Jefferson Democrat
Thursday, April 3, 1890 

Party principle is not in the hearts of the working classes any longer, because it being an old theory and is now too well understood for the people to continue to give it the same support and get nothing in return. They have awakened to the fact that something is lacking, and that
to practice another system will prove just what it is.  Geo. W. MANESS

~County Court~
J. W. WILSON settled as overseer of District 22, having received for services $72. District funds $179.46, disbursed, $165.50; balance due district, $85.96 
A. H. MOORE, overseer District 14, bill for services $22 
Chas. KNORPP, overseer District 13, bill for services

On petition of citizens of Hematite said town was disincorporated, and B. C. BERRY was appointed trustee to settle up the business of the corporation.

$500 was appropriated out of County Revenue fund for repairing the Fenton gravel road, and Thomas BYRNS was appointed agent for the county to superintend the expending of the money, and authorized to pay for team, wagon and driver, $2 per day and for each hand employed $1 per day.

Contract of Jos. J. HOEKEN for repairing
Victoria gravel road approved, and he was authorized to haul out of the creek bed at Victoria 20 squares of coarse gravel, and spread it on the road, at $2 per square.

Treasurer was ordered to pay back to W. H. PLASS $12.83, the amount left in his road district, to defray the cost of his suit as overseer against Bert MARTIN.

The papers and proceedings in regard to location and establishing a road from Peter MOORE'S to Morse's Mill, were referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for his opinion as to their validity. Mr. GREEN reported that proceedings and papers might do if everybody concerned or interested was
willing and satisfied, but would not stand the test of litigation; and as several parties had already began to kick against the location, award of damages, etc., the Court dismissed the whole case, and destroyed the county warrants that were issued at last term in payment of damages awarded.

At request of W. R. DONNELL and P. R. HAVERSTICK, Peter STROUP was ordered to pay his note to School Funds, on or before first Monday in April, 1890.

Penalty on taxes for 1884 on Charles McNULTY's land in sec 4, township 39, range 5, were remitted.

~The following were drawn as jurors for the next term of Circuit court~
Grand Jury:

John OTT
Philip HINEK?


Louis JEUDE  

Petit Jury:
Thomas BYRNS
Joseph R. HILL
Martin HOOGE

Herman HAMEL presented his annual settlement as Collector, the court carefully examined it and the delinquent lists returned, found no errors and the same was approved. The following is a synopsis:

~The following accounts were allowed against the county~
F.B. MAUPIN, Sheriff $?
J. J. HOEKEN, shingles for jail
James HOPSON, county Judge
Henry SECKMAN county Judge
Thos. A. CHARLES county Judge
John BYRNS, transportation
Court than adjourned until first Monday in April.

~Masonic Work~  

The United Masonic Benefit Association of Missouri was represented in our county by P.P. ELLIS, General Agent.


-From Plattin-
Miss Annie DOUGHERTY's school closes to-day.

Master Hardy McCORMACK is wrestling with the chills.

Charles TOOLOOSE sold his fine horses to Smith DUTTON.

Louis P???LORE has been very sick, but is getting better.

Miss Jessie KENDRICK is keeping house for her brother, George.

We are having March weather in earnest. Plattin and Dry Fork were both on a whiz last night.

Julian SHERMAN lost a mule a couple of weeks ago. He had the animal tied and it broke its neck.

Perry McCORMACK and Emmett SWINK passed through here with a drove of horses and mules, enroute to

Clarence McCLAIN is on the lame list, a horse jumped out of the stable door when he opened it, and stepped on his foot.

Miss Mary McCLAIN is visiting relatives at
Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy PERKINS visited friends at Farmington last week.

Charles TOOLOOSE, one of our most enterprising young men, is doing work with his saw mill, with J. A. WILLIAMS as engineer.

John CAIN, one of the bosses on the new railroad, has moved on the Strickland farm and is boarding some of the men working on the road.

