Jefferson Democrat
Thursday, May 8, 1890

Crystal and Festus – Will none of our merchants take the initiating step to have the plank walk to Crystal repaired, or will the business men wait until somebody will be forced to sue the county for damages?

Bill JACKSON and Harry FINGER went to Caruish’s River, last Friday, and brought home a good stringer of fish, six minnows all told; and now they contemplate starting a sardine factory, and will go out and catch more sardines.

WELSH and BRANCH, of the firm, are rushing things on the new THOMAS building on Main Street. The walls are nearly completed and the carpenters will soon “hit the nail on the head.” From appearances it will be a substantial building, and an ornament to the center of Main Street.

Last Sunday was a bad day for the finney tribe, that is if they were hungry. As early as 4 a.m. and all through the day, fishing parties went out in all directions. At noon hardly a horse or a wagon was left in town. Some fishermen got left though, judging from appearances when they returned.

Several trials were before Squire JENNINGS last week. One of them in particular interested our “coons” who are interested in crap shooting. The arrest was made upon the request of the officials of St. Francois county and they napped him. He said “Oh” and that was the last time I saw a black Negro look blue.

Herman POSCH is a good hangman, and once in a while he hangs a burly fellow to a nail right under his porch. He mistook me for Kaiser WEILHEM the other day, and said, “Kaiser, you want some fish? Look at that silber porch, 23 pounds, heavier than my new baby, 10 cents a pound only, und won dahler and dirty cents for all, ain’t dat sheep?” Herman sold it.

The officials of the Bonne Terre Lead company and of the railroad came up last Friday on a tour of inspection, locating depots, switches, and considering other improvements on the road and at Herculaneum. For the benefit of dairy men and farmers, a small station, between Joachim bridge and the cut north of Crystal would be advisable.

Our mayor, last week, circulated a petition, soliciting the St. Joe Lead Co. to build a depot at the crossing of their railroad and Bailey road here. The people are determined to have it, and if our request is not complied with, we will set down, get mad, and say (A)dam It! But the sour face they will get from me will be strong enough to turn the Mississippi into vinegar.

I do not know why Mr. WEIGEL hasn’t appointed the census enumerators yet. The time for field work is drawing near and some time will be consumed before the appointees file their oaths for approval and then make themselves familiar with the schedules and routine of their work. It is of great interest to everybody that a proper and correct census will be taken.

The fire brigade at Crystal placed a great improvement on top of themselves and their heads are level now. They received “chapeaus” last week, ordered by themselves, and are worn by themselves. Now, when one of them meet a pretty maiden, he salutes and says “Ain’t that pretty?” and then the maiden shoots two stars into his loving eyes and Cupid stands aside whispering to Venus, “Didn’t I fetch ‘em though?” And when the other improvement – from caps to helmets, as promised by the glass company – will happen, we shall know all about it.

Now Festus has taken the first step towards prominence; suit against the corporation is pending, I am informed. The damaged man’s name is Paul and GOVRO follows Paul. Both fell off the sidewalk on Main Street, and when down they said, “Now that beats h__l!” But when Paul came up, he had a fractured arm and that was worse. Paul knows a good thing when he sees it, and so he saw Bro. FLYNN of the Bonne Terre Democrat, who knows all about it. Paul claims $5600, I understand and Mayor ADAMS will have to hustle to make that amount good. But I never knew that Tanglefoot was worth that much. Paul had better take the town at once, and my girl in the bargain.

