Jefferson Democrat
Thursday, April 10, 1890

~Items of News~

Jessie MAUPIN has moved into the Dr. BREWSTER house.

For cheap goods go to HOEKEN'S Cash Store,

Fidelo ROGERS, who sold a fine horse to Mr. MANION, bought Dick HOEKEN's jack, "Keno".

Burns, cuts, etc., can be cured by using Dr. HOFFMAN's Golden Ointment.

We were misinformed as to the sum realized at Mrs. HUSKEY'S ball. The cake brought $17.29

For drugs, medicine, etc. go to the Opera House Drug store, DeSoto.

A large audience assembled to hear Elder MARTIN's sermon last Sunday evening and they were not disappointed.

One of William HUBELI's horses went on a visit to VEAZEY's horses, last Sunday, and had its neck broke while playing.

Beware of fraudulent imitations in Dr. HOFFMAN's Family Medicines. F. Trandt's are the only genuine.

In the lot of jurors drawn for next term of Circuit court, we omitted the names of John SHELTON and N. S. HUSKEY of this township.

A sure cure for nervous headache - Dr. F. Trandt's Indian Healing Liniment. For sale by all dealers.

Colby HAMMOND, who has been farming on the MERRELL place, near Hematite, moved to
Huntsville, Randolph County, this state, last week. We are sorry to lose such people.

Bargains in Millinery and Notions for the next sixty days at Mrs. PRIMM's
DeSoto, MO.

Mr. HARWOOD, the M. E. minister assigned to
Hillsboro circuit, moved his family into town last week, and is now a citizen of the county seat.

Go to the Opera House Drug store for any thing you need in the way of standard medicine, perfumery, etc.

Thomas QUINN and his little boy were out chopping wood, one day last week, when the boy accidentally stuck his axe into his father's foot; nearly severing the heel.

For a full line of first-class ladies', gents' and children's shoes – sold at bottom prices - go to
E. KEMPE, DeSoto.

On account of the Institute being held in
Hillsboro next Saturday, the examination of teachers will have to be postponed until the 19th, or third
Saturday in April. So Mr. DOUGHTERTY informs us.

Said to be here: "Get a 25 cent bottle of Dr. F. TRANDT's medicated cough drops and stop your cough. Sure cure."

The Jefferson County Teacher's Association will meet in
Hillsboro Saturday, the 12th. As this will probably be its last meeting for the season, it is especially desired that all teachers should be present.

Max FROMHOLD, at DeSoto, sells a superior metal polish for silver, copper, and brassware, bar fixtures, etc.

Alexander BOUGHTON, an old resident of this county, died a week ago Sunday at his residence on
Sandy. He had been afflicted for three or four years and was almost helpless. He was about 76 years of age.

At the Commercial Exchange in DeSoto, you can get the best brands of imported wines and liquors; also fine alcohol.

Thomas QUINN was tried before Esq. BOOTH last Saturday, charged with taking fence rails belonging to Herman MEYER. The jury could not agree and another trial will be had on the 19th of this month.

Pains in the back can be gotten rid of by our application of Dr. F. TRANDT's Indian Healing Liniment. Ask your dealer for it.

The State Board of Equalization has ordered an increase of the assessed value of property in this county: Horses, 10 percent; Mules, 20 percent, Asses 20 percent, This will make the total value of property, $ [?]

Attention Farmers: RATHBURN and HIGGINBOTHAM have a choice line of northern seed potatoes, also seed oats, seed corn.

J. B. CAPE and William REPPY came in from Boulder County, Colorado, last Saturday on a visit to their relatives and friends in this county. They look as they are having a good time out in the gold mines.

For the latest improved spring hot grain drill and wheat fan go to HAEKE's Agricultural Depot,
DeSoto, Mo. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction.

Leo R????SHEIM has opened a store at Seckman P.O., and, although a Democrat, is permitted to handle the mail as deputy postmaster. We also learn that Leo intends to commit suicide of his single cussedness with a matrimonial club.

Frank S. MITCHELL paid us a visit last week. Since leaving this county he has been railroading at
Kansas City and at New Orleans. He informs us that his sister, Mrs. Ruth ???? died last February and that his mother resides in Kansas City.

The trustees of the Town of
Hillsboro for the ensuing year are Messrs. James F. GREEN, Charles H. KLEINSCHMIDT, Jos. J. HOEKEN, John H. REPPY and R. A. McMULLIN.

