The sporting men of
The Republican ideas, in? from expressions we have heard, is
that a tariff is not a tax, but some kind of blessing that benefits certain
classes without injuring any other. They even claim that it does not add to the
cost of the protected articles; but this is not consistent with the plea always
made in Congress, that unless a tariff protection is given they can not compete
with foreign products. That if it does not add to the prices which are demanded
for the goods, there is no protection, is a truth so plain that anybody with
ordinary common sense can see the point. Farmers are not protected by a tariff
on wheat and corn, because it does not and can not add to the price of
wheat and corn, for this country is and exporter and not an importer of those
articles, and the price is fixed in competition with the cheapest labor in
Europe and Asia. A tariff on tin plate does add to the price of tin, and it is
for that purpose alone that it is urged; and this is true of the other protected
articles of manufacture.
The following, from the Journal of Agriculture,
is sufficient to answer the long article in the Mirror regarding the circular
signed by Judge MADISON and James H. WAGGENER, as members for the F. & L.
Union, in favor of Judge THOMAS. The above mentioned paper is the organ of the
Farmers' and Laborers'
We were unintentionally absent from the county convention last
Saturday. In assisting to entertain a
We may have to enlarge
our paper soon. We have just had an offer from an advertising agent of $?,
for running a five inch ad one year.
No better
evidence could be shown as to the weakness of the Republican in the tariff
discussion than is afforded by the ?? movement to check all debate and
force a vote on Wednesday next. The truth is the Democrats have had their op??
crowded to the wall and they are glad to escape the scathing review and
criticism of their work by another assumption of arbitrary
parliamentary power in forcing a final vote on a matter of great economical
importance without due and clear consideration. Although the Democrats had a
tight grasp on their political throat, it needed the utterances of the erratic
Ben BUTTERWORTH to complete their demoralization. They had endeavored to choke
off the Ohio man and refused to assign him a leading place
in the debate, although he is considered one of the braniest men on the Republican side but the gentleman from
Ohio had something to say, and was
determined to say it. It was, without
doubt, a curious legislative episode to see a leading Republican orator
dependent for sympathy and applause upon his political enemies, while his own
political friends sat around with misery depicted on their faces. The Democrats
will print this Republican tariff speech, or rather honest tariff admissions
made by a Republican, for circulation in the next campaign.
As to the
McKinly bill it will pass the House, for the leaders
say it must go through, and the Republicans are too well drilled not to obey the
commands of their leaders. That there is individual dissatisfaction with the
measure, almost in its every line, need not be said; that personal grievances
and discontent will all be sank in the effort to make a record for the grand old
The demagogues in the United States Senate of the Blair stripe,
have concluded that the post-canteen system in the army must go, because the
enlisted men are there said light wines and beer. At the legislative contest,
as is known, the Democratic Senators upheld the canteen, not that they had
any particular favor for liquors, but because acknowledging the fact that
soldiers as well as other men will drink less under restraint than they would if
given full liberty. At the canteen, too, they got no whiskey - only beer and
light wines. As evidence of the good sense of Democratic Senators in
the matter, the following letter from the commandant of a leading military
post has been received.
"The canteen has been a success in every
particular. This ??niated ? in situated near a
small town, where only the poorest kind of whiskey can be had. The canteen has
remained the temptation for the town by providing the men comforts as well as
light beverages. It has done much for the discipline of the post and the
contentment of the enlisted men.
The leaders of the Republicans in
Congress now recognize that they are confronted by a condition and not a theory.
The trouble is, that with all that huge surplus in the treasury, which
the Democratic administration left, they have not enough money to go
round. One thing must be done, they say, and that is to increase the
pension expenditures by many millions. If the Morr??
bill, passed by the House, is agreed on, the immediate annual expenditure,
according to the war department authorities, will be at least $??,???, ???
annually, or, with what is now allowed, in the neighborhood of $175, 900,000 a
year. If the bill passed by the Senate, known as the dependent bill, is taken as
a compromise, the increased outlay will be $10,000,000 annually. Well, as said,
these millions must be provided, for the Republicans dare not increase the anger
of the soldier boys, and as Legislators have already
been more than
reckless in their drafts on the treasury, it is recognized that a halt must
be called. In fact, some of the huge expenditures contemplated must be
lopped off, and in this is anxiety, for the river and harbor men are fearful
that their pet measure will die aborning. The public
building men also realize that that their schemes may turn out to be failures,
while the only people happy are the pensioners in prospective and the subsidy
grabbers, who want to revive commeres by dipping their
hands deep into the treasury.
