Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers of
Jefferson County, Missouri, at the following times and places, for the purpose
of receiving their taxes due for the year 1891:
Central township, Hillsboro, Sept. 24, 25, 26
Big River, Grubville, Sept. ----
Big River, Morse’s
Mill, Sept. ----
Big River, Frumet, Sept. ----
township, Rush
Tower, October 5
township, Danby October 6
township, McCormack’s, October 7
township, Valle
Mines, October 8
Joachim township, Crystal
City, October 12
Joachim township, Festus, October 13, 14
Valle township, DeSoto,
October 15, 16, 17
Rock township, Kimmswick, October 19, 20
Rock township, Sulphur Spring,
October 21
Joachim township, Pevely,
October 22
Joachim township, Hematite October 22
Central township, Hillsboro, October ----
Meramec township, Dittmer’s
Store, October 26
Meramec township, Cedar
Hill, October 27
Meramec township, Byrnesville, October 28
Meramec township, House’s
Spring, October 29
Meramec township, High
Ridge, October 30
Rock township, Maxville, November 10, 11
township, Antonia, November 12
along the number of the land you desire to pay taxes on. A correct tax receipt will answer the
purpose. The attention of the taxpayers
is called to section ---
of the Revised Statutes, which will be rigidly enforced.
HAMEL, Collector of Jefferson Co., Hillsboro, Mo., August, 27, 1891.
of News~
A good work and driving horse for sale by Simon
MCNEARNEY, Hillsboro.
B. F. RUDDER and wife, of Fenton, were visiting at Mr. MCNEARNEY’S this week.
are sorry to learn that “old man” FICK lost one of his horses, last week, by
DEAN, of the Standard Printing Co. of Hannibal, was here on Monday, soliciting
Bettie HORNER of Morrow, Ohio, accompanied Miss Mary HOEKEN on her visit here
to relatives.
PRINZ visited St. Louis last week, returning on Thursday, accompanied by her
cousin, Mr. NATZ.
will be preaching next Sunday, at 11 a. m., in Hillsboro, prior to the
Quarterly meeting at Frumet, Sunday night.
have had some fine weather this week. No
damage has been done yet by frost; but farmers are still
wanting some rain.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George WILSON of Festus, on the 12th
last, twins – a boy and a girl. All
were doing well at last accounts.
VEAZEY and his aunt, Mrs. GURWITZ, OF Kansas City, are here this week. Charley will spend several days with his
Bonne Terre Railroad Company took an appeal to the Court of Appeals of the
judgment against them in favor of T. L. MCCORMACK.
Ware post office has been moved again:
It was taken away from Dr. CORNELL and moved to ROGERS’, about one mile
further into the woods.
Jessie WILSON came up from Birmingham, Alabama, to visit friends and relatives in
this county and attend Miss Mabel VEAZEY’s wedding.
services for Hillsboro circuit will be held at Frumet, beginning Sunday night,
October 18th. Everybody is
cordially invited.
Congressman BYRNS will spend the winter with her parents in Hillsboro, while
Mr. BYRNS will be in Washington attending to his duties.
L. HYATT and Miss Katie, daughter of W. H. WALKER of DeSoto, were married on
the 7th inst., by Rev. Geo. STEEL, at his residence, near Hillsboro.
A. PERKINS, of Grubville, was in Hillsboro last week, attending to some
business. He informed us that Mrs. W. J.
FROST was quite low with typhoid fever.
H. H. THOMAS’ two daughters, Mrs. KEYSER, of St. Louis, and Mrs. SHORTRIDGE, of
Macon City, arrived in Hillsboro last week, on a visit to their parents.
MORRIS and wife upset their cart, on the way to church Monday night; the ground
caught them, and there was no damage done, except to the cart.
are sorry to learn that Mr. W. R. DONNELL has been quite sick, so much so that
Mr. F. W. BRICKEY had to take charge of the Citizen’s Bank of Festus for
several days.
learn from a Festus paper that two citizens of that burg were robbed, one night
last week, by sneak thieves. Thomas RYAN
lost $375 and N. BEHRING $5. Pretty
heavy on RYAN.
