Jefferson Democrat
August 28, 1890

Mrs. J. GIESE of Moss Hollow, aged 58 years, died on the 15th inst. 

Dr. SAPPER, formerly of this but late of Wayne County, recently died in St. Louis. He had a large circle of acquaintances here.

Patrick MAGABLE and Sarah STOKER, of this County, were granted license to marry by the Recorder of the City of
St. Louis.

The rumor, published last week, about a married man leaving his family and going away with a grass widow, was not founded upon facts, as the gentleman returned to his home, having been in
St. Louis.

Work at the Mammoth mines, which has been vigorously pushed during the past few months, has been partially suspended for the present, though we are informed that it is not on account of any failure in the supply of mineral.


Boys and children's suits from $1 upwards, at the Square Deal Clothing House, DeSoto, MO

My daughter was greatly troubled with scrofula and at one time, it was feared she would lose her sight. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has completely restored her to health, and her eyes are as well as ever, with not a trace of scrofula in her system --- G. King, Killingly, CT.

The vocal organs are strengthened by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Clergymen, lawyers, singers, actors and public speakers find this preparation the most effective remedy for irritation and weakness of the throat and lungs and for afflictions of the vocal organs.

For a full line of first class ladies', gent's and children shoes --- sold at bottom prices -- go to
E. KEMPE, DeSoto.

License to marry:
Peter  HAMPEL and Katie   RUSTIGE
Michael  BABBITT and Mary  KAIN
Robert  EDWARDS and Mary  A. MOUND
Lee  H. HOLT and Mary  F. MCGUIRE

For pure wines and whiskies, for family and medicinal use, go to Max FROMHOLD's Commercial Exchange, DeSoto, MO.

Donnell HAW, only child of Rev. C.E.W. and Abbie SMITH, died at their home in
Gilroy, Cal., on the 17th inst. aged two years, ten months and fifteen days. The remains were brought to Glen Allen, Mo. where the bereaved parents will reside in future.They have our heartfelt sympathy.

Prof. STEEL will be in
Hillsboro during the week of September 1st to 6th, making preparations for the opening of his school on Monday, September 8th. He will be glad to meet parents and pupils, and assist them in making proper arrangements for board, etc. 

Those needing anything in the line of Saddlery, Harness, &c, are  invited to call at my store as I am making a change in my business and selling out everything at net cost.  H. HAMEL,
DeSoto,  Mo.


We learn that our friend, Henry MARTIN, who resides near John CARREY's has had a week of sad affliction. His eldest daughter came down from St. Louis so sick that she died in DeSoto, not being able to be conveyed home, and two or three children are bedfast at home.  We hope those yet sick will speedily recover.

To the Public -- My wife, ESTHER M., having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persons that I will not be responsible for debts of her contracting.  John WM. STRUNK, Hematite, Aug. 11, 1890

Advertising does pay, especially if done in the proper paper.  Last Thursday we printed a little "ad" conveying the news that Lucas BAUER had lost a filly. He had spent many days of hard riding, as well as some means, but could learn nothing of his filly, and his brother suggested that he send a notice to us.  The result was that on Friday he came out to G. E. MARSDEN'S and got
his lost property.  Still some business men claim that advertising does not pay.

W.J. HAVERSTICK, who has been a resident of the county, just east of
Victoria for time nearly in memorial, has moved on Big River, near House Spring's, where he intends to raise corn, wheat, etc. His boys are still running the place near Victoria. One of them, George, will start for Cape Girardeau next week, to attend the coming session of the State Normal School.

I have for sale a mare mule colt, one of the largest in the county. Any one who may want to buy such a colt, should call at my farm on Dry Creek.  J. W. SPRAGUE

We copy the following items from the Pacific Herald at the 21st last, which will be sad news to many of the citizens living in Meramec Township. John BREEN, son of MR. and MRS. JOHN BREEN, residing in Jefferson County was killed near Cheyenne, Wyoming, last Saturday evening.  He fell from a moving train and four cars passed over him.  He bled to death in four hours after the accident. As a surgeon could not be secured, he beseeched his attendants to
call a priest. The deceased was favorably known here and was well liked by all. His remains were brought to this place Wednesday morning and interred in the St. Patrick's Church cemetery, 7 miles south of this place.  The grief-stricken family have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in their affliction.

Strayed -- A two year old sorrel filly, small blaze in forehead, both hind feet white -- more white on right than left. Had on a hickory grub yoke.  Information liberally paid for.  Address, A.J. HUSKEY,
DeSoto, MO.

Aug. 20, --- Oermanville is booming. MRS. Chas. OERMANN, the merchant's wife, and Mrs. Dr. J. E. TURBITZKY were visiting Grubville and had a splendid time. Dr. TURBITZKY is doing well and having good luck. 

MR. James McDANIEL had a social time at his house, last Sunday, and MR. John HOLF was present and took the liberty to pop the question to Miss Sophia PLATZ, but the young lady refused.  I suppose he can stand it for he is still threshing.

DR. HANSON and wife were blessed with a beautiful little son, which will be the pride of the household...

MR. John OERMANN'S little boy was called to rest last Monday evening, after many weeks of suffering.  All his friends sympathize with him.  The dear little angel is with his loving Mother now, who was called away May 22nd and may they both rest sweetly in heaven.

W.F. LYONS has arrived in
Jefferson, after being away some length of time. We hope to hear from him again.

