Jefferson Democrat
Thursday, May 15, 1890

William WHITE was appointed overseer of road district No. 2, Tp 42, range 6 E

Proof being adduced that taxes for “82 on ?????? had been paid, same were stricken off the books.

Committee from F. & L. Union, consisting of Charles WALDRON, R. G. MORGAN, George MONRO, J. A. TUTTLE and R. McCORMACK, presented the following:

To the Hon. County Court of Jefferson County - At a regular meeting of the Farmers’ and Laborers’ Union, held at De Soto on the 24th day of April, 1890, a resolution was unanimously adopted, requesting your honorable body to loan the public  school funds of this county at the
rate of six per cent, interest per annum, and we, the committee, appointed by the organization composed of a majority of the farmers of this county, besides many engaged in other occupations, respectfully ask that the prayer of the petition be granted.

After deliberation the court made the order requested.

Thomas WELSH was appointed Justice of the Peace of Valle Township, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Henry ROBERTS.

A. F. HOFFMAN & Co. were granted license to keep a dramshop at Silica.

Responsible citizens of Meramec township, having subscribed $?? towards repairing the road near Pacific bridge, the court appropriated a like amount, to be expended under supervision of Owen McCOURT, the overseer.

Taxes on ? sw, sec 35, tp 39 r 5, were compromised for $3, on lots 1, 2 and 3, block 5, C. C. FLETCHER’s addition to De Soto, at $10, on $6 acres, east part of southwest frt qr. sec 41 tp 40 r 5, and 21 acres, north part southwest frt, sec 12 tp 40 r4, and lot 4 of survey 392, were reduced in valuation to $75, for years 1886 to 1889. Valuation of lot 8, block 76,
De Soto, was reduced to $10, and lot 4, block 2, Sulphur Springs, to $100.

Treasurer was ordered to loan school funds to Joseph THOMURE, $450 AND W. P. WILLIAMS $1000.

Petition for new road from south side of Meramec River, in s12 t43 r 3, at what is known as Bald Hill Ford, thence along eastern line of William HOWELL’s land and on his land to an old county road; thence in same direction and on his land to new county road leading from LaBarque
creek, a distance of three fourths of a mile. Commissioner was ordered to survey same and report next term.

Petition for new road at point in county road on east line of survey 13??; thence north on and following a road now used between the Sarpy lands and P. BYRNE’s to Jacob DIEHL’s; thence east to D. BONACKER and Wm. BARLEY’s lands; thence on said road through lands of F. FRANK and G. BAUMBACH, John OBER, H. BOEHLING, H. KREINBEISTER and F. TIGHE, to
intersection of county road in S23 T43 R4. Commissioner ordered to survey and report at next term.

Petition for new road from a point on public road, near residence of Ephraim WILLIAMS; thence southwesterly across lands of William HOLDINGHAUS and W. S. JEWETT; thence between lands of said persons to George BENNETT’s northeast corner; thence south, along BENNETT’s east line, to his southeast corner; thence southwest across lands of W. B. JEWETT and Robert STEWART, to near JEWETT’s residence; thence south, along line between sections 31 and 32 and 5 and 6 to survey 163?; thence to Festus, near R. C. MOORE’s crossing of Crystal railway.
Commissioner ordered to survey and report at next term.

Permit was given the Town of
Hillsboro to use a cell in the jail as a calaboose.


Orders made to loan school funds to Charles WALDRON, $????, E. S. MANESS $200 and Peter STROUP $650?

Place of voting in Bowles’ precinct,
Rock Township, was fixed at BERRESHEIM school house.

Interested citizens, having subscribed $150 towards repairing county road running west out of Kimmswick, court appropriated a like sum, to be expended under supervision of U. S. WELLS.

Petition for appointment of overseer of Festus district, continued until report of election in said district is received.

Resignation of F. C. LUCKEY, as Constable of Joachim township, was accepted and Oscar OGLE appointed to fill the vacancy.

Report of inquest by Coroner BRUCE, over body of a floater, was approved and feebill of $15.75 allowed.

Account of LOVING and SOMERS, for guarding Bob COLLIER, was not allowed.

~The following demands against the county were allowed~

Chas, HEMME, furniture for Circuit clerk, $40.90
J. J. HOEKEN, goods county farm $15.53
J. J. HOEKEN, goods courthouse $4.15
J. J. HOEKEN, repairing gravel rd $234.??
Wm. DOERR, work on gravel road
George D. BARNARD, stationary
Mrs. LIVERAU, keeping pauper
S. P. McKEAN, keeping paupers
S. P. McKEAN, keeping insane
S. P. McKEAN, sewing for paupers
W.R. DONNELL, county clerk
W.R. DONNELL, secreter B. of Eq.
W.R. DONNELL, cash for freight
J. B. DOVER, road hands
J. B. DOVER, road commissioner
J. B. DOVER, member board of equalization
James HOPSON, same service
Henry SECKMAN, same service
T. A. CHARLES, same service
Andy L. FRECH, taking pauper to county farm
R. W. McMULLIN publishing
Sylvanus GRAY, nursing pauper
James HOPSON, county judge
Henry SECKMAN, county judge
T. A. CHARLES, county judge
William DOERR, road overseer
Mrs. RODGERS, pauper
F. J. SHEIBLE, county treasurer