The following are
the proceedings of the county convention, for the selection of delegates to the
State Democratic nominating convention, held in
Convention was called to order by W. H. H. THOMAS, chairman of the
county committee, and John A. TUTTLE was named as temporary chairman, and
Jos. J. HOEKEN was elected as temporary ??.
After objects of the
convention were stated, on motion, the temporary officers were made
On motion of James H. WAGGENER it was voted to elect ten
delegates and ten alternates.
On motion of Simon? McNEARNAY? the ?? appointed James ACKLEY ,
Wm. A. GAMEL, and E. F. DONNELL as committee to select
delegates to the state convention, which meets at
motion James WAGGENER, Frank DEARING and M. F BYRNE were appointed ?
?? on residence?.
Committee reported following list of delegates and
alternates, who were then duly elected by the convention Delegates
John O'FALLON, M. F.
MADISON and James WAGGENER; alternates - W. J. KIRK, John T. BYRNE, R. W.
On motion of Dr. Charles WILLIAMS, the
convention ratified the selection of the committee.
Committee on
resolutions reported the following, which were adopted on motion of W. J.
The Democracy of Jefferson county, in convention assembled,
reassert their adherence and fidelity to the fundamental principles of the great
party founded by Jefferson, and upheld and maintained by Madison, Munroe,
Buchanan and Cleveland, and send greeting to our standard bearers in the
National Congress, who are so gallantly fighting for the rights and privileges
on the agricultural and laboring classes, and bid them God speed in their noble
Resolved, that having the utmost confidence in the honesty and
integrity of the gentlemen selected to represent us in the Democratic State
convention, to be held in St. Joseph on the 11th of June prox, and knowing that they will faithfully represent and
take care of our interests and the interests of the Solid Southeast to our
entire satisfaction, the only institution, we desire to give them is "go and
make the best fight you can for us, even unto dying in the last
A resolution was also adopted, providing that in case of absence of
any of the delegates, those present at the convention are authorized to case the
vote of the county. The convention then adjourned. John A. TUTLE, Chm., Jos J. HOEKEN,
Crystal and Festus
by Damphool
I understand that Mr. Robert
FROST has been appointed enumerator of the 11th census of
The Indians were here again, but this time the
?? medicine man did not come. He showed a man how to take ?, and he
swallowed a spoonful and took sick.
The hammer I use on some of our
authorities once in a while is of good effect. The plank walk to
I passed over the
narrow gauge, last Sunday, and found the track in excellent condition for a new
Last Friday, the glassites working
in the new shed, were scared by a dangerous ? of the ?, and a stampede
for the doors was made. It is said that the colossal building sank?
about four inches. Carpenters were set to work at once to repair
the damage, and every thing goes on as usual now.
have a new bar in Festus, and Mr. F. BAUER and
his brother are "admitted to the bar" with which a???? to
fraud. It is not a sand bar either, ? is it ??
of bareley of ???ley ?
and other hardware. The bar is in KL???MANN;s
building, and Bill THOMAS ??a??.
From reliable authority I have
it ? that the ? at
Your correspondant took a flying trip to
We had pay-day last Saturday and all the boys were
made glad. Festus was swarming with happy humanity and nothing
occurred to mar the joyful mood of the people, only on the corner of Main
and Adams streets two fellows had an argument, and to
give weight to the words, one had a pistol and
?? ? The pistolman
said "Shall I shoot? and the ?? said he should; another man
said he shouldn't shoot, but he replied he
was mad and should shoot. Then he ? behind a pair
of broad ?? and all was lovely once more.
Competition is the
life of trade, but sometimes it is death, too, especially when the competitors
try to choke competition out of one
another at their windpipes. You
know that we sport two fine hotels at Festus and two fine keepers keep them; but
last week they entertained a ? last the world should not be made ?? at
How quiet and sweet are the closing hours of Saturday evening!
