Jefferson Democrat, March 20, 1890


Karl MULLER, of Maxville, was added last week to the list of U.S. pensioners.


George WITTRAM took a trip last week to Kansas City and accompanied his mother back home.


Johannes ROESCH was the most patriotic Irishman in our town. He celebrated St. Patrick’s day all alone.


The costs in the case of STETTIN vs. HOPMEYER have been paid to the Circuit clerk, who is ready to disburse to those entitled thereto.


The suit of John H. MORSE vs. Samuel WILEY, to prevent collection of judgment was tried last week before Judge KLEIN of the Circuit Court of St. Louis and resulted in a victory for WILEY.


Albert M. HAMEL son of Collector HAMEL, was one of the graduating class in the St. Louis Medical College last week. Several of his relatives and friends went up to see him receive his honors.


Judge W.J. KIRK of Maxville was confined to his bed this week with a fourth attack of la grippe. As he has been so successful in overcoming it before, we confidently expect him to soon recover from this attack.


A new post office has been established on the rock road near the crossing of Rock Creek. It is called Seckman, and will be opened for business on the first of Aril, with George STAHL as postmaster and MCCARTEN as assistant.


Licensed to marry – James RICHASON and Minnie E. GOWAN; Frank WHEELING and Ida KIETH, Wm. T. SCOTT and Louisa HAMMON; D.J. SUTTON and Neelia BOYER; James LUTHER and Ida S. DECKER; Wm. P. POUNDS and Malinda HOUCK.


Martin ZIMPFER and two other men of Antonia let Fred. VOLLMAR’S team run away with them one day last week. The men were spilled out and pretty badly banged up; the buggy wrecked, and the horses damaged some. We presume the men were too top-heavy at the time.


The will of Mrs. Cynthia DONNELL, deceased, gives $1000 to her brother, Hardy McCORMACK; $1000 each to Robert Sydney and Charles ENGLAND; minor children of Ross ENGLAND, DECEASED, and the balance of her estate, real and personal, to her cousin John L. McMULLIN.


Overseer DERR wants to finish opening of the new road from RYAN’S  to CARREY’S next Monday, and he does not want to lose a day in notifying hands. He asks the petitioners to meet him Monday morning, without fail, and assist in completing the work. They should not fail in this, or wait for further notice.


Dr. MOCKBEE was called last Monday to sew on a foot for Otis TREFTS. Mr. TREFTS, while chopping wood, accidentally stuck his axe into his left leg just above the ankle, and came near cutting his foot off. The bone is cut and split in such a way that it may result seriously.


Jos. J. HOEKEN has a force of men at work getting out rock for the Hillsboro and Victoria road.


A man was found Tuesday morning on the Bonne Terre railroad, near the German settlement, who had been murdered. He had been working on the road, and is supposed to have been murdered by a comrade who had been with him to Bonne Terre to get paid for work. An inquest was held by some one, unauthorized by the Coroner.


We were reminded last Monday evening of the fact that we are growing old. While sitting quietly reading the paper, the house was suddenly invaded by about thirty young folks, apparently determined on having a good time, and we were informed that Miss Florence (our No. 3) had just passed the 19 mile post, and the assembly was in honor of that occasion. All appeared to enjoy themselves.


Charles F. TURNER, who used to run a telegraph office here, but has been for years with the Western Union at St. Louis, has opened a Telegraph Agency at Eighth and Olive streets, St. Louis. He is a very skilled operator and a competent instructor, and has been given special privileges by the Western Union Co., in the use of their lines. We recommend him to any and all who wish to learn that useful profession.


By mistake, we stated last week that Mr. STEEL’S spring term of school at this place would be for only six weeks. The term is for 8 weeks, tuition $5. We understand that there will be no County Normal this year, and young teachers who want to better prepare for their duties should avail themselves of the opportunity here offered. Mr. DAUGHERTY is arranging for a course of lectures at the close of the term.


Mr. J.M. BAILEY has leased out his farm and is disposing of his stock. He still has two sheep left. He says one of them is a little buck that weighs, when fat, about 128 pounds, that he would as soon get rid of as not, and he offers to shear him against any other buck in the county, the man who shears the largest fleece to take both sheep. This banter is more particularly aimed at Dr. BOOTH and W.H. PLASS.


The partnership heretofore existing between J.W. SMITH and A.C. HUESTIS, of the Senate Saloon, DeSoto, Mo., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J.W. SMITH will continue the business at the same place, assume the liabilities and collect all debts due the firm.


Festus, Mo., - It seems that your Festus correspondent in your last week’s issue, from some cause, was unwilling to give the name of the owner of the brick building under contract, adjoining the Bank. Now, for the benefit of your numerous readers, we are free to say that Mr. W.H.H. THOMAS of Hillsboro is the owner, and Welsh & Branch are the contractors and lessees, and they will not only carry a stock of furniture but a full assortment (which they now have) of coffins, caskets and burial robes; and should any of the writer’s friends, or any one else, be so unfortunate as to need anything in the above line, we will be happy to serve them.