Thomas MERSEAL was ordered loaned $500? school funds

Commissioner ‘s report of survey of new road, from intersection of Kimmswick with Lemay Ferry road, northeast along Rock Creek road, through lands of N. ??????, H. Sch??, Peter CHRIST, Robert P???, ???? MOIL?, G. ZIEGLER, and
Casper ????r, was approved, road ordered opened and established ????? wide.

The clerk was ordered to request the various ??? ???? ????? of miles of public ??? in their respective districts, so that the ???? ??? may be apportioned. As soon as said reports are received, the County clerk is to make the apportionment.

Road overseers were appointed the follows:



William PARKS


Peter R. GALVIN 



John H. MORSE was cited to give new bond to school funds on or before first Monday in August, William BRACKMANN one of his securities, having died.


Order made allowing persons, who are appointed to superintendent disbursing money appropriated for road building, $1.56 per day.


Taxes for 1877 and 1878, on sw ??, s ? tp ? r ?, and on nw ?  s ?? tp ? r1, compromised for five dollars.


Treasurer SHEIBLE presented paper redeemed by him, to wit:
County warrants, $?,??0.74
Invest certificates $??.??
Witness fees $??.??
District warrants $?, 710.70
Overseers’ receipts $2.00
Which were cancelled and he credited with the amounts.

Quarterly statement of fees by County clerk, showing $686.71 received and $150 paid for clerk hire was approved.


Quarterly statement of fees collected by the Circuit clerk, showing $???.?? received and $50 paid for clerk, was approved.

Resignation of Leopold BERRESHEIM, as Constable of Rock township, was accepted and John NOLAN appointed in his stead.

Contract of A. K. BOYD, for constructing 2108 feet of Plattin and DeSoto rock road, was approved.

Commissioner reported that A. K. BOYD had completed ??? feet of Plattin and
De Soto road, and he was paid therefore $???.

Commissioner reported that A. K. BOYD had graded 350 yards on Plattin and Festus road, and he was paid therefore $57.

Taxes for 1890 were fixed as follows: State revenue, 20 cents on the $100 valuation; State interest, 10 cents; county revenue, 20 cents, dirt road, 20 cents; debt fund, 20 cents; total, $1 on the $100 valuation.

Court hereupon adjourned to 7th of July, next.

[AD] At Net Cost! All goods in the store will be sold at net cost, on
account of change in business. HAMEL,
De Soto, Mo.

De Soto~
by DeSotoan.

The first strawberry festival of this season will be given by the ladies of the Episcopal church, at the Opera House, on Friday evening, 10th inst.


The first game of baseball in the city this season was played on Sunday last, between the Brotherhood and Lily clubs, both of St. Louis, which resulted in a victory for the former by a score of ? to 5.

The F. and L. Union have purchased the remnants of D. F. RICHARDS’ s stock of goods, and have opened a store at the same stand lately occupied by Mr. R.


D. F. RICHARDs’ eldest son, aged about 13, accidentally shot himself in the hand with a pistol, one day last week, inflicting a severe, though not dangerous, wound.


The Democratic club met last Friday evening and elected new officers, Pat LOVETT being chosen president and Tom WELSH vice-president.


Mrs. A. F. PECK, of this city, died suddenly last night of apoplexy at Iron, where she was
visiting. The remains were brought to
De Soto this morning.


Ralph AUBUCHON, a brakeman living in this city, was run over and so badly crushed at Jefferson Barracks, last night, that he died today. He leaves a wife and several small children.
May 13, 1890.

Sylvester A. WILSON departed this life at
9 a.m., May 2nd at Festus. He was bedfast with lung disease since January 29th, and was in bad heath for some time previous. His last three months were days of suffering, which he bore with rare patience, finding, as he reportedly said, more
comfort in prayer than in all else, in which he spent much of his time for himself, his beloved wife and aged parents, cheering them and directing them to Christ and heaven as the only home. He was nursed with untiring effort and devotion by his wife and people, who now morn his loss, but rejoice in the assurance that he is free from pain, at home with God. He took a clear-minded adieu from all a few hours before he died, and asked them to meet him in heaven, where he would remember them until they came. He and wife joined the Presbyterian church about three months ago, and gave evidence of sincerity and trust in God in his affliction. May God abundantly comfort and support his afflicted companion, who rejoices in the assurance of meeting him and their child gone before, where sickness and sorrow are not known. A Friend.