The busy week past, every thing in order for the Sabbath, I
sit down, with folded hands, and survey my work with a pleasure
that no one without........ever enjoys."All Done" and
now comes the sweetest ?? of all the week, and I feel a ....of repose and quiet
that only one who leads a busy life can appreciate. What an hour for thought!
I think of the happy ?? Saturday eve brings to the men and
women of [...?...] and my thoughts and sympathies go out
to those who are ?? whom Saturday brings none of my pleasant
hours. The thought of these sadden my heart, and memory conjures a
Saturday evening of "long ago" ?? family ?? youth, health, delightful
rambles in the wildwood, songs of birds and
fragrance of flowers. ??? days
of youth! What pleasing thoughts of th?? memory brings
this ???, when life was beautiful and the future so fair and thoughts
of God's infinite love and mercy soften and humble my heart, as I take a
retrospect of my past life and feel how His guiding hand has brought me to this
hour. When we thus earnestly contemplate the goodness of god, when we
compare His great love and care to our ingratitude, we feel how
little we deserve the blessings that surround us. Such thoughts have a good
?/?. The thought of God's kindness, love and forbearance towards us softens our
hearts toward others, and we forgive a we hope to be forgiven. thus, with peace
and good will towards all people, ? refreshed in mind and body by these pleasant
Saturday evening rests and reveries. S. F. O.,
An appointment
was made some time ago of chief engineer of the Post Office Department. This
appointment was given to a man named O'DONNELL, who had made several ? to pass
the required examination. Finally he was given the
position provided he ? to the Virginia side, and ??
until he had acquired a residence and the right to vote, the
Republican ticket, of course. This he did, moving to Alexandria,
remaining there one month, thereby becoming a citizen of
Virginia. Then he moved back to this city. His potion pays him $1500 per annum,
and gives M? one more voter - National Democrat.
~List of Conveyances~
Filed with the recorder during the week ending last Tuesday:
to John NcNULTY, lot in De
Martin MANION? to Martin CL???MAN, lot in De Soto
CL??MAN to Margaret MANION, same lot
Bess? BOYER to Henry SEILE,
on in survey ???
H??? SMITH to C. V. SEGER? , ???
to Frank PILLEN 217 acres
John FRECH to Philipena? FRANK? lot in De Soto
H. C BOEHLING 120 acres
Casper V?????
to district ???? in Cedar
to Alexander BOYER
Millie C. DICKEY? to A.D. DAVIS, lot in De
J. D. B????? TO M. F. HUSKEY, lot in De Soto
M. F. HUSKEY to Wm. H.
HARPER, lot in DeSoto
C. P. ???? to S. R. S??NG, lot in De Soto
J. W.
FLETCHER to S. R. S??NG, lot in De Soto
G. D. N??????? to M.
G. T????
Anna? ???? to Simeon TUTTLE three lots in Victoria
James F. ????? to C. A. B????
M. W.
CAMPBELL to Clementine Z??MAN?
R. W. McMULLIN to William and Caroline FULCHIN, 2 lots De
William BRYAN to Missouri McKE?E, ?? acres in
section ? township? range?
F. A. WILEY et al to ?. F. WIDEMAN,
311 acres, sec?? tp??range 3
Catherine DYER to R.
M. and ? ? BUBER?, 12 acres in survey ??
Thomas D????? to Wm.
S. E. SMITH et all to T. C. O'HAVER
cheap good go to HOEKEN'S Cash Store, Hillsboro
Prof. NEELEY paid our
town a visit this week.
Remember the picnic at Antonia one week from
A. Mr. MONTGOMERY has moved into J. J. HOEKEN'S old store
Go to the Opera House Drug Store for any thing you need in the
way of standard medicines, perfumery, etc.
Mr. SHORTRIDGE, of Mason City,
is here this week, on a visit to his wife's people.
Said he to her: "Get
a 25-cent bottle of Dr. F. TRANDT's celebrated Cough
Drops and stop your cough. Sure cure.
Father SCHRAMM, of Maxville, came
to town, Tuesday, and took out his final citizen papers.
The finest
assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at The Opera House Drug
John and Allison REPPY will probably both be appointed census
enumerators to begin work on the first of June.
Beware of fraudulent
imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN'S Family Medicines, F. TRANDT'S are the only
Messrs. GAMEL and WILKERSON, who were on the regular panel for
the jury, were excused Saturday and Monday respectively.