The hail storm that Eddie COLE prepared for arrived on the 18th last, in the form of a charming young lady, named formerly Birdie HALE, but now COLE. Plattin, March 28?, 1890

~Resolutions of Respect~
The following resolutions of condolence and respect to the memory of Wm. BRACKMANN, deceased, were adopted by High Ridge Lodge No. 148, A. O. U. W.      
March 12th 1890:

Master WORKMAN and Brothers: Our hall is draped in somber black - the emblem of deep mourning - as a token of our sorrow and respect to departed brother Wm. BRACKMANN. It reminds us of the only certainty in this world; that all men are born to die. It also reminds us how suddenly we may be called away to give an account of what we have done, for good or evil, during our allotted stay here on this earthly sphere. Happy for the man of whom it can be testified that his life has been useful to his family, to his fellow brothers and his many friends; that the living can say, our departed brother has not lived in vain. We are sure that we speak the conviction of all our brothers when we say our departed brother, Wm. BRACKMANN, was such a man. He was truly a Christian, showing by his faith in his fellow man, by practicing charity to all mankind. Nobody over knocked at the door of Wm. BRACKMANN, when in need, who went away disconsolate.  He was always ready to help along to the best of his ability, every movement calculated to promote the welfare of his fellow men. He has gone to receive the reward of a well-spent life. It was with him as the poet said: [poem hard to read] Let us show our respect for our departed brother by doing that which he would have done for us, had he outlived us - care for and protect his beloved wife and dear little children. Let us offer by this, to them, our deep felt and brotherly sympathy in this hour of their sad affliction; praying that our Heavenly Father will comfort and console them.
Be it Resolved, that the hall be draped in mourning, as a token of honor and
respect to our departed brother, for six weeks.  Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread and a memorial page dedicated to the memory of our deceased brother.  That a copy, under seal of the Lodge, be presented to his family.
Resolved, that a copy be sent to the Overseer, Jefferson Democrat and Crystal Mirror.  C. DILLON,  H.  NOLLMAN,  G. H. SCH?????

~List of Conveyances~
Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.

George H. SHIELDS to J. Martin KERSHAW, (unreadable)

W. H. H. THOMAS and J. F. GREEN to  D. L. AND C. T. JARVIS ??? acres, section 4 tp 41 range 4

A. SPENCER to Harry W. S????? 7 acres, section 7 tp 39 range 4

Louis YATES to Charles NELSON ? and a third acres, ???

John M. NULTY to J. B. BAKEWELL  80 acres section ?? tp 42 ran 4

J. W. FLETCHER to C.? M. O'CONNELL three lots in DeSoto

R. ?. CABLE to J. R. HARVEY, lot in DeSoto

Harry R. FRENCH to Lyde FRENCH, two lots in DeSoto

WILSON to C. Thomas HORINE ? acres

? BURKHARDT to William GORMAN lot in DeSoto 

JOHN O. ACKERSON to Louis ?  lot in Festus 

E.? C. DYER  to ?. A. ?

~Notice of Administration~  

Notice of resignation in the estate of Edward McHUGH

R. W. McMULLIN, Administrator.

~Notice of Final Settlement~  

Estate of James M. HUSKEY

Lucinda HUSKEY, Administrator.

~Administratix's Notice~  

Estate of Elizabeth WILSON

Mary E. MANESS, Administrator.

~Administrators Notice~  

Estate of Adam BROWN

James W.  REID

Whereas Amanda W. WHITEHEAD AND Viola WHITEHEAD (unreadable)


Notice of Sale Under School Fund Mortgage (unreadable)

Notice of Sale Under School Fund Mortgage (unreadable)


~Executor's Notice~
Estate of Cynthia DONNELL

John L. McMULLIN, Executor.

~Administrator's Notice~  

Estate of Mark? PERRY

Margaret E. PERRY, Administrator

- Whereas Philip GLATT and Caroline GLATT, his wife

 Andrew WEBER trustee 

 ~Trustee's Sale


 ~Trustee's Sale

Amanda W. WHITEHEAD and Robert WHITEHEAD, her husband


Rev. J. A. STANEE? will preach the funeral of Isaac N. WELLS, at the new church in Festus, next Sunday, at 11 a.m.

