Who will be the next Mayor of Festus - Let everyone say "aye."
The newly organized Lodge of Knights of Pythias held
their first independent meeting at their hall, last Thursday
Fred BURGHART sold four lots, east of
The Post-Office corner was knocked down last week; the knock was square in the
face -- of gold, of course. Mr. J. ACKERSON sold it to whom and
for what purpose I am not at liberty
to tell. Perhaps a branch of Mr. WELSH may know why.
Another improvement for the benefit of visitors to the twin cities has lately been
placed on wheels-------it is a double one, too. Our hotels now
meet all trains on the
Although we have a sufficient supply of "natural" gas, furnished by a
number of blowpipes around here, the Crystal Company distrusts its value as
fuel. The company aims to find a more genuine article. Work was commenced last week
to bore for gas, or anything else of value, on the site abandoned some years
ago. It is positively intimated that the work will not stop short of 3000? feet, if indications lead to a successful result. May God
grant them luck in this great enterprise.
About one hundred persons boarded the Bonne Terre mail train south,
Sunday morning, on a visit to the mines. This new road will be liberally
patronized this summer by our people who need recreation. But here the question
of a depot comes in. Voices were loud, Sunday, demanding that a depot at the
crossing to
A cold wave struck this place Friday evening, and
overcoats, wraps, coal and wood have been in demand. Saturday Mr. BRANCH
disposed of a carload of coal and then did not have enough to fill all his
Rev. HOWISON preached in the Presbyterian Church yesterday to quite a large congregation.
His subject in the morning was "Christian forbearance" and in the
evening "God's forbearance to man." Both subjects were handled
in a masterly manner, and in our humble judgment it seemed that nothing more
could be added after the Reverend's speech concluded. The morning service
was rather lengthy, but lthough several
dinner bells were heard ringing, still the interest of the congregation
never flagged.
Gen. Oth CROOK is on the warpath and trying to
"paint the town red," much to the disgust of many of our worthy
citizens, who on this day, the 17th, prefer green: and
some of them are celebrating St. Patrick's birth today by the "wearing of
the green". They say the good
old Saint drove the snakes and frogs out of
The river is very high and still rising, and cabbage has gone up to 25
cents a head, and how's that for protection?
One by one our solid men are leaving us, and this time it is Mr. Frank MCNUTT. He
informs us that he can't stand this climate. His weight is something over
250 pounds now and he is afraid if he stays with us he will get to be a very large
man: so he has concluded to go to some other country, where the roads are more
adapted to his weight, and where the climate will have a tendency to reduce his
corporal capacity. Goodbye Frank: you're a jolly good fellow and may your
shadow never be less, is the prayer of your sincere friend.
Festus, March 24-- The weather is fine and roads drying
up rapidly, and once more we have communication with the country, and have
heard what the McCORMACK'S on the Plattin are doing
without having to refer to the Plattin items.
James CAMPBELL'S sale came off Saturday last: the attendance was small and property
sold very low.
Mr. Alfred SHEARLOCK, of DeSoto, is coming back to Festus, having bought
the farm and residence of James CAMPBELL, who will start on a visit to his
Last Wednesday afternoon the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church elected
their officers for the ensuring year. Mrs. C. G. WARNE was chosen as president,
and Mrs. BURRELL, treasurer. We have forgotten the names of the other ladies
chosen to complete the organization. A few of the ladies' husbands
were present to take charge of the children, we presume, and to see that none
went away dissatisfied.
Rev. O.W. ROSE has left us for
Dear Sirs; I noticed in the last issue of the Jefferson Democrat that
quite a number have agreed on me for presiding Judge of the County Court
at the coming election. I highly appreciate the confidence and integrity the people
place in me to fill that important office, but wish to say to the people
who have thus spoken, that I don't wish to work any office and positively
decline. I also noticed that William S. HOPSON is
spoken of in other parts of the county, as he is in this for Recorder of Deeds.
I wish to say that I have known him from his boyhood, and know him to be a self
made young man of excellent qualities, and a staunch Democrat. In my judgment,
the party could not make a wiser selection to fill that office; and knowing
that the success of the party depends largely on the reputation of the men whom
it offers. I hope they will wisely consider his claims. Yours truly, LeRoy DOVER.