Just at the verge of mail time word came to me that a most murderous assault was made on Mayor ADAMS, in the center of business in Festus, on Main Street. At about quarter to ten, Mayor Adams and William GORMAN were quietly conversing in front of the latter’s saloon, and then parted for the night. Mr. ADAMS had hardly made ten steps towards home when Peter BARTON, a vicious young hoodlum of about 22 years stepped out from the shadows of Joseph PALMER’S tinshop door and dealt him a terrible blow in the face with a rock. ADAMS reeled and staggered back to GORMAN’S and fell. A pool of blood on the floor where he fell gave ample evidence this morning of the terrible crime. Mr. GORMAN who witnessed the deed, pursued the culprit down Main Street and around the corner of KLAUSMANN’S building where he lost sight of him. The crime was speedily made known, and the culprit was seen dodging around and although advised to give himself up he refused and was defiant to the last. He sneaked up to the rear porch of the KLAUSMANN’S building where, presumably, a confederate pal opened a door, and he went in and locked himself up. The trick was a clever one, but Marshal LUCKEY found him and locked him up once more. There are many circumstances yet undeveloped, but my time is brief and you will find out all about it when the preliminaries are over. Mr. ADAMS was assisted home and a surgeon called, who sewed up and bandaged a terrible gash on the left cheek. The nasal and cheek bones were broken, and it is stated that the left temple is also fractured. Had the second rock the culprit throwed hit the prostrate man, it would have killed him; the rock happily missed, but made a dent into the window blind of GORMAN’S saloon a quarter of an inch deep. This morning, ADAMS is resting easy enough under the circumstances, but both eyes are closed and the whole head is frightfully swollen up.   Festus, May 6, 1890

Final settlement – Elizabeth MEAD, S.H. MEAD executor

Administrator’s Notice – John P. LOLLAR, Benjamin LOLLAR administrator

Sheriff’s Sale – William Munroe BITTICK, Sarah BITTICK, and M. COCKRELL

Sheriff’s Sale – George L. CHAPMAN, Samuel BYRNE, and Amos L. COLEMAN

Sheriff’s Sale in partition – William NOLLMAN, Charles NOLLMAN, and Henry NOLLMAN, minors, by Herman NOLLMAN, their father and natural guardian, and duly appointed curator of their estates, and Anna HEILIGTAG and Henry HEILIGTAG, her husband, plaintiffs against Henry ROEHLING and Catherine ROEHLING, his wife, defendants.

Trustees Sale – Amanda W. WHITEHEAD and Robert G. WHITEHEAD, her husband

Final Settlement

August RACINE? Sophia RACINE? Administrator

John R. STOW, Frank STOW Administrator

Acquilla H. COLE, S. T. AUBUCHON, Administrator

William GRAHAM, LeRoy? DOVER Executor

James M. HUSKEY, Lucinda HUSKEY Administrator

Henry GROB. Jacob GROB, Administrator

Louis BOGGE, Louise BOGGE, Administrator

John VINYARD, Ella G. VINYARD, Administrator


Notice of Resignation

as administrator of the estate of Edward MCHUGH, R.W. MCMULLIN

Administrators Notice

Herman HOFFMANN, Max FROMHOLD, Administrator

Sheriff’s Sale - Henry T. MUDD, George R. STEPHENS and William W. GILL


Notice of Sale under School Mortgage
[..John P. SPECK and Margaret SPECK his wife borrowed nine hundred dollars from the capitol school fund and executed

a mortgage deed conveying to said county the following real estate….. will sell said real estate for cash on hand to satisfy said debt and the cost of executing said order.    E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff

Notice of Sale under School Mortgage
[..Jacob S. DOUGLAS borrowed four thousand, four hundred and twenty five dollars from the capitol school fund and executed

a mortgage deed conveying to said county the following real estate…..will sell said real estate for cash on hand to satisfy said debt and the cost of executing said order.   E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff

Notice of Sale under School Fund Mortgage – Madison GRAHAM and Nancy GRAHAM, the widow


Sheriff’s Sale – Henry CLOVER


Sheriff’s Sale – John J. KNOX


Sheriff’s Sale – Edward CHENEY


Sheriff’s Sale – Christian T. HUNT, William HUNT, Louis HUNT, Thomas HUNT, Henry HUNT, Josephine DAVIS and George DAVIS her husband ...?? acres real estate situated in the southwest fractional quarter, north of river, of section five, township forty, range three east, also 47? acres the northwest fractional quarter of section five, township forty, range three east, and I will, on the fifteenth day of May, 1890, at the court house door ....sell said real estate for cash on hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said debt and the cost of executing said order.   E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff


Sheriffs Sale
…. circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, against Stoke T. WAGGONER, Mrs. Margaret VERNON, Sarah C. VERNON, Margaret A. 
VERNON, Evaline M. VERNON, Joshua L. VERNON, Eliza? M. VERNON, Silas W. VERNON …at the court house door ....sell said real estate for cash on hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said debt and the cost of executing said order.