For cheap goods go to HOEKEN's Cash store,

So far as returns have some in, county supervision has been badly beaten.

Burns, cuts, etc., can be cured by using Dr. HUFFMAN's Golden Ointment.

Jacob BLEIKER, near
Hillsboro, has 100 bushels seed oats, White Bonanza, for sale, at 30 cents per bushel.

For drugs, medicines, etc., go to the Opera House Drug Store, DeSoto.

David HALE, an old and esteemed citizen of
Big River Township, died last Saturday, of typhoid pneumonia. He was near 70 years of age.

Our county jail is again empty.  Sam MEDLEY, who slew his cousin, was discharged last Tuesday, his time having expired.

~Licensed to marry~-
Henry EITZMANN and Christina HEINE
George A. CALAHAN and Mary E. PARTNEY 

Paul SIGNARGE and Louise CELLA
Albert SLAVJACK and Mina CHOTT

Frank JOHNSTON, of Sandy BRIDGE, has taken up a light-red cow, with white on back, and marked with crop off right ear and swallowfork in left; also a red bull calf, not marked.

Bargains in Millinery and Notions, for the next sixty days, at Mrs. PRIMM's,
DeSoto, Mo.

Fred SCHULTZ, also formerly was a wagonmaker in
De Soto and then started the Berliner Weiss Beer factory in St. Louis, died some time ago. He was doing well at the time of his death.

At the
Hillsboro School meeting the vote was 21 for supervision and 5 against, several not voting, W. F. DONNELL was reelected school director, and A. H. SPILKER elected road overseer.

Increase of pensions were granted this week to J. E. MALLERY, DeSoto, and J. CRAWSHAW,
Crystal City; also to W. D. MARSH of near Hematite, C. T. HORINE of Hillsboro. E. K. PRATT, of DeSoto was granted a pension.

Miss Laura McMULLIN will begin a two months term of school next Monday.Tuition, $1 per month. All who have children to send are requested to do so. She has not had the opportunity to personally visit all the patrons.

Max FROMHOLD, at DeSoto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.

Eminent physicians everywhere recommend Ayer's Cherry Pctoeral as the most reliable remedy that can be had for colds, coughs and all pulmonary disorders. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Almanac: it is the best publication of the kind, and full of information.

While in
St. Louis, last Saturday, our fat man was asked by William KATTLEMANN of what disease Rev. S. FRAZIER had died. He informed William that the parson had been in town the day before he left home, and presented a lively appearance for a corpse on his grey horse. How the report got to St. Louis is a mystery.

Attention, Farmers! -  RATHBUN and HIGGINBOTHAM have a choice line of Northern Seed
Potatoes, choice Grass seeds, also seed Oats and seed Corn.

Eddie VOLLMAR and John HULL were out at Mrs. VOLLMAR'S farm, west of
Hillsboro, last Friday, when they discovered an old fox standing on a log. They went to the log and found there a nest of four little red foxes, apparently not more than a month old. They captured the little fellows and brought them home.

For the latest improved spring hoe grain drill and wheat fan go to Hacke's Agricultural Depot,
DeSoto, Mo. They are warranted to give satisfaction.

Near Kimmswick, March 29th. Miss Mary DOVER taught our school the past term of six months, and has given great satisfaction as a teacher. She is not only well qualified in educational point of view, but is what is quite rare, well adapted for teaching, and has the good will of both parents and pupils. I make this statement with pleasure. Respectfully, S. W. BOWEN 

After Mrs. Martin HUSKEY's residence burned down, her neighbors came together and assisted in preparing timber and building her another house, and as a return for their kindness, she gave the young folks a party last Thursday night. There was a big crowd present, and they made a night of it, and left the widow fifty or sixty dollars better off. One cake that was raffled off to the most popular young lady present, brought near forty dollars.


The election in DeSoto last Tuesday resulted - for Mayor, H. LEPP; Marshall, G.W. MCFRY; Recorder, G.H. LEBAUME; Attorney, T.E. PHILLIPS;  Treasurer, O.M. MUNROE; Collector, M. OSTERTAGG; Aldermen, N. O'BRIEN, Louis WAPPLER, L. COSBY, Charles BECKER, P. LOVETT, E.T. STONE, W. FLEMING, and Joseph SPRIER.

