8, 1891
of News~
HURTGEN has been getting some new buggies.
winter wave struck this place yesterday morning.
is rumored that Antonia is to have another store.
Pawpaws are ripe, and James MOSS and Assessor DOVER
are happy.
Miss Anna [WITH?] commenced school at Hillcrest last
week, with a fair attendance.
MARTIN got a bee hive the other day which contained about 20 pounds of nice
you want a cider press or grain drill, call HURTGEN and HUBELI.
learn that Mr. Henry HELD, an old and respected citizen of Antonia died last
Frost put in appearance Monday morning, and nipped some of the late potatoes,
as well as some fruit.
members of Hillsboro Lodge, No 179, A. O. U. W., should not forget the lodge
meeting net Monday evening.
JONES has purchased and moved into the FETTE place, at Victoria. He will still keep his office at DeSoto.
HAMEL and Deputy BURKE started on their annual tour of the county, this week,
collecting taxes.
MOSS has sold his farm, (in Glaize Creek?), to F. W.
WEDDE. It is one of the best farms in
that neighborhood.
P. LYNCH, of near Victoria, died last Monday morning. He had not been well for years. He leaves a wife and several children.
primary department of our pupil’s school was -- for two days last week in order
that Miss OPES might go to the St. Louis fair.
August MEYER farm was sold, by his guardian, John CARREY, last Saturday. Julius MEYER, August’s
brother was the purchaser.
all who have the time and means will visit the St. Louis fair this week.
J. McMAHON visited Hillsboro last Monday. He has been located at Little (Rock?) for
some time but expects to go into business in St. Louis.
forget, when in DeSoto, that Peter STRICKLAND, keeps a first class restaurant,
and is always ready to supply you with a good meal for 25 cents.
Mary HOEKEN will this week from Morrow, Ohio, on a visit to her brothers. She will probably be accompanied by some of
her Ohio relatives.
E. SLOAN and Miss Teresa COUCH, both of DeSoto, were joined in marriage at the Mockbee House, in this town, on the first instant, by Judge
P. STEWART now has charge of the old FOSTER livery stables, opposite Mr.
[FILNT’s?] blacksmith shop, the most convenient one in DeSoto. Read his card in this paper.
Just received ten cases of the celebrated Dunlap and
Stetson goods from Philadelphia.
Latest styles and lowest prices guaranteed at the Square Deal Clothing
House, DeSoto, MO.
T. HUSKEY & Co.’s new store in DeSoto is doing a thriving business. They deserve it, for they have a good stock
and sell at bottom prices, treating all customers alike.
is no pleasure to us to dun anyone, and we do not send out bills for fun. If we did not need what is coming to us, we
would never ask for it. Don’t forget
this, if you please.
William [HAMES/HAINES?], of near House’s Springs, has
rented out his farm for a term of five years and will move to St. Louis. He has a public sale of his personal effects
on the 27th inst.
to marry – Joseph GERARDOT (Girardot) and Mary REECHT
(Richt), George E. SLOAN and Teresa COUCH, Andrew J.
M. FRANK and Rosa JOHNSON, John BECKER and Emma STEINKEMP, Patrick WOOLSEY and
day, the 16th inst., will be observed by the Hillsboro school. It is intended to give a little entertainment
in the evening, to which a small fee will be charged. The program will be arranged by next week.
that October 16th is Library Day, and every --- should make an
effort to observe it. Make a starter and
raise $12.50 this time. Get the parents
interested and put them on the program of exercises for that night.
forget the Teachers’ Institute at House’s Springs on
the 24th. Program will be
printed next week. School officials in the vicinity are especially requested to
be present and participate, as a matter of importance to them will be
Louis and John DEVILLA (Devlin? – see Oct 17, 1891 issue – transcriber note)
have purchased the furniture place of Louis RICHER (Ritcher),
in DeSoto, and will at once stock up with a full line of goods, including all
styles of burial cases, and will be ready to supply all customers at the lowest
[BRENILLE/Brendle?] has been appointed to the
Hematite, Hillsboro, and Vineland circuit of the M. E. Church, South, Mr.
WHITEHEAD being transferred to Arcadia.
Rev. ASPLEY is sent from DeSoto to Bellfontaine,
and Rev. STEPHENS of St. Louis takes his place.
FRANK, the young barber who was brought back from Pine Bluff, Ark., by
Constable BUREN, was released from custody last Thursday, the girl for whom he
got into trouble consenting to marry him.
This may be the best for the girl, but there is room for doubt.