E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff

Sheriffs Sale
[...circuit court of Jefferson County, Missouri, against Christian T. HUNT, William HUNT, Louis HUNT, Thomas HUNT, Henry HUNT, Robert HUNT, Daniel HUNT, Josephine DAVIS and George DAVIS, her husband, Margaret TIMES and George TIMES her husband...?? acres real estate situated in the southwest fractional quarter, north of river, of section five, township forty, range three east, also 47? acres the northwest fractional quarter of section five, township forty, range three east, and I will, on the fifteenth day of May, 1890, at the court house door ....sell said real estate for cash on hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said debt and the cost of executing said order.] E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff


Mr. MITTENDORF and lady, of St. Louis, are visiting Herman SIEMERS, who is a brother of Mrs. M.

Mrs. SHORTRIDGE of Macon, Mo., is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.H. THOMAS

DeSoto Democratic Club will elect officers tomorrow evening. A full attendance is desired.

August WEDER and Mrs. Laura BROWN were married yesterday by Esq. BOOTH, both of Belew’s Creek.

C. Thomas HORINE spent a rainy hour in shooting rats around his place, last Tuesday, and killed fifteen.

A party of DeSoto fishermen passed through here, Tuesday morning, prepared to clean out Big River.

Both of the conductors who were shot this week were brothers-in-law of Judge ELKINS. He has gone to visit them.

Mr. DALTON, who is attending school here, got one of his ankles badly sprained while playing ball last Saturday.

John ESHELBACH and Miss Annie LOUDEN, both of St. Louis, were married in the Recorder’s Office by Judge ELKINS last Tuesday.

Joseph J. & R.G. HOEKEN started yesterday for Morrow, Ohio, to attend the funeral of their Uncle, Mr. OPES, which occurs today.

Anson VEASEY, of Bismarck, was visiting his brother Dan last week and enjoyed a day’s sport with Hillsboro fishermen at Morse’s Mill dam.

Max FROMHOLD, at DeSoto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper, and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.

Arthur H. COOPER, and Ida M. JOHNSTON were united in marriage at MOCKBEE’S hotel in Hillsboro on the 2nd inst. by Rev. HARWOOD. They are both from DeSoto.

Collections made by Collector HAMEL for April were as follows: Real estate taxes, $551.67, personal property taxes, $10.92; licenses, $10.06; total collections $572.65.

Licensed to marry – Alonzo W. SANDERS and Adeline NELSON, Arthur COOPER and Ida M. JOHNSTON, Lewis J. DAVIS and Malissa E. MANESS, Charles PALMER and Eunice MILLER, William C. TURNER and Jeanie BOGERT, John ESHELBACH and Annie LOUDEN.


Married May 4, 1890, Louis G. DAVIS and Melissa E. MANESS, both of Big River township, “Squire MCFARLAND officiating. We understand that the local merchant had an order for coffee next morning, the Squire concluding that sassafrass tea was too thinning for his blood.


There will be a public examination of teachers, in the De Soto School, on next Saturday, May 11th. All applicants who desire to take the examination should be present, as this will close the examinations until some time in June. So says County Commissioner DOUGHERTY


At the request of a Committee from the F. and L. Union, the County court made an order this week, reducing the rate of interest on
loanable school funds to six per cent, per anuum. Those owing the school funds can avail themselves of the lower rate by giving new bonds, and paying up interest now due.

Miss Bessie H. BEDLOE, of Burlington Vt., had a disease of the scalp, which caused her hair to become very harsh and dry, and to fall so freely she scarcely dared comb it. AYER’S Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, and made the hair beautifully thick and glossy.

