Jefferson County Democrat
June 19,1890

Items Of Interest

For cheap goods go to HOEKEN's Cash Store,

We had a big thunderstorm, Tuesday afternoon, and a hard shower of rain but no particular damage was done that we heard of.

Fred VOLLMAR, of 
Antonia, Mo wants 2,000,000 clapboards.

Misses Emma and Laura DONNELL, the former teacher and the latter pupil at the Bellevue Collegiate Institute, returned home last week.


Clover cutting was commenced this week, and it is to be hoped that the farmers will succeed in saving the crop in good shape, as there will be no oats raised.

Burns, cuts, etc. can be cured by using Dr. HOFFMAN's Golden Ointment.

The MORSE farm will not be sold by trustee tomorrow, as heretofore advertised. Mr. MORSE has paid up the interest notes on which judgment was rendered.

Mrs. TOM WALKER wishes to inform the public that she has good cider vinegar for sale. Any one sending her an order can have the vinegar delivered at his door if desired.

Miss Tillie STUBLINGER is home from
St. Louis on a visit to her mother. She is accompanied by her cousin Mr. John  KURBER, who came to spend a few days for the benefit of his health.

We carry the best men's and boy's shoes in the county, for the money, at the Square Deal Clothing House.

The fourth Quarterly meeting for the Hematite circuit will be at Hematite, June 21 and 22. Quarterly conference meets at  
3:30 pm, Saturday.  A full meeting of the members is desired.

A sure cure for nervous headache Dr. V. TRAUDT's Indian Healing Liniment.  For sale by all  dealers.

Tickets for the Fourth of JULY excursion on the steamer Grand Republic, up the Mississippi, past St. Louis and return are now on sale at this office. One dollar for the round trip.

Beware of fraudulent imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN's Family Medicines. F. Traudt's are the only genuine. 

Sheriff MAUPIN started last week Monday to take NATHAN WHITWORTH to the lunatic asylum. The patient has been kept at home, in Meramec Township, and there he was to be delivered to the sheriff.

Boys and children's suits from 8 upwards, at the Square Deal Clothing House, DeSoto,

The ladies of the Christian church in Festus will give a lawn party, on Saturday night, June 21st, in MR. WALKER's grove. Refreshments will be served. A cordial invitation is extended to the public.

MAX FROMHOLD, at DeSOTO, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.

James F. Wilson went to St. Louis, last Monday, to buy a new separator. He has had his engine thoroughly repaired, and wants to be prepared to save every grain of wheat there is in the straw.

Men's and Boy's hats in all styles and shapes at reduced prices, at the Square Deal Clothing House.

Dr. MAYFIELD was in town last Monday with a patient from
Bollinger County. The doctor drives a fine span of ponies, and his friends know of no reason why he shouldn't work in double harness himself.

The M. E. Church will give a festival at
Mt. Carmel near DeSoto, on the evening of the 28th last, to raise money for their pastor, REV. D.W. CROW. Supper tickets 23 cents, and everybody is invited.

Go to the opera House Drug Store for any thing you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery , etc.

Jake  BUCHER, who has been working for the railroad at
Paragould, ARK. has moved to DeSoto, where he is likely to remain until he reduces an ague ? cake nearly the size of SHEIBLE's bay window.

Licensed to Marry--
Julius C. GARDIN and Maggie BURK,
George, W. SCOTT and Julia  HAYSE

James F. NULL and Susan A. McMULLIN
Franklin J. HEATEN and  Emma R. McMULLIN

Said he to her "Get a 25 cent bottle of Dr. F. TRAUDT's celebrated Cough Drops and stop your Cough. Sure cure"

"Texas Ed " VOLLMAR, who quit the machine shops in DeSoto some time ago and went to
Colorado, has returned and  concluded that the shops were good enough for him. He says that there are four men for every job in Colorado.

At the Commercial Exchange in DeSoto, you can get the best brands of imported wines and liquors, also fine alcohol.


One afternoon, last week, lightning struck a large oak tree in Squire BOOTH's field, and knocked it all to pieces to within fifteen feet of the ground, setting the stump on fire and burning it up.

"After a varied experience with many so called cathartic remedies, I am convinced that  Ayer's Pills give the most satisfactory results. I rely exclusively on these pills for the cure of liver and stomach complaints.   John B. BELL,  A???,   Texas

We heard that  Bob COLLIER  the darky that killed Charles DIXON and was found insane afterward and went to the Fulton asylum, has been discharged and is now back in DeSoto. Some of the colored people of that place are greatly scared up about his coming back and predict all kinds of dire calamities.

There will be a picnic at Maxville today, which is given by and for of the Catholic Church at that place. We would have had an announcement of that in our last paper, had not our informant forgotten to give the date of the picnic. We presume 
Hillsboro will be pretty well represented.

Those needing anything in the line of Saddlery, Harness, etc. are invited  to call at our store, as  I am making a change in my business and selling out everything  at net cost.   H. HAMEL,
DeSoto, MO.

Although almost crushed with grief Rev. Sull FRAZIER fulfilled his appointment at Cedar Hill, and preached the funeral of CHARLES BURGESS last Sunday. An immense throng of relatives and friends were present. He has performed the rite of baptism upon Mr. Elijah BURGESS who joined the church on that day.