~Deaths and Births~
The following is a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week:
Date   Name   Age
Feb’y 12,  Mrs. Geo. WILKERSON -----
May 6, ------ McCORMACK,  3 months
May 25,   Mrs. Thomas PATION?, -----
April 22,   James O. WILLIAMS  74 years
April 11,   James PHILIPS  70? years
April 3,     John WRIGHT -----
April 13?,  Mary JONES  ?2 years
April 24,    Mrs. Jacob SMITH   74 years
April 16,    Frank WYNN, 15? years
April 15?,  Adam DEAL?, 56? years
Dec  6      John WALKER, 73 years

Date   Name of Mother   Sex
Dec. 22, Mrs. John OEST?, boy
Jan’y  3, Mrs. Walter AMEREAUX?, boy
Jan’y 15?, Mrs. Chris BERGMANN, boy
Feb’y 6,  Mrs. Henry LEYHTER, boy
Feb’y 18 Mrs. Eugene BUTLER, girl
Feb’y 25, Mrs. Harry HEART, girl
Mar. 2,   Mrs. Joseph VINYARD, boy
Mar 3,   Mrs. W. F. EDINGER, boy
Mar 10, Mrs. W. H. WONDER?, boy
Mar 20, Mrs.  E. L. ROBERTSON, boy
April 7, Mrs.  Julian SHERMAN, boy
April 12, Mrs. B. F. ENGLAND, girl
April 16, Mrs. William A. SMITH, boy
April 23, Mrs. George REISELAGE?, boy
April 27, Mrs. Sebastian KOHLER, boy
April 26?, Mrs. O. H. DONNELL, girl
May 2,  Mrs. Herman HEILIGTAG, boy


~Farms Wanted~

Large and small farm in all the counties of Southeast Missouri - Jefferson county farms preferred. Send list to me at once. If you want quick sale, make price low. No expense unless we sell them, only usual commission. Buyers, we are headquarters for bargains. BAKEWELL & Co., Victoria, Jeff. Co., Mo.


Administrator’s Notice

[...] estate of John P. LOLLAR? [...]

Benjamin. LOLLAR Administrator


Sheriff’s Sale

William ? BITTICK, Sarah BITTICK, and E.? ??


Sheriff’s Sale

[...] property of  Henry T. MUDD?, George R. STEPHENS? and William W. GILL


Sheriff’s Sale

Mary Noce, John Barsotti, Olivia Gray, Thomas Gray,  (others can’t be read)


Sheriff’s Sale [additional listings; unreadable]


~Items of News~


For cheap good go to HOEKEN’s Cash Store, Hillsboro.


Burns, cuts, etc, can be cured by using Dr. Hoffman’s Golden Ointment.


F. WILLIAMS, of Crystal City, will be ready to furnish strawberries to customers next week.


For drugs, medicine, etc, go to the Opera House Drug Store, De Soto.


Go to the Opera House Drug Store for any thing you need in the way of standard medicines, perfumery, etc.


Mr. and Mrs. MIDDENDORFF, and Miss POSH?, who have been visiting H. SIEMERS, returned to St. Louis this week.


Said he to her: “Get a 25-cent bottle of Dr. F. TRANDT’s celebrated Cough Drops and stop your cough. Sure cure.”


The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet articles, at the Opera house Drug Store.


G. W. LANHAM has got a copyright on his system of penmanship, and will have his books in circulation at an early date.


Beware of fraudulent imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN’s Family Medicines, F. TRANDT’s are the only genuine.


A sure cure for nervous headache - Dr. F. TRANDT’s Indian Healing Liniment. For sale by all dealers.


Barney WYNN lost his fine mare with distemper. Mr. CRAEMER and Louis PARTNEY also lost some horses with same disease.


Bargains in Millinery and Notions, for the next sixty days, at Mrs. PRIMM’s, De Soto, Mo.


We carry the best men’s and boys’ shoes in the county for the least money, at the Square Deal Clothing House.


Jacob GROB fell from a load of hay, near Victoria, last Tuesday, and broke one of his legs. Dr. FARRAR set the broken limb, and we presume Jacob will recover in the usual time.


Boy’s and children’s suits from $1 upwards, at the Square Deal Clothing House, DeSoto, Mo.


Men’s and boys’ hats, in all styles and shapes, at reduced prices, at the Square Deal Clothing House.


Licensed to marry -

Lou McNAUMAN and Martha B. DUTTON

Samuel H. WASHBURN and Susan M. WOODS

John W. SUTTON and Julia M. PASHA

Jacob F. D. MUGELE and Paulina O. MUGELE.


Max FROMHOLD, at De Soto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.


For a full line of first-class ladies’, gents’ and children’s shoes - sold at bottom prices - go to E. KEMPE, De Soto.