Wanted - A girl for general house work. Good wages to a competent person. Apply to Mrs. M. J. HARRIS,
Sulphur Springs, Mo.

Mrs. Tom WALKER, having heard that a report is being circulated that she is about to give up her business of dressmaking, wishes to say that it is a mistake. She has been engaged in dressmaking for the ladies of Hillsboro and vicinity for over ten years, and expects to continue in the same.


Mrs. M. P. THORNTON, of Denison, Texas, accompanied by her son, Frank, is now visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James SHIELDS, of Frumet, and will remain until the close of the Arcadia academy, where her daughter, Annie, is attending school. Mrs.THORNTON is a perfect queen of good mothers, and is devoting her whole life to the proper training and education of her two beautiful children, which reflect much credit on their noble, intelligent mother.

There were married in
St. Louis, on the 30th ult., two young ladies who are well known in the county: Miss Allie LETCHER, daughter of Mrs. Laura LETCHER, was married to Dr. E. B. KENNER, of Farmington; and Miss Irene BROWN, daughter of the late Prof. I. H. BROWN, was married to Mr. William McNIGHT, of St. Louis.

A lot of St. Louis wheelmen, twenty or more, came down to DeSoto last Saturday evening, and on Sunday morning started back home by way of the gravel road. They passed through here a little before ten o’clock, on their bicycles. They were accompanied this far by several DeSoto wheelmen. They complained much of the roughness of the newly repaired road. Several had gotten falls, and one of the DeSoto men had gotten one of his hands badly cut.

Buggies, phaetons, surreys and every style of carriage, made to order on short notice, if not on hand, by F. HACKE,
De Soto. Patent wheels and steel axles always kept on hand, so that repairs can be promptly made.

Wanted, at once, a housekeeper; single or married woman, with out children - can give employment to husband. Family small and a good home to a deserving woman, and good wages. Reference required. Address, H. W. DOUGLASS, Pevely, Mo.


~House’s Springs~   April 30

For the fourth time since January 1st, Big River has overflowed the low bottoms.

Some of our farmers had to put up their fences three times which is enough to discourage the stoutest heart.

Hog cholera is killing a great many pigs around here. During the past week more than half of the hogs in town here passed in their

If this weather continues a few days there will be considerable corn planted; people have all commenced ploughing, although the ground
is very wet yet.

Last Friday eve there was to have been a ball in the hall, but it was postponed owing to the bad weather till last night, when it proved a success in every sense of the word. About 200 persons attended, and seven or eight sets were constantly on the floor.  Fenton, Cedar Hill, Regina and Antonia were represented. Music was furnished by the CHARTRAND boys.

We defy competition on our 5, 7, 10 and 15 dollar men’s suites in prices, quality and fabric. Give us a call before buying, which will be to your own interest, as a dollar saved is a dollar made. Square Deal Clothing House

“In my extensive practice among women,” writes an eminent physician who has made the study of female diseases a specialty, “never have a I found a female tonic and regular so happily combined as in Dr. DROMGOOLE’S English female Bitters.”

On Monday evening, April 28th?, the family of Rev. J. W. HARWOOD were somewhat surprised by unusual sounds upon the porch, and a moment later were more completely surprised to know that there were at the door representatives from most every family in Hillsboro, who were well laden with the luxuries of life, and whose hearts were pulsating with hope, joy and love. Thus they indicated their appreciation of the ministry. Rev. George STEEL, of the Baptist church, was chosen speaker, who in appropriate but short talk made the presentation, which he spoke their kind intentions in thus presenting their gifts - tokens of sympathy and high esteem of pastor and family. The donation was of much value, consisting of table supplies (a very important factor of bodily happiness and promoter of much contentment) to the amount of fifteen dollars worth and 75 cents cash. Mrs. REPPY and Miss McFARLAND took an active part in getting up the donation, while almost all lent a helping hand in making it a grand success, which fact all acknowledge. And as a token of our appreciation we hereby publicly express our thanks and hearty appreciation of same; and may we not hope that this event may be a door to future friendship and cooperation in the work of the Master and in the interest of our humanity? Wishing all a happy future, we are your servant, J. W. HARWOOD.