For sale cheap, 2 full blooded
Berkshire boars, one sow with 10 pigs and a few Merino brick lambs which will shear from 10 to 12 pounds of wool. Address C. H. Smith, De Soto, MO

Henry HURTGEN reports that Festus was considerably worked up,  Monday, over evidence of an assassination and concealment of the body. Plenty of blood was found, which was  traced some distance, but no body was found, and up to Tuesday morning no person was missed,  hence there is a great mystery about it.

Mrs. VOLLMAR and the KLEINSCHMIDT's started for Antonia, last Sunday morning and on crossing the bridge at the HAMRICK place the tongue became detached from the caroche. It was luck that the accident occurred where it did. If it had happened while going down a hill there is no telling what the consequences might have. An hours delay was all the damage done.

On account of change in my business I am now selling my whole stock of goods at cost. Those wanting anything in the line of Saddlery and Harness should call at once.  H. HAMEL,
DeSoto, Mo.

Patrick O'HARA, of
Big River Township, got into bad company in DeSoto, one night last week, and was badly used up. He received some kicks in the abdomen and is in a critical condition, but the attending physician, Dr. Albert H. HAMEL, thinks he will recover if his instructions are strictly obeyed. The names of his assailants are kept secret, for what reason we are unable to state.

At the special session of the county court, held on the 7th last, in addition to finding Nathan  WHITWORTH lunatic and providing for sending him to the State lunatic asylum, the following bills note allowed against the
County, all as costs in said case.
Dr. WILLIAMS, Witness      6.50 
P.  BYRNE Jr .,   " "           2.75

Thompson WHITWORTH, witness   2.75

George T. EAD,  witness          2.75

E.H. MAUPIN, for six months board at asylum for WHITWORTH    65.00? 

There was a strawberry festival, last Monday evening, at the residence of N.M. Dapron,  near of
Vineland. Several ladies and gentlemen of the DeSoto were present as well as from Vineland and vicinity. Music was furnished by the celebrated Fred LAFLUR  and Sister Orchestra of DeSoto, and a  first class supper was served. P.J. NOLEN, a butcher of DeSoto, was master of ceremonies. Everyone present enjoyed the affair immensely.

F. HACKE, of DeSoto, is making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at
St. Louis prices. They are the best and lightest running wagons extant. Go see them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give satisfaction.

Quite a nice surgical operation was performed at Johnny REECE's house, in
Meramec Township, near local, not long since. Dr. MANSON of Cedar Hill, with the assistance of a St. Louis surgeon, cut out of Miss Ada ARMSTRONG's breast a large tumor or cancer. It is the opinion of the St. Louis surgeon that it was a cancer. The operation was successfully performed and the young lady has almost entirely recovered from the effects of same.

Peter  BARTON, of whose escape from jail we made brief mention last week, came back and surrendered himself the same night. The Sheriff's daughter, Miss JENNIE, went into the jail with BARTON's supper, when he threw her to one side and ran out. She at once raised the alarm but it appears that only one man, T.B. MOSS, made any effort to catch him. When he came back he
reported that he had been pursued all night by spooks and could not stand the racket any longer. 

Some subscription hats are being circulated among the Farmers and Laborers Union men, as well as outsiders to raise some money for the bereaved family of the late Lausen FRAZIER. It is meeting with success. Having had a small salary in the area where he was employed, Mr. FRAZIER was unable to lay by anything, and we trust that those more fortunate assist the widow and orphans, who have been taken to the house of Rev. Sull FRAZIER where they will be made as comfortable as possible.


At a meeting of the citizens of Hillsboro last Monday in preparation of the proposed high school, M___ George STEEL, W.H.H THOMAS, and H. R. VEAZEY were appointed a committee to examine certain property, determine the improvements necessary to make it suitable for the purposes of the school, make an estimate of the cost, etc., and report the same fully to a meeting to be held on the 8th of June next. We expect the school to be a success and to be established on a permanent basis. It is something that is needed here, the location and everything else is favorable and there is no good reason why it should not succeed.



Mr. SMITH of
Chicago, is visiting his uncle, Nellis A. SMITH.

The colored M.E. church had a festival, at Theatre Hall, last week.

Two or three picnics from
St. Louis occupy Montesano park each week.

Dyer WILLIAMS and daughter, of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are visiting Col. Montesano   WILLIAMS.

There was a private party at Joseph SIMON's last Saturday night. All passed off pleasantly.

John RIEMAN of
Indianapolis, Indiana, paid us a visit last Friday. He is looking as portly as usual.

The lumber for Conrad WAERZ 's new store house arrived Friday, and carpenters will go to work Monday.

We had a little fist fight in town, Friday afternoon, but as both parties soon got enough, not much harm resulted.

Our annual Sunday school picnic will take place next Tuesday. There will also be an excursion from
St. Louis to Montesano on that day.

Miss Emma STEPHENS of
Galena, Ills., and Miss Ester ROMBROUGH of St. Louis spent several days of last week with Mrs. Freeman WATERS.