Term report of Oak Hill Public School for the term commencing October 21, 1890, and ending February 21, 1890, including the average grade of some of the most advances students in their studies, deportment and attendance: George Ogle 88, Geo. Bechler 93, Thos. Lucas 88, Emma Bechler 90, Rhoda Lucas 87, Mary Bechler 90, Ben Ottomeyer 87, Willie Schubel 88, John Gonz 85, William Ogle 85, Albert Medley 84, Ida Gonz 86, Frank Schubel 84. Number of pupils enrolled – male, 27; female, 22; total, 49. Number of pupils enrolled over 16 years of age, 8. For want of teacher’s fund we closed our school one month sooner than was anticipated until about a week previous to the close. We hope this will not occur again, and that they may be able to run at least a six months term in their district, which every district should afford to do. I feel grateful to the directors and patrons in general for the interest manifested in the school and the kindness shown me while in their service. My pupils all have my best wishes, and I would advise them to not forget their studies during vacation, for vacation is so long and the term of school so short that they can not advance as age requires by studying only in school.    Anna Willhite, Local



Misses Jennie and Tentia PERKINS are reported as having mumps.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred VINYARD, who have been very low with pneumonia, are slowly recovering.

Perry LEPP with his usual bright smile can be seen around town again, after a long spell of pneumonia.

Mrs. PRESCOTT, with her two daughters, of San Antonia, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John H. MORSE Jr.

Big River has been on a boom, doing much damage to the farms along that stream in the way of washing away fences, etc.

Mr. WELSH, our wide-awake business man, is still improving the appearance of his property, by building a neat picket fence around his residence.

Miss Alta LEPP and her cousin, Mrs. BENSON of St. Louis, who is visiting friends and relatives here, went to DeSoto to visit Miss Etta STONG, who was formerly of this place.

Bob BUST who runs a flouring mill in Washington county was in town with a sample of his flour, which was so fine that Mr. WELSH purchased 10,000 pounds from him. Mr. Welsh has been buying his flour in DeSoto, but thinks of patronizing Mr. Bust in future.

The copper mine at this place is turning out some very rich ore. C.T. O’HAVER, a mining expert from Deadwood, Col., was here and examined the ore, and pronounced it the very best copper. Mr. MORSE is prospecting about a half mile south of his copper mine, and has found some fine zinc.

George B. MORSE, one of the young men who is ready at any and all times to be of some service, can be found at this place. If you don’t believe he is at your service, just bring some hounds and say, “George, let’s have a fox chase.” If he don’t go, you bet he is sick with something worse than la grippa. He has some fine dogs and likes to run them.

There is considerable sickness in this community.

John SMITH of Big River township recently moved on the farm purchased of S.B. STONG.

Miss Belle BULLOCK of DeSoto, just returned home, after paying a visit to her grandfather STEVENS of this place.

Some days we have plenty of mud, then a blizzard, and then rain and mud. Such is the present climate of this section.

Henry VIVRETT has two very sick children; also two of Mrs. HARNESS’S sons are very sick. Pneumonia appears to be the prevailing complaint.

Col. MORSE’S miners report a find of a very rich quantity of iron ore. Between lead, zinc, and copper, there ought to be a boom in this section.

Miss Jennie PERKINS, night operator at this place, is sick with the mumps, but is improving. Her position is being filled by Miss Maggie OWENS of Marquand.


Resolutions; Whereas it has been our good fortune to have secured the services of Miss Ida CONRAD, of Marble Hill, Mo., for the term of school just closed; and whereas we feel that she has succeeded nobly, and we offer the following resolutions; Resolved that she is an exemplary teacher, one that well understands her calling and executes it with zeal and ardor. Resolved that she has done her duty in our midst, not only as a teacher of the common school branches, but has advanced her pupils both in literary work and social accomplishments. Resolved that we, as the directors of the Grubville school, do recommend her services as well worthy the attention of all with whom she may have business in her profession. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be given to Miss Ida CONRAD, also a copy given for publication to the “Grubville Journal” and to the two leading papers of the county, also to the Marble Hill Press.

John E. LOLLAR, John T. LEE, Wm. T. LEE, Directors



Our roads are impassable, therefore business is dragging.

The health of our people is improving with the exception of Mrs. SRONCE,  who is very sick.

Our blacksmith seems to be overburdened with work, and the merchants are tired or something else.

Colby HAMMOND, one of our neighbors, contemplates moving soon. We are sorry to lose him. He has our best wishes wherever he goes.

Mr. ARNOLD, formerly druggist at this place, is here on the lookout for a situation, and to recruit his health. He is very low with consumption.

Our friend, Pat KAVANAUGH, is improving fast. He should have known better than try to beat a Republican. Rub your horse good till 1892, and try him again.

Our old neighbor, Isom DODSON, has moved back to his farm near here. We are glad to have Isom back among us. We need more workers for Christ and morality.

Our cooperative store seems to be dragging the little fish. They are getting their eyes open and can tell a shark from a pickerel. That is right boys. A man is a man if he has but $10 in his pocket, just the same as the man with $100 – except in politics.