John R. COX, a Baptist preacher who has been living and preaching in the northern part of this county for some years, got himself into jail last week. He was arrested on a warrant issued by Squire BOOTH on complaint entered by his wife of criminal slander against her and a neighbor. From what we can learn, COX is cranky, and the only excuse he has for writing the foolish letters complained of is, that he had a crazy spell at the time. He was released on bond Tuesday.


The wind storm of last Thursday and Thursday night was as severe as ever visited this place. The front gable of the building occupied by the post office and by Squire BOOTH was blown out some time in the night, the bricks covering the street for thirty feet. Mrs. VOLLMAR'S wood house was completely demolished. A portion of the porch to the JENNI store building, occupied as a warehouse by Henry HURTGEN was blown down, smashing a new plow in its fall. Fencing in every direction was leveled, but so far as we have heard, no person or animal was injured.


Last Thursday evening, a man from Ste. Genevieve County, whose name we have not learned, attempted to ford the creek at Victoria, when his wagon bed floated off with him in it, and he was carried down the stream near a mile and a half. Wm. ROBERTSON and another man heard his cries of distress and went to his assistance. By that time he had been thrown out of the wagon bed and was standing on a gravel bar, arm deep in water. They got him out and gave him a chance to warm up. His team got out safely but he lost about $12 worth of goods and a portion of his wagon.


When I wrote you from this place before, Mr. Editor, it seemed that I was trespassing upon some one else's right; but as that some one else seems to be disgusted - not having seen any items in your last issue - I will send you a few this week:

This place was visited, on the 27th inst., by a severe wind and rain storm, which did no particular damage, otherwise than blowing down fences and causing the small creeks to get very high.

Miss Jennie PERKINS is again at her former position - night operator at this place.

Miss Maggie OWENS, who has been filling her position, goes to Hendrickson to work nights. Sorry she is gone; hope she will come again.

Misses Nellie SWINK and Chessie
JENNINGS, of Festus, were visiting at John D. HEARST's, the past week - a nice place to visit, if you don't believe it, try it once.

We have had quite a variety of weather the past week.

From the subscription I saw on a list being circulated it looked as though we were going to have a minister at this place some time in the near future.

This place has taken quite a boom of late. Six families from
Indiana have located here.

There seems to be some attraction in this locality for a certain young man from DeSoto. He can be seen quite often; but down near the bridge is a good place to fish, hence his coming.


 Mrs. TURLEY of Summit, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. WELCH

Miss Lutie? BUREN, who has been visiting her uncle, John D. HEARST, returned
to her home in
Texas County.

Miss Jennie PERKINS spent one day this week in
St. Louis.

~Crystal and Festus~
Twenty inches of snow, how is that for high, on the ??th of March?  Several excursion parties made ready early Sunday morning to different points, but when the snow whizzed down I presume they all stayed at home. I know that I did.

The storm last week was very perceptible in this neighborhood. The ?????? in Festus swung and swayed, several chimneys came to grief and I lost my sleep, while I made ready for the cellar. At the glass works a smoke stack  was blown down.

I am late this week, but through no fault of mine. We had a snow blockade and by the time I climbed through the chimney to reach the mail, that blasted
United States business had gone. I sat down and cried at Uncle Sam's wickedness, that's all.

All hands Ahoy, was the watchcry at the works on Monday morning and snow shovels were in great demand. All men who could possibly be spared form the regular routine of the business, were set to work clearing paths and removing the tremendous load of snow on the shed roofs. It took near six hours before all was cleared.

This April, the 1st (I just want to remind you of it), don't get fooled like some of our Aldermanic candidates, today. They all think they will get there, but they won't, and the Mayor smiles because he is on the safe glue. Election day is a day of disappointment, especially in Festus. Perhaps, I will tell you why, next week.

A bad accident happened at the factory Monday evening. In the polishing rooms while a force of men were carrying a large plate of glass it broke in their hands. The wind was high at the time, and a sudden wave striking the glass snapped it to pieces. One man was severely cut by the breakage - he is almost entirely scalped.