There has long been talk of building a good mill in
Hillsboro, and the talk is beginning to take a business-like shape. A gentleman will be here in a week to look over the situation, and if the citizens cooperate as they should, the mill will be built at once.

F. A. KAIN, who formerly kept a meat market in DeSoto, invites his old
Jefferson County friends to come and see him at his supply room, corner Sixth and Chestnut, St. Louis. It is a great place to stop and rest. See his card is another column.

The Walter KEEFE farm, near DeSoto in section 3, township 33, range 4 west is for rent. There is a good new dwelling house on it. For terms, etc., apply at once to R. W. McMULLIN,
Hillsboro, MO.

A man, named HOGAN, engaged as brakeman on the Iron Mountain Road, attempted to get on his train at DeSoto last Friday night week ago, when he fell and the car wheels passed over both his legs, nearly severing them from the body. He died before reaching the railroad hospital.

The election at the ARMBRUSTER school house was a hard one, there being two directors and a road overseer to elect. Mr. A. SEYPOHLTOWSKY was successful in being reelected for a third term, and Fred REICHARDT for a first term as school director. Emil HENTCHER was chosen as road overseer.

James CHEEK, aged 26 years, died at Mr. MCCARTY's, near Valle's Mines, on the 2nd of February inst. Some weeks before his death he professed faith in Christ, and claimed to regret the time spent living in sin. He leaves two brothers, Ferd and Forncy, his only near relatives.

January 12, 1890, on Saline creek, three books and three State and City bonds. Finder will please return same to M. J. SCHWANTNER, or leave at Fenton post office. Said bonds are of no value, as collection has been stopped on same.

Messers, BALLARD, EDINGER, and JAMES of DeSoto, plead guilty to gambling before Squire BOOTH, last Saturday, and were fined one dollar and trimmings each. Several more DeSotoans are to be arraigned for same offense on the 14th. The case against William A. MERSEAL for keeping gambling device was also continued to the 14th inst.

F. HACKE, of DeSoto, is making a specialty in the manufacture of farm wagons, which he sells at
St. Louis prices. They are the best and lightest running wagons extant. Go see them and examine work and prices, and patronize a home institution. Every wagon guaranteed to give satisfaction.

William GILLERT and George BAUER two young men from the northern part of the country, who have figured in State cases quite frequently the past two or three years - were charged before Esq. MEESE with entering the house of James A. GILMORE and stealing three guns valued at $75. On the day set for trial. GILLERT concluded to remain away and failing to appear, his bond was forfeited. BAUER was tried and the Justice required him to enter into bond for his appearance at the May term of Circuit court to await the action of the grand jury.

Although the milk-shipping business in this county is "an infant business without protection," it shows up well, as the shipments to
St. Louis over the Iron Mountain show. [list of shippers and amounts] There are eight gallons to the can. The shipment on the Iron Mountain is but
three gallons less than that on the Vandalia, the largest shipper.

Last Thursday afternoon Sheriff MAUPIN received a telegram from Charles MILLER of Maxville, notifying him that MILLER had had a mare stolen and giving a description of the animal. About half hour later the Sheriff received a telegram from the Chief of Police of St. Louis, stating that he had both thief and horse, in custody. The Sheriff at once acquired a warrant from Squire BOOTH and started for
St. Louis. He brought the thief back with him and has him lodged in jail. The thief is a man about 26 years of age, giving the name of Robert MCCORD, and claims to be from Indiana. Mr. MILLER recovered his mare.

In our last week's issue we announced the death of David HALE of Dry Creek which occurred on the preceding Saturday, March 29th. We had no information then that other members of the family were sick, but up to Friday last, within seven days, three more members of the family--Mrs. HALE, one son and a daughter--had gone to their long rest. The son was grown, the daughter, Miss Amanda was a bright young lady, who had been teaching school for the past three winters. Such a visitation is not only unusual but is unprecedented in the history of this county. The surviving members of this terribly stricken family have the sincerest sympathy of all. We understand that the fatal disease was pronounced to be pneumonia.

~Crystal and Festus~

President HITCHCOCK of the
Crystal glass company, was here on a visit this week.

Our city election turned out good, giving satisfaction all around; but I won't tell you why. The balance you know.

The A?? You Double You held their first ball last night. That's all I can say about it this morning. They are all asleep.

Mrs. Louisa SEYSLER a prominent business lady of Ste. Genevieve, was here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Michael C???TON a few days this week.