F. HACKE, of
De Soto, is making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at St. Louis prices. They are the best and lightest running wagons extant. Go see them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give satisfaction.

Tramps along the line of the railroad appear to be getting desperate. Last Sunday night, conductor John NELSON, while attempting to eject some tramps from his train, at Ivory Station, was shot through the hand by one of them. The shooter got away, with Johnny’s hat.  Monday night, at Satula,
Iron County, Conductor W. BOHM was dangerously shot by a fellow named C. E. DENNISON who was trying to steal a ride. DENNISON was caught, by the train men, and is now in custody.

At Net Cost!
All goods in my store will be sold at net cost, on account of change in business. HAMEL,
DeSoto, Mo.

~High School Notes~
The National Teacher’s Association, which meets in July, will devote considerable time to the question of Secondary or High School
Education. The subject will be discussed under two heads.

(1) “The High School as a Fitting School,  i.e., as a school whose chief work is to prepare students for college;

(2) “The High School as a Finishing School.” or a school where a student receives all the education he will ever get and from whose walls he goes out to take his place in the world. We await with some interest the deliverances of the association on these topics.

Our friend’s are invited to attend Dr. BOOTH’s lecture on Thursday, May 8th, at
3 p.m.

J. F. GREEN, Esq., has promised as a lecture on “The Constitution: Its Adaptability to the Wants of a Free People.”

Mr. DALTON is absent on account of an accident on the baseball ground.

Questions on Current Topics:
1. State facts concerning Amelia B. EDWARDS, Nellie BLY, Chancellor CAPRIS and George KENNAN.
2. Give a short sketch of Gen. BAULAUGER?
3. Give facts concerning Merchant’s Bridge in
St. Louis.
4. Labor troubles in
5. Give results of your reading question.

The Gust HAMEL Mfg. Co.
Now carries the largest stock of lumber ever had in this city. We can fill all orders on short notice. Orders solicited from all points. Yard and office - Boyd and Second streets,
De Soto, Mo.

~Zion Items~

Walter BUREN is teaching a Summer term of school in
Leland, Iowa.

Preaching? Elder MARTIN held Quarterly meeting here on the third Saturday and Sunday in April.

William BUREN left for
St. Louis Monday, with the expectation of perusing the study of telegraphy.

Miss Lily CLARKSON, of
Arcadia, left this vicinity last Saturday, after a visit to Misses Jessie and May FREESE.

Mr. BERRIMAN’s musical entertainment was a success so far as the program was concerned, but the weather put a damper on a large attendance.

Our Public school closed on the 2nd last. It was a very pleasant and profitable term, and it was with some feeling of sadness that I parted with my school. Grace MARTIN was awarded a beautiful book for best scholarship. She and her sister Fay were the only pupils who did not miss a day. A number of the patrons were present at the close. At the end of the first term we organized a school literacy society, which was run by the children themselves. Most all placed on duty by the program committee performed it. This is the kind of literary society to have in connection with schools.  T. S. R. Zion,
May 5, 1890

Bees, Bees!
100 colonies of bees for sale at one dollar per colony, after
May 20, 1890, purchasers to furnish hives. First come, first served. Send hives soon to J. B. DOVER, Victoria.


Ed. MEYER, our neighbor road boss, has put about 350 loads of gravel on his part of the Lemay Ferry road.

Fred VOLLMAR, the Antonia merchant, passed through here with a nice span of horses and a fine rig, on his way to the city.

Our merchant, M. F. BECKER, is doing a rushing business, and is busy hauling load after load of new goods to stock his store up to its full capacity.

Christina, wife of John GEITZ, of near Kimmswick, died of pneumonia, aged ?? years, leaving a seven-days old child to the tender
care of father and friends.