Our singing club is now fully organized, with a double quartet as active members. Amusement and sport is inscribed on their banner.  The melodious birds all warble in Spring, and so will jolly fellows and therefore,     [poem or song, hard to read]

The wizard's show came to untimely grief a week ago as every judge of human nature knew it would. The best exhibition was a farce. I stayed there about three minutes to collect items but left in disgust and I will tell you why. The proprietor of the hall was assisting the clever professor but was obliged in the middle of the game to rise and speak a speech and he rose. By the frown visible on his brow it was evident the text was serious. "Ladies and Gents," he said, "you see that our professor drank too much hot water to-day, mixed with bad results and therefore the show is at an end."  He should have added that the next feature of the farce was to see the drunken imposter on the stage.

For two nights, Saturday and Monday the twins were treated to a novelty in the line of exhibition and  - ?????? A man styling himself as Aubrey DELEMAIN? did it, and did it well too. I invited him to stay until the first of April, because that day is always good for such performance, but he declined. He came to grief, and one of his trained animals came to grief, and the brass band came to grieve. It was a loud murder - murder in the first degree. Last Thursday night, at a
rehearsal, an acrobatic squirrel was introduced to form the acquaintance of the band. The
band struck up one of their thundering tunes; the little squirrel raised its rear appendage, leaped in the air and then laid down and died, died in spasms.  "[unreadable]"  Since then our housewives are in a continuous fright about their barnyard fouls. The old-time cry of  the "???????" is heard again.  Well translated this means: The band is coming, hide your chickens.

Look here, you Hillsboro Democrat, if ever you desire to get married and want a serenade, please call on our new string band just organized. Its' a daisy, I tell you. The first break they made was last Tuesday, when Oscar MALLEY attempted suicide by getting a wife for the sake of a change in life. The band is styled and copyrighted in the
United States as the "B?????M??????" and play all kinds of harmonies, from pepper-sauce sherry to beer flat. The last key they do not like at all, although they play it well. An encore was called loudly for several tunes while they marched through Festus to the scene of their activity. Their instruments are of the latest style and full of pitch too. A French harp with one reed, and that false; a fiddle with twine strings and a ham-ham? without a head, knocks the bottom out of Gilmore, don't it? The mule-poet composed the following to their praise: its well they don't understand it though: (poem or song, unreadable)
April 1, 1890

~The following is  a list of the deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week~
March ?        Mary Josephine HAEFNER,  2 days
March 20?    John ?????     22 years

Feb 23?     Mrs. James BYRNE ,     not given
March 2     Mrs.  J.  V . HAEFNER,  girl
March 13   Mrs.  Peter   ??ELLY  ,   girl
March 14? Mrs.  B. ???DISH ,         not given

Mrs. BAKER, of
Caledonia, is visiting friends at this place.

Mrs. Iva BYRD, of
Charleston, is dangerously sick. She is a daughter of the late T. L. DONELL, of Plattin.

"A.O.U." of Hematite, in the Facts, seems to stretch his imagination wonderfully.  While engaged in pitching horse-shoes, or rather in the crowd last Sunday week, he imagined the eye of Mr. Economist was upon him. This correspondent, if we mistake not, is engaged in school teaching. I wonder if he instructs his pupils to play marble, cards or baseball on Sunday, and the Lord only knows what else that promotes the Immorality he spoke of? Now, "Mr. A.O.U." next Sabbath won't head those boys astray, but rather set them a good example.

Mr. James SWALLOW has bargained his property to some
St. Louis parties. We would be sorry to lose Mr. S., for he is an industrious and honest citizen. One county has been over looked in the past by homeseekers, but the great advantages of our busy surroundings are too numerous to go unnoticed. Property, within convenient distance to the railroad will no doubt command fair prices, and if we had better roads there would be a greater demand, although the Mirror correspondent, "E.J." seems to place very little value on good roads, compared to education. As his mind is so elastic and mine is so dormant, I will try to convince him in the contrary, but will say a few words to those whose minds are similar to mine - to those who have been taxed year after year to support a class of white-gloved gentry, who never add to our finances, who I do not suppose have the least conception of the real needs of the class of our citizens who need roads by which they can get what they have to sell to market. He speaks of the physical development of our people. I wonder if his practical knowledge has ever gone beyond some gymnastical
performance. I know talk is cheap. No doubt he has plenty time, from
4 o'clock in the evening until 9 in the morning, to fill his elastic mind. If he would go with me over the majority of our roads, I think he would decide we need more finances for road purposes, and he could then better apply some of those physical powers he has been developing.

Talk whose your back-biting, railing, etc. What S. W. S???N wrote in last week's Mirror about "Old Economy" or "R. E. B." is what is called a giving vent to black wrath. He thinks that he shows me up in grand shape. He accuses me of having a long tongue, etc., and even calls me a liar, and asks why I don't subscribe my own name. Why doesn't he go to his reporter - as he seems to have one. I propose to never write anything but facts. I can substantiate anything I say, and what is more, he does not dare to tell me to my face that I have written anything untrue. Now, let us see who lied. He states that he felt he was competent to take care of this ?????? himself. Ask C. F. LEE, Rev. SRONCE, O. H. DONELL, R. G. M?RPAN, James SWALLOW,  John KASKANETTE, Tom DODSON and a dozen of others I can mention if necessary - all who have received other people's mail for their own. He gave me several letters and papers belonging to other parties, sad while I am writing a man ?????? me, that he received another man's letter and broke it open before he noticed the mistake. Now does this look like he is competent or that he is
the persecuted saint he pretends to be. And further, his hearing is very poor, his eye-sight rather bad, and yet he claims his competency to fill an office of governmental trust. He says he supposes I am one of those fellows who said they would have the post office in B & T's store. I not being a Republican had no voice in the matter but it does seem to me that those thirty odd Republican signers should have had a voice in the matter, and I am sure if it had been put in B & T's store it would have been properly attended to, even if they were Democrats - not only that, but it would have been a public place, handy to everybody, and not in an old wood shed, and he would cancel those letters that he so dislikes to see handed on the train. Now, this masterpiece of ???? this or someone else’s) he makes appear that I said grievous things about him. I merely imitated that we have an imported postmaster and nothing more. He acknowledges he would not have moved back from
St. Louis had it not been for the post office. Don't this look like importing a
postmaster? This I think was pretty hard on the respectable Republicans of this community, when we had plenty of good material at home, He says they throw their mail in the car or under it, and it is picked up and taken to the office by friends. Nothing like having friends under the cars to take
care of other peoples mail!  But it seems to me I would have delivered that mail to the parties to which it belonged. Something wrong in
Denmark.         P.? E. B., Hematite, March 31, 1890.

~Our Collections Hillsboro, MO~
Collections for Jefferson County for the year ending March ??, 1890, are as follows:
Back Taxes collected
Current year taxes collected
Railroad and Telegraph
Merchants Licenses
State Licenses
Ferry Licenses
Billiard  and Pool Tables

Dram Shops

Total Collections
Yours Respectfully,
H. HAMEL, Collector 
  The Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co.

~Zion Items~
Robbie MORGAN loves to linger at Uncle Clem's over on

Mr. Thomas CALDWELL's brother of
St. Louis, spent several days with him last week.

Rev. G. H. GIDEON now fills the pulpit of the M. E. Church here and at Festus. He was transferred, here from
Hot Springs, Ark.

Mrs. CLARK gave a working last Wednesday, and that evening the young people of both sexes gathered there and had a pleasant time. No "snap" played through.

Walter BUREN left last Tuesday for lowa, where he expects to teach a term of school. After he has finished there, he intends to return to this, his native county, and teach next winter.

Prof. HERRIMAN is to meet the singing class here the evening of the 24th. He expects to give a course of instruction and practice in vocal music, and close with a concert. Come then and hear the songs of
Zion. Prof. ALLEN's wife has been very sick for some time, and he did not get to take charge of the class.