A sure cure for
nervous headache - Dr. F. TRANDT'S Indian Healing Liniment. For sale by all
J. Ed. GREEN, who is employed in the railroad office at Poplar
Bluff, came up to see his kinfolk, Saturday. He went back next
Bargains in Millinery and Notions, for the next sixty days, at Mrs.
PRIMM's, De Soto, Mo.
Thomas N. MOORE and Miss
Lizzie D. WALLACE, both of Festus, were united in marriage, at MOCKBEE'S
hotel, last Tuesday, Judge ELKINS officiating.
We carry the best
men's and boys' shoes in the county, for the least money, at the Square Deal
Clothing House.
The Sheriff is elated this week over a present from
Leopold BERRESHEIM, of Seckman, of a quart of fine strawberries - the first
brought to town this season.
Boys' and children's suites from $1 upwards,
at the Square Deal Clothing House, De Soto, Mo.
The Workmen Lodge of
Hematite will give a strawberry festival, at their hall, on Tuesday evening,
June 5th, to which they cordially extend a public invitation.
Men's and
boy's hats, in all sizes and shapes, at reduced prices, at the Square Deal
Clothing House.
Joseph J. HOEKEN is pushing the work on the Victoria road
with a good force of hands, and expects to have this contract
completed before the court meets in July next.
Max FROMHOLD, at De Soto,
sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper and brassware, bar fixtures,
Martin COLTON?, who is attending high school, went to the west side
of Big River to see his best girl, Friday afternoon. He was on hand Monday
morning at roll call.
For a full line of first-class ladies', gents' and
children's shoes - sold at bottom prices - go to E. KEMPE, De Soto
WEAVER, John MARTIN, Ross SHANNON, Willis McCLAIN and Charles GRIFITH?, all of near Rush Tower,
started for Colorado last week, in search of health and wealth.
furnishing goods will be sold below St. Louis prices, at the Square Deal
Clothing House, De Soto.
Judge DINNING, last Saturday evening, excused
from further jury duty at this term, J. F. SHANNON of Rush Tower, A. H. MOORE of
Valle's Mines, and Martin HOOGE of Rock Creek.
At the Commercial Exchange
in De Soto, you can get the best brands of imported wines and liquors, also fine
Capt. Joseph WALTHER has been appointed postmaster of De Soto,
to take the place of J. W. CLARKE, whose resignation has been accepted, to take
effect on the first of June.
If you want a lifetime-lasting roof get the
Washington red-cedar shingles, kept only by the Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co., De Soto,
The Antonia Social Club will give a picnic in the grove near Antonia,
Thursday, May 29th. Refreshments, good music, and plenty amusement. See
advertisement elsewhere.
For the latest improved spring hoe grain drill
and wheat fan go to HACKE'S Agricultural Depot, De Soto, Mo. They are warranted
to give satisfaction.
Sunday, June 8th, has been set apart by the
churches as children's day, and a National programme
of exercises has been prepared. The Sunday School at this place will observe the
day, and carry out the regular programme.
G. R.
RATHBUN, De Soto, Mo., is agent for McCormick reapers and mowers, and will keep
them constantly on hand. Best work guaranteed.
Mr. MARRICK, an attorney
from St. Louis, spent last Saturday, in company with his wife and children,
getting acquainted with a portion of Jefferson County. Mr. STELBRINK acted as
host, and exerted himself to make the visit a pleasant one.
Check your
cough by using Dr. F. Trand'ts celebrated Cough Drops;
only 25 cents per bottle. Best in the world, Everybody keep them.
For the
cure of colds, coughs, and all derangements of the respiratory organs, no other
medicine is so reliable as Ayers Cherry Pectoral. It relieves, the asthmatic and
consumptive, even in advanced d stages of disease, and has saved innumerable
Wanted - A girl for general house work. Good wages to a competent
person. Apply to Mrs. M. J. HARRIS, Sulphur Springs, Mo.
Hematite Lodge,
A. O. F. W. will give a strawberry festival on the evening of Thursday, June
5th, to which all are invited. The people of that town never fail in providing
handsomely for their visitors, and we are sure all who attend will go away well
Pains in the back can be gotten rid of by one application of
Dr. F. TRANDT's Indian Healing Liniment. Ask your
dealer for it.