Our road overseer has graveled about one mile of our gravel road in the worst places and made a good job of it, but lacks funds to go further. There are places in the gravel road where Macadam is necessary, being cut through into the yellow soil - no road-bed at all. There ought to be an appropriation made from $300 to $500 to repair the worst places.

The people here are awaiting good weather, so as to be able to plough for corn, there having been so much rain of late that the ground is unfit for cultivation. We are also getting ready for the strawberry harvest, which will be here in about two weeks, and there seems to be a good crop of them. The wheat is fair, except on north hillsides, where it is badly frozen out.

There was a show in this town last week, which was followed up by a traveling company of bears, goats and a big monkey. Joe PFEIL says the keeper put his hand into the bear’s mouth, so he concluded he could do the same, and put his hand in the bear’s mouth also. But, Lo! Mr. Bear closed down on his hand and held it like a vice. Joe’s hand hurt badly for a couple of days, but he is glad he got it back again.     Maxville,
May 5, 1890


For Sale at Public Auction in the Town of Hillsboro, Jefferson Co., Mo., May 17th, 1890, property in the Town of Victoria, as follows: one grocery store with two living rooms overhead and cellar; Also on the same day will be offered one new dwelling house of 4 rooms and cellar, within 14 feet of store, to highest bidder, for cash or good security. Plenty of good water and stable on lot, which is 70?x163? feet. No encumbrance; title perfect. A grocery store badly needed there.        Wm. BARRET

Health is improving in this locality. Our little town has taken quite a boom since another hotel has been erected. Guess the proprietor will have to get a cook next. As I was taking a pleasure ride, the other day, I heard a peculiar noise at a distant. Upon investigation it proved to emanate from two students just from college, who were practicing their first sermons on horseback. Planting and ploughing for corn has been the main object of farmers of late, but they are very much behind with their work this Spring on account of the wet season. Roads have been in a frightful condition the past six months, but are now drying up fast. Henry HELDBRINK was elected roadoverseer in this district and a better man for the business than he could not be found
R. A. 
Regina, May 1, 1890

-Kimmswick-  by Zulu
The Misses Myrtle and Oter? MOSS were in town last Thursday.

Mrs. N. B.  
HARLOW is living at the point of death. Dr. NcNUTT is using every effort for her recovery.

The annual Public school picnic will take place at Park Louisburg on Pinster? Monday, May 25th. A full band of music will be in attendance.

William BORGWALD was buried at the Kimmswick cemetery last Monday afternoon.  A large procession of friends attended the funeral. The burial sermon was delivered by Mr. John OHEIM in German.

There were services at the Catholic and Presbyterian churches, last Sunday morning. In the evening the Rev. Mr. McCOY, a Methodist minister, who lived in this county many years ago, preached to a large congregation.

Saturday was a lively day in Kimmswick. It seemed that everybody was in town, including the fat man of the J. D. I don’t think anybody knows when he left, but he did not stay for the evening entertainment at the National. Among others noticed in town were Joseph Ten  BROOK of Maxville, Col. O’FALLON of the Glaize, Judge SECKMAN of Rock, and F. LANDOLF of Pevely.

A surprise party was given at the National Hotel and Theatre Hall, Saturday evening, by Emil RAUSCHENBACH, in honor of his mother, it being her 68th anniversary. The invited guests assembled at the house of John WENOM and, forming in procession, to music furnished by the
GARFIELD band, they proceeded to march and halted in front of the National Hotel, where a serenade was given in honor at the occasion. A grand banquet followed, after which the guests repaired to the hall, and dancing was freely indulged in to music by the GARFIELD string band, under the directions of Pfo. LANKFORD.
Kimmswick, May 4, 1890

-The Jefferson Nursery-
Located near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, Missouri - A fine and good assortment of Fruit Trees - Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry,
Plum and Quince, and Berries of every kind, at prices - low - to suit the times. Myself or agent will call on you for your orders. H. JORGEN  Prop.

Considerable gravel is being shipped from this place to
St. Louis.

Mrs. Robert MOCKBEE and sister-in-law are here, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Peter McCORMACK.