Our school term as extended two weeks, I am sorry to lose some of my big boys. They had to stop on account of oat sowing, corn ground breaking, etc., Our average daily attendance for the month ending March ?th, was 31, There were but three pupils on the Roll of Honor: Grace MARTIN, Frank CLARK, Lena GOODMAN.

We have had some unfavorable weather for training young ideas to shoot, but the elements the past week have been more encouraging to regular attendance. If I could solve the problem, "how to teach those pupils who are out of school two or three days per week." and at the same time advance them equally with those who attend regularly, I would not apply for a patent on my wonderful discovery, but I would be very anxious to send it all over our country at telegraphic speed. A compulsory educational law will not do it. There are many reasons, often best known to the parents, why they keep their children from school. But in country districts where the school year often does not exceed ?0 days, children can not afford to lose a single day. Prof. SCOTT, last week, in the Facts, in his communication to the Patrons of the
De Soto Public School, made some common sense remarks. Give as your hand Pro. SCOTT. The idea of making school going and coming a business, is just the idea of every teacher who makes work out of school teaching. I do not say a business, for a I recognize a difference between the expressions, "making business out of teaching, "and "making a business out of it." To make business out of it, the teacher should be busy. He may follow this occupation as a business and not be busy either. 

T. S. B.           Zion, March 21, 1890

~Dissolution Notice~
The firm of F. W. BRICKEY & CO. of Festus, Mo. who have been operating the Crystal Roller Mills, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. W. BRICKEY, Jr., buying all the Interest of R. F. LANNING in notes and accounts and the mill property. All that know themselves indebted to said firm will please call and settle up. Thanking the patrons of said mill for past favors, we would respectfully ask a continuance of same in the new firm. 

F. W. BRICKEY, JR.      J. R. LANNING?  Festus, Mo. March ?? 1890

~Kimmswick by Zulu~
Miss Belle A???
will commence a private school at Kimmswick next Monday. F. W. McFARLAND was in town last Friday and attended the Christian Endeavor sociable.

Joseph SIMON, captain of the Garfield Republican club, is building a residence in the southern portion of town. Miss Lulu RICHARDSON will soon commence building on the Newcomb lot, at
Windsor Harbor, which she purchased about two months ago.

George ARNOLD, W. H. H. CADWALLADER and William HAMPEL are getting in samples of agricultural implements and machinery. John WAGNER and J. G. KOCH have ?? samples of plows, wagons and so forth.

Conrad WUERZ, who seems to have somewhat of a monopoly in his line of trade, finds it necessary to build and is now engaged in wrecking his old store, which is to the replaced with a two-story building, with frontage of 24 feet on
2nd street and a depth of 64 feet.

The Christian Endeavor Society held a sociable at the home of A. T. HARLOW, last Friday evening, Prof. LUCKEY, an active member of the society, delivered his farewell address, as he expects to go West for a time, after which appropriate resolutions of regret for his contemplated departure were offered by the young ladies of the society and unanimously passed by the

Our Public school closed last Friday, after a term of seven months. Prof. LUCKEY's reputation as a teacher is too well known in this county to need any mentions by me at this time. Miss Nellie MEYERS, his assistant, in charge of the primary department, has proved herself an efficient teacher and disciplinarian. Should she continue to follow the same vocation she will soon be one of the foremost educators in the county.

A schedule of studies and recitations for the Spring term of the
Hillsboro High School will be published next week. The branches required for first and second grade certificates will be taught in ten consecutive recitations each day, giving each student an opportunity to take all or any part of the course. Bring along any text books in your library for reference. Board will average from $2.50 to $3.50 per week. Applications for board may be made to R.W. McMULLIN, D.B. VEAZEY, or the undersigned George STEEL


~Sulpher Springs~

Woodsawyer WOOD is taking a rest.


Miss Katie BOEHLING was in St. Louis on the 29th ult.


There was a dance at John NOKE'S which was well attended.


We learn that Miss Tillie KOEPKA has gone into the matrimonial state.


Miss Anna VENA has been down with la grippe; she is now improving.