RUSSELL is hauling wood for the court house on his contract with the County
court. He gets $1.78 per cord, while
private citizens can buy all they want at two dollars a cord.
neighbor has shipped the Scotch bard toward the South and secured the services
of a good printer in the person of a Mr. SWEET.
This is the first palatable thing found about the Looking Glass office.
is a stray white lamb at Felix LEUTZINGER’s, near Hillsboro, marked with
under--? and --- .
Owner should pay expense and get property.
have a catarrh on the palm of our right hand, and have to do our pencil-pushing
with the left. The pet is very
companionable, especially through the nights.
& HUBELI have begun work on the foundation for their new blacksmith
shop. They are going to build a good
one, and expect to have it completed before very cold weather comes.
damage case of Michael CLOVER vs. Rudolph HARNESS has been compromised and
dismissed. The two men are brothers-in-law,
and their friends will be glad to hear that they are also friends once more.
In this issue will be found Mr. Chas. HEMME’s card. He is so well known in this county that he
needs no introduction from us, and he merely advertises to let the public know
that he is still in business and wants their work.
to marry: Cristian (Amolian)
M. LAIN and Hester MCCREERY, Jacob HENRY and Cora ELLIS, Joseph L. HYATT and
Kate WALKER, Harmon MCCULLOCH and Anna HANVEY, Edward MOON and Anna LUEBBERS,
Louis KNIER and Elisa BRINKMAN.
John BOESCH, who left this place several months ago for
Ironton, Mo., came up last week with the intention of remaining, and yesterday
he purchased GUENTHER’s place in Hillsboro. BOESCH will be a fixture here again in
Revs. HENSLEY, FRAZIER, EMMONS and others are
carrying on a successful revival meeting at Glade Chapel. This is the second week of the meeting, and
interest is increasing. The house is
crowded every night, and there have been several conversions.
learn from the Gazette that Marshal MCFRY lost a prisoner, named FARLEY, one
day last week. As the marshal walked to
the back part of the calaboose with the prisoners’ dinner, FARLEY went out,
fastened the door, and struck for liberty.
cattle and dairy outfit of the late John H. MORSE, at Vineland, was sold last
Saturday under a chattel mortgage. A Mr.
LIES, of St. Louis County, was the purchaser at the sum of $3400. It is understood that it is his intention to
lease the farm and continue the dairy business.
young man, named CHRISLEY, was arrested at House’s Springs
last Monday, by a private detective, and brought to Hillsboro. He had told of having killed a man in Carroll
County, Virginia, four months ago, and the detective thought it might be a case
of murder. After doing some
telegraphing, he released the prisoner.
STAAL began teaching the F. H. WILLIAMS School a week ago Monday, with an
enrollment of 37 pupils, the daily attendance was 34, and the number enrolled
reached 39 before the end of the week.
On the same day D. A. MORRISON opened the Highland school, with 31
DEVLIN & WAPPLER, who purchased HIEBER’s furniture store in DeSoto
recently, propose to let the people know that they are in business, and are
using the columns of the J. D. Both men
are fine mechanics and have been living in that city for years, and should
receive a large share of public patronage.
Give them a trial when in need of anything in their line.
in DeSoto last Saturday afternoon we saw stalwart Marshal MCFRY leading to the
lockups a puny boy, who looked like he might be about 10 years old. We learned that the boy had been detected in
stealing some money. Such jobs are
unpleasant for the marshal, and Judge LABEAUME said he felt like running away
rather than sit in judgment on the case; but they have to perform their duties,
regardless of tender feelings of humanity.
will sell my brick houses on Second, between and Fletcher Streets. A five room house on a 50 foot lot and one
double house, five rooms each on 50 foot lot.
Will bring 10 percent on investment. Will sell all or one on
easy terms. Enquire of C. H. H. HANDCOCK or J.R. SERRIN.