John? SPARKS lost one of his fine grey horses,
The Grand Jury has just adjourned. It could have finished
business sooner but had trouble in getting witnesses.
John MURPHY of
East St. Louis, who spent his boyhood days in this county, was here this week
visiting his old friends.
Plows, Cultivators, Corn planters, Corn drills,
Reapers and Mowers and other farming implements, all of ??? make and at lowest
prices, at Henry HURTGEN's, Hillsboro,
Judge Reed McCORMICK has just returned
from a two week visit to his sons at Birmingham, Alabama. He reports
them well and thriving financially?
Francis McKEE is not only good looking, as the girls say, but he is
also lucky. He has been squandering some of his loose change in the Louisiana
Lottery, and drew $200? this month. He also claims to have drawn $300? last
month, but we did not see the "credentials" for that drawing.
phaetons, surreys, and every style of carriage, made to order on short notice,
if not on hand, by F. HACKE. De Soto. Patent wheels and steel axles always kept
on hand, so that repairs can be promptly made.
~Licensed to
Fritz OTJE and Mary FUCHS
John F. STULKEN and Anna
Frederick WILLENBROCK and Lizzie STULKEN
George F. REED
and Mary STETZEL
and Mary K. C. CRAEMER
George M. BROWN and Anne
Thomas N. MOORE and Lizzie B. WALLACE
~25 Men
Wanted, 25 men to work in quarry on Hillsboro and Victoria gravel
road. Apply to Jos. J. HOEKEN, Hillsboro, Mo.
We understand that Henry
BLUMENSTENGEL was very indignant, after his trial last Saturday, because "Drs.
WYNE, MONROE, DEEER?" and others had testified that he was of unsound mind As an
evidence of insanity, Mr. WYNN cited the fact that BLUMENSTENGLE once ran for
Mayor of De Soto.
13 men wanted to work in clay mines, steady work at
1.25 to 1.40 per day. Also one or two men with small families. Address, L.
MANDLE, Regina Mo.
We have just learned that Thomas BLAKE, who formerly
resided in this county, is in jail in St. Louis, charged with murdering and
robbing a man in Washington county, and that the evidence is quite strong
against him. He is under indictment at Potosi, but kept in St. Louis as a more
secure place.
Those needing anything in the line of Saddlery, Harness, &c. are invited to call at my store,
as I am making a change in my business and selling out everything at net cost.
H. HAMEL, De Soto, Mo.
When McBeth ?ically asked,
"Canst thou minister to a mind diseased? he little knew that mankind would
one day be blessed with Ayer's Sasaparilla. In
purifying the blood, this powerful alterative gives tone and strength
to every functive and faculty of the
Saddlery and Harness are now going at
cost at H. HAMEL'S, De Soto, Mo. Those who need anything in that line should
call soon and secure a bargain.
We see no good reason why Hillsboro
should not have a flouring mill and creamery too. There is a big ??
country surrounding the county seat, which is admirably adapted to
wheat raising and for meadow purposes it can not be beaten anywhere.
Capital, too, is plentiful, and it is about time that our people do something
for their home place instead of investing all their savings in adjacent cities
or towns. Charity should begin at home.
strange, ladies will go on month after month suffering from some female
disorder, which one bottle of Dr. DROMGOOLE's Female
Bitters would speedily correct.
From a private letter we learn that Mrs.
John HOLMES, late of this county, has been very sick in St. Louis, where she
resides at present, and that she is now recovering. Miss Jennie is in Texas,
where she is establishing a good reputation as teacher. Buren is in ?ried and also follows teaching; Duane is in business
and doing very well.
During the remainder of this season Capt W. H.
WASHBURN will keep his horse, two days in each week, at LEPP's old stand, near COLE's
mill. Please take notice.
Parties contributing society notes to
this paper will please be careful in writing names, both of persons and things,
especially in giving descriptions of dresses. There is nobody connected with
this office, who could tell the difference between a lady dressed in the height
of fashion and one not dressed at all, and as in the names and styles of dresses
we are equally ignorant.
We defy competition on our 5, 7, 10 and 15
dollar men's sails in prices, quality and fabric. Give us a call before buying,
which will be to your own interest, as a dollar saved is a dollar made. Square
Deal Clothing House.