Miss Ida MASON is at home, after a few months sojourn near Pevely.


Our cinder man failed in the sidewalk scheme, and the town looks as usual.


Our butcher, Mr. CLARK is still here and recovering fast from an attack of California fever.

The storms of Wednesday and Thursday night were the most severe we have experienced for many years. Wednesday the lightening was very vivid, while the thunder was simply terrific, and rain poured down in torrents. On Thursday evening and night we were treated to the most severe wind that has visited this neighborhood for many years. On Sunday by way of variety, it commenced snowing at ???? and continued until after dark, reaching a depth of about two feet.  Kimmswick,
March 31, 1890.

Fourteen inches of snow on the ground and Glaize creek is bounding. The river is also rising, with prospects of high water.

A clock and watch repairer, calling himself CRAUCH?, ruined some watches in our town. He is a humbug and purported to go to DeSoto from here.

Some of our citizens were treated to quite a surprise by attending a birthday party in the country. A good time there was had.  "??" was the favorite song.             Sulpher Springs, April 1

~Hillsboro High School~
The first term of the Hillsboro High School will commence on Tuesday, April 15, 1890, and continue eight weeks. Instruction will be given in all the branches required for first and second grade certification. Tuition, $5, payable in advance For further information reply to George E. STEEL,
Hillsboro, Mo.          March 27, 1890


[Ad] Before you buy a steam Engine or Boiler, Send for our Catalogue and prices

Atlas Engine Works, Indianapolis. IND., Commercial Exchange, by Max FROMHOLD

[Ad] Chas. Edw. TURNER'S, Practical Operators, Telegraph Academy, St. Louis, MO

[Ad] Mockbee House, (Clark's Hotel), Hillsboro, MO.

[Ad] Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent and Justice of the Peace

[Ad] Aug Kassenbaum dealer in dry goods, groceries, flour and feed.

[Ad] E. VOLLMAR, Hillsboro, Missouri, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, clothing boots and shoes

hardware, queensware, notions, cutlery.

[Ad] The Best Place In Jefferson County to buy Clothing, Dress Goods, Dry Goods. Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Shawls, Piece Goods, Toweling, Jewelry, Clocks, Cutlery and Furniture is at the Immense and Well-kept Crystal Plate Glass Co.'s Store, Crystal City, Missouri
If you want to save money in buying Groceries and Provisions also patronize this store, as it contains the largest and most varied stock in these lines.  The highest price is constantly paid here for all Country Produce.
[Ad] DeSoto Marble Works, Eugene HIRSCH, Proprietor - Marble and
Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets… Satisfaction guaranteed.   South Main, DeSoto, Mo.
[Ad] Louis GREVE's General Store, is the place to buy your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions.  Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes.Provisions, Hard, Glass, Wood and Queensware
And everything Usually Fund in a No. 1 General Store
Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford. Conn., Pevely, MO.
[Ad] Chas. E. ELLIS, General-Merchant, Pevely, MO
Dry Good, Groceries, Provisions, Seeds, Etc.
[Ad] Green Tree Brewery Co, St. Louis, MO
[Ad] Bryan's Saloon, Hillsboro, MO
[Ad] Mrs. PRIMM, Leading Milliner
[Ad] The Jefferson House, DeSoto
[Ad] Dorrance Portrait Studio, DeSoto
[Ad] Livery and Feed Store, DeSoto, Mo - A. L. FRE---
[Ad] F. S. HENLERL?--- Attorney at Law, Festus, Missouri
[Ad] Hotel --- G. C. W---
[Ad] William K--- General Grocery
[Ad] Frank J. HAMPEL, Maxville, Agent for Hartford Fire Insurance

[Ad] FINK & NASS, Wholesale Grocery, St. Louis, MO
[Ad] F. AuBUCHON--- General Store--- De Soto--- Dry Goods Grocery-- Boots and ---
[Ad] SLAWSON & K--- De Soto
[Ad] The Best--- H. MOEHLM--- General Store
[Ad] Granite—Marble, De Soto, MO.

[Ad] At Net Cost All goods in our store …HAMEL, DeSoto, Mo.