I had considered some time ago to follow society, as it goes, and report my observations but visitors to the ?? offices are so numerous that it is impossible to do justice to all. Therefore I keep still.

The only act that our Member of Congress, KINSEY, has ever done that I appreciate is that when he ok’d the bill to place my comrade Jacob HASSNER on the pension roll at the rate of $8.00 per month. A more humane act could never be exacted.

I made a flying trip to
Riverside last week to take a glance at the new depot about which I had heard so much. You would be astonished at my astonishment when I saw for myself that all descriptions I had of it were really discounted ten times. It is the prettiest depot on the Iron Mountain Road.

Rumors are about that Alf SHEARLOCK contemplates building a planing mill here soon. This would be a crack business and Alf the man for it. He has been in the grist and saw mill business from boyhood up, and I am convinced so far as I know him for 20 years, that he would make a success of it.

Yes, that is all they do down at the glass works - growl in the dark about the affair of the semi monthly payment. I think by a manly effort, the
company would and must readily acquiesce to the demand. But it takes a man to talk a manly word. The company consists of human beings too.


Mrs. BECKER an old lady living near Valle's Mines, died on Monday.

The DeSoto Democratic club will meet next Friday evening and a full attendance is requested.

Mr. Lot McMULLIN, of
Plattin Township, died Monday and was buried Tuesday. He has been sick several weeks with typhoid fever.

The marriage of Miss Lizzie HAWKINS and Mr. Will J. MCMAHAN, two prominent and popular members of DeSoto young folk’s society, is announced to take place at the Episcopal Church, in this city, on Thursday, the 19th inst.

The ball given last Monday evening the order of Railway conductors was one of the best ever given in our city.  Good music was furnished from
St. Louis, and Joe SMITH, who had charge of the supper, pleased everybody and did credit to himself.

Last night, at the Council meeting the new officers were installed to wit. Mayor, Henry LEPP, Marshal, George W. McFRY, Collector, Michael OSTERTAG, Treasurer, O. M. MONROE, attorney, T. S. PHIlLIPS; Clerk, R. H. SHOTE; Recorder George H. LA?????; Alderman First ward S. O'BRIEN and L. WAPPLER; second L. T. COSBY and Chas. BECKER; third, E. T. STONE and Pat LOVETT Fourth ward, ? SPEIER and W. FLEMING. There were several applicants for the position of Night Marshal, but the board could not agree on any one, and the matter was continued.  DeSoto, April 1890

~From Plattin~

W. A. SMITH's is completed.

T. L. McCORMACK's dwelling is about finished.

Lot McMULLIN is very sick with typhoid fever.

J.J. PORTER of Doe Run visited his old home last Thursday.

Miss Mary McCARTY spent Saturday and Sunday with her grand parents.

Plattin will have a daily mail after the 21st inst. Bids will be let for carrying it between Plattin postoffice and McCORMACK's station on the Bonne Terre and Mississippi railroad to meet trains at 12 a.m. and 4 p.m. each day, except Sunday. The postmaster will receive such bids until the 14th inst.


Last week we had a terrible hail, rain and wind storm. It shook the homes thoroughly, blew Henry S???'s porch of his double house down, and nearly all fences  were leveled to the ground, and on Sunday we had the heaviest fall of snow I have ever seen here. It averaged 13 inches in depth.

Our school election is over and we elected Joseph B. FREDERITZIE as road overseer of district ??? In the district southwest of us, Edward MEYER beat his opponent for road overseer. GLATT had some six votes. Great interest was taken everywhere in the school elections. Supervision was badly left here.

Stephen BECKER, formerly our butcher and now of Luxemburg, near
South St. Louis, is now trading in stock, and was here on a business visit. When asked what the storm did up his way, he said the storm was severe, that he was out in it on the run, and that it blew into the house a stranger, whom he couldn't turn out into such weather, and now he has become so attached to him that he will give him a permanent home. Steve has a notion of naming the stranger after Irl HICKS, the storm prophet. The boy and mother are doing well.
April 2, 1890

~Festus Items~

Business is looking up and from present indications quite a building boom will take place this season.

M. C. JENNINGS has bought near two acres of ground form Mr. ACKERMAN, and intends building a residence there on as soon as practical.

Charles BRADFIELD has completed the one story Gothic structure on the corner of Mill and Main streets, and it is now ready for occupancy.

The Christian church was robbed last Saturday night, by some unknown person. The amount taken was about $3, which was in the birthday mission box. Entrance was made through one of the windows.

