The rainy season is over for the present
and cellars and cisterns are well supplied with water. The Ladies' washing
society of Festus put most of last week's work off till this.
The descendants of Ham or lovers of chicken - or in other words, our
American citizens of African descent - are about to build a Masonic Lodge in
Festus; also another church.
Last week the Mayor issued a
proclamation, warning the parents of children to guard against scarlet fever by
using proper precautions. We would call the attention of his honor to the
dangerous conditions of our sidewalks, which in many places are more holey than righteous.
There's no music sweeter
than the laugh of a little child. A few days illness
week before last, and Death claimed the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. James
MANWARRING. The body was taken to Valle's Mines for burial. The deepest sympathy
is felt by many friends and neighbors for their affliction. Jesus said, " Suffer
little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not,
for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Died, of
consumption, last Monday, in the 32nd year of his age, Edward MANWARRING,
leaving a wife and three children to mourn his loss. He was buried
Wednesday afternoon at the GAMEL graveyard, many following his remains to their
last resting place. He was a member of the Christian church. The Rev. GIDEON, of
the M. E. church, performed the last sad rites for the dead in a very affecting manner, and many shed tears.
How dark seems the world and how dreary, When we part from the ones that we
love; But there's rest for the faint and the weary,
When friends meet with
lost ones above.
Final Settlement: of Elizabeth Mead, S.H. Mead
Final Settlement:
Aquilla H. Cole,
Administrators Notice:
Thomas Byrne, James Byrne Administrator
Spring Stock!
Our immense store is filled with the best and most seasonable goods
in the market, which we are selling at less prices than any house in
market price paid for all kinds of country produce. If you want to save money
call at the Crystal Plate Glass Co's Store, Crystal
City, Missouri.
For cheap goods go to HOEKEN'S Cash Store,
Xavier KOHLER,
of Seckman, has been added to the pension list.
Burns, cuts, etc. can be
cured by using Dr. HOFFMAN'S Golden Ointment.
For drugs, medicines, etc.
go to the Opera House Drug Store,
BORGWALD, one of the early settlers of Kimmswick died at
The finest assortment of perfumery and toilet
articles, at the Opera House Drug Store.
No births were reported
to the county clerk last week; one death was reported - Alexander BOUGHTON,
March 29, aged 68 years.
Beware of fraudulent imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN's Family Medicines. F. TRANDT's are the only genuine.
Mr. John S. POUNDS and
Miss Sarah J. GOWAN were united in marriage, by C. S. BOOTH, Esq. at his office
A sure cure
for nervous headache - Dr. F. TRANDT's Indian Healing
Liniment. For sale by all dealers.
first whip-poor-will of the season we heard Sunday night, but it was so cold
that there was but little life in this
Bargains in Millinery and Notions, for the next
sixty days at Mrs. Primm's, De Soto,
Kentucky Sam, the celebrated roadster, will stand three days of each
week during the season at the stable of Oscar EDWARDS, south of
We carry the best
men's and boys shoes in the county, for the best money at the Square Deal
Clothing House.
Mr. Jno. T. MANION and Miss Mary E. HEARST, both of Big River
township were united in marriage last Tuesday by Judge ELKINS, at
Boy's and children's suits from $1 upwards, at the Square
Deal Clothing House,
No. 14 arrived
in Sheriff MAUPIN's family last Monday evening. It is
a girl. The Sheriff seems to be bearing up under his affliction very well.
Men's and boy's
hats, in all styles and shades, at reduced prices, at the Square Deal Clothing
There were three days last week that the creek at
We learn that
" H??ty" KOHLER, of Antonia, has
concluded that hay weighs more when wet than dry, and while hauling a load to a
customer recently he first dumped it into Glaize creek.
For a full line
of first-class ladies', gents' and children's shoes – sold at bottom prices - go
Licensed to
marry -
Wm. M. SCHMIDT and Emma M. BLACK,
Amadeus AuBUCHON and Mary LAROSE,
S. POUNDS and Sarah J. GOWAN,
John T. MANION and Mary E. HEARST
FROMHOLD at De Soto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper and
brassware, bar fixtures, etc.