Russian mulberry vine which stands in John HUBELI’S garden, has a full second
crop of berries on one side of it. It is
the side next to the blacksmith shop, and some of the branches were singed when
the shop burned down. It is believed that the heat of the fire caused the extra
was a case before Esq. FRAZIER, on Thursday, in which the opposing attorneys
got so --- that he fined them, charging one two dollars and the other
three. The case was NELSON (Felson?) & HILL vs. James ROBERTSON, of DeSoto, on
account and to enforce mechanic’s lien.
The trial is to be concluded next Saturday.
BOHNE is now wishing for the sympathy and tender touch of a good house
wife. Last Saturday he was threshing
Timothy seed, when his hand was caught by the cylinder and . . .
One of his fingers was entirely laid open, and it is likely that a
portion of it will have to be amputated.
Old bachelors should take warning.
will sell my brick houses on Second, between and Fletcher Streets. A five room house on a 50 foot lot and one
double house, five rooms each on 50 foot lot.
Will bring 10 percent on investment. Will sell all or one on
easy terms. Enquire of C. H. H. HANDCOCK or J.R. SERRIN.
the 13th of this month the last grand picnic for 1891, of Rev.
SERRIN’s congregation at Maxville, will be given in the beautiful grove near
the church, for the purchase of paying the balance of the indebtedness on the
new parish house. Everybody is cordially
invited to come, spend a pleasant day, and help along a --- enterprise.
Thursday night they had a big time at F. H. WILLIAMS on Sandy. His son, Joseph, had arrived at the age of
21, and neighbors and friends gathered to help celebrate the event. The crowd present was estimated at 200, and a
fine supper was furnished to all.
Several hours were spent in a pleasant manner, and we understand that
all who were there acted like they were young.
– A sorrel horse, about nine years old and 13 ½ hands high, right hind foot
white, small white spot in forehead, small --- or saddle gall near center of
back and collar marked. Will pay liberally for his return to Hillsboro or for information
leading to his recovery. F. R. DEARING, Hillsboro, Mo.
DEARING got his horse last Saturday. It
had gone back to where it was raised, about eleven miles from Potosi, to a Mr.
HANSON, who saw Mr. DEARING’s advertisement in a Potosi paper, and immediately
sent the horse home. Mr. DEARING had
spent more than $20 in hunting the animal, and the lesson he has paid so dearly
for we now give free of charge, and that is, it does not pay to hunt for
strayed or lost property; a description of property, with an offer of suitable
reward, published to the newspapers, costs but little and is much more
reliable. If a stray animal is anywhere
in Jefferson County, a notice in this paper will bring it.
WEIZER, one of the leading spirits about the Tyroler
House, Third and Convent, St. Louis, was down on a visit to his relative,
Justus MARTIN, last week. Herman is
quite a sportsman, but we learn that he had poor luck on this trip. Besides a half-grown rabbit and a few of Mrs.
MARTIN’s fine young chickens, he only killed a lot of fresh cider and about one
gallon of --- cheese.
learn from the Bonne Terre Democrat that on Sunday night a week ago, during the
absence of the proprietors, FLORENTZ’ & GOFF’s store, at Flucom, this county, together with contents, was destroyed
by fire; also the large warehouse, belonging to W. E. FITE of Bonne Terre,
which was filled with wheat and flour.
The Democrat’s informant could not state what sum Messrs. FLORENTZ and
GOFF placed their loss at, but said that they carried insurance .
at $1?00.
Mr. FITE places his loss at ---, with no insurance. Stored in the warehouse were also 100 bushels
of wheat belong to Chris FINK, which he was holding
for a higher price, and this was also burned.
Mr. FITE says that Flucom is a good point at
which to buy wheat, and he intends to immediately begin the erection of another
and larger warehouse.
Sunday was what is known as “German day,” being the anniversary of the first
settlement in this country by Germans.
Preparations had been made to celebrate the day by DeSoto citizens of
German descent, in appropriate style.
The plan was to have a big picnic at H. HAMEL’s springs, but the weather
was so unfavorable that it had to be abandoned.
We rode down in the afternoon, with Mr. VEASEY, to take in a part of the
festivities. Messrs. E. B. MAUPIN and F.