~Notice of resignation~
I resign as administrator In the estate of
Edward MCHUGH, deceased, signed R.W. MCMULLIN
~Administrators Notice~
In the estate of Mark PERRY, deceased, Margaret E. PERRY administrator
~Administrators Notice~
In the estate of Elizabeth WILSON, deceased, Mary E. MANESS,
~Administrators Notice~
In the estate of Annie M BROWN, deceased, James W. REED, administrator
~Executors Notice~
In the estate of Cynthia DONNELL, deceased, John L.
MCMULLIN, executor
~Executors Notice~
In the estate of Benjamin F. JENNINGS, deceased, M.C. JENNINGS, executor
Philip GLATT,
and Caroline GLATT his wife, Andrew WEBER trustee
WHITEHEAD, C. Thomas HORINE trustee
Frederick SCHMIDT and Elizabeth
SCHMIDT his wife, Adolf T....MEYER, trustee
Amanda W. WHITEHEAD and Robert G.
WHITEHEAD, her husband, ? FRAZIER trustee
~Probate Court~
Estate of Garland WHITWORTH, deceased, Bernard SCHEVE,
~Missouri News~
Herbert CRANE died near....recently....He was 8?, born
PARTNEY lost a fine mare last week from distemper.
Miss Laura
MCMULLIN will open a private school next Monday in the school house.
to marry~
and Lily E. PAINTER
Daniel F. ELLWANGER and Amanda J. LYZARD.
Saturday, Mr. LAFOON of
Mrs. Amanda
CAHILL, who got a divorce from her husband at last term of Circuit Court and
had her maiden name restored, got license to marry again last Tuesday.
Belle WILSON started last Sunday for
Mr. W.R.
BUCHER, who has been railroading at
At the M.E.
Conference last week, Rev. Crow was again assigned to DeSoto circuit, and a
preacher named J.W. HARWOOD was assigned to
district clerks must not neglect to include in their enumeration returns,
to the county clerk, the names of all blind children in their district of
school age. The law requires this and the State wants a full and complete list.
BRACKMANN, brother of the late William BRACKMANN, died at High Ridge last
Thursday, after an illness of about 24 hours. He was a young man well thought
of by all his acquaintances, and his sudden death was quite a shock to the
John M. HUBBARD's petition for divorce states that he was married
to Susan E. Nov. 26th, 1890, that Susan acted very badly and talked ugly, and
dually on the __ day of January 1890, left him alone, sick in bed, and has not
since returned. He has evidently got the date of his marriage wrong, but his
other statements might be true.
who has for the past three years been a teacher in this county, started for
Leland Iowa on the 18th inst., to locate for the spring and summer months. He
will occupy his time while in Leland by teaching school. We are glad to know
that he will return in the Fall to resume his
profession here. We wish him a successful and pleasant trip.
The road
question seems to be the all absorbing topic of the day. The problem is easily
solved. It is just simply this; the people of the various road districts have
simply got to make their own roads, either by taxation, or by turning out and
working and making their own roads. And until the people realize this fact, we
will have no roads. E. B. MAUPIN
The Walter
KEEFE farm near DeSoto is for rent. There is a good new dwelling place on it.
A fellow
passed through here last week, whose business appears to be to leave a lot of
patent medicines at every house where they will permit him. He is to be
followed later on by another agent who will collect pay for the medicine. He
prevailed on Mrs. Felix LEUTZINGER to permit him to leave a package with
her, but Felix got home in time to follow the fellow into town and make
him take the stuff back.
Strayed: A yearling roan bull,
also a yearling speckled heifer, mostly white, but unmarked. Any person who will inform me of
their whereabouts will be compensated for the trouble. Address S.R. HAWKINS,
Hematite, MO
"Charles H. PARTEE All Star Concert Company" will appear at the
Mr. W.D.
Dear Sir;
We the undersigned official board of education of the Mount Olive school,
desire to say to you, that you have more than complied with the provisions of
your contract, and have very gentlemanly closed the term of school, which by
your constant labor, untiring energy, and natural ability as a teacher, has
caused the entire term to be a grand success. We therefore desire to invite and
earnestly request that you call and see our future trustees. We believe that
the people will, at the annual meeting in April, instruct the board of
education to raise your salary to its utmost capacity, rather than lose your
services as their teacher for the next term of school.
By Order of the Board, Sincerely Yours, Frank ROSENAUER, Dis. Cl'k; Albert ROSENAUER, Pres.