Louis OGLE and William WEBER unite in a letter of
thanks to Judge DINNING, the jury and their attorney, Joseph J. WILLIAMS, for
the manner of trial and verdict in the case against OGLE, which was before the
Circuit court last week, and in which the defendant was acquitted. The case came
up on an appeal from 'Squire ZOLLMAN, where OGLE was out one dollar. This
mention will be sufficient.
For sale cheap, 2 full-blooded Berkshire
boars, one sow with 10 pigs, and a few Merino back lambs, some of which will
shear from 10 to 12 pounds of wool. Address, C. H. SMITH, De Soto,
Conductor Johnny NELSON, who was recently shot in the hand, was in
town Tuesday, on a visit to relations and looking after his landed interests
here. Mr. BOHMIE, who was also shot by a tramp about the same time, is reported
on being out of danger. Mr. NELSON talks of this town as a good place to start a
creamery, and as Johnny has a fine farm near here, his talk will amount to
F. HACKE, of De Soto, is making a specialty in the manufacture
of farm wagons, which he sells at St. Louis prices. They are the best and
lightest running wagons extant. Go see them and examine work and prices, and
patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give
One of the grandest wedding of the season took place last
Sunday at Mr. CRAEMER'S between Hillsboro and Ware P.O. The
contracting parties were the daughter of Mr. CRAEMER and a Mr. NIEHAUS of
St. Louis. Rev. Mr. NORDEN performed the ceremony. May they enjoy long life
and prosperity.
Rock Creek, May 11 - Everybody a
?? sowing oats and began planting oats. Had a big frost on
the ?th, which did great damage. Leopold
LEIGHT? and family of St. Louis, have been visiting in this
section. Miss Manda? BECKLEG has gone
to De Soto. B. J. HOOGE?, of King's Highway, was at the upper end of Rock Creek.
The ball at M. M??, on the ???, was a grand success and an enjoyable
Next Sunday is Memorial Day and will be observed as such at De
Soto and Victoria. The service at Victoria will be conducted by Rev. C??, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon. At De Soto there will be services by various ministers
at the M. E. Church, at 11 a.m. and ? and 7 p.m.. A cordial invitation is
extended to all. The following Friday is Decoration day, which will be
observed by the Grand Army men and citizens, generally? at DeSoto.
There will be a big parade starting at ? p.m.
Two suspicious looking
individuals were seen at Morse's Mills, last Sunday. They came in a top buggy,
with a one-eyed bay horse as locomotive power. Both were up in
years, and the silver threads" had almost crowded out the "gold" They
were equipped with a good-sized lunch basket, which contained two bunches of
green onions, two dried-apple pies, and six bottles of Green Tree blood
purifier. While emptying out one of the bottles, one of the gentleman took a
survey of his long grey beard, with Big River for a Mirror, and exclaimed. "A
man's a ?? a this" to which the other replied, "???" To allay the fears of the
people around Big River, we will state that the men were our printers - John ??
of the ? and John HEAD? of the Mirror.
Seckman? May 19, Henry
JORGEN, the nursery man, went to town to attend the funeral of his mother, who
died on the 15th and was buried on the 17th. She was 84 years of age.
George ARNOLD went by
here, trying to sell self-binders?. He is agent for the Walter A.
WOOD? machine and for
William ????. He has been successful in selling,
having sold as much now up to the ???.
There are a number of
sick horses in this vicinity. The disease is called the grip, and is supposed to
have been contracted from the human races but I believe it to be
distemper. Owing to late frostbite, cherry crop will not exceed
one third, peaches are all frozen, and there will not be more than a half crop
of apples, and raspberries are frozen too. This will leave farmers
but little to speculate on this season. J. J.
Soto, Mo.
[AD] Square Deal Clothing House
[AD] Dr. DROMGOOLE's English Female Bitters
[AD] Henry HURTGEN's, Hillsboro, Mo.
[AD] Farm for Sale,
Suitable for dairy or gardening. This place is located
just outside the limits of the City of De Soto and on the Iron
Mountain railroad. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. For further information
call on, or address, John W. BURKE, Hillsboro
[AD] Bees, Bees!, 100
colonies of bees for sale, at one dollar per colony, after May 2?, 1890.
purchasers to furnish hives. First come, first served. Send hives soon to J. R.