The case of FELSON (Nelson?) & HILL vs. James
ROBERTSON, for balance on contract for building a house, was concluded before
Esquire FRAZIER last Monday, and resulted in a verdict for plaintiffs for the
full amount sued for. There were a large
number of witnesses from DeSoto on Saturday, and the lawyers did their
speech-making on Monday. The sum in
question was some sixty-odd dollars, and the costs took up nearly fifty,
without lawyers’ fees. It comes high
sometimes to go a-courting.
following we translate from the Festus Freie Blaetier: Ernst
SCHUERMANN has become tired of working in the glass factory and has moved, with
his family, on a farm, several miles south of MCCORMACK Station . . . Parties,
who have been fined for violating city ordinances and have not the wherewith to
liquidate, are compelled to break rocks on the streets of Festus, with ball and
chain attachment . . . John GARWICK has
been exhibiting some good lead ore, found near HORINE Station . . . Festus will
soon begin the erection of another house of worship. It will be of the Evangelical-Lutheran
denomination, and Mr. NEUENDORFF will be the pastor. This will be the seventh church for that city
. . . Joseph GIRARDET (GERARDOT?) and Miss Mary RICHT were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, by Father BOEHM, on the 3d . . . For having drained the cup too often of
something stronger than water, the marshal put Charles GRAY into the cooler,
where he imitated Daniel in the lion’s den for one night.
the 20th of April last W. A. COUCH and Miss Mary F., daughter of
Judge W. F. WILLIAMS, were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s
father. There was a big wedding and a
large crowd of friends and neighbors were present to wish the couple a
prosperous and happy journey through life.
The sad sequel to the above pleasant event occurred last Friday night,
in the death of Mrs. Couch, at DeSoto.
We learn that she suffered intensely during her last few days. The bereaved husband and other relatives have
our heartfelt sympathy.
Sunday school convention for Central township will be
held Sunday afternoon and evening, October 18th, at Victoria, to
which all are invited. Address of
welcome, Mr. MEEKEN of Hillsboro; response, Mr. FREY of DeSoto; appointment of
committees; election of officers; Relation of the Church to Sunday Schools, Mr.
DENHOLM; Concert of Organization in Union Sunday Schools, Prof. DAVIS; Question
drawer. Evening – Devotional exercises,
led by J. E. MALLORY; discussion of question drawer. Good singing will be interspersed during
KARTE came out, Wednesday of last week, with a load of beer, and had blue
ribbons in profusion about his horses and a smile on his face nearly a foot
long. While setting them up to the boys
he informed them that the Green Tree Brewery beer had taken the first premium
at the St. Louis fair. The papers
corroborated the statement, and if Charlie will send us out an eighth of Select, together with a yard or two of (Selencha’s?)
Lebar Wurst, we might be
induced to affirm the same statement, and exclaim: [“Der Baum soil immer gruenes and der Dicke nicht
dueuer werden!”]
DeSoto Gazette of last week says: Henry
WASHBURN and Walter FARLEY were each fined two dollars and costs in the
Recorder’s court, on Tuesday, for having been found drunk and disorderly at 1
o’clock the previous night;
daughter of C. W. BRUMMER, died on the 28th ult., aged four years;
on the 7th inst., Mrs. Jesse BENSON, aged 64
addition to DeSoto is the latest acquisition of municipal territory; William METCALF and
his brother are prospecting for lead on their place, one mile south of
DeSoto. The prospects for lead in that
locality are reported to be splendid.
After every freshet pieces of rich lead ore have been picked out of the
LAHN of Berlin, Neb., arrived in DeSoto on Tuesday last, and is sojourning with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. WAPPLER. He is accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.
William NEUBAUER. Mr. LAHN is Mrs.
WAPPLER’s uncle, and is a wealthy farmer; W. S. COVINGTON is now mounted night marshal
at a salary of $50 per month.
couple of DeSoto gents were forcibly reminded, last Saturday afternoon, of the
proverb, “Pride goeth before a fall.” They were Dr. James and W. D. WILLIAMS. They had been spending some time in a
pleasant drive behind a rather slow horse, when the doctor suggested that if
his companion wished something exhilarating they would hitch up his fine
trotting mare. The suggestion was
accepted as a good one and a change of steed was at once made, and down the
Main Street they sped, attracting the attention of everybody and, doubtless,
feeling that they were envied by all beholders.
