Jefferson Democrat
Thursday, May 29, 1890

Editor Jefferson Democrat
No man should go through this life without making an effort to learn something, and a two-weeks attendance in Circuit court, will little else to  do but  look and listen, afforded an opportunity for gaining information of great value to a student; and as this opportunity has been mine, I feel like giving the public the benefit of a few of the most important facts which I have gathered. It appears from my careful observation that it is the business, as well as the duty, of the lawyers to instruct the judge, juries, witnesses and all others, and I was often surprised at the perversity and obstinacy of Judge DINNING, who so often acted contrary to the advice so generously furnished him by the lawyers. A man can not learn much at court unless he knows it from lawyers, for they do nearly all the talking and take up most of the time, and I presume that is what they are there for: and when they go to so much trouble to inform judge, jurors, witnesses and litigants as to what they ought to do, it seems to me that their advice would be
more carefully considered than it is. I was also much surprised at the action of the juries. There were several instances where they brought in verdicts just the opposite to what the lawyers told them they should do. And then there is that pestiferous fellow, Frank GREEN, the prosecuting attorney! According to the unanimously -expressed opinion of the other lawyers, Frank is a blood-thirsty, selfish individual, whose only business is to prosecute innocent people for his own amusement and personal gain. There was Willie GILLERT tried for stealing guns; the evidence was indisputable as is his gain, but lawyer KLEINSCHMIDT  plainly told the jury to acquit him, and instead of doing so, they said he was guilty and must go two years to the pen. Frank GREEN upheld them in their cruel verdict and the judge refused to give him another trial, when KLEINSHCMIDT told him just as positively and plainly as he
could that the verdict would be set aside and a new trial granted. George BAUER was treated just as badly. The jury found him guilty of some offense and said he, too, must go to the pen, and Frank GREEN and Judge DINNING seemed just as cruel as the jury, for they refused any relief, after lawyers WILLIAMS and THOMAS had told them in strong language that BAUER was innocent and had never committed a crime, Peter BARTON was almost as badly treated. He is the young man who waylaid and assaulted Mayor ADAMS of Festus. Lawyer DEARING told the judge and jury that BARTON was innocent and a young man of excellent character; but in the face of all this the jury said he was guilty and must pay a fine of $100 and lay two months in jail. Frank GREEN was cruel enough to suggest to the jury, that a man who would be in wait to assault, at the dead hour of night, a public official for doing what he believed to be his duty, ought to be sent to the penitentiary, but the jury had been taking his cruel advice for two weeks, and had at last concluded to act somewhat mercifully. I don't see much use in having lawyers if judges and jurors will not pay any more respect to their advice.
Hillsboro, May 24, 1890. M. R.

Editor Jefferson Democrat:
Mr. PROGRESS desires to state, in reply to the Facts, that he is still in the land of the living and just as sound in mind and body as he ever was - until he was classified as a myth - having no objections, if honestly inclined, to interest themselves through the columns of the J. D. In the article of the Facts, May 18th, they advise the Council to reconsider its actions relative to the Berg coupon controversy, showing how weak and inconsistent it would be to fight said Berg coupon clam through the courts, realizing the hopelessness, misguided by selfishness, in this attitude before the people, being requested to recede? and assume a neutral compromise, knowing that defeat awaits them in this just claim, if brought before the courts. Especially when the city treasury interests become involved with the extra expense attached therein expecting, for ??, the c? of Justice? to? shield? them from the irresponsible? o?? and prejudice to govern their actions. ?? will be the result if our ?? and tax-payers shall refuse to grapple with this question and settle it effectively, while they may. Observer the case of HALLEY, ex-Marshal, vs. the city of the
De Soto, for services rendered, by being refused his just dues. This case was contested by the Council - the result thereof being a judgment against the city amounting to the sum of $147.56? the amount claimed. Furthermore, we call the attention of the Council to
the committee appointed to visit the city of
St. Louis on the electric light question. Wherein lies the object in this scheme? Has the
committee p?ly to ??? in??t for a foreign plant to locate here in our midst, to the detriment of our home plant, which has all the
necessary appliances to fulfill their claim for light, to a satisfactory completion of any contract it  ??? desire. But such is not
the will of the present Council. They look for a ??ty to revoke the charter by disfranchising the ?? of their just title, having stepped over as a 3rd class city, by forcing them out of existence. The very men who are hostile to the success of our home industry will have to contend with unheard of difficulties and its consequences. Also the chances of ruining our credit not only at home but in adjacent cities. (Since writing the above the Council has compromised the Berg coupon claim.) In reply, I respectfully desire to cast no reflections? on our newly elected Mayor, Henry LEPP, or part of the councilmen, personally, but simply trying to ventilate the truth, in the eyes of the people. Watching the state of affairs in harmony with the latest of our progressive future.