Mr. Louis PARTNEY, carried last week “an awful big black eye.” He was cleaning out his orchard, when a limb struck him a violent blow, closing up one optic. The sight will not be injured.


Gent’s furnishing goods will be sold below St. Louis prices, at the square Deal Clothing House, De Soto.


At the Commercial Exchange in De Soto, you can get the best brands of imported wines and liquors; also fine alcohol.


All kinds of riding can be seen in De Soto now, but they do say that the funniest ride of all occurred last week when the boys placed. C. W. HARMONY on a stray jennet, and forced him to ride down Main street.


If you want a lifetime-lasting roof get the Washington red-cedar shingles, kept only by the Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co., De Soto, Mo.


For the latest improved spring hoe grain drill and wheat fan go to HACKE’s Agricultural Depot, De Soto, Mo. They are warranted to give satisfaction.


“Ayer’s Medicines have been satisfactory to me throughout my practice, especially Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, which has been used by many of my patients, on of whom says he knows it saved his life.” - F. L. MORRIS, M.D., Brooklyn, N.Y.


Check your cough by using Dr. F. TRANDT’s celebrated Cough Drops only 25 cents per bottle. Best in the world. Every body keep them.


Wanted - A girl for general house work. Good wages for a competent person. Apply to Mrs. M. J. HARRIS, Sulphur Springs, Mo.


Young GILLERT, of Rock Township, called at the jail Monday, evening, and asked to be permitted to talk to his brother, who is a prisoner. The Sheriff let him to the jail, turned the keys and walked away, forgetting all about his visitor till next morning.


Pains in the back can be gotten rid of by one, application of Dr. F. TRANDT’s Indian Healing Liniment. Ask your dealer for it.


25 Men Wanted! Wanted, 25 men, to work in quarry on Hillsboro and Victoria gravel road. Apply to Jos. J. HOEKEN, Hillsboro, Mo.


That tired, debilitated feeling, so peculiar to Spring, indicates depraved blood. Now is the time to prove the beneficial effects of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It cleans the system, restores physical energy,

and infuses new life and vigor into every fibre of the body.


15 men wanted to work in clay mines; steady work at 1.25 to 1.40 per day. Also one or two men with small families. Address, I. MAUDLE, Regina, Mo.


Those needing anything in the line of Saddlery, Harness, &r., are invited to call at my store, as I am making a change in my business and selling out everything at net cost. H. HAMEL, De Soto


The DeSoto fishermen, whom we mentioned last week, brought back a lot of fish. Through the kindness of Max FROMHOLD, who was of the party, we have been permitted to handle a specimen of their catch. It is one of the largest and almost dried herrings we ever saw.


Saddlery and Harness are now going at cost at H. HAMEL’s, De Soto, Mo. Those who need anything in that line should call soon and secure a bargain.


Plows, Cultivators, Corn planters, Corn drills, Reapers and Mowers, and other farming implements, all of the best make and at lowest prices, at Henry HURTGEN’s Hillsboro, Mo.


Rev. J. W. HARWOOD will preach in Hillsboro next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. He will also complete the organization of a class after evening services. There will be prayer meeting tonight, Thursday. He will preach at N.W. ?? school house, in district 2, township ?2, at 3:30 p.m. All are cordially invited.


For sale at a bargain a new Rundey? thresher and Buffalo Pitts engine, in complete running order. Thresher run only a part of last season. Address, Wm. ??HL? or Henry H????, ?????, Mo.


Judge DINNING, on the Circuit court bench, looks very natural.


Judge PIKE, representing the railroad company, and Mr. TAYLOR, the famous damage lawyer, are the only attorneys from abroad that we have noticed in court.


The Zion Anti - Horsethief Co., will meet at Zion School-house Monday, May 19th, at 8 o’clock P.M. All officers and members are requested to be present. All wishing to become members are cordially invited. K. G. MORGAN, Sec’y


For sale cheap, 2 full-blooded Berkshire boars, one sow with 10 pigs, and a few Merino buck lambs, some of which will shear from 10 to 12 pounds of wool. Address, S. G.  SMITH, De Soto, Mo.


James H. WEAVER, Presiding Elder of the Asheville district in Holston conference, will preach, at Hematite, next Sunday, at the usual hours. Rev. MYATT, of the Indian Mission conference, will preach at Pevely, Sunday May 1?, at morning and night. These are some of our general  conference delegates and distinguished ministers of the gospel. Come one, come all. J.A. SRONCE


Riding, walking and tongueless cultivators; also the best mowers and binders. I challenge the binder world to meet me in a field contest. For sale, cheap, at Henry HURTGEN’s, Hillsboro, Mo.


The Methodist conference, in session in St. Louis, assigned ministers to different churches around the country. Last Sunday a Mr. BUSH of New Mexico, was sent to Hillsboro, and he preached noon and evening. His discourses are highly spoken of by the few who heard him, but as no notice was given the people did not know of his appointment.