Down, near the old depot, there is a depression in the street, in the
shape of a ditch or gully, and into this ditch the wheels of the cart went with
thump. But the wheels went out again,
but the jar split the body of the cart into, and the part in which the riders
were sitting was left in the ditch.
Nobody was hurt and the mare was stopped without trouble, but the
performance was as enjoyable to the spectators as a circus feat would have
Lodge, No. 179, A. O. U. W., had an unusually pleasant and interesting meeting
last Monday night. Only nineteen of the
members were present, but there were twenty-one visiting brothers from Hematite
Lodge. An eloquent address of welcome
was delivered by Judge Jos. J. WILLIAMS, M. W. of Hillsboro Lodge. He called attention to the wonderful progress
of this, the golden age of the world, and referred to those benevolent
organizations, organized charity, as one of the beneficent results and
achievements of the age. M. W. HOOD. Of
Hematite Lodge, responded quite eloquently.
He dealt somewhat in statistics, to show that the A. O. U. W. were doing a grand and noble work, second to no other
organization. Speeches were made by
several other members of the two lodges.
Most of them acquitted themselves very well, and complaint was heard of
only two of the speakers. Hematite Lodge
complained of George MUNRO; they said they had wound up for a full hour, and he
ran down in a half hour. The fear his
machinery is getting worn out, and threaten to engage
another orator. They insist that all of
them can make signs, and a talker is what they want. Hillsboro Lodge kicked because Mr. VEAZEY
said they did not know anything about the order; but when he afterwards
admitted to the visitors that he did not know the number of the lodge he
belonged to, it gave the rest of us a chance to make it plain that he was the
only ignorant member, and that it was because he did not attend lodge often
enough to learn what we knew. After
lodge closed all repaired to the MORRIS House, and enjoyed a substantial lunch,
which had been prepared for the occasion, when all started for their respective
homes, feeling that they had been much benefited by the meeting.
Henry B. IRWIN, son of Mr. James IRWIN of Festus, and Miss Mabel, eldest
daughter of Mr. D. B. VEAZEY, were united in marriage, at the Hillsboro Union
church, on Tuesday, October 18, 1891, Rev Mr. ROBERTS, a Unitarian minister of
Kansas City, performing the ceremony, which was somewhat out of the ordinary
line of country weddings and pronounced by the audience as the best and
most-impressive they had ever listened to.
The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and vines, good taste
being displayed by those who did the decorating. The ceremony took place near the noon hour
and, after congratulations had been extended, the bridal party drove to Mr.
VEAZEY’s residence, where an elegant dinner was served. A big wedding had been intended, but
realizing that they did not have room to accommodate all their friends who
would necessarily have to be invited, the program was changed and the only
persons at the dinner, outside of near relatives of the bride and groom were Mr.
STEEL and wife, R. W. MCMULLIN and wife and daughter, Mrs. J. Ed. WALKER and
daughter, and Misses Emma DONNELL and Jessie WILSON. The happy couple left in the afternoon for
Festus, to visit the groom’s parents before starting for their home in Omaha,
Neb. The groom is a Jefferson county
boy, and one of whom she may well be proud, and the bride is a young lady, who
is admired by all. Both are educated,
intelligent and energetic, and old enough to appreciate the importance of the
step they have taken, and which, in fact, they had had in contemplation for
years, and their many friends predict that the union will be a happy one. They will carry home with them the kindest
wishes of all who know them here, and we feel that they are deserving of the
hearty congratulations they are receiving.
May success and happiness attend them!
American Book Co., of Chicago, Ill., have notified the Commissioner that the
new Ray’s Arithmetics, McGuffey’s Revised Spellers
and Steele’s Hygenic Physiology are now ready to be
supplied to the trade; their Townsend’s Civil Government will be ready in a few
days. E. H. BUTLER & Co.,
Philadelphia, are also ready with Butler’s Geographics. Apply
to the above named firms for books for exchange; for regular supply address, J.