This being memorial day, the Grand Army men celebrated the day by marching through the streets to the sounds of the drum and fife. Comrade WATSON preached the sermon in Dr. ??'s church, which from the looks of the crowed going in, was well patronized. Also noticed a grand R. R. picnic which passed through here, crowded with people, the baggage-car being used for a bar and wheel of fortune also the beautiful racket; all aboard for Arcadia. Re??, they  were loud and boisterous,  cheering
and singing, going home to
St. Louis, train passed here 7:30 p.m.

Jos. W. SMITH lost a valuable hound, worth $??, dying with distemper Saturday evening.
De Soto, May 25

~Items of News~
Rev. C. DACTENHAM?, German minister of near Antonia, will preach at near Cedar Hill next Sunday.

For cheap goods go to HOEKEN's Cash Store, Hillsboro

For drugs, medicines, etc, go to the Opera House Drug Store, De Soto

Burns, cuts, etc, can be cured by using Dr. Hoffman's Golden Ointment.

~Licensed to marry~-
Charles G. GRAHAM and Nancy A. OTTOMEYER
John G. PLACK and Gertrude STAHL

The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera House Drug Store

Bargains in Millinery and Notions, for the next sixty days, at a Dr. PRIMM's De Soto

Beware of fraudulent imitations of Dr. Hoffman's Family Medicine, F. TRANDT'S are the only genuine.

Henry BRIGGS, a good citizen, died at his residence, near
Victoria, on the 21st inst. He leaves a wife and one daughter. His disease was consumption.

Boys' and children's suits from $1 upwards, at the Square Deal Clothing House,
De Soto, Mo.

A sure cure for nervous backache - Dr. F. TRANDT's Indian Healing Liniment. For sale by all dealers.

De Soto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper, and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.

Men's and boy's hats, in all sizes and shapes, at reduced prices, at the Square Deal Clothing House

Sheriff MAUPIN, accompanied by deputies Ed FORREST and R. A. MARSDEN, started for Jefferson City, Monday morning, with the convicts, GILBERT, BARTON and BAUER.

To Sell - The leading varieties of Sweet Potato Plants, through the season. R. M. HANKE? [or RANKE?],
Pevely, Mo.

Gents' furnishing goods will be sold below
St. Louis prices, at the Square Deal Clothing House, De Soto.

Go to the Opera House Drug Store for any thing you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumers, etc.

For a full line of first class ladies', gents' and children's shoes - sold at bottom prices - go to
E. KEMPE, De Soto.

A crowd of men, from near Hillsboro, went to Big River last Monday to try their large new seine, but we learn that they had very poor success in the way of fish catching.

We carry the best men's and boys' shoes in the county, for the least money at the Square Deal Clothing House.

At the Commercial Exchange in
De Soto, you can get the best brands of imported wines and liquors, also fine alcohol.

Alex. HUSKEY's son had one of his shoulders dislocated by a wild horse, one day last week. Dr. MOCKBEE reduced the dislocation and the young man is all right again.

Pains in the back can be gotten rid of by one application of Dr. TRANDT's Indian Healing Liniment. Ask your dealer for it.

If you want a lifetime-lasting roof get the
Washington red-cedar shingles, kept only by the Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co., DeSoto, Mo.

For the latest improved spring hoe grain drill and wheat fan go to HANKE's Agricultural Depot,
De Soto, Mo. They are warranted to give satisfaction.

Mr. Thomas CHADBOURNE, representing R. G. Dun's Commercial Agency, is in this county getting the financial standing of all the business men and firms. He appears to be doing a through work.

DeSoto, Mo. is agent for McCORMICK reapers and mowers, and will keep them constantly on hand. Best work guaranteed.

Check your cough by using Dr. F. TRANDT'S celebrated Cough Drops; Only 25 cents per bottle. Best in the world. Everybody keep them.

Saddlery and Harness are now going at cost at H. HAMEL's
De Soto, Mo. Those who need anything in that line should call soon and secure a bargain.