F. HACKE, of De Soto, is making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which e sells at St. Louis prices. They are the best and lightest running wagons extant. Go see them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give satisfaction.


The Farmer’s and Laborers’ cooperative store in De Soto is now in full blast, ready to supply all comers. They occupy the RICHARDS store house, and will endeavor to keep it packed full of such goods as required by the trade. They solicit everybody’s custom, promising fair treatment to al. For further particulars see their advertisement in this paper.


Our stock of men’s and boys’ clothing is complete for spring and summer wear. Give us a call if you want to save from 10 to 20 per cent on any purchase you make, at the Square Deal clothing House.


On account of change in my business I am now selling my whole stock of goods at cost. Those wanting anything in the line of Saddlery and Harness, should call at once. H. HAMEL, De Soto, Mo.



Judge SECKMAN is hoeing his blackberries and preparing to plant them. 


William CHRIST is building a new frame house. Henry BONACKER is the carpenter.


Charles ROLF is reported sick, but not serious.


George STAAT? was seen riding towards Kimmswick, one day last week, and then he walked towards Maysville.


Mr. George FRIEDERICH closed his school on the 21st. Everybody was well pleased and the director employed him for next term. If you desire to hear music, come to Seckman P.O., some night and be convinced that it is excellent.


Strawberries are somewhat damaged by the heavy rains, but we will have some berries yet if Jack Frost will not steal them.


William SCHWALBERT is planting a large patch of strawberries and does not intend to raise any more wheat after this year. Jim Jam


Buggies, phaetons, surreys and every style of earrings, made to order on short notice if not ion hand, by F. HACKE, De Soto. Patent wheels and steel axles always kept on hand, so the repairs can be promptly made.


It seems that some meddlesome person has reported to the post-office department that A. M. CALLAHAN, who carries the mail between here and Ware P.O., employs a blind man as mail carrier, who, when Dry Creek is a little swollen, is afraid to try to cross. The person who is guilty of such malicious meanness is getting mightily low down. We all know Mr. CALLAHAN’s condition and know that his efforts, to make a living for himself are very commendable, and his services as mail carrier are entirely satisfactory to the patrons of the line. During two years there has only been one failure to cross Dry Creek and deliver mails promptly, and that was on the 25th? of April inst.  On that day Mr. CALLAHAN’s deputy, Louis PIERCE, went with the mail. He was born and raised within two miles of that ford of the creek and seeing it was past fording, did not attempt to cross. That is the only failure in two years, and no man in the county could have made a better



Wanted, at once, housekeeper; single or married woman, without children; can give employment to husband. Family small and a good home to a deserving woman, and good wages. References required. Address. H. W. DOUGLASS, Pevely, Mo.


~Kimmswick, May 12~

Sunday morning was very cloudy, but about noon it cleared off nice.


The brass band and a large crowd went down to Glen Park to spend the day, and all had a good time.


Our Sunday school will have a picnic on the 31st, in BARLOW’s yard.


Mr. EDY and lady of DeSoto, Harry LOUIS and Edna McCREERY of South St. Louis, were visiting at NORTH’s.


Dr. SPALDING has again opened a drugstore.


Mrs. HARLOW, who has been very sick, is fast improving.


The Grand Republic came Saturday with excursionists.


On the 28th the Public school will have a picnic at Park LOUISBURG. The brass band will furnish music for the occasion.


Capt. STEWART has moved into Mrs. PIPKIN’s house.


Harry HALL and Charles HENSLEY spent Sunday in town.


Miss Nannie RICHARDSON, of Maxville, was visiting here.


The young men are talking of organizing a baseball club.


Miss Eva MOSS spent Sunday in Sulphur.


The Young People’s Meeting is improving. They meet every Sunday evening, at 7:30. I don’t know what would become of them if it was not for those Sulphur Spring’s young men. So I say to them don’t miss, for if you do the meeting will fall through.


E. WILLIAMS, the strawberry raiser of near Crystal City, writes us that prospects are good for about 200 bushels in his patch, and he will be glad to get his last year’s pickers again for this, as well as some new ones. - none but first class pickers need apply. Sunday school picnic furnished with berries at reduced rates during the season.  Any restaurant or hotel keeper on the line of the Iron Mountain railroad can be supplied with fresh berries daily, at good rate prices, by addressing E. WILLIAMS, Crystal City, Missouri.


During the remainder of this season Capt. W. H. WASHBURN will keep his lots, two days in each week, at LEPP’s old stand, near COLE’s Mill. Please take notice.


Tis strange, ladies will go on month after month suffering from some female disorder, which one bottle of Dr. DROMGOOLE’s Female Bitters would speedily correct.