H. DEARING were also there. We found
about one hundred men assembled at . . ., having a very pleasant time with
vocal and instrumental music. It was the
first time we ever heard the DeSoto (Limberbranz?) sing, and though they were short some of their principal
singers, they made splendid music. Judge
HAMEL, the director, has his choir well trained, and there are a number of good
voices. We were captivated with the
first tenor of Mr. KASSELBERG. They were
also provided with a string band, and Chris HOCK was present with a new and
wonderful music box, called a ma------n, which he brought back with him from
Germany, and he filled up the (latertudes?) with
several yards of music from it. The
company was well supplied with beer, but everything passed off very decorously,
and it was really a very enjoyable entertainment.
Game Law~
Section 3963. If any person shall catch, kill or injure,
or attempt to catch, kill or injure, any wild ---, doe or fawn, between the
first day of January and the first day of October, or any wild turkey between
the first day of March and the -- day of September, or any ---, commonly called
--- chicken, between the first day of February and the fifteenth day of August,
or any ruffled grouse, commonly called pheasant or partridge, or any quail,
sometimes called Virginia partridge, between the first day of January and the
first day of October, or any woodcock between the tenth day of January and the
first day of July, or any turtle dove, or meadow lark, or plover, between the
first day of February and the first day of August, or any wild --- at any
season of the year, or shall at any time or season catch, take or injure, or
attempt to catch, take or injure, by means of any ---- or other device of the
kind, any ---- grouse, commonly called prairie chicken, or any quail, sometimes
called Virginia partridge, or shall at any time or season ----, rob or destroy
any wild bird’s nest, or take therefrom any egg or
eggs of any wild bird whatsoever, every such person offending against any of
the provisions of this section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Court News~
Martin KERSHAW was granted temporary injunction against Stanley MOORE,
restraining him from trespassing or entering on the premises known as Maplewood
Stock Farm.
STELBRINK, administrator of the John R. MORSE
estate, vs. Jas. S. BROWN, to determine ownership of the crop of wheat
on the MORSE farm; judgment for defendant.
John MILLER vs. Casper NIEHAUS;
judgment for $2750 and foreclosure of mortgage.
vs. Andy FRANK; dismissed on account of prosecuting witness having married
name of K. MURPHY was stricken from the roll of attorneys, on motion of the
Prosecuting attorney.
matters not disposed of were continued to next term and court adjourned till
court in course.
regular meeting of the Jefferson County Farmers’ and Laborers’ Union will be
held in Hillsboro, Friday, October 14, 1891, at 10 o’clock a. m. All delegates and secretaries of delinquent
sub-unions are requested to see that State and county dues are collected and
paid to me on or before that date.
full attendance is expected.
W. J. F. KIRK, Sec’y,
Kimmswick, Mo.
~Knorpp News~
F. SPEIDEL is on the sick list at this writing.
C. MAITES/MATTHES of DeSoto, visited his brother,
William, Sunday.
W. KNORPP was very low last week, but is improving some.
SPEIDEL & Co. are bailing clover in this vicinity,
and it is said that clover seed is good this year.
is very much needed here and it seems as though we would have Winter before long; Jack Frost will, no doubt, visit us
before long.
merry party, consisting of Assistant Postmistress Miss Carrie KNORPP, Mr. W.
MOCKER and W. WILLIS and lady, went on a pleasure trip to St. Louis Monday and
returned Tuesday night. They had a
pleasant time.
the night of the 27th, the store at Flucom,
belonging to FLORENTZ & GOFF, wherein the post office was ---, burned to the
ground; also Mr. FITE’s warehouse, in which Mr. FINK had some 100 bushels of
wheat. Some hoop-poles belong to C.
YOUNG were destroyed, too. This was a
great surprise to Mr. FLORENTZ, who was at the time of the fire at Valle Mines,
to see his ---
on his return. Your correspondent
sympathizes with those who have sustained losses by fire.
Knorpp, October 4, 1891.
Sale - One team and wagon, both horses young and good workers and the wagon
nearly new and in good order. Apply for
price and terms to John SPARKS, Hillsboro, MO.