25 Men Wanted! Wanted, 25 men, to work in quarry on
Hillsboro and Victoria gravel road. Apply to Jon. J. HOEKEN, Hillsboro, Mo.

Resolutions were adopted by the bar, thanking Judge DINNING for the able and impartial manner in which he conducted the business of the Circuit court, and the Judge made a very pretty speech in response.

15 men wanted to work in clay mines; steady work at 1.25 to 1.40  per day. Also one or two men with small families. Address. I. MANDLE,
Regina, MO.

Tis strange, ladies will go on month after month suffering from some female disorder, which one bottle of Dr. DROMGOOLE's Female Bitters would speedily correct.

Plows, Cultivators, Corn planters, Corn drills, Reapers and Mowers, and other farming implements, all of the best make and at lowest prices, at Henry HURTGEN's
Hillsboro. Mo.

It is said that the new insect which made its first appearance in this county last summer, is about destroying the oat crop. We do not know what the insect's name is, but it is usually called here the
Harrison fly.

Those needing anything in the line of Saddlery, Harness, Ac., are invited to call at my store, as I am making a change in my business and selling out everything at net coast. M. HAMEL,
De Soto. Mo.

For sale at a bargain - a new Rumley thresher and Buffalo Pitts engine, in complete running order. Thresher run only a part of last season. Address, W. DAHL or Henry HELDBRINK, Regina, Mo.

Robert MALLORY, while working for Mr. HOEKEN on the rock road, let a wagon load of rock run over on of his feet and got it badly bruised yesterday. He will not be able to work for several days.

For purifying the blood, stimulating the appetite, and invigorating the system in the Spring and early Summer, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
unsurpassed. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other; else the result may be anything but satisfactory.

Buggies, phaetons, surreys and every style of carriage, made to order on short notice, if not on hand, by F. HACKE, De Soto. Patent wheels and steel axles always kept on hand, so that repairs can be promptly made.

"In my extensive practice among women," writes an eminent physician who has made the study of female diseases a specialty, "never have I found a female tonic and regulator so happily combined as in Dr. DROMGOOLE's English Female Bitters.

Mr. STEEL and his wife went to Grubville last Friday, to visit Mrs. STEEL's father, Mr. L. H. LEE who is quite sick, and the result
was, Mr. STEELE was not able to preach Sunday, having contracted a very sore throat.

Pevely, May 28th, 1890 - Ben HINSON, who has been boring for anything he might find, at Herculaneum, with his steam well digger, struck oil yesterday. It is said to be crude petroleum, and this section is highly elated over his find.

For sale cheap, 2 full blooded Berkshire boars, one sow with ten pigs, and a few Merino black lambs. Address ? ? SMITH, De Soto, Mo.

Our stock of men's and boys' clothing is complete for spring and summer wear. Give us a call if you want to save from 10 to 20 percent on any purchase you may make, at the Square Deal Clothing House.

The Grand Jury was in session nine days and returned eight indictments. Their fees amounted to $ 253. 85.  Fifty-six witnesses before the jury were paid fees aggregating $156.50. The fees for Petit Juror, paid by the County, aggregated $ 168.35 .

No medicine has had greater success in checking consumption, in its early stages, than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops coughing, sooths the throat and lungs, and induces much-need repose Hundreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this preparation.

Riding, walking and tongueless cultivators; also the best mowers and binders. I challenge the  binder world to meet me in a field contest. For sale cheap, at Henry HURTGEN's, Hillsboro, Mo.

On account of change in my business I am now selling my whole stock of goods at cost. Those wanting anything in the line of Saddlery and Harness should call at once.  H. HAMEL, De Soto, Mo.

J. F. GREEN started, last Sunday, for Centreville, Reynolds County. The attorneys down there had requested him to come and hold the term of court for Judge THOMAS. By the way, what is the matter with Frank succeeding Judge THOMAS on the Circuit court bench of this district?

W. B. MORGAN, who used to teach school here, was in the county this week visiting his old friends. He is located at Trinidad Col., where he is practicing law. He and Miss Winna THOMAS, while on their way from DeSoto to Hillsboro, last Monday, had the misfortune of the buggy breaking down with them, but neither was hurt.

A regular communication of Joachim Lodge, No. 164 A. F. A. A. M. will be held at their hall, in Hillsboro, next Saturday, evening. There will probably be work in the First and Second degrees and the annual election of officers is to take place, so full attendance of members is desired. Please take notice and be governed accordingly.