I. BOLAND & Co., St. Louis.
Olden Times~
MCFARLAND, who has been down in Joachim township assessing, handed us an old
receipt given by a storekeeper at Herculaneum in 1811, which will be of
interest to our readers. We omit the
name of the purchaser of the goods, as some of his descendants might kick if we
published it. It will be seen by this
document that neither protection nor an internal
revenue cheapens an article by levying a tax upon it. The “staff of life” purchased by this
particular customer and paid for is as follows, and embraces a period of four
months of 1811 in which he ran the bill:
pints of whiskey……………………….. $5
of brandy and two drinks…………………$-.
and 2 ½ pints of whiskey……………...$-
½ pints of brandy……………………………..$19
lines……………………………………..$ 25
of brandy and bottle……………………….$38
of brandy and three drinks………………..$43
of brandy………………………………….$18
bottle broke by you and one pint of liquor.$25
½ pints of whiskey and a drink…………….$38
½ pint of brandy…………………………….$19
loaned you by Jos. HAMMON………..$ 63
Settled with John……………………..$?4.02
do not know whether he drank the “plough lines” or not.
following is the program for the October meeting of the Jefferson County
Teachers’ Institute, to be held on the 20th inst., at House’s Springs.
1. “The course to be pursued in organizing a
school,” Prof. SCOTT; discussion by members.
2. Prizes and Awards, Miss OPAS; discussion by
3. “The order of exercises, or program of
recitations,” John DALTON; discussion by members.
4. “Mode of conducting an examination by written
questions and answers,” Prof. NATIONS; discussion by members.
5. Reports of committees appointed at last
6. Miscellaneous business.
is hoped that there will be a general attendance of teachers and school
officers who live in the western part of the county, and as well of parties who
are interested in the welfare of the schools.
In the matter of the action of Michael CLOVER, plaintiff,
vs. Rudolph HARNESS, defendant. In the Circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri. Now, on this day, comes said defendant,
Rudolph HARNESS, and admits that he spoke the words of and concerning the
plaintiff, as charged in the petition in said cause in said court; but that he
has no recollection of speaking them, or of charging the said CLOVER with
larceny. And the said HARNESS, now here,
says that the words charged in said petition and uttered by him were false and
slanderous, as of and concerning Michael CLOVER.
Given under my hand, at Hillsboro, Mo., October 13, 1891.
Stoddart & Co. Patents, Washington, DC
Mockbee House Hotel, Hillsboro, MO
Chapel All Country Produce
St. Louis Republic newspaper
CLARK Bicycle, Chicago, IL
ZIEGLER Watches, Jewelry, Spectacle, Kimmswick, MO
KASSEBAUM 14-Mile House, Lemay Road
Rob’t COXWELL Undertaker, DeSoto, MO
B. VEAZEY or R. W. MCMULLIN Real Estate, Hillsboro, MO
HEINER Hotel and Saloon, Pevely, MO
P. STEWART Livery and Stables, DeSoto, MO
AUBUCHON & Son General Merchandise, DeSoto, MO
B. MAUPIN Auctioneer, Hillsboro, MO
BERRESHEIM General Merchandise, Seckman, MO
P. KENNER’s New Saloon, Festus, MO
STARKEY & PALEN’s Treatment by Inhalation, Philadelphia, PA
County Bank, DeSoto, MO
VOLLMAR Dry Goods, Hillsboro, MO
M. WITTLER Cigars and Tobacco, St. Louis, MO
F. DONNELL., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Hematite, MO
GEATLEY Practical Tinner, Scheve,
Missouri Railroad Telegraph School
Iron & Engine Works
C. JENNINGS Insurance Agent, Office in Mayor’s office, Festus, MO
Tree Brewery Co., St. Louis, MO
Jefferson House, Fred WAPPLER, Main Street, DeSoto, MO
FROMHOLD Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO
Opera House Saloon and Restaurant. William GORMAN,
Festus, MO
PECAUT Watchmaker, DeSoto, MO
Millinery, Festus, MO
HEMME Contractor, Carpenter & Builder, DeSoto, MO
& WAPPLER Stoves & Furniture, DeSoto, MO
H. BAILEY Farm for Sale
J. HOCKEN’s Lumber, Hillsboro, MO
Deal Clothing, DeSoto, MO
Plate Glass Store
GREVE’S General Store
W. MATHEW’s General Merchandise, Pevely, MO