am closing out, at cost, my stock of Eli walking or three wheeled plows. This is a plow that can be used as well by a
man of 60 or by one of 20 years, for if he gets tired of walking, he can ride. I am selling them at cost because I need the
money in rebuilding my shop. Those needs
other kinds of plows, drills, rolling coulters of any other farming equipment
are requested to call on me, as I have reduced prices on all. Henry HURTGEN, Hillsboro, MO
of Conveyances~
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last
B. DRAKE and others to Alva CULVER, 180 acres S32, T40, R6 …. $1300
A. SEAT to R. C. HAGE, a lot in survey 2078 ….$20(?)
C. MOORE to Michel FORTIN, lot in Festus …. $175
DROE to Peter PARKER, 40 acres, S32 T40 R4 ….. $1
to John E. RICHTER, 80 acres in S31 & 32, T45, R4 ….$500
L. WILLIAMS to John WIDEMAN, 130 acres, S12 & 13, T41, R3 ….$1400
HIGGENBOTHAM to Alois KROEDINGER, 60 acres, S33, T35,
R4 ….$175
SCHULZE to Michael [DAENDER/Boender?], 8 acres, S28,T45, R4 ….$350
T. BLACKWELL to Wm. MOON, 120 acres, S13, T28, R4 …. $500
A. GRACE et al
to William T. BLACKWELL, 120 acres,S10, T28, R4 … $500
FRIEDMAN to [Abrose?] FRIEDMAN, 40 acres, S28,T42, R5 … $200(?)
A. STONE to Mrs. J. J. SLAWSON, two lots in DeSoto … $175
– Crop Bulletin No. 29.
was below the normal for the State. In
southern part the drouth remains unbroken with the
exception of a very few light showers widely scattered. On the 27th and 28th
ultimo, light rains fell throughout the larger portion of the northern and
central part of the State, but the amount was too little for the need.
for the week was above the normal throughout the State, although during the
first part of the week it fell considerably and frost is reported from Nodaway,
Mercer, Putnam, Munroe, Audrain, Jackson, Cass and Greene counties.
was above the normal.
seeding is generally delayed, and a lessened area is likely to result. That which has been sown is coming unevenly
from lack of moisture in the soil.
has ripened up finely under the drying weather.
Some injury has been done to late crops.
late potatoes and Winter apples are suffering.
CHUBBUCK, Sec’y State Board.
the evening of the 3rd, the Maxville and Kimmswick brass and reed
bands pulled out together for Fenton, and gave that burg some of their
music. It was the grand opening of John
KOCK’s new business in that town. Plenty
of refreshments were furnished, and dancing was kept up till morning. We wish John success.
the night of the 29th ult., was Mr. Milton PARKS’ 75TH
birthday. The Maxville brass and reed
band headed a large gathering of people, in Maxville about 8 p.m., and marched
over and gave the old gentleman a surprise; and such a surprise is seldom seen
in gathering so large a crowd of friends and well-wishers on the quiet! Everybody came
provided with --- and brewed hops; and Mr. Dick WELLS, the celebrated soldier
of near Georgetown, was on hand and helped to keep the dancers on the floor
till after midnight. There were parties
present from St. Louis, Carondelet, Georgetown, Manchester, Kirkwood and other
parts of St. Louis county, as well as from (Kimmswick?) and other places in
this county. Two of Mr. PARKS’ brothers
were present, who lead him in age, as could be seen by their white locks,
although they showed their sprightliness in dancing the opening square
dance. Mr. PARKS is an old resident of
this county, loved and respected by all who are acquainted with anyone. May he live to have many a birthday yet!
October 3, 1891.
have had some rain, which came in good time for wheat-sowing.
seems like the County court has a favorite to ---- as Constable of this
suppose it is now a fact that F. J. H
is supposed that Seckman Echoes are . . . but for
some time at least, on account of the post office trouble at that place.
public school opened here Sept. 7th, with Miss Belle ASHE as
teacher. She is getting along nicely;
the only trouble is the small attendance.
With an enumeration of 100 in this district, the attendance at school is
only 12 or 14.
Sept. 29th. N.M.
chance for a farm of 140 acres just north of DeSoto on the Gravel Road; 2 story
double frame with furnace; 100 acres in cultivation. Hill land, woods,
pasturage, bottom land. Plenty of water, not a nicer farm in Jefferson County.
Gravel Road and Railroad run right through it; station on the place. Should double in value
within 5 years. Unexceptional
terms of ten years at 4 percent interest.
splendid place can be bought at 1/3 cash; deferred payment at any time, or any
amount, on or before ten years with 4 percent interest semi-annually. $6500 is the price. There is big money in it for anyone who can
make the first payment; will double or triple his investment. Apply on the farm for further information to
Capt. F.H. BLACKMAN or address Chas. A. BAILEY, 304 North 7th, St. Louis, MO.
J. HOCKEN’s Cash Store
Clairette Soap
Deal Clothing House
Plate Glass Company
GREVE’s General Store, Pevely, MO
W. MATHEIS General Merchandise, Pevely, MO
Gustave HAMEL Manufacturing