John HARRIS left here a few years ago and has been bumming around ever since, but has now concluded to return and locate here once more. John is a first-class carpenter and will be welcomed back by his many friends.

The storm last week did some damage here. It blew down the ??? off the Christian church. The loss of life and property elsewhere was terrible. Only 20 miles from us, at Bloomsdale, in
St. Genevieve County, the steeple was blown off the Catholic Church, and several houses entirely demolished.

2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the voters met at the school house and organized by electing M. C. JENNINGS to chairman and James IRWIN, Jr. secretary. Charles FITZEN was re-chosen as director for a term of three years; eight months school was determined on by a vote of 18 to 13 in favor of was the rate of nine. 65 cents was the taxation agreed on. The vote on county supervision was for 25, against 7. For colored school building and site, a levy of 13 cents was voted. The municipal election passed off quietly. F. W. BRICKEY was elected in the second ward and Chas. AUBUCHON in the First.

April 1st, as our friend Aaron MOORE, the Crystal Company's farm hand, was looking for something in the barn, he was dreadfully shocked in discovering the headless remains of two bodies under an old cutting box in the corner of the barn. A close examination proved that the crime had been committed quite a while, as the bodies were in an advanced stage of decomposition. Further investigation by the Coroner's jury elicited the names of the unfortunates viz: Timothy HAY and Hungarian GRASS. The last mentioned had the appearance
of a foreigner. Who committed the crime will probably always remain a mystery, even to your correspondent.

Feb 25 Mrs. David ROBERTSON, girl
Mar 2, Luther SMITH, girl
Mar 2, Watson OGLE, boy
Mar 3, Thomas BLACKWELL, boy
Mar 9, William HEARST, girl
Mar 11 Randall KEMPE, boy
Mar 17, Harry WALLACE, boy
Mar 20, George GROVE, girl
Mar 24 George REILEY, girl
Mar 2?, Charles HEMME, girl

~List of conveyances~

Filed with the Recorder during the week ending on last Tuesday.

W. J. WICKERSHAM to H. F. BUTLER lot in ?????

Herman ZIRMANN by trustee to Henry HALER 160 acres, s25, t19, r 5

Cala WHITENER and Frank CLARK to trustees of
M.E. Church lot in Festus.

H. M. ?????? to W. H. CADWALLADER

L. K.? ????? to R. RATHBURN three lots in DeSoto


Thomas AND DAVID RANKIN TO Josef K?????? 160 acres, t43, r 4

Charles SEAPORT to Peter STEINMAN, two lots in DeSoto

John NOLL to Henry NOLL

~Rock Creek~

Lent will soon be over.

Mrs. BROSSARD is very sick.

Miss Ida FAUTH has been visiting at H. BONACKER's.

People have been busy planting potatoes and sowing oats.

La grippe is paying this vicinity a second visit. Some families have had the disease two or three times.

The big snow measured near two feet here. It looked like a mistake had been made in the months, and January had come again.

Someone entered John KADLETZ' meat house, the other night, and carried away eleven sides of meat. John doesn't like such visitors.

We understand that K. G. BONACKER has rented the EHLERS place, bought ?? bushels of beans for seed, and talks of purchasing a self-blader, Jumbo engine and thresher, to be ready to harvest and thresh his crop.

Or school closed last Friday. A big crowd was in attendance. After the examination closed the teacher made an interesting speech, and distributed gifts and candy to the children. The teacher gave good satisfaction.


The snow has entirely disappeared, river rising fast.

There was the usual Easter service at the Catholic Church.

Henry MARX was in town Friday, on the hunt of a stolen horse.

Rev. Mr. WORTH preached at Windsor Church, Sunday morning and evening.

Farmers are anxious to go to plowing, but the weather does not permit the ground to get in good condition.

Judge NEWCOMB has gone to
Arizona to look after his mining interests in the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. Mrs. NEWCOMB and C. A. NEWCOMB, Jr., in the mean time are visiting relatives in Nebraska

Miss Sarah PALMER, a life-long resident of this county, goes to New Mexico next Monday, where she expects to reside with her nephew, James CARTER who has settled permanently in that Territory.

At the election last Tuesday, F. D. WATERS was reelected school director and U. S. WELLS road overseer. There was a large majority against supervision. In the town election John WAGNER, John W. NAUMAN, John G. KOCH, Emil HUNSCHENLOCH? and Philip MEYER were chosen trustee. Kimmswick, April 1890

~Belew's Creek~
This vicinity is possessed of a white horse, lately acquired, who loves to scent the river breeze.