The picnic, last Friday, near
Hillsboro, was fairly attended, and those participating had an enjoyable time. In the afternoon, HON. Sam BYRNS made a speech, which was replete with sound Democratic doctrine and clearly portrayed the issues of the day and was listened to with marked attention and well received by the crowd.  Dancing was kept up until after midnight, when all went home highly elated with the entertainment.  The only thing marring the pleasures
of the picnic was an unprovoked assault, after dark, made upon one of Allen HUSKEY's sons by young lads of the vicinity of Victoria and Bailey's. HUSKEY was struck in the face with fists and also received a murderous blow with a club.  A warrant was issued for Lundy VINYARD, and a son of Andy WHITEHEAD, and a boy named PORTER.  The two first named have been arrested, but the latter has not been found. Squire BOOTH has set the trial for next Friday, and we hope the right party will be punished.

H. SLAGER, the Festus Milliner, makes this bold statement to the ladies of 
Jefferson County, and vicinity, vis. In order to make business more like the waves of the ocean he is traversing, his stock of millinery, etc., will have to move accordingly. Prices no object, Millinery almost given away. Any person too poor to buy a hat, will cheerfully give them one free.

-SECKMAN-   Aug. 25

... the social club met on the 24th and spent the afternoon on their new floor, dancing, smoking, drinking beer and soda water, and every one went home sober...

Mr. Robert PAUL threshed his crop of wheat on Saturday and treated those who helped him to two kegs of beer. This wound up PAUL & Co. threshing for this season...

GEO. STAAL has at last struck the job he wanted; he is now riding in a buggy and has nothing else to do but speak German. He says Yankees can't get along without him in
St.Charles County, because there are so many Dutch there.

HOOK, BAUER & HALL pulled home with their machine for the season...

John P.NOLEN killed the largest rattlesnake I heard of yet, near Jake BECKER's Black Smith Shop;  it was five feet, seven inches long and three inches in diameter, and had seventeen rattles and a button.  That is pretty good for the Constable of Rock Township;  if he kills another rattler of that size he should be promoted to High Sheriff.

Festus and Crystal

Mrs. Aaron MOORE is still confined to her bed, although she has improved some during the past few days.


There is hardly a man who has more afflictions in his family than Mr. Joseph THOMURE of Silica. Some one of his family is always sick


At Herculaneum the boom is immense. Laborers and merchants are in constant demand, if reports I receive from there are true. On one of the calcine furnaces, the frame work is about completed and all around improvements are steadily advancing. In less than two years Herculaneum will rise from its ashes, Phoenix like, and become a prominent place once more.


Our musical talent is constantly enlarging. In addition to three military bands now existing, two others are in course of organization. Our Creole friends are today organizing an orchestra, and to that end, they have received valuable talent from Ste. Genevieve, in the person of Leon LABRAYERE, an old pupil of mine. Another military band will soon be "marching through" Tanglefoot, with stately step and harmonious strains. If I can, I will march with them and surprise our people.


Fritz AUBERLE is one, and Charlie GRAY is another, and unfortunately, each has a head of his own, and a stubborn one, too. Charlie and Fritz are neighbors, but Charlie don't like Fritz, and Fritz don't like Charlie "und dat isch wat all dimes makes druvel." But Fritz says that Charlie has some bad boys, and Fritz some times treats them as the Jews served St. Stephens. Fritz thinks he owns the Rocky Mountains, and has a right to use his property freely on the bad boys, but Mayor ADAMS don't think so and makes Fritzes, as well as Franzes and Charlies, reach down their pockets and pull out some dimes instead of half dimes, and "dat isch yust wat isch de matter mid dem."


Smith WILCOX was somewhat surprised last Sunday morning, about 10 a.m. by seeing a corpse floating in the river, near his home at Selma. The coroner was notified and went down to hold the requisite inquest. The men who were summoned as jurors gave the following verdict; We the jury find deceased was a man about 5 feet 10 inches high, weights about 170 pounds, and age about 45 years. He wore Congress gaiters, trousers, and a vest of black jeans (nearly new) striped shirt and seer sucker coat, brown striped. Nothing to identify the body was found, only a few matches in the vest pocket. The face was cleanly shaved, only about a three days growth of beard. Supposition is that he came to his death by accidental drowning or by suicide. 


Sulpher Springs

Miss Laura PARISH has been visiting her friends here.


Louis MILLER has moved from the suburbs to the landing.


Miss Katie KIRK is entertaining her cousin from Illinois.


Mrs. Minnie RICHARDS has gone home to her parents, who reside at Sandy.


Miss Mary BRADSHAW entertained her friend Miss Nora MCGUIRE on the 23rd.


Miss Mollie DONOVAN of Pevely was visiting Miss Katie BECHLER and other friends at this place.


I hear that nearly all the girls went back on our friend Hubert CASTILE Jr. I hope he may find the right one some day.


Alex COLE is building a new two story house and Dr. HULL is erecting a drugstore, while Mr. Johnson is putting a new porch on his house.


List of Conveyances:

Ed BURGESS to Orlando MORRIS, lot in DeSoto

B.C. BERRY to James SWALLOW five acres in Survey 2378

Elizabeth NORRIS to J. Milton BAKER 60 acres

Seth G. MCKEE to Hame H. BASS 14.30 acres



August 13   Jeremiah MCCLAIN  age 75 years



August 11 Mrs. Sallie EHLERS boy

       5    Mrs. Mary E. BUSTER  girl

     17    Mrs. Elizabeth MORRIS  girl