The Hillsboro Sunday school will have its annual picnic next Saturday, in Mr. THOMAS' grove, and it is hoped that all the people in town will take part. It is to be a basket picnic - only strawberries and lemonade to be furnished by the school. All will be welcome, and if they fail to get enough to eat, it will be because they fail to bring enough along with them.

The K. of P., L. O. O. F. and  A.O.F. W. lodges, of St. Francois County, are going to have a basket picnic and steamboat excursion on the Fourth of July, and they invite the members of said orders in this county to participate. The Arcadia and Boone Terre trains will convey the excursionist to Herculaneum, where the steamer Grand Republic will await them. The excursion will be up the river, beyond St. Louis, and return. Railroad fare, #1; steamboat $1.  Those desiring tickets from this place can apply to the editor of this paper.

The case of MACKLER vs. The Bonne Terre Railroad Company brought to our town several prominent citizens of St. Francois county, including Judge CARTER and Mr. Kossuth?  WEBER, as attorneys for defendant, and Messrs WILDE, SERVICE AND HOBBS as witnesses. MACKLER was represented by a sharp young lawyer from St. Louis, named SMITH, but he failed to get
his case before the jury, as the other side knocked him out on technicalities. He will have to cut and come again, and it looks
doubtful about his ever getting a hearing of the case on its merits.

Stephen AUBUCHON of De Soto had some more bad luck last Tuesday. His team, standing hitched in front of his store, got frightened at a locomotive and jerked loose and ran wildly down the street. On turning the corner near SMITH's stable one of the horses struck a tree and got on of its legs so badly broken that it had to be killed. Mr. AUBUCHON did not seem to mind the damage done to the wagon, but he did hate to lose the horse, as it was a fine one, and is the third he has lost by accident since last September. It looks like fate is against him.

A very quiet wedding took place on Monday last ( 26th) at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. W. HAVENS, 2020 McCausland Ave. St. Louis, the near relatives only being present. The contracting parties were Mr. E. D. HENRY, of the Rainwater-Boogher Hat Co., and Miss Sallie A. WILLIAMS. Miss Sallie has many acquaintances in this locality. The bride is a very pretty brunette, and wore lovely white cashmere, cut in V shape, with corsage bouquets of lilies of the valley.  The Rev. S. H. GREEN, of St. John's Episcopal Church, performed the ceremony, after which a sumptuous repast was provided, and bride and groom left by the O. A. M. RY. for New York and Washington, to be gone two or three weeks. The groom's gift to the bride was a deed to one of the prettiest building sites in Benton.

F. HACKE; of De Soto is making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at St. Louis prices. They are the best and lightest running wagons extant.  Go see them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give satisfaction.

De Soto, May  26th - De Soto Democratic Club held another well attended meeting at K. of P. hall on Saturday, May 24th. Forty-three good solid Democrats signed their name to our membership roll making us a membership of one hundred and more to follow. We are to have our Representative Mr. CONN  here at our next meeting to speak on tariff laws in the ??? interest of the industries, laborers and farmers of the county.    J. J. McC???


Our farmers are now taking strawberries to market...the price is low but better than nothing.George STEEL? has bought a horse with which he will haul his berries to market.  J. J.

Sealed proposals for carrying the United States mail? from House's Springs ?? Belew's Creek and Glade Chapel Mo. to Hillsboro, 14  miles, three times  a week each way, by a schedule of ? hours running time each way from July 1, 1890 to June 30, 189? will be received by the Postmaster at Hillsboro until June 11, 1890. 

 ~School Meeting~
A meeting will be held at the school house in Hillsboro at 2. p.m. Monday, June 9th for the purpose of taking steps to establish a High School or Academy. Addresses will be delivered showing the necessity and benefits of an institution of higher education in our county. All friends of scholars are earnestly requested to attend.

~High School Notes~
Hard work is the order of every day. The Algebra class will finish simple equations this week. Two months is a short time in which to revise the common school branches. Notice of a meeting to be held June 9th, in the interest of the High school, have been sent out. A large attendance of the friends of education is expected.