The mad-dog scare was renewed a few days ago, but no reliable facts have presented the ?????? yet.

A menagerie from
St. Louis has been expected here for some time, but has not yet appeared ???? the monkey has the grip.

This is the weather for writing, Mr. Editor, so with the greatest of pleasure I devote my time in the interest of your paper and its readers.

Our neighbor, Joe GONZ; raised quite an extensive corn crib recently. Joe says he will have the room, if he doesn't get the corn next year.

We have heard that a party of young men, of near here, contemplate going to
Montana. Girls, are you so utterly heartless that this terrible announcement must be made?

The weather in the first part of last week was so pleasant that we entertained hopes of the wet season being over and began to "turn the sod" but our hopes were abruptly "nipped in the bud" last Wednesday by the rain, and as it is now snowing our plows are once more under shed for an indefinite time.

The party driving a wagon going west and north, who picked up a bundle of apple trees at Joseph BECHLER's gate, would greatly oblige the owner?, if he would send or leave information of said property at the above named gentleman's residence.
Belew's Creek, March 1890



[Ad] Look Here! Go to
E. DONALDSON's Bess Jewelry Store, DeSoto, MO All kinds of watches, clocks, and jewelry repaired by first class workman of thirty years experience. All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction.
[Ad] This Early Crow-Cuss is not one of the flowers that bloom in the Spring, but the Bloomin' Barn-yard Bird, That, with his shrill clarion, stirs up the sluggard and slug-a-bed with the news that it's TIME TO WAKE UP. That's why he's figuring in a cut, and a cutting a figure; at the top of this column. TIS TIME TO WAKE UP To the fact that even a large stock may be exhausted and tardy buyers miss the timely bargains Don't you forget. That while it’s the same old rooster, crowing for the same old store, he's not crowing for the same old stock but Newer Nicer Stock than he ever crowed for in any past season. When you are wide awake, to your own interests come to HAEFNER & CONNOLLY, The Wide Awake Merchants,
Festus, Missouri
[Ad] The Gust. HAMEL Mfg. Co.,
DeSoto, Mo.
Now carries the largest stock of lumber ever had in this city. We can fill all orders on short notice. Orders solicited from all points.
[Ad] The "OTTO" Bicycles - E. C. MEACRAM Arms Co. -
St. Louis, MO.
[Ad] The Missouri Telegraph and
Railroad Business College - G.A. PARKER, St. Louis, MO.
[Ad] Hillsboro High School

The first term of the Hillsboro High School will commence on Tuesday, April 15, 1890, and continue eight weeks. Instruction will be given in all the branches required for first and second-grade certificates. Tuition, $5, payable in advance. For further information apply to George E. STEEL, Hillsboro, MO.
[Ad] Commercial Exchange, by Max FROMHOLD,
DeSoto, MO.
The best brands of Liquors and Cigars, Imported Wines and Liquors, Pure Alcohol, and the best Metal Polish ever made.
[Ad] Fine Cigars and Liquors, Southeastern Sample-Room, F. A. KAIN, Prop.
101 N. Sixth Street, corner of Chestnut - St. Louis, Missouri
[Ad] MOCKBEE House, (CLARK's Hotel), Hillsboro, MO.
Boarding by Day, Week, or Month. Custom is Respectfully Solicited.  A feed Stable is also kept in connection with the hotel.  Mrs. W. T. MOCKBEE, Prop.
[Ad] Chas. Edwin TURNER's Telegraph Academy - Eighth and Olive Streets, St. Louis,
School of Telegraphic Type Writing and Rapid Penmanship.
[Ad] Mark C. JENNINGS, Insurance Agent and Justice of the Peace
[Ad] Wine, Beer and Liquor, 14-Mile House, Aug KASSELBAUM
Dealer in Dry goods, Crockery, Flour and feed, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Seeds
[Ad] Miller Bros. {ad for pens with illustrations}, The Miller Bros. Cutlery Co. MO.
[Ad] E. VOLLMAR, Hillsboro, MO, Dealer in Dry Goods
[Ad] Dr. DROMGOOLE, English Female Bitters
For sale by all druggists, J. P. DROMGOOLE & Co. Louisville
[Ad] George BAKEWELL
Jefferson County Bank, BAKEWELL & MONROE, DeSoto, Mo.
[Ad] Economical Men! Ed. L. HUNTLEY & Co.,
Market St., Chicago, Ill.