Mrs. LAGZ of
St. Louis, is visiting our town in the interest of Foreign missions. She represents the M. E. Church, South.

The farmers are behind with their corn planting, but wheat and grass make up all deficiencies. I believe farmers should plant early
varieties of corn, for fear of late drouths.

Mrs. SRONCE is so much better that she is able to be around in the house. Mrs. PHILLIPS is also better. O. H. DONNELL was poorly last week, says he can not complain this week. I think not either, when he is able to come at
10 o’clock at night to tell about that new girl at his house.

Saintly “Saburn” said, give me the post office at Hematite and I will show the people what an imported postmaster can do; and he has and is still showing, week after week, not only by giving out the wrong mail, but by other acts, still worse, by going out and leaving the office alone and unprotected, and to his shame, and by breaking open mail other than his own. He asks why I don’t come up and show my face. His memory is as short as his sight. Only last week I received Dr. ELDER’S mail, and I returned it in person, in the presence of witnesses, and told his lordship I was tired of sending or bringing back mail to the office, and if he was going to establish a branch office at my house I would like to know it, so I could be prepared to receive it. How is that for truth and voracity? He says “those parties say they have no fault to find and are satisfied." My God, why hast Thou forsaken him now? What is the use of going over old ground or calling any more names? But come down to business facts. I would like for some official,
who has the power to come down and go with me and investigate, and see who has lied. That would end the controversy he has courted, and show to the people of this county whether “Old Reb?” or this so called postmaster has lied; and then let him step down and out, and go into the chicken business or something else, and let some competent Republican take his place.
H. H. B.?  Hematite, May 2, 1890

-Obituary- Died - At her home on Calico Creek the 26th of April, 1890, Mrs. Mary MERSEAL. Deceased was the wife of Edward C. MERSEAL; born
January 3, 1859 and was married in 1879. She leaves a husband and four children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was greatly loved by all who knew her. Mr. MERSEAL is very thankful for the kind attention his neighbors paid to his wife during her sickness.The deceased was a good Christian, a loving wife and a ??? and affectionate mother.
April 29, 1890

-From Plattin-

A cold wave struck this region last night. Farmers are very much behind on account of too much rain. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell McCORMACK visited relatives and friends at Bonne Terre last week.

Miss Lulu and Master Claude POSTON are visiting at Plattin P.O. They reside at Bonne Terre

Willis FITE, the miller of Bonne Terre, is buying all the wheat he can get along the Mississippi River and Bonne Terre railroad. He bought Eddie COLE’s wheat last week.

W. S. McCORMACK A and family are invited to attend a wedding near Licking, Texas county.

Mr. T. TAYLOR and wife are stopping here. He is blind and his wife is disabled in her right hand, but they do not want to go to the county farm. If they could get a little assistance from the county they might be less expensive to the taxpayers than if they were at the poor farm. Mrs. T. is willing to work all she can, but can not support herself and her husband both. The neighbors would help some if the county did something.

Another storehouse has been started at McCORMACK Station. I am afraid there will be more merchants than buyers at that place.
Fruit agents are making it lively here.

”Uncle Joe” BROWN  is very poorly with bronchitis.
May 3, 1890

Wanted- Large and small farms in all the counties of Southeast Missouri - Jefferson county farms preferred. Send list to me us at once. If you want quick sale, make price low. No expense unless we sell them, only usual commission. Buyers, we are headquarters for bargain.  Established 1865 BAKEWELL & Co., Victoria, Jeff. Co., Mo.

-List of Conveyances-
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.

Thornton JARVIS to Joseph BECHLER, 120 acres, section 3? tp 42? range 4? $???

Joseph BECHLER to Philip DICKEMAN, 40 acres, section 2? tp 43? range 4? $???

 L. J. RANKIN to J. W. COLLIER and F. P. WILLIAMS, lot in
De Soto, $???

John FRECH? to Charles J. MURREY, two lots in
De Soto

Laura A. BROOKS to John PRIESTER, part section 12 tp 33 range 6?