~Questions on Current Topics~

1. What accident recently happened to the steamer "City of Paris"

2. Financial condition of  Argentine Confederation

3. State facts as to Stanford's Bill authorizing Government loans to farmers. 

4. State facts concerning new Geological Survey of Missouri

5. Causes of discontent in Newfoundland about French fishing privileges.

~De Soto~ By De Sotoan
Memorial services held in all the city churches on Sunday, and the attendance was very good. On Friday, the graves of all the soldiers will be decorated with flowers.

The public school picnic was held in the hotel park on Saturday, but the rain and bad weather prevented any large attendance of scholars.

Dr. C. C. GORHAM formerly of De Soto, is here with his wife, visiting his sister, Mrs. RATHBUN and many old friends. He is now located at Laredo, Texas, where he is practicing his profession and establishing an extensive drug business. He has completely recovered his health, and is very enthusiastic in his praises of the great southwestern city where he is located.

Prof. SCOTT, at the public schools, is involved in law. On Saturday one of his boys engaged in a fight with a young son of Peter BERG, and young SCOTT was on the under side. Some one carried word to the Professor and he went to the rescue of the youngster. In separating the boys it is said he administered several vicious kicks to the young tailor, which enraged the parents, Mr. and Mrs. BERG, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Prof. SCOTT. The trial is now pending. May 27th, 1890

~List of Conveyances~
Filed with the Recorder the week ending on last Tuesday.

Philip WORTHEN to Sam BYRNE, 40 acres, s 34  t41 r 5   $ 1150 
Bernardt SCHNEIDER to H  BELASTEDLER?, lot in Victoria $?
J. L. BOYER to John C. COZZENS  23  lots in Festus
J. L. BOYER and John C. COZZENS to H. C. LaROSE 23 lots in the Town of Festus
COZZENS & LA ROSE to J. L. BOYER, 23 lots in Festus
Wm H. POWERS to C. H. ANDREA , 41 acres, s25 t42 r ?
William TOWL to Henry M. CAPE, lot in De Soto
Lizzie E. GREEN to J. ALTHOFF, 40 acres, s 35  t41 r2
Bridgett HENRY to William and Kate  OBERKRAEMER,  100 acres in s34 t 43  r 3 
John D. PERRY to Mary MERCER, 40 acres, s 9  t 39 r4
Mary MERCER to Chas. B. MERCER, same land
Joseph BRADFORD to same, 3 acres, section 8 township  39  range 4
Phoeba  TUCKER to Geo. H. TUCKER, 32 acres, s1 t 32  r  5 

B. McMAHON to Joseph HAMILL  80 acres, s 31  t 42  r 3 
Smith FLETCHER to Maude C. ROUDEBUSH, two lots in De Soto
Maude C. ROUDEBUSH to Eliza A. FLETCHER, same lots.
C. W. CHARLEVILLE to Wm. SCHUELER, lot in Festus
S. T. WAGGENER to J. S. LILLY, lot in survey, 1848?

~At Net Cost~
All goods in my store will be sold at net cost, on account of change in business. HAMEL, De Soto, Mo.

~Farm for Sale~
Suitable for dairy or gardening. This place is located just outside the limits  of the City of De Soto and on the Iron Mountain railroad. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. For further information call on, or address, John M. HACKE, Hillsboro, Mo.

~Crystal and Festus~  by Damphool

A sad accident occurred last Saturday evening at Crystal City, which created general sympathy for the unfortunate lad who drowned in Plattin Creek, and for the grieved father who came down from St. Louis, Sunday, to receive the corpse. Almost seventy young students from the Manual? Training School of St. Louis came down Saturday evening on a recreation trip and to gather ?

the formation as one may receive of great industrial establishments such as the Crystal Glass Works. The excursionists were guided by Professor WOODWARD and  ?? the ?? was a young lad about seventeen years, by name of STEVENSON? a son of

Prof. STEVENSON, a teacher in the public schools of St. Louis, and well known throughout this section of the county. After viewing the departments of the factory, some boys decided to take a swim in the creek. Young STEVENSON was among them, but he, being unable? to swim was persuaded by his comrades not to ? to the swollen stream. ? though by the others, he went in, and accidentally beyond his depth. ?? directed attention to the drowning lad, but just in time to be seen sinking for the last time. Consternation? was general. His comrades, who could swim, dived repeatedly to recover the body, but without success. At ? o'clock in the evening, Mr. Jos. AUBUCHON, who was searching the water in a skiff, found the body, and with the assistance of Mr. Aug. GRANSON brought it to shore. Dr. BRUCE was notified, and inquest held at once. On Sunday morning the father and brother came down to receive the   remains of  the unfortunate boy and took the corpse to their home in the evening. Some of our citizens are inclined to severely censure Prof. WOODWARD because he left for home and would not allow four of the poor lad's intimate friends to stay until the body was found. His action appears rather cruel and ungentlemanly, but considering other
circumstances I believe he was correct. 