On the night of the 17th of April, Jos.
BURGESS and Ed. MAUPIN, with two steel traps and one mouse trap, caught six big
rats and fifteen mice, and they don't think it was a good night for rats and
mice, or they would have caught more.
At the Commercial Exchange in
Mr. Walter
BURPEE and lady arrived in our town last week. Mrs. BURPEE is a sister of Mrs.
W. T. MOCKBEE, whom she had not seen for 16 years. We believe they intend to
make this their future home. The came from Glen's Falls, N.Y.
Go to the
Opera House Drug Store for any things you need in the way of standard medicines,
perfumery, etc.
After being deprived of two or three days' mail, an
account of the fullness of the Joachim, Charlie KARTE came out with a load
of Green Tree beer to drive away the "blues." We learn this beer made some feel
"blue" the day after drinking it.
Let quality, not quantity, be the test of a medicine. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
concentrated extract of the best and purest ingredients. Medical men everywhere
recommend it as the purest and most economical blood medicine in the
If you want a lifetime-lasting roof get the
The great majority
of so-called cough cures do little more than impair the digestive functions
and ??? bile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the
contrary, while it cures the cough, does not interfere with the functions of
either liver or stomach.
Members of Perry V. FLETCHER Post, No 46,
G. A. R. are hereby requested to be present at the
first regular meeting of the post in May, the second Saturday, on account
of important business concerning decoration day. Yours in F.,
C. and L. G. W. R????????
Check your cough by using Dr. F. TRANDT's Cough Drops
A woman, named
Louisa BOURGEOIS, was placed in jail as insane, last week. She is
from Irondale, but was taken up when on a visit to Silica. She claims
to have a husband and children, and that the husband abandoned her
and took the children. She should be sent back to where
she belongs. One evening of last week she set her clothing on fire
in some way, but the Sheriff heard her screams and
got back to the cell in time to extinguish the fire before it burned her
There was one
entry of record made by the Board of Equalization that we did not publish
before, because we did not know of it. All that the record shows in regard to the matter is as follows:
"The motion of Judge CHARLES, to increase the valuation on east
part of survey No. 215, containing ??
acres, owned by Crystal Plate Glass Co., to the sum of
??? was ??? The valuation now on said
property is ???. It is the land on which the glass
works, etc., are
Saddlery and
Harness are now going at cost at M. HAMEL's,
Messrs. Henry HAMPEL and Michael ZIEGLER, of near Maxville, have
been having more than their share of affliction of late. Both families have been
down with scarlet fever and the following deaths have resulted. Apr 22,
Frank, aged 4 years, and on the 27, Francisca? aged 10 months, son and daughter
of Henry HAMPEL; March 2?, Maggie aged 3 years and 10 months, and on April 27,
Clara aged 7 years, daughters of Michael ZIEGLER. Both families have the
heartfelt sympathies of the entire community.
25 Men Wanted!
25 men, to work in quarry on
brought out and exhibited to admiring crowds the door key lately found on
the site of the old Town of
The Board of
Equalization meets to make people rich, but the Court of Appeals follows
after to make them poor again. The court this week knocked off nearly all the
raises of evaluation made during the first week in the month. It seems to be a
matter of difference of opinion. In the opinion of those who attend the Board of
Equalization, the property is all assessed too low, while those who attend the
Court of Appeals are as positive in their opinion that the property is assessed
too high. It seems a very easy matter in the minds of many to assess the
property of the county, put everybody on an equality
and give universal satisfaction, but, in practice, it is one of the hardest
things to the world to do.
Those needing anything in the way of Saddlery, Harness, etc. are invited to call at my store, as
I am making a change in my business and selling out everything at net cost. H.
George BAUER,
charged by James GILLMAN with breaking into his house and stealing one
could be
found hidden; the gun was found and BAUER was arrested and in default of a new
bond he was sent to jail. We refrain from further comments, not wishing to
prejudice the case before trial.
Our stock of men's and boys' clothing is
complete for spring and summer wear. Give us a call if you want to save
from 10 to 20 per cent on any purchase you may make, at the Square Deal Clothing
On account of change in my business I am now selling my whole
stock of goods at cost. Those wanting anything in the line of Saddlery and Harness should
call at once. H. HAMEL,
and family have not had a very prosperous time since they arrived in
as payment on a debt
they owed, for, "the ? is worthy of his
Miss Jennie HORAN was united in marriage to Mr. M.
VOGELGESANG, on the 24th ult., in
long sash; in her hand she
carried La
If Pat ?? will keep running horses, the
citizens of Crystal and Festus have no objections provided he
lets them run away on his own private grounds. We do object to them running
on the ?? highway, to the
danger of all they meet, and we call the attention of our Mayor to try and
stop them.
Shekinah Lodge A. F. A. A. M, had a pleasant time
last Saturday evening at Festus. There was a good attendance of
members, six visitors from
WILSON attempted to
express a great deal of gratitude to the members of
Lodge for
assisting him when he was sick, but said
nothing about how he had repaid the Hillsboro members for
??? service.
Wanted, at once,
a housekeeper, single or married woman, without children - can give
employment to husband. Family small and a good home to a deserving woman, and good
required. Address H. W. DOUGLASS?,
The boys from
Glaize Creek came to give our merchant ??
but they came too soon. He was married on Thursday and
they turned out that night and did not find him at home. They gave Mr. STAAT?
the blacksmith, a round with their bells, pans,
horns and other ? When they learned that our merchant arrived Friday with
his bride, they started out again, but he had gone on a visit to some
of his friends, so they only found Mr. STAAT? again.They left with angry
threats to catch him if it took them a month, and to make him pay
for it when they did catch him. Saturday night they returned again and saw no
lights, but began to ring their bells and toot their horns, and our merchant ran
out and helped them awhile, after which he asked them what they
wanted. They
demanded three kegs of beer. He offered them
one keg of bock, which he had in the house. but at first they refused to accept any less? quantity than three kegs, but they afterwards
concluded it was better to take what was offered, than to go home
with nothing. So, after drinking and turning on the music ?? the boys went home in a good humor.
Hope they will have better luck next time. The heavy rains damaged the
wheat crop, and it is too wet to plant potatoes.
We saw our Deputy
Constable passing here and going to
[AD - Dr. DROMGOOLE'S English Female
100 colonies of Bees for sale, at one
dollar per colony. Send hives soon to J. R. DOVER,
Victoria, MO.
Farms Wanted
Large and small farms in all the counties
of Southeast Missouri Jefferson county farms
preferred. BAKEWELL & Co.
James SWEENEY has moved his family upon the farm he recently leased.
William WHEELING? moved his family to this town ???? ?????
????? one of us.
Mesdames GOVERO
and JAMES have gone on a visit to
Strother BURGESS fell into the
Miss Ida MASON visited
friends at Pevely, and Miss Katie B??ing has been entertaining her friend, Miss Alta LEPP, of
SCHMIDT and Miss Emma BLACK were married on the 27th last, at the groom's
home. Many attended and a good time was had.
Died, at
her home on Glaze creek. Mrs. Gertrude SCHMIDT, mother of William
SCHMIDT, on the 27th inst., aged 47 years, 4 months and 22 days.
She was an old resident of this county, and leaves eight children. Sulphur Springs,
and Festus
The little boy born to William ??????
a few days ago, of which ?? I
reported died Sunday morning of
I understand that my literate friend, Mr. H?? the jeweler, is contemplating building a new cottage
this summer. If this contemplation means anything, it surely means ??
MEYERS, quite an amiable young man, will leave us ?? ?? to engage in the
wagon-making business in a shop on Franklin avenue, St. Louis,
and that is good for Herman, the ?????
No Sir, Patty, we did
not ???? and ???? at Miller's that Sunday. Who would do that on
Sunday? Your conclusion in last J. D was wrong and to convince
you we shall go out and do the thing over.
Please tell Mr.
Aaron MOORE? the farm hand to
repair the stiles over the company's fence at
Furnace No. 1 and casting ball
No. 3 have been shut down for repairs. Many of the men are laid off,
and some of them will shake
the dust of
Steve CAMPBELL had a
lock of hair sent him from
I am
now preparing a subscription list to raise funds to
present Old ??? the
weather clerk at
I do so regret that we lose one good man
after another at the glass works. Harry
PEYTON and John BEATTY are next on the list.
BEATTY goes to ?? and PEYTON
goes to
When "Little Patty"
was here last I told him to send the J. D. to my daughter in
well pleased with
Mr. John KRAUSS, the bock beer magnate of
??? brewery was in town last week. His
name is very suggestive of "grouser" but the grouse season being over,
he was not in danger of being shot and stuffed with oysters or ?? But maybe a mug of "old bock" was
shot down to the ??? of the
vitality ?? of ?? our
gentleman of leisure.
Now, we can go it
again. Festus is ?? and under a
The Negroes,
for some months, have had quite a carnival under my neighbors saloon on off
nights and the whole ??? were the "???"
on earth. Like boys they would always find a hole to crawl through
into the old tenspin alley to shoot craps. Today,
Poley AUBUCHON put a stop to it by handing keys
to the tenants to lock the dilapidated doors of the "??" Poley thinks the Negroes must go, or at least keep
Bro. FLYNN of the Bonne Terrre Democrat, was in town today. He did not come to see
me, and I think that that is not proper regard shown a
contemporary. I hope Bro. FLYNN does not carry his politics
around with him.
The horsethief, who was ?? in this place by Constable MORRAN and two other
and of whom I spoke
two weeks ago, has been run down and is now meditating over his sins
in the Clayton,
who hurried him
through a rear door of Squire ??'s at Sappington, (rest
Beginning of article unreadable....Rev.
BLAIR found Joachim creek too high to be forded
and drove his
team over the cement bridge. When about midway down came a ?? car on the ?? onto the bridge, as it struck the wagon, the tongue was
splintered and the horses were dragged a considerable distance before the car
came to a halt. The horses were badly bruised and the
driver received a severe gash in the forehead and face. It is only a
wonder that the whole outfit was not ???
down into the creek, a distance of about forty
Last Sunday evening there was a fight between two
Negroes, around the corner. One was a yaller nigger and the other was a brown. The yaller one had a pistol and the brown one two rocks. The
yaller nigger said, "I shoot you!" and the
brown nigger said, "Shoot yaller brindle
dog; I've got two agin one: Then the yaller nigger thought two against one was too much
and he cleared the barbed wire fence of our park with
a surplus of ten feet of space beneath him. And then, when the blood spilling lectures was over, I
went down to the brown nigger and whispered, "It's he, who fights and runs
away, will live to fight another day." He ?? and so did I
Dr. A.
P. BOOTH will lecture next week before the psychology ??
List of conveyances
with the Recorder during the week ending last
Anna POPE? to Aaron ??? , lot in De Soto
W. FLETCHER to J. R. QUIGLEY two lots
in DeSoto
J. ?. BAKEWELL to ???? C.
Sarah A. HOPSON to John HOPSON, two lots in
Ferd BURKHARDT to Louis YATES same
Louis YATES to Charles NELSON
Julia ????? to M. C. JENNINGS
M. F. BYRNE to
Edward SALE
Elizabeth SCHMIDT to Frederick Henry SCHMIDT?, 150 acres,
S. W.
CRAWFORD to G. W. JONES, two lots in De Soto
J. R.
HARRIS? to S. W. CRAWFORD, two lots in
A. MEDLEY to J??? GREY and ?????? lot in
Probate Court
Term docket
of the Probate court of Jefferson
Monday, First
Adm. or Guard.
Aquilla H.
Herman HOFFMANN? Max
Elizabeth MEAD
S. R.
Louis BOGGE Louisa
Tuesday, Second
Elias BURGESS Elijah
E. W.
[...?...] Sullivan
J. KLENN? Elizabeth KLENN?
MARSDEN Sullivan
Steven H
John [...?...]
Wednesday, Third