Robert WILSON and others to Adeline WILSON, 48 acres, section 32 township 41 range 3, 119.42 acres

Robert WILSON and others to Martha A. LEE, 24 acres, section 13? township 41, range 3?

Martha A. LEE to Adeline WILSON, 1 acre, section ?? tp 41, range 3

Adeline WILSON to Robert WILSON, Catharine FROST, Elizabeth McKAY, Lucy FROST, Mahala FROST and Martha LEE [long description hard to read]

Harry C. GOSTER? to D. M. Park, S. W. CRAWFORD, and  B. HARDY, 30? acres in survey ????

W. L. REID to S. T. MILLER, 440 a., section 11 and 12 tp 41? range 4

G. R. RATHBON? to William FORD et als, lot in
De Soto.

 L. J. FRENCH to Charles SEAPORT, lot in
De Soto

C. N. FITCH to Albert PIGENRON , 3 acres in
De Soto

Benjamin O’FALLON in Charles H. PARSONS, 4 acres, section ?? township 41, range 4.

-Deaths and Births-
The following is a list of the deaths filed with the
County Clerk the past week:


April 13 Francis LESTER, age 6 days
April 23 Amenath PRITCHERT, age 73 years

April 14, Mrs. W. G. H. BRACKMAN, boy
April 26, Mrs. William GUIBOR, boy
April 27, Mrs. S. KNOKEN?  , girl
April 4, Mrs. John SULLIVAN, girl
April 6, Mrs. Fred RUMMEL, boy
April 6, Mrs. David MATHEWS, boy
April 9, Mrs. Henry KRANS, boy
April 10, Mrs. Thomas H. SILVER, boy
April 13, Mrs. William MAHN, boy
April 14, Mrs. William MILLEMAN, girl
April 14, Mrs. John TRAVERS, girl
April 18, Mrs. Willie CAIN, boy
April 29, Mrs. Charles STEPHENS, girl
April 27, Mrs. James H. WILEY, boy
April 23, Mrs.  Hamilton MCMULLIN, girl
April 16 , Mrs. James A. GAMACHE, boy
April 17, Mrs. C. H.  KLEINSCHMIDT, boy
April 12, Mrs. Thomas WHELING, boy
April 13, Mrs. W. H. GARDENHIRE, girl
May 1, Mrs. Chs. BROWN, girl and boy

[AD] Look Here! Go to E. DONALDSON’S Bess Jewelry Store

[AD] Charles KARTE

Official Statement of the Jefferson County Bank [type too small to read, lists balances of Resources and Liabilities]

[AD] Albert H. HAMEL, Physician and Surgeon, De Soto, MO, Office in HAMEL’S Drugstore

[AD] BRYAN’S Saloon, Hillsboro, MO, Opposite the Court House

[AD] The Jefferson House, by Fred WAPPLER, Main street, De Soto

[AD] DORRANCE Portrait Studio, ???
South Main Street, De Soto

[AD] Commercial Exchange by Max FROMHOLD, Hoffmann’s Old Stand,
De Soto

[AD] MOCKBEE House (
Clark’s Hotel) Hillsboro, Mo.

[AD] Southeastern Sample Room, F. A. KAIN, Prop., 101 N. Sixth street, corner Chestnut, St. Louis, Missouri

[AD] Mrs. PRIMM, Leading Milliner of De Soto

[AD] Miller Bros

[AD] Chas Edw. TURNER’S, Telegraphy Academy

[AD] The Missouri Railroad Telegraph, G. S. PARKER, Manager, St. Louis

[AD] Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent and Justice of the Peace

[AD] E. C. MEACHAM Arms, bicycles, St. Louis, MO.

[AD] Jefferson County Bank, BAKEWELL & MENREN?,
De Soto, Mo.

[AD] 14 Mile House, Lemay Road, Aug. KASSEBAUM

[AD] Dr. DROMGOOLE’S English Female Bitters

[AD] E. VOLLMAR, Hillsboro, Missouri

[AD] Economical Men! Ed. L. HUNTLEY & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing.