Jefferson Democrat

Thursday, April 17, 1890

There are more gardeners now than ever.


B.P. STEWART of Plattin bought C.T.  JARVIS’ young jack.


Miss Emma GIBSON, of Washington county has been visiting the family of her uncle, M.C. JENNINGS, Esq. of Festus


Squire BOOTH united in marriage, in Hillsboro on the 14th inst., Benjamin J. DEGUERRE and Miss Emma P. EOFF, all of this county.


Mrs. Vinyard, widow of the late Charles VINYARD, died at her home in Victoria last Monday, after a protracted illness, quite aged.


James MERSEAL and James WILLIAMS were tried before Squire BOOTH last Monday, and acquitted of the charge of keeping a gambling house.


Rev. Wm. MCKAY will preach the funeral of the deceased members of the HALE family at Dry Creek Church next Sunday at 11 a.m.


Major John Eps COWAN, for a long time a resident of Kimmswick, this county, died last week at his residence in St. Louis, at quite an advanced age.


Mr. B. WRAN’s son, aged about 14, died last Tuesday night, of congestive chill. His sudden and unexpected death is a severe affliction to the bereaved parents.


Mr. STEEL’s school opened Tuesday with about 30 pupils. The day was cold and rainy enough to dampen almost any enterprise, but the school will be a success all the same.


George STAAT’s school in district 1 of township 13 opened last week. The patrons of the district gave him substantial endorsement  by unanimously voting him the next term.


B. MANHEIMER, of DeSoto, has the finest delivery wagon in the country. The style is new and it is a perfect beauty. It was made by F. HACKE the boss wagon and carriage builder.


We had a ride on the Bonne Terre railroad, Saturday, and it rides very well for such a new road. Mrs. Abner GREEN and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. MOCKBEE, went to Bonne Terre, same day, over it.


Wanted – 25 men, to work in quarry on Hillsboro and Victoria gravel road. Apply to Jos. J. HOEKEN, Hillsboro, Mo.


Robert PIPKIN and some of his neighbors, of Georgetown, St. Louis county, were here last Saturday, in search of a horse that had been stolen from Mr. P. the night before. They had gotten no trace of horse nor thief.


John ZUFALL, who has been a resident for some thirty years of the northern part of this county, and who lately sold his farm, bought the W.W. CRAIG place, five miles west of DeSoto, and moved upon it last week. We are glad he settled in this county again.


The robbers who, at the point of a pistol, compelled Mr. LONG to allow them to rob his store at Cadet, last week, and who passed through this county with their booty, were arrested in St. Louis last Friday. There were two of them, and they were taken back to Washington county for trial.


The Walter KEEFE farm, near DeSoto, in section 5, township 39, range 4 east is for rent. There is a good new dwelling house on it. For terms, etc., apply at once to R.W. MCMULLIN, Hillsboro, Mo.


Will NORTH and James SULLENS, of Meramec township, were in Hillsboro last Thursday, on business connected with the estate of the late William BRACKMAN. “Jim” had not been in Hillsboro since “63” which is proof positive that he does his devilment in St. Louis county.


One of the principal institutions in Festus is the Fulton Market restaurant, kept by Herman POSCH (pronounce this name Posh, as that would describe the character of this man who owns and pushes the establishment.)  Fresh fish, game, vegetables, etc., always on hand, and good meals furnished on short notice.


Licensed to marry – Fred H. EHLMANN and Elizabeth NOLL, Louis S. PRITCHETT and Susan E. QUINN, Edward MARRIOT and Eugenia LAGREVATE, William HAMPEL and Wilhelmenia FRIEDERICH, William J. MCMAHAN and Elizabeth M. HAWKINS, Leopold BORRESHEIM and Carolina LORENZ, Benjamin J. DAGUERRE and Emma S. EOFF, William KRUPP and Sophia NUSSBAUMER, Ernst S. COXWELL and Effie F. POOLE.


Adolph DIENSE’s team of mules got away from him in Hillsboro last Friday, and came dashing down the street with the wagon attached to them, threatening destruction to everything in their way. F.R. DEARING had a horse and buggy hitched in front of the court  house, and he rushed out with rocks and succeeded in stopping the mules and saving his rig, but it was a risky piece of business.


Lost, January 12, 1890 on Saline Creek, three books and three State and City bonds. Finder will please return same to M.J. SCHWANTNER, or leave at Fenton postoffice. Said bonds are of no value as collection has been stopped on same.


The town board of Hillsboro organized last Monday by electing R.W. MCMULLIN as chairman, John H. REPPY as clerk, and C.H. KLEINSCHMIDT as attorney. It is the intention of the board to make an honest and determined effort to maintain order and decency in the town, and those who are in the habit of drowning their manhood and acting like beasts had just as well take notice, that unless they reform their ways they will get into trouble.


Dry Creek, April 10

This place had a very quiet wedding on the 8th inst.; Mr. Sherman PRITCHARD , and Miss Ella QUINN were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. Father Connolly. Some sixty persons were assembled to congratulate the groom and his charming little bride, who was very pretty, attired in dove colored poplin. Miss M. HINEY and Mr. Z. PRITCHARD had the hone or waiting upon them.  At half past six, an elegant supper was served. Soon as the tables could be cleared, dancing commenced and was continued until the wee hours of morn. The happy couple were presented with many beautiful articles too numerous to mention. All present seemed to enjoy themselves, and the occasion will be long remembered by old and young.


Andrae, April 1

To the Cedar Hill School and patrons thereof; Dear Friends, I would like to tender an acknowledgment of my sincere thanks to you for your many kindnesses to me while teaching your school. Although sickness interfered with myself and many of the pupils, I have felt very much interested in the work and have ever been cheered by the pleasant acquaintances I met at Cedar Hill, and carry away many happy memories of your kind attentions to me.     Emma OWENS, teacher


Byrnesville, April 5

Your announcement of the name of Mr. MCNEARNEY, as a candidate for the office of Recorder is met with expressions of hearty approval from all classes of citizens in this vicinity. Mr. MCNEARNEY is a native of this place, but for the last four years has been engaged in teaching school in Rock township, where he is universally esteemed. He is an energetic and deserving young man and is in the true sense of the word, self-made. He was early thrown upon his own resources, and unaided, made himself what he is  - capable of any confidence the people may repose in him. Should the Democratic party see fit to honor him with the position to which he aspires, they will find him an efficient and capable man, and a credit to the party of which he has always been a staunch supporter.


The Hillsboro High School opened on Tuesday morning with an attendance of eighteen students. Many were prevented from attending by the stormy weather. Prof. STEELE has the names of twelve more who are expected to attend. The first day was spent in examinations, Rev. Mr. HAMMOND kindly assisted in grading the papers. The Normal class contains eight members. Miss Josephine WEBER,  and Mr. Thomas SMITH of Rankin, St. Louis county, Mo. are boarding with Sheriff MAUPIN. Mr. Martin DALTON of Scheve, is taking the Normal Course.


Circuit Court – The following business was transacted last week.

White MCNUTT made settlement as roadoverseer.

R.J. MOSS presented evidence that in the change of road over his land the new road has been made as good as the old one, and the change of route was therefore ordered established and the old road discontinued.

Demands were allowed against the county as follows:

J.F. GREENE prosecuting attorney

F.J. SHEIBLE treasurer

T.R. MOSS reshingling jail

J.P. DAUGHERTY postage


List of conveyances file with Recorder



F.W. MOTT to Louis and George ROHLING



E. BROOKER to Josephine BAILEY


Joseph BURK to Louisa HEHN

Catherine BURK to Louisa HEHN

Louisa HEHN to Catherine BURK




Henry LEIGHT to George ROESCH

F. SCHMIDT and wife by trustee, to Elizabeth SCHMIDT

George ROESCH to Edward ROESCH

Frank KELM, by trustee to T.J. DONNELL



Miss Tentla PERKINS is visiting her sister, Mrs. POSTON at Doe Run


Miss Emma GIBSON was in town Sunday, on her way home visiting friends in St. Louis


Mr. WELSH’s boys are doing a nice job sodding down his yard, under the supervision of Miss Fannie and her mother.


School meeting passed off quietly, resulting in the election of Christian LEPP as director and Frank PERKINS as roadoverseer.


Mrs. HAWKINS, wife of Gus HAWKINS of Washington county, died on the 6th inst. She was an old lady and had heart trouble for some time.


Col. John H. MORSE moved some of his young cattle from his dairy farm here down to his farm on Big River. He is milking ninety cows at present.


William VIVRETT started to town with a basket of eggs, when his horse took fright and became unmanageable, ran away and precipitated Will, basket and all to the ground. Damage – a lot of broken eggs.



The gripped is about losing its grip on the people here, a sign of goodbye to the Winter.


Saw Hubert BECKER out with his new team and sleigh this morning, but it was rather rough sleighing and he soon turned in.


The new postoffice, named Seckman, midway between Antonia and Maxville,  is now in full blast under Postmaster George STAHL, and his assistant Leopold MERRESHEIM.


Mr. Mike ZIEGLER has had his share of trouble this winter, his whole family having been down with scarlet fever. One of them died and the others are recovering slowly.


Our neighbor, Theodore HUNICKE? has got through studying telegraphy, and is now out on the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas railroad, near Bird’s Point. His wife will sell off all the stock and machinery on the 12th inst. And will follow him as soon as he becomes permanently settled.


Our Deputy Sheriff and Constable, Leopold MERRESHEIM, has at last captured a prisoner, to whom he can tie to for good, and the matter will be consummated this week. He has opened up a new store at Seckman, of all good and new goods – no shelve worn goods – and will sell as low as the lowest.


John R. RICHARDSON has concluded to return to California and Philip J. KIRK will accompany him. They have a farewell hop tonight at John R. RICHARDSON’s house. They will start on the 9th next for the land of oranges, and we wish them a safe and speedy trip. Their point of destination at present is Riverside, San Bernadino County, where some half dozen Jefferson County boys are banded? together at the bachelor ranch of Ebby Merrell RICHARDSON.            Maxville, April 8, 1890


April 12 – A surprise party was given John R. RICHARDSON and Philip J. KIRK, on the evening of the 8th inst. Music was furnished by Will FREDERITZIE’s string band, and dancing was kept up till morning. The house was crowded with young folks, even from Kimmswick, Sulpher Springs, Carondelet, St. Louis county and elsewhere. On the 9th the two young men left for Riverside, Cal., on the Santa Fe road.


Father SCHRAMM is busy tearing down the old parish house, and clearing away the rubbish in preparation to building a $2000 parish house.


Sulpher Springs

Miss Katie KIRK entertains her young friends of evenings.


Our veteran ferryman, Fred MILLER, makes his regular trips.


Robert CASTILE is building a porch to Miss Kate BOEHLING’s house.


John HOWARD, plasterer from Pevely, is repairing a cistern in our town.


Jumbo CLARK of  Quincy, Ill. was in town, but has returned home.


Dr. HULL talks of building a drugstore and we wish the enterprise success.


Robert VENN has opened an alley through his yard for the Christian Church people


Messrs. WARD, MASON, and COLE have been searching for good rock in the vicinity, which they found.


Our pioneer oarsman, John HEINRICHS, has been under the weather this winter. He is a bachelor at present.


Miss Katie BOEHLING is visiting her friends, Miss Tillie BLOCK of Middlebrook and Mrs. MULLIGAN of Irondale.


The family of James SWEENEY is still boarding with John MASON, while Mr. S. is getting things in order at the farm near Glen Park.


At our school election, Dr. HULL was elected director, and John O’FALLON road overseer. Perhaps we may get a rock road. At least, that is promised.           Sulpher Springs, April 15


Resolution of Respect  in the memory of Arthur and David HALE


Births & Deaths filed with the county clerk the past week


March 14   Sophia J. LESHLAND         7 months


March 24   Mrs. Peter L. BYRNS          boy

March 30   Mrs. Douglas A. JOHNSON    boy



Mrs. STROUPE, who has been confined to her bed for seven weeks, is but little better.


Mr. James PHILLIPS, one of our oldest and best citizens, died last Thursday night, aged 70 years. He was buried at the JARVIS cemetery on Sandy.


Bro. SCRONCE preached for us Sunday.


Mrs. STEWART of DeSoto, is visiting friends here.


We are to have a new citizen soon, named STEINMANN.


Our landbuyers have not made their appearance yet.


The long talked of stock company store has at last got in operation with Samuel EAKEN as counterhopper.


Farmers are very much behind with oat sowing and spring ploughing. Wheat and grain are looking finely.


Smith DUTTON shipped a car load of hogs from this place last week. He informs us that he and G.W. BYRD have lost, by cholera, 130 head of hogs and pigs the last two months. This looks discouraging, but the old motto is “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again.”


Ritchie BYRD starts to school at Hillsboro this week.


Festus Items

Joseph BROOKER, so long an employee of the Crystal City company, sold his property to Josephine BAILEY and he and family have moved to St. Louis.


While Joseph SHEDRON was on a visit here, some time ago, he sold his former residence on Mill street to a Mr. POWELL, of Crystal City, who is preparing to move therein.


Sunday School was organized yesterday afternoon by the Baptists, and from henceforth, will meet every Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church. The officers chosen were James MANWARRING, superintendent, John HOHLMAN, treasurer, Lee H. HOLT, secretary.


Miss Irene BROWN, who so successfully taught the McNutt school this winter, intended to close the term with an entertainment, but the deep snow prevented it. We hear that she is going to get married, and some lucky fellow is going to get a prize. We feel very sorry for the young man who turned so white when he heard the news.