At their meeting, last Saturday, the G. A. R. post of De Soto made arrangements for proper recognition of Decoration Day, May 30th. Sunday, the 30th, will be observed as Memorial Day, and it is intended to have a Grand Union service at the M. E. Church. All the ministers in the city will be invited to cooperate with Captain CRO??, and have at least three services during the day and evening, in addition to other appropriate service, and everybody is invited to attend. On Decoration Day, the procession will be formed at 1 o’clock, march to the cemeteries, where the regular ceremonies will be gone through with. It is desired to have the school children take part in the parade, and all citizens and organizations who will join in are also invited. The music for the occasion will be a fife and drum corps, under the leadership of Mr. Ed. PERRY. Those having flowers to contribute for decoration purposes are requested to report to the flower committee, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. BUTCHER, Mr. and Mrs. JENKINS and Mr. SERRIS?. Preliminary arrangements were also made for a grand union of all the comrades at Southeast Missouri, to be held at De Soto on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, of September next, of this we will speak further hereafter.


We defy competition on our 5, 7, 10 and 15 dollar men’s suites in prices, quality and fabric. Give us a call before buying, which will be to your own interest, as a dollar saved is a dollar made. Square Deal Clothing House.


De Soto, May 11 - Mr. Editor, I was instructed to inform you of proceedings of the De Soto Democratic Club, which may transpire in future during my term of office in the club. The club met in regular session at the G. A. R. hall on Friday evening May 9th. The term of officers having expired, the following were chosen for the ensuing term by acclamation; Patrick LAVETT, president; Thomas WELCH, vice-president; J. J. CORMLEY, secretary, J. T. O????????, Treasurer. The following were appointed executive committee. Thomas WELSH, N. O’BRIEN, Louis WAPPLER, J. J. McCONNLEY, and John W. BENMENT. After the newly elected officers took their places, some sound Democracy was expounded by Pat LOVETT, Thomas WELCH., N. O’BRIEN, A. A. C???AN, James BERKLEY and Rob HICKS, discussing the best way to hold conventions for the elections of delegates, so as to suit the mass of Democratic voters. This will again be discussed at our next regular meeting., which will be held on the fourth Saturday of

this month at K. P. hall, the hall now used not being large enough to accommodate the mass Democrats of this vicinity. The present membership is 55, but under the management of the newly elected officers I hope to report to you in the near future three times that amount. Pat LOVETT is a man who never fails to make a success of anything he takes hold of, and with the assistance of the officers now in charge, DeSoto will be alive with Democrats before Fall. J. J. McCONNLEY, Sec’y


A very pretty wedding took place in St. Louis, at the Lafayette Park Baptist church, on the evening of the 30th ult., the contracting parties being Dr. F. B. KENNER, of Farmington, and Miss Allie, oldest daughter of the late Jacob J. and Laura C. LETCHER?. The bride, a petite brunette, never was lovelier than in her bridal robe of cream white faille francaise, with court train and bodice cut in V, filled in with soft folds of white silk tulle. She carried a bouquet of bridal roses and water lilies. Her attendance were Miss Sallie LETCHER and Miss Anna CRAFT, attired exactly alike in cream white Henrietta cloth, made dancing length, with corsage “en V” and sleeves  met by long gants de suede. Each carried a bunch of ???? roses. The bridal cortege entered the church in the following order: Mrs. Laura C. LETCHER leaning on the arm of her brother, Herbert HAILE; Mrs. Mary MEGGITT, attended by her son, Alexander; MRS. C. C. HAILE AND Alex HAILE, Mrs.

C. A. CRAFT and Mrs. Frank RUSSELL, G. W. COLLINS and lady, C. L. HOGG and lady, Ed. MURDOCH and Miss Fannie LETCHER, Eugene HAILE and Miss Fannie CRAFT; next came the ushers, Messrs. WARD, JOHNSON and NAGEL; Miss Sallie LETCHER, leaning on the arm of Mr. CAVE?. Miss Anna CRAFT and L. PEERS, followed by bride and groom The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. WILLIAMS, after which the bridal party were driven to the residence of the bride’s  grandmother, on Pine street, where a reception followed, lasting from 8 until 11. the presents were beautiful and numerous. The happy couple left on the steamer “Gem City” for a short trip south, before going to their home at Farmington.


~$2500 Worth of Property Cheap~

For sale at Public Auction in the Town of Hillsboro, Jefferson Co., Mo., May 17th, 1890, property in the Town of Victoria, as follows: One grocery store with two living rooms overhead and cellar; also in the same day will be offered one new dwelling house of 4 rooms and cellar, within 14 feet of store, to highest bidder, for cash or good security. Plenty of good water and shade on lot, which is 70x105? feet. No encumbrances title perfect. A grocery store badly needed there.

Wm. ??????


~Crystal and Festus~ by Damphool

A heavy storm passed over the twin cities last Monday night. It shook up one camp considerable, and the rain fell in torrents. No damage was done.