DOVER, Victoria, MO.
~Circuit Court~
Thomas POLITTE vs Iron Mountain railroad, appeal from Justice court,
Viola M. Vs Frank K. BATES?, action for divorce,
dismissed by plaintiff.
W. T. HENSLEY, for maintaining nuisance
slaughter house, was fined $5.
J. H. GEL??KEN? vs. H. ?. ???? et als, action to divest title, amount
Joachim GIESE vs Louis LOHMANN, action
for damages, dismissed for failure to give bond for ???
vs Iron Mountain railroad, garnishee of Frank
WILLIAMS, judgment for garnishee
J. W. SMITH vs same, garnishee of L. Lotsinger, same judgment.
State vs T W. POOLE, continued until next term.
vs Nancy Ellen EASTY, action for divorce, dismissed by
Martin EOFF vs Iron Mountain
railroad, damages, judgment for $30?
Cursior of
estates of Mary D., Emily I., William and Carrie F. MADISON, was
authorized to convey certain real estate to the Bonne Terre railroad for depot
John PETERSON vs Iron Mountain
railroad, damages for killing cows, judgment for twenty and thirty
William BLAKE, a young man hailing from the State of ???, plead
guilty to horse stealing, and was sentenced to two years in the
D. M. ?? & Co. vs M.
ROSENAUER et al, dismissed
Jos. I . FA?? vs F.
W. PORTER, administrator of estate of Felix G. PORTER, motion for release of
deed of trust. Prayer of petitioner granted, and administrator ordered to enter
John HARNESS vs Rudolph HARNESS,
Emanuel HOFFMANN vs John H. MORSE,
on note, judgment for $??
John M. HUBBARD vs Susan L, divorce granted plaintiff
Willliam vs
Elizabeth SENTIER?, divorce granted plaintiff.
SCHNEIDER vs Henry STELBRINK, nonsuit taken.
Prudence ANDERSON vs Iron Mountainrailroad, action
for damage for killing her husband, jury disagreed and cause continued
till next term.
S. S. WILEY vs. John H. MORSE, order???
Staley? LOUIS? and Wash OGLE, charged with
petit larceny, verdict, not guilty
Elis J. ? EHRICHS et al,???,
report of??? the land deed and approved.
William A.
OTTOMEYER vs William GO?? et
all, partition order of sale
Emanuel? HOFFMANN vs John H. M???, judgment by ?? for ?
vs. Henry ??STENGEL?, charged with forgery; acquitted
Charles WILSON
and James WILLIAMS were each fined $5 for gambling
MCSPADDIN, Geo. MCSPADDIN, George MOSS, Frank MITCHELL and Joe S???, plead
guilty to gaming, and were find one dollar each.
al, by R. G. MADISON , their curator report of sale of land
for depot purposes ??? and approved.
Christopher ? was made a citizen of
the United States
State vs WILLIAMS and
DEARING, gaming; dismissed
State vs. J. N.
DOUGLASS, disturbing the peace, dismissed.
Ann J.
BURGESS vs. estate of Elias BURGESS, judgment for plaintiff
A.M. ?
and Frank S ? excused Saturday, from further services as grand jurors, and E. F.
HONEY and J. S. HERRINGTON were summoned in their stead.
D?HAN was granted final citizen papers
BROWN, disturbing religious assembly, was fined one dollar
State vs Joseph ZIPP, selling liquor to minor
E. BARTER? vs Matilda BARTER,
divorce granted plaintiff
D. BALLARD, keeping a gaming house, fined fifty
Thos. R. SMITH, for selling liquor on Sunday, was
In the case of Nicholas ? FOSTER vs
Crystal Plate Glass Company, venue was changed to Iron county
NASS? vs John H. Morse, on accounts,
judgment for $????
Adeline WILSON vs. John M. WILSON'S estate,
judgment for plaintiff giving her absolute property as widow in addition to half
the estate.
Peter STEINMAN? was tried on a charge of keeping a
slaughter house nuisance but the jury failed to agree.
George MORSE, for
carrying concealed weapon, was fined $50
~Probate Court~
ELKINS had a busy week in Probate court this week. Final settlements were
made of estates of Louis HORN? , ?.?, ??? MEAD, John S??????,
????? VINYARD?, Henry??, A?? S???, ????, ??, and M? K???