Strawberries have been more plentiful than usual this season, and have been ranging in price from 15 to 20 cents per gallon. They are about gone now.

Mississippi River has been raising for the last few days, but came to a stand last night. It lacks about six inches of being as high as it was early in the spring.

Mrs. Frank NESS died last Tuesday, after a lingering illness of some months with consumption. She was buried at the
Maxville Cemetery, a large number of friends attending the funeral.

The Kimmswick Christian Endeavor Society sent twelve delegates in the convention at
St. Louis, last Thursday, among whom were misses, Ada and Julia RICHARDSON, Eva MOSS, Alice NORTH, Nettie SMITH, and Emily WUNDER, and Henry RICHARDSON.

Kimmswick's three resident teachers have all secured schools for the ensuing year. Miss Bertha WHITEHEAD remains with the new district, (John WHITE's) where she taught so acceptably last year. Miss Nellie MEYER has the
Bowen School and Miss Belle ASHE the Maxville school.

Miss Nellie GRAY, granddaughter of Wilson HUNT, and Mr. PILGER of Harrisonville, Ills. were married last Thursday evening at
Windsor Harbor. Miss Mary SIMON and Miss Louisa BRUST were bridesmaids, and Messrs. John HUNT and John FOSTER were groomsmen. A pleasant evening was spent after the ceremony.  Kimmswick, June 14 , 1890

For Sale-
Suitable for dairy or gardening. This place is located just outside the limits of the City of
DeSoto and on the Iron Mountain railroad. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. For further information call on, or address, John M. BURKE,  Hillsboro, Mo.

-Sulphur Springs- 
June 14, 1890 
Miss Katie KIRK is entertaining some young friends.


Thomas BURGESS is quite sick. Hope he may soon recover. 


HINSON and KORPKA?, the artesian well diggers of Herculaneum were in town on the 15th.


No wonder our neighbor Mrs. RICHARDS was smiling the other day. It was a 10 pound girl.


Our veteran ferryman Fred MILLER, and Mr. VOGEL of near Smith's landing were ferrying some hogs across the river, from here to Illinois a few days ago?

-Valle's Mines-

Rev .
ADAMS, of Bonne Terre, preached here Sunday week ago.

William HAVERSTICK was ordained as a deacon of the Baptist church.

Mrs. Susan BURNS, of this place, is very sick at this writing, and so is Mrs. ARMBRUSTER.

Emil LA??NING, who resides in
St. Louis, came down the other day to look after his ???? interests.

The ???? child of Andrew SMITH, near Silica , died on the 15th, but I did not learn ?????. It was buried in  Gamel's graveyard last Sunday.

Mr. N????ather contemplates taking unto himself a wife. He has her already engaged. Will tell her name next week. ???  says he is tired of single life and will try double blessedness awhile.

Henry KOBEL, of this place, made a trip to Festus last Friday. While there he and some friends took a hunting trip to
Herculaneum. He saw the artesian well, now some 218 feet deep and they are still boring. But he had bad luck hunting. Passing Herculaneum bridge, he had the pleasure of seeing four gars and a turtle.

When Henry KOBEL came to the depot at Festus, last Sunday, he could scarcely get on the Bonne Terre train because of 'coons---both old and young 'coons, he and shemale 'coons----who came to see the train. The place ought to have a nickname; let's call it 'Coon Tract, because there are about eight coons to every white person.  Valle's Mines,
June 17, 1890

-The Jefferson Nursery-
Located near Kimmswick,
Jefferson County, Missouri. A fine and good assortment of Fruit Trees---Apple---Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum and Quince? and berries of every kind, at prices---low?--- to ?? the times. Myself or ???? will call on you for your orders. H. JU????, Prop.

-Resolutions of Respect-
At a regular meeting of the  Farmers' and Laborers' Union, No. 1?40, a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of their regret at the loss of their late brother, Lausen FRAZIER, who died at Belew's Creek, June 7, 1890 and they reported as follows:
  Whereas, it has pleased the all wise Creator to remove from our midst our beloved brother, Lausen FRAZIER, there-fore be it---
  Resolved, that we sincerely deplore the untimely death of our beloved brother, who was a member of our order in good standing, and respected by all.
Resolved, that we tender to the bereaved wife and children our sympathy in their hour of sorrow: that as a tribute of respect for our worthy brother the members of  Hillcrest  Union, No. 1?40, wear the usual badge of mourning for the next sixty days.
  Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be placed on the records of this Union; also a copy be furnished the Jefferson Democrat and the Crystal Mirror for publication, and a copy to the widow of our deceased brother.
                Wm. D. MORTON  ,
                William TRACY,
                Alex DAHL

-Deaths and Births-
The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:
Date                            Name                    Age
May 22,             C.E. OERMANN              23 years

Date            Name of Mother                        Sex
May 30,     Mrs. Wm. SPRINGMEIER,         2 girls
        26,     Henry SANGUINETTE                  boy

-Consumption Cured-
An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all throat and lung afflictions, also a  positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of cases, he felt it  his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.  Actuated by this motive and a device to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who  may desire it, this recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. X. S????, ??  POWER's ???, R?????er, N.Y.