???? good authority I may state that the depot of the narrow gauge railroad will be built on MOORE’s addition to Festus. MOORE says he will build a good street to the station. Take it all in all the mile is as convenient to Festus as the one on the BAILEY crossing; but we Main Street fellows are mad anyhow.


I went to see Mayor ADAMS yesterday to inform myself of the healing progress of his injuries, inflicted on him by Pete BARTON last week. ADAMS is not materially disfigured, but his nose is considerably flattened by the fracture of the nasal bone. His cheek bone gives him trouble, though, and a good sized scar will remain on his face. The deplorable incident is still the conversation topic of the town.


I have heard some very favorable comments on the new wood-preserving oil, now in store and for sale at R. BARKER’s carpenter shop. BARKER, being a first class mechanic, detected the superior merits of the fluid and, therefore, applied for the agency. Real estate owner, who prefer

to save time and money by saturating all wood work exposed to weather with this oil, would do well to give this new preserving material an impartial trial.


The twin cities seem to be destination of vagrant and destitute people of late, especially since the narrow gauge is built. Last Saturday an unfortunate demented cripple - a woman - was seen on the streets of Festus, begging from door to door. Next day she entered the house of Mr. HALE just west of the city, and there was taken with a severe epileptic fit. Mr. HALE called the attention of squire JENNINGS to the case but nothing could be done for her. The spell being over she got up and wandered away, God knows where to. She claimed to have come from Bonne Terre.


Last Saturday George FLINT and John SCHNEIDER, of De Soto, came up to hold prayer meeting, and our salvation army gathered around them and the meeting began at once to do homage to Father GAMBRINNS?. The service was held in Billy GORMAN’s chapel in the rear, and Elders F. KLEIN, D. ALCOCK, Th. UNDERBERRY, R. KEMPSTER, Chas. EDWARDS and others, conducted the services, which consisted in ringing glass bells and singing hymn, such as Yankee Doodle. Service closed in the Star Parlor, at 2 a.m. Sunday afternoon missionary work commenced in the wilderness, and one heathen, John MILLER was converted. He clings to the faith with ardent spirit and composed the new hymn “(German phrase) etc. The next meeting will be held in WAMPLER’s Church, De Soto, where more conversions will be made.


We have another departury in town. The former proprietor at KINNERMAN’s? sharp corner is practicing veterinary doctorism. As an experiment he bought a horse from the present owner of the corner and that was fatal - not to Frank but to the horse. Frank counted the teeth and it had ????? so he concluded it was nine years old. But the blasted “hippa?” caught the belly ??????? and Frank had cured many such cases by pouring a quart or two of  moonshine whiskey down the patient’s throat and thinking what is good for man is good for beast, he poured a quart of NNY? down the nag’s throat. The nag turned its eyes, laid down and died. And now we know why some fellows say “this whiskey is strong enough to kill a horse.” Frank can not understand yet what the other fellow meant by telling him that he knew the horse for 23 years, but never saw it take a quart of ????.


Our tonsorial artists - some call them barbers - are bad musicians, that is true, but they could beat St. Peter on the sea of Gaillea fishing. With broom sticks, strings, crooked hair pins and glass

whistles well corked, they started on a fishing tour the other day, down Plattin creek. They were happy and tooted the whistles many times on the way, and that made them happier. WILHELM took a conference with the fish and plunged in, but only said damit, and when he came up he was

wet and they tooted the whistle again. Then they found an oyster bed and fed on a dozen raw, and whistled. HILDEN discovered pot clay and they whistled. MEYER found timber to make cake, and they whistled. Now they were happiest and came home, and whistled again. After entering the city gates they tried to take the town, but the people only allowed them the streets, and they took them fully and whistled. HILDEN will start a pottery with the clay he carried home on his coat, and the other two signed partnership papers and broke the whistling machine.

Festus May 13, 1890


~List of Conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday:


F. C. SMITH to S. W. CRAWFORD at al interest in 12 acres, ?? 3 t39 r4


T. A. JAMES, to same and same


Catharine LYNCH to Geo. GANSNER, 59? acres, s12 tp, r6?


Oscar WIELANS? to Alex and Peter McARTHUR, 114a, s55 t41 r5


J. W. NULL et al to J. W. NULL, JR., 89?acres in survey ???


W. H. H. THOMAS to J. W. FLETCHER, two lots in DeSoto


H.J. CANTWELL, to E.F. DONNELLY, lot in DONNELLY’s addition to De Soto


Peter BILLY to Wm. H. PLASS, lot in Festus


~Circuit Court~

The regular term of the Jefferson County Circuit Court opened Monday, Judge THOMAS being absent, Judge DINNING was elected to hold the court. D. B. VEAZEY and John H. REPPY are attending to the clerks duties, while Sheriff MAUPIN is assisted by P. A. MARSDEN and Ed FORREST.


The grand jury got to work by noon, Monday. It is compounded of W. J. FITZMORRIS, as foreman, and W. H. CASE, Charles H. WINER, A. H. MOORE, John I. R???L, Oliver CROMWELL, Jr., John ???, J. F. SHANNON, Hudson HENSLEY, Louis JEUDE, Henry VIVRETT and William SWABERT was summoned in place of Philip HINK, excused.


Several cases were compromised and discussed, others continued and venue changed in some, so that comparatively little work was done.


Frank BROUK, John W. HUSLAM, Martin PAPOLIK, John ONJE and Chas. KARTE were made citizens of the United States.


Change of venue will be granted on application of defendants in the case of James F. NICHOALDS and Alex M. FOSTER against the Crystal Plate Glass Co.


The KEIM-RATHBUN case, which has been tried tow or three times, was compromised and dismissed, each to pay a portion of the cost.


~To the Public~

My 14-year-old boy, George W., having left his home, I here-by notify all that I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract, nor will I claim his wages, but will permit him to make his own contracts and earn his own living, and will not be responsible for debtor bills or any other exposes on his account. May 12, 1890. William T. ROGERS?


~High School Notes~

The friends of the school are quietly discussing the question of building or acquiring school property at this place. Hillsboro is certainly one of the healthiest locations in the State. We are within easy reach of the railroad, and with our bank and telegraph lines, we have ready communication with all parts of the county. It is probable that a meeting will be called at the end of the present term to take definite action in the matter.


[AD] The Jefferson Nursery, H. JORGEN, Prop.

[AD] Carbolineum Avenarius, Festus, Mo.

[AD] Jefferson County Bank, George BAKEWELL and O. M MONROE.

[AD] Otto Bicycles, E. C. MEACHAM Arms co.

[AD] Henry M. STANEY, “In Darkest Africa

[AD] Charles SCRIBNER’s Sons, Apply to S. F. JUNKIN & Co., 901 Olive St.., St. Louis

[AD] The Directors of the Farmers and Laborors Union, of De Soto, Mo.,

Cooperative-Store, For the Sale of Groceries, Dry Goods and General Merchandise.

[AD] Albert H. HAMEL, Physician and Surgeon

[AD] The Jefferson Hotel

[AD] BRYAN’s Saloon, Hillsboro, Mo.

[AD] Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent and Justice of the Peace

[AD] The Missouri Railroad Telegraph

[AD] DORRANCE Portrait Studio, De Soto Missouri

[AD] 14-Mile House, Lemay, Aug. KASSEBAUM

[AD] Commercial Exchange, by Max FROMHOLD

[AD] MOCKBEE House, (CLARK’s Hotel), Hillsboro, MO

[AD] Dr. DROMGOOLE’s English Female Bitters

[AD] Southeastern Sample-Room, F. A. KAIN, Prop.

[AD] Mrs. PRIMM, Leading Milliner

[AD] E. VOLLMAR, Hillsboro, Dry Goods, Groceries



[AD] Cas. Edw. TURNERS, Telegraph Academy

[AD] Look Here! Go to E. Donaldson’s Best Jewelry

[AD] The Gust HAMEL Mfg. Co., De Soto, Mo.

[AD] Bees! Bees! J. B. DOVER, Victoria, Mo.

[AD] Consumption Cured, W. A. NOYES, Rochester, N.Y.

[AD] Dr. DROMGOOLE’S English Female Bitters

[AD] Crystal Plate Glass Co’s Store, Crystal City, Missouri

[AD] Cunningham and Hamel’s, Mercantile Co., De Soto, Mo.

[AD] Chas. E. ELLIS, General - Merchant, Pevely, Mo.

[AD] Louis GREVE’S General Store, Pevely, Mo.

[AD] De Soto Marble Works, Eugene HIRSCH, Proprietor

[AD] Livery and Feed Stable, De Soto, Mo., A. F. FRECH

[AD] F. S. HENDERLITE, attorney at Law, De Soto, Missouri

[AD] Southeaster Sample-Room F. A. KAIN, Prop., St. Louis

[AD] Hotel, G. C. WRIGHT, St. Louis, MO

[AD] William KNORPP, General Grocery, De Soto

[AD] Frank J. HAMPEL, Maxville, Mo., Hartford Fire Insurance

[AD] Bloomington Nursery

[AD] FINK & NASS, Wholesale, Grocery, St. Louis

[AD] F. AuBUCHON & Son, General Merchant, De Soto

[AD] Slawson & Ki---, Hardware, De Soto

[AD] H. MOEHLM, General Store

[AD] Granite Marble, De Soto

[AD] Before You Buy a Steam Engine or Boiler, Atlas Engine Works, Indianapolis, Ind.

[AD] Canary Birds For Sale

[AD] Detroit Sure Grip

[AD] Green Tree Brewery Co, St. Louis, Mo., Charles KARTE