Bro. Price MCKAY, the missionary of Jefferson County Baptist Association, has been holding a series of  meetings at the Presbyterian Church with encouraging success. Elder Joel HENSLEY assisted him on several evenings, and last Sunday night, the First Baptist church in Festus was organized. The following are the names of officers chosen. Josephus BAILEY and James MANWARRING, deacons; William F. HOLT, clerk. The church starts in with about thirty members. This is a step that should have been taken long ago, and we are glad Bro. MCKAY has brought the matter to a successful issue. In cooperation with above, we embrace this opportunity, on the part of our brethren, of returning thanks for the kindness of the members of the Presbyterian church in letting us share their comfortable building, and for the good will and Christian feeling displayed towards us by them and other Christian denominations of the town who seem to be truly glad that we have found a home at last.


Probate Court Term Docket

Estate                           Administrator

Aquilla H. COLE       S.T. AUBUCHON

Henry GROB             Jacob GROB

Louis?  HORN          Anna HORN


Elizabeth MEAD         S.H. MEAD

R?? & Co.                   A. PECAUT

Louis ROGGE         Louisa ROGGE

John R. STOW        Frank STOW


John VINYARD        Ella G. VINYARD

Eliza BURGESS      Elijah BURGESS

John T. COLE          E.W. COLE

John BAILEY           Catherine BAILEY

James BAILEY        Ellen BAILEY

_________              Sullivan FRAZIER

Mary ? HARVEY?    Patrick KAVANAUGH

John J. KLEAN?     Elizabeth KLEAN?

W.G. MANION          Minerva MANION

Samuel MARSDEN       Sullivan FRAZIER

Andrew MALCOLM         William BRACKMANN

John P. SPECK              John SPECK

James R. MCCULLOCK       Lester J. HENRY

Thomas PRICE              ?? & Chas. PRICE


John C.W. RICHTER     Gustave RICHTER

Herman ACHTER           Henry ACHTER

?? BAST et al                   Stephen BAST

Thos C. FLETCHER et al       Mary A. FLETCHER

Barbara & M. KRAMER   George KRAMER

Phoebe KIDD                   Ann J. BURGESS

Carrie E. MADISON         R.G. MADISON

PhIneas PREWITT et al           M.C. ???

Louisa RIESER               Philip RIESER

Michael & F. SLAVIK       Albert SLAVIK

James S. McCulloch      Thomas J. WILEY

Ida ZIMPFER                    Martin ZIMPFER


Crystal and Festus;  by DAMPHOOL
The steam engine employed in boring for treasures at
Crystal is not lazy at all. Work is going on at a rapid rate. I have not learned yet the depth the drill has reached.

The contract for a new building for M.
JENNINGS, Esq., has been awarded to Robert BACKER last Saturday, According to the price contracted for it will be an edifice worthy of our metropolis.

In cleaning my little parlor this morning the stove came in my way, so I wanted to throw the big-bellied thing out, but it said: touch me not. Then poking my nose through the door I found why I shouldn't, and I went back to the stove and made it hot for him.

We have another hydrophobia case in town to-day. These wizards chase one another like gnats in midsummer. This time it is a regular cut-throat. He advertises that he will cut his own throat and place his head on a platter in full view of the audience. I wish he would.

The local press was well represented here the past week. McMULLIN came first, next came
WILSON, and last, but by no means least, SHEIBLE put in an appearance. The popularity of these three is just in keeping with their size and weight, hence the Dutchman is a ton or two ahead. May his shadow never grow less.

Say, Mr. Editor, I know you are sharper than me, because you walk on stone all day at
Hillsboro, and now I wish you could tell me how I can inquire the good people of Festus to repair the elevated walk to Crystal. A nail in time saves mine and perhaps prevents an accident that will open their eyes when to late. We have accidents enough with out causing more by willful neglect.

As Mr. James UNDERBERRY, an aged gentleman, was on his way home from Festus to
Crystal, one night last week, he was attacked near town by come unknown rascal and severely beaten in face and head. There is no known cause for the dastardly deed unless robbery was attempted. This fellow has to be the same rascal who attacked Mrs. BENN? some months ago near the same place.

Mr. DESLAYES, the landlord of the saloon formerly owned by Theo AUBUCHON, is creating an addition to his building, which he intends to use as a Summer resort for the benefit of his guests. No doubt the improvement will be hailed with delight by all the French and Germans, who are accustomed to take their refreshments in quiet sociability with their family among their friends, and also will not saturate themselves with tanglefoot in a few minutes.