Annual settlements
were made of the estates of Br?? EVANS, John J. KLENN, Samuel MARSDEN,
??? HEYWOOD, John P. SPE??, Thomas PRICE, Mary HARVEY, John T. COLE, James
BAILEY, John Da????, Louise R??, Isadore? E??, Wm. G. MASION, Thomas ?. WILLIAMS, deceased,
and T. C., W. L., Anna? L,. and Mary C. FLETCHER, MICHAEL AND FRANK S??,
P??K??, ? F??, AND ??, minors.
One hundred dollars were
appropriated out of estate of Elijah BURGESS, minor , for board
and clothing.
Public administrator was ordered to take charge of estate
of Andrew ?? deceased.
?? were appropriated out of estate of T. C.
FLETCHER, minor, from out of estate of Wm. F. and ?, each out of
estates of Mary C. and Anna L., for board and clothing.
Guardian of
Louisa ?? ordered to repair porch to said minor's home.
was appointed administrator of estate of William BERGWALD, deceased.
appropriated out of estate of James DAILEY, in addition to grain and meat
on hand, for year's provisions for widow and family.
On application of
Charles GILLMAN the name of Julius Frederick RANKE? was changed to
$100 appropriated out of the estate of Elias BURGESS, deceased,
for year's support of Stella BURGESS, minor.
$100 appropriated out estate
of Wm. RICHTER, deceased for year's provisions for widow.
Estate of
Garland WHITWORTH, deceased, order of sale of real estate.
Estate of
Cynthia WHITWORTH, deceased; report of sale of real estate
Demands were allowed against estates as follows:
Whom.............Estate .............Amt
Wm RUFUS? Louis
BOGGE? $45.??
M. ?
W. H. POWERS John M.
Chas. BELSBARTH Margaret
W. H. FARRAR Margaret
A. I. F???? Edward
Patrick FLYNN Edward McHUGH
Administrator of estate of Catherine FRECH was
ordered to distribute $200 to each of the heirs.
At Net Cost: All goods
in my store will be sold at net cost, on account of change in business. HAMEL,
De Soto, Mo.
~Deaths and Births~
The following is a list of the deaths
filed with the county Clerk in the past week:
Date Name
April 7, Julean MENERD?, 41? years
April 27,
William BORGWALD, 56 years
Date Name of
Mother Sex
April ?, Mrs. Bernard C??, girl
May ?, Mrs.
Henry BECKER? girl
May 7?, Mrs. J???, boy
High School
Visitors: Messrs. FINK?, SHANNON and COLE, Rush Tower.
BRUCE has returned to her home at Festus.
It is probable that Prof.
DOUGHERTY will hold an examination in Hillsboro early in June.
This will accommodate about ten of our students.
If one young boy
here would spend some time in studying and applying the principles of
education it would be... [can't read the rest]
[AD] Look Here!
Go to E. Donalson's Best Jewelry Store.
Consumption Cured
[AD] The Gust. Hamel Mfg. Co.
[AD] The Antonia
Social-Club will give a Fine Picnic in the grove near Antonia, on Thursday, May
[AD] Atlas Engine Works, Indianapolis, Ind.
[AD] Farmer's and
Laborers' Union of De Soto
[AD] Albert B. HAMEL, Physician and Surgeon, De
[AD] Bryan's Saloon, Hillsboro
[AD] Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent
and Justice of the Peace.
[AD] DORRANCE Portrait Studio, De Soto
Commercial Exchange, Max FROMHOLD
[AD] MOCKBEE House (Clarks Hotel),
[AD] Southeaster Sample-Room F. A. KAIN, Prop., St. Louis
Mrs. PRIMM, Leading Milliner, De Soto
[AD] Miller Bros., Steel Pens
Chas Edw. TURNER'S Telegraph Academy, St. Louis
[AD] The Jefferson Hotel,
[AD] The Missouri Railroad and Telegraph, G. S. PARKER, St.
[AD] 14-Mile House, Lemay, Aug. KASSEBAUM
English Female Bitters
[AD] E. VOLLMAR, Hillsboro, Dry Goods, Groceries,
[AD] Ed. L. HUNTLEY & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers
for Men, Boys and Children, Chicago, Ill.