More fatal accidents have happened on Plattin Creek, at Crystal City, in the last few years, than at any other given point between St. Louis and Cairo.  People ought to shun the treacherous stream.

Have you heard the news?  We will have the latest celebration of the demolition of the Bastile at Paris and we will celebrate it in Festus, too, for the first time. Grand preparations are being made by our French citizens to make the 14th of July a holiday. On that day in  1789  the burgoise  of Paris captured the  Bastille, the famous prison for political offences and from then on a new order of things reigned in France. The French brethren are fully organized and full of enthusiasm  for the occasion and ? not only their own countrymen but all nationalities to  celebrate the jubilee with them and  hereafter the 14th of July will be a grand feast for the twin cities.  Dr. Cristoffe is the president of the organization, and other offices are held by E. FEST? L. BEAUMONT, M. DRAVEL, J. ??, Aug. YOEZLE? and Aug. GRANSON. The predictions are that the affair will be a great success.

The old veterans of this vicinity have been quite lively of late. A new Post of  the G.A.R. has been organized and will be mustered in a few days. Adjutant General ROGERS of St. Louis has consented to call the muster roll and swear the boys in blue. Comrades of WHITEHEAD Post, of Victoria, and FLETCHER post of De Soto, with a full drum corps, will  be present, and the old grey beards will shake a brotherly hand once more before they lay down their arms. All those who have signed and who wish to sign the charter, are requested to meet at the residence of Frank K?? on Saturday evening, May 31st?, where the preliminaries for a full organization and future course will be discussed and decided.

Some sympathetic friends of Peter BARTON, who now regrets his stay in jail at Hillsboro, are trying to raise, by subscription, the amount of $100  fine imposed upon him at last Circuit Court. The parties interested ought to know that such things will not succeed in a community that wants to purge itself of hoodlums.  Hands off? please.

On account of lengthy items this week, and the serious nature of most of them, I must refrain from all minor items and the  usual whip-crackers this week. Your readers will know why.
May 27th, 1890

~Probate Court~
The following business was transacted the past week in Probate court.

Final settlements were made of estates of William GRAHAM and Louis RUGGE, deceased. Annual settlements of estates of Elias BURGESS and James R. McCULLOCH, deceased.

Reports of sale were approved of real estate of Benjamin F. BAKER and George A. WATSON,  minors.

Widow of John KOCH, deceased, filed election rejecting will of said deceased. $75 appropriated out of said estate for year's provisions for widow and family and administrators ordered to sell personal property at public or private sale.

Proof of will of Gertrude SCHMIDT approved.

Accounts against estates allowed as follows:
Chas. R??? vs. Est. of Herman STEIN .
J. B. SICKLES vs. Est. of Jno. J. KIE??
Dr. Chas. WILLIAMS vs. Est. of Wm. BRACKMANN

~Bees, Bees~
100 colonies of bees for sale, at one dollar per colony, after May  26 1890, purchasers to furnish hives. First come, first served. Send hives soon to J. B. DOVER, Victoria, Mo.

~The Jefferson Nursery~
Located near Kimmswick, Jefferson County, Missouri. A fine and good assortment of Fruit Trees - Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry.
Plum and Quince, and Berries of every kind, at prices  - to suit the times  

~Circuit Court~
The following cases were  disposed of in addition to those already reported.

William GILBERT and George HENRY?  were convicted of  stealing guns from the residence of Thomas B? of Beck township and sentenced to two years each in the penitentiary

Charles  M ???,   et al. separate ?? order of sale.

Peter BARTON was convicted of assault on W. J. ADAMS and sentenced to ??? and three months imprisonment in county jail.

Catherine THOMPSON was allowed against estate of William M. WILLIAMS,  a minor child.

~Administrators Notice~
 The undersigned administrator of the estate of  David HALE, deceased, will sell the personal property belonging to said estate at the last residence of deceased on Dry Creek on Saturday, June ?? (list follows of property to be sold, very hard to read)

 Charles ?, Administrator