Our union
met and had a most successful meeting. Four new members joined and we are
expecting double that number at next meeting. We now have 14 members and have
only met twice. Please come one and all, at next
meeting, as you are cordially invited. John P. NOLAN
Rock Creek
Union adopted the following resolutions: Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father
to call the beloved wife of our brother Jonas YATES from her labor and toils of
the world.
While Dan
PARK was in
will venture to state a few facts, opinions, etc., now existing on
old Bloose Crick. There has been quite a mad dog
scare in this vicinity the past week. Rudolph HARNESS had a horse and several
other animals bitten by one of his dogs, which was acting curious and had been
roving about for some days. In the route it came in contact with several of the
neighbor's dogs, but as the allotted time for the development of hydrophobic
symptoms is past and no serious results heard of, we hope it may have been a
17 Mary M. MEDLEY 3 years
12 Wm. J.F. BRACKMANN ? years
Mar. 15 N.? May MATHEWS 6 months
19 ___ N___BAUER 2 years
14, Mrs. Joseph F. JANECKE boy
Feb. 4 Mrs. Jacob KOCHNER? boy
17 Mrs. Henry HEILIGTAG boy
27 Mrs. J.B. FINNEY boy
Mar. ? Mrs. John WEBER
Mar ?
Mrs. Henry BRUDIGAN boy
Wheelers hold regular meetings at Mr. Jacob BECKER's
blacksmith shop. About eighteen have joined the Wheel, among them some very
promising young farmers, and the majority are
candidates for matrimony, so we look for a new Wheel store at this place in the
near future.
Mr. Peter
HAMPEL, the young man who is so much observed by all newspaper correspondents,
has bought a fine brood mare from Dr. THURMAN. Pete intends to raise a young
stallion and after while something else. What next Peter?
SCHUBERT is a terror to squirrels, and squirrels know it, for one old fox
squirrel gave up all hope of escaping Charles' watchful eyes when he marches
around with his gun, and actually gave himself up. It came to Charles home and
sat there on a rafter until he came home from school, when he shot it.
Mr. Louis
BAUER informs me that while the Constables were searching his house for
the stolen guns, some thief got into his house and stole a purse of money,
containing something over three dollars. This happened in the presence of the
Constables, and cunning and sly must the thief be to risk such a trick under
the eye of the law!
Frank is now digging gold now at Mr. JUKERWITZ. Frank can clear sixteen dollars
per week, so he says, and marry he will as soon as the whip-poor-will sings,
and so it may be, Frank.
WILLIAMS has been on the sick list for a few days. Wheat in this part of the
county is badly frozen out. Big River did a great deal of damage in carrying
away rails. The public schools are drawing to a close in this part of the
of Respect~
Council No. 69, Order of Chosen Friends, on the death of our dear friend Wm. Brackmann, late past Councilor of this Council, on the 15th
day of March, 1890....a devoted father taken away from a beloved wife, and a
kind and indulgent father from his dear little children.
In memory
of dear little Mary M., daughter of Jas. H. and Mary A. MEDLEY, of Belew's
Creek, who died
Our school
closed this week, and we the undersigned scholars wish to show appreciation for
our teacher, Miss Rosa CRAFT by a few words. Hardly as large as some of her
scholars, but whom we found fully equal to the task of managing, we all knew
what Miss Rosa said she meant, which caused us to obey. And we think too, that
our parents were pleased with the progress we made in our studies. We all
dreaded the last day, but when it arrived we made the most of it. But to think
of waiting till another term, which seems to us far away, fills our hearts with
genuine sorrow; for it is seldom we will meet until then. But we cheer up with
the hope that when the summer months are over that we may all meet again,
without a single exception, and fill the school house once more with our
glee. Signed: Lola GAMACHE, Emma SCHLAFFKE, Martha JOHNSTON, Rosa
WESLEY, Willie WESLEY, Sammie GAMACHE, Georgie
~List of
to R.B. WILLIAMS 15 acres, section 14, tp. 39, range
to William BOYNE lot in DeSoto
BOYNE to N. O'BRIEN, lot in DeSoto
S.T. &
W.H. WAGGENER to Michael and Lucy BESHLER, lot in Festus
CRAWFORD to Uriella HENRY two lots in DeSoto
to A.E. WEISNER, two lots in DeSoto
John HOPSON to Sarah A. HOPSON, 44 acres, sec 3, tp 39, range 4
SCHAD to Conrad WUERZ, lot in Kimmswick
to Sarah A. HOPSON, 40 acres, section 4, tp 39, range
The firm of
F.W. BRICKEY and Co. of