George H. SHIELDS has sold his farm near here, known as the BUREN farm, for $5500. That does not look like land is depreciating in value. Good land is good property and will be hard to purchase in this county in a few years.


Notice: Whereas my wife has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persons to not give her credit on my account, as I will not be responsible for bills of her contracting.   Edward G. SMITH


Dissolution Notice; The firm of F.W. BRICKEY & Co. of Festus, Mo., who have been operating the Crystal Roller Mills, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F.W. BRICKEY, Jr. buying all the interest of H.F. LANNING in notes and accounts and the Mill property. All that know themselves to be indebted to said firm will please call and settle up. Thanking the patrons of said mill for past favors, we would respectfully ask a continuance of same to the new firm.



Births and Deaths filed with the County Clerk the past week.


Jan. 25  Mary Ann CRULL    57 years

Feb. 2  Robert RAVENCROFT  63 years

Feb. 11  Tillia DANE   23 years

Feb. 17  Mrs. Wm. BROWN   52 years

Feb. 18  William DICKINSON  78 years



Feb. 1  Mrs. John Crull   boy

Feb. 10  Mrs. Charles COPLIN  girl

Feb. 14  Mrs. George MUNRO  boy

Feb. 17  Mrs. Jno. J. HERRINGTON  boy

Feb. 26  Mrs. Jno. W. NAUMAN  boy

Mar. 9  Mrs. Samuel J. MARSDEN  boy


Crystal and Festus

I told you last week that the Crystal wedge will experience a boom this season. Silica has thrown a bombshell already; the Hoffman House is reopened and being boomed at a lively rate. The firm is now A.F. HOFFMAN & Co., with Joseph THOMURE as Co. A petition for saloon license for them is now circulating also, and hereafter everything will be lovely again out there.


It is the 17th today, and St. Patrick’s day, and a beautiful day too. The twins are all in green, green as Shamrock in June. But the bagpipe is missing, and that is bad. If I had one I would play it, but that might be worse. I noticed F. KENNER, Wm. GORMAN, F. CADWALLADER, Chas. AUBUCHON, all saloon keepers and milk and bread peddlers, and Frenchmen, Germans, Englishmen and one Swede, all wore green. Does this mean an early spring, or home rule for the Green Island?


There was only one knock down on St. Patrick’s day, and the pugilists were not Irish either.


An accident happened at the factory this morning, the damage done, though, is only pecuniary. Two benches in the polishing department broke down, carrying with them whatever was on it. While the company’s loss is considerable, the men only lost their labor and are forced to a drawback while the benches are being replaced.


The new depot at Riverside is complete and other improvements are started. Quite a number of holiday pedestrians passed over the new road last Sunday.


There is seemingly a large deposit of iron ore in this vicinity; the approaches to the various bridges and culverts on the new road are being strengthened with good ore. Perhaps an Iron boom will visit us soon too.


Dr. Stephen HUG sports a veteran mule that beats the record of Stonewall Jackson’s celebrated steed, a history of which made the rounds through the press when it died a short time ago. The mule is by actual count, now over 37 years old and was bought, disabled, from the Union troops at Selma, this county, by Hug in 1868. Hug has owned him ever since. Of course he is now gray headed and is allowed the grace of old age. But my informant, Emile, le bucheure, says that he still kicks like a mule.


Resolution of Respect - Died February 21, 1890 at his residence near Morse’s Mills; James W. THOMPSON, aged 35? Years, of typhoid pneumonia, beloved husband and father, by Mount Pleasant Lodge, A.O.U.W. M.C. HARBISON, John H. GEHRKEN, Charles STUMM, Com. At Dittmer’s Store


Resolution of Respect in the death of James W. THOMPSON, by the Morse Farmers and Laborers Union, John F. WILLIAMS Chairman


Resolution of Respect issued in the death of George JORDAN, by Buck Creek Farmers and Laborers Union, died February 27, 1890, a worthy member, a good neighbor, loving husband and kind father.


Resolution of Respect, in the death of Matilda DAEHN, the wife of our brother, Lorenz DAEHN, on February 11, 1890, a devoted wife, loving mother, kind neighbor, by the Buck Creek Farmers and Laborers Union, Philip BAUMGARTH, Michael T. CASHELS, John DEWYER, Jr. Com.


Rock Creek

Miss Amanda BECKLEG is on a visit to the dead bottoms of Sandy Creek


The FAUTH family has moved to Wild Bush. Charles SHUBERT says it is a foto? place..


Peter HAMPEL Sr. met with a loss one day last week by losing a horse that two hundred dollars could not touch.


Anderson SWEENEY was married to Miss Disa NOLAN last Tuesday at the residence of the bride’s parents on Sugar Creek. About one hundred guests were in attendance. The presents were many.


Our townsman, Butcher Frank, the champion grubber of Rock township, came near ending his existence on this world. In going home from church last Sunday, he was run over by a fiery horse and sustained a fractured leg, seven ribs hurt and breeches torn.