(poem?...could not be transcribed)

I know ???? didn't, for he smiled too, and HUFF was assisting bravely.

Last Sunday three farmers from near House's Springs came to town in pursuit of a stolen horse and the thief, as indications showed that he passed through the town. A $50 reward is offered for the capture of the horse and thief .

If you wish to inform the farming community and the public in general to appreciate a good thing when they are offered it, then I wish you would tell them that our townsman, Robert RACKER has received a supply of "carbolineum avenarius," a new wood-preserving oil, manufactured in
Germany. It is clamed for it, by repeated tests, that all kinds of wood exposed to the weather, from a fence post to a plow handle or shingle roof, will last three times their normal duration if saturated with this oil. I do not write this as a business puff, but merely for the benefit of the people who may desire to try it.

The twins are now a seaport on terra firma, judging from the amount of seasickness created on the way between Festus and Crystal. A worse excuse for a road could never be imagined. From the railroad down there is one continual wave of badly-placed mud and cinders, and in the most dry season a team is obliged to pass over the ups and downs at a very slow gait: and, yet, traffic is so heavy there. Will our County court for once please and buy a yard of common sense for the $1000? paid into the road fund by
Crystal City alone and give us value received? Time is precious, gentleman, time is precious.             Festus, April 15, 1890.

~Board of Equalization~
State of
Missouri, County of Jefferson.
I., W. R. DONNELL, clerk county court for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that the valuation placed upon the following list of lands and town lots for the year ??? by the assessor of Jefferson county, Missouri, were raised by the county board of equalization of said county as follows, to wit.
Derby City~

PALMER Charles
?????? Mike

~Shearlock’s Addition to
Derby City~

~McAlister Subdivision~
RYAN Thomas

BAILEY Josephine
?????? Lewis
PA???? K

Adams' Subdivision~
???? James
Ackerson &

HUG & ?

Shekinah Lodge


(lengthy list of other properties cannot be read)

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[...] estate of John VINYARD [...]
Ella G. VINYARD, admin.

~Notice of Administration~

~Notice of Final Settlement~

[... James M. HUSKEY, deceased...]

Lucinda HUSKEY, administratrix

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[... Henry GROB, deceased...]
Jacob GROB, Administrator

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[... John R. STOW, deceased ...]
Frank STOW, Administrator

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[...] partnership estate of H???? & co. [...]
A. PECAUT, Administrator

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[...Aquilla H. COLE, deceased  ...]
S. T. AUBUCHON, Administrator

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[... William GRAHAM, deceased ...]
LeRoy DOVER Executor

~Notice of Final Settlement~
[...] estate of Elizabeth MEAD. [...]
S. H. MEAD, Administrator

~Administrator’s Notice~
[...] estate of Thomas BYRNE [...]
James BYRNE, Administrator

~Executor's Notice~
[...] estate of Cynthia DONNELL[...]


~Administrator’s Notice~
[...] Mark PERRY [...]
Margaret E. PERRY, Administrator


J. W. ?????? Trustee

Sale in Partition~

E. R. MAUPIN, Sheriff

~Notice of
Sale under School Mortgage~

E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff

~Notice of
Sale under School Mortgage~
E. B. MAUPIN, Sheriff


[AD] The Best Place In Jefferson County to by Clothing, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Shawls, Piece Goods, Toweling, Jewelry, Clocks, Cutlery and Furniture is at the Immense and Well-kept CRYSTAL PLATE GLASS CO.'S STORE, Crystal City, Missouri. If you want to save money in buying Groceries and Provisions also patronize this store, as it contains the largest and most varied stock in these lines. The highest price is constantly paid here for all Country Produce. Give us a trial!

[AD] De Soto Marble Works, Eugene HIRSCH, Proprietor

Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets.
[AD] Louis GREVE'S GENERAL STORE, Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Provisions, Hard, Glass, Wood and Queensware.
[AD] Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.,
Pevely, MO.
[AD] Chas. E. ELLIS, General Merchant, Pevely, MO
Dry Goods Groceries, Provisions, Seeds, Etc.
[AD] Green Tree Brewery, Co., St. Louis, MO
[AD] Bryan's Saloon, Hillsboro MO
[AD] Mrs. PRIMM, Leading Milliner
[AD] The
Jefferson House, by Reed? WAPPLER?, DeSoto, MO.
[AD] DORRANCE Portrait Studio,
DeSoto, Missouri.

[AD] Look Here! Go to E.DONALDSON'S Bess Jewelry Store
[AD] Drunkenness - Liquor Habit - In all the World there